Mysterious objects at the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans. Yonaguni underwater structures Underwater structures

Rock Lake is located 40 km east of Madison, Wisconsin. On cloudy days, the water looks cloudy and the bottom is impossible to see. But one day in April 1936, in clear weather, a certain Dr. Morgan, flying over a reservoir in his sports plane, accidentally looked down and saw the outlines of three large objects under the water surface. Morgan descended - and his eyes saw the distinct silhouettes of pyramids with truncated tops!

After this incident was reported in the newspapers, researchers became interested in Rock Lake. Soon a team of scuba divers descended to the bottom of the lake. The young biologist W. Kennedy was able to see a stone wall of a certain structure underwater. Having gone around it, the scientist was convinced that the building really had a pyramidal shape. He took with him a trophy - a broken piece of masonry. However, when Kennedy tried to return to the pyramid with his comrades, they were unable to find it. A few years later, another group of enthusiasts arrived at Rock Lake, bringing their equipment with them. Underwater archaeologists examined the entire reservoir in squares - and discovered the first pyramid!

The structure was of regular shape and had a rectangular base measuring 9x10 m. It was certainly the creation of human hands. Later, researchers found another building, slightly different in parameters from the first. In 1985 off the coast Japanese island Yonaguni diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake accidentally stumbled upon a strange object consisting of stone platforms covered with geometric patterns and stepped terraces. The entire structure was surrounded by a deep trench. In appearance, it resembled the pyramids of the ancient Sumerians. A group of archaeologists who arrived at the site discovered a sculpture near the building depicting a human head in an Indian headdress made of feathers.

It turned out that the underwater structure of unknown origin is similar to the high-mountain sanctuary of Machu Picchu, built by the Incas in South America. In both cases, L-shaped blocks were used for construction, providing a “seamless” connection. In addition, in both places the craftsmen used a unique processing technology that protects the buildings from the effects of natural elements. But how did the Inca temple off the coast of Japan come to be? After all, we are talking about a culture that originated on another continent! Or do we still not know much about the history of civilizations?

Not long ago, another pyramid was found at the bottom of the Chinese lake Fuxian (southwestern Yunnan province). Its height is 19 m, the length of the side of the base is 90 m. The structure is built of stone slabs and has a stepped structure. At the bottom of the lake there are about a dozen more similar objects and about 30 structures of other types... Total area architectural complex is about 2.5 sq. km. But, if previous finds date back to fairly long periods of time, then who will explain the mystery of the so-called Bermuda pyramids? This phenomenon was first announced in the summer of 1991 at a press conference in Freeport by the famous oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer. He claimed that when examining the bottom in the area of ​​​​the famous “ Bermuda Triangle» at a depth of 600 m, the equipment discovered two giant pyramids. In size they even exceeded the Cheops pyramid in Egypt.

According to the scientist, both structures were built using an unknown technology, from a material similar to thick glass. But the most interesting thing is that they were built only about half a century ago!

If you think that you have already highlighted everything in your life, we recommend that you look under the water. Marine and ocean depths sometimes conceal incredible things, the riddle of which the most famous people are trying to understand world scientists for several centuries now. Underwater structures in the form of various figures, towers, circles, paths and other details undoubtedly have many legends, which we will try to sort out today. So, we present to your attention a rating of the most mysterious underwater structures. Join us - it will be very interesting!

1. Port Royal (Jamaica)

Those who read with bated breath about ancient and semi-mythical buildings should remember that anyone can suffer their fate modern city, located on the coast. Relatively recently, about 500 years ago, Port Royal, a well-known pirate lair in Jamaica at that time, sank under water as a result of a geocataclysm. Human rumor connects the punishment that befell the city with the exceptional sinfulness of its inhabitants. About 2,500 people were under water along with their houses.

2. Cleopatra's Palace (Egypt)

Cleopatra's palace was submerged by an earthquake about 1,500 years ago. Well-preserved sculptures and stone religious buildings coexist with monumental buildings. Excavations are still ongoing, but archaeologists are already claiming that Cleopatra’s tomb itself is located somewhere here.

