Summer school. Flight School GTA V Walkthrough of Flight School gta 5 online

Not hardcore enough? Then flight school will be just right. Listening to instructor J.T. Boyd will not be enough - you need to have good skills from the beginning. Despite belonging to “Online”, the school added is completed alone. In total, 10 lessons await players, each of them is focused more on military aviation than for a civilian one. To pass the class, you need to receive a medal. Successful completion rewards you with RP (reputation points) and money. The better the result (bronze, silver or gold medal), the greater the reward.

01. Outside loop

Gold: invest in 58 seconds
Silver: invest in 1 minute and 20 seconds
Bronze: invest in 2 minutes

Having mounted the P-996 Lazer fighter, you need to perform a reverse loop, a maneuver similar to what was performed in. The fundamental difference is that the nose of the fighter should not be lifted up, but pulled down, under itself. We fly past the first checkpoint, keeping the plane level, and dive. Then we fly over three checkpoints and dive so as to fly around the bridge. To perform this trick, you need to fly smoothly and perform the actions in time.

02. Engine failure

Gold: stop the plane no further than 10 meters from the checkpoint
Silver: stop the plane no further than 30 meters from the checkpoint
Bronze: to land the plane

A Miljet with an inoperative engine must be landed at the Fort Zancudo military base. The main thing is not to jump onto the lane right away, otherwise you may not reach the checkpoint. We stretch further and sit down.

03. Chase parachute

Gold: land no further than 2 meters from the center of the checkpoint
Silver: land no further than 4.5 meters from the center of the checkpoint
Bronze: land no further than 7 meters from the center of the checkpoint

The lesson is a regular parachute jump, but with one unusual difference - at the beginning the player jumps from the airplane compartment without a parachute. You can see him in free flight nearby, you need to catch him. It's not a big deal - in order to catch a parachute, you just need to slow down and accelerate. After the parachute is grabbed, we open it and head to the target point, fenced off by two military trucks.

04. City landing

Gold: stop the plane no further than 10 meters from the checkpoint
Silver: stop the plane no further than 30 meters from the checkpoint
Bronze: Land a plane

The task is not easy, but it can be completed after several attempts. It is necessary to plant Titan in terrible weather (rain, lightning). Even after the first checkpoint, the left engine breaks down, and after the second, the instructor informs us that we will have to land on the beach. There will be two more checkpoints in the air. Having made a right turn, we descend, but so as not to crash into anything while flying over the pier. Then we sit down, having first lowered the landing gear, and slowly move as close as possible to the finish line.

05. Moving landing

Gold: invest in 19 seconds
Silver: invest in 25 seconds
Bronze: invest in 1 minute

This activity requires you to land the Swift Flying Bravo helicopter on the platform of a moving truck. At this time, time is running out - the truck is driving towards the tunnel. The key to success is low speed and alignment on the platform. You need to properly straighten the helicopter after the truck drives onto the bridge, and also be careful with the lights that may interfere.

06. Formation flight

Gold: score 600 points
Silver: score 450 points
Bronze: score 300 points

Not the easiest lesson. On the Besra fighter trainer you need to fly in a formation of four aircraft. Here it is important to become familiar with each element of flight and hone your skills to the point of automaticity. We hold down the gas pedal during the countdown, so that when the other three pilots start moving, we will be able to start at the right moment. We take off and fly behind the formation. We hold down the gas pedal, because otherwise you can fall behind the others. Having passed the first checkpoint, a yellow circle will appear in a certain place (now behind the trio). You need to fly and stay within its limits, then it will turn green and points will be collected. After flying in a diamond formation, the pilots will line up one behind the other. Our place is last. We just fly after everyone, without wobbling or making unnecessary maneuvers. After this, the circle will disappear, and, having flown over the next checkpoint (there is time between the end of the exercise and the checkpoint to change lanes and catch up), with the wings in a horizontal position, we go to the right behind the other pilots. Having reached the city, we will need to rebuild - our place will be the position of the second, if you count from above. After this, we line up in formation, taking the position of the far right. While flying over the bridge, you also need to be in formation, just like you were flying to the checkpoint, and synchronously perform a loop. The last checkpoint and the last thing to do in formation is to perform an inverted flight. We repeat - the lesson is far from easy, but it can be done. Practice, practice and practice some more.

