Personal helicopter. How to choose a private helicopter. Where you can't fly

Recently, Moscow and Moscow region traffic jams have become the very “engine” that “launched” a fantastic way of transportation - air flights, often on a personal helicopter. However, for a certain category of citizens this is no longer a fantasy, it is a way of life, and a spectacular rotorcraft looks quite everyday on the lawn near an elite apartment.

Of course, for some, a helicopter is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. And it is these people who have to face many different difficulties from the simple problem of choice air transport before choosing optimal route, after all, although it is possible to fly on Russian territory, it should only be done with caution.

Helicopter vs. airplane

Private helicopters are really starting to become more and more popular. And this despite the fact that they cost several times more than private jets, which until now have been considered the pinnacle of modern outrageousness. If the price of a small aircraft varies from 20 to 50 thousand dollars, then you can’t buy a new helicopter for less than 200-300 thousand.

The cost of helicopters cannot be justified at all; it varies from 200 thousand to 20 million dollars or more. And, despite this, preference is given to him, because a helicopter is a completely unique machine. It does not need a runway, like an airplane; a helicopter can “take off” from almost any place where you want to take off, even from your garden plot, and again it will land exactly where you need to land it – even on a flat patch sheer cliff, even on the roof of a high-rise building. To refuel a helicopter, simple gasoline is enough, there is no need to spend money on airport fees, and in subsequent operation, the cost of the equipment will turn out to be much more economical for the owner.

“A plane and a helicopter are the same as a bus and a jeep. In addition, a helicopter is much safer,” explains one of the owners of his own helicopter, Yuri Kedrov.

For example, in the USA, these winged machines have long been firmly established in the everyday life of citizens - many people can afford to buy their own helicopter. And thanks to this method of transportation, it is becoming popular to work 200-300 km from home – an hour’s journey by helicopter.

In Russia, people are just starting to get used to this extreme method of transportation. Although, many politicians, businessmen and show business “stars” already enjoy the status of pioneers in the field air travel within the capital and region. Among the “recruits” are the Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Leonid Reiman, the famous striker of the Russian national team Alexey Kovalev, the famous artist Nikas Safronov and many other famous personalities.

Earth vs. sky

Reasons that motivate everything large quantity citizens turning their attention to helicopters is not only a matter of prestige; the main goals of such an acquisition are much more practical. First of all, this is a pure time saving in conditions of constant traffic jams on main roads. There are no traffic jams in the sky. In addition, helicopter owners are attracted by the comfort and speed of movement (in 6 hours from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back - no problem!).

Some businessmen use a helicopter for work, for example, to inspect vast areas where work under their jurisdiction is being carried out. And more frivolous comrades - for extreme entertainment. For example, a group of daredevils from the Aerosoyuz helicopter club once attempted to fly at their leisure to South Africa. It must have been incredibly interesting on a weekday, instead of a work monitor, to watch from a bird's eye view the zebras and giraffes rushing by below. In addition, as it turned out in the end, a helicopter is a very useful thing not only for traveling, but also for hunting or photography.

Who is destined to fly in Rus'?

With all the undoubted advantages of this method of transportation, there are also some difficulties. Fans of air travel are stopped not only by the high cost of helicopters, but also by the lack of government support for the development of private aviation. Until recently, helicopter owners experienced difficulties in determining their status and inconvenience due to the complicated procedure for organizing a flight. Before flying anywhere, you had to notify the control tower of your airfield 24 hours in advance and provide a clear route drawn up by the pilot, indicating the flight altitude, refueling points, destination, landing at strictly stated points and other little things. And so - before each flight.

Today the situation has not changed much; the closed airspace also complicates the situation: flights over large settlements and strategic objects - all these zones are plotted on special maps. In Moscow, for example, flights beyond the Ring Road are prohibited. But due to the growing popularity of private aviation, bills began to be developed that would allow a more simplified system for using one’s own air transport. So there is hope that the situation will change in the near future.

The federal law on amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation has already been signed. And the main one is the possibility of flying not under a permit, but under a notification procedure. That is, now the helicopter owner simply warns the relevant service about the planned flight, and does not request permission for it. Further, the owner of a private helicopter no longer needs to go through “all the steps” of obtaining an operator’s certificate. In order to be eligible for private flights, you must register the aircraft with the state registry and obtain a certificate of compliance, as well as obtain a pilot's certificate.

You have the right to fly freely around the Moscow region and to other Russian cities. And although this area domestic aviation So far, it is developing only at the project level, but more and more large private companies involved in the aviation business are entering the market. These companies help beginners in mastering the basics of helicopter life, in purchasing a helicopter and take care of the full registration of all necessary documents, including registration of a helipad (about $6 thousand). Helicopter “driving” courses, advanced training and obtaining a pilot’s certificate are also available to clients (about $18 thousand). For those who do not have a place to “park” their aircraft, they provide the opportunity to base and fully maintain an aircraft (about $3 thousand per year, i.e., no more expensive than maintaining a regular SUV).