3. Heraklion (Mediterranean Sea)

Heraklion - an ancient city, mystically lost in the waters Mediterranean Sea about a thousand years ago. The stone buildings were found almost completely intact at a depth of 46 meters. Scientists who had previously debated whether Heraklion even existed now have the perfect opportunity to study the buildings, artifacts and remains of ships perfectly preserved in the sand. However, none of them can yet answer how exactly the city ended up in the sea.

4. Water Stonehenge (USA)

Another confirmation that many interesting finds can be hidden in the depths of lakes rests on the bottom of Lake Michigan in the USA. The structure of stone pillars, located along the ancient boundaries of the reservoir, has already been dubbed the “water Stonehenge.” It is completely unclear how it got there. An ancient image of a mastodon, painted on one of the stones, adds intrigue.

5. Stone sculpture (Canada)

Not only seas, but also lakes can delight lovers of everything unusual with unique finds. Just in 2005, a strange sculpture was discovered at the bottom of Lake McDonald in Canada: a flat stone resting on seven stones located in a large area of ​​rock formation. The weight of the “top” is estimated to be at least 450 kilograms, the lower part weighs about a ton. Who and why built this structure remains unknown.

6. Pyramids (Cuba)

The pyramids off the coast of Cuba were discovered in 2001. Very regular pyramidal and rectangular structures were discovered during sonification of the seabed at a depth of 600-750 meters. Unfortunately, it is the location of the find that prevents its detailed study, so main part discoveries - what it is, and how it ended up on the seabed - are yet to come. The only reliable fact relates to the age of the find - it could not have been at the bottom earlier than 50,000 BC.

7. Ancient burial ground (Israel)

A strange structure was discovered in the Sea of ​​Galilee in 2003. This is a very large pile of stones, made in the form of a hill 10 meters high and 70 meters in diameter. It is still unknown exactly for what purposes such a large-scale structure could be used. However, scientists suggest that it could be an ancient burial ground. The weight of the basalt blocks that make up the ring is approximately estimated at 60,000 tons. This is the only find of its kind discovered under water. The age of the burial ground is estimated at 12 thousand years.

8. Bimini Road (Bahamas)

A road made of large stone plates is located on the seabed near the island of Bimini. The structure originates on the island itself and goes straight into the sea. Thousands of rectangular blocks are laid so that people can drive or walk on them - for approximately 800 meters. Some archaeologists call the structure a wall, since a second row of stones was discovered under the first row of stones, which suggests that the structure was possibly tall. The purpose of the “road to the sea” is still unclear, and there is no one to ask – after all, the age of the find is at least 15 thousand years.

9. Dwarka (India)

At the turn of the century, underwater archaeologists made one of the greatest discoveries of our time - an ancient underwater city that sank under water as a result of an earthquake. Dwarka is an ancient mythical settlement dating back to 7500 BC. This large city, stretching for miles, consisting of geometrically regular streets, stone houses, palaces and temples. The discovery shook the entire scientific world and made the first urban settlement on Earth more than three times older.

10. Yonaguni (Taiwan)

Yonaguni is an island in the Sea of ​​Japan, on which there is a fishing settlement common in those places, which existed for several centuries. Imagine the surprise of one of the divers when, at a very shallow depth near the southern end of the island, he discovered ancient rock formations. The discovery was made in 1985 and almost immediately it was dubbed the “Yonoguni Monument.” According to scientists, a series of terraces, steps and pillars were formed by simple erosion phenomena, but man had a hand in the further development. He processed individual megaliths, giving them sculptural outlines, and also clearly adapted some of the formations to his needs. It’s scary to imagine that the age of all education dates back to the seventh millennium BC.

Why would ancient civilizations build anything underwater? Sometimes even scientists cannot find an answer to this question. However, it is reliably known that most of these objects were previously located on the surface, but ended up under water as a result of subsequent natural processes.

1. Yonaguni, Japan

In 1986, divers while observing sharks in the Sea of ​​Japan unexpectedly found underwater pyramids. This discovery immediately caused lively debate throughout the scientific world.

It turned out that at a depth of 5 to 40 meters there are structures carved into stone in the form of massive platforms and high pillars. The tallest pyramid reaches 180 meters in width and about 30 meters in height. The most popular object is usually called a turtle, due to its unusual shape. Despite the dangerous underwater currents, the Yonaguni Monument still remains a favorite place for divers.