P.S Do not forget to raise the landing gear after takeoff (left stick button), otherwise you will not be able to complete the mission for gold.

07. Shooting range

Gold: hit 25 targets
Silver: hit 15 targets
Bronze: hit 10 targets

Now you can frolic on a construction site with the assault Buzzard. Although no, the word “frolic” was not chosen correctly. Rather, sweat. Yes, we will shoot from the guns of a magnificent helicopter, but the guidance system will not work, since we will not be destroying vehicles, but ordinary targets, like in a shooting gallery. To begin with, there will be a training in which you need to understand three (in fact, now two, since the guidance does not work) shooting modes and target locations. After this, the lesson itself will begin. Targets will move vertically and horizontally, they will hide behind covers, some of them will be much higher than the construction site - on a crane. It is better to use missiles to destroy a group of targets (three of them go out at a time), but otherwise it is more convenient to use a machine gun - the fire will be more targeted. In this activity, it is vitally important to keep the helicopter level, not allowing it to move to the side or throw off the aim.

08. Low level flight / Ground level

Gold: invest in 1 meter deviation from checkpoints
Silver: invest in 3 meters of deviation from checkpoints
Bronze: invest in 10 meters of deviation from checkpoints

Not an easy task, consisting of 23 very low checkpoints that need to be passed with minimal deviation. To ensure zero or minimal deflection, you need to point the nose of the training Besra directly between the bottom edge and the checkpoint arrow. The sum of all deviations is summed up and divided by the number of checkpoints. The flight begins on the Los Santos River, where there are two dangers - bridge supports and water (if you fly too low, you will drown the engine, and the lesson will not be counted). After the river there will be several checkpoints in the gorge, the section is difficult. Here, and throughout the entire flight, you need don't push on the gas pedal. After the gorge and dam there are a couple of checkpoints above the water, and then a “roller coaster” of checkpoints above the pipeline, after which there will be a sharp turn to the right. If you are not sure that you will be able to enter the turn, it is better to make a turn to the left, turn around and fly directly to the next checkpoint. There is no time limit. When flying over windmills, it is important to be careful with the windmill blades, which can ruin the entire flight right before the finish line.

09. Collect flags

Silver: invest in 3 minutes
Bronze: finish

The next lesson, also on Besra, will not be easier, if not harder. There are 30 flags scattered over the city center that need to be collected. There is a timer. No consistency. All checkboxes are located on different heights, and near many there are obstacles in the form of lanterns or construction cranes. This activity, one might say, is creative - you will need to choose the route yourself. In its review of the flight school lessons, Rockstar recommended its own route (see screenshot below). Finishing the task is not difficult, getting a gold medal is difficult. Even silver can be considered good results.

10. Follow leader

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 25 seconds
Silver: invest in 2 minutes and 40 seconds
Bronze: finish

We transfer to the P-996 Lazer for a lesson that is so similar to the final flight lesson. The differences are that we have a different, more complex route and you will need to follow an instructor. Therein lies the danger of a collision. Otherwise, everything is the same: yellow checkpoints are normal, green are knife flight, blue are inverted flight (half roll), the system of bonuses and penalties is also in force. For ignoring a checkpoint or requiring it, there will be a penalty of +5 seconds to the total time. For fulfilling the requirements of green and blue checkpoints there will be a bonus - -2 seconds from the total time. The route consists of 27 checkpoints, and some of them are in very dangerous places, so it’s better to take your foot off the gas pedal in front of them.

Number 1 - normal (yellow);
number 2 - inverted (half-roll);
number 3 - normal (yellow);
number 4 - normal (yellow);
number 5 - “on the knife”, left wing below;
number 6 - regular (yellow);
number 7 - “on the knife”, left wing below;
numbers 8, 9 and 10 - regular (yellow);
numbers 11 and 12 - inverted (half-roll);
number 13-16 - regular (yellow);
number 17 - “on the knife”, left wing below;
number 18 - regular (yellow);
number 19 - “on the knife”, right wing down;
number 20-26 - regular (yellow);
number 27 - finish.