Developers are also taking note of the growing popularity of private aviation, so that helipads are already being included in the construction plans of some cottage communities.

Text: Lana Ozerova

Nowadays, the most comfortable and fast movement which is guaranteed to become more and more relevant. If you buy a real helicopter, this lightweight and maneuverable aircraft will not only expand your horizons in solving business problems, but will also raise the quality of entertainment and recreation to a new level.

Sale of private helicopters

Sale of private helicopters is one of the main specializations of the RusVipAvia company. We will offer you the optimal price for a private helicopter and full legal support of the purchase transaction. With us you can choose light, medium or heavy aircraft from the world's best manufacturers. In addition, we sell Russian helicopters.

The main advantage of private helicopters is the unlimited freedom of movement they provide. They do not need runways and can take off and land from any sufficiently large and level area. What is the price private helicopter this or that model, you can check with our managers.

The sale of civil helicopters is carried out by the company “RusVipAvia”, as they say, “turnkey”. We provide full complex services for certification, registration and delivery of purchased aircraft.

In the company “RusVipAvia” you can buy a private helicopter, both new and “resource”. All cars are in perfect condition technical condition. At the same time, the price for a “resource” private helicopter is quite affordable even for people with average incomes.

How much does a private helicopter cost?

You should choose a private helicopter based on the tasks you have to solve. It should be understood that the costs will not be limited to the purchase of the vessel, because it will require further maintenance, basing and mandatory maintenance work.

As a rule, prices for private helicopters are determined taking into account several criteria:

  • aircraft type and brand;
  • passenger capacity and cargo capacity;
  • flight performance;
  • level of interior equipment.

At RusVipAvia you can buy a private helicopter at a price that will fully meet your expectations. Our range includes both gasoline and gas turbine two-, four- and five-seat aircraft. We provide helicopters for individuals and commercial organizations. At the same time, our specialists will always help you choose the optimal variant of the vessel, for whom such nuances as helicopter models, sales and prices are their daily work. You can quickly buy a helicopter from us in St. Petersburg and enjoy its benefits tomorrow.

But helicopters are not without certain advantages. The most important of them is vertical takeoff. Unlike airplanes, helicopters do not require long runways. Thanks to this, they can take off and land almost anywhere, including the roofs of high-rise buildings and other inaccessible places.

Helicopters can operate at low altitudes, providing clear line of sight. This is extremely important during rescue, military, law enforcement and a number of other operations. Helicopters are extremely maneuverable because they can move in any direction. This advantage is very advantageous in conditions of limited space. But in any case, take a look at the ranking of the 10 most expensive aircraft.

The use of a helicopter is especially important for high-ranking managers and dignitaries who are guided by the principle time is money" Their movement in this case is not limited to crowded city streets, because air space always relatively free, and the rules for using it via helicopters are simplified (there is no need to register a flight plan).

Travel time to offices located in neighboring cities shorter than the time required to travel by other modes of transport, in particular road transport.

This is precisely what serves as the basis for the rapid development of such a segment of the helicopter industry as the corporate one. The newest models of helicopters produced definitely include a corporate version. At the same time, old, military brands are regularly modernized to serve commercial purposes.

If we compare conventional helicopters (medical, military, police, firefighting) with commercial ones, the latter provide more space for passengers. They are better equipped in terms of sound insulation, air conditioning, special large passenger seats and toilets.

Even visually they are more attractive: glossy finish of internal and external interior elements, carpeting.

10. Eurocopter EC155 B1 Dauphin, France (cost 625.86 million rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 1999
  • Flight range: 783 km.
  • Capacity, people: 13

The Dauphine EC155 is one of the most popular commercial helicopters today. Around 1,000 units sold in 28 countries around the world. Since its release, the EC155 has been consistently and regularly upgraded.

It is currently powered by two Arriel 2C2 engines, equipped with an innovative 4-axis autopilot and boasts low noise emissions.

9. AgustaWestland AW149 (cost – 797.66 million rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 2009
  • Flight range: 1000 km.
  • Capacity people: 18

A versatile, multi-role, mid-size helicopter designed for military use and equipped with modern avionics. It can also be used for commercial purposes, as a VIP class helicopter. The AW149 has been improved for this purpose.

The weapon storage space has been redesigned to make it more convenient for passengers. This includes a high ceiling, a foot area, and impact-resistant areas. The twin-engine 9-ton helicopter is equipped with engine anti-icing systems, air conditioning, and a powerful external searchlight.

