Climbing to the Ai-Petri plateau by car, for which tourists climb up. Ay-Petri Mountain Ai-Petri Plateau: winter sports and mountain tourism Important! message from the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Crimea "Crimea-Spas"

The famous Ai-Petri has always attracted tourists. Majestic peaks, which are visible from almost all points of the southern Crimean coast, covered with relict forests mountain slopes, beautiful panoramic views from the upper plateau have already made Ai-Petri one of the most visited tourist sites on the Crimean peninsula. And where there is an influx of tourists, there great amount offers for entertainment. So at the top station cable car"Miskhor - Ai-Petri", which is located on a large plateau, gradually formed a whole entertainment town with peculiar streets, where instead of houses there are numbered restaurants and cafes, fast food outlets and souvenir shops, clothing stores and trays of homemade wine.

Donkeys, camels and vintage cars

There are stables on the plateau, so you can always organize a horse ride, because the territory of the Ai-Petri plateau is more than three hundred square kilometers. In addition, here you can ride ATVs or jeeps, take pictures against the backdrop of retro cars and various animals.

A colorful Crimean Tatar atmosphere reigns in the mini-town itself.

Here you can see walking donkeys and even camels, and many cafes serve lagman and beshbarmak, pasties and kebabs, samsa and belyashi, honey baklava and Crimean wines.

Currently, the authorities are trying to fight this colorful town, which has become a unique landmark. The reasoning is simple - illegal trade and low quality of services provided. In return, a full-scale reconstruction is proposed, as a result of which a helipad, a rock park, a walking area, observation decks made of glass, equipped parking, zapline, bicycle and snowmobile rentals.

The conclusion is simple. Whether the Tatar town remains or is replaced by modern buildings, the most important attraction of the Ai-Petri plateau still cannot be taken away. These are the indescribable beauties of the southern coast of Crimea from a bird's eye view.

Ai-Petri plateau video


Address: Yalta, Koreiz
How to get there: Directions: You can get to the Ai-Petri plateau by cable car from Koreiz, or by car along the mountain road. You will get a lot of positive emotions on the cable car. On the way - this Mountain road
, with constant bends. If you take a minibus/taxi, many people end up feeling sick

GPS coordinates: Crimean photoblogger Sergei Anashkevich aka aquatek-filips says: “ Better than the mountains there can only be mountains. And even though the mountains in Crimea are not high, they are still mountains. Demerdzhi, Karadag, Chatyrdag, Karabi, Babugan, Echkidag and, of course, Ai-Petri. I love going there. Each place is interesting in its own way different time

of the year. Somewhere there is incredible autumn, somewhere there is summer grass, and somewhere there is spring awakening. On Ai-Petri in the spring you are almost guaranteed to encounter frequent fogs. Or rather, these are not exactly fogs. These are clouds that creep onto the plateau from the sea. And then during the day you can be under the clouds, above the clouds, inside the clouds, or watch how the clouds break against the rocky walls of the mountains... Backpack, water, tea, camera... The rest is unnecessary. To remain more space

for emotions."

(Total 24 photos)

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1. Early April morning on Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla, as the plateau is correctly called. Pleasant sunny weather. In the distance you can see locator balls on Bedene-Kyr.
2. Southern slopes. The Ai-Petri Yaila itself is a plateau stretching for more than 20 kilometers from west to east, gradually narrowing towards the east. And in the place where it turns into the Yalta Yayla, the distance between the southern and northern slopes is a little more than a kilometer, which allows you to observe two completely different landscapes in a short time. On one side there is the sea, steep rock walls and coniferous forests

, and on the other, which you can quickly go to in 15 minutes - mountain peaks to the horizon, covered with beech forest, lakes, villages and Sevastopol 40 kilometers away on the very horizon.

4. There are even birch groves. They were planted by hand in the 60s

5. Road on Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla. 6. Rocks Taraktash on southern slope

plateau. The Taraktash trail winds down along them, along which you can get from Ai-Petri to the Uchan-Su waterfall and further to Yalta

7. The famous “window” in the form of a cross in the rock

8. One of the countless talus gorges descending towards Yalta.

10. We go to the northern slopes of the plateau. From here it looks completely different. In the distance is the Boyka massif

11. This is what Sevastopol looks like from the Ai-Petri plateau. Due to the distance of 40 km and the haze, we had to apply rather harsh photo processing.
Otherwise, we would only be able to see the dim outlines of the city in the distance.