The reward for passing flight school is quite serious. If you complete all classes with gold, your total earnings will be about GTA$300,000. Plus a solid amount of reputation points (RP), as well as a small bonus - a free Elitas Travel T-shirt in the clothing store. But the main thing is a reason for pride, because passing flight school GTA:Online winning gold is no small achievement.

The San Andreas State Flight School, marked with the symbol, opens after completing the story mission " Friends Reunited" As you probably already know, Trevor is the most skilled pilot of the trio, but even he could benefit from some extra lessons early in the game.

Now we have to work out emergency landing. In this case - to the bridge. This task evaluates not the time spent, but how close to the last checkpoint you can stop your plane.

So, Mallard is already in the air and ready to descend. The necessary bridge is straight ahead. Fly to the first checkpoint, do not reduce the engine speed yet. Start slowing down exactly above the beginning of the bridge, while trying to stay slightly to the right of center - traffic No one blocked the improvised runway. Landing completely to the side is also dangerous, as you run the risk of catching a lamppost with your wing.

If the landing speed is too high, the plane will begin to bounce and will be difficult to stop. Try to solve all these problems to the marker, and then just drive to it like an ordinary car. If you see that you won’t have time to brake, try the last maneuver - take a sharp left right before the checkpoint. Sometimes a sharp turn is enough to extinguish the remaining speed. This is not, the ideal orientation of the aircraft at the finish line is not important here.

Loop the Loop

It's time to learn how to do a loop. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. The main thing to remember: before starting the trick, the wings must be exactly level with the horizon, and the steering wheel must be pulled straight towards you, otherwise the plane will go in a spiral.

Take off and gain altitude. Continue to climb higher after passing through the marker and be ready to begin the maneuver. As soon as the indicator appears in the lower right corner, pull the steering wheel towards you and make a loop.

Stop the rotation at the end of a full revolution and make sure that the bar in the corner of the screen is completely filled. Get ready to repeat the trick. In the meantime, you will have 6-7 seconds to rise a little higher if the ground and buildings are too close.

The third part is a little more difficult. It is necessary to combine the half-loop with the “half-barrel”. This aerobatic maneuver is called Immelman - in honor of the first pilot to perform it.

Pull the steering wheel towards you again and look at the filling of the bar in the right corner. We don't need a full rotation - stop the rotation as soon as the horizon appears on the screen and the trick readiness indicator disappears. Now you're flying upside down and you just need to do a half roll to finish the lesson.

Helicopter Course

During this lesson you will fly a helicopter around the city and return back to the airport. It is called, out of the frying pan and into the fire, without preliminary preparation. However, Frogger is stable and handles well, so the task at hand should not cause any big problems.

A short excursion into the control of helicopters, if you have not flown them before GTA. The traditional buttons responsible for the gas and brake in a car (and partly in an airplane) are assigned to the “step-throttle” stick in the cockpit of a rotorcraft. This way, you can change the angle of attack of the rotor blades to go up (pressing the gas) or down (pressing the brake).

Transverse (roll) and longitudinal (pitch) controls are assigned to the left stick of the gamepad. In real helicopters, the plane of the rotor tilts, which causes the aircraft to change its trajectory. IN GTA this, of course, is not simulated, but the essence is the same. Whichever direction you tilt the left stick, that’s the direction you’ll fly.

The third and final type of control is track control. As in airplanes, it is carried out using pedals in the cockpit. On the gamepad - R1/RB and L1/LB. These buttons are responsible for changing the tail rotor thrust, which allows you to turn around while hovering in the air.

There are a total of 21 checkpoints on the route. The start and finish are located at Los Santos Airport. You can see the route with all the marked markers on our map.

Once the timer finishes countdown, fly vertically up. Above the roof, hold the left stick of the gamepad forward and jump through the first mark. Next - flight in a straight line to the bridge. In this case, the following markers hang in the air below the first. Don't release the gas yet, move the left stick all the way forward. With this control, the helicopter gains maximum speed, but loses altitude.

Tip: if you go too low, release the left stick a little (but don’t move it back!), and if you fly above the desired level, lower the throttle. Over time, you will learn to catch this sensitive balance in order to accurately adjust the position of the rotorcraft in the air.

