What does the Statue of Liberty stand on with one foot. Symbol of freedom and democracy - Statue of Liberty in New York

Where is the most famous symbol of the New World?

The full name of the Statue of Liberty is “Liberty Enlightening the World,” that is, “Liberty Illuminating the World.” This is the absolute champion among all symbols of the USA and the American continent in terms of mention and significance for pop culture. It was she who became the first and most significant object that hundreds of thousands of immigrants saw when sailing into New York Bay. Therefore, “Freedom” for Americans is immediately associated with big amount characters: this and new life and a rejection of everything old and yet something so blatantly neoclassical and European right in the center of a metropolis.

Exact location of the Statue of Liberty

The monument is located in North America, on the Atlantic coast in largest city USA, New York.

More exact location: Liberty Island at the mouth of the Hudson River at 40.68 degrees North Latitude and 74.04 degrees West Longitude.

The place where the statue stands is picturesque and looks picturesque from many angles: a lonely and relatively small island in the middle of a bay with a strong current, surrounded by sparkling skyscrapers. All this in the heart of New York near Manhattan.

Statue of Liberty as a landmark

The history of the appearance of the Statue of Liberty is the history of the realization of the American pathos of the young republican people. It is symbolic that the sculpture symbolizes not only abstract freedom, but also its universality and universality. Its creators were inspired by the spirit of the European Enlightenment and belief in the power of industry and progress of the 19th century. Therefore, it is not surprising that the co-author of its creator, Frederic Bartholdi, was the same Gustave Eiffel who designed famous tower in Paris. Moreover, the copper for the coating was apparently taken from the Ural deposits, so the project turned out to be truly international and global.

Construction required incredible effort, since at that time the technical capabilities were much less. That is why the detailed design of the steel frame by Eiffel was required. A copper shell created by the sculptor Bartholdi is already attached to the frame. Delivery and installation themselves turned out to be a herculean task and required a lot of effort from both countries, France and the United States. Even creating a massive concrete pedestal on a small island took a long time and was fraught with difficulties.

The Statue of Liberty was gifted by the French government to the American people in 1876 on the centennial of the American Revolution. The entire structure is filled with symbolism: seven rays symbolize the number of continents, the torch is designed to illuminate the world, spreading the light of freedom, and in the left hand there is an image of the US Constitution, as the guarantor of these freedoms. The appearance of "Liberty" as an ancient Greek goddess is also an attempt to create continuity in the symbols of European history and to instill the tradition of neoclassicism in the New World.

With a total weight of 183 tons and a height of 93 meters, the Statue of Liberty seems like a large object even against the background of skyscrapers, but in the 19th century it was simply amazing and instilled faith in the achievements of technology and industry.

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Perhaps, not only a Native American, but also any inhabitant of our planet, when asked what is the symbol of the United States, will answer without hesitation: the Statue of Liberty. It is no coincidence that we see this particular monument more often than others in American cinema, and it is no coincidence that, as tourists, we buy copies of the Statue of Liberty in souvenir shops and take home.

Emphasizing the greatness of the monument, the Statue of Liberty is often compared to the Colossus of Rhodes, an ancient Greek statue that has not survived to this day. Poet Emma Lazarus wrote the sonnet “The New Colossus” for the day of the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty. Since 1903, a special plaque with the lines of this work adorns the pedestal of the monument.

By the way, not everyone knows that the full name of the Statue of Liberty is “Liberty Enlightening the World”. The 46-meter (93-meter with pedestal) Statue of Liberty stands proudly on island of the same name, is a gift presented to the United States on behalf of the French people, who once supported the Americans in the struggle for independence. The idea of ​​​​creating the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of independence and democracy was born in 1865 and belongs to the famous French scientist and lawyer Edouard Rene Lefebvre de Laboulaye. The concept of the monument was developed by the French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.

The original model of the Statue of Liberty was made by Bartholdi in 1870; today this first copy of the legendary monument can be seen in Luxembourg Gardens near the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Place for the Statue of Liberty or interesting fact

Bartholdi chose which corner of American soil the monument would rise in. In his opinion, places more ideal than the island Bedlow, located 3 km southwest of the southern border of Manhattan, was simply impossible to find. However, historians are lifting the curtain and revealing some secrets to us.