8. AgustaWestland BA609 (cost - 859.02 million rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 2003
  • Maximum speed: 509.3 km/h.
  • Flight range: 1398 km.
  • Capacity people: 9

Developed jointly by the American company Bell"and the Italian giant" Agusta", BA609 is a variant Tiltrotor. This is a vertical take-off aircraft. To ensure the transition to horizontal movement, two lateral rotating rotors are used. In this case, the wing remains motionless.

This is the fastest helicopter in this rating. The 60m BA609 also has the best fuel consumption/distance ratio of 117.61 l/100 km. The only drawback is the ability to accommodate only 9 people on board. All released models have been sold to date.

7. Bell-525 Relentless (cost – 920.38 million rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 2014/15
  • Maximum speed: 277.8 km/h.
  • Flight range: 740 km
  • Capacity, person: 16

Presented as one of the most luxurious, unique corporate helicopters on the market. Powered by twin GE CT7-2F1 engines and fly-by-wire, the Bell-525 is a midsize 16-passenger commercial helicopter and the manufacturer's largest ever.

Despite the fact that work on the helicopter began in early 2012, obtaining approval from the Federal Office civil aviation took longer than expected.

This is due to the revolutionary fly-by-wire helicopter flight control system and equipment with special sensor avionics Garmin G5000H, which ensures more productive interaction between the pilot and the machine.

6. Eurocopoter AS332 L1 Super Puma (cost – 994.01 million rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 1978
  • Maximum speed: 277.8 km/h.
  • Flight range: 840 km.
  • Capacity, people: 19

An advanced and extremely popular variant of the commercial helicopter from the entire AS332 range from Eurocopter. L1 replaced " combat» predecessor, preserving its specific features. Effective even in difficult weather conditions.

Equipped with two Turbomeca Makila 1A1 turboshaft engines, a Fenestron tail rotor and modern EFIS avionics. Despite the large space inside the helicopter, it has relatively low height cabins (just over one and a half meters).

To date, over 500 AS332 L1 units have already been sold on the civilian market.

5. Kazan Mi-171A2 (cost – 1.048 billion rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 1977
  • Maximum speed: 248.2 km/h.
  • Flight range: 715 km.
  • Capacity, people: 36

A large Russian-made transport helicopter, also known as Mi-8MT. Known for its use during the war in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Over the past decades, the versatile aircraft has been successfully used for commercial, charter and civil transportation.

A characteristic feature of the MI-171A2 is ceiling height indicator - over 4000 meters. The large size of the helicopter does not allow it to reach speeds like competitors with medium dimensions, but this is compensated by its impressive passenger capacity.

4. Sikorsky S-92 Cougar (cost – 1.086 billion rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 2004
  • Maximum speed: 279.7 km/h.
  • Flight range: 998 km.
  • Capacity, people: 19

Like the military version of the N-92, the Sikorsky S-92 Cougar can ferry up to 19 passengers over a distance of almost 1,000 km. This is quite a feat for such a mid-size helicopter. Equipped with powerful General Electric CT7-8A engines, the S-92 is used for business trips by the Prime Minister of Turkey, as well as other high-ranking officials of the state.

Currently, it is the only commercial helicopter that meets both the US Federal Aviation Administration and the European Aviation Safety Agency safety standards.

Installation of an additional auxiliary fuel tank will expand the helicopter's flight range to almost 1,400 km. At the same time, passenger capacity will be reduced to 14 people.

3. AgustaWestland AW101 VVIP (cost – 1.116 billion rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 1999
  • Maximum speed: 275.9 km/h.
  • Flight range: 1055 km.
  • Capacity, person: b30

Originally named the EH101, the AgustaWestland AW101 VVIP is a medium-heavy utility helicopter with a proven track record in combat and rescue operations. Serves in the British and Italian navies. Moreover, he worthy competitor in the corporate market.

Built on a strong and lightweight aluminum-lithium alloy, the AW101 VVIP is equipped with all-terrain tires for landing and taking off on uneven, soft surfaces. In early 2013, AW101 VVIP was involved in a scandal due to allegations of management corruption AgustaWestland.

Some representatives of the latter, through bribes, contributed to winning the tender for the supply of rotary-wing aircraft to the Indian Ministry of Defense (contract amount - $770 million).

2. Bell Huey II UH-1H (cost – 1.533 billion rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 1959
  • Maximum speed: 196.3 km/h.
  • Flight range: 459 km.
  • Capacity, people: 11

At first sight, Huey may seem like a slow, rumbling relic of an era cold war. However, a closer look reveals that this is an extremely spacious, quiet and reliable helicopter.

As soon as the production phase adds the latest updated and modernized software, it's immediately obvious why the Bell Huey II UH-1H remains a firm favorite among members of high society with specific needs for amenities.

With its 20 sq. m, Huey is able to offer a level of comfort comparable to business class seats on commercial aircraft.