The third checkpoint is also interesting because it is located under the bridge. There is enough space there, but the game will display a message because this is one of 50 viaducts and overpasses that you need to go under. To complete the game 100% you need to perform 25 such tricks.

Having passed through the 5th and 6th points between the bridge supports, turn to the seventh above the concreted river bed. To make a sharp turn, move the left stick of the gamepad to the left and hold / . Do not give in to the temptation to fly under bridges here either, this will complicate the task and will not give you a time advantage. However, if you are an experienced ace, you can try to slip under three bridges (between the 7th and 8th, 8th and 9th, 9th and 10th checkpoints). All three count towards 100%, but we still recommend visiting them outside of this mission.

From the 11th to the 13th checkpoints - flying over the road and between houses. There should be enough clearance between the buildings to feel comfortable, but remember that the rotor overhead can catch the facade of the building, and try to prevent this.

Checkpoint number 14 hovered right above the roof of a skyscraper. Continue the climb started before marker 13 and turn left. The next segment is a long straight where you can accelerate well.

The end of the task is the most difficult stage. In front of the 16th crown, which hovers above the control tower, begin sharp turn to the right in order to pass this place in a bend and not waste time later. The remaining markers direct you to land at the helipad from which you launched a few minutes ago.

Helicopter Speed ​​Run

This lesson is all about speed. Your task is to fly the route from the checkpoints as quickly as possible and land the helicopter on the site at the airport.

Getting started shouldn't be a problem. Pick up speed over the Palomino Freeway, fortunately the conditions and the location of the checkpoints allow this. The usual timer with the result for the medal will appear in the lower right corner, and another bar will count down the total time allotted for the lesson. You can't linger here.

Within the city limits you will have to turn left, and after a short straight line - right. Next comes the most interesting part. The eighth checkpoint is located above the red bridge arch, and the next few lead to a large suspension bridge Miriam Turner, which connects the La Puerta area and the port island of Elysian Island.

There are two difficult points in the bridge supports, the passage of which will decide whether you will get “gold” or, having destroyed the helicopter, you will begin the next attempt. The width limitation here is not as severe as the height limitation. In this case, there is no time to brake; you need to fly through this place at full speed, accurately guessing the correct trajectory. This may take several tries. It is best to keep the camera directly behind the helicopter (right stick of the gamepad) so as not to guess whether it has enough headroom. In the game settings you can also switch the standard view from the “high” camera to the “low” one.

After crossing the bridge, turn sharply left to pass the marker between two buildings on the way to the airport. The penultimate checkpoint is easy to climb, but landing can be done in several ways. An easier option: walk over the roof of the building, following the map. Slow down the speed in advance and lower the helicopter onto the platform vertically down.

Another way is this: after taking the penultimate checkpoint, go straight and go down. The airport building will remain on the left side; you will only need to turn sharply to the left to get to the finish marker. If everything is calculated correctly, the final time will be better.


Distance to "gold": 3 feet / 0.9 meters
Distance for “silver”: 10 feet / 3 meters
Bronze distance: 20 feet / 6.1 meters

On the agenda is skydiving. In this lesson, you need to land accurately on a marker located on the roof of a multi-story parking lot at the airport. The closer to the center of the “target” your character’s feet land on the ground, the better. By the way, this is the difference with jumping in GTA Online: in a single-player game, it is the first touch that counts, and in a network game, the place where the character eventually stopped, since he usually takes a few more steps by inertia.

To jump out of a helicopter, press / . While in free fall, use the left stick of the gamepad to change course. If you point it forward just a little bit, you can accelerate quite well, and the flight will be reminiscent of extreme wingsuit jumps. Gravity in the world GTA works in its own way.

The task is not limited in time, so you can click in advance / and open the parachute. Use the left stick of the gamepad to control the descent: towards yourself - the hero draws his legs in and slows down the descent, away from himself - he heads down and accelerates.

On low altitude pinch from the finish marker + / + to enter precision landing mode. At the same time, the descent speed slows down and the control becomes more responsive.

