Download audio guide to Paris. Mobile audio guides and guides for France Wait, the same thing, but for other cities you have

Many tourists come to Paris, walk for 2-3 days, look at the houses and the Eiffel Tower, take a couple of hundred photos and return home without learning anything about the city, its life and its history. Have you ever come to a city and asked yourself: “Why this particular city? What's so special about it? And how did he become so famous?”, that is, those questions that Wikipedia will not answer. And tell me, do you want fresh croissants, unique places and exciting adventures? What does our audio guide have to do with it then? Now we'll tell you everything.

What is an audio guide? (spoiler - these are inexpensive excursions in Paris)

You've probably already taken audio guides to museums. You approach the painting, press the desired number and listen about which artist, in which year, and so on down the list.

With us, everything is far from being so boring, but the basic principle is similar. You walk around the city and listen to stories, legends, royal gossip on your headphones. When you approach the desired point, the guide himself determines that you are there and automatically turns on. And all this is in Russian.

By the way, there are also excursions to museums. , for example, with his Mona Lisa.

And all this is very inexpensive. 20 times cheaper than an individual tour (although we are telling you only for you) and 3-4 times cheaper than the most budget tour group excursion.

Download and you won't have to worry about anything.

Downloading the audio guide is very simple: here it is on iOS at this link, and. Next, choose the excursion you want, download it, preferably at home or where there is wi-fi. After the download everything works offline. You don't need to connect to the Internet while walking. Grab your headphones and enjoy the walk.

If you suddenly encounter problems, please immediately write to our technical support. [email protected].

You will see incredible places from the best vantage points

This is true. We have more than 7 years of experience in writing articles and conducting individual and group excursions. We have chosen the most interesting places, unique routes and will show you Paris from the most beautiful points.

And also, unlike a group tour, there are no crowds of people around you, and , Louvre and Champs Elysees– they are just for you. No one is stopping you from taking photographs or simply admiring the sights.

You will also hear incredible stories.

We have chosen the most interesting, useful and not boring. We show you Paris as it is: with funny and sad stories, with medieval myths and modern urban legends. Our task is to tell how Paris became Paris, and not just show a set of attractions with articles from the encyclopedia.

And you can always pause our audio guide, drink coffee or stop by on the way to the museum. We will wait, unlike an individual expensive guide. And we can always be heard well, no one will disturb you and me.

You will be able to go where no ordinary tourist has gone before

Yes, we have insider points not marked on tourist maps, but no less interesting for that. Moreover, all excursions are united thematically. For example:

Tour of the Louvre - we will take you around the Louvre in 2 hours, show you all the most important exhibits and masterpieces of the museum, tell you the history of the palace and amuse you with facts from the life of the artists.

Historical Paris is about the formation of the city, its origins, the Middle Ages and stingy kings.

Around the Eiffel Tower - a tour about the industrial era of Paris, world exhibitions, art nouveau and of course the main attraction of the city. Oh, so many photos for your Instagram.

The locals themselves will tell you the legends.

It turns out that this is not only relaxation, but also self-education?

Audio guides are very convenient if you are only in Paris for a few days. The routes are designed so that you will see all the most important and interesting things. There will be something to brag about to your friends. But what’s even more important is that after our excursions you yourself will be able to write books about Paris.

Wait, do you have the same thing, but for other cities?

TouringBee is a project from a group of sites, we have tours of the most interesting cities and places on the planet. Our audio guide will take you to the most important points and tell you about museums, monuments and even about local cats and cannibals. We are starting with Paris and new cities will gradually appear.

Stay with us!

We have an offer you can't refuse - an audio guide to Paris for iPhone and Android! Download it to your smartphone, and when you arrive in France, just turn on your headphones and go for a walk! You no longer need to spend a long time preparing for your trip: we have collected the most interesting sights of Paris - the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame de Paris, Montmartre - and arranged them in convenient excursion routes, composed fascinating stories, recorded them with the help of a professional announcer and sound engineer - and voila - gorgeous audio guides around Paris are ready!

Using them is much more convenient than reading traditional paper guides or walking as part of an organized tourist group. If you wanted to, you went on an excursion at night, if you were tired, you took a coffee break, if you got distracted, you paused the excursion. Complete freedom of movement combined with absolute comfort in receiving interesting information!

Audio guide to Paris for iPhone and Android

The audio guide to Paris in Russian contains 5 audio walks. The first, review, can be downloaded for free. And the rest are easy to buy for just a dollar! You can’t even find croissants in Paris at this price, but an excellent multimedia guide is welcome :)

So that you have no fear of buying a pig in a poke, listen to an excerpt of one audio walk at the top of this page. Make sure that we take the process seriously and prepare truly high-quality and exciting stories for you!

Audio guide to Paris #1: A story about the city

You can download it for free!

During the first sightseeing tour Around the city we will introduce you to the most interesting places, legends and events from the history of the French capital. We’ll also tell you how to build walking routes around Paris so that you can see all the most important things in just a couple of days!

