I was on a nudist beach: three random stories. How I was a nudist



I was unlucky with Anyuta.

Men who come to relax by the sea always make the same mistake: they rush to the first woman who smiles back, who seems to them the limit of all their dreams. And only after a day or two do they notice that they could have taken a closer look, chosen, so as not to languish until the end of the term about how to leave this very first one.

We met on a crowded bus that was taking us from the center of Feodosia to Golden Beach. Some old woman still couldn’t fit her new plastic bucket, which she deliberately went to the market to get. Finally, she lifted it up and held it above her head until some compassionate lad in a soldier’s uniform took it to put it on someone’s lap. But the old woman always tried not to lose sight of the bucket and therefore spun around and created inconvenience to everyone around her.

While I was watching the old woman and her struggle for the bucket, everything else that was happening nearby somehow did not attract attention. But when the bucket was attached and I turned my face to look at what was happening right in front of me, that’s when I felt with my whole body that I was pressed belly to belly against a woman who at first tried to wriggle out so as not to be so indecently pressed against a man, but then I either realized that it was useless, or decided that this was not the worst way to get to my stop. At least, when I felt her body, I also stopped being interested in the events associated with the old woman’s bucket.

But Anyuta turned out to be extremely reserved, not at all the kind I wanted to meet, so as not to get bored on the coast. And I would have met one, but I made the very mistake I was talking about. At first it was an expectation of an unusual adventure, especially since our meeting was quite original, it was thought that the continuation would be no less interesting. However, I had to be patient. Despite the fact that she was clearly inclined towards an easy romance with walks, swimming, good wine, I never felt that she was ready for something more real.

But at first, when the reserve of time allotted to me for rest was still large, I was not worried. I thought that my courtship and worries would definitely eventually lead us to bed, but when five days passed and I could not feel her again as close as on the bus, I began to seriously worry. And then I came up with a plan.

The first item on my plan was to visit a nudist beach. True, I still didn’t know where exactly in Feodosia to look for such a beach, but for some reason I thought that it was not so difficult, especially since I occasionally came across half-naked sunbathing women when I went to the pier, near which right from the fishing the longboat was selling Black Sea anchovy. This was just before I went to the city, so that, on my return, I would meet, unfortunately, Anyuta.

One morning, when the sun was not yet hot, I persuaded Anyuta to walk along the beach. Secretly I hoped that I would come across somewhere on the very edge of wild beach and invite Anyuta to swim naked. It seemed to me that this should have liberated her at least a little, so that the days of my vacation would not fly away so quickly and so uselessly.

The further we went from the city, the fewer people there were on the beach. We lay down on the hot sand after another swim and only about ten meters away from us a couple was discovered. Then separate groups of young people began to meet, keeping somewhat apart, the girls calmly walked around in barely noticeable swimsuits, but Anyuta somehow reacted very calmly to this.

Finally we came across a company of real nudists. They frolicked naked, played volleyball, sunbathed, just wandered in the waves, and did not pay any attention to us. I already had some experience with nudism, albeit a small one, and therefore I wanted to take everything off myself and, like a child, rush through the shallow water, scattering splashes. I remembered the feeling of freedom I experienced when I took off the last of my clothes for the first time, surrounded by equally happy people.

But this time I was restrained by Anyuta’s presence. I didn't know how she would react to this. Perhaps for her this will be a serious blow to my attitude, which I chivalrously tried to maintain. If only she knew what it cost me and what I really wanted to achieve!

I entered the water, swam away from the shore, splashed around and turned back. What I saw almost cost me my life: I grabbed a wave, inhaled inappropriately and coughed, didn’t feel the bottom, although I swam not far away, and floundered, gasping for breath. Anyuta saved me, it turns out she was a good swimmer, which for some reason I hadn’t noticed before, in one word she pulled me out into the shallow water and laughed like crazy. But most importantly, she was completely naked! I lay on the sand, looked at her, and I was ashamed and sorry for myself. After all, I was going to great lengths to now undress in front of her, in full view of all the swimmers, to demonstrate my liberation, and thereby entice her with me. Dreams of dragging her into bed have already become my obsession.

She stood above me, in the drops of salt water sparkling in the sun, drying her hair, throwing her arms behind her neck and exposing her white breasts to the sun. I thought that she was born a nudist, her behavior was so natural and not ostentatious.

Having caught my breath, of course, I also undressed and we spent almost the entire evening on this beach. True, for me all these events had a somewhat sour aftertaste - I was not the hero of the day and it was not for me to count on capturing such a woman.

I was not in the best mood that evening, since my plan had failed from the very beginning. There was no point in even thinking about liberating this incomprehensible Anyuta. To my surprise, on the contrary, she was very amused, all the time pestering me with all sorts of unrealistic proposals, such as sailing to Turkey or stealing someone’s clothes while he was swimming. She seemed unaware of my failed plans.

We usually spent our evenings, if not by the sea, then in her room. This was a great success, as it seemed to me at first, because her neighbor never appeared in front of me, although her things were in place. But it turned out that this advantage was not at all in my favor, since at a certain moment, when my desires began to cross a certain line, she simply sent me away. If I had it, it would have been much more difficult, although I doubt she would have come to me at all.

This time I sat with her quieter than water, lower than the grass. I took my morning humiliation hard. I didn’t want to joke, I didn’t want to pester her, but the most amazing thing is that I didn’t want to leave. Either I had already gotten used to her, or some kind of sporting interest still kept me near her, or my bad habit of bringing everything to the end played its negative role here too.

And then I decided to go all-in.

As soon as she came close enough to me for some reason, I, almost closing my eyes, hugged her and buried my face in her neck, expecting a retaliatory blow. But I waited for him in vain. She turned out to be stronger than me again. She simply froze in this position and was silent. When I finally began to realize my not entirely clear action, she said:

If you want to go to bed, let's go, but I'm not interested.

I was completely broken. Without looking at her, I rushed through the door, almost knocking it down, rushed up the stairs and stopped right next to the sea. For a long time I wandered knee-deep in water and could not calm down. And yet the coolness of the night began to bother me and I went to bed. Of course, there was no sleep, especially since my neighbor was not alone, and early in the morning I went back to the sea.

The water was clear and quiet. The sun was not visible because of the clouds on the horizon, the cooled sand was cold on our feet and it was much warmer in the water. Then a piece of crimson-colored sun appeared in a gap of two clouds that looked like amazing purple-white mountains. A crimson path appeared on the water. I went straight along it into the water again. Until the sun came out completely and took on its usual appearance, I sat in the water and couldn’t get enough of it.

I heard splashing and saw Anyuta. She swam up to me and poked her wet face into my chest. I felt so good from the warm water, the rising sun and this touch that I almost cried.

Do I love you, or what? - I said, just to somehow relieve the tension, especially since we were in the water quite far from the shore.

She pressed herself against me, as she did on the bus, and I began to drown. I was in such a state that drowning was not scary, especially since I already had experience and I was not afraid of drowning next to her.

When we returned to the beach again, the sun was at its zenith, there were already a lot of people and we decided to go further away, to where happy naked people were resting.

Already there, basking in the sun, she said:

Five whole days were lost just because you couldn’t bring yourself to say one single word to me. Five whole days...

I still can’t understand what word she meant, but I didn’t ask, so as not to disturb the blissful silence of the heavenly place. And I still can’t understand why we never broke up with her, although I still think that I was unlucky then.

I think that this mysterious sea is to blame.