1. Eurocopter EC225 Super Puma Mk II+ (cost – 1.779 billion rubles)

  • Year of manufacture: 2004
  • Maximum speed: 324.1 km/h.
  • Flight range: 837 km
  • Capacity people: 19

It's the hottest model in the enterprise market today, and for good reason. A fast, spacious, ultra-luxury helicopter equipped with the latest features and technology.

These are two powerful Makila 2A1 turbo engines with 2382 hp each. With. each, and the automatic flight control system, and the fantastic collision avoidance system. Super Puma is capable of operating for 50 minutes after loss of oil pressure, as well as in conditions of very low temperatures (down to minus 45 degrees Celsius).

Personal helicopter: transport of the future

Increasingly, residents of the capital are moving to country houses, wanting to enjoy the proximity of nature and favorable ecology in pastoral silence. The further from Moscow, the more choice most beautiful places, where you can build a house, and premium class cottage villages offering luxurious urban infrastructure near forests and picturesque ponds. The only reason preventing some potential buyers from making the final decision to purchase a house near Moscow at a distance of about 100 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road is the distance from the capital, where active business life is concentrated. But now there is a way out of the situation - replacing a car with a helicopter will allow you to cover the distance to the city several times faster.

Currently, the demand for helicopter transportation is quite high. The NDV-Group holding receives more than 50 aircraft per day from the territory of Heliport Moscow. Some of them are helicopters owned by private individuals who have pilot licenses and fly independently. Others are ordered by clients as air taxis for business purposes (for example, to visit regional branches) and for entertainment and excursion purposes.

The management of NDV-Group aims to increase its own aircraft fleet and sales volumes of aircraft over the next few years. The capabilities of Heliport Moscow, located half a kilometer from the Moscow Ring Road along Novorizhskoe Highway, allow it to receive up to 150 helicopters daily. Another helicopter center, Heliport Istra, became part of the NDV-Group structure after signing a cooperation agreement with the Aviamarket company. The company plans to create new heliports in the Moscow region and other regions of Russia.

If you haven't tried helicopter transportation before, perhaps it's time to give it a try. In addition to saving time, this is an indescribable feeling from beautiful views, which open from a bird's eye view. Of interest are air tours to various attractions - from ancient Russian cities to unique natural complexes. A helicopter that can land even on a tiny area will take you to fishing and hunting, in Vacation home friends or to a business seminar with partners. An hour's helicopter rental costs from $800 to $2,000.

Often, after flying as a passenger, there is an irresistible desire to take off on your own. Pilot training is also carried out in flying clubs at heliports. Beginners are recommended to start with an introductory two-hour course, which includes a small theoretical part and 2 flights with an instructor, during which the cadet tries to control the car independently.

If the desire to become a pilot has strengthened, then you can begin training at the first stage. Depending on the type of helicopter, the cost of such a course ranges from 11 to 17 thousand US dollars. After studying the theory and receiving flight practice, the cadet is allowed to fly independently. If you want to become a real pilot and fly a helicopter in any country in the world, you will need to complete a full course of training, the cost of which is in the range of 30-45 thousand dollars. After such training, an international amateur pilot certificate is issued.

Those wishing to purchase a helicopter as their own should contact the official representatives of the supplier. When choosing a helicopter, pay attention to its capacity and maintenance requirements, speed and fuel consumption - all this will help to avoid mistakes. The most popular among Muscovites are helicopters from Robinson Helicopter Company.

Let's talk about the most common models.

The two-seat, lightweight, gasoline-powered R22 is ideal for short-range flights. Maneuverable and safe, the R22 can rise to a height of more than 4 km, reach speeds of up to 180 km/h and fly for about 3 hours without refueling. The approximate cost of this helicopter is 470 thousand dollars.

The four-seater R44 is powered by a piston engine. It reaches speeds of up to 240 km/h and can stay in the air for more than 3 hours without refuelling. The maximum flight altitude is 4.2 kilometers. The Robinson R 44 Raven series includes two modifications that provide the possibility of landing on water or in the mountains. The cost of the R44 is from 615 thousand dollars.

The gas turbine five-seat R66 is equipped with a leather interior and a spacious cargo compartment. The maximum flight speed on the R66 is 260 km/h; in 3 hours without refueling, the helicopter will cover a distance of more than 600 kilometers. The car is different low level vibrations and smooth flight. Price R66 - from 1340 thousand US dollars.

A personal helicopter can be stored on the territory of your own country house, on helipad commercial enterprise or in a flying club hangar or a prepared heliport area. The advantage of the latter options is the presence of round-the-clock security and the ability to involve specialists in preparing the flight.

Recently, the number of specialized helicopter centers has been growing, and the authorities are considering the possibility of introducing changes to legislation to allow the use of helicopters more efficiently. For example, since April of this year, helicopter movements over the Moscow Ring Road in both directions (both clockwise and counterclockwise) are allowed. The number of airfields intended for helicopters will be increased to 300 in the Moscow region in the next few years alone.


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