Mediterranean countries. Mediterranean Sea on the world map - where is it located, which countries does it wash? Bosnia and Herzegovina

- (Mediterranean), (Capitalized), Mediterranean, plural. no, cf. Territories surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Early Mediterranean culture. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

MEDITERRANEAN - natural country, including the islands and peninsulas of the Mediterranean and the adjacent territories of Eurasia and Northern. Africa. Broadly speaking, it includes most of the bass. Mediterranean region and the belt of the Western Asian highlands. The relief is dominated by mountains... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Mediterranean- Natural area including swimming pool Mediterranean Sea with its islands and adjacent territories of Europe, Asia and Africa, together with the belt of the Western Asian highlands, where evergreen dry forests and shrubs predominate on brown and brown forests... ... Dictionary of Geography

Mediterranean- Middle-earth, a natural country that includes the Mediterranean Sea basin with its islands and adjacent territories of Europe, Asia and Africa; in a broad sense, it also includes the belt of the Western Asian Highlands. The area of ​​the north is about 4 million km2 (with... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Mediterranean- a region that includes the Mediterranean Sea with its islands and adjacent parts of the continents of Eurasia and Africa. Pl. OK. 4 million km². It has rich history since ancient civilization. Already in the XII–XI centuries. BC. Colonies of Phoenician merchants flourished in... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Mediterranean- rya; Wed [capitalized] The area around the Mediterranean Sea. Northern, southern North. Mediterranean climate. ◁ Mediterranean, oh, oh. S. cruise. It's exotic. From other countries. * * * The Mediterranean is a natural country, including islands and... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Mediterranean- Mediterranean region, I... Russian spelling dictionary

Mediterranean- Mediterranean/Rie, I... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

Mediterranean- rya; Wed see also Mediterranean The area around the Mediterranean Sea. Northern, southern Mediterranean/region. Mediterranean climate... Dictionary of many expressions


  • The Mediterranean through the eyes of an orientalist, R. G. Landa. The essays of the Soviet Arab historian were written based on impressions from a trip to the Mediterranean Sea in October 1977, during which the author visited Istanbul, Cyprus, Crete, Malta,... Buy for 330 rubles
  • Russia in the Mediterranean. Archipelago expedition of Catherine the Great, I. M. Smilyanskaya. The monograph is devoted to the initial period of the formation of the Russian presence in the Mediterranean - the Archipelago Expedition of the Russian Fleet of 1769-1774. The authors of the monograph turn to... Buy for 320 rubles eBook

The Mediterranean Sea is called “the sea among the earth,” and this is no coincidence. It is located between three continents - Africa, Asia and Europe. Its shores have been densely populated since time immemorial. Over the course of a long history, one state was replaced by another. Today, the Mediterranean Sea has coastlines of 22 states. This is a very unique feature of the Mediterranean.

In Europe, swim in the purest water, enjoy pebbles and sandy beaches possible in France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Croatia, Montenegro, as well as Malta and Monaco. Tourism is very developed in these countries precisely because people can visit the Mediterranean coasts.

Among African countries, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria have long coastlines. The unique landscape, mild climate, and unique architecture distinguish the African coast, where travelers from all over the world love to relax.

The Mediterranean coast of Turkey, Israel, Syria and Lebanon combines gentle sun, warm water and subtle oriental sophistication. Separately, it is worth mentioning the Republic of Cyprus, which is washed by the Mediterranean Sea on three sides.

The Mediterranean united numerous peoples. Various cultures and traditions are intricately intertwined here.

The Mediterranean Sea is a sea belonging to the Atlantic Ocean, located among the continental lands. The sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar. The Mediterranean Sea is divided into several parts, each of which is an independent sea: the Alboran, Balearic, Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Ionian, Aegean. Also, some seas, in particular the Marmara, Black and Azov seas, belong to the Mediterranean basin.