13. View of the foothills. Below lies the Belbek Valley.

14. While we were observing the Kachin Valley, dense clouds began to descend on the plateau. Let's return to the southern slopes, because it is there that you can fully observe both the movement of clouds above and below your feet, as well as their formation when air masses break against these steep rocky walls

15. Clouds cover the sun and sink lower and lower

16. The wind literally tears off pieces from them and “drops” them onto the rocky slopes

17. A cloud just rushes along the wall right under your feet

18. I turn my head back, and there everything is completely different. The sky literally fell down

Greetings! Not all drivers decide to climb the Ai-Petri plateau by car; there are also those for whom the trip becomes entertainment. Undoubtedly, the route is memorable and picturesque - the higher you climb, the more you admire the panorama of the southern coast of Crimea.

I receive many questions about the situation on Ai-Petri in the 2020 season. It seems that on Maslenitsa the Crimeans had such a good winter that it left the peninsula far and long and was noted only on a few mountain peaks. I decided to collect all the available information in in social networks and add it to this article. We will talk about entertainment on the plateau, prices and road conditions.

Dear readers! The article was written a long time ago, but is still in demand, so I constantly update it and make changes up-to-date information. (Personal photographs and photos from social networks for 2020 were used). Updated 02/06/2020

Road to Ai-Petri

There are four ways to climb Ai-Petri: on foot, by own car, by cable car or with carriers. Each option has its pros and cons, but you should definitely use at least one. For walking routes There are diagrams on the web.

In January 2019, the Ai-Petri plateau was the most popular place For active rest. Hundreds of tourists posted their pictures on social networks from the snow-covered mountain: some on sleds, some on skis, and some in a kilometer-long traffic jam. IN new year holidays the movement was paralyzed, there were weirdos who got up on summer tires (they had to be pulled out).

photo from the VK group “Weather on Ai-Petri”.

Dear, before traveling to winter time Check the weather conditions online! If you don't care about yourself, think about your children! To some areas rescue services can't get there.

Count on capabilities of your car: 4x4, spikes or chains, full tank. Current information ingroup on VKontakte “Weather on Ai-Petri”.

The mountain serpentine leading to the plateau is the longest and most winding in Crimea. Depending on the weather conditions some sections or the entire road may be closed, as warned by a sign at the beginning of the path or by guards. There are landslides, landslides and avalanches here.

Since 2019, the road to Ai-Petri has been serviced by the Krymavtodor enterprise. For security traffic in winter, the road is cleared of snow and sprinkled with a sand-salt mixture.

Previously, there was an unspoken rule for visiting Ai-Petri: ascent to the plateau along a narrow serpentine road before 12 noon, descent - after 12 noon. Now motorists ignore this rule and create problems for themselves, others and rescue services.

Road T 0117 leads to the Ai-Petri plateau, and then along the northern slope, through Grand Canyon Crimea, in the Bakhchisaray district. The second name is the old Yalta highway. Along the route there are springs, interesting rocks and the most famous waterfalls Crimea: (on the southern slope) and Silver Streams (on the northern slope).

On February 4, 2020, the road to Ai-Petri from Bakhchisarai was closed due to the threat of an emergency.

“In order to ensure road safety, from February 4, 2020, until the cause that caused this situation is eliminated, traffic from the 30th to the 46th km highway Bakhchisaray - Yalta - this is the entrance to Ai-Petri from Bakhchisaray - temporarily suspended for all types Vehicle“, - said the Ministry of Transport of the republic.

We can say with all confidence that the road to Ai-Petri is one of the most dangerous roads Crimea, so tired drivers and beginners have nothing to do there!

You can climb Ai-Petri by cable car or by transport that provides transportation.The list of carriers on the Ai-Petri plateau was published in the VKontakte group “Weather on Ai-Petri”.

Since August 2019, MUP "Yaltagortrans" has been providing transportation (during the warm season) from Miskhor and the Yalta bus station to the Ai-Petri plateau using a licensed taxi. The price of a one-way trip is 450 rubles. per person.

“Taxis will be dispatched as they are loaded from the points of sale of subscriptions. In the area of ​​the Ai-Petri plateau, dispatch and boarding of passengers will be carried out. In the future, the directions and types of transportation by licensed taxis will expand.”

For those who don’t know what the serpentine road on Ai-Petri looks like, a route map.

What to do on Ai-Petri in snowy weather

In January 2020, there is significantly less snow, but there are plenty of people willing to get into the winter atmosphere.

From January 20, 2020, the cable car will be closed for annual scheduled maintenance. Last day of work is January 19. It is planned that the cable car will resume operation in the spring.

For lovers walking routes Ascents are organized. For example, a 5 km route starts on the Koreiz trail (44.440463, 34.08323), past the Baba-Ali-Tekne spring (44.455722, 34.070383) with a transition to the Miskhor trail and ends at the upper cable car station. Along the picturesque trail you will go from autumn to winter and be impressed by the picturesque landscapes.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, the Ai-Petri tour company organizes individual jeep tours with a visit to the Forelevo trout farm (look for the official website on the Internet), where there is a Russian wood-fired bathhouse, there is the opportunity to fish and taste delicious dishes from freshly caught Crimean trout .