Vitaly Volobuev, 2015, preparation and publication


Stasik read somewhere about nudists. I read it and thought about it... Stasik was 15 years old, in the eighth grade.
It was a hot, waterless summer and the Stasikovs’ parents had a dacha not far from the city. Stasik sat down on shuttle bus and went to the dacha.
The dacha was a corner of Eden, no less. Along the fence, raspberries grew like tall, thorny jungles. Tall, with a cavalry mustache, the strawberries groaned under the weight of huge, bony pink-red fruits, not just asking to be put into the mouth, but even begging for it. The gooseberries hung on the thorny bushes like large pearls. The cherries scattered on the branches with the heads of little negritos. Gigantic, fist-sized, yellow honey plums sweetly excited the boy’s imagination with their resemblance to a girl’s backside.
Stasik unlocked country house and, stripping down to his underpants, went out onto the veranda thickly covered with grapes.
There was not a soul on the two neighboring plots (the dacha of the Stasikov parents was located on the edge of the road). Only on one, in the depths, was some old woman fussing about. But Stasik firmly decided to become a nudist today and therefore boldly pulled down his colored panties from his hips, like the wolf’s in “Well, wait a minute!” It immediately became easy and free. Stasik liked being a nudist and began to walk around the dacha naked.
However, soon a man joined the grandmother, who was poking around in a neighboring plot, and Stasik had to hastily retreat, hiding behind the raspberry bushes, to the country house.
Stasik thought about it. Why, in fact, should he hide from people in his own dacha? What did he do that was so bad? Have you become a nudist? So what? What's special about this? Stasik doesn’t do any shameful things, and doesn’t spy on naked women. He may be sunbathing!.. Yes, he is sunbathing.
Stasik liked this idea, and again, in what he was wearing, that is, without anything at all, he left the house, dragging a folding bed behind him. The man and the grandmother were no longer in the neighboring area. Perhaps they went into the house.
Stasik lay down on a folding bed face down in the very sun and imperceptibly dozed off, warmed like a stove by the daylight.
He woke up from someone's voice. Quickly raising his head and, at first, closing his eyes from the dazzling sun that was hitting his eyes directly into his eyes, which was already closer to the horizon, Stasik made out a girl sitting on the fence. His first desire was to jump up from the cot and run into the house in shame, but Stasik overcame himself, remembered that he was now a nudist (especially since, lying on his stomach, he covered the most interesting part of his body) and remained in place.
- Hey, weirdo, why are you lying here without pants, are you being crazy? - the girl shouted cheerfully from the fence, dangling her jeans-clad legs. She seemed to be the same age as Stasikova. She has a pretty face and, as one might understand, a sharp tongue.
Stasik felt uncomfortable lying under her gaze and mocking eyes with his bare ass. He regretted that he had become a nudist, but he had to maintain the brand to the end, and therefore Stasik answered, putting as much indifference into his voice as possible:
- And I’m not being crazy about anything, I’m just a nudist - have you heard of them? Go away, you're stopping me from sunbathing!
- We heard... we heard about everything. And about nudists too. Only nudists do not live here, but in the West, in the United States. States, here! - the girl said, not thinking of leaving, and stuck her tongue out at him.
Stasik got angry.
- I'm telling you - I'm a nudist! Disappear, or I’ll get up now!..
“Well, get up, get up and try!.. And here are the no-ones,” the girl teased him from the fence.
- What do you even want? I’ll get up and beat you up! - Stasik was fidgety, but he himself understood: he would never carry out the threat, and from powerlessness and shame, he was ready to burst into tears.
- Okay, lie down, nudist, - I’ll just drink some water, okay? - Having perceived his state, the girl asked conciliatoryly and, without waiting for permission, jumped into the garden.
Stasik involuntarily pressed his body into the cot as she walked past him to the water tap, which was located right on the street near an iron barrel dug into the ground to the very edge. The appetizing murmur of water was heard. The girl got drunk, but was in no hurry to leave the dacha.
- Well, what are you doing? Let's go, I'll go to sleep! - turning around, Stasik rudely demanded.
The girl glanced slyly at his pitiful, angry face, burning with shame and burst into tears.
- And what kind of nudists are they these days? The girl won't be treated to strawberries! - she complained.
- Will you finally let me get dressed or not? - having lost the rest of his patience, Stasik screamed in despair.
“A-and he would have said so right away, you fake nudist,” the girl laughed and, turning her back to him, said: “Go get dressed, I’m not looking.”
Stasik, as if bitten by a snake, jumped up from the cot and rushed headlong into the house. The shame, annoyance at himself and anger at the stubborn girl were so great that, as soon as he pulled on his underpants, he immediately ran back.
“Well, now hold on!.. I didn’t mean it in a good way,” shouted Stasik, swinging at the girl.
She, contrary to his expectations, did not get scared, did not run away, did not scream. L Dodging his fists, she made a deft sweep and at that very moment Stasik found himself on the ground. Having risen, he again bravely rushed on the offensive, grabbed the girl by the neck, intending to throw her down, and he himself did not understand how he again found himself prostrate at her feet.
- Well, have you had enough, nudist, or do you want more? - she asked, laughing.
It was a complete shame, fortunately no one saw it. Stasik stood up and, looking angrily at his offender, began to shake himself off. He didn't want to fight anymore.
“Sorry, I didn’t warn you: my policeman fell, he’s showing me tricks,” said the girl.
Stasik was sullenly silent and shook himself off.
“Don’t be angry, you hear, I won’t tell anyone anything,” the girl tried to make amends.
Stasik was silent and shook himself with concentration.
- Well, do you want me to teach you some police tricks? - the girl suggested.
“It’s very necessary,” Stasik muttered, turned away and went into the house.
- Do you want...
Stasik did not hear the end of the sentence. In the house he put on trousers and a shirt, combed his hair and, still sulking, went out. And... I couldn’t believe my eyes!
On the cot, in what his mother gave birth in, lay his recent offender. The sun scorched her slender, tanned body. Only on the back and buttocks were narrow strips of milky-white skin, untouched by the sun's rays, standing out.
Water was dripping into the barrel from a loosely closed tap, and an annoying green fly was darting around his face with an angry buzzing that pierced his ears.

Dedicated to such a “slippery” issue as camp nudism. Is it in the tourist club and under what circumstances, when is it appropriate and when is it not? The history of the emergence of nudism is described and whether it should be mandatory in some cases.

A reader who is not familiar with our tourist club, who has read this article to the end and has not practiced nudism, may think that our tourist club is probably not for him. I want to calm him down. We are tourists, not nudists, and we are not going to flash our bodies in front of him. By going on a hike with us, we will not embarrass newcomers. The events described here occurred, but not as often as we would like. During the existence of the club, we have developed tact and a sense of proportion and understand what, where and when is appropriate and what is not. Some things are done at closed events, which are not easy to get into. This article is more about a healthy society of the future, of which we are the pioneers.


IN Last year Our leaders several times encountered situations where the following dialogues took place:

First dialogue:
- I want to go to a camp on Lake Baikal. You were recommended to me by my friend, who was with you in the last camp.
- Is something bothering you?
- You have guys swimming naked there.
- Was it unpleasant for your friend? Did she like it at our camp?
- I liked it very much, but I...

Second dialogue:
- We would go with you to Baikal
- ?
- But we have daughters 12 and 14 years old.
- We have no age restrictions.

Third dialogue:
- We want to go to the bathhouse with you, but you steam there naked.
- How should you take a steam bath?
- Naked, of course, it’s better, but only in your own company.
- And our tourist team is its own company.