Properties of the Mediterranean Sea

The total area of ​​the sea is about 2500 thousand square meters. km, the greatest depth is 5121 m, and the average is about one and a half thousand m. The total volume of waters of the Mediterranean Sea is about 3839 thousand cubic meters. Since the Mediterranean Sea has a large area, the water temperature on its surface differs in different areas. Yes, y southern shores in January it is 14-16 degrees Celsius, and in the north it is 7-10, and in August it is 25-30 in the south and 22-24 in the north. The climate in the Mediterranean Sea is influenced by its position: the subtropical zone, but there are also a number of features due to which the climate is classified into a separate category: Mediterranean. Its characteristic features are that summers are dry and hot, and winters are very mild.

The flora and fauna of the Mediterranean Sea is largely due to the fact that the waters contain relatively small amounts of plankton, which are vital for marine life populations. Therefore, the total number of fish and larger representatives of the Mediterranean fauna is relatively small. In general, the fauna of the Mediterranean Sea is distinguished by the fact that a large number of different animal species live here, but there are very few representatives of each species. The fauna is also very diverse, with a wide variety of algae growing.

Mediterranean Sea - the cradle of humanity

In ancient times there were many human civilizations developed on various shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and the sea itself was a convenient route of communication between them. Therefore, the ancient writer Gaius Julius Solin called it Mediterranean; it is believed that this is the first mention of the current name of the sea. Even today, the Mediterranean Sea has shores whose territories belong to 22 states located on the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa.

People have settled on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea since ancient times. Coastal areas became the cradle for a number of civilizations; unique cultures arose on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Today the coast also has a significant level of population, and coastal agriculture is also developed here. Greatest economic development has economic use of the sea by countries on its northern side. Extensive Agriculture: growing cotton, citrus fruits, oilseeds. Fishing in the Mediterranean Sea is not as developed as in other seas, which are also basins Atlantic Ocean. Low level fisheries is associated with big amount industrial enterprises on the sea coasts, due to which the environmental situation is worsening. On the Mediterranean coast there are the most famous and very popular resorts, in the territories of all countries that have access to this sea.

An interesting feature of the Mediterranean Sea is the constant observation by various people of mirages (also called fata morgana) in the Strait of Messina.

Among other things, the Mediterranean Sea is a kind of transport artery for the region. It is through its waters that the most important trade routes between Europe and Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania pass. Since Western European countries are economically increasingly dependent on imported raw materials, the delivery of which is carried out mainly by sea, the importance of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea as a transport route is increasing. The Mediterranean Sea plays a particularly significant role in the transportation of oil cargo.

Mediterranean Sea surrounded on all sides by earth. One glance at the map is enough to agree with this judgment. This was also known ancient Greek scientist.

  • Countries and islands
  • Countries
  • Islands
  • Eastern Mediterranean

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Features of geographical location and climate

Mediterranean Sea it's not named in vain, from all sides it touches with continents.

Nowhere else in the world has this been found large indoor pool, which is connected to the ocean by only a tiny, for this scale, bridge - Strait of Gibraltar.

The sea in its own way geographical location is between: Asia, Europe, Africa.

Total area - 2,500 square kilometers. The maximum depth is 5,121 meters.

It is connected by channels and straits with Black, Red And Seas of Marmara.

Concerning bottom relief, then everything is typical for the sea peculiarities:

  • continental slope cut by canyons;
  • shelf narrow.
  • Part Mediterranean Sea includes inland seas:

    • Aegean;
    • Alboran;
    • Adriatic;
    • When planning a vacation on the Adriatic Sea, find out detailed information about its resorts from this article

    • Balearic;
    • Ionian;
    • Ligurian;
    • Tyrrhenian.

    in winter the weather is very changeable, regularly there are storms, and pass heavy rainfall. The temperature drops significantly due to the influence northern winds.

    In summer observed here dry fog and a small amount precipitation.

    Tourists they come en masse to these places closer to mid-summer. By July the reservoir warms up to +27 degrees.

    Countries and islands

    To the Mediterranean include vast territories of countries and islands. We give examples of some of them below.