Map ski slopes on Ai-Petri.

Prices for ski lifts for 26 km in January 2020:

  • for a small one - 500 rubles.
  • for a large one - 1000 rubles.
  • set of skis - from 500 rub.
  • board - from 500 rub.
  • large cheesecake (snow tube) - 600 rub.
  • standard cheesecake - 500 rub.

They ask for a document as collateral. The lift starts operating at 10 am.

Important! Message from the State Public Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “CRIMEA-SPAS”:


The Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Shakhov, informed that tourists, contrary to the warnings of rescuers, continue to ignore safety rules when snowtubeing, receiving various injuries. Over the weekend, rescuers on patrol on the Ai-Petri plateau provided assistance to 4 tourists injured while snow tubing.

To the side of the ski lift, local chefs prepare pilaf, kebabs and shurpa for sale. You can bring your own food and have a picnic by renting a gazebo with barbecue. Rental cost - 1500 rubles. for a day.

The snow lasts the longest on the northern slopes of the plateau; it usually remains until March-April.

View from the meteorological station. Silence and tranquility... The teeth of Ai-Petri are clearly visible in the distance; it is there that the upper station of the cable car is located, the most high point 1234 m. and Trekhglazka cave.

From the observation deck a clear expanse opened up - a turquoise sky with glimpses of azure, immersed in the sea surface of the Black Sea. Evergreen shrubs and trees frame Alupka and Koreiz with their thickets.

There is neglect and chaos all around. Private houses, barns, cafes, shalmans, construction sites. After just 15 minutes you forget what kind of devil you came up here for.

The “highlanders” do not want to improve the territory because of unresolved land issues. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm and calling for an end to economic activity on the territory of Ai-Petri, limit the capacity for the development of eco-tourism. But we realized it too late: many entrepreneurs have been working here for decades. The circle has closed and now all hope is for the new government, which will make a rational decision so that “the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe”...

Due to the peculiarities of the relief, Ai-Petri is called yayla - summer pasture. Since ancient times, settlements have been built on the plateau, but the biggest “contribution” was made by homo sapiens.

Perhaps the only object that is in its place is the monument to the Crimean partisans of the Great Patriotic War who died in battle in December 1941.

The road to Ai-Petri was important during the Second World War. It was along this route that the Nazis transferred troops and equipment towards Sevastopol. The partisans managed to blow up a section of the road and prevent the enemy’s plans from being realized, but they all died in an unequal battle.
At the cost of incredible efforts, the soldiers were able to protect their land; their memory should be passed on from generation to generation, and not disappear under scaffolding...

Approximately 35 km from the top of Ai-Petri, there is a parking lot and hiking trail in the Grand Canyon of Crimea. I have already talked about this route in my report.

What's happening on Ai-Petri in January 2020.

There is competition between the “highlanders” and the owners of the cable car for their client. Time will tell how events will develop. The article will be updated.
Thank you for attention!

Photos of the renovated section of the plateau near the upper cable car station, where the ugly town of Tatar cafes and shops were demolished in May of this year, were posted on Facebook by Crimean resident Irina Pavlenko.

Over the past couple of months, little has changed there: the same geometric paths with soil for lawns between them, a wrought-iron fence along the cliff, the remains of cafe foundations filled with concrete and rather dull dark gray paving slabs. It still doesn’t look much like a presentation of a plateau reconstruction project with glass barriers and balconies hanging over the cliffs, and whether it will be similar at all is unknown.

Something relatively new: on the plateau, not far from the upper cable car station, there appeared Helipad with the sign H - Helicopter.

It’s not entirely clear what spoiled helicopter passengers should do here. Perhaps they can make a stop here on their way from Simferopol airport to expensive villages and hotels South Bank to ride along the yayla in jeeps or hunt, saving time on the ascent along the serpentine from Yalta or Bakhchisarai. Because it’s not tempting to just walk here yet, and it’s not just the inclement weather in which these pictures were taken: there’s emptiness all around.

However, next to the cable car station there are frames for renting bicycles. Judging by the logos, this business will be handled by the Freeright organization created under the ex-mayor of Yalta Andrei Rostenko, which has become a business monopolist on the Yalta embankment.

The same organization monopolized, according to local entrepreneurs, paid access to the Ai-Petri teeth. To get there on foot through the woods, you need to pay the occupant of this booth. At least in the warm season.

Whether it’s an accident or a pattern, there is a characteristic sloppiness observed on the approaches to the object of the traditional “single business” for these places.

