Ancient artifacts of Siberia, which parasites hide from us and destroy. Mysterious artifacts of antiquity

What is impossible to talk about, must be kept silent about?

Forbidden archeology - relics of past eras that do not fit into the worldview of modern people, but not because we - people of the 21st century - cannot comprehend them, but in order not to change the history that has already been rewritten once, which took away the greatness of our ancestors .

However, sometimes they are silent about strange finds also because historians simply do not know how to explain the found artifact, for example, a microchip fused into a stone that is several hundred million years old. And instead of making such a significant fact of the discovery a sensation, and the relic itself into the public domain, and making every effort to clarify the fate of the artifact, they are silent about the found object, and accounting archaeologists are not recommended to study further the “incomprehensible” object.

It is the material objects that archaeologists find that “put a spoke in the wheels” of the dogmas of historians, because no one has been taking the intangible seriously for a long time, classifying ancient history to mythology, and presenting mythology in the form of a literary genre, recommended reading for lovers of fables. In the absence of ancient books, which at all times were destroyed as sources of “dangerous knowledge,” when nothing can be confirmed or refuted for certain based on ancient manuscripts, any fact can be falsified. And only thanks to artifacts it becomes clear that the Earth has a different history of the development of intelligent life than the one we are taught.

(Unfortunately,due to low quality and lack of photos on the InternetIt is not possible to post a picture for each artifact, therefore, we recommend that you delve deeper into this topic yourself)

Dorchester mystery of history - the oldest vessel from Mount Meeting House (USA, Massachusetts)

In 1852, in the town of Dorchester, during demolition work, a bell-shaped vessel made of a metal alloy was extracted from the rock of Meeting House Mountain along with fragments of stone. Presumably, based on the color of the vessel, it was determined that it was made of an alloy of silver with other chemical elements. The beautiful intricate inlay and engraving in the form of a wreath, a vine and a design of a bouquet consisting of six inflorescences was made of pure silver, and was the finest work of a skilled craftsman.

The Dorchester vessel was located in sandstone at a depth of no more than 5 meters from the surface in the Roxbury rock, the origin of which geologists attribute to the Precambrian era (cryptozoic) - the period in which the Earth lived about 600,000,000 years ago.

An artifact that does not fit into history - an “antique” bolt

This find fell into the hands of researchers by accident - an expedition with the self-explanatory name “Cosmopoisk” was looking for meteorite fragments in the fields Kaluga region, but I found a completely local, earthly object - a stone, from which protruded a part of a long-frozen part that looked like a bolt (coil).

After a thorough study of the find by serious scientists from a number of the country's leading research institutes, it was only reliably established that the stone into which the bolt was cast had an age of origin of more than 300,000,000 years ago. An obvious fact was also stated - the bolt had been in the body of the stone for a long time, perhaps when the substance of the cobblestone was soft. This means that in times when official version history, the first reptiles appeared on Earth, and such a technical thing as a bolt got into the soil that became the basis of the stone.

A relic that refutes the theory of the origin of man on Earth

A human skull, devoid of brow ridges, became a mysterious Siberian find. Archaeologists place its origin at 250,000,000 years old. The absence of brow ridges suggests that this is a humanoid skull and is not related to ancient primates. But according to official history, only the genus Homo, from which modern man descended, appeared on Earth 2,500,000 years ago.

And this is not an isolated case of finding an unusual skull. Skull boxes of various shapes, large, with an elongated or rounded shape of the back of the head, are constantly found during excavations, undermining by their appearance the theory of the origin and evolution of man.

Other important finds are associated with this part of the human skeleton. Images of craniotomy operations that researchers find in ancient manuscripts or carved on stones suggest that the brain ancient man was not small, like a primate. It turns out that knowledge about complex surgical manipulations with the human body arose at a time when, according to official chronology, there was no Homo Sapiens on Earth.

Footprints and shoe prints from the Mesozoic era are an interesting imprint of the past

Not far from the city of Carlson (USA, Nevada), during archaeological excavations, traces of shoes were discovered - clear imprints of the soles of well-made shoes. At first, archaeologists were surprised by the fact that the shoe prints were many times larger than the size of a modern person's feet. But after they carefully examined the site of this discovery, the size of the footprint was not important compared to its age. It turned out that time has left an imperishable imprint of a boot from the Carboniferous period of the planet’s development. It was in this archaeological layer of the Earth that traces were found.

Of the same ancient origin, about 250,000,000 years ago, were the footprints discovered in California. A whole chain of prints was found there, left one after another, with a step of about two meters, a foot measuring approximately 50 centimeters. If we compare the proportions of a person with a guideline for a similar foot size, it turns out that a person 4 meters tall from the ground was walking there.

Similar footprints 50 centimeters long were discovered in our country, in Crimea. There, traces are left on the rock of the mountains.

Amazing Historical Finds in Mines Around the World

The discoveries that ordinary miners make while they carry out their daily work of mining amaze archaeologists - they are jealous that they were not the ones who found such relics.

As it turns out, coal is not only a fuel, but also a material on which and in which ancient traces are perfectly preserved. Among those found on pieces of coal of various sizes: an inscription in an incomprehensible language, a shoe print with clearly visible stitches of a seam connecting parts of the thing, and even bronze coins that fell into a coal seam long before the era when, according to official history, man learned to process metal and mint money from it. But these are insignificant finds in comparison with the one that was discovered in a mine in Oklahoma (USA): there, miners found an entire wall made up of cubes with a side of 30 centimeters, with perfectly drawn edges of the figure.

The fossil beds in which all of the above artifacts were found are classified as sediments whose age ranges from 5 to 250 million years.

A 3D map of the Earth from a Cretaceous cartographer

The Southern Urals, a treasure trove of artifacts, gave the world an amazing discovery: 3D map area 70 million years old. The map is perfectly preserved due to the fact that it was made on dolomite stone combined with elements of glass and ceramics. Six solid huge and heavy dolomite slabs, dotted with signs, were found by researchers of the expedition led by Alexander Chuvyrov near Mount Chandur, but there is historical information that there were hundreds of them.

Everything about this find is surprising. First of all, a material that is not found in such a combination on our planet. A homogeneous dolomite slab, the likes of which cannot be found anywhere now, was covered with a layer of glass fused with the stone by an unknown chemical method. On diopside glass, which allegedly began to be produced towards the end of the last century, the relief of the planet was skillfully depicted, which was characteristic of the Earth in the Cretaceous period, that is, about 120 million years ago. But, to the amazement of archaeologists, in addition to valleys, mountains and rivers, an interconnected chain of canals and dams was drawn on the map, that is, a hydraulic system of several tens of thousands of kilometers.

But even stranger is the fact that the size of the slabs is such that it is most convenient to use them for people who are at least three meters tall. However, this fact was not as sensational for the find as the correlation of the size of the plates with astronomical values: for example, if you lay out this map of the plates along the equator, you will need exactly 365 fragments. And some of the map signs that have been deciphered indicate that their compilers are familiar with physical information about our planet, that is, they know, for example, its tilt axis and rotation angle.