Fourth dialogue:
- Why is your guy sunbathing naked on the shore? Is he sick?
- No, on the contrary, healthy.

Fifth dialogue:
- Is it true that they force you to jump naked over a fire?
- They don’t force us, we just like it that way.

Previously, I did not attach any importance to the topic of nudism and believed that the freedom accepted in the club was its advantage. But it turned out that in the eyes of some people this is a disadvantage. Moreover, the number of such people increases with the increase in hypocrisy in the state. (For example, I was surprised to learn about the closure of a completely innocent photo exhibition of Sturges in Moscow.)

Now it turns out that standard answers like: “Don’t bother, we are normal healthy people”, “If you feel uncomfortable, don’t look”, “You don’t have to participate in some activities”, “At least swim in a skirt” - are no longer satisfying.

Therefore, after studying the issue theoretically, scouring the Internet, I decided to write an article to describe our experience, to convince the reader that we are normal people, and give a series interesting facts about nudism in general.

In the late 90s, I decided to harden myself and went swimming on Shartash on weekday mornings, starting in September. The shore was completely deserted. One day, when I was undressing, an elderly woman with a dog was walking along the shore. When I began to go into the water, she told me: “Young man, it’s customary to swim naked here.” “Thank you for making the comment!” I didn’t want to embarrass the woman, but I turned out to be wrong. When the ice set in in November and an ice hole was made on Shartash, I became convinced that almost all the “walruses” were swimming naked. Shartash is a fairly crowded place, and there were always a lot of people at the ice hole, including spectators. But this did not bother anyone. Everyone understood that putting on swimming trunks in the cold, then plunging into the water for a few seconds, then taking them off, drying off and getting dressed was complete insanity. Nobody wanted to drive away the spectators either, because we set an example for them to live a healthy lifestyle. Many of them asked questions, and, making sure that it was not scary, they also decided to take the plunge. In the summer, on the deserted beaches on Shartash, no one really bothered with swimsuits either. Everything began to change in the mid-2000s, when swimming in the ice hole became widespread on the Epiphany holiday, and most people took up winter swimming on this holiday. The presence of television, priests and monks, the almost official nature of the holiday - all this led to the fact that “wild walruses” were supplanted by “textile workers” (as nudists call those who swim in swimming trunks or a swimsuit). The advent of the ability to take photos and videos on phones finally brought about the spread of nudism in Yekaterinburg. I think that Yekaterinburg did not have enough years for nudism to become widespread. In Kyiv, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, for example, the nudist beach is not exactly in the city center, but everyone knows about it, and its presence is not a sensation or scandal. Our nudists go to Flux to sunbathe, and this trip requires a whole day, although one should be able to sunbathe by going out for a couple of hours.

Nudism in our tourist group appeared in the same way as among walruses - solely for practical reasons (in fact, it stems from them). In winter, we found holes in the rivers and swam. Often we didn’t expect to go swimming, and in winter it never occurred to us to carry swimming trunks with us. Then there was a camp bathhouse at the Artists' Glade on Konjak. That year the weather was particularly cold with wet snow. We swam in the icy Konzhakovka (the water in the mountain river seemed colder to me than in the ice hole). The guys soon took off their panties, as their testicles began to ache from the cold after the ice water. The girls who remained in their swimsuits later told me that it would be better if they took them off too, as they had caught a cold. Then I read that a sauna with an ice hole and underwear are simply not compatible: due to the temperature difference, when the panties are still icy and the body is already warm, the flow of lymph is greatly disrupted. Now we explain our appearance to newcomers. A bathhouse is a health procedure; we don’t want to spoil our health and we don’t recommend it to you.

In most cases, it is not possible to arrange separate events for boys and girls. Preparing it is a lot of work, and the time on the hike is very limited. But with the advent of bathhouses with stoves, it became easier. Setting up a sauna and heating it takes about half an hour. One day, more than thirty people went on our rafting trip. There were a lot of newcomers and, in order not to embarrass them, and also to avoid crowding, we decided to make a separate bathhouse. The experiment failed. The guys went first, but we were already so used to being in bathhouses with girls that we experienced psychological discomfort (we’ll talk about psychological issues below). The family also did not understand why they had to go separately from their wives. Eventually the girls got tired of waiting and joined us. A couple of times the girls themselves asked to be given the opportunity to go to the bathhouse separately. This was accompanied by various troubles, such as a plastic mug melted on the stove. One tourist explained to me that she would no longer go to the women’s bathhouse. There are things that guys do better, like throwing firewood and hovering with a broom. So I decided to stop experimenting with separate baths.

When I decided to “be theoretically savvy” and read the articles, it turned out that the same phenomenon - swimming and naked sunbathing - is called by many words. Nudists are something like us, who swim naked because it’s more practical, and sunbathe naked because they get an even, beautiful tan. There are ideological ones, which are called naturists. They do this for philosophical reasons. And there are also various perverts, whose names I will not write, so as not to attract the attention of search engines on the Internet.

The most serious argument of opponents of nudism is that it contradicts our culture and traditions. But what kind of culture are we talking about? We live in an urban civilization, which is an interweaving of different subcultures. And subcultures, youth or religious, have their own customs. Besides, morals are changing. In the pre-war years and before the revolution in Ural cities In the ponds, everyone swam naked, although boys and girls were separated separately (the space allowed for separate swimming areas), but these were not isolated beaches, closed by bushes and fences. Everything was in plain sight. A newsreel has been preserved in which Nicholas II and the Grand Dukes swim naked. And in the south, on the beaches, everyone sunbathed together, and in different ways: half in shorts, half naked (of which many photographs have been preserved). Because beach holiday- this is just relaxation, not swimming. And if people came to the south with their whole family, then it would be stupid to go to separate beaches at sea. And if we restore our culture, then it will be exactly like this.

You can also refer to Russian culture, but where can you find it? Typically, carriers of “pure culture” live in villages. But in the Urals, every village has its own customs. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the population of the Urals consisted of Old Believers - Kerzhaks, ordinary Russians and immigrants from Ukraine. Somewhere men and women went to the bathhouse separately (among the Kerzhaks), somewhere in married couples (among the Russians), and Ukrainians went to the bathhouse with the whole family and also with their neighbors due to poverty. But now it is hardly worth focusing on dying and drinking villages.

One can refer to Christian or other traditional religions, and the freedom of morals in the late 19th and first half of the 20th centuries can be attributed to the loss of authority of these religions. But this is also not true, the memories of European and Arab travelers have been preserved, which describe how there were bathhouses on the banks of the Moscow River, and cheerful and healthy people steamed in them together, regardless of gender and age, and ran out to plunge into the ice hole (the descriptions were admiring). You can consider this a manifestation of paganism and turn to the sacred scriptures. There we will find some passages about nudism. In particular, in paradise, Adam and Eve were naked, and when God expelled them from paradise, he came up with punishments for them: wearing clothes, working, giving birth to children in pain, and death. There is also an episode about how Ham laughed at his sleeping, drunk and naked father. But what conclusions we can draw for our time from ancient Near Eastern folklore is a debatable question. What do we have to do with it?

It would seem that the question of what form to swim in is not religious. But that's not true. He is religious, if religion is understood in a very broad sense (in translation, “religion” is the restoration of communication). That is, religion can both unite people and separate people, separating our own from strangers. But clothes do the same! It is no coincidence that there is a struggle in Europe whether or not to allow in schools the wearing of items of clothing indicating the national and religious affiliation of schoolchildren. Therefore, there is truth in the beach joke: “Young man, either take off your cross or put on panties.”