It turns out that Bartholdi perfectly presented his giant sculpture not only on an island near New York, but also in Port Said, located in the Suez Canal, connecting the Red and Mediterranean Sea. The project “Egypt Bringing Light to Asia” was not destined to come true, but Bartholdi’s work was not in vain, the sculptor successfully brought his idea into reality in the United States, moreover, the builder of the Suez Canal Lessens was put at the head of the committee for the creation of the Statue of Liberty in the United States .

A little history

The project to erect a monument on Bedloe's Island was approved by the US Congress only in 1877, and this despite the fact that, according to the French plan, the unusual gift was to be ready by the hundredth anniversary of the signing of the US Declaration of Independence, that is, by July 4, 1876. However, fundraising was delayed, and by this time only a copper hand with a torch was ready, which was sheltered in New York on Madison Square until work on the statue was completed. By July 1878, Lady Liberty's head was ready. At the same time, the head was presented at an exhibition at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Paris.

It is worth noting that funds for the construction of the monument were collected by everyone possible ways: balls, sports competitions, exhibitions and lotteries were organized. Significant assistance in financing the construction of the monument was provided by the eloquent Pulitzer, publisher of the New-York World newspaper.

The first presentation of the finished Statue of Liberty took place on July 4, 1884 in France, after which the monument was dismantled and sent to the United States. The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York on July 17, 1885. The assembly of the monument lasted about 4 months. However, the official opening of the Statue of Liberty in New York by US President Grover Cleveland took place only on October 28, 1886. Only men were present at the opening ceremony. And this despite the fact that the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of democracy. As an exception, only Lessens's eight-year-old daughter and Bartholdi's wife were allowed to be on the island that day.

By the way, Bedloe Island was officially renamed Liberty Island only in 1956, although Bartholdi proposed doing this back in the 19th century, 80 years before the event.

Statue of Liberty inside and out

The Statue of Liberty is a steel frame with a total weight of 125 tons. Gustav Eiffel was invited to design and build the steel structure, and his work was continued by Maurice Koechlin. The frame is constructed in such a way that you can easily move around inside the monument and even climb it. spiral staircases up. To the main observation deck, located in the crown, 354 steps. From there, 25 windows symbolizing precious stones offer an amazing view of New York Harbor. By the way, the seven rays of the crown symbolize the seven seas and seven continents, as is commonly believed in the West.

On top of the steel skeleton is covered with copper sheets, masterfully hammered in wooden forms, with a thickness of only 2.37 mm and a total weight of 31 tons. Copper plates spliced ​​together form the silhouette of the statue. By the way, copper was supplied to France from Russia. It is worth noting that one leg of the statue stands on broken shackles - this is how Bartholdi symbolically showed the acquisition of freedom. The plaque in the left hand of the Statue of Liberty states the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776: JULY IV MDCCLXXVI.

The monument's pedestal was designed by American architect Richard Morris Hunt. Work on its construction began in the summer of 1885 and was completed in April 1886. The cement base of the Statue of Liberty weighs 27 thousand tons. To get to the top of the pedestal, you need to climb 192 steps. Inside the pedestal there is a museum, which can be reached by elevator.

In 1924, the Statue of Liberty was designated a national monument; in the 30s of the 20th century, the entire Bedlow (Liberty) Island became a national monument. national park. In 1984, the UN declared Liberty Island and the legendary monument located on it a monument of world significance.

The Statue of Liberty has been restored several times, and new lighting elements have been added. Currently, the monument is equipped with laser illumination.

Who is “Lady Liberty”?

Who was Bartholdi's model, whose face illuminates the world? Who was captured forever by the great sculptor in the image of the Roman Goddess Libertas? Surely, these questions are asked by both the Americans themselves and guests from all over the world.

There are two opinions on this matter. Some believe that Bartholdi captured in his work the face of the Frenchwoman Isabella Boyer, the widow of Isaac Singer. Others are of the opinion that the Statue of Liberty inherited the image of the sculptor's mother, Charlotte. Which opinion is true still remains a mystery that is unlikely to ever be solved.

How to get there

Every year, the Statue of Liberty is visited by over 4 million tourists from all over the world. Login National Park The island is free, however, to get to it you will have to spend money on a ferry, as well as undergo a thorough search at the piers.

Ferries depart from New York. You can travel to the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park Pier in Manhattan, or from Liberty State Park in Jersey City. Entrance to the statue is free; for the ferry, adults will have to pay 25 USD, children 4-12 years old - 15 USD. Prices on the page are as of September 2018.