Encyclopedia of knowledge on Dr. Cabrera's oval stones

Dr. Cabrera, a citizen of Peru, became famous throughout the world for collecting great amount, approximately 12,000, stones with drawings of ancient people. However, unlike the famous primitive rock paintings, these images were, in a way, an encyclopedia of knowledge. The stones of various sizes depicted people and scenes from their lives, animals, maps and much more in such fields of knowledge as ethnography, biology, geography. On par with dinosaur hunting scenes different types, there were pictures that clearly depicted the process of performing a surgical operation to transplant human organs.

The location of the find was the suburb of the small settlement of Ika, in honor of which the stones received their name. The Ica stones have been studied for a long time, but are still among the mysteries of archeology, because they cannot be included in the history of the origin of mankind.

What distinguishes the find from other surviving images of antiquity is that the man on the stones of Dr. Cabrera is depicted with a very large head. If now the head to body ratio in a person is 1/7, then in the drawings from Ica it is 1/3 or 1/4. Scientists suggest that these were not our ancestors, but a civilization similar to our human one - a civilization of intelligent humanoid creatures.

Unmanageable and unrealizable megaliths of antiquity

Ancient structures made of huge, perfectly crafted stone blocks found everywhere on our planet. Megaliths were assembled from parts weighing several tons each. In some masonry slabs, the joint is such that it is impossible to insert even a thin knife blade between them. A number of structures are geographically located in places where the material from which they are assembled is not nearby.

It turns out that the ancient builders knew several secrets at once, which in the present can be associated with magical knowledge. For example, in order to give a block of stone such an ideal shape, you need to be able to soften the rock and sculpt the required figure from it, and in order to then move the finished multi-ton block into the masonry, you need to be able to change the gravity of the part of the future structure, moving the “brick” to where the builder needs it.

Some ancient structures are so grandiose for modern times that even in our present there are no such cranes or other devices that could lift parts of the building to the height required from the ground in order to place a heavy block in the masonry. For example, in Puri, in India, there is a local temple, the roof of which is made of a stone block weighing 20 tons. Other structures are so monumental that it is impossible to imagine how much material and labor resources they could be implemented in modern times.

Note that, despite their majesty, some buildings are stunning not only for their size, but also because they were built in accordance with certain laws of nature, for example, they are oriented towards the movement of the Moon and the Sun, like the Pyramids, or are designed to observe many celestial bodies, like Stonehenge . Other stone buildings, for example, the labyrinth on the Solovetsky Islands, are structures whose purpose remains a mystery.

Calligraphic “notches” on boulders and drawings of unknown purpose, as well as “magic” stones

Like megaliths, stones on which ancient writings or images with unknown purposes have been preserved can be found everywhere. The material for such messages from the past was a variety of elements, such as lava and marble, which were subjected to original preparatory processing before becoming the basis for applying signs and drawings.

For example, on the territory of Russia, huge stones are found on which hieroglyphs are indecipherable, or clearly recognizable figures of animals that still exist on earth, or images of God's creatures that no longer live on the planet. Findings in the form of perfectly polished slabs, on which lines are inscribed, the content of which is hitherto incomprehensible, are not uncommon.

And a completely extraordinary fact against the backdrop of this recorded information is the information that in one of the Indian villages, in the town of Shivapur, near the local temple, there are two stones that can rise in the air under certain circumstances. Despite the fact that the boulders weigh 55 and 41 kilograms, if 11 people touch the largest of them with their fingers, and 9 people touch the other, and all these people together pronounce a certain phrase in the same key, the stones will rise to a height of two meters from the ground and several hang in the air for seconds.

The era in which metallurgy began to spread on earth, when people began to make tools and weapons for hunting from iron, has approximately boundaries established by scientists from 1200 BC to 340 AD. e. and is called the Iron Age. Knowing this, it is difficult not to be surprised by all the finds described below: iron, gold, titanium, tungsten, etc. - in a word, metal.

Metal in ancient galvanic cells

A find that can be called the oldest electric battery. Ceramic vases were found in Iraq containing copper cylinders and iron rods. Based on the alloy of tin and lead on the edges of the copper cylinders, scientists determined that this device was nothing more than a galvanic cell.

After conducting an experiment by pouring a solution of copper sulfate into a vessel, the researchers obtained an electric current. The age of the find is approximately 4,000 years ago, and it does not allow galvanic cells to be included in the official theory of how humanity mastered the use of iron elements.

Stainless steel 16th century iron “Pillar of Indra”

And even if the finds are not so old, but have an age of origin of about 16 centuries, for example, like the “Pillar of Indra,” there are many mysteries in their appearance and existence on our planet. The mentioned pillar is one of the mysterious sights of India. The structure made of pure iron has stood near Delhi in Shimaikhalori for 1600 years and has not rusted.

Would you say that there is no secret if a metal pole is 99.5% iron? Of course, but imagine that not a single metallurgical enterprise of our time, without making special efforts and resources, will now cast a 7.5-meter pillar with a cross-section of 48 centimeters and a percentage of iron content in it of 99.5. Why were the ancient people who lived in those places in 376-415 able to do this?

They also, in a way that is incomprehensible to today’s experts, put inscriptions on the pillar that tell us that the “Pillar of Indra” was erected during the reign of Chandragupta, on the occasion of the victory over the Asian peoples. This ancient memorial is still a Mecca for people who believe in miraculous healings, as well as a place for constant scientific observations and discussions that do not provide a single answer to the question of the essence of the pillar.

Precious metal chain in a three-hundred-million-year-old piece of coal

Some archaeological mysteries found pose questions to humanity not as to how this or that unusual thing was created. This interest takes a back seat to the mystery of how the item got to where it is now. If people used iron mainly for domestic purposes, then gold has a special history. This metal has been used to create jewelry since ancient times. But the question is: since what antiquity?

So, for example, in 1891, while collecting coal in her barn in the town of Morisonville, Illinois, a lady named Kelp put an oversized piece of fuel into the bucket. To use coal in business, she decided to split it. From the impact, a piece of coal split in half and between its two halves a golden chain hung, its ends going into each of the resulting parts. Jewelry weighing 12 grams in a piece of coal that was formed in this area 300,000,000 years ago? Try to find a logical explanation for this artifact.

Unique metal alloys not found on the planet in this form

But sometimes scientists have no less questions than some man-made metal artifacts, but ordinary-looking stones. In fact, they turn out to be not stones at all, but a rare alloy of metals. For example, one such stone was found near Chernigov back in the 19th century. Modern scientists have examined it and discovered that it is an alloy of tungsten and titanium. At one time, they planned to use it in the technology of creating so-called “stealth planes,” but they abandoned the idea because the composition of these elements did not have sufficient plasticity. But when they were still thinking about using it, tungsten and titanium were artificially combined into a similar alloy, because in this form it is not found anywhere on earth, and the technology for its production is incredibly energy-intensive. Here is such an unusual Chernigov metal “pebble”.

