What the Ai-Petri plateau will look like after reconstruction (photo). Ay-Petri Mountain Ai-Petri Plateau: winter sports and mountain tourism

On this moment, in Crimea they are developing several projects for the reconstruction of the Ai-Petri plateau. All of them are under consideration by the relevant departments and ministries of the Republic of Crimea. One of these projects was developed on behalf of the head of the Yalta administration Andrey Rostenko.

At the moment, this project is also being approved by the ministries of the Republic of Crimea and will be presented to the Head of the Republic of Crimea in the future Sergei Aksenov, said a freelance adviser to the head of the Yalta city administration Anri Kanunov.

This week in select media mass media, including on Internet portals, another project for the reconstruction of the Ai-Petri plateau was published, provided by the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Yalta City Administration, which is now also under consideration in the capital of Crimea.

We don’t yet know which of these projects will be approved and with what amendments, so it’s premature to talk about what will be located on the plateau,” Anri Kanunov emphasized.

At the same time, he said that there are several ideas for creating a small eco-city on Ai-Petri, designed for recreation and entertainment, where they will concentrate interesting objects, as harmless to nature as possible and attractive to tourists. At the same time, no permanent buildings are planned on the plateau.

Among the projects expected to be implemented on the plateau, the most interesting, according to Anri Kanunov, will be a rock garden, glass observation decks and a stone labyrinth made of gabions (volume products of various shapes made of twisted wire mesh with hexagonal cells). The world's longest zip line, 2.6 km long, may also appear here (currently the longest Zip Line - 2545 m is located in the Copper Canyon in Mexico).

In addition, in the area cable car On the plateau it is planned to make a special area for relaxation and walking, where a dry fountain will be located (a fountain equipped with a special grate from under which jets of water shoot out, and the niche of the pool with water itself is hidden under the grate). Thanks to this design, people can come close to the dry fountain, walk along its grating - in a word, be in the very center of events.

The issue of holding international competitions is also being considered. balloons, and a number of other interesting entertainment activities that reflect the general ecological concept of the development of this territory, without causing irreparable harm to nature.

In addition to the above, on the plateau there will be an opportunity to ride bicycles in the summer and snow scooters in the winter. For these purposes, special bicycle paths and downhill paths will be organized here. At the same time, there will still be the opportunity to ride animals, but all this will be in a modern, civilized form.

And for cars and excursion buses It is planned to make two parking lots on the plateau. It is expected that there will also be Helipad, which will be intended, among other things, for search and rescue operations, which is especially important in winter, when climbing the plateau by road is quite problematic.

All over the world, in such inaccessible mountainous areas, there are specially equipped helipads, which are primarily intended for emergencies,” Anri Kanunov emphasized.

But there are numerous establishments Catering and there will be no souvenir tents on the plateau. There will only be one stationary cafe, located at the upper station of the cable car and the adjacent souvenir rows.

There are many disputes and disagreements in in social networks prompted by information about the appearance of a church on the plateau. I would like to clarify that this will be a small chapel, which will be located on the side highway on the plateau, near the Alpine Ski Club,” explained Anri Kanunov and added that the Yalta administration is ready to accept for consideration any proposals to increase the attractiveness of this cluster, subject to strict control over the safety of the existing ecosystem of the plateau.

You can get to the Upper station of the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car, from where the trail to the Ai-Petri Cogs begins, from the village of Miskhor to the west of Yalta, as well as to minibus, which departs from the Yalta bus station. However, this tour would not be complete without seeing Big chaos Alupka Park, also west of Yalta.

Scheme of the Ai-Petrinskaya yayla and the Boyko massif, the author is not yet known to us.

Mount Ai-Petri dominates Yalta at an altitude of 1234 meters. Several rounded, column-like teeth give special beauty to its silhouette. They rise approximately 70 meters above the cable car station.

Ai-Petri mountain range, tourism center

Main ridge Crimean mountains divided into yayls - separate massifs with a hilly surface.

