How to find out the list of those enrolled in the Ingush State University. Ingush State University: faculties and reviews of studies. Faculty of Economics and Finance and Economics

They are considered one of the youngest higher educational institutions in the country. It appeared in 1994. The difficult socio-economic situation in the country affected the university, but did not break it. The staff of the educational organization did everything possible for subsequent development.

Ingush State University: faculties

The university has 10 faculties related to different fields of knowledge:

  • to philology;
  • stories;
  • economics;
  • finance;
  • jurisprudence;
  • medicine;
  • agricultural engineering;
  • chemistry and biology;
  • physics and mathematics;
  • pedagogy.

Faculty of Philology and History

The history of the Faculty of Philology began in 1994, when an educational organization was created. At that time it was only a department that was part of the Faculty of Humanities. In 1998, the division of the structural unit took place. As a result, 3 faculties appeared. One of them is philological. Ingush State University This faculty offers the following specialties: “Domestic Philology” and “Foreign Philology”.

The Faculty of History began its work in 1998. During its existence, it has done a lot of work - it has released great amount qualified specialists who now work in various organizations in the city. For those who are just planning to enroll here, it will be useful to know that the faculty at Ingush State University provides training in “History” and “Psychology”.

Faculty of Economics and Finance and Economics

At first glance, these structural divisions seem identical. In fact, this is not so, because each of these faculties provides training in certain areas. The economic structural unit has existed since 1999. This faculty has 2 areas of training - “Economics” and “Management”.

The financial and economic structural unit of the Ingush State University was created a little later. The moment of foundation dates back to 2003. The faculty implements several relevant and popular educational training programs - “Credit and Finance”, “Taxation and Taxes”, “Municipal and Public Administration”.

Faculty of Law

This structural unit was also formed in 2003. The faculty trains bachelors in the field of “Jurisprudence”. In the first years, students study general disciplines, and in the last years, they choose a specific profile and deepen their existing knowledge. The faculty offers 3 profiles: state law, criminal law and civil law.

The educational process in the legal structural division of the Ingush State University is organized by the departments:

  • history and theory of law and state;
  • civil procedure and law;
  • criminal procedure and law.

Reviews from students indicate that qualified teachers teach here. They have extensive practical experience, as many of them are familiar with working in law enforcement agencies, courts, and legal organizations. Great attention is paid to the practical side of training. Ingush State University has concluded agreements with executive and judicial authorities, thanks to which students can undergo internships in organizations.

Faculty of Medicine

They teach to become doctors only in medical universities. This is what many people say and do not even realize that such an educational process is organized by the Ingush State University. The Faculty of Medicine has been operating since 1997. It trains specialists in the field of General Medicine. It can only be studied full-time. The duration of training is 6 years, and the awarded qualification is doctor.

The Faculty of Medicine of the Ingush State University, represented by its employees, conducts active research activities. The results obtained during it are implemented in educational process. Employees of the structural unit of the university publish their works in regional, central and foreign publications, participate in symposiums and congresses. Students are also interested in research work. They also publish scientific papers and give presentations at conferences.

Faculty of Agricultural Engineering

The agricultural engineering structural unit traces its history back to the founding of the Ingush State University - since 1994. At that time it had a slightly different name. The faculty was called agrarian.

Applicants entering this faculty choose the area of ​​bachelor's training that interests them:

  • "Agronomy";
  • "Agroengineering";
  • "Zootechnics";
  • "Construction".

Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Mathematics

The Faculty of Chemistry and Biology was founded in 2001. There are only 2 directions offered here - “Biology” and “Chemistry”. Training is carried out thanks to the departments of the same name. The Department of Chemistry employs teachers who conduct laboratory and practical classes and teach such disciplines as inorganic and general chemistry, quantum chemistry, macromolecular compounds, etc. The Department of Biology teaches zoology, ecology and environmental management, zoogeography, animal ecology, etc.

The Ingush State University created the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry earlier. Year of foundation - 1997. Since its creation, students have been trained here in such areas as “Physics” and “Mathematics”. In 2005, the Department of Informatics and Computer Science was opened at the faculty. Thanks to this, the training of bachelors in “Information Systems and Technologies” began.

Faculty of Technology and Pedagogy

Since 2002, this structural unit has been operating at the Ingush State University. It was created with the aim of training personnel to carry out professional and pedagogical activities. Currently, applicants are offered:

  • pedagogical direction, education in the field of physical education;
  • pedagogical direction with 2 profiles (“Methodology of preschool education” + “Methodology of primary education”);
  • pedagogical direction with 2 profiles (“Economics” + “Technological Education”).

The Faculty of Technology and Pedagogy graduates bachelors in all of these areas. However, the duration of training varies. In the first direction it is 4 years, and in the rest - 5 years.

Ingush State University: admissions committee

At the university, the admissions committee begins its work every year in June. It is formed in order to:

  • organize the recruitment of students;
  • accept documents from applicants;
  • conduct entrance examinations;
  • enroll in the university those persons who passed the competition.