However, why only Chernigov, when here and there they find ingots of alloys, which, when tested, turn out to be a compound of elements not found in nature in such a composition, but at the same time famous people alloy, for example, for aircraft manufacturing technologies.

The mysterious “Salzburg” hexagon made of pure iron

How do historians deal with the above “challenges” of archeology? Do you think they are trying to fit the findings into the chronicles of human life on earth? At best, pundits shrug their shoulders; at worst, for unknown reasons, “evidence” exposing scientific dogma about the past of earthlings is lost. Well, or the history of the mysterious archaeological find can be reduced to the fact that objects that inexplicably ended up on our planet are given the status of “meteorites.”

This is what happened, for example, with the “Salzburg papallepiped”. This is a metal hexagon with two convex and four concave edges. The lines of the object are such that it is impossible to even imagine that the object is not made by man. However, the hexagon, which consisted of pure iron, was “written off” as a meteorite, although it was found in Salzburg in 1885 in a piece of brown tertiary coal. And they don’t even try to shed light on the history of its appearance in our country.

All of the above cases, as well as many other documented facts, speak only of one thing: at a time when, according to official history, man only came to the idea of ​​using stone tools, and in some cases, did not even exist as a species on earth, who -he has already cast high-strength metal, forged iron, used alloys to create electric batteries, etc. and so on. Impressive? Undoubtedly! It’s just a pity that it’s impossible to find a reasonable explanation for the mysterious archaeological finds.

To date, many artifacts have been found indicating that highly developed civilizations lived on Earth in ancient times. Scientists cannot find an explanation for themselves, because it does not fit into their recognized and fanatically replicated Darwin’s theory of the origin of man from apes... so they simply do not recognize these findings, and keep silent about their existence so as not to rewrite the history books.


A shocking discovery was found at the bottom of the sea in 1901! A mechanical computing artifact estimated to be approximately 2,000 years old...

The study of this artifact completely erases our ideas about the past of humanity.

A mechanical computing artifact estimated to be 2,000 years old was found on a Roman ship that sank in the Aegean Sea in 1901. Scientists were able to restore the original image of the mechanism and suggest that it was used for complex astronomical calculations. The mechanism contained big number bronze gears in a wooden case, on which dials with arrows were placed, and was used for mathematical calculations and calculations. Other devices of similar complexity are unknown in Hellenistic culture. The differential gear involved in it was invented in the 16th century, and the miniature size of some parts is comparable to what was achieved only in the 18th century by watchmakers. Approximate dimensions of the assembled mechanism are 33x18x10 cm.

If we look at this artifact from the perspective of modern accepted history, the problem is that at the time when this mechanism was invented, the laws of gravity and the motion of celestial bodies had not yet been discovered. In other words, the Antikythera mechanism has functions that neither a common person I would not have understood that time, and no goals of that era (for example, ship navigation) can explain the unprecedented functions and settings that this device has at that time.

If we take into account that in ancient times people had knowledge, then there is nothing surprising in this. After all, humanity develops cyclically, and not linearly as we are taught in school. And before our civilization, there were already developed civilizations on Earth that had knowledge, understood and studied the sky.


Figures very reminiscent of astronauts were found in Ecuador, their age is more than 2000 years.


The Loladoff plate is a stone dish whose age exceeds 12 thousand years. This artifact was found in Nepal. The images and clear lines carved on the surface of this flat stone led many researchers to believe that it was of extraterrestrial origin. After all, ancient people couldn’t process stone so skillfully? In addition, the “plate” depicts a creature that is very reminiscent of an alien in his well-known form.


"... On our Earth, archaeologists have discovered a once-living creature called a trilobite. It existed 600-260 million years ago, after which it died out. An American scientist found a fossil of a trilobite, on which a trace is visible human leg, and with a clear boot print. Doesn't this make historians the butt of a joke? Based on Darwin’s evolutionary theory, how could man exist 260 million years ago?”


"In the museum of the State University of Peru there is a stone on which a human figure is carved. Research has shown that it was carved 30 thousand years ago. But this figure, dressed in clothes, wearing a hat and shoes, holds a telescope in his hands and observes the celestial body. Like 30 thousand years ago, people knew how to weave? How can it be that people even then wore clothes? It is completely incomprehensible that he holds a telescope in his hands and observes a celestial body. It means that he still has certain astronomical knowledge. It has long been known to us that he is a European. Galileo invented the telescope just over 300 years ago. Who invented this telescope 30 thousand years ago?”
Excerpt from the book "Falun Dafa".

Jade discs: a puzzle for archaeologists

IN Ancient China around 5000 BC, large stone discs of jade were placed in the graves of local nobles. Their purpose, as well as the manufacturing method, still remains a mystery to scientists, because jade is a very durable stone.

Sabu's Disc: The Unsolved Mystery of Egyptian Civilization.

Mystical ancient artifact, believed to be part of an unknown mechanism, was found by Egyptologist Walter Bryan in 1936 while examining the tomb of Mastaba Sabu, who lived around 3100 - 3000 BC. The burial place is located near the village of Sakkara.

The artifact is a regular round thin-walled stone plate made of meta-silt (metasilt in Western terminology), with three thin edges curved towards the center and a small cylindrical sleeve in the middle. In places where the edge petals bend towards the center, the circumference of the disk continues with a thin rim of circular cross-section about a centimeter in diameter. The diameter is approximately 70cm, the circle shape is not ideal. This plate raises a number of questions, both about the unclear purpose of such an item, and about the method by which it was made, since it has no analogues.

It is quite possible that five thousand years ago the Saba disk had some important role. However, at the moment, scientists cannot accurately determine its purpose and complex structure. The question remains open.

Vase 600 million years old

A report about an extremely unusual find was published in a scientific journal in 1852. It was about a mysterious vessel about 12 cm high, two halves of which were discovered after an explosion in one of the quarries. This vase with clear images of flowers was located inside a rock 600 million years old.

Corrugated Spheres

Over the past few decades, miners in South Africa They dug up mysterious metal balls. These balls of unknown origin are approximately an inch (2.54 cm) in diameter, and some of them are engraved with three parallel lines running along the axis of the object. Two types of balls were found: one consisting of a hard bluish metal with white spots, and another empty from the inside and filled with a white spongy substance. Interestingly, the rock in which they were discovered dates back to the Precambrian period and dates back 2.8 billion years! Who made these spheres and why remains a mystery.

Fossil giant. Atlant

The 12-foot fossilized giant was found in 1895 during mining operations in English city Antrim. Photos of the giant are taken from the British magazine "The Strand" for December 1895. His height is 12 feet 2 inches (3.7 m.), chest girth is 6 feet 6 inches (2 m.), arm length is 4 feet 6 inches (1.4 m.). It is noteworthy that his right hand has 6 fingers.