2. Bimini Road

A road made of large stone plates is located underwater near the island of Bimini (Bahamas). The construction begins on the shore and stretches about 800 meters deep into the ocean. Thousands of rectangular blocks were laid in such a way that scientists are still arguing whether it was just a road or a wall - another one was discovered under the first layer of stones. This suggests that the 15,000-year-old structure was once quite tall.

3. Underwater city off the coast of Cuba

These pyramids were discovered in 2001 off the coast of Cuba. The depth of 700 meters prevents detailed study, so perhaps the main discoveries are still awaiting underwater archaeologists.

4. Cleopatra's Palace

Cleopatra's palace in Egypt sank under water about 1,500 years ago as a result of a strong earthquake.

Archaeologists from IEASM (European Institute of Underwater Archaeology), led by Franck Goddio, discovered the city's temples and palaces in 1996 underwater off Alexandria's East Harbor.

Excavations are still ongoing, but archaeologists have already found many majestic sculptures and religious buildings. The main goal of scientists is to find the tomb of Cleopatra herself.

5. Heraklion

Ancient city Heraklion was located at the mouth of the Nile, 25 kilometers east of Alexandria. In 1996, a team of underwater archaeologists from the IEASM, led by Franck Goddio, began underwater research together with the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities. And in 2012, Frank Goddio reported that his team had discovered the ruins of the ancient city of Heraklion on the seabed.

It is believed that the city sank under the waters of the Mediterranean Sea more than a thousand years ago as a result of a powerful earthquake. The majestic structures are located at a depth of 46 meters and are very well preserved.

Among the finds, in addition to buildings and sculptures, are gold earrings, bracelets, hairpins, rings, combs, and hundreds of coins. And this is just the beginning - the main excavations are yet to come.

Anyone who has read science fiction has probably at least once thought about how cool it would be to live in some unusual place, for example, under water. Over the past half century, people have repeatedly tried to make this fantasy a reality, and not without success. For those who are willing to fork over a pretty penny and don't mind living next to a couple of tiger sharks, there are several options for underwater accommodation.

1. Sub-biosphere

One of the most ambitious attempts to create underwater housing is the project of Phil Pauley. The “underwater city” itself consists of several floors located in separate capsules, each of which will accommodate up to 100 residents. The sub-biosphere must be completely self-sufficient and provide its inhabitants with food and electricity. It is unknown whether such a bold project will come to fruition, but Pauly continues to tirelessly seek funding to begin work on it. .

2. Conshelf

Most famous explorer world ocean, Jacques Cousteau was the first to create underwater research structures in which one could live. It's worth noting that the Conshelf project was not intended for long-term living, although most of the amenities of a regular home existed in this underwater giant metal drum. There were three iterations of the project, and in the last one, Conshelf III, built at a depth of 100 meters, six researchers lived underwater for a month. The idea first came to fruition in 1962, when Conshelf I was created 10 meters below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Marseille. Two scientists lived and worked there for a week. The underwater house was equipped with a library, television and radio.

3. La Chalupa Underwater Laboratory

An underwater research station off the coast of Puerto Rico, La Chalupa Research Lab, which was owned by Taco Bell, was converted into an underwater hotel at the end of its life, which became popular with celebrities. The entire structure is completely submerged and sits on the bottom of the lagoon. At the same time, it is controlled using a control center located on land. The underwater hotel has two air-conditioned bedrooms and a common living area equipped with a TV, DVD player and telephone. The bedrooms also have giant glass portholes that divers love to look into.

4. Galatea Underwater Laboratory

SeaOrbiter is a concept for a fully mobile object designed for underwater research. It is a kind of underwater spaceship drifting in the ocean around the world. The project was inspired by the Galatea underwater laboratory, which was discovered by Jacques Rougerie in 1977. Project leaders plan to soon develop underwater vehicles, which would allow them to study the ocean at depths of up to 6000 meters.

5. Silab

One of the earliest attempts to allow humans to live below the surface of the ocean was the Sealab project, a Taco Bell research laboratory. Like Conshelf, the Sealab project also went through three iterations. The first Sealab was launched offshore Bermuda in 1964, but was quickly closed due to an approaching storm. Sealab II was launched in 1965 and already had a number of amenities such as hot water and a refrigerator. The 17-meter station could dive to 62 meters. Sealab III was launched in 1969 off the coast of California, but the project ended in tragedy when water began to seep into the facility and a failed repair attempt led to the death of "aquanaut" Berry Cannon.