I like two concepts that the writer Efremov introduced - gymnophiles and gymnophobes. It turns out that even in Ancient Greece morals in different areas were different. Somewhere they admired the human body, there it was customary to be naked in various situations, and citizens simply did not understand the point of hiding it (gymnophiles), but somewhere it was the other way around (gymnophobes). (Recently, after many years, I re-read Efremov and realized that he was a great thinker, the last cosmist writer, who influenced many Russian subcultures. Esotericists and neo-pagans borrowed many things from him. And the novel “Thais of Athens” accustomed the intelligentsia of the late Soviet period to nudism. )

So now, different subcultures of Russian society have different attitudes towards nudity. There are subcultures of gymnophiles and gymnophobes. I also read that generations alternate. The youth generation of the 2000s are gymnophiles, and those of the 2010s are already gymnophobes. There is a fierce “holy war” going on between gymnophiles and gymnophobes on the Internet. Moreover, this war is much broader than the question of whether to wear panties on the beach or not. As one representative of a traditional religion complained to me, in her midst, gymnophobes cannot calm down. Why are you wearing trousers? When almost everyone is wearing skirts, the next question is: “Why are skirts short?” When everyone is wearing long skirts, why is there no headscarf? This process of wrapping is endless and will end when only the eyes remain open.

Among pagan Rodnovers (I do not use the word “pagan” in a negative sense, although I understand that the term is inaccurate in relation to Rodnovers) there are different attitudes towards nudity. Once, while swimming, naked people said that they were not nudists, but pagans. Indeed, it is worth remembering the holiday of Kupala. But there is also an opposite attitude towards nudity (is the generation of gymnophobes beginning to dominate?): “According to the Vedas, the skirt should be knee-length!” In which Vedas? Where did you read this? The Vedas are hymns of praise to the gods, rituals and spells, and the Aryas, galloping on horses, were clearly not wearing skirts.

The past must be viewed very carefully. There is no need to idealize either the Christian past of Russia, or the pagan past of Rus', or even more ancient (Arians?). I suspect that a negative attitude towards nudity is hardwired into the Russian language and has been going on since the beginning of its formation. Thus, the words “impudent” and “arrogant” are related to the word “naked,” and the word “shame” is related to the word “icy.” Therefore, to the statement: “Well, you are impudent!” - it would be correct to answer: “No, I’m dressed,” and to the phrase “Aren’t you ashamed?” - you need to answer: “No, I’m warm.” Knowing the ugly forms of fashion of the past, with long sleeves or huge hairstyles, we can say that society is now recovering as clothes become more functional. For example, T-shirts have evolved from underwear into everyday wear and are penetrating the work and business spheres.

You can talk about the mental health of individuals, but for some reason it is not customary to talk about the mental health of society, although one could partly judge its condition by clothing. Here are possible options for worsening mental health:
1) Clothing is intended only to protect against the cold.
2) Clothing serves as a social sign of distinction. This is the ancient Aryan period, when varnas took shape - the first division of people. Varna is translated as color (esotericists say that it is the color of the aura, but I simply think that it is the color of clothing).
3) Clothing is designed to cover the body, even if it is warm. The first bans on nudity. Totalitarian society. The main function is to hide the vices of rulers, since by the appearance of the body one can judge a person’s health and lifestyle, and whether he is able to cope with the responsibilities of his position. In Rus', this is the period when princes, from mercenaries invited to defend the city, turned into sovereign rulers.
4) Clothes should hide beauty. Social instability, enemy invasions, slavery. Periods of civil strife, Mongol-Tatar yoke, serfdom.
5) The body is a product that needs a beautiful wrapper - clothing. Consumer society.

This is just a sample diagram. If we begin to examine the functions of clothing, we will see peculiar waves of attitude towards it over the course of even one century.

I am very skeptical about organized forms of nudism in the form separate beaches or clubs. In my opinion, it is stupid to make nudism a unifying factor. The freedom of the beginning of the last century is closer to me. Isolated spaces for normal and mentally healthy people (I will explain this later) turn nudists in the eyes of society into outcasts and perverts.

It turns out that in Russian society, different subcultures have different attitudes towards nudity and it is useless to conduct discussions at the level of the entire society. Since tourists are a separate subculture, it is worth deciding on the attitude towards nudity in tourism in general or in our tourist community in particular. Therefore, next we will talk about tourists and our experience.

The first function of nudity – practicality – has already been discussed by us. Swimming and tanning in the nude is useful, but swimming trunks are often harmful, as I have already substantiated using the example of a bathhouse. Usually, being healthy, we do not notice minor inconveniences such as the elastic bands of our panties pulling the lymph flow. Once I happened to be on vacation in the south, completely sick and exhausted physically and mentally, and swimming trunks on the beach simply caused me physical suffering.

I think that I express an exclusively male point of view on things. Women may argue that bare-chested sunbathing is bad for them because of the risk of cancer. Maybe so, although I have a suspicion that rumors about breast cancer due to tanning are deliberately spread by swimsuit manufacturers; Over millions of years, nature should have taken care of protective mechanisms. Women still have their critical days... In general, let's agree that I will continue to express a man's point of view about the benefits of nudism for men, and let women, while reading the article, make corrections for women's nature. I don't understand women's issues.

Nudism ends with the practicality and usefulness of nudity. Then naturism begins - the ideological justification for being naked. In this sense, my article “” is naturistic. In it I write that humanity in its evolution is following the path of termites. When the climate worsened, they created giant structures - termite mounds, which preserved the weather that existed several million years ago. Only humans have several such protective barriers - these are locality, home and clothing. And one of the functions of tourism is to temporarily be without these protective barriers, to feel merging with nature. Naturally, this does not always work out. We walk in raincoats and with tents, and even with mosquito nets. But you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of lying under the sun mountain lake, or even run in the first snowfall. By the way, our experience shows that down to minus 10 it is more comfortable to run with a bare torso than with clothes on; the body is warmed by internal heat and skin breathing is not disturbed. So we exaggerate the importance of protective barriers without knowing it, turning them into straitjackets.

The third function of nudity on a hike is to merge with nature. Aggressive “textile workers” may object to me: “Well, a small piece of fabric, you see, prevents him from merging with nature.” Yes, it interferes. Somehow, in a narrow circle, we conducted the following experiment. We chose a day when it was not very hot and not very cold (+15) and there were no blood-sucking insects (it was September), and walked through the forest without clothes (we walked 20 km). The skin quickly adapted and the branches did not scratch it; it absorbed dew from the bushes it touched. We realized that the protective function of clothing for our forests is greatly exaggerated. When we got dressed, there was a feeling of awkwardness, as if we were wearing spacesuits. The skin is a single organ, and it has a need to feel air, wind and water with every cell. This experience is as if we walked around with a bandage over one eye, and then took off the bandage, and the world began to shine before us in volume. It’s the same here, until you try it, you won’t understand why small pieces of fabric interfere.

Have you noticed, looking at tourist photographs, that tourists look foreign against the background of the landscape? Maybe it's the backpacks or the unnatural colors of synthetic clothing. But also in camouflage. One day we discovered a mountain lake, which for some reason was not on the map. We saw it from the top on the opposite slope of the valley and went to it the next day, having overcome a kilometer-long climb along the kurum. Have you ever found yourself in a place where there is no sign of a person? Even fire pits? We found ourselves at a small mountain lake surrounded by jagged rocks. The weather was hot, and we went for a swim. Coming out of the water, we took our time to get dressed, dried off and walked along the hill in search of a good point for photography. The girls told the guys: “You look beautiful, you have become part of the landscape.” Obeying a sudden impulse, we hid our clothes and other things and sunbathed by the lake for a couple more hours. The whole group became part of nature.