The six fingers and toes resemble the people mentioned in the Bible (2nd book of Samuel): “There was also a battle in Gath; and there was one tall man there, who had six fingers and six toes, making a total of twenty-four.”

Giant femur.

In the late 1950s, during road construction in southeastern Turkey in the Euphrates Valley, a number of burial sites containing remains of giant size. In two, femurs about 120 centimeters long were found. Joe Taylor, director of the Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, Texas, USA, carried out the reconstruction. The owner of a femur of this size had a height of about 14-16 feet (about 5 meters) and a foot size of 20-22 inches (almost half a meter!). When walking, his fingers were 6 feet above the ground.

A huge human footprint.

This footprint was found near Glen Rose, Texas in the Palaxy River. The length of the print is 35.5 cm and the width is almost 18 cm. Paleontologists say that the print is female. The study showed that the person who left such a print was about three meters tall.

Nevada giants.

There is a Native American legend about 12-foot (3.6 m) red-haired giants who lived in the Nevada area. It talks about American Indians killing giants in a cave. During the excavation of guano, a huge jaw was found. The photo compares two jaws: a found one and a normal human one.

In 1931, two skeletons were found at the bottom of the lake. One was 8 feet (2.4 m) high, and the other was just under 10 feet (about 3 m).

Ica stones. Dinosaur rider.

Figurine from the collection of Voldemar Dzhulsrud. Dinosaur rider.

1944 Acambaro - 300 km north of Mexico City.

Aluminum wedge from Ayud.

In 1974, an aluminum wedge coated with a thick layer of oxide was found on the banks of the Maros River, which is located near the city of Ayud in Transylvania. It is noteworthy that it was found among the remains of a mastodon, which are 20 thousand years old. Usually they find aluminum with admixtures of other metals, but the wedge was made of pure aluminum.

It is impossible to find an explanation for this find, since aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and began to be produced in industrial quantities only in 1885. The wedge is still being studied in some secret place.

Piri Reis Map

Rediscovered in a Turkish museum in 1929, this map is a mystery not only because of its amazing accuracy, but also because of what it depicts.

Painted on the skin of a gazelle, the Piri Reis map is the only surviving piece larger map. It was compiled in the 1500s, according to the inscription on the map itself, from other maps of the year 300. But how is this possible if the map shows:

-South America, exactly located relative to Africa

-West Coasts North Africa both Europe and East Coast Brazil

-Most striking is the continent partially visible far to the South, where we know Antarctica is, although it was not discovered until 1820. Even more mysterious is that it is depicted in detail and without ice, even though this land mass has been covered in ice for at least six thousand years.

Today this artifact is also not available for public viewing.

Ancient springs, screws and metal.

They are similar to items you would find in any workshop's scrap bin.

It is obvious that these artifacts were made by someone. However, this collection of springs, loops, spirals and other metal objects was discovered in layers of sedimentary rock that are one hundred thousand years old! At that time, foundries were not very common.

Thousands of these things - some as small as a thousandth of an inch! - were discovered by gold miners in Ural mountains Russia in the 1990s. Unearthed at depths of 3 to 40 feet, in layers of earth dating back to the upper Pleistocene period, these mysterious objects could have been created some 20,000 to 100,000 years ago.

Could they be evidence of a long-lost but advanced civilization?

Shoe marks on granite.

This trace fossil was discovered in a coal seam in Fisher Canyon, Nevada. According to estimates, the age of this coal is 15 million years!

And lest you think that this is a fossil of some animal whose shape resembles the sole of a modern shoe, studying the footprint under a microscope revealed clearly visible traces of a double seam line around the perimeter of the shape. The footprint is about a size 13 and the right side of the heel appears more worn than the left.

How did the imprint of a modern shoe 15 million years ago end up on a substance that later became coal?

Mysterious finds of Elias Sotomayor: The oldest globe.

A large treasure trove of ancient artifacts was discovered by an expedition led by Elias Sotomayor in 1984. In the Ecuadorian La Mana mountain range, 300 stone artifacts were discovered in a tunnel at a depth of over ninety meters.

One of the oldest globes on Earth, also made of stone, was also discovered in the La Mana tunnel. On the far from perfect ball, the craftsman may have simply spared effort in making it, but the round boulder bears images of continents familiar from school days.

But if many of the outlines of the continents differ little from modern ones, then from the coast South-East Asia towards America the planet looks completely different. Huge masses of land are depicted where now only a boundless sea splashes.

Caribbean Islands and the Florida Peninsula are absent altogether. Just below the equator in Pacific Ocean there is a giant island approximately equal in size to modern Madagascar. Modern Japan is part of a giant continent that extends to the shores of America and extends far to the south. It remains to add that the find in La Mana is apparently the oldest map of the world.

Ancient jade service for 12 people.

Sotomayor's other findings are no less interesting. In particular, a “service” of thirteen bowls was discovered. Twelve of them have perfectly equal volume, and the thirteenth is much larger. If you fill 12 small bowls with liquid to the brim, and then pour them into a large one, then it will be filled exactly to the brim.

Some argue that alien life forms have visited Earth throughout its history.
However, such claims are difficult to prove. Most cases of unidentified flying object sightings and abductions can be easily disproved,
as “ducks” or simple misunderstandings of what is happening.

But what about those times when the little green men actually left something behind?
Or what about those artifacts that people of ancient times built to honor what can only be called visitors from other planets?
There are a huge number of strange objects in the world, both mysterious and made by human hands,
which are supposedly evidence of visits of alien life forms to our Earth.

10. Russian UFO Tooth Wheel

A man from Russia found a strange part of a mechanism in Vladivostok, the administrative capital of the Primorsky Territory. The object resembled a piece of a gear wheel and was in a piece of coal that the man had used to light the fire. Although discarded parts of old cars are not uncommon in Russia, the man became interested and showed his find to scientists. Testing revealed that the jagged object was composed almost exclusively of aluminum and was almost certainly man-made.

In addition, its age was 300 million years. This discovery raised a number of interesting questions, since aluminum of this purity and form does not occur in nature and people did not know how to obtain it until 1825. It is also curious that the object also resembles parts used in microscopes and other delicate technical devices.

Despite the fact that conspiracy supporters did not fail to immediately declare that part of an alien spaceship had been found, scientists studying the object are in no hurry to draw conclusions and want to conduct a series of more tests to find out more information about the mysterious artifact.

9. Stone head from Guatemala (Guatemala Stone Head)

In the 1930s, in the middle of the Guatemalan jungle, explorers found a huge, impressively crafted sandstone statue. The facial features of the stone carved did not resemble those of the Mayans or any other people who were known to inhabit these lands. Moreover, the elongated skull and delicate facial features were seemingly not found in history books at all.

