Top countries visited by tourists. The most visited countries in the world. New love - Türkiye and Nepal

The thirty and TOP 10 most visited cities in the world in 2017 have been named. "Bulletin ATOR" provides this rating. You will also find out in which of them tourists spend the most money, and on what exactly.

The international payment system Mastercard presented the annual Index Global Destination Cities, which includes the 132 most visited cities in the world. The study, conducted for the 9th time, is based on the number of overnight stays by international visitors, their trips and expenses in 2016. Based on these data, a forecast is made about which countries and cities will be the most visited in 2017.

Mastercard has released settlement data for 30 cities around the world. There were no Russian representatives in the TOP-30.

TOP 30 - FROM 30 TO 11 PLACE

So, the most visited cities in 2017 according to Mastercard:

30. Johannesburg, South Africa- 4.8 million foreign tourists

29. Berlin, Germany - 5.1 million foreign tourists

28. Toronto, Canada - 5.3 million foreign tourists.

27. Mumbai, India - 5.35 million foreign tourists.

26. Munich, Germany - 5.4 million foreign tourists.

25. Madrid, Spain - 5.5 million foreign tourists

24. Dublin, Ireland - 5.59 million foreign tourists.

23. Chennai, India - 5.7 million foreign tourists.

22. Los Angeles, USA - 5.8 million foreign tourists.

20. Prague, Czech Republic - 6.4 million foreign tourists.

19. Vienna, Austria - 6.63 million foreign tourists.

18. Shanghai, China - 6.65 million foreign tourists.

17. Rome, Italy - 7.3 million foreign tourists.

16. Taipei, Taiwan - 7.8 million foreign tourists.

15. Osaka, Japan - 7.9 million foreign tourists.

14. Milan, Italy - 8.4 million foreign tourists.

13. Amsterdam, Netherlands - 8.7 million foreign tourists.

12. Barcelona, ​​Spain - 8.9 million foreign tourists

11. Istanbul, Türkiye - 9.24 million foreign tourists.


Well, finally, we have reached the TOP 10 of this year. Seven out of ten cities in it are cities in Asian countries. Which, in general, is not surprising, given the rate at which both the population and tourist flows in this region are growing. So, the TOP 10 most visited cities in the world in 2017 are:

10. Hong Kong - 9.25 million foreign tourists.

9. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 12.1 million foreign tourists.

8. New York, USA - 12.4 million foreign tourists.

7. Seoul, South Korea - 12.44 million foreign tourists.

6. Tokyo, Japan - 12.5 million foreign tourists.

5. Singapore - 13.45 million foreign tourists.

4. Dubai, UAE - 16 million foreign tourists.

3. Paris, France - 16.1 million foreign tourists.

2. London, Great Britain - 20 million foreign tourists.

1 . Bangkok, Thailand - 20.2 million foreigners strange tourists.

As noted in the study, the capital of Thailand, where the growth of tourist traffic in 2017 will be at least 4%, will retain its status as the most visited city in the world. London will remain second this year with a plus of 5%.

Experts have no doubt that the status will remain popular destination Paris (+4.4%). But the presence in the TOP 5 of Dubai, where the dynamics of arrivals is expected to be 7.7%, according to analysts, is a consequence of the global promotion of this metropolis, which is interesting to tourists due to new unique tourist attractions, for example, theme parks.

Among the others tourist destinations, a magnet for international travelers, Tokyo has been highlighted with arrivals rising 12% this year.

The only negative among the most visited cities in the top ten is New York (6th place, -2.4%), which is associated with the excesses of the Trump administration’s visa policy. Even Istanbul, which has been losing tourists since 2015 due to security problems, will still increase the number of international visitors this year (+0.9%).


It is also curious that not all cities in the top ten are as “commercially successful”. Not all megacities bring in enough income from tourists to be in the TOP 10 cities with the highest level of spending by international travelers.

The TOP 10 most profitable cities in the world include:

  1. Dubai (in 2016, tourist spending amounted to 28.50 billion US dollars, growth in 2017 +10.2%);
  2. New York ($17.02 billion, +1.5%);
  3. London (16.09 billion US dollars, - 4.6%);
  4. Singapore (USD 15.69 billion, +0.3%);
  5. Bangkok (USD 14.08 billion, + 10.9%);
  6. Paris (USD 12.03 billion, + 4.9%);
  7. Tokyo ($11.28 billion, +3.7%);
  8. Taipei ($9.91 billion, +6.9%);
  9. Seoul ($9.38 billion, +1.8%);
  10. Barcelona (+8.90 billion US dollars, +6.9%).