Drop Zone

Distance to "gold": 0 feet / 0 meters
Distance for “silver”: 7 feet / 2.1 meters
Bronze distance: 20 feet / 6.1 meters

Another parachute jump, only now the task has become more complicated. You need to land in the back of a truck moving along the runway.

The jump is performed with high altitude, so don’t open the parachute right away. We recommend descending as quickly as possible (left stick fully forward) and pulling the cord when there are a hundred meters left to the ground. In this case, the truck will be directly in front of you and it will be easier to match its speed.

If you overtake him, you will have to either circle in the air or hold + / + and hope that the truck arrives on time. By the way, it moves at a constant speed and does not adapt to your actions.

Earn Your Wings

The final flight school lesson that will test your control of the Mallard aircraft in a variety of situations. Essentially the same thing we already went through in the Flat Hatting mission, only this time some of the checkpoints are special.

You can distinguish them by color. The yellow ones are ordinary, the same as you collected earlier. Green and blue are new. Greens should be played in the “knife” position, which is studied in one of the previous lessons. In this case, it doesn’t matter which wing the plane is on; the silhouette in the marker only suggests how to do it better based on the location of the next point on the distance.

Fly through the blue checkpoints in an inverted position. Ignoring the conditions is equivalent to missing the marker and is punishable by a five-second penalty to the total time.

Accelerate and take off. The fun begins at the third checkpoint, which must be passed with a knife. Put the plane on the left wing - this will help you make a sharp turn to marker number 4. The fifth mark - the “shifter” - is located above the bridge. If you can't fly upside down for a long time, try making a barrel so that you end up in an upside-down position at the moment you pass the checkpoint.

The seventh point is another “knife”. It makes no difference in which direction it is taken; then the flight proceeds in a straight line.

But the “knife” of checkpoint number 10 is best to take a turn to the left, since it will be more convenient to stay on the route. Then a flight between buildings, but there you have already been on a helicopter during one of your previous lessons.

The remaining few “knives” and a flip over the beach should not cause problems. The area is open, just watch out for the roofs of buildings and tall palm trees. There is no need to land the plane again, just pass the finishing line on the runway of Los Santos airport.

P.S. It started raining while the video was being recorded. The resulting turbulence greatly complicated the task. If possible, try to complete tasks (especially those that are timed) in clear weather.

Summer school will be available only after completing the mission “Suicide Bomber”. The lessons will allow you to strengthen the flying skills of the main character with which they will be completed.

To start the lesson, you just need to get to Los Santos airport or follow the airplane icon.
Stand on the yellow cone and press the right arrow to start training. To complete the game 100%, you can simply get a medal in all tests, but not necessarily gold.

1. Takeoff

In the first lesson you will learn how to take off from any runway. A gold medal will be awarded after completing the test in less than 32 seconds. You just have to hold RT (360) or R2 (PS3).

Once you've gained enough speed, pull the left analog stick towards you to raise the plane, then press the same lever to retract the landing gear. Go through the first checkpoint, trying to stay on track, then continue to the final checkpoint, located a few tens of meters away.

2. Landing on the runway

In the second lesson, or “Runway Landing,” you will learn how to land on any runway. A gold medal will be awarded for completing the test in less than 35 seconds. Once you are close to the runway, begin to land little by little by moving the left analog stick forward. Then press the left analog button to open the chassis, and then hold L2 (PS3) or LT (360) to brake.

3. Inverted flight

In the third lesson, or “inverted flight,” you will learn how to perform some tricks. A gold medal will be awarded after completing the test in less than a minute and 40 seconds.

What is San Andreas without a flight school? (Except for SA in the first part). It couldn’t have happened without her either. Piloting, as before, means a lot in the world, so you need to thoroughly learn it. The basics of aerobatics will be learned in the story mission, and you can start lessons at the flight school immediately after Ron's call after. The educational institution is located on the territory of the airport and is marked on the radar and map with an airplane icon.

The training course consists of 12 lessons. First, a recording of the instructor's explanation is played. In order for the task to be counted, you need to fulfill its conditions for “bronze”, “silver” or “gold”.

01. Training take off

Gold: invest in 32 seconds
Silver: invest in 50 seconds
Bronze: invest in 1 minute

On the Cuban 800 corn truck you need to take off from runway airport and fly through two checkpoints. Half a minute is more than enough.