Scientists said the statue's unique facial features depict a member of an ancient alien civilization that was far more advanced than any of the pre-Hispanic races of the Americas that we know of. Some have even suggested that the head may be just part of a much larger structure located at the bottom of the head (this has been determined not to be the case). Of course, there is a chance that the statue could be the work of a later artist or even a complete hoax. Unfortunately, we will probably never know for sure: the head was used as a target for training of revolutionary troops and its features were destroyed almost without a trace.

8. Williams Enigmalith

In 1998, a hiker named John J. Williams noticed a strange metal protrusion in the mud. He dug up a strange stone, which, after cleaning, was discovered to have a strange electrical component attached to it. The electrical device was clearly man-made and looked a bit like an electrical plug.

Since then, this stone has become a well-known secret in UFO enthusiast circles. He was written about in UFO Magazine and (according to Williams) in the Fortean Times, a famous magazine devoted to mysterious phenomena. Williams, an electrical engineer, says the electronic component embedded in the stone was not glued or embedded into the granite. In fact, the rock most likely formed around the device.

Many believe that Williams' Enigmalite is a "duck" because Williams refuses to split the stone but agrees to sell it for $500,000. Additionally, the stone device is similar to the heating stones commonly used to keep tame lizards warm. However, geological analysis appears to have determined that the stone is about 100,000 years old, and if this is true, then the structure inside it cannot be the work of man. Williams is so confident in his find that he agrees to allow research on Enigmalite to be carried out under three conditions: he must be present during the research, the stone must remain intact and unharmed, and he will not pay for the research.

7. Ancient planes

The Incas and other pre-Columbian people left behind extremely mysterious trinkets. One of the strangest is probably the so-called Ancient Airplanes, these are small, golden figurines that resemble modern ones. jet planes. It was initially believed that they were zoomorphic (meaning they were made in the shape of animals), but it was soon discovered that the figurines had strange features that were very similar to fighter wings, stabilizing tails, and even landing gear. The figurines were quite aerodynamic and when people who believed in ancient astronauts (supposedly) made model airplanes to match the proportions of the figurines, and equipped them with propellers and (again, presumably) jet engines, they flew perfectly. All this led to the assumption that the Incas most likely had contact with people (most likely extraterrestrial origin) who were able to build modern jet aircraft, and who may even have had this technology themselves.

Well, there is also the option that these wonderful figurines simply could be artistic depictions of bees, flying fish, or other winged creatures. As always, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

6. Ubaid Lizard Men

The archaeological site of Al Ubaid is a cornucopia for archaeologists and historians. It was there that countless objects from pre-Sumerian times were found, a period known as the Ubaid period (5900 - 4000 BC). However, some of these items are quite scary. A number of statues from the Ubaid period depict strange, lizard-like humanoids in unique, mundane poses, which seems to indicate that these creatures were not gods (such as the animal-headed Egyptian gods) but rather a race of lizard people.

Of course, these statues have given rise to countless stories and theories about lizard aliens who once inhabited the earth (and, according to conspiracy theorists, still inhabit it). Although it seems unlikely, their true nature remains a mystery.

5. Remains of meteorites on the island of Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka Meteorite Fossils)

After analyzing the remains of a meteorite that fell in Sri Lanka, researchers discovered that the object they found was something more than a simple piece of space rock. It was an alien artifact in the most literal sense: an artifact made up of real aliens. Two separate studies found that the meteorite contained fossils and algae that were clearly of extraterrestrial origin.

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, who led the first study, said the remains provided compelling evidence for panspermia (the hypothesis that life exists in the universe and spreads through meteorites and other solid rocks). However, his statements, as expected, were criticized. Wickramasingha is an avid enthusiast of the panspermia theory, with a tendency to claim that almost everything he finds is of unearthly origin. Moreover, traces of life on the meteorite actually contained freshwater species commonly found on Earth, indicating that the remains were contaminated by organisms during their time on our planet.

4. Tapestry “Summer’s Triumph Tapestry”

The tapestry known as the "Summer Triumph" was created in Bruges (the capital of the province of West Flanders in the Flemish Region of Belgium) around 1538. On this moment the tapestry is in Bavarian national museum(Bayerisches National Museum).

"Summer Triumph" is famous (or infamous) among conspiracy theorists because it depicts a number of distinctive objects flying in the sky that clearly resemble unidentified flying objects. Although their presence is puzzling, some people believe they may have been added to the tapestry (which depicts the rise of a victorious ruler to power) to link the UFO to the ruler as a symbol of divine intervention. This, of course, raises more questions than answers, such as: Why did 16th-century Belgians recognize flying saucers and mentally associate them with a deity?

3. “Glorification Of The Eucharist”

An Italian artist named Ventura Salimbeni painted one of the most mysterious altar paintings in history. "Disputa of the Eucharist", a 16th-century painting also known as "The Celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist" (Eucharist is a synonym for Holy Communion), consists of three parts. The lower two parts are relatively ordinary: they depict a number of clergy representatives and an altar. However, on the top there is a picture of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and a dove representing the Holy Spirit looking down on them)... and in their hands they are holding what looks very much like a space satellite. The object is large and spherical in shape with a metallic coating, telescopic antennas and strange lights. In fact, it is very similar to the old Sputnik 1.

Although UFO enthusiasts and ancient astronaut theorists have often cited the Celebration of the Eucharist as evidence to support their theories of extraterrestrial life (or perhaps travel), experts have quickly dismissed such claims. According to them, the sphere is the "Sphere of the World" (Sphaera Mundi), a spherical representation of the universe that was often used in religious art. The strange lights on the "satellite" are just the sun and moon, and its antennas are actually scepters that symbolize the power of the Father and the Son.

2. Mexican Government’s Maya Artifacts

The story goes like this: In 2012, the Mexican government released a series of Mayan artifacts that they had kept secret for 80 years as state secrets. These items were taken from an unexplored pyramid that was found underneath another pyramid at Calakmul, the site of one of the most powerful ancient Mayan cities. IN documentary film, sanctioned by the Mexican government and produced by Raul Julia-Levy (son of famous actor Raul Julia) and financier Elisabeth Thieriot (ex-wife of the former publisher of the San Francisco Chronicle), published a number of these findings, most of them which clearly depict UFOs and aliens.

This case may seem quite intriguing, but once you take a closer look, a strange scam pattern begins to emerge. It seems that both documentarians are lying about something. Julia-Levy does not seem to be who he claims to be, and Raul's widow Julia publicly called the man a fraud named Salvador Alba Fuentes. According to her, Salvador is trying to use the fame of her late husband and tells everyone that his real name is Raul Julia-Levy. Meanwhile, Thierieu shut down production on the documentary and sued her partner, accusing Julia-Levi of stealing her documentary and abusing filming equipment (which Julia-Levi resents). Moreover, there appears to be very little scientific evidence to support the authenticity of the artifacts, and photographs that have surfaced online provide less than conclusive evidence.