The oasis of market chaos that reigned here on several hectares for more than 15 years has also been preserved after reconstruction. It is now concentrated near the building of the upper station of the cable car, which once became the property of Nadezhda Olefir, the former wife of Yalta deputy and businessman Leri Svanidze. The only cafe area with the simple name “Verkhnee” is located here. Andrei Rostenko now publicly allowed only her to feed and supply tourists on the plateau.

Bicycles for rent will appear here only next summer. But if the asphalt road leading to the cable car from the side of the descent to Yalta is not cured of the giant holes, riding on them will be problematic: the dirt roads on Ai-Petri are completely rocky. And no one is in a hurry to invest in high-quality repairs of the road surface - the remains of asphalt have so far been simply leveled with a grader and covered with crushed stone.

However, the sprouts of spontaneous trade are also sprouting through the tiles laid by the developer Evgeniy Kabanov. This man, even on a cold and dank day, in the whistling wind, sells wine by the glass. Most likely, it is fake - some kind of tinted compote with alcohol, God forbid it is ethyl. Just six months ago there was a lot of such goodness here in almost every Tatar cafe.

These roadblocks also remain from “Tatar” times. Dark-skinned guys from companies sponsored by the ex-head of the Bakhchisarai Mejlis, Akhtem Chygoz (convicted of involvement in organizing clashes under the walls of the Supreme Council of Crimea on February 26, 2014), charged those who wanted to park 100 rubles. Now these fences protect the pedestrian zone. It is not yet clear whether they will charge money for travel inside in the summer.

To the right, where the paths paved with paving slabs are visible, there was an array of demolished cafes. On the left - the outline of the cable car station is visible in the fog. Let's hope that the empty earthen beds between the paths will be planted with grass and ornamental shrubs, as envisaged by the project.

View of the same place from the other side. The photo was taken at the beginning of this summer, immediately after the voluntary-forced demolition of the shalmans. Here you can see what the space, now paved with tiles, looked like.

And this photo was taken several years ago. Just for comparison. To judge more objectively, make allowances for sunny weather.

Eclipsing even the tallest peak of Crimea - Roman-Kosh with a height of 1545 meters. In the hierarchy of mountains, this is a baby - “only” 1234 meters high and a couple of million years old. It got its name, as is commonly believed, from the name of the medieval church of St. Peter. The temple is long gone, but the name stuck, and today rare amateur mountains, having visited Crimea, did not look at Ai-Petri. There is something to see. The Great Crimean Canyon, more than 320 meters deep, is located on this mountain, on its northern slope. Until mid-summer, numerous streams flow into the Kokkozka River at their outlet. The water temperature in this river rarely rises above 11 degrees. More than 60 percent of Crimean orchids grow on the slopes of this gorge, including the rarest species - Lady's slipper.

For those who like to scream in the mountains, the canyon will echo six times. People get to the top in whatever way they can. “Horseless” - either on your own along the path with the strange name Taraktashskaya, or by cable car from Miskhor (ticket cost about 8 dollars one way). Owners of iron horses - by mountain serpentine. The first two options are recommended - they provide an opportunity to better see the beauty of these places. But in the case of the funicular you will have to stand in line. On the way up you will come across the Uchan-Su waterfall, the largest in the Main Ridge. The water here falls from a height of about 100 meters. True, in the summer only a few streams flow there, since Wuchang-Su is fed by karst waters. But the cleanest mountain air and the peaceful silence of the forest more than compensate for this small “overlay.”

Upstairs you will be fed different national dishes and local wine will be served. There are even camels at your service, although the relevance of “ships of the desert” here is not entirely clear; horses would also be enough. So pay and ride while contemplating the surroundings. From the southern plateau you can admire Yalta and Alupka. If you bought an excursion to the Ai-Petri plateau and got here as part of a group, you will probably be taken to an ice cave, one of three caves in the center of the plateau. There is snow there all year round. The guides will not forget to tell the almost Shakespearean legend about two young people and their unhappy love.

One of the most famous - the Ai-Petri plateau - holds the title of the snowiest and windiest place in Crimea. The wind here sometimes reaches 50 m/s. Despite the apparent habitability, the mountain can show its wild side, as soon as you move away from the well-trodden paths. If you have no experience in such hikes, you should refrain from attempting to independently explore Ai-Petri. Mountains do not forgive mistakes, even such “small” ones. The teeth of Ai-Petri will be imprinted in your memory forever, constantly reminding you: “The only mountains that can be better than mountains are mountains that you have never been to before.”

More information on the website about Mount Ai-Petri .


Ai-Petri plateau in Crimea Entrance to an equipped cave Upper station of the cable car
Tour Rocks of the Ai-Petri plateau Hiking trail to Ai-Petri


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