Globally, the number of international lifetime visitors across all 132 destinations covered by the Global Destination Cities Index has increased by 55.2% since 2009, significantly outpacing real GDP growth over the same period, the study notes. The fastest growing destinations are in the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East.

Thus, the number of megacities that showed the largest increase in foreign arrivals from 2009-2016 included:

  1. Osaka, Japan (+24%)
  2. Chengdu, China (+22.7%)
  3. Colombo, Sri Lanka (+20.3%)
  4. Abu Dhabi, UAE (+18.9%)
  5. Jakarta, Indonesia (+18.2%)
  6. Tokyo, Japan (+17.7%)
  7. Hanoi, Vietnam (+16.4%)
  8. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (+15,9%)
  9. Lima, Peru (+15.2%)
  10. Taipei, Taiwan (+14.5%).


A few more numbers and calculations are also interesting. Thus, in the top 30 cities, most trips are related to leisure, with the exception of Shanghai, where almost half (48.4%) of visitors travel for business. In contrast, Kuala Lumpur has the largest percentage of visitors who travel to the Malaysian capital specifically for leisure (92.2%).

As for expenses, tourists are most willing to spend money on food in Istanbul (33.6%) and Prague (29.3%). Most of all for shopping in Seoul (56.5%), London (46.7%), Osaka (43.4%) and Tokyo (43.1%),

Accommodation may be the most expensive travel expense when visiting Paris (44.8%), Milan (40.4%) and Rome (40.4%)

Finally, thanks to the availability of effective transport systems Travelers spend relatively little money on transport in cities such as London (4.3%), Singapore (4.6%) and Hong Kong (4.6%).

According to the World Tourism Organization, more than a billion people visit foreign countries every year. Where do modern tourists and travelers go most often, what are the most popular countries for tourism? We will not take into account those people who come to other countries for just one or a few days; we are interested in those who spent at least a week there.


The most popular countries for tourism in Europe are led by France. Paris, in particular, is the most visited city by foreign tourists, it is quite often called the most romantic place on the ground. Right here at the top Eiffel Tower, made great amount marriage proposals, it is in Paris that newlyweds come. In a word, everything here is shrouded in an atmosphere of love and romance.

Of course, not all tourists who come to France are lovers; there really is something to see and be surprised by. Huge cultural heritage, amazing National cuisine, exquisite wine, gorgeous nature - this is what attracts tourists from different parts of the planet. If you want to spend a few days at sea, feel free to go to Cote d'Azur- The most fashionable resorts and luxury hotels are located here.


This country will satisfy taste preferences and lovers beach holiday, and connoisseurs of attractions that are part of the world cultural heritage. A comfortable climate, a lot of cultural and historical attractions, excellent Mediterranean cuisine and the friendliness of the locals are what many tourists note.

Be sure to visit Barcelona - one of the most beautiful cities not only in Europe, but also in the world.


IN last years The world's top tourism destinations have accepted China into their “community.” Everyone visits this country large quantity tourists from different parts globe, the Russians also “tried” it. The incredible natural beauty and originality of culture will not leave even the most sophisticated tourist indifferent.

If you like traditional Asian countries, for example, be sure to visit China at least once in your life - you will be truly delighted. There is no less color and exoticism here, but the quality of recreation and the development of infrastructure are impressive. More than 55 million tourists visit China every year.


Surely every second person in the world would like to visit the USA. If you are looking for the most popular countries for tourism, you will probably find America in every ranking. The country of enormous opportunities has been attracting not only emigrants, but also tourists for more than a century. Entertainment lovers and megacities are attracted to New York, Las Vegas, and Chicago. In turn, connoisseurs will also find a lot of interesting things here. local beauties. What do you think of the Grand Canyon or, say, Yellowstone National Park?

The standard of living in America is impressive, and some tourists really begin to think about moving after their trip. That is why the United States has tightened visa requirements, especially for Russians.

Great Britain

It is difficult to call England a classic holiday destination, however, the most popular countries for tourism include it in their list. The country certainly does not experience a shortage of tourists.

Of course, most tourists go to London, which offers attractions for every taste: from art to traditional football. But there are also those travelers who visit remote corners of the country where they can admire stunning scenery.


The most popular tourism countries, or rather the list of those already listed, need to be supplemented with Turkey. This is a favorite resort for beach holidays among Russians and others. You are guaranteed wonderful weather, a warm and gentle sea, gorgeous beaches with a wide coastline.

