Dam area in Amsterdam. Dam Square Dam Square on the map

If you follow the crowd from the station, Dam Square in Amsterdam is the first place tourists will come to in the capital of the Netherlands.

Here you can object and say that the Central Railway Station is also a landmark of Amsterdam and you will be right. Here, next to the station, you can visit and thereby make your own original route and immediately go to, but if you give in to the flow of people from the station, it will take you first to Damrak Street, and then just 500 meters later to Dam Square itself in Amsterdam .

How to find Dam Square

If giving in to the crowd is not your style and you want to know exactly where to go, then here is a map from the all-knowing Google. The distance between point A (Railway Station) and B (Dam Square) is only 800 meters.

If you are too lazy to walk, you can travel this distance by tram 4, 9 and 16, you need to get on at the station and get off at the next stop, but it is better to walk this short distance and at the same time see the Berlage exchange building. The building is located exactly in the middle of Damrak street.

The Amsterdam Commodity Exchange building took 8 years to construct and opened in 1903, and it was named after the architect according to whose design it was built. Today this building is no longer a stock exchange and is given over to exhibitions and concerts, but it served its function for almost 100 years until the end of the 20th century.

Dam Square in Amsterdam

Having walked 300 meters from the stock exchange building we immediately find ourselves on Dam Square. The name of the square has nothing to do with the Ladies, but is translated from Dutch as Dam. A city was formed around the dam, which was once on the site of this square. And the Damrak street itself along which they walked runs along the Amstel River, which gave the name to the city.

Now in more detail about what can be seen on Dam Square.

Royal Palace – Koninklijk Paleis

This is the most significant building in the capital of the Netherlands and formally belongs to the ruling Monarchs, but at the very beginning it was an ordinary city ​​hall. This is too luxurious a building for a town hall, but if you look at the fact that it was built in 1665, this is the Golden Age of Holland, the time when the country reached its greatest economic prosperity.

The town hall had to change several owners, so when Napoleon captured Holland, he made the town hall his residence, but soon it came into the possession of the royal dynasty of the Netherlands, and in the 20th century it became the property of the state. Today, the once former town hall bears the proud title of a palace and belongs to the Dutch monarchs.

The palace is open to the public from 10.00 to 17.00, the entrance ticket costs 10 €, under 18 years of age are free. The ticket price includes a mobile guide in several languages, including Russian. When visiting the palace, pay attention to the days when it is closed for any official events, and there can be a lot of such days in each month.

National Monument

This memorial is dedicated to the victims of the Second World War. The height of the column is 22 meters, and in the wall of the memorial there are urns with soil from places of mass executions and military cemeteries. Each sculpture on the monument symbolizes something and that is suffering, resistance, devotion, victory, peace and liberation.

Madame Tussauds museum

In Amsterdam, on Dam Square, there is one of the branches of Madame Tussauds. Now this is a real trademark, which began with its founder Marie Tussaud, who made her first wax figure in 1765.

Entrance to the museum costs 23.5 €, but it’s cheaper if you buy it. Up to 16 years old can buy children's ticket for 12/19.5 €, but after 16 only for adults, since there are no other discounts here.

New Church – Nieuwe Kerk

It is not for nothing that the church is located next to the royal palace, because the coronations and weddings of many monarchs of the Netherlands took place here. Built almost simultaneously with the palace/town hall in the 15th century. Currently, the church is inactive, and all because during the next restoration it turned out that the Dutch Church did not have enough money to continue the restoration work and the building was transferred to other ownership.

Today the building houses a museum and hosts exhibitions and concerts. Price entrance ticket for the exhibition 16€, owners tourist map I Amsterdam Card ticket will cost 4.5 €.

Shopping centers aren't often tourist attractions, but in this case it's a historic building built in 1870. From one once small store has grown commercial network out of 12 throughout the country. The name of the shopping center translates as “Beehive”, which today corresponds very well to a large store.

Magna Plaza Shopping Center (formerly Main Post Office)

And this is another shopping center, although it is not located exactly on Dam Square, but behind the Royal Palace. The building is already more than 100 years old; it was built in 1899 and at that time, if you believe the guidebooks, it was a technical miracle.