6. Aquarius

Florida International University owns one of the last remaining operational underwater research facilities, the Aquarius Station. Researchers are studying marine life off the coast of the Florida Keys in this metal cocoon. The station, which can accommodate up to six people, can dive to a depth of 37 meters. Aquarius is a fully equipped underwater apartment that has a refrigerator, air conditioning, shower, toilets, microwave and even internet access.

7. Tektite

In 1969, the United States government funded a project called Tektite, named after meteors that crash into the ocean and sink to the bottom. As part of the project, four aquanauts lived on an underwater station from February to April 1969 and were supposed to train astronauts for long flights in space. The second iteration of the Tektite project was launched in 1970. Within its framework, 11 different missions were carried out, during which 53 aquanauts lived for 2-3 weeks under water.

8. Hydrolab

Over the years, hundreds of researchers have used the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Hydrolab to study life in Atlantic Ocean. Located off the coast of America Virgin Islands Hydrolab allowed scientists to work for several weeks on the ocean floor, with 4 scientists at the station at a time. The laboratory itself, submerged to a depth of 40 meters, was quite small and cramped - its length was only 5 meters and its height was 2.5 meters.

9. Atlantic

NASA engineer Dennis Chamberland developed the Atlantica project, which is another attempt to create a real underwater city. Chamberland has already built an underwater house for two people, but is going to create a huge city that will allow people to remain on the ocean floor permanently. According to his plans, Atlantica should combine the functions residential complex and a research center.

10. H2OME

Most underwater dwellings are only accessible to scientists or have not yet been built. However, there is another option - for “only” $10 million you can buy your own luxurious underwater home - H2OME. The same company that built one of the world's most famous underwater hotels, the Poseidon, is now offering custom underwater homes. These houses have two floors and include a couple of bedrooms, a living room, and literally everything you could want in a home.

Incredible facts

Thanks to ancient ancient manuscripts, we know that people have always believed that new lands rise from the depths of the oceans, and the old ones can sink under water, destroying entire civilizations.

The most famous underwater lands are the island of Atlantis, which I wrote about 2.5 thousand years ago Plato. Over the past 100 years, with the development of technology and special techniques, including sonar, we have come across very curious underwater anomalies.

Some strange objects such as e.g. Bimini Road, cause a lot of controversy. Some of anomalous places are not located so close to the surface, but are hidden at great depths.

Strange underwater structures

1. Mysterious structure in the Sea of ​​Galilee

In 2003, scientists were quite surprised when they discovered a massive stone circular structure underwater. at a depth of 9 meters V Sea of ​​Galilee (Israel). This structure is made of basalt rocks, is cone-shaped and twice the diameter of Stonehenge in the UK.

Only recently were the results of studies of this strange design published. Archaeologists claim that it has very similar features with ancient community burial grounds which are found all over the world. Structures of this size have not been found before, so researchers cannot say when this structure might have been built.

2. Mysterious underwater structures on Google maps

Strange round structures visible in space images off the coast Florida, North Carolina And Belize. They were noticed by archaeologists and researchers strange places in the pictures Google Earth. Although similar anomalies have been noticed in many other parts of the world, researchers don’t yet know exactly what it is. Some believe that these round structures may once have been burial mounds.

These structures are very similar to the stone structures found in Saudi Arabia . They are probably better preserved underwater than on land and date approximately 8th millennium BC. The structures found in Saudi Arabia are about 9 thousand years old.

3. Strange structure in a Canadian lake

Divers have discovered traces of the past of the ancient inhabitants of western Canada while participating in unique underwater project in 2005. They found a very interesting rock structure at depth about 12 meters V Lake McDonald, Ontario, Canada.

This structure consists of an elongated piece of stone weighing about 450 kilograms with an almost flat surface that rests on 7 stones the size of baseballs, which in turn stand on a slab weighing about a ton.

It was initially assumed that it was a natural structure, until geologists and archaeologists studied photographs of the structure in more detail. It has been proven that this object was created by man.

