Ancient city of Dion. The ancient city of Dion. Features of visiting the archaeological park of Dion in Greece

Among the attractions of mainland Greece there is a whole scattering of such places that will take your breath away. We have already talked about some of them, for example, about. Today I will tell you about another amazing and atmospheric place - the ancient city of Zeus.

An hour's drive from the Pieria region, right at the foot of Olympus, is the small village of Dion. Life here flowed uneventfully until 1806, when the British traveler William Luke suggested that in antiquity there was a holy city Zeus. The excavations that began confirmed his assumption and immediately glorified the Greek village throughout the world.

Now Dion is vast archaeological park mainland Greece, where excavations are still ongoing. Coming here, you get a wonderful opportunity to stroll through the streets of the ancient city, feel the atmosphere of Hellas, its life and culture.

The first mention of the existence of a city in the foothills of Olympus belongs to Hesiod. It was he who in the 7th century. BC. sang the divine love of the thunderer Zeus and the charming Greek woman Fia, daughter of the forefather of the Greeks Deucalion. According to legend, this love gave the world two sons - Macedon and Magnet. It was they who settled at the foot of Mount Olympus, building here a sanctuary of their father Zeus (in Greek, Dios). This sanctuary gave its name to the ancient city.

In the IV-III centuries. BC. Macedonian king Arhalai, inspired by the story of Hesiod, founded on this place Big City, which very quickly became the cultural and spiritual center of Macedonia, comparable in importance to Olympia and Delphi. Temples, stadiums and theaters were built here, streets were paved with paving stones, and numerous sculptures were decorated. On the stage of the Dion Theater, the greatest ancient tragedian Euripides repeatedly showed his famous works.

Here his famous son, Alexander the Great, organized magnificent festivities and sports competitions so beloved by the Greeks. From here Alexander went on a military campaign to the East and here he erected a monument to 25 of his best cavalry warriors - hetaira - who laid down their lives for their king in the battle on the Granicus in May 334 BC. The monument is made in the form of shields and armor, which are located on the wall near the main road of the city.

After the death of Alexander the Great, Greece fell under the yoke of the Roman Empire and, although it enjoyed some freedom, many temples were destroyed and looted, monuments and sculptures were taken to Rome.

Later, in the 14th century. the city was completely destroyed by the Turks, and a series of earthquakes and floods completed the picture.

For several centuries these places fell into oblivion, and only the famous discovery of William Luke gave Dion new life. Now it is one of the most visited archaeological parks in mainland Greece, famous throughout the world.

What to see in Dion?

Many buildings and perpendicular cobblestone streets in Dion have been well preserved for 2,500 years. It seems that now a chariot will appear around the bend, and residents of Hellas will run past, hurrying to the central square with jugs. However, the hum big city remains only in our imagination. Currently, the park is filled with peaceful silence and tranquility.

Literally right at the entrance, you will be greeted by several ancient sanctuaries. The first is dedicated to the fertility goddess Demeter.

A little further, across the bridge, is the main sanctuary in honor of the god Zeus. The sculpture of the Thunderer in the altar of the temple does not in any way remind of the strength of its owner. Zeus looks more like ordinary person, sitting on a throne in simple sandals, and only sculptures of eagles nearby indicate that this is the supreme god of the Olympic pantheon.

Another sanctuary, found in the archaeological park of Dion, is now flooded with water. A small river currently flows inside the temple and along the main road. Initially, Aphrodite of the foothills of Olympus was worshiped here; later Aphrodite was “replaced” by the Egyptian goddess of femininity and motherhood, Isis.

Near the temple there are several sculptures recreated by restorers. In a niche you can meet the goddess Isis, next to her companion is little Harpocrates - the Egyptian god of the winter sun, and on the opposite side of the river is the inspired Julia, who most likely lived in Dion and donated money for the restoration of temples.

Harpocrates - Egyptian god of the winter sun

Red poppies bloom in spring on the site of the preserved foundations of ancient houses. An incredible sight! New life among thousand-year-old stones preserving the memory of the past.

The foundation of the covered market with many small rooms around the perimeter has also been preserved here. In the center is a unique mosaic floor dating back to the 3rd century. BC. The composition depicts two pairs of athletes-wrestlers and slave boys at the edges. The mosaic is perfectly preserved. Only some fragments have been lost.

Nearby is an unusual device with recesses. In antiquity, this stone slab served as check scales. Bronze vessels with liquid were placed in the recesses. If the edge of the poured liquid coincides with the edge of the vessel, it means that you were not deceived in the market.

Behind the church there is a stunning view of the Olympic mountain range, where, according to legend, all the Greek gods lived. The peaks of Olympus are almost always hidden behind the clouds; it is considered rare luck to see them in their full grandeur.