This building was built for the post office and was supposed to become the Main Post Office of Amsterdam, but the size of the building turned out to be very large and not in demand, since only the first floor was used. In 1992, the building was restored and a shopping center was opened here.

Accommodation near Dam Square

The number of hotels near the square is very large, but since this is the city center, the cost of rooms is usually more than 150 €. If you want to stay not far away and not overpay, then the best option will most likely be a chain hotel, because... chain hotels value their reputation and this almost always means good service. Room prices in this hotel start from 100€.

For those who prefer hostels, the closest one is priced from 25 € per bed.

Dam Square, located in the very center of the city, takes its name from the well-known dam. This dam served as the basis for the construction of Amsterdam in the 13th century. With each decade it grew and became stronger, eventually becoming the largest and most populous square in the Dutch capital. At the very beginning there were two small sites, which eventually merged into one. Today it is perhaps the main tourist and political center of the city.

What is Dam Square?

The square has impressive dimensions - 200 meters long, 100 meters wide. Here, two main streets located along the river bank - Rokin and Damrak - connect. And it is from here that the world-famous Red Light District begins. The main square has been and is now considered the main place for holding various holidays and concerts. But even on ordinary days it is full of tourists from all over the world. It’s not surprising - there’s a lot to see here.

In the western part you can see the magnificent Royal Palace, belonging to the current queen of the state. Initially, this building was the city hall, but then passed on to the family of monarchs. Access to the palace is open to guests; anyone can see the real royal chambers. Not far from the palace stands the New Church, which, despite its name, was built in the 15th century. It was erected because the previous church could no longer accommodate all the parishioners. Today the New Church is not functioning because there is no finance to put it in order. But it sometimes hosts art exhibitions and music concerts.

Attractions of Dam Square

World famous museum wax figures, founded by Madame Tussauds, is also located here. This is not the main museum, but its branch, but the very first of all existing ones. Here you can admire the figures of famous scientists, politicians, athletes, and singers. The museum is very popular among tourists. You can not only look at the figures, but also take a photo with them.

In the middle of the square stands the majestic National Monument, rightly considered the most important monument in the Netherlands. It was erected in memory of those killed in World War II. Every year at the beginning of May, Remembrance Day is celebrated here with a touching ceremony.

On Dam Square there is a legendary 5-star Dutch hotel, famous throughout the world - Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky. His rich story has been going on since 1866. The hotel has almost five hundred prestigious rooms for elite or simply wealthy guests, and also provides a lot of entertainment.

How to get there?

You have to try hard not to find Dam Square, because, as already mentioned, the main city roads lead to it. From central station you just need to walk along Damrak Boulevard, full of souvenir shops and other small shops, and now you are already on the famous square. Most travelers get there this way.

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Dam Square is considered the ancestor of the capital of the Netherlands. It went through many rebuildings and reconstructions, turning from a fish market into the center of the political, commercial and tourist life of the city.

Today, every traveler strives to first visit the square, which is the heart of Amsterdam. Locals gather here to celebrate important events and participate in various events. Dam is so popular that you can see it semi-desert only in the early morning, in severe cold or heavy rain. Attention is drawn to peacefully adjacent buildings of different eras and styles, unusual monuments, street performers and brave pigeons.


In the second half of the 13th century, a dam and a sluice were built on the Amstel River, intended for the passage of boats and the release of water. It has become much easier to travel along the embankment between two fishing villages located on different banks. Gradually, the Middeldam Dam expanded and strengthened. Platse was added to its western part in 1390. The squares were perceived as separate objects until the 16th century, after which they merged. At the end of the XVIII - XIX centuries. de Dam was temporarily renamed Revolutieplein and Napoleonplein.

The name of Dam Square has nothing to do with the fair sex. It only emphasizes its origin, since from Dutch this word is translated as “dam”.

By the 14th century, the administrative center of Amsterdam began to form on the square. The City Hall was built on Platse, but it burned down in a fire in 1652. A New Church (Niewe Kerk) was built nearby, which has survived, although in a modified form, to this day.