If you want to get to know Turkey better, feel free to go to Istanbul - a city with a centuries-old history and a huge cultural heritage, connecting Europe and Asia.

Tourism statistics from third world countries show that in monetary terms this area accounts for up to 50% or more of domestic gross income. Employment in the service sector ranges from 70 to 90%. However, across countries, the situation in the tourism services market is ambiguous and quite dynamic. It is influenced not only by the standard of living in the regions where the largest influx of tourists comes from, but also by the socio-economic, political and demographic situation in the world.

In addition to the purposes of arrival, there are also divisions into three types, depending on the direction of departure and the location of tourists. According to this criterion, the following are distinguished:

  1. Entry – visiting the country by foreign tourists.
  2. Outbound – departure of citizens of one country to another for the purpose of recreation and recovery.
  3. Internal – movement within one’s own state.

Statistical data

As in other sectors of the national economy of any country, a separate section of such science as statistics is involved in assessing the efficiency of this sphere. With the help of data collected, analyzed and systematized by this discipline, anyone can identify priority countries for visiting with the most positive indicators for themselves. Key indicators of tourism statistics:

  • number of arrivals– the number of tourists visiting the state in a calendar year;
  • length of stay(tourist days) – a value equal to the product of the average duration of a tourist’s stay on the territory of the state by their total annual number. The unit of measurement is person-days;
  • the amount of tourist spending in a calendar year- All cash, invested in the service sector, transport of a particular country by tourists.

World situation

General information about tourist flows and financial expenses of tourists is provided on the website of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The data is published in periodic electronic publications (reports), in addition to which a list of literature used for its work can be found on the information resource.

According to the latest report of this organization, tourism statistics for 2016 total 1 billion 235 million people who visited various countries. This is 46 million people (7%) more than in 2015. Steady growth in tourism statistics in the world has been observed for 7 years now.

Compared to 2008, the number of tourists increased by more than 300 million people.

A significant increase in tourist visits was noted in African countries, Central Asia and Oceania. Among the main destinations preferred by tourists are the following regions:

  1. Europe.
  2. North and South America.
  3. Asian-Pacific area.

Countries in these regions account for about 91% of tourist arrivals. On the European part, the largest number of visits was recorded in Italy, France and Spain. IN North America The USA is the leader in terms of attendance, while China is the leader in Asia.

For the previous year tourism industry brought about 1.2 trillion to the budgets of countries. US dollars. The most favorable tourism statistics are in China, the USA, Germany, and the UK.

Statistics on types of tourism in 2016 show the greatest popularity among health and educational destinations. Ecotourism is gradually beginning to be in demand. Increased Statistics educational tourism in 2016 is typical for China, countries Western Europe, USA. Tourists from all over the world visited these regions in order to explore all kinds of attractions and historical monuments.

In addition to health, statistics show rapid growth. Every year everything more tourists combine vacation with treatment in clinics in Israel, the USA, European countries. Here you can not only undergo a course of medical procedures, but also, if there is such a thing as a donation program, perform a qualified transplant of a healthy organ.

In 2016, business tourism also reached a significant level. Statistics in this area show 1 trillion. US dollars in spending and more than 350 million people traveling to other countries for business meetings, training, charity, or to learn best practices from colleagues.

In Russia, the tourism sector is quite stable and successful. Over the past 10 years, despite minor downturns, there have been trends toward an increase not only in visits to the country by foreign tourists, but also in an increase in the number of Russian vacationers who prefer domestic resorts to foreign ones.

In 2016, Russia saw an increase in the number of foreign tourists. According to Rosstat, about 24.5 million people visited the country. The increase was 11%. The total annual income brought by tourism in Russia, according to statistics, amounted to about 25 billion dollars.

Domestic tourism statistics have also improved significantly over the past 5 years. Attendance by Russians to domestic resorts and recreational facilities increased by 18% compared to the previous year. In Russia, the following tourist areas are the most popular among both foreigners and Russians:

  1. North Caucasus - Dagestan, Mineral water, coast of the Black and Sea of ​​Azov, Kabardino-Balkaria (ski resort).
  2. Siberia – Lake Baikal, Altai, Yakutia.
  3. Far East – Primorsky Krai, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands.
  4. Republic of Karelia.

In these zones it is most developed. The statistics of this direction have grown significantly due to the growing popularity among tourists from near and far abroad countries. After the situation in Crimea has stabilized, a gradual increase in tourist attendance begins resort areas peninsula. In 2016, tourism statistics in Crimea exceeded the mark of 5.5 million people who came on vacation from different regions of the Russian Federation.