Picturesque paths dotted with white daisies lead to a very mysterious structure. A hundred small pillars grow from the ground. We begin to wonder what they could serve for?

It turns out that these are ancient baths - thermal baths. On these posts there was a wooden floor, under which hot air circulated. Hollow walls were heated using the same principle. The thermal baths had pools with cold and hot water, as well as sewage drains. And this is all 2.5 thousand years ago! Here we see fragments of a mosaic floor that has been preserved for thousands of years.

IN ancient Greece Only men had the right to use public toilets. The seats are so close that people also gathered here to discuss important political and social matters. Rich men could send a slave here before visiting to warm the stone place.

At his feet, fresh running water flowed in a groove and a sea sponge swam. In ancient times, sponges were used as toilet paper, and she was the only one for everyone. It sounds a little wild, but quite civilized.

It was with a public toilet that the ancient city most often began, and it is now that it most often becomes the last point on the route of an organized excursion.

If you have time, take another walk. In the archaeological park of Dion, you will also find the Villa of Dionysus, which includes living quarters, workshops, a banquet hall, a library and a swimming pool, and an ancient amphitheater, which to this day hosts festivals of musical and theatrical art, and a stadium from which, like 2.5 thousand years ago, Olympic marathon runners began their run.

Full list of attractions archaeological park can be found on the official website on the Internet. There are Greek, English and German versions with an interactive map.

On your way out, don’t forget to grab some water flowing straight from the top of the Olympic Mountains. This water is fresh and cold. Note to girls: in antiquity, the Greeks believed that water from the top of Olympus gives eternal youth and beauty. Who knows, maybe so? 🙂

How to get to the Archaeological Park of Dion?

Some tips on how to get here.

Of course, if it’s easier, you can take . Most often, excursions are organized from Thessaloniki or Chalkidiki and in one day they visit not only the archaeological park of the city of Zeus Dion, but also the Olympic mountain range. A similar excursion can be found from other cities of mainland Greece, for example, from Athens. True, it’s a long way to go from there.

You can get to Dion and public transport, for example, by the same intercity buses of the KTEL Pieria system. True, you will have to travel with a transfer. First to Katerini (the capital of Pieria, where Dion is located), and then also by bus or taxi. The distance from Katerini is fifteen kilometers.

Do you prefer trains? Then from the Thessaloniki railway station you need to go towards Athens to the town of Litochoro. There is an archaeological park 10 kilometers from Litochoro. This distance, for example, can be covered by taxi.

Features of visiting the archaeological park of Dion in Greece

There is a fee to visit the archaeological park. In 2014 the cost entrance ticket was 4 euros, now approximately 6 euros.

In summer (from April to October) the park is open every day except Mondays, from 8:00 to 19:00. In winter (November to March), opening hours are reduced by 4 hours: from 8:00 to 15:00.

Photography is permitted on the territory of the archaeological park.

Visit ancient city in Dion and I guarantee you will never regret the time spent. The former greatness amazes and makes you stand in awe at the remains of the walls of houses, stone sculptures of gods and inhabitants, monuments of military exploits and evidence of the developed Greek civilization that have survived to this day.

But I’m not saying goodbye to Greece. Getting to know it and its attractions has just begun. Stay tuned for new posts.

Dion Celine- Celine Dion Full name Celine Marie Claudette Dion Date of birth March 30, 1968 (age 41) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

Dion, Celine- Celine Dion Céline Dion ... Wikipedia

Greece- I Ancient Greece, Hellas (Greek Hellás), the general name of the territory of the ancient Greek states that occupied the south. Balkan Peninsula, islands Aegean Sea, the coast of Thrace, the western coastline of Asia Minor and spread their... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

GREECE PART I - [Hellenic Republic; Greek Ελληνική Ϫημοκρατία], state in the southeast. Europe, occupying the south of the Balkan Peninsula. Territory 131,944 sq. km, including islands of 25 thousand square meters. km, coastline has a length of 4100 km (including the islands, about 15 thousand km). On the… … Orthodox Encyclopedia

Celine Dion- (Celine Dion) Full name Celine Marie Claudette Dion (French Céline Marie Claudette Dion Date of birth March 30, 1968 (41 years old) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

ANCIENT GREECE- territory in the south of the Balkan Peninsula (see also the articles Antiquity, Greece). The history of D.G. covers the period from the beginning. II millennium BC to the beginning I millennium AD Geography and ethnography Phaistos disc. XVII century BC ( Archaeological Museum in Heraklion,... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

Let's Talk About Love (Celine Dion album)- This term has other meanings, see Let’s Talk About Love. Let's Talk About Love ... Wikipedia

Lower Macedonia- (violet) as the core of the Macedonian kingdom. Lower Macedonia or Macedonia proper historical geographical term. Included the coastal plain between the river ... Wikipedia

Titanic (film, 1997)- This is an article about a film from 1997, perhaps you were looking for an article about a film from another year. See Titanic (disambiguation). Titanic Titanic ... Wikipedia


  • Greece. Hellas. From Athens to the Peloponnese, A. G. Moskvin, S. M. Burygin. The new issue of the "Historical Guide" continues the series of books dedicated to the land of Hellas. This time the reader will get acquainted with the historical and cultural riches of mainland Greece. In the book…

The ancient city of Dion (Greece) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Antique city Dion, dedicated to Zeus, was for many years overshadowed by the glory of Athens and Delphi, but now it has also become popular among tourists. Firstly, the famous commander Alexander the Great grew up here, and it was from here that he began his last trip. And secondly, there are unique historical monuments on the territory.