The square housed the Weight House, ensuring fair market trade. The first building appeared in 1341, and in 1565 it was replaced by a more spacious one. The latter was demolished in 1808 by order of Louis Bonaparte, as the structure spoiled the view from the window of the Royal Palace.

Until 1841, fishing boats and merchant ships moored at the dam, and a brisk trade in freshly caught fish and overseas curiosities was carried out on the square. After the next filling of the Amstel channel, the pier was moved to the beginning of Damrak Street. Since then trade area became national.

From the 1840s to the early 1900s, the Socher Stock Exchange building stood on the site of today's De Bienkorff department store. It was demolished as unnecessary after the construction of the Birzhe Berlage on Damrak Street, which today has been turned into a congress center. The Zeeman store building was also replaced. In its place in 1917, a multi-storey shopping center “Peek & Cloppenburg” was erected. Since 1991, part of it has been occupied by the Amsterdam branch of Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.

The square has been at the center of events more than once. In the 16th century, Anabaptists rebelled here, at the beginning of the last century, workers protested violently, during the Vietnam War, students protested, at the turn of 1960-70. — the hippies spent the night. On May 7, 1945, two days after the liberation of the Netherlands by the Allies, citizens came to Dam Square to celebrate the end of the war. The Nazis, hiding in an ambush, opened fire on civilians. As a result, more than 100 people were injured and 31 were killed.

Features of Dam Square

The outline of the square in plan resembles a curved trapezoid. The greatest width - from north to south - is 100 meters, and the maximum length - from east to west - about 175 meters. The Dam is adjacent to two main thoroughfares in Amsterdam:

  • Rokin Street (from the south) - partially runs along a section of the main channel of the Amstel River that was filled up in 1936. Leads to the Coin Square (Muntplein);
  • Damrak Street (from the northeast) - located on the site of the city that was liquidated in 1845-83. channel. Starts at railway station.

The roadway located between the streets conditionally divides the area into two sections - western and eastern. On the first there is Dame Square, on the second - National Monument. For safety reasons, both parts are separated from the roads along the entire perimeter by concrete blocks and vases with flower arrangements.

Dam Square is surrounded by multi-storey buildings built from the 15th to 20th centuries. There are stylized lampposts in front of the Royal Palace. In 2001, the asphalt was completely replaced with stone pavement.


Most sightseeing routes start from de Dam tourist routes in Amsterdam. There is a lot to see, a place to visit and a place to eat.

The royal palace in the style of Dutch classicism was built by the Dutch architect Jacob van Kampen in the period 1648-55. Until 1808, the building was used as the City Hall, until Louis Bonaparte, being the King of Holland in 1806-10, placed his residence in it. Subsequently, the “Palace on the Dam” became the property of representatives of the Royal House of Orange, and in 1935 it was bought by the state. Today, social receptions, royal ceremonies and official meetings at the highest level are held here. Most of the year the Royal Palace is open to the public. More details about the object can be found in our article.

The Protestant church Nieuwe Kerk appeared on the square in the 15th century. The building burned several times, in the 16th century. - was vandalized by the Anabaptists in the middle of the 17th century. - was rebuilt, and in the twentieth century. — repaired and reconstructed. In his architectural appearance There are several styles in the interior decoration - Gothic, Neo-Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque. By sundial, erected on the Nieuwe Kerk tower, all the city clocks were synchronized for a long time. Noble persons have been crowned and married in the church (most recently, the current King of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander, and his wife). Today, organ music concerts and exhibitions are organized within the walls of the religious building. The church is not used for its intended purpose.

Building shopping complex"De Bienkorf" was built in 1914-15. designed by the architect van Straaten. Simon Goodsmith's small haberdashery store, which gave rise to a trading empire, appeared on the street adjacent to Dam Square in 1870. The business was expanded by the first owner's cousin, Isaac. Today "De Bienkorf" is a multifaceted shopping center of the high level. According to tourists, the display windows inside the store are designer works. The facility is located on the corner of Damrak Street.

Hotel Krasnapolsky is located in a historical building of the 19th century, opposite the National Monument. In 1865, in its place there was a Polish coffee house, which the first owner of the five-star hotel, Adolf Krasnapolsky, turned into a popular restaurant with a billiard room. Subsequently, he bought the neighboring houses and ordered the architect G. Salm to design a new building in a modern style for that time. The hotel opened for the 1883 World's Fair. The hotel was the only one in the city that had hot water and a telephone.