You can get to Ai-Petrinskaya Yaila along the highway from Yalta or from Miskhor by cable car. It was laid in 1987, its length is 3 km, the ascent time is 20 minutes.
The Ai-Petri teeth form four large (12-15 m high) and a number of small steep peaks composed of reef limestones.
The huge bazaar offers all kinds of oriental dishes. Wonderful conditions for active tourism, riding horses and camels, mountain biking, jeeps, paragliding, filming military adventures and science fiction.
Near the Zubtsy there is a protected Beech Grove, the largest on the Main Ridge. Nestled at the edge of the yayla is the “Airplane” pine tree, which is about 300 years old.
Tourists usually visit the Ai-Petrinsky meridian - a stone globe with accurate geodetic data, viewing platform on the Shishko rock, a weather station, the Bedene-Kyr mountain (several ski lifts operate here in winter), the Trekhglazka cave, equipped for excursions. On the slope near the highway from Yalta to Ai-Petri you can see a “drunken” pine grove - a centuries-old forest of Crimean pine, disturbed by a landslide.

The limestone rocks of all three ranges of the Crimean Mountains (as well as many river valleys cutting through them) are literally stuffed with the fossilized remains of marine organisms: snails, bivalves, worms and corals.
As a rule, limestone rocks have a layered structure and are even drawn on diagrams as rows of rectangles laid one on one.
The southern cliff of Ai-Petri does not show us anything like this: this entire powerful colossus from the base above Alupka and Miskhor to the Zubtsy is a smooth stone geyser.

Ay- Petri mountain is located near Yalta resort. The highest point of Ay-Petri mountain is about 1234 meters. How can you get to Ay-Petri mountain? Go to the busstation in Yalta town. It will take 30 or 40 minutes to get to Ay Petri mountain from Yalta town by bus or by your own car. Ay-Petri is the name of the mountain peak, as well as it’s a plateau. A view from Ay-Petri is spectacular.

The weather on Ay Petri is very cold in winter and very hot in summer. Ay Petri is the biggest area for tourists visiting this mountain every year.
Ay-Petri mountain is one of the biggest plateau of Crimea and every visiting this area has an opportunity to see all power of this mountain. Ay-Petri is a very ancient coral reef that rises from the sea bottom many years ago. Ay-Petri’s ancient history is a rich one and many archeological groups work here every year.

Ay-Petri is a famous tourist attraction all the year round. It is a place for skiing in winter and hiking in summer.

Photos of the renovated section of the plateau near the upper cable car station, where the ugly town of Tatar cafes and shops were demolished in May of this year, were posted on Facebook by Crimean resident Irina Pavlenko.

Over the past couple of months, little has changed there: the same geometric paths with soil for lawns between them, a wrought-iron fence along the cliff, the remains of cafe foundations filled with concrete and rather dull dark gray paving slabs. It still doesn’t look much like a presentation of a plateau reconstruction project with glass barriers and balconies hanging over the cliffs, and whether it will be similar at all is unknown.

Something relatively new: on the plateau, not far from the upper station of the cable car, a helipad with the sign H - Helicopter appeared.

It’s not entirely clear what spoiled helicopter passengers should do here. Perhaps they can make a stop here on their way from Simferopol airport to expensive villages and hotels South Bank to ride along the yayla in jeeps or hunt, saving time on the ascent along the serpentine from Yalta or Bakhchisarai. Because it’s not tempting to just walk here yet, and it’s not just the inclement weather in which these pictures were taken: there’s emptiness all around.

However, next to the cable car station there are frames for renting bicycles. Judging by the logos, this business will be handled by the Freeright organization created under the ex-mayor of Yalta Andrei Rostenko, which has become a business monopolist on the Yalta embankment.

The same organization monopolized, according to local entrepreneurs, paid access to the Ai-Petri teeth. To get there on foot through the woods, you need to pay the occupant of this booth. At least in the warm season.