Perhaps the artifacts were cheap fakes made by a local artisan. Perhaps the officials changed their minds about the documentary and ordered Thierier to stop filming it at all costs. Whatever the truth behind these strange artifacts, their authenticity is far from conclusive.

1. Betz Mystery Sphere

As the Betz family surveyed the aftermath of a strange fire that had destroyed 35.6 hectares of their forest, they found a strange object: a silvery sphere, about 20 centimeters in diameter, completely smooth except for a strange, elongated triangle symbol. Thinking that it might be a NASA instrument or even a Soviet spy satellite, they eventually decided that it was most likely just a souvenir. Without thinking twice, they decided to take him with them.

Two weeks later, their son was strumming his guitar in the same room where the sphere stood. Suddenly, the sphere began to respond to his melodies, producing strange pulsating sounds and a resonance that greatly alarmed the family's dog. The family soon discovered that the orb had other strange qualities. She would stop and change direction as she was sent rolling across the floor, eventually returning to the man who pushed her like a faithful dog. She seemed to be fueled by solar energy, becoming noticeably more active on sunny days.

It began to seem that something (or someone) was controlling the sphere: from time to time it emitted low-frequency vibrations and noises, as if a motor was working inside it. She avoided falling or hitting anything at all costs, as if protecting what was inside her. She was even able to completely defy gravity by climbing up an inclined table to avoid falling.

Naturally, these messages were followed by a madness in funds mass media. Respected and serious newspapers such as the New York Times and the London Daily sent reporters to see the miracle sphere in person as it repeated its tricks in front of countless crowds. Even scientists and military personnel were impressed, although the Betz family did not allow them to take the sphere for more detailed study. However, this soon changed when the sphere began to misbehave. She began to exhibit poltergeist-like behavior: at night the doors of the house would slam shut and strange organ music would suddenly fill the house. At that moment, the family decided to find out what the sphere really was. The Navy analyzed it and found that it was... a completely ordinary (admittedly high-quality) stainless steel ball.

To this day, this alien sphere and its purpose remain a mystery. However, there were many theories with which people tried to explain its nature. By the way, the most likely of them is the most common explanation: three years before the Betz family discovered the sphere, an artist named James Durling-Jones was passing through the area where it was found. In the roof rack of his car were several stainless steel balls for a sculpture he was making. Some of these balls fell out while the car was driving over potholes. These balls matched accurate description the Betz spheres, and were balanced enough to roll at the slightest provocation (the Betz family lived in an old house with an uneven floor, so such a ball would seem to behave chaotically). These balls could even make a rattling sound, thanks to tiny pieces of metal shavings stuck inside during their manufacturing process.

While it doesn't explain all the phenomena people have reported, this explanation certainly casts a shadow on all the "mysterious ghostly orb from space" rhetoric.

Since the time of Darwin, science has more or less managed to fit into a logical framework and explain most of the evolutionary processes that took place on Earth.

Archaeologists, biologists, and many other ...ologists agree and are confident that already 400 - 250 thousand years ago the rudiments of the current society flourished on our planet.

But archeology, you know, is such an unpredictable science, no, no, and it keeps throwing up new finds that do not fit into the generally accepted model neatly put together by scientists. We present to you the 15 most mysterious artifacts that made the scientific world think about the correctness of existing theories.

Spheres from Klerksdorp

According to rough estimates, these mysterious artifacts are about 3 billion years old. They are disk-shaped and spherical objects. Corrugated balls are found in two types: some are made of bluish metal, monolithic, interspersed with white matter, others, on the contrary, are hollow, and the cavity is filled with white spongy material. The exact number of spheres is unknown to anyone, since miners with the help of kmd still continue to extract them from the rock near the city of Klerksdorp, located in South Africa.

Stones Drop

In the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains, which are located in China, a unique find was made, the age of which is 10 - 12 thousand years. Drop stones, numbering in the hundreds, resemble gramophone records. These are stone discs with a hole in the middle and a spiral engraving applied to the surface. Some scientists are inclined to believe that the disks serve as carriers of information about extraterrestrial civilization.

Antikythera Mechanism In 1901 the Aegean Sea opened scientists secret

Unique stones were discovered in the Peruvian province of Ica by surgeon Javier Cabrera. Ica stones are processed volcanic rock covered with engravings. But the whole mystery is that among the images there are dinosaurs (brontosaurs, pterosaurs and triceraptors). Perhaps, despite all the arguments of learned anthropologists, the ancestors of modern man were already thriving and creative in the times when these giants roamed the earth?

Baghdad battery

In 1936, a strange-looking vessel sealed with a concrete stopper was discovered in Baghdad. Inside the mysterious artifact was a metal rod. Subsequent experiments showed that the vessel performed the function of an ancient battery, since by filling a structure similar to the Baghdad battery with the electrolyte available at that time, it was possible to obtain electricity of 1 V. Now you can argue who owns the title of the founder of the doctrine of electricity, because the Baghdad battery is 2000 years older than Alessandro Volta.
The oldest "spark plug"

In the Coso Mountains in California, an expedition that was looking for new minerals found a strange artifact, its appearance and properties strongly resemble a “spark plug.” Despite its dilapidation, one can confidently distinguish a ceramic cylinder, inside of which there is a magnetized two-millimeter metal rod. And the cylinder itself is enclosed in a copper hexagon. The age of the mysterious find will surprise even the most inveterate skeptic - it is more than 500,000 years old!

Stone balls of Costa Rica

The three hundred stone balls scattered along the coast of Costa Rica vary in age (from 200 BC to 1500 AD) and in size. However, it is still not clear to scientists exactly how ancient people made them and for what purposes.

Airplanes, tanks and submarines Ancient Egypt

There is no doubt that the Egyptians built the pyramids, but could the same Egyptians have thought of constructing an airplane? Scientists have been asking this question since a mysterious artifact was discovered in one of the Egyptian caves in 1898. The shape of the device is similar to an airplane, and if it was given an initial speed, it could easily fly. The fact that in the era of the New Kingdom the Egyptians were aware of such technical inventions as the airship, helicopter and submarine is told by the fresco on the ceiling of the temple located near Cairo.

Human palm print, 110 million years old

And this is not at all an age for humanity, if you take and add here such a mysterious artifact as a fossilized finger from the Arctic part of Canada, belonging to a person and having the same age. And a footprint found in Utah, and not just a foot, but one shod in a sandal, is 300 - 600 million years old! You wonder, so when did humanity begin?

Metal pipes from Saint-Jean-de-Livet

The age of the rock from which the metal pipes were extracted is 65 million years, therefore, the artifact was made at the same time. Wow, Iron Age. Another strange find was obtained from Scottish rock dating back to the Lower Devonian period, that is, 360 - 408 million years ago. This mysterious artifact was a metal nail.