The fourth function of nudity is beauty. One of my tourists from Moscow said that once a year she took her daughters to the Museum fine arts to look at the ancient statues. Daughters at every age absorbed the beauty of a perfect body. I know that in a person the navel divides the body according to the golden proportion, discovered by the ancient Greeks. The tourist said that in a person several dozen dimensions are subject to the golden proportion. In fact, the human body is a whole microcosm in which all the beauty of nature is hidden. Having learned to see beauty in a person, you will see beauty in nature and architecture. And by partially hiding beauty, you will cut out a whole layer of your children’s psyche at the subconscious level, deforming their ideas about beauty. Somehow I came across photographs of girls in underwear from the beginning of the last century. I couldn’t believe my eyes: “What kind of porn?” All sorts of ribbons, rubber bands... Could anyone really like this? If the development of society goes the right way, perhaps our photos by the sea in bathing suits will seem ridiculous to the next generations. Antique beauty is eternal.

To this you can object that ancient statues are one thing, and another thing is real people. That beaches, including nudist ones, are full of people whose appearance offends the sense of beauty. I don’t know how things are on the beaches, because I spend the summer in the mountains. Maybe this is so, but we agreed to talk only about the tourist team? And in active tourism either young people, or athletes, or older people who take care of themselves and are resilient. I don’t remember that the appearance of my tourists “offended my sense of beauty.” But if we return to the whole society, then, following this logic, a harmoniously built person can not cover himself on the beach? There is the following objection to this: “You know how many people we have who are unhappy in their personal lives, people with a defective psyche and simply maniacs. The appearance of a naked person will make them feel unhealthy.” And now, because of these people, we should deprive ourselves of the joy of communicating with nature and the sun? Is there some kind of perverted logic in this, that the healthy part of society should hide, because health and beauty cause bad feelings among some people? It seems to me that if the sight of naked handsome man insults someone, then that someone should work on themselves.

Once we staged on a lake in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg. We played outdoor games all day, and when it got dark we started taking a bath. About 50 people were left to fight the fire. Usually in the video you can see people in beautiful folk clothes jumping over a fire on Kupala. The fires are low and the clothes are cotton. What if the fire is so big that it reaches your ears, and your clothes are synthetic? You can get a chemical burn. And jumping over a high fire in clothes is the same insanity as taking a shower in a raincoat. What then is the point of practice? In general, we are jumping over the fire correctly. New women told me that the first time they limited themselves to a round dance, but next time they will definitely jump over the fire. And that they are grateful to me, because, despite their age and even some of them having children, they finally saw enough of so many guys in their natural form for the first time in their lives. This was said without vulgar, crooked grins or any sexual overtones.

And here we come to the fifth function of nudism - mental and educational benefits.

I think that a society in which there are no situations where boys and girls in a large group can be completely without clothes in an officially approved and safe environment, such a society is mentally sick. Perhaps there would be fewer different “defective” people if such situations existed, for example, in a school swimming pool. Does this seem wild or utopian to you? Here's an example. At the beginning of the 20th century, swimming pools of the Youth Christian Association were built in the United States. At first they were only for guys who swam naked, and this was a mandatory requirement because the filter system could not cope with the woolen threads from which swimming trunks were then made. It would seem that what is so indecent from a modern point of view is that guys swim naked. But there were also swimming competitions, to which almost the entire town gathered (there was no television then, and everyone came to “cheer for their own”). And, unlike Ancient Greece, the audience included women. Then the benefits of swimming were proven for girls who were allowed into the pool. Since the forties, the filtration system has improved, the fabrics have changed, and the ban on swimsuits has lost its meaning. Therefore, in most pools, girls worked out in swimsuits that covered their bodies. Classes were conducted in separate groups for boys and girls, but the pools were not suitable for isolated group classes and girls often saw guys (and not only children, but also college-aged ones). Young men at that time associated nudity with masculinity and health, and various “offended groups” managed to force guys to dress up only by the 80s. That's how the Youth Christian Association is! Intrigued, I asked the American what was the matter. He explained to me that back then girls married innocent. Pornography was not common at that time. Therefore, parents tried to make girls see their brothers or classmates naked. This was tacitly encouraged to prevent brides from fainting at the sight of their grooms in their natural state. But those times are long gone. Americans swim in long shorts, beautiful bodies have been commoditized in glossy magazines, and pornography is rampant, with adult stores on every corner.

But this is America, but what is the situation in Russia? At the same time as in America, the pioneers in Artek swam and sunbathed naked. Nobody wanted to bother with drying clothes back then. And at the present time? Once I went swimming in an ice hole at the same time that the coach was bringing a small group of teenagers 14-17 years old there. As was customary then, we swam without anything. On the way back, one of the girls met her friend, and the following dialogue took place, to which I became an involuntary listener:
-Are you swimming in an ice hole? Dont know. Where do you change clothes?
- Nowhere, we swim without clothes (the athlete answered proudly).
A friend asked for details
- When I climb out of the hole, my friend immediately wraps me in a towel.
- How do guys change clothes?
- The guys crawl out of the ice hole and dry off in the sun before getting dressed.
-Are you turning away?
- No, why, they are beautiful and healthy and trust us. Why should they be ashamed?

I’m not sure that such a conversation is possible now, that the coach, as before, brings his teenagers to swim. The Internet is full of scandals involving sports clubs. For example, I read a story about how a coach took guys of different ages at a camp site to a bathhouse and they swam naked in the outdoor pool. The pool was in the backyard of the camp site and surrounded by bushes, but the girls had the opportunity to peek if they wanted. Single mothers, who do not understand that boys need male upbringing, declared a “crusade” on the Internet and began to scribble at all authorities. The claims were as follows:
1) “A coach is also a teacher! How can you! In this form with your own students! And the children were of different ages, from 11 to 15, therefore, in different stages of maturation. Was it really difficult for the coach to swim in swimming trunks, and was it possible to bring the children together in two sessions – younger and older?” You can’t do it in two sessions, the sports camps have a strict regime, and everything is scheduled all the time. The guys will be calmer, observing not only their own development, but also the maturation of their peers and older guys. And the coach gave the guys the right example of how to treat their body.
2) “The boys were humiliated that they were taken out into the street in this form and the girls could see them.” Did someone ask the boys themselves if they were humiliated? I think they were diving and splashing in the pool and having a lot of fun.
3) “If girls were peeping, it would harm their psyche.” It’s interesting that when it comes to boys, mothers are more often indignant; when it comes to girls, it’s dads. So it is here - mothers were more lenient towards girls peeping at them.

From the “holy war” on the forum, I still didn’t understand whether the girls were peeping in reality, so I’ll risk making an assumption based on my experience of children’s and teenage camps. If children cannot see each other naked directly, they will definitely run around and peek. Moreover, girls are even more likely than boys. Will it harm them? Well, they won’t go blind from this. But seriously, the harm may not come from what they saw, but from the attitude of others; if they themselves regard their peeping as something shameful. But in the information age, it is impossible to hide any information. Let them spy rather than watch porn.