    • Türkiye. There are resorts here that are very popular Russian tourists. Most of the service staff are talking in Russian, which simplifies holidays in a foreign country for our tourists. There are a lot of excellent ones here beaches, inexpensive hotels and one of the best in the world kitchens. The reservoir washes the following major Turkish cities - Mersin, Istanbul, Antalya And Izmir.
    • Italy. It is located in the western Mediterranean. People come here to eat delicious pizza And spaghetti and also enjoy warm sun. Resort towns are considered Rome, Sicily And Milan.
    • Italy is a great place to relax not only in summer, but also in winter. Read about winter resorts of this country here

    • Spain. Ibiza, Barcelona And Majorca- these are exactly the ones settlements, where travelers come who want to have fun and have a good time. Especially it concerns youth, loving noisy parties.
    • Croatia. A country attractive for tourists, first of all, quickly gaining momentum yachting. For this purpose the state allocates multi-million dollar investment.
    • Montenegro. The beach is especially worth a look Ada Boyana. Here the purest sand, which can only be found throughout Adriatic. In addition, tourism is actively developing here among nudists.
    • Albania. Chic kitchen, beautiful landscapes– this is how local resorts are characterized.
    • In ancient times it was believed that the Mediterranean Sea was located in the center of the world. The Roman aborigines called it Inland Sea, since all its shores were conquered by them.

    • Morocco. Intersect here European And Islamic traditions and cultures. This fact attracts tourists. According to statistics, people also come here to see cultural attractions. Particularly popular Casablanca.
    • Tunisia. Ancients museums, mysterious artifacts, monuments architecture, memorable markets– at local resorts you can’t find any miracles.


    Also in the Mediterranean a bunch of big and small islands, interesting for travelers. Among them stand out:

    • Djerba. Located in the north Africa. Translated from ancient Arabic as "wheat town". The island is mentioned in the famous "Odyssey" Homer. Pink flamingos, ancient synagogue, fireballs, local delicious rice– something like this simply cannot be missed if you find yourself in Djerba.
    • Sardinia. Located next to Dirk And Sicily. Archaeologists constantly find various tombs And ziggurats. These are the main attractions of the island.
    • Vulcano. Tourists come here to see the numerous volcanic craters.

    Scientists have found out that due to the catastrophic floods, which occurred 5.3 million years ago, is precisely filling occurred Mediterranean Sea. In two years such a large water basin was formed!

    Eastern Mediterranean

    Most often to Eastern Mediterranean include the shores of Greece, Italy and Turkey, this the opinion is wrong. If we approach this issue from a geographical point of view and look at the map, it turns out that the Eastern Mediterranean includes:

  • Syria;
  • Palestine;
  • Cyprus;
  • Have you decided to relax in Cyprus? Find out what others think about the island's hotels in this article

  • Lebanon;
  • Jordan.
  • Israel;
  • Pros and cons of holidays on the Mediterranean Sea

    On the Mediterranean Sea ideal to relax in September. At this time already the heat subsides, and the water remains warm. An additional advantage is that the reservoir contains a large amount healthy salts And No dangerous poisonous plants And animals.

    Can be inspected attractions absolutely different countries world and get to know them culture. After all, the Mediterranean Sea washes the shores of a good half continents of the world.

    In Mediterranean resorts there is a very developed resort and medical infrastructure. Therefore, people suffering diseases of various origins, can easily find a place for relaxation and recovery.

    There are no cons. Unless, of course, you consider the scorching summer sun a disadvantage.

    Part Mediterranean countries includes European, Asian and African states. Tourists are attracted to them by their picturesque nature, clear sea waters, and a large number of architectural and historical monuments.

    On the coast you can find pebble and sand beaches. On a wide and long coastline The Mediterranean Sea contains many places for budget holiday and resorts that amaze with their luxury.

    Mediterranean Sea on a world map with countries around it

    1. Bizerta;
    2. Kelibia;
    3. Monastir;
    4. Sfax.

    Recently, Tunisia has been serious competition Turkey and Egypt. The gap in service level with European and Asian resorts is constantly decreasing. Tourists go to Tunisia not only for beach holiday, but also for treatment. In most hotels in Tunisia you can find traditional medicine centers. They are no less popular than the Mediterranean coast.