Jeroen van Luin / flickr.com Alan Strakey / flickr.com Liberty Island, New York, USA (Delta Whiskey / flickr.com) Statue of Liberty, New York, USA (Mobilus In Mobili / flickr.com) Andy Atzert / flickr .com Anthony Quintano / flickr.com Liberty Island, New York (Phil Dolby / flickr.com) Anthony Quintano / flickr.com Chris Tse / flickr.com sylvain.collet / flickr.com Plaque in the left hand of the Statue of Liberty with the date of adoption Declaration of Independence (Pete Bellis / flickr.com) ali sinan köksal / flickr.com Jon Dawson / flickr.com Tom Thai / flickr.com Wilhelm Joys Andersen / flickr.com David Ohmer / flickr.com Justin / flickr.com Torch of the Statue of Liberty (Mike Clarke / flickr.com) Top view of the Statue of Liberty (StatueLibrtyNPS / flickr.com)

The Statue of Liberty is the main symbol of the American people, the idea of ​​freedom. In addition, this is another symbol of the New York metropolis.

The majestic structure in America is located on Liberty Island. Approximately 3 thousand meters in southwest direction from the south of Manhattan Island in New York. Until 56 of the last century, the island in the USA, which is now decorated with the Statue of Liberty, was called Bedlow. Although at the beginning of the century it was already nicknamed “Freedom Island”.

In the right hand of the statue, which is 12.8 meters long, there is a burning torch. On the left is a sign, the length of which is 4.14 meters. The date of the Declaration of Independence of the United States from Great Britain is written on it.

Broken shackles can be seen under the statue’s feet, which in turn symbolizes liberation. On the head, the distance from the chin to the back of the head is 5.26 meters. The length of the nose is 1.37 meters.

7 Prong Crown of the Statue of Liberty, New York (sylvain.collet / flickr.com)

The statue is crowned with a crown of 7 teeth. This is a symbol of seven seas and at the same time seven continents. According to geography globe only seven continents: Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica. Seven seas mean the same number of parts of the World Ocean. There are also windows in the crown that sparkle like diamonds in the sun and decorate it.

Another fact is that visitors usually walk 192 steps to get to the podium. And in order to climb to the very top, you need to overcome 356 steps. The size of the statue is quite impressive. The total height of the structure is 93 meters. And the height of the statue itself is 46 meters.

To visit this attraction, you need to get to the island by ferry. Usually they go to the very top, from where you can admire the stunning panorama of New York and its harbor, which defies description.

Who gave the Statue of Liberty to America?

Despite the fact that the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of America and New York, it was not made in the States. Where did she come from then?

Plaque in the left hand of the Statue of Liberty with the date of the Declaration of Independence (Pete Bellis / flickr.com)

The attraction is interesting because it is a gift from France to the States on Independence Day. The statue was designed and made by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, a French sculptor. The main idea is to give a gift to America on the centennial of the Declaration of Independence.

The widow Isabella Boyer posed for the statue. An interesting fact is that this was the wife of Singer, an American creator of a famous brand of sewing machines. This lady was not the last person in the capital and at the same time a beautiful woman.

An interesting fact is that the Statue of Liberty was originally planned to be erected not in New York, but in Port Said - in Egypt. But the Egyptian authorities considered this project too expensive. Therefore, it was decided to transfer the structure to the USA, where it will rise on the island of the New York metropolis.

Design and preparation for construction

The US authorities undertook to build the pedestal, and the statue itself was made in Paris. The French undertook to install it on site.

View from above of the Article of Liberty, New York, USA (Phil Dolby / flickr.com)

In order to raise the necessary amount for the implementation of the project, special measures were taken in both countries. In France, a certain amount of money was collected thanks to lotteries, entertainment events, donations from citizens. In America, in order to raise the required amount, theatrical performances, artist exhibitions, fights in the ring and auctions were held.

In France, the author of the structure, Bartholdi, needed a technically educated person to construct the statue. Another interesting fact, this person was destined to become the architect Gustave Eiffel, whose most famous work in the future was the Eiffel Tower. He needed to design a steel support for the structure and a frame to support the statue with great height in a vertical position.

For the statue high altitude it was necessary great amount copper There are different interesting versions about the place of its extraction. For example, in Russia, in Nizhny Tagil. But the results of the study revealed that the copper was from Norway. The concrete base on which the Statue of Liberty stands required large amounts of cement. A German concrete production company undertook to supply it.

The formation of the amount necessary for construction did not proceed quickly enough. Joseph Pulitzer even called on American citizens to support construction. His speeches significantly influenced the speed of implementation of the plan. The pedestal was designed by an architect named Richard Morris Hunt.