In 1844, the Englishman David Brewster reported that an iron nail had been discovered in a block of sandstone in one of the Scottish quarries. His cap was so “grown” into the stone that it was impossible to suspect the falsification of the find, although the age of the sandstone dating back to the Devonian period is about 400 million years.
Already in our memory, in the second half of the twentieth century, a discovery was made, which scientists still cannot explain. Near the American town with the loud name London, in the state of Texas, during the splitting of sandstone of the Ordovician period (Paleozoic, 500 million years ago), an iron hammer with the remains of a wooden handle was discovered. If we discard man, who did not exist at that time, it turns out that trilobites and dinosaurs smelted iron and used it for economic purposes. If we put aside the stupid mollusks, then we need to somehow explain finds, for example, such as this one: in 1968, the Frenchmen Druet and Salfati discovered in the quarries of Saint-Jean-de-Livet, in France, oval-shaped metal pipes, the age of which, if dated from the Cretaceous strata, it is 65 million years old - the era of the last reptiles.

Or this: in the middle of the 19th century, blasting work was carried out in Massachusetts, and among the fragments of stone blocks a metal vessel was discovered, which was torn in half by a blast wave. It was a vase about 10 centimeters high, made of metal resembling zinc in color. The walls of the vessel were decorated with images of six flowers in the form of a bouquet. Rock, in which this strange vase was kept, belonged to the beginning of the Paleozoic (Cambrian), when life was barely emerging on earth - 600 million years ago.

Iron mug in coal

It is not known what a scientist would say if in a lump of coal, instead of the imprint of an ancient plant, he found... an iron mug. Would a coal seam be dated by a man from the Iron Age, or still to the Carboniferous period, when there weren't even dinosaurs? And such an object was found, and until recently that mug was kept in one of the private museums of America, in Southern Missouri, although with the death of the owner, the trace of the scandalous object was lost, to the great, it should be noted, relief of learned men. However, there was a photograph left.

The mug contained the following document, signed by Frank Kenwood: “In 1912, while I was working at the municipal power plant in Thomas, Oklahoma, I came across a massive lump of coal. It was too big and I had to break it with a hammer. This iron mug fell out of the block, leaving behind a hole in the coal. An employee of the company named Jim Stoll witnessed how I broke the block and how the mug fell out of it. I was able to find out the origin of the coal - it was mined in the Wilburton mines in Oklahoma." According to scientists, the coal mined in Oklahoma mines dates back 312 million years, if, of course, not dated by circle. Or did man live together with trilobites - these shrimps of the past?

Foot on a trilobite

Fossilized trilobite. 300 million years ago!

Although there is a find that speaks exactly about this - a trilobite crushed by a shoe! The fossil was discovered by a passionate shellfish lover, William Meister, who was exploring the area around Antelope Spring, Utah, in 1968. He split a piece of shale and saw the following picture (in the photo - a split stone).

The imprint of the shoe of the right foot is visible, under which were two small trilobites. Scientists explain this as a play of nature, and are ready to believe in a find only if there is a whole chain of similar traces. A Maister is not a specialist, but a draftsman, free time looking for antiquity, but his reasoning is sound: the imprint of the shoe was found not on the surface of hardened clay, but after splitting a piece: the chip fell along the imprint, along the boundary of the compaction caused by the pressure of the shoe. However, they don’t want to talk to him: after all, man, according to evolutionary theory, did not live in the Cambrian period. There weren't even dinosaurs back then. Or...geochronology is false.

In 1922, American geologist John Reid conducted a search in Nevada. Unexpectedly, he discovered a clear imprint of a shoe sole on the stone. A photograph of this wonderful find has still been preserved.

Also in 1922, an article written by Dr. W. Ballou appeared in the New York Sunday American. He wrote: “Some time ago, the famous geologist John T. Reid, while searching for fossils, suddenly froze in confusion and surprise at the rock under his feet. There was what looked like a human print, but not a bare foot, but the sole of a shoe that had turned to stone. The forefoot has disappeared, but retains the contour of at least two-thirds of the sole. There was a clearly visible thread around the outline, which, as it turned out, attached a welt to the sole. This is how a fossil was found, which is today the biggest mystery for science, since it was found in a rock that is at least 5 million years old.”
The geologist took the cut piece of rock to New York, where it was examined by several professors from the American Museum. natural history and a geologist at Columbia University. Their conclusion was clear: the rock is 200 million years old - Mesozoic, Triassic period. However, the imprint itself was recognized by both these and all other scientific heads... as a play of nature. Otherwise, we would have to admit that people wearing shoes sewn with thread lived alongside dinosaurs.

Two mysterious cylinders

In 1993, Philip Reef became the owner of another amazing find. While digging a tunnel in the mountains of California, two mysterious Cylinders were discovered; they resemble the so-called “cylinders of the Egyptian pharaohs.”

But their properties are completely different from them. They consist half of platinum, half of an unknown metal. If they are heated, for example, to 50°C, then they maintain this temperature for several hours, regardless of the ambient temperature. Then they cool almost instantly to air temperature. If an electric current is passed through them, they change color from silver to black, and then return to their original color. Undoubtedly, the cylinders contain other secrets that have yet to be discovered. According to radiocarbon dating, the age of these artifacts is about 25 million years.

Mayan Crystal Skulls

According to the most widely accepted story, the “Skull of Destiny” was found in 1927 by English explorer Frederick A. Mitchell-Hedges among the Mayan ruins of Lubaantun (modern Belize).

Others claim that the scientist bought this item at Sotheby's in London in 1943. Whatever the reality, this rock crystal skull is so perfectly carved that it appears to be a priceless work of art.
So, if we consider the first hypothesis to be correct (according to which the skull is a Mayan creation), then a whole rain of questions falls upon us.
Scientists believe that the Skull of Doom is in some ways technically impossible. Weighing almost 5 kg, and being a perfect copy of a woman's skull, it has a completeness that would have been impossible to achieve without the use of more or less modern methods, methods that the Mayan culture owned and which we do not know about.
The skull is perfectly polished. Its jaw is a separate hinged part from the rest of the skull. It has long attracted (and will likely continue to do so to a somewhat lesser extent) experts from a variety of disciplines.
It is also worth mentioning the relentless attribution of supernatural abilities to him by a group of esotericists, such as telekinesis, the emission of an unusual aroma, and color changes. The existence of all these properties is difficult to prove.
The skull was subjected to various analyses. One of the inexplicable things is that made of quartz glass, and therefore having a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale (a scale of mineral hardness from 0 to 10), the skull was able to be carved without hard cutting materials such as ruby ​​and diamond.
Studies of the skull carried out by the American company Hewlett-Packard in the 1970s determined that in order to achieve such perfection, it would have to be sanded for 300 years.
Could the Mayans have deliberately designed this type of work to be completed 3 centuries later? The only thing we can say with certainty is that the Skull of Fate is not the only one of its kind.
Several such objects have been found in various places on the planet, and they are created from other materials, similar to quartz. These include a complete jadeite skeleton discovered in the China/Mongolian region, made on a smaller scale than human scale, estimated to be approx. in 3500-2200 BC.
There are doubts about the authenticity of many of these artifacts, but one thing is certain: crystal skulls continue to delight intrepid scientists.