    Directions by interest

      The most quiet beaches The Mediterranean Sea must be sought on its northeastern coast - in and Croatia. In these places, beach tourism is under development, so recreation is available to a large number of tourists.

      Sandy and pebble beaches are surrounded by picturesque mountains, covered with dense vegetation.

    • The beautiful beaches of Malta are worth a visit not only for those who love a comfortable holiday on landscaped beaches, but also for those who want to get practice in English . He is one of official languages island state.
    • Behind noise and fun, as well as for comfortable stay at an affordable price it is worth traveling to Greece, Egypt and Turkey.
    • Exotic holiday can be found on the coast North Africa. Best resorts in the southeast of the Mediterranean Sea are located in Tunisia and Morocco. In these regions you will feel not only exoticism, but also comfort.
    • Vacationers talking in Russian language, will surround you on the beaches of Israel. Excellent service provided local hotels, will not be able to overshadow a vacation in the Promised Land with its cost. The Red and Marmara Seas compete with the Mediterranean beaches here.

    Despite the remoteness of the Mediterranean region from Russia, the answer to these questions is important, since more and more Russians are purchasing real estate here or simply traveling for vacation.

    general review

    The overall level of pollution in the Mediterranean Sea is high, although it varies from area to area. In open water areas, the water is still quite clean, but coastal areas, in particular the vicinity of river mouths, are most polluted. Near major cities Local pollution zones are formed associated with the discharge of untreated municipal wastewater and industrial waste into the sea. Chronically high levels of pollution are observed in the gulfs of Eleusis (Greece), Izmir (Turkey), Tunisia and in the Alexandria region (Egypt). Vast areas of water are polluted with oil, for example in the Ionian Sea and between Libya and Sicily. IN last years The Mediterranean Sea is warming.

    In addition, tourism can cause serious damage to the nature of the Mediterranean. If now 220 million vacationers come to Mediterranean resorts annually, then by 2020 their number will increase to 350 million people per year. Conservationists are calling for restrictions on tourism in environmentally unfavorable regions, in particular Balearic Islands, the coasts of Tunisia and Croatia. The nature of Greece, Turkey and Morocco is also suffering from the influx of tourists. Realizing that at some point the environmentally unfavorable regions of the Mediterranean will cease to bring profit to travel agencies, states began to rely on a gentle attitude towards nature.

    But it is not all that bad. In recent decades, international cooperation has been actively developing to improve the environmental situation of the Mediterranean Sea. With the participation of the UN, since the 70s, several international programs have been implemented, covering all the main environmental problems of the Mediterranean region. Almost all Mediterranean countries cooperate in these initiatives and intergovernmental agreements.

    Now let's move on to an overview of each country whose shores are washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. How clean are their beaches? What is the environmental situation?


    Spain, France and Italy are responsible for three-quarters of the industrial and agricultural pollution that enters the Mediterranean Sea.

    The biggest problems on the Mediterranean coast of Spain are: pollution through sewage, insufficient quantity and quality of water, air pollution in major cities, destruction of forests (huge tracts of forest suffer from fires). In addition, the Spanish part of the Mediterranean coast has been chaotically built up for decades at an incredible rate. Now the coast has exhausted all resources - Spanish beaches are simply no longer able to accommodate everyone.

    In July 2008, Spanish environmentalists assigned black flags to 303 Spanish beaches. The black flag marks an area on the coast that has suffered irreparable damage as a result of human activity. Most of the black flags were assigned to the island of Mallorca, the coast in the provinces of Murcia and Asturias.

    In addition, according to Spanish scientists, most of the country may soon turn into desert, due to periodic drought. In a few decades, the desert could conquer the Mediterranean coast from Catalonia to Andalusia.

    The cleanest coastline of the Valencian Community. You can safely sunbathe and swim on the beaches of the cities of Gandia, Guardamar, Oropesa del Mar, Alicante, Sagunto, in the bays of Benissa and Moraira, on the beaches of Benidorm, Peniscola. That is why the environmentally friendly Valencian coast attracts many real estate buyers.

    Renting housing in Spain


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