According to experts, in the coming years the number of foreign tourists entering Russia will increase. In 2030, tourism statistics in the Russian Federation will be able to reach 40 million people. Against the backdrop of stabilization and strengthening of the domestic market for tourism services, statistics have deteriorated somewhat outbound tourism. In connection with terrorist attacks in the Middle East and in a number of African countries, Russians began to travel abroad less on vacation.

CIS countries

There is a positive trend in the development of the tourism services market in the CIS countries, excluding Russia. The statistics of incoming tourism in them varies from 10–12 to 20–30 million people over the years. Among the Commonwealth countries, Ukraine is one of the first in the field of tourism. Over the past year, according to statistics, Ukraine has been a fairly stable and profitable industry. During the year, 13.6 million tourists visited the country. This is 5.6% more than in 2015.

In other CIS countries, the situation with incoming tourism is also very promising. About 3.5 million people visited Kazakhstan last year, and almost twice as many visited Georgia - about 6.3 million. Such activity statistics in these countries can bring tourism to the position of one of the leading industries. World tourism statistics for 2016 by region and country are presented in the table:

Name of the region and its constituent states Number of tourists visiting the region/state, million people % of the total number of tourists in 2016 Tourist expenses

billion US dollars

% of total tourist spending in 2016
North and South America200 16 240 20
USA77,5 6,3 122 10,1
Europe615 50 504 42
France84,5 6,8 41 3,4
Spain68,5 5,5 65,1 5,4
Italy50,7 4,1 45,5 3,8
Great Britain31 2,6 64 5,3
Germany32 2,5 81 6,7
Asia309 25 216 288
China56,9 4,6 201 16,7


Positive dynamics in tourism statistics will allow many countries to improve the state of their economies, attract foreign tourists, and increase their authority and reputation in the international arena. The determining factors for growth are the absence of tension and military conflicts, political and economic stability. Statistics international tourism is not only a characteristic of the profitability of this industry, but also an indicator of the sustainability and well-being of the global community.

Mastercard Corporation has released a rating list (Global Destination Cities Index), including the most visited cities around the world. It included 132 settlements. A similar study has been conducted on the number of international overnight visitors for the seventh year now, and based on its results, we can safely predict which countries tourists will want to see first in 2016.

The most visited cities in the world

The Czech Republic occupies twentieth place. Its capital Prague will want to see 5.81 million tourists.

Shanghai (China) will be of interest to at least 6.12 million people (19th place).

And the city of Osaka in Japan (it is 17th) will receive 7.02 million tourists.

Rome (Italy) is a place of pilgrimage for 7,120,000 people (16th position).

7.5 million guests will come to Taipei (Taiwan) (15th position in the ranking).

Milan in Italy will receive 7,650,000 visitors and is 14th.

Amsterdam in the Netherlands will be visited by 8 million guests and is ranked 13th.

And Barcelona in Italy will attract 8,200,000 people (12).

Eleventh is Hong Kong (China), which will receive 8.37 million tourists.

Who are the top ten winners?

Tenth - Seoul in South Korea. It will be of interest to 10,200,000 visitors.

Tokyo (Japan) will receive 11,700,000 people (9).

Türkiye is very popular among tourists. Its capital, Istanbul, will be visited by 11.95 million tourists (8th place).

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) will receive 12.02 million people and take 7th position.

12.75 million people will visit New York (USA), giving it 5th place in the ranking.

And Dubai in the UAE, ranked 4th, will attract 15.27 million tourists.

Paris (France) enjoys constant popularity. It is in third place with 18.03 million visitors.

London (England) comes in second place - 19,880,000 tourists.

Time will tell how accurate these numbers are. In the meantime beautiful cities the world are waiting for their visitors.

There are many countries in the world that are of great tourist interest. Each of them has its own history, mentality and unique attractions. Presented to the reader's attention most visited countries in the world— the rating is based on data for 2016.

10. Mexico (22 million)

Opens the top 10 most visited countries. On average, the state is visited by more than 22 million people per year.

Mexico is a vibrant, distinctive country known for its festivals and unusual celebrations. It is the birthplace of the Mayan civilization, which disappeared under the onslaught of the Spanish conquistadors. The most visited Mayan architectural monument is the ruins ancient city Chichen Itza. In ancient times it was political as well as cultural capital, but the 11th century was marked by a final decline for the city and at the same time the last inhabitants left it. The beaches of Yucatan are no less popular among tourists. Every tourist season Many people flock there to take a dip in the turquoise waters. Hotels and holiday homes in this country are able to please even the most picky guests.