Erecting the Statue of Liberty

Construction of the massive foundation near Manhattan in New York began on August 5, 1885. It took a little less than 9 months to build, and work ended on April 22, 1886. Steel lintels are inserted inside the stone pedestal. The metal beams connected to them are directed upward to form an Eiffel frame inside the structure itself.

France made its gift in the summer. The length of the entire structure was almost 34 meters. For transportation, it was disassembled into 350 fragments, which were distributed among many boxes. They were transported to the USA on the ship Isere. After 11 months, the Statue of Liberty appeared near New York, where it was erected in 4 months of work.

The Statue of Liberty was officially unveiled in 1886 in New York. The celebration was attended by Grover Cleveland, then ruling in the United States, and more than a thousand residents and guests of the city.

History of the Statue of Liberty of the United States of America

The Statue of Liberty near New York City sits on its massive granite base inside Fort Wood, built for defensive purposes in the early 19th century. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the lighthouse service was responsible for the operation of the facility. The US military then took over this role.

On October 15, by decree of the US government, Fort Wood, together with the Statue of Liberty, acquired the status of a monument to the American nation in the United States.

“a symbol of New York and the USA” Jon Dawson / flickr.com

In 1933, the Service became responsible for the Statue of Liberty. national parks USA. In 1937, the size of the monument grew and began to coincide with the outline of Bedloe. In 1956, the name of the island changed, it acquired a new name - Liberty Island.

In 1982, under the influence of the head of the country, Reagan, a project was created to restore the Statue of Liberty. As a result, an amount of $87 million was collected. In 1984, restoration work began, during which the old torch was replaced with a modern one with gold plating. Another interesting fact is that 24-karat gold was used for plating. In 1986, the renovated Statue of Liberty welcomed everyone to visit it on the occasion of its anniversary.

In early September 2001, due to the tragedy in the Twin Towers, the island, along with the Statue of Liberty, became inaccessible to those wishing to visit it. It was only in 2004 that the Statue of Liberty was again open to the public, but access to the top was still closed.

On July 4, 2009, by order of US President Obama, it became possible to visit the top of the Statue of Liberty. In 2011, the elevators with stairs were updated in honor of the next anniversary. In addition, for the convenience of visitors, an escalator was installed here. In 2012, the Statue of Liberty became fully accessible to New York residents and visitors to the United States.

The Statue of Liberty is one of the symbols of America and New York. It has been attracting tourists for many years and is a cult place among Americans.

But not for US residents.

This statue is to them was donated by the French government in honor of the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution. Since then, Bedloe's Island, on which Lady Liberty is installed, is now called Liberty Island.

In English the name sounds like Statue of Liberty, and is literally translated into Russian as the Statue of Liberty.

General information and description

The Statue of Liberty stands on broken chains. In her left hand is a tablet, on which is written a significant date for America (the day the US Declaration of Independence was signed - July 4, 1776). In her other hand she has a torch, which personifies the light that illuminates the path to freedom.

For your information! To reach the crown, tourists have to climb 356 steps. But it’s worth it, because once you get to the top, incredible spaces open up from the main observation deck. There are 25 windows here, which are symbols of precious stones.

You can visit the museum inside the statue and learn the long journey of creating America's main attraction. You can get to the museum using an elevator.

What does the statue symbolize and mean?

The Statue of Liberty got its name for a reason. This symbol of freedom of the American people. It personifies and means the victory of democracy and the independence of the country.

History of creation

What was the idea behind creating the statue?

The main reason for creating the statue was declaration of independence of the United States of America which occurred on July 4, 1776.

What year was it built?

Solemn o The opening of the sculpture took place on October 28, 1886. The ceremony was attended by US President Grover Cleveland.

An interesting fact is that only men were present at this event, despite the fact that the statue symbolized democracy. As an exception, there could be several women on the island, among whom was Bartholdi’s wife.

Who is the creator and architect?

The author of the project and creator of the Statue of Liberty is French sculptor and architect Frederic Bartholdi. The French engineer Alexander Gustav Eiffel, the creator, took part in the creation and design of the frame and reinforcing elements Eiffel Tower.

Interesting fact! But both Americans and French took part in the construction of the monument. For example, the star-shaped pedestal is the design of the American architect Richard Morris Hunt.

How was the construction and installation?

History tells that body parts of the future Lady Liberty were cast in France, but the pedestal was created in America. Over the course of 4 months, the connection of the statue took place. Bartholdi made mistakes in his calculations several times.