One of the objections of opponents of nudism is: “Children can see you,” or even more specifically: “Girls can see you.” In general, this is a typically manipulative phrase. Very often, when they want to justify a ban, they say that it could harm children. In our case, I think it is still the cultural influence of Freud. But the model of the psyche he created is a person in a very sick society with a complete ban on nudity. Here is the main idea of ​​Freud's psychoanalysis: the child saw one of the parents (or both of them) in an “inappropriate” form, received an injury, forgot about it, but suffers all his life. And the psychoanalyst will search for this episode from childhood for years. I wonder what model of the psyche Freud would have created if he had been born into an African tribe? In fact, the child was injured not because of the appearance of his parents, but because of their reaction to his appearance. By the way, those problems that psychoanalysts have been treating for years can be cured with two weeks of relaxation in the south - on a nudist beach. And children who grew up in nudist families do not have problems during adolescence. I have also heard a more radical statement that there is simply no transitional age. That is, there is a restructuring of physiology, but there are no psychological problems, aggressiveness or shyness and many other deviations in behavior.

Opponents of nudism point to physiological and psychological differences between boys and girls. I already agreed that girls have characteristics that prevent them from being naked in nature, such as menstruation or perhaps the harm of sun tanning to their breasts. What really confuses guys is the possible occurrence of an erection. And it's not even a reflex to naked women. It can arise even from a blow of wind, and its presence indicates health and temperament. In its very appearance, in principle, there is nothing that could surprise others, and educated people will not pay attention to it. But you won’t have to suffer and sparkle with it, because the action takes place near the river with cold water or there is some kind of physical activity when the blood rushes to other parts of the body, or, finally, you can roll over if you are sunbathing. In our experience, the problem is completely fictitious, and it does not depend on age. Also far-fetched is the objection that we will get used to the sight of women and will not be aroused in the right situation. I doubt that African blacks are impotent.

In addition to the physiological difference between boys and girls, there is also a psychological difference. Both have a common memory of generations, when a significant part of people were living goods. Therefore, a naked person can feel like he is in a slave market (as is the case during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office). He may feel that his body is being compared to others. Another generational memory reflex is defenselessness. And girls are more susceptible to it. At some subconscious level, they seem to be asking themselves whether they will be harassed and how aggressively. In addition, there is also a question of reputation, whether they will seem available and promiscuous in the eyes of guys. What girls think, I can only guess, but what guys say about girls who swim naked with them, I can tell you a secret. But before that, I’ll note that teaching morality with the help of a swimsuit is the same as teaching the culture of speech with the help of a muzzle. There is a point of view that nudist teenagers begin sexual activity even later, because it begins more consciously for them. I haven’t conducted surveys, but I know of several cases where women who categorically objected to our naked holidays and considered us some kind of villains turned out to be, to put it mildly, not entirely decent.

One day I invited a group of students who had gone on weekend hikes with me several times and who had already established friendly relations with us. They said that they really wanted to go to the bathhouse, but they were embarrassed that we went to the bathhouse naked in a mixed company, and they did not have such experience. I replied that they were worrying in vain, it would just be a bathhouse, and it didn’t matter at all what they would look like. By this I meant that they could be in shorts, since it is important to introduce them to the bathhouse, snow and ice hole for the first time (they had no experience of winter swimming). Preparing a camp sauna is a big undertaking that takes more than four hours. During this time, our team has become even more united. And when the old-timers of the bathhouse went there naked, the students took off their panties together. The girls were mostly in swimsuits, but then half of them, making sure that everything was calm and following the example of the other participants, also undressed. This is usually what happens. After making sure that no one is comparing or evaluating them, the guys first undress. Instead of humiliation and embarrassment, they have a feeling of joy that, being in nature, they are finally the way nature created them, and they do not need to hide from nature and the people around them, they have become themselves.

Then, following their example, seeing that nothing terrible happened and the situation is calm, the girls undress. So, the secret of guys’ attitude towards girls who dare to undress in front of them is that guys respect such girls for their courage and value them for the trust they have placed in them! After all, guys understand how many age-old complexes girls had to overcome. They told me about this several times.

After another bathhouse, when it had already cooled down and many of the participants had left, a few guys and girls remained - quite young people at that time. We didn’t have any clothes on, we sat on the foam around the fire and caught the last rays of the setting sun. There was complete harmony between us. Everyone trusted everyone. We were one with nature and happy. I think that if there was a man in shorts among us, he would violate this unity. Then the idea of ​​the “” seminar was born, where participants get acquainted with wind, water, fire and earth.

Once in the big one we stopped to rest by a mountain lake. We wanted to swim and do some oriental gymnastics exercises. Time was running out. We swam and stood there drying off. One participant had an idea. Why are we wasting time? The word gymnastics is translated from Greek as naked. Shall we start? By the way, there are exercises that are contraindicated to do in clothes. They generate such a flow of bodily sensations (a surge of energy) that the slightest elastic bands or belts can lead to serious disturbances in the body. And this is not an exaggeration. You can easily get an overdose if, for example, you immediately do five instead of three repetitions. At best, you'll end up with a headache. In nature, we have learned how to effectively remove possible consequences and use these exercises. The meaning of gymnastics is great vigor and strength when you can go without sleep for days. Despite my desire for openness and publication on the Internet of all information, both tourist and health-related, I decided that on principle I would not disclose these information, I would not show them, that I would teach them only to nudists and immediately in the right form. And here checking people is very simple. If a person, despite the warning that a sauna with an ice hole is simply not compatible with underpants, still goes to the sauna in underpants, the whole world of practices related to health and energy will be closed to him.

Somehow, towards the end of our vacation, we decided to play pioneer ball. We sunbathed on the deserted sandy beach. We looked at each other and asked ourselves the question, why bother getting dressed? In the end, this game was called “shaking balls”. At first the girls were embarrassed to join, but when they started playing, it turned out that everyone was looking at the ball, and not at what was shaking. After this game, we understood well the ancient Greek athletes who competed naked. It’s so good when all parts of the body move and are blown by the wind as they should be by nature. Believe me, at the right air temperature (and this range is wide - from 0 to +20), sportswear in the form of T-shirts and shorts is complete insanity. They are completely non-functional compared to our skin. And no tricks like sweat-wicking thermal underwear can compare with it. These are all inventions of the manufacturers. I wonder if we will see a time when Mayakovsky’s words “There are no more beautiful clothes in the world than the bronze of muscles and the freshness of skin!” will be realized everywhere?

I very much agree with what Pasha wrote about the benefits of nudism from a practical point of view, so I won’t repeat it here. I want to talk about my opinion and experience of nudism as a woman, mother and psychologist.

The first time I took part, Pasha said that in order to jump, he would need to undress. I understand that in principle I can do this, although I felt constrained. But in a company with other girls it became easier to do it. I undressed and was surprised at how calmly men reacted to naked women. There are no unpleasant looks (I usually notice this), no one stares insolently, does not laugh, does not whisper, everyone is calmly busy with the fire and their practice. I noticed that I myself am embarrassed to look at men and do not look below the waist. I remembered that I was a grown woman and decided to be curious. Well, figure out the reasons for this behavior.

In most women there lives a little girl who has not really satisfied her curiosity in exploring her body and the body of a boy. At 3 years old, children have a natural desire to understand how they work and how to enjoy their bodies. This is a normal process. But illiterate adults invest their own meanings, stereotypes and neuroses into these actions. And then it begins - don’t do this, don’t touch, don’t look... complete prohibitions on the natural manifestation of curiosity. In most cases, the child simply does not understand what is happening and decides that the body has “bad” parts, that it is better not to feel them, that pleasure is bad, etc. A feeling of shame arises.