The national monument is a 22-meter pylon lined with travertine, a sculptural composition and a memorial wall with bas-relief. It was erected in tribute to the memory of compatriots who died during the Second World War. The figures symbolize suffering, liberation, peace and the rebirth of life. The monument, designed by J. Ouda, was inaugurated in 1956. Previously, since 1947, there was a temporary monument in its place. Nearby are figures of two lions, which are a symbol of the Netherlands.

The Amsterdam Memorial Park is an unusual monument to the victims of the shooting on May 7, 1945. Slabs of various shapes with the names of the victims were laid into the body of paving stones in 2016. The site is located between the tram line and houses in the northeast of the square.


Ripley's Believe It or Not is located in the southeast corner of Dam Square. Exhibits presenting little-known and strange facts, unusual and exotic places on the planet are of interest to both adults and children.

The Cannabis Museum is a minute's walk from the Ripley's attraction. It tells about the history of the spread of hemp around the world and the products produced from it. On the ground floor there is a large assortment of products related to cannabis in one way or another.

Cafes and restaurants

There are a large number of points on the square and in its surroundings Catering. These are the restaurant “La Boca” and the pizzeria “La Piazza”, a sandwich shop “Subway” and a donut shop, a restaurant serving Argentine and Mexican cuisine, McDonald’s, coffee shops, pastry shops, bars and other establishments.

The shops

There are many retail outlets on Dam. These are stores of clothing, shoes, souvenirs, leather goods, jewelry, and children's toys.

The largest shopping facility is the multi-storey department store "De Bienkorf". It presents various groups of consumer goods and a wide range of services, including a return point Tax Free, restaurant, art Gallery and a fashionable beauty salon. IN mall Concerts and social events are often held. For more than thirty years, beginning in the fall of 1984, the department store held annual three-day sales on popular brands at heavily discounted prices. The action was called “Three Crazy Days”.

Special Events

Every year on May 4th a ceremony takes place in Dam Square. dedicated to the Day in memory of those killed during the Second World War.

Before Christmas, a city tree is installed in Dam Square and Christmas markets are organized.

In spring and autumn, the area turns into a fun fair, during which folk festivals, concerts and entertainment shows are held.

How to get to Dam Square

Damrak Street leads straight from Amsterdam Central Station to Dam Square. The distance is no more than 700 meters, so it is recommended to walk along it.

Stops public transport, having the same name “Dam”, are located on different sides of the central square of Amsterdam. You can reach them:

  • by trams - No. 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24;
  • by buses - No. 282, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 291, 293.

The nearest metro stations are lines 51, 53, 54 - "Centraal Station" and "Nieuwmarkt", as well as line 52 - "Rokin". They are located 5-10 minutes walk from the Dam.

You can order a taxi by mobile applications Uber, TCA Taxi, My Taxi Centrale, etc.

The beautiful name of the square evokes an association with the fair sex, but this is not an entirely correct assumption. The word "Dam" means "dam" in Dutch. This name was chosen for a reason: eight centuries ago, a dam was erected on the Amstel River, which served as a connection between the settlements formed along the banks of the river, and over time it began to fulfill a different role - the central city square, where you could get a lot of entertainment.

David Saddler

Dam Square and Heineken Beer Cart

Dam Square is the main venue for cultural events in the city. Demonstrations and colorful fairs are held here, especially in the run-up to the Christmas holidays.

It is located on the Amstel River dam, which was built in the 13th century. The proximity to the river and merchant ships turned the square into a place of trade. At first there was a large fish market here, then, after filling up the mouth of the Amstel River, a stock exchange was opened on the square, and after its closure, the Benkorf department store was opened. In the 20th century, the square became a place for various meetings, including those of national importance.

Dam Square is a rectangle of 20 thousand m2. It can be reached on foot from the central railway station in 10 minutes. There are many attractions here that attract tourists from all over the world. These include the Royal Palace, located in the western part of the square. The city hall was located in this building for two centuries, and later - in 1808, it became the residence ruling dynasty and remains so to this day. It was opened for tourists only in the 21st century; the royal family does not officially use it, but from time to time official receptions are organized here, and even weddings of members of the royal family are held.