The fact is that the materials allocated for the construction of the monument turned out to be insufficient. To solve financial problems, charity evenings were organized, the main purpose of which was to raise money to buy materials.

Americans were reluctant to give their money, as a result of which the famous American journalist Joseph Pulitzer wrote a couple of articles in the newspaper in which he called on the upper and middle classes to take part in the construction of a symbol of American freedom.

By this time, the French had completed half of their work, and the finished parts of the statue were sent to America.

What happened to the statue over the years until our time?

Originally the Statue of Liberty was supposed to be used as a lighthouse. But the lamps built into the structure were not too powerful. No practical use was found for the statue, so in 1921 the monument was transferred to the US War Department, and in 1933 - to the US National Park Service.

Note! For the 100th anniversary of the creation of the monument, a total reconstruction was carried out. This was President Reagan's decision. All funds for reconstruction were collected from American citizens. $2 million was spent on renovations.

Throughout the existence of the statue, the period of its visit changed several times. Excursions were not conducted in the following years:

  • for the period from 1982 to 1986 (reconstruction);
  • from September 2001 to the end of 2004 (due to the threat of terrorist attacks);
  • in October 2013 (government activities suspended).

Which country gave the statue to the USA?

The Statue of Liberty was given to America by the French government in honor of the 100th anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence.

The giant monument was planned to be presented on July 4, 1876. Due to shortage Money this celebration had to be postponed.

Where is?

The monument is located in the USA on Liberty Island, which is located in the state of New Jersey in 3 km southwest of the coast of the New York borough of Manhattan.

The map shows the exact location of the monument; the scale can be increased and decreased:

The territory of Liberty Island was originally part of the State of New Jersey, and was subsequently administered by the City of New York, and currently under federal control.

What is he holding in his hands?

The Statue of Liberty is one of the world's most famous masterpieces.

In her right hand she has a torch, and in her left, a sign with an inscription.

What is written on the sign in your hand?

In the right hand there is a sign on which is written the date of an important event for the people of America - Independence Day of the United States of America.



Lady Liberty's dimensions are quite impressive. Its height to the top of the torch is 93 meters.

How many rays are there on the crown?

There are 25 viewing windows on the crown. They are a symbol of America's wealth. But the rays that come out of it (7 pieces), represent the seven continents and seas. In addition, they symbolize the expansion of freedom in all directions.

How much does the monument weigh?

The weight of one Lady Liberty marigold is 1.5 kg, and the entire monument weighs 225 tons.

What is it made of?

Manufacturing material - copper. To cast the “lady” it took about 31 tons.

Length of the nose and other elements

Here are the main ones dimensions of the main elements of the face:

  • head - 5.26 m;
  • nose length – 1.37 m;
  • eyes – 0.76 m;
  • arm length - 12.8 m;
  • brush length – 5 m.

The tablet placed in the right hand measures 7.19 m.

What is it installed on?

One Lady's leg is set on broken shackles. This is how Bartholdi symbolically showed the acquisition of freedom.

The base is made of concrete. To complete it, a significant amount of cement was required.

Where is he looking?

For many years, this grandiose landmark has been greeting tourists and emigrants with words that are engraved on the pedestal. They reflect the lives of the American people, equal opportunity, freedom and democracy.

For this reason Lady Liberty with its back to the city and facing the bay. Thus, she looks at the ships arriving in the country with guests and emigrants.

What's inside?

At the foot of the monument there is a broken chain. Which symbolizes the broken shackles of slavery and the victory of democracy. There are windows in the crown for viewing, but to add to them you need to climb 356 steps. Inside the monument, tourists can easily move along the spiral staircases.

For your information! In addition to the incredibly beautiful view from the windows on Lady Liberty’s crown, there is a museum inside, by visiting which you can learn the whole history of the creation of this monument.

You can get to the museum by elevator, which is located inside the pedestal. Thanks to the glass flow, you can see the impressive "insides" of the statue.

Why is the monument green?

Despite the fact that today the monument is green, in the original it was a bright gold-orange color.

This is not noticeable in black and white photographs, but this fact is confirmed by historical references.

For example, in Russia in the Hermitage there is a painting in which you can see the original color of the statue.

Since they used to make the statue copper, then after the first decades, it oxidized, as a result of which it acquired a green color. Although during New York sunsets, Lady Liberty turns an unusually bright color that is a bit reminiscent of the original.

How can you get to and visit the Statue of Liberty?