The admissions committee introduces applicants and their parents to the license and certificate of state registration. Applicants are also informed of the minimum acceptable scores. These values ​​are typical for a satisfactory level of knowledge. Fewer points is the same as a failing grade. With such results, applications to the university will not be accepted from applicants.

Passing score

Applicants, when contacting the admissions committee, are interested in the passing score. Unfortunately, at the beginning of accepting documents, university staff do not give exact numbers, because they become known only after the completion of the admissions campaign and passing the entrance examinations.

Members of the admissions committee can only name the old information about admission to Ingush State University - the passing score typical of past years. However, you should not rely on it, because the situation this year may change dramatically (for example, fewer applications will be submitted for a certain direction, there will be fewer people with disabilities among applicants). excellent level knowledge). If in previous years there was a high passing score, then it is still worth submitting documents this year. Very often, applicants who do not even hope for admission end up on the admission list.

Additional information about the educational organization

Persons who decide to enroll at Ingush State University need to know the address and telephone number. Last year, an announcement was posted on the official website of the university. It said that the acceptance of documents begins on June 20. For all questions, you could contact the admissions committee (at the address: Nazran, Gamurzievsky a/okrug, Magistralnaya str., 39, building 3), where the Ingush State University is located. Phone number to receive additional information can be found on the official website of the educational institution.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the university in question is an educational institution where you can get an education High Quality. This is confirmed by the status. Periodically, the university undergoes a federal five-year audit. Each time, based on its results, the educational organization confirms its high status as a university. Reviews also confirm the quality of educational services. In them, students talk about the qualified teaching staff, the technical equipment of the university, and the library containing all the necessary books for studying.

Ingush State University is one of the youngest universities in Russia. Initially, IngSU was located in barracks not intended for the educational process, left over from the military airfield in the station. Ordzhonikidzevskaya, with an area of ​​only 2000 sq.m. Almost every year, the university commissioned new buildings and actively expanded its participation in the educational and scientific life of not only Russia, but also abroad; The university’s participation in the socio-cultural life of both the Republic of Ingushetia and the region has expanded. IngSU scientists have modern laboratory complexes at their disposal, and publishing activity has increased many times: from 17 p.p. scientific production in 2000 to 610 p.l. in 2010 year. In the period from 2001 to 2010, the library collection of Ingushetia State University grew more than 50 times. Students have at their disposal several buses that take them to study and back to remote points of the republic.

The university trains highly qualified specialists in 41 specialties and areas of training, 19 areas of internship and residency, and 12 areas of postgraduate study. The training of specialists is carried out by a scientific and pedagogical staff of 470 people, of which 62 are professors, doctors of science and 209 associate professors, candidates of science. Of the teaching staff, 21 people were awarded the “Honorary Worker” badge higher education Russia", 35 Honored Scientists of the Republic of Ingushetia, 9 members of the Social and Professional Academy.
The total number of students according to 2012 data is 10,387 people, including full-time education - 4,627 people. 55.7 percent of the total student population is educated at the expense of the state budget (5783). Every year, about 1,000 graduates of schools and other educational institutions enter the first year of the university, the average competition for admission to Ingushetia State University is 5.7 people per place, the average Unified State Examination score of applicants is 65.7.
University graduates work in almost all spheres of the national economy both in the Republic of Ingushetia and abroad.

Ingush State University is a leading research center on the problems of the Ingush language and literature, methods of teaching them, the study of folklore and onomastics, and the history of Ingushetia. The research is united under the general state budget theme “Encyclopedia of Ingushetia from ancient times to the present day.” Only within the framework of this scientific direction, the NIS IngSU has organized its own archive, which accumulates sources on history and language, more than 20 monographs and 80 scientific articles have been published, which reflect the main results of the work, and an onomastics laboratory has been formed.
University scientists carry out fundamental and applied research on 45 topics, which allows the university to be one of the centers for the production of scientific literature in the region. Every year, the staff publishes more than 500 printed sheets of scientific products, and among them, publications that have already become traditional, such as “Collection of Scientific Works of IngSU”, materials of the annual regional scientific and practical conference “University Science and Education”, “Scientific Bulletin of IngSU”, “Collection scientific works of the ISI Ingushetia State University", etc. One of the fundamental works that is important for the entire Southern District and published recently is the "Red Book of the Republic of Ingushetia", within the framework of which, among other things, new species of flora were discovered, mechanisms were developed to ensure environmental safety area of ​​human activity, flora and fauna of the entire North Caucasus region.

Information technologies are actively developing at the university. Currently, the university has 18 computer and language and didactic classes; Access to the Internet and connection to specialized information and educational resources are provided by dedicated lines using fiber optics. The university local network is the largest in the Republic of Ingushetia.

The Ingush State University carries out extensive social work. In addition to the fact that the main efforts of the team are aimed at active development, increasing the classroom fund, scientific and technical base, constant and steady improvement in the quality of education, the management of IngSU has found opportunities to help employees and students belonging to the contingent of orphans, low-income families, refugees from North Ossetia and the Chechen Republic, etc. Every year hundreds of students and staff go to wellness holiday on Black Sea coast, organized by the leadership of the university. In addition, within the framework of this assistance program, subprograms for the construction of housing for employees, provision of transport for employees and students from remote areas of the republic are being implemented on an ongoing basis, and student exchange programs are being implemented.