Since the mid-20th century, Dion has become the center of archaeological excavations, and they are carried out even today. Scientists are excavating new structures and trying to unravel the mysteries of the ancient monastery and reveal its secrets. Over decades of research, a lot of interesting things were found, and over time the city began to be divided into two parts.

What to see

The first part is a residential area. Despite numerous earthquakes, it is surprisingly well preserved and consists of streets, houses, baths and public buildings. On one side of the main road paved with huge boulders with curbs there are administrative buildings, and on the other there are luxurious villas that belonged to noble citizens of those times. They still feature mosaic floors, swimming pools and striking architectural details. Other architectural and engineering delights include temples, baths, plumbing and toilets - all of this was built during the period of Roman rule.

The second part is represented by the ruins of the old cultural center - temple complex. Its highlight is the ruins of the temple of Isis, the goddess who became the ideal of female beauty and motherhood. The sanctuary is shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery and retains the spirit of past centuries.

Everything that was found in the settlement is in the Archaeological Museum of Dion. Artifacts, household items, collections of ancient coins, monuments, sculptures and a host of other interesting things are presented to tourists.

It is also interesting that a river flows through the city, taking its sources on Mount Olympus. During Antiquity it provided local residents life-giving moisture and was a transport artery along which trade and cargo ships sailed. However, these days it has become a threat to the preservation of historical heritage, as its waters regularly flood unique buildings.

Practical information

To get here, you need to get to the Pieria region, which is about 90 km from Thessaloniki. You can do this by train or bus. Both buses and trains depart from Thessaloniki KTEL Makedonia transport station, located at Monastirou 67.

She made an invaluable contribution to European culture. Literature, architecture, philosophy, history, other sciences, state system, laws, art and myths of ancient Greece laid the foundation of modern European civilization. Greek gods known all over the world.

Greece today

Modern Greece little known to most of our compatriots. The country is located at the junction of West and East, connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. The length of the coastline is 15,000 km (including islands)! Our map will help you find a unique corner or island, which I haven’t been to yet. We offer daily feed news. In addition, for many years we have been collecting photo And reviews.

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Dion Celine- Celine Dion Full name Celine Marie Claudette Dion Date of birth March 30, 1968 (age 41) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

Dion, Celine- Celine Dion Céline Dion ... Wikipedia

Greece- I Ancient Greece, Hellas (Greek Hellás), the general name of the territory of the ancient Greek states that occupied the southern Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean Sea, the coast of Thrace, the western coastline of Asia Minor and spread their... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

GREECE PART I- [Greek Republic; Greek Ελληνική Ϫημοκρατία], state in the southeast. Europe, occupying the south of the Balkan Peninsula. Territory 131,944 sq. km, including islands of 25 thousand square meters. km, the coastline is 4100 km long (including the islands, about 15 thousand km). On the… … Orthodox Encyclopedia

Celine Dion- (Celine Dion) Full name Celine Marie Claudette Dion (French Céline Marie Claudette Dion Date of birth March 30, 1968 (41 years old) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

ANCIENT GREECE- territory in the south of the Balkan Peninsula (see also the articles Antiquity, Greece). The history of D.G. covers the period from the beginning. II millennium BC to the beginning I millennium AD Geography and ethnography Phaistos disc. XVII century BC (Archaeological Museum in Heraklion, ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

Let's Talk About Love (Celine Dion album)- This term has other meanings, see Let’s Talk About Love. Let's Talk About Love ... Wikipedia

Lower Macedonia- (violet) as the core of the Macedonian kingdom. Lower Macedonia or Macedonia proper is a historical geographical term. Included the coastal plain between the river ... Wikipedia

Titanic (film, 1997)- This is an article about a film from 1997, perhaps you were looking for an article about a film from another year. See Titanic (disambiguation). Titanic Titanic ... Wikipedia


  • Greece. Hellas. From Athens to the Peloponnese, A. G. Moskvin, S. M. Burygin. The new issue of the "Historical Guide" continues the series of books dedicated to the land of Hellas. This time the reader will get acquainted with the historical and cultural riches of mainland Greece. In the book…


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