Excerpt from an article by the famous Gestalt therapist J.M. Robina: “If there is a strong desire, a need, then it must be recognized, thanks to the environment, recognized, accepted and, having received support, turned into contact, action. If this is not so, the desire is blocked, it can become shame. Especially if we receive a clear message from the outside: “We cannot be as we are, and we need to be different.” The main message that a person experiencing shame receives is: “I am wrong; as I am, I cannot be accepted, loved.” Shame is also strongly associated with social connections, relationships: “As I am, I am not worthy to belong to human society.”

Shame is experienced as compression, numbness, freezing, the desire to disappear, to fall through the ground, not to live...
Many people have problems accepting their body, often the figure seems beautiful, but inside there are still a lot of doubts, and if it doesn’t coincide with the modern standard, then it’s absolutely terrible. There are also problems getting pleasure from the body. And you don’t have to go far, regular exercise, which makes you feel better, is sabotaged for some reason.

When this tension is relieved, that is, there is no longer shame, the body relaxes, and a great increase in energy and vitality occurs. It is often experienced as a feeling of freedom and flight.”

Knowing all this, I gave my inner girl a chance to satisfy her curiosity. Consciously going beyond the prohibition is always therapeutic. What this gave me was relaxation, I no longer try not to look there, I can admire male beauty (the men in the club are really beautiful!), I can calmly communicate without getting stuck or freezing, it became easy and free for me.

The attitude towards my body has changed. The next one was warm, but it was raining. Everyone was standing in the tent, and the girls and I decided to go swimming in the rain. We took off our clothes, ran, swam, it was so great, so good that when I came out of the lake I just lay down on the grass and started rolling on it (there is such a powerful practice for harmonizing the body). There was a strong feeling of unity with the world, nature, and earth. I laughed like a child, especially when the puppy joined me. We were lying around together. At that moment, I almost forgot that there were people nearby; they looked so strange and unnatural in the tent that there was a feeling of different worlds. Now I understand that perhaps I looked very unusual. But they, with all their thoughts, were in another world, behind glass. And I am part of nature. I experienced a feeling of strength and freedom. I got up with a strong feeling that I was beautiful. And no matter what I look like. This is internal living - contentment with your body, acceptance of it. Now, if I notice a man’s gaze, I automatically consider it a compliment.

There is also the topic of safety, oh, Pasha wrote it correctly. Many women have encountered the topic of violence in one way or another. They talk about this a lot on TV, I grew up in the 90s and I was attacked, I had to fight and run away. And somewhere inside, in the subconscious, I know this fear. On one of our trips, at the beginning of the bathhouse, I found myself alone among 10 naked men. She froze for a few seconds - she was scared, then she remembered that these were her own men, that it was safe with them! And then I enjoyed the bathhouse. Having realized my fear and its cause, I can evaluate where it’s safe for me to undress and where I definitely can’t! Dangerous. In my psychological practice, I came across the opinion that raped women themselves are to blame for this, they asked for it with their provocative appearance and sexy clothes. The feeling that a man is some kind of stupid male who, if he gets excited, then loses control. And it seems clear that this is nonsense! But fear and guilt in such women, unfortunately, attract rapists.

I have never noticed inadequate male maniacs either in the bathhouse or in practice. Apparently we don’t have them as a species in our tourist club. And it's nice.

It just so happened that I also persuaded some women to go on a hike with us and talked about the practices. I listened with surprise: “How will I be naked? But I am married!" I was even confused by this. Tried to clarify why marriage interferes? I came across common stereotypes - it’s not allowed! Not accepted! It is unclear who did not put it down and did not accept it. As in childhood: you can’t, because you can’t.

There is also an opinion that in this way a woman seems to be cheating on her husband, especially if she notices other men, and, God forbid, they excite her! Do not confuse the physiological reaction of the body with a conscious action! Few people know that the body doesn’t care who it gets aroused by (well, if the sight of this body is pleasant), for the body there is no concept of “husband” and “wife”. The brain will still produce some amount of certain hormones. And if excitement is prohibited, then the person tries to restrain it. Well, it won’t be possible to do it selectively - it’s possible for a husband/wife, but not for the rest. It doesn't happen that way. Therefore, the neurotic way out of this is either not to see, not to notice men/women, or not to notice - to restrain your excitement. I think you can guess the consequences of these decisions. If you still allow yourself to look at men and do not hold back your excitement, then it calmly passes and is experienced by the body. Moreover, this is not visible at all in women. Or is there a fear of losing control and attacking the man you like? I'd like to see this.

There is also a fear that men will see private parts. Well, let's be honest, with the amount of material that makes up a modern women's swimsuit, nothing remains hidden. Whichever man needs it will easily figure out the rest.

To sum it up, I am for nudism, but with reservations. Appropriate place(nature, I wouldn’t risk undressing in the city center), suitable people (tourists in our club are familiar and suitable) and a suitable period (during menstruation, you can find a way to undress, but it depends on who is comfortable)

Well, about the children.

It so happened that I calmly walked around naked or changed clothes in front of my son at home. And on the rivers, as I already wrote, we didn’t bother with clothes. That is, my son, until he was 10 years old, calmly ran around naked and looked at adults too. This is a very practical approach when camping; it’s easier to wash a child than to wash clothes. But then the son sometimes began to feel embarrassed. Don’t go into his bathroom, he’ll wash himself and turns away from me. We're watching a movie where they kiss, and he's already grumbling, turning away and showing his displeasure. Here the question arose for me about personal boundaries and intimacy. Therefore, I took into account all his requests. But we gathered for a tourist rally, and I was worried about practice. I was worried about how I would undress in front of him, how would this make him feel? He was also worried, so we agreed that neither I, nor he himself, nor others would force him! That comfort is most important. It turned out that they worried in vain. The general atmosphere of relaxation and the gradual transition captivated my son so much that even if he was shy at first, he somehow managed to cope with it. Whether he was considering anyone or not, I don’t know, I didn’t even ask. He was keen on jumping and walking on coals. I felt delight, strength and courage.

The other day we watched a film where there were kisses, naked men (a little, but there were some), a few scenes with a hint of eroticism (oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much a hint). The child was embarrassed and said that it was not very comfortable for him to watch, but in principle it was normal. That is, for him it is no longer traumatic. And this is already a big plus. Well, let's remember that the forbidden fruit is sweet, that the more we hide this area of ​​life from children, the more they climb into it. For me, it is practices such as saunas, coals, and naked swimming that help satisfy curiosity and relieve unnecessary stress. There is no emphasis on sexuality in these actions, there is no strong violation of boundaries. Everything is quite natural. The atmosphere of support and respect also makes it possible to relax and be yourself. Although here a lot depends on the parents, on their awareness and inner feeling. Children read and unconsciously copy exactly how their parents live something, and not what they say.


1) While preparing this article and studying the Internet, I realized that the “New Nomads” tourist club is not alone. For example, there is an instructor in Kamchatka who, even in advertisements for commercial trips, writes in the list of things: “you can take swimming suits, but nudism is welcome.” And in the Moscow cycling club "Caravan", it seems that they are not shy at all.

2) I was in doubt whether to allow comments on the article or not. On the one hand, there seems to be nothing to discuss. I bring memories and describe the already established order in the tourist club. In addition, I am afraid of the “holy war” that may break out in the comments on this article. At the same time, maybe people will write something good. Therefore, I leave the opportunity to comment, but I warn you that I will delete any aggressive comments.