Not far from the palace is the building of the New Church. Built in the 15th century, it ceased operation in 1979 and now hosts art exhibitions and organ music concerts. In the immediate vicinity of the church there is the famous Tussauds Wax Museum. A National Monument was erected nearby. The stone stella was erected in 1956 in memory of the victims of World War II. Every year, ceremonies are held here - Days of Remembrance of the Dead.

On the square there is one of the most famous hotels in the city - Krasnopolsky, on its territory there is a winter garden and a miniature distillery. There you can sample local drinks and relax in the garden. Near the hotel there is a department store called De Bijenkorf, prestigious and expensive.

The decision to settle in this place will be an excellent choice for people who love noisy pastimes and are not strapped for money.

The heart of Amsterdam is Dam Square. The name comes from the dam on the Amstel River, which marked the beginning of the development of the city and center of the capital of the Netherlands.

The construction of the dam dates back to around 1270. She connected two small fishing villages. It was from this moment that the city began its growth and development; it became a center of crafts and trade.
The dam was constantly strengthened and expanded. It grew to such an extent that it gradually turned into two fairly wide squares, Middeldam and Platse. Since the squares were adjacent to the mooring places of fishing vessels, one of the largest fish markets was formed a few meters from the original pier, where you could buy gifts from the rivers and the sea in any quantity.

In addition, the squares are gradually turning into the center of the political and economic life of the city. The town hall was also built there. In addition to the administrative building, the following were also built on the square:

  1. The weighbridge, which had to be demolished in 1808. by the will of the first ruler of Amsterdam, Louis Bonaparte (the building prevented him from admiring his possessions from the royal balcony).
  2. Zocher Stock Exchange (1837), built on territory that was reclaimed from the water and allowed for a significant expansion of the area. But it did not last even a century - with the development of the Stock Market, trading in shares was firmly established at the Berlage Exchange, and the building itself was demolished.
  3. In 1914, a one of the largest department stores of that time, De Bijenkorf.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, an area of ​​about 11,500 square meters. m. becomes not only the center of the city, but actually turns into the heart of the Netherlands, where the most significant events and activities take place - fairs, festivals, ceremonies, as well as demonstrations and protests.


Dam Square is a tourist mecca. Anyone who has visited the capital of the Netherlands at least once will definitely bring back some wonderful photos, capturing themselves and their friends against the backdrop of the sights.

Modern Dam Square is:

  • Royal Palace, rising in the western part of the square. The building is the personification of neoclassicism; from the 17th to the early 19th centuries it housed the city hall, then it became the residence of the ruling dynasty. Today, King Willem Alexander is in charge of the palace. In 2009, the building was reconstructed, and today, when members of the royal family are absent, anyone can see most of the apartments.
  • New Church, built in the 15th century, to replace the Old one, which by that time could not accommodate all the parishioners. The building was built in gothic style and is one of the oldest architectural monuments. Since 1979 it has lost its main theological function. It houses traveling exhibitions of artists and features an organ. If you want to attend one of the organ concerts so beloved by the Dutch, then you should take care of tickets in advance.
  • , one of the most vibrant and famous museums in the world. The building itself fits organically into architectural ensemble square and is its decoration.
  • National Monument, located in the center of the square, was erected in 1956 in honor of the Dutch soldiers of World War II. The author of the project is the architect Jacobus Oud. Every spring, on the Day of Remembrance of the Dead, members of the royal family and state leaders, as well as guests and residents of the country, lay flowers and wreaths at it. The square itself is a symbol of cruelty: on May 8, 1945, on the day of the overthrow of the fascist regime, the square was filled with a jubilant crowd. But the fun was interrupted by a machine gun burst. The Nazis placed a machine gun on the roof of one of the houses and opened fire on the residents celebrating the victory. Sources claim that 22 people were killed and 120 were seriously injured that evening.
  • Attractions also operating at night: Ferris wheel, shooting gallery for children, carousel.


There is a web camera installed on Dam Square that broadcasts online 24 hours a day.

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