Whether it is an accident or a pattern, there is a characteristic sloppiness observed on the approaches to the object of the traditional “single business” for these places.

The oasis of market chaos that reigned here on several hectares for more than 15 years has also been preserved after reconstruction. It is now concentrated near the building of the upper station of the cable car, which once became the property of Nadezhda Olefir, the former wife of Yalta deputy and businessman Leri Svanidze. The only cafe area with the simple name “Verkhnee” is located here. Andrei Rostenko now publicly allowed only her to feed and supply tourists on the plateau.

Bicycles for rent will appear here only next summer. But if the asphalt road leading to the cable car from the side of the descent to Yalta is not cured of the giant holes, riding on them will be problematic: the dirt roads on Ai-Petri are completely rocky. And no one is in a hurry to invest in high-quality repairs of the road surface - the remains of asphalt have so far been simply leveled with a grader and covered with crushed stone.

However, the sprouts of spontaneous trade are also sprouting through the tiles laid by the developer Evgeniy Kabanov. This man, even on a cold and dank day, in the whistling wind, sells wine by the glass. Most likely, it is fake - some kind of tinted compote with alcohol, God forbid it is ethyl. Just six months ago there was a lot of such goodness here in almost every Tatar cafe.

These roadblocks also remain from “Tatar” times. Dark-skinned guys from companies sponsored by the ex-head of the Bakhchisaray Mejlis, Akhtem Chygoz (convicted of involvement in organizing clashes under the walls of the Supreme Council of Crimea on February 26, 2014), charged those who wanted to park 100 rubles. Now these fences protect the pedestrian zone. It is not yet clear whether they will charge money for travel inside in the summer.

To the right, where the paths paved with paving slabs are visible, there was an array of demolished cafes. On the left - the outline of the cable car station is visible in the fog. Let's hope that the empty earthen beds between the paths will be planted with grass and ornamental shrubs, as envisaged by the project.

View of the same place from the other side. The photo was taken at the beginning of the summer of this year, immediately after the voluntary-forced demolition of the shalmans. Here you can see what the space, now paved with tiles, looked like.

And this photo was taken several years ago. Just for comparison. To judge more objectively, make allowances for sunny weather.

Eclipsing even the tallest peak of Crimea - Roman-Kosh with a height of 1545 meters. In the hierarchy of mountains, this is a baby - “only” 1234 meters high and a couple of million years old. It got its name, as is commonly believed, from the name of the medieval church of St. Peter. The temple is long gone, but the name stuck, and today rare amateur mountains, having visited Crimea, did not look at Ai-Petri. There is something to see. The Great Crimean Canyon, more than 320 meters deep, is located on this mountain, on its northern slope. Until mid-summer, numerous streams flow into the Kokkozka River at their outlet. The water temperature in this river rarely rises above 11 degrees. More than 60 percent of Crimean orchids grow on the slopes of this gorge, including the rarest species - Lady's slipper.

For those who like to scream in the mountains, the canyon will echo six times. People get to the top in whatever way they can. “Horseless” - either on your own along the path with the strange name Taraktashskaya, or by cable car from Miskhor (ticket cost about 8 dollars one way). Owners of iron horses - by mountain serpentine. The first two options are recommended - they provide an opportunity to better see the beauty of these places. But in the case of the funicular you will have to stand in line. On the way up you will come across the Uchan-Su waterfall, the largest in the Main Ridge. The water here falls from a height of about 100 meters. True, in the summer only a few streams flow there, since Wuchang-Su is fed by karst waters. But the cleanest mountain air and the peaceful silence of the forest more than compensate for this small “overlay.”

Upstairs you will be fed different national dishes and local wine will be served. There are even camels at your service, although the relevance of “ships of the desert” here is not entirely clear; horses would also be enough. So pay and ride while contemplating the surroundings. From the southern plateau you can admire Yalta and Alupka. If you bought an excursion to the Ai-Petri plateau and got here as part of a group, you will probably be taken to an ice cave, one of three caves in the center of the plateau. There is snow there all year round. The guides will not forget to tell the almost Shakespearean legend about two young people and their unhappy love.