To the site of the monument for a tour, tourists travel by ferry. Their favorite place remains the crown. And this is not surprising, since it is from there that the beauty of the local landscape and views of the New York coast open up.

Probably everyone knows where the Statue of Liberty is located - in the city of New York in the USA. The Statue of Liberty stands on an 11-point pedestal on Liberty Island a few kilometers from the coast.

In contact with


Andy Atzert / flickr.com Liberty Island, New York (Phil Dolby / flickr.com) Liberty Island, New York, USA (Delta Whiskey / flickr.com) Anthony Quintano / flickr.com View of Ellis Island (Liberty Island) ) and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge (James Loesch / flickr.com) The U.S. Army/flickr.com

Any landmark on the map that has worldwide fame is, one way or another, shrouded in legends and interesting stories. There is no exception and famous statue Freedom, which is located on the island of the same name.

This grandiose memorial is also known to those people who have never visited the territory of the United States and have not seen this majestic monument with their own eyes.

You can meet it everywhere: on television screens, in magazines, in souvenir shops and many other accessible places. Therefore, even children know where the Statue of Liberty is.

On the map of New York City in the USA you can find the island where the Statue of Liberty is located, which to this day looks especially solemn.

Woman with a torch in her hand

Located approximately three kilometers southwest from one of the districts of New York City, the monument stands at the intersection of two “worlds”: the New World and the Old.

Greeting visiting immigrants, the legendary woman with a torch in her hand is a true symbol of the ideals of the American democratic system. For decades now, the Statue of Liberty has been ranked first in the rankings of the world's most famous sculptures.

Liberty Island, New York, USA (Delta Whiskey / flickr.com)

She is often called “the symbol of New York and the USA”, “Lady Liberty” and many other epithets that still cannot convey her magnificence.

It is truly very difficult not to admire such a “wonder of the world”. The height of the sculpture itself, which represents a woman, reaches 47 meters. But if you take into account the gigantic granite pedestal, you get 93 meters.

Tourists could observe how the top of the monument swayed noticeably under the influence of the wind.

The world first saw this stunning monument in late XIX century, in 1886. At the same time, the process of creating a world masterpiece was not easy. It turns out that the original idea for creating something extraordinary belonged to the Frenchman Laboulaye, who was later recognized as a national hero in the United States.

As a scientist and lawyer, he openly supported the official abolition of slavery, citing the model American Constitution as an example to his supporters at home. As a sign of alliance and friendship with the American state, some representatives of the French intelligentsia, led by Laboulaye, decided to present the United States with a memorial gift.

Statue of Liberty, New York, USA (Mobilus In Mobili / flickr.com)

Interesting facts in the history of the creation of the monument

The original name of the sculpture, assigned by the author Auguste Bartholdi, is “Freedom Bringing Light to the World.” It is still unknown exactly, but they say that an experienced creator giant statue planned to carry out his creation not for America. The designs for the amazing memorial were intended for Egypt. However, this information has not yet been officially confirmed.

There are many legends surrounding the person whose image is depicted in the sculpture. There are suggestions that the creator copied the sketch from a portrait of his mother, but this version also finds no evidence or refutation.

The intricate internal frame of the statue, which was built in the adjacent New York Harbor, was designed by a specialist who later became famous after creating the Eiffel Tower. Gustave Eiffel was mistaken for a specialist in the field of iron structures.

Liberty Island: the search for the location of the Statue of Liberty

Taking advantage of the unique opportunity, the statue was going to be constructed for the anniversary of the independence of the American people. In 1876 it was a fairly round date - 100 years, so it would be quite logical to reinforce the holiday with such a significant gift.

Liberty Island, New York (Phil Dolby / flickr.com)

The work to create the greatest monument proceeded very slowly. By that time, only part of the statue was completed, namely the hand with a torch, which was delivered to Philadelphia, where an international exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the United States was taking place.

Bartholdi also visited the exhibition. Long before this, he decided on the choice of the island on which the Statue of Liberty would be located.

Within New York, he liked only one island - Bedloes Island, which the sculptor accidentally proposed to rename Liberty Island. Only 80 years later, this island in the vicinity of the city began to be called Liberty Island.

The sculpture took its place former fortress, which protected the coastal part of New York in ancient times. Proudly holding a sign with the date of the declaration of American independence in her hand, the Statue of Liberty fully lives up to its name.

It is probably not surprising that several years after its installation, the monument was included in the list world heritage UNESCO.


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