Mysterious artifacts of ancient civilizations are located in the Nazca desert, represented by huge drawings. Amazing geoglyphs appeared in 200 BC, covering vast areas off the coast of Peru. Engraved into sandy soil, they illustrate animals and geometric shapes.

The images also represented by lines are very similar to runways. The Nazca people, who created the wonderful drawings, did not leave any records about the purpose of the large-scale images. Perhaps, due to their prehistoric era, they had not yet discovered the advantages of a written language, or something else held them back.

Not advanced enough for a written language, they nevertheless left a great mystery to future civilizations. We still wonder how such complex projects were implemented at that time.

Some theorists believe that the Nazca lines represent constellations and correlate with the location of stars. It is also suggested that the geoglyphs must have been viewed from the heavens, with some lines forming runways for alien visitors to Earth.

Another thing amazes us: if the “artists” themselves did not have the opportunity to view images from the sky, then how did the Nazca peoples create absolutely symmetrical images? In the absence of records from that time, we have no plausible explanations other than the involvement of extraterrestrial technology.


The 35-centimeter-long artifact, according to legend, was discovered in the 1960s in Egypt. Unknown researcher Gregor Sporri, meeting the owner of the artifact in 1988, paid $300 to photograph the finger and conduct an x-ray. There is even an x-ray image of the finger, as well as a stamp of authenticity.

Original photo taken in 1988

However, not a single scientist studied the finger, and the person who owned the artifact left no opportunity to hear the details. This may contribute to the fact that the giant's finger is a hoax, or indicate a civilization of giants that lived on the earth before us.


As reported in the history of the artifact, Cho Pu Tei, a professor of archeology (an actual archaeologist) of Beijing, was on an expedition with his students to explore caves deep in the Himalayan mountains. Located between Tibet and China, a number of caves were clearly man-made as they consisted of tunnel systems and rooms.

There were small skeletons in the cells of the rooms, speaking of a dwarf culture. Professor Tay suggested that they are an undocumented species of mountain gorilla. The truth was that the ritual burial was very confusing.

Hundreds of disks with a diameter of 30.5 centimeters with perfect holes in the center were also found here. Researchers, having studied the paintings on the walls of the cave, came to the conclusion that the age is 12,000 years. The discs of mysterious purpose also date back to the same age.

Sent to Peking University, the Dropa disks (as they were called) were studied for 20 years. Many researchers and scientists tried to decipher the writings engraved on the disks, but they were not successful.

Professor Tsum Um Nui from Beijing examined the disks in 1958 and came to the conclusion about an unknown language that had never appeared anywhere before. The engraving itself was done to such an elaborate level that it required a magnifying glass to read. All the results of the decryptions went into the area of ​​​​the extraterrestrial origin of artifacts.

Tribal Legend: Ancient dropas descended from the clouds. Our ancestors, women and children hid in caves ten times before sunrise. When the fathers finally understood the sign language, they found out that those who came had peaceful intentions.


In 1961, a very strange artifact was discovered in the Coso Mountains, California. Looking for additions to their display, the owners of a small gem store set out to collect a few pieces. However, they were lucky to find not just a valuable stone or a rare fossil, but a real mechanical artifact of deep antiquity.

The mysterious mechanical device looked like a modern car spark plug. Analysis and X-ray examination revealed a porcelain filling containing copper rings, a steel spring and a magnetic rod on the inside. Adding to the mystery is an unidentifiable powdery white substance inside.

After conducting research on the artifact and the marine fossils covering the surface, it turned out that the artifact “fossilized” about 500,000 years ago.

However, scientists were in no hurry to analyze the artifact. They were probably afraid of accidentally disproving generally accepted theories by saying that we are not the first technologically advanced civilization. Either the planet actually existed popular place from aliens, often repaired on Earth.


In the last century, divers have been clearing ancient Greek treasures from the site of the Antikythera shipwreck, which dates back to 100 BC. Among the artifacts they found 3 parts of a mysterious device. The device had bronze triangular teeth and is believed to have been used to track the complex movements of the Moon and other planets.

The mechanism used a differential gear consisting of over 30 gears of different sizes with triangular teeth that were always counted down to prime numbers. It is believed that if all teeth are proven to be prime numbers, then they can clarify the astronomical secrets of the ancient Greeks.

The Antikythera mechanism had a knob that allowed the user to enter past and future dates and then calculate the positions of the Sun and Moon. The use of differential gears made it possible to calculate angular velocities and calculate lunar cycles.

No other artifacts discovered since this time are advanced. Instead of using a geocentric representation, the mechanism was built on heliocentric principles, which were not common at the time. It seems that the ancient Greeks managed to independently build the world's first analog computer.

Alexander Jones, a historian, deciphered some of the inscriptions and said the device used colored balls to represent the Sun, Mars and Moon. Okay, from the inscriptions we found out where the device was created, but no one said how it was made. Is it possible that the Greeks knew more about the solar system and technology than we previously thought?


Egypt is not unique place for theories about ancient aliens and high technology. In Central and South America Small gold items dating back to 500 AD were discovered. era.

More precisely, dating is a bit of a challenge, since the items are entirely made of gold, so the date was estimated using stratigraphy. This may fool some people into thinking it's a hoax, but the artifacts date back at least 1,000 years.

The artifacts are interesting because of their amazing similarity to ordinary airplanes. Archaeologists have designated the finds as zoomorphic for their resemblance to animals. However, comparing them with birds and fish (which have similar characteristics from an animal point of view) seems to lead to the desired conclusion. In any case, such a comparison raises serious doubts.

Why do they look so much like airplanes? They have wings, stabilizing elements and landing mechanisms, which have called on researchers to recreate one of the ancient figures.

Being built to scale but precise in proportion, this ancient artifact appears very similar to a modern fighter jet. After the reconstruction, it was documented that the plane, although not very good aerodynamically, flew wonderfully.

Is it possible that 1000 years ago ancient astronauts visited us and left design solutions for what we now call “airplanes”? In addition, the aerodynamic characteristics on the home planet of the “guests” may be different from terrestrial conditions.

Perhaps this is a model of a space shuttle (by the way, we are designing the same shape). Or is it more plausible to think that the artifact represents an overly inaccurate representation of the birds and the bees?

Maybe, ancient world was in contact with many alien races, as evidenced by a rich collection of stories detailing the encounters. Many cultures, separated by thousands of years, contain tales of flying objects and technologies so advanced that they seem like hoaxes to us.


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