One of the most famous - the Ai-Petri plateau - holds the title of the snowiest and windiest place in Crimea. The wind here sometimes reaches 50 m/s. Despite the apparent habitability, the mountain can show its wild side, as soon as you move away from the well-trodden paths. If you have no experience in such hikes, you should refrain from attempting to independently explore Ai-Petri. Mountains do not forgive mistakes, even such “small” ones. The teeth of Ai-Petri will be imprinted in your memory forever, constantly reminding you: “ Better than the mountains There can only be mountains that you haven’t been to before.”

More information on the website about Mount Ai-Petri .


Ai-Petri plateau in Crimea Entrance to an equipped cave Upper station of the cable car
Tour Rocks of the Ai-Petri plateau Hiking trail to Ai-Petri

Crimean photoblogger Sergei Anashkevich aka aquatek-filips says: “Only mountains can be better than mountains. And even though the mountains in Crimea are not high, they are still mountains. Demerdzhi, Karadag, Chatyrdag, Karabi, Babugan, Echkidag and, of course, Ai-Petri. I love going there. Each place is interesting in its own way different time of the year. Somewhere there is incredible autumn, somewhere there is summer grass, and somewhere there is spring awakening.

On Ai-Petri in the spring you are almost guaranteed to encounter frequent fogs. Or rather, these are not exactly fogs. These are clouds that creep onto the plateau from the sea. And then during the day you can be under the clouds, above the clouds, inside the clouds, or watch how the clouds break against the rocky walls of the mountains... Backpack, water, tea, camera... The rest is unnecessary. To remain more space for emotions."

(Total 24 photos)

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1. Early April morning on Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla, as the plateau is correctly called. Pleasant sunny weather. In the distance you can see locator balls on Bedene-Kyr.

2. Southern slopes. The Ai-Petri Yaila itself is a plateau stretching for more than 20 kilometers from west to east, gradually narrowing towards the east.
And in the place where it turns into the Yalta Yayla, the distance between the southern and northern slopes is a little more than a kilometer, which allows you to observe two completely different landscapes in a short time. On one side there is the sea, steep rock walls and coniferous forests, and on the other, which can be quickly reached in 15 minutes - Mountain peaks to the horizon, covered with beech forest, lakes, villages and Sevastopol 40 kilometers away on the very horizon.

4. There are even birch groves. They were planted by hand in the 60s

5. Road on Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla.

6. Taraktash rocks on the southern slope of the plateau. The Taraktash trail winds down along them, along which you can get from Ai-Petri to the Uchan-Su waterfall and further to Yalta

7. The famous “window” in the form of a cross in the rock

8. One of the countless talus gorges descending towards Yalta.

9. The eastern side of the Ai-Petrinskaya yayla stretches, passing into the Yalta, then the Gurzufskaya and into the Babugan-yayla.

10. We go to the northern slopes of the plateau. From here it looks completely different. In the distance is the Boyka massif

11. This is what Sevastopol looks like from the Ai-Petri plateau. Due to the distance of 40 km and the haze, we had to apply rather harsh photo processing.
Otherwise, we would only be able to see the dim outlines of the city in the distance.

13. View of the foothills. Below lies the Belbek Valley.

14. While we were observing the Kachin Valley, dense clouds began to descend on the plateau. Back to southern slopes, because it is there that you can fully observe both the movement of clouds above and below your feet, as well as their formation when air masses break against these steep rocky walls

15. Clouds cover the sun and sink lower and lower

16. The wind literally tears off pieces from them and “drops” them onto the rocky slopes

17. A cloud just rushes along the wall right under your feet

18. I turn my head back, and there everything is completely different. The sky literally fell down


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