Ingush State University, many of its scientists and students have proven themselves to be the best in both domestic education and science, and abroad. The university staff does not stop there and is actively increasing its scientific and educational potential, which allows it to look into the future with confidence.

About the university

Ingush State University is the first university in the history of Ingushetia, founded in 1994. IngSU is one of the youngest universities Russian Federation. The Ingush State University has 7 faculties: history, philology, economics, mechanics, physics and mathematics, medicine, chemistry and biology and 26 departments. There are 5,327 students studying at the university. General educational and career guidance training in the profile of the university faculties is carried out at the preparatory department and preparatory courses. The university employs 315 teachers, including 34 professors, doctors of science, and 124 associate professors, candidates of science. Of these, 17 people were awarded the badge “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.” Ingush State University trains specialists in 21 specialties and areas: "Russian language and literature", " English language", "German", "French", "Ingush language and literature", "history", "mathematics, chemistry", "biology", "animal science", "agronomy", "management", "accounting and audit", "state and municipal government", "Finance and Credit", "General Medicine", etc. In May 2003, the Ingush State University was certified, for which new specialties were opened, "physical education", "law", "finance and credit".

The university is one of the research centers on the problems of the Ingush language and literature, and the development of methods for teaching them. The university is developing new technologies for teaching students, and there is a university Internet center. IngSU has modern educational laboratory and experimental complexes, as well as an editorial and publishing center. The periodical "Scientific Bulletin of the Ingush State University" is published. The university has a system of postgraduate and additional education. Postgraduate studies have been opened in 10 specialties. Ingush State University has cooperation agreements with M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, and Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. On the basis of the agreement, students of the Ingush State University are transferred to continue their studies at these universities and, upon completion of their studies, are employed in their specialties. Over nine years, the university has graduated four graduates, whose specialists work in almost all areas of public education and government structures of the Republic of Ingushetia. Over the past years, seven scientific and practical conferences have been held, the materials of which were published in print. University teachers and students take part in scientific and practical conferences at the regional, all-Russian and international levels.

Ingush State University is one of the youngest universities in Russia. Initially, IngSU was located in barracks not intended for the educational process, left over from the military airfield in the station. Ordzhonikidzevskaya, with an area of ​​only 2000 sq.m. At the origins of the formation of the university were: Ozdoeva F.G., Kurkiev A.S., Malsagov A.A., Dakhkilgov I.A., Kodzoev M.A., Martazanov A.M., Akhriev A.S., Sultygova Z. Kh., Ugurchiev O.B., Batygov Z.O. and many others Despite the difficult socio-economic situation in the country and in the region, the university staff did everything possible for the further development of IngSU. Thanks to the efforts of the leadership of the republic in the person of the President of the Republic of Ingushetia, R.S. Aushev, two buildings were built and transferred to the university: in the Gamurzievo municipality - 1997, and in the city of Magas - 2001.
The further development of the university is associated with the election of Martazanov Arsamak Magomedovich to the position of rector in May 2001. Almost every year, the university commissioned new buildings and actively expanded its participation in the educational and scientific life of not only Russia, but also abroad; The university’s participation in the socio-cultural life of both the Republic of Ingushetia and the region has expanded. IngSU scientists have modern laboratory complexes at their disposal, and publishing activity has increased many times: from 17 p.p. scientific production in 2000 to 610 p.l. in 2010 year. In the period from 2001 to 2010, the library collection of Ingushetia State University grew more than 50 times. Students have at their disposal several buses that take them to study and back to remote points of the republic.
During this period, the university team did the following in the development of the university’s material and technical base:
2003 - a library reading room and a sports hall were built and put into operation in the Gamurzievo municipality, Nazran;
2004 - the medical building in Nazran was reconstructed and expanded (addition to the 3rd floor);
2005 - the building of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology was built and fully equipped with the latest educational and laboratory equipment in the Gamurzievo microdistrict, Nazran;
2005 - the stadium for students in the Gamurzievo municipality, Nazran was reconstructed;
2007, June - the first two houses (40 sq. and 20 sq.) in Magas were put into operation and the construction of two more residential buildings in Magas for the teaching staff of Ingushetia State University with 60 apartments began.
2008, January - construction was completed and the building of the Faculty of Economics was put into operation in the Gamurzievo microdistrict, Nazran, with an area of ​​6000 sq.m., which made it possible to transfer the educational process at IngSU to a single-shift operating mode.
2011 - completion of construction and commissioning of an apartment-type dormitory for students with families, low-income people and from remote areas for 310 places in Magas.
2011 - an experimental greenhouse facility was put into operation for scientific research and practice of students of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering.
2012 - construction and commissioning completed modern building with an assembly hall for the Faculty of Law.
2012 - construction was completed and a sports complex with a swimming pool was put into operation in Magas.


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