Road trip around the north Perm region with a visit to the historical sights of the cities of Cherdyn, Nyrob, Solikamsk and the natural attractions of Iskor and Krasnovishersk - Vetlan rocks

After making sure that the family was asleep, he went down to the sea. The first days of rest are harder than work. You can’t sleep normally until you get used to changing belts, you can’t be alone - you need to be with your people, and besides, you don’t know the area yet. Plus, his wife kept asking him to speak to strangers in English, which was worse than torture. Every time I got furious, trying to explain to her that having some kind of vocabulary does not mean being able to speak. He agreed to find out how much it costs to rent a bungalow for a day and where it is cheaper to rent a boat, but he was not going to ask the owners which cafe is better to visit if your wife is a vegetarian and your children are omnivores. But now, alone in the dark on the beach, I felt almost good: I lay down on a sun lounger and drank white wine from duty free, which had been in the refrigerator for two days. Listened to the sea. Unexpectedly, I quickly drank the entire bottle, walked along the sand - the sea had moved away due to low tide, sank into the still warm water, moving my hands along the bottom and swaying on the waves, and crawled along the shore. Then he turned over onto his back, pushed off strongly with his legs and swam. I haven’t really swum yet, I need to swim every day to get in shape during the two weeks of vacation. But first you should get a good night’s sleep, then your grateful body will be ready for pleasant stress. I looked at the starry sky and found myself about fifty meters from the shore. I decided to try to reach the bottom, held my breath and dived. I didn’t get it, I was very frightened by the dark water, I turned back to the lights, to the shore and people. There was a tickling in his guts, and it seemed as if something nasty might grab him from the dark depths. As soon as I got out of the water, this fear seemed funny and childish. He threw on his shirt, picked up his empty bottle and walked towards the bungalow.

The sounds of people were getting closer, and he had an irresistible urge to talk to someone. Tourists and hosts were cooking meat on the grill, it smelled very tasty. I decided to get closer to them, because this afternoon the hostess came by and announced a night event. He then answered embarrassedly:

No thanks, we are vegetarians.

The smell made me salivate, and now I regretted saying that. In general, his wife never pressed him, but he did not eat meat with her for company, even if the children did.

“Hello,” said the Argentinean who lived in the neighboring house good-naturedly. From somewhere I accidentally knew that this man was Argentinean, apparently unconsciously - from a conversation I overheard.

I wanted to answer something. He replied:

Good night.

And then suddenly he said to the Argentine:

I saw a lot of flags on your backpack. In a good way, I was jealous of how much you travel.

I wanted to say “stripes,” but I didn’t remember or didn’t know the word.

Oh thanks. But that’s not very much,” the Argentine replied.

The conversation apparently did not work out. I was embarrassed, it became awkward that he was standing there still wet and trying to idly talk in a language that he couldn’t really feel. I said goodbye and went to my bungalow. I dried myself off in the dark, put on dry underpants and lay down next to my wife. The fan hummed, and the sound seemed very strange and a dark counterpoint to the voices and distant music coming from the street. What if you try to touch your wife? The children slept in the second room, separated from their parents by an empty doorway and curtain. You can, of course, try to do everything very quietly. This condition was even exciting - to make everything no louder than the sound of a fan; his wife would be grateful, he knew that, but he could not get over some awkwardness that had arisen several years ago and made intimacy at times almost impossible. They were probably not as young as before, and there was no need to look for another explanation. “What is she? What do I know about her? - such questions arose in the air and did not allow me to aim. A ten-year-old cheerful daughter and a five-year-old sullen son - one of them was always nearby, and it became awkward even just thinking about sex.

He put his hand on his wife. He felt excited and heard his heart beating. The wife muttered something in her sleep and turned to him. Already much more than nothing, and a little better than loneliness. He fell asleep holding his wife in sweet anticipation. And when I woke up in the morning, I was still a little excited, and that was good.

After breakfast, everyone got into a small boat together - they were attracted by a man with a sign “to the island” - and sailed to the island. It was hot and hot. He bought his daughter and son the same Panama hat, only in different colors. He and his wife drank beer, and he decided to eat shrimp with the children. We sunbathed, then my son and I went to watch the crabs, fast and elusive, and when the intoxication passed, he swam while the children picked in the sand. And it even began to seem that now he understands what real rest is. The body seemed to have become accustomed to the water, so clear and friendly during the day; it was possible to swim easily, without the convulsive effort of all the muscles at once. He understood how to swim correctly, and his face broke into a smile of pleasure. He stopped in the water, stood on tiptoe, raising his chin, restrained himself so as not to laugh out loud with almost childish joy, stroked the sea water with his hands, and this day flew by quickly and without reflection.

We returned back on the same boat, driven by a dark Asian man. The boat rocked while the Asian man tied the rope to the pier. We returned just in time: the wind began to accelerate.

First, he supported his wife while she was rising, then he easily lifted his son, a little sleepy in the evening, onto the pier, and almost as easily - his daughter.

“Thank you,” he said to the Asian, paying.

He took his wife by the hand and led her to the shore. It was good, I wanted to put the children to bed earlier today and stay alone. His wife, as if guessing this thought, smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

My hat! - the daughter screamed, throwing up her hands, but did not have time to grab the panama hat. The Panama hat quickly, like a crab on sand, slid along the pier, flew up several meters and ended up in the water. He jumped without hesitation, like a fish, because just an hour ago the sea accepted and loved him. But the distance turned out to be not so close. In his imagination, he swam to his goal in a few seconds, but in reality the waves here were unexpectedly strong and dark, and he was no closer to his daughter’s Panama hat. It was hard to fight the waves, swallowing salt water, was still swimming, but already knew that he was about to give up. It was inevitable - it would be shameful to turn back to the pier and the boat, but now they were far away. The Asian stood on the edge, closest to everyone, but his figure expressed nothing. The wife hugged the children close to her, and the waves grew higher.

Throw a circle! - he shouted to the Asian, feeling that he would drown a little earlier than he could swim. But he didn’t seem to understand Russian at all and didn’t understand at all how it was possible to swim so poorly.

Let him throw a circle! Save!

But then the Asian realized what was going on, raised his hand and, somehow completely incredulously, sluggishly threw him a life preserver.

When he got out, all he could say was:

I’m sorry to have troubled you.

It would hardly be possible to say this with irony. He turned to look into the abyss from which he had emerged a few seconds ago. Panama hat was no longer visible from here, only the inhospitable gloomy sea. The wife and daughter were silent while the whole family went ashore, and the son asked:

Dad, why didn't you drown?

The wet shorts dripped first onto the pier, then onto the sand. And he noticed that the sky here for the first time became completely gray, as if it hung very low above his head and was ready to fall at any second.

Legends, stories and stories of the wild (nudist) beach - 4. Oh, just don't tell your mom ! Where else, if not on a wild beach, can you read an article from an ethical and philosophical collection? Most of the Naked Beach regulars are the same. They won’t take you for an idiot and won’t interrupt you with the question: “Shall we throw in?” After reading two chapters, I cover my face with the collection and blissfully lean back on the mat to sunbathe. .. I involuntarily closed my eyes, trying not only to remember the charming vision, but also painfully remembering what exactly God’s wondrous creation standing in front of me was like. Remembering, he involuntarily smiled. A candle!. Thin, with a quivering flame, timidly illuminating the darkness of the Orthodox church. When for the quiet reading of the prayer for the resurrection of Christ, all the lights in the temple are extinguished. And from her, manyuni, but possessing the immaterial power of faith, love and beauty, at the end of the prayer, hundreds of large candles and multi-lamp chandeliers flash brightly with a piercing light. “And he!” the girl flushes.


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