Duration- 20 minutes

Audio guide to Paris #2: Eiffel Tower

We will walk through the Champ de Mars to Eiffel Tower and we will rise to its top. Then we'll go to the other side of the Seine and look into the Chaillot Palace, which also offers a great view panoramic view to Paris. Along the way, we promise to entertain you with different stories, guiding you on what to pay attention to and where to pause the tour to truly get to know and experience the city. Let us remind you that you will find this audio guide to Paris in mobile application TravelMe.

Duration- 23 minutes

Audio guide cost:$1

The walking route includes:

  • Champ de Mars
  • Eiffel Tower
  • Jena Bridge
  • Palace of Chaillot
  • Alma Bridge

Audio guide to Paris #3: Louvre and Tuileries Gardens

The Louvre's collection is so huge that we recommend setting aside a whole day to visit it. On this excursion, we will not go into the museum, but we will tell you about its most interesting exhibits and events from history. Next, through the Tuileries Garden, we will walk along the Historical Axis of Paris and reach the Place de la Concorde, where there is an Egyptian obelisk, whose age has already exceeded three millennia! To listen to this tour, download the TravelMe mobile app.

Duration- 25 minutes

Audio guide cost: $1

The walking route includes:

  • Pyramid of the Louvre
  • Tuileries Garden
  • Place de la Concorde
  • Egyptian obelisk

Audio guide to Paris #4: Notre Dame de Paris

We will start this walk from the square in front of the western façade of Notre Dame Cathedral. We will carefully consider both the external and internal decoration of the temple, we will tell you about it the greatest shrines: Jesus' crown of thorns, a fragment of the cross and a nail. After this, we will rest a little in the park located behind Notre Dame, and then we will climb to the chimeras and gargoyles on an excellent observation deck South tower of the cathedral.

Duration- 24 minutes

Audio guide cost:$1. Note: the audio guide from TravelMe is several times cheaper than the official audio guide of Notre Dame de Paris;)

Audio guide to Paris #5: Montmartre

Our route will start from the foot of Montmartre, at the top of which is the Sacré-Coeur Basilica, where we will go first. On the way there we will tell you about the origin of the hill, the construction of the cathedral, the Parisian patron Saint Dionysius and his martyrdom. We will look into the church and go up to its observation deck. Then we will go to Place Tertre, tell you where to find the monument to the would-be lover and the Salvador Dali Museum, as well as other places where you can walk on your own. You will learn all this by downloading the audio guide to Montmartre in the TravelMe mobile application.

Duration- 27 minutes

Audio guide cost: $1

The walking route includes:

  • Montmartre
  • Basilica of Sacré-Coeur
  • Place du Tertre
  • Salvador Dali Museum
  • "The Man Walking Through the Wall"
  • Cabaret "Moulin Rouge"
  • Windmill"Moulin de la Galette"

Do you still have questions about where to find and how to download audio walks? , where we talk about how easy, convenient and profitable it is to walk with mobile guide from TravelMe!

Marseille, France

WITH Today it is difficult to find a person who has never heard the name “Chateau If”. But not everyone knows that gloomy castle, masterfully described by Alexandre Dumas, is not fiction at all, but a real-life castle-fortress on an island in the southern waters of France. Meanwhile, the castle is very popular among tourists who come to Cote d'Azur and to Marseille.

Legends of Notre Dame Cathedral

Paris, France

N La Dame de Paris is perhaps the most famous cathedral in France, business card countries. It stands in the very heart of Paris, on the Ile de la Cité, which in the Middle Ages limited the city. Notre Dame Cathedral took about two centuries to build. It was built between 1163 and 1345. Victor Hugo called the cathedral, with all its signs and symbols, "the most satisfactory brief reference book of occultism." And to this day, in the stone patterns of the cathedral, followers of esoteric teachings are looking for the solution to the main secret of the alchemists - the recipe for the philosopher's stone...

Walk through the Marais district in Paris

Paris, France

E There is an area in Paris that has preserved its historical appearance and spirit not only in the names of the streets, but also in the palaces and hotels that have come down to us. It is defined between Place de la République and Place de la Bastille, its boundaries being: to the north - Boulevard du Temple, to the west - Sevastopol Boulevard, to the east - Boulevard Beaumarchais, and to the south - the Seine.


Paris, France

M The Montmartre hill and the bright dome of the Sacré-Coeur are visible from afar, literally, they soar over Paris. In the 19th century, this area gained fame as a “bohemian”, a kind of “red light” district. Here reigned the world of poets, artists and their muses from the nearby cabarets.

Latin Quarter

Paris, France

L The Atyn quarter is famous for its rich bohemian past, narrow ancient streets, bistros, bookstores and cozy cafes. In addition to the oldest university, there are many other tourist sites, such as the Pantheon, located on top of St. Hill. Genevieve, Luxembourg Gardens, Baths of Cluny and the Museum of the Middle Ages. Therefore Latin Quarter is a favorite place for tourists.


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