Baltic UFO

4. Anomaly in the Baltic Sea

Anomaly in the Baltic Sea that was studied in 2012, caused a lot of controversy and speculation. Someone has argued that this disc-shaped structure, which rests on the sea floor, may turn out to be sunk by Nazi submarine, others put forward the theory that it could be a sunken alien ship.

Although Swedish scientists convinced the world that this just a piece of stone, and not UFOs at all, their research raised many questions. Firstly, this piece of stone does not have a layer of silt on top. Usually, any stone that lies on the ocean floor for a long time is covered with silt.

Moreover, this stone is wide about 60 meters appears to be covered in lines and propped up by a high cushion 8 meters high.

Mysterious lake

5. The mystery of Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal in southern Siberia unique for many reasons. This the oldest, the deepest and the most big lake with fresh water on the planet. The thickness of the sediments at the bottom of this reservoir is 7 kilometers, and many species of fish that live in the waters of this lake are not found anywhere else.

A layer of ice can cover the surface of the lake until June. Astronauts International space station in April 2009 were very surprised when they saw a strange round area more thin ice near the southern edge of the lake. They also noticed a similar area at the other end of the lake over the underwater ridge that divides the lake.

Although the origin of these strange circles remains a mystery, it has been suggested that in these areas warmer water comes to the surface. However, hydrothermal activity in this zone has never been noticed before.

6. Lake Michigan Stonehenge

Although Stonehenge in the UK is one of the world's most famous ancient stone monuments, he's far from the only one. Similar stone structures have been discovered all over the world.

In 2007 while exploring the bottom lake michigan Using sonar, a group of underwater archaeologists discovered a series of stones arranged in a circle at a depth of 12 meters. An engraved design was found on one of the stones.

The image is similar in outline to mastodon, an animal that became extinct around 10 thousand years ago. Version o ancient Stonehenge Quite plausible, because scientists have already found similar structures in this area.

Underwater cities

7. Underwater city off the island of Cuba

A series of underwater structures have been discovered off the coast islands of cuba in 2001. These structures have attracted a lot of interest from archaeologists, historians and Atlantis hunters from all over the world. Sonar images taken by a team of seabed researchers showed symmetrical and geometrically regular structures, which are located over an area of ​​about 2 square kilometers at a depth from 600 to 750 meters.

Skeptics believe that these structures are located too deep, so that they may be the work of man. It is estimated that for the structures to sink to such a depth, it would take at least 50 thousand years.

If convincing evidence is found that the structures are man-made, they could add much to our knowledge about the ancient Mayans and their ancestors, whose cities sank into the depths of the ocean.

8. Japanese Yenaguni Monument

Since the "Yenaguni Monument" was discovered in 1987 off the coast of Japan, it is the subject of controversy between archaeologists and researchers of underwater mysteries. Many claim that the area has natural landscapes have been changed by human hand, as in the case of the complex Sacsayhuaman in Peru.

If these assumptions are true, then man has changed this area by approximately in the 10th millennium BC. Skeptics, on the other hand, believe that the entire structure is natural and the designs and carvings of the stone are just natural scratches. However, looking at the photo, it’s hard to believe that these structures are just natural formations. Judge for yourself:

Bimini Road

9. Bimini structures

During expeditions 2006 and 2007 Side-scan sonar and seismoacoustic profiling were used to map the landscapes of the hinterland to the west of Bimini Islands.

A series of rectangular structures were discovered at depth about 30 meters. All these structures were built in one direction in parallel lines. The researchers reported that the structures closely resemble those found in coast of Cuba.

Later, the mysterious structures were examined in more detail. Approximately 50 stone pyramids ranging in size from 3 to 14 meters. Judging by the depth at which these structures are located, they must be at least 10 thousand years old.

10. Discoveries in the Gulf of Cambay

In May 2001, the opening was announced ruins of an ancient city V Gulf of Cambay. This discovery was made using sonar. The ancient city was located on flat ground, and living quarters arranged in even rows, drainage systems, baths, barns and a fortress were discovered. The city belonged ancient Indus civilization.

Detailed exploration of these places followed, and artifacts were discovered. Among them is wood dating back to approximately 7th millennium BC, stones that looked like tools, fossilized bones, broken pottery, and even a tooth.


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