9. Russia (30 million)

The top ten countries most visited by tourists include. According to the International Tourism Organization, the Russian Federation is visited by an average of 30 million people a year. The most popular cities Among foreign tourists are Moscow and St. Petersburg; trips to Kazan and Sochi are also in demand. Excellent popularity among tours that take their route literally throughout the country, allowing you to see all the beauty wildlife Russia.

8. UK (31 million)

The state attracts travelers not only for its ancient history, but also such famous ancient monuments as Stonehenge. In addition, there are a huge number of medieval castles scattered throughout the country, which often host various excursions. London is also one of the most visited cities in the world, if you count the internal movements of citizens. One of the most interesting places can be called Windsor Castle (the ancient residence of the royal family), as well as Westminster Abbey, where all English monarchs, starting with William the Conqueror, were crowned.

7. Germany (32 million)

Considered one of the most expensive countries in terms of tourism, however, this does not prevent it from being one of the most popular, since it is visited by about 32 million people a year. Mostly people go there from neighboring countries, since there is no need to apply for a visa. Interestingly, Berlin is famous for its music festivals, and Frankfurt hosts interesting fairs. Many people from all over the world come to Munich for Oktoberfest, which is a massive folk festival. These are not only countless tents for several thousand people, where you can taste famous German beer, but also full complex entertainment events. Among the attractions provided are a roller coaster, a Ferris wheel, and a flea circus.

6. Türkiye (39 million)

IN Turkey More than 39 million people come every year, making the country one of the most visited in the world. First of all, Türkiye has become famous for the fact that it has preserved the most architectural monuments of the ancient era. One of the most visited cities in the country is the former capital - Istanbul, which is also the most Big City throughout Europe. Next come Mersin and Antalya. Famous resorts and hotels are designed for a large influx of tourists into the country. This popularity is due to the huge selection of all-inclusive packages.

5. Italy (48 million)

It confidently ranks among the top 10 most visited countries in the world. About 48 million tourists a year come to this state and expand their knowledge about the history of our civilization, combining this with great holiday. Tours to Italy are available all year round. Despite the fact that this country has the status of an elite European resort, which has a strong influence on prices, the number of travelers is only increasing over time. In the winter, tourists travel to the Alps to ski and during the summer months they visit beaches throughout the country. At the same time, absolutely everyone strives to visit cities such as Rome, Milan, Venice and Florence. They all have their own history and unique architectural monuments different eras. It was in Italy that some of the most prominent personalities of the Renaissance lived.

4. China (57 million)

On average, 57 million people visit per year. First of all, tourists are attracted by the Great Chinese Wall, about 9 kilometers long. The width of the wall is such that four horsemen can ride along it at the same time. However, over time, most sections of the wall began to collapse and restoration was required, which began in the 80s of the last century. On this moment Only tourist areas have been repaired; in some places, stone from the wall is used to build villages or highways. The second most famous monument Chinese culture became the Terracotta Army. This is a huge tomb containing more than 8 thousand statues of Chinese warriors and horses. Some particularly zealous tourists seek permission to visit Tibet, but this step requires a lot of time and material costs.

3. Spain (68 million)

Opens the top three most visited countries in the world in 2016. 68 million satisfied tourists confirm this fact. Spain receives its main income from tourism, which is not surprising, given beautiful weather, excellent cuisine and friendliness of local residents, and most importantly, nice prices for vouchers. People come to Spain on holiday from literally all over Europe, as well as from the USA. Basically, travelers go to Canary Islands, and also strive to visit Madrid and Barcelona.

2. USA (77 million)

It is a fairly vast country with a huge number of attractions, ranging from Grand Canyon, ending with the Yellowstone volcano. These places attract a huge number of people who want to experience the beauty of the wildlife of the United States. In turn, the most famous cities America became Las Vegas, New York, Miami and Los Angeles. World-famous parks, a well-established entertainment industry and a wide range of hotel prices contribute to the fact that the number of arriving tourists often reaches 77 million people a year.

1. France (86 million)

According to the World Tourism Organization, it is France is the most visited country in the world. The number of tourists is more than 86 million people per year. For the most part, people are attracted by the local flavor and special atmosphere. In addition, France is famous for its excellent wines and special cuisine. Paris is one of the most popular tourist cities in the world thanks to such landmarks as the Eiffel Tower. Many people come to relax on the Cote d'Azur, and in order to enjoy first-class wine, tourists often visit the city of Bordeaux. In France beautiful nature and friendly local residents. Having visited this country once, many vacationers often promise themselves to come again.


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