02. Runaway landing

Gold: invest in 35 seconds
Silver: invest in 55 seconds
Bronze: invest in 1 minute and 10 seconds

Now we sit on the same cornfield. It is necessary to gradually reduce the speed, do not forget to lower the landing gear before landing, and before the first checkpoint you need to be already on the ground. You need to drive up to the finishing checkpoint.

03. Inverted flight

Silver: invest in 2 minutes
Bronze: invest in 2 minutes and 20 seconds

Having taken off and passed the first checkpoint, we level the plane. After the instructor’s signal, we do a “barrel” until the bar is filled. To perform this, you need to move the right or left wing so that the plane completes a full rotation. Then we level the plane and wait for the signal. Now you will need to perform three “barrels” in a row. This is a flight over high-rise buildings, so you need to coordinate your movements well - we perform a “barrel”, equalize, perform it a second time and secure it last. There is no hurry, otherwise everything will end in a plane crash.

04. Knife flight

Gold: invest in 54 seconds
Silver: invest in 1 minute and 15 seconds
Bronze: invest in 1 minute and 40 seconds

We continue to play tricks over Los Santos. Having taken off and passed the first checkpoint, we level the plane. This technique represents the position of the aircraft, equal to a quarter of the “barrel”. More information about such a trick as flying “on a knife” is written in. After filling the strip, we level the plane and do the same technique, but on the other side.

05. Flat hatting

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 15 seconds
Silver: invest in 2 minutes and 35 seconds
Bronze: invest in 3 minutes

In this lesson you need to fly along a route of 20 checkpoints, which are located at low altitude. After takeoff, we go to the left and, flying over the industrial zone, return to the starting point. You need to be careful with maneuvers and always press on the gas - this will be enough.

06. Touch down

Gold: stop the plane no further than 10 meters from the checkpoint
Silver: stop the plane no further than 45 meters from the checkpoint
Bronze: land a plane on a bridge

In this lesson you need to land a plane on a bridge over Raton Canyon. Having passed the first checkpoint, we smoothly descend and press the brake. With the engine turned off, we get as close as possible to the finishing checkpoint.

07. Loop the loop

Gold: invest in 1 minute and 35 seconds
Silver: invest in 1 minute and 40 seconds
Bronze: invest in 2 minutes and 5 seconds

Learning another classic complex aerobatics maneuver - loop. We take off at the airport, fly through the checkpoint and level the plane. At the instructor’s signal, we point the nose of the plane upward, watching the filling bar. Returning to the previous position, the maneuver will be completed. Then, having leveled the plane, the instructor will order you to repeat. After the second time, you will need to perform a loop called "Immelman" in honor of the pilot who first performed it. It consists of a half loop and a half roll. Having directed the plane upward, we follow the stripe. When the plane flies smoothly upside down, we perform a half roll, which will return the plane to its normal position.

After successful completion, you can return to the same lesson and, ignoring the task, complete everything.

08. Helicopter course

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 40 seconds
Bronze: invest in 3 minutes and 45 seconds

The lesson consists of take-off, a route of 20 checkpoints and landing. We fly under the bridge to the Los Santos River, then along it, then turn into the city center and return to helipad airport. When landing, it is important to slow down.

09. Helicopter speed run

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 10 seconds
Silver: invest in 3 minutes
Bronze: invest in 3 minutes and 30 seconds

Despite the fact that there are fewer checkpoints (13), this lesson is harder. The main thing is speed. We begin the flight northeast of the city and fly to the airport. The most dangerous area is two checkpoints in the bridge support. Having accelerated decently during the flight, you need to slow down at the finish line, since there you will also need to land the helicopter on the site.

10. Skydiving / Skydiving

Gold: land no further than 3 meters from the center of the checkpoint
Silver: land no further than 10 meters from the center of the checkpoint
Bronze: land no further than 20 meters from the center of the checkpoint

The lesson is a regular parachute jump. We jump from a helicopter hovering over the airport. You need to land at the airport's multi-level parking lot. Since there are no checkpoints from the helicopter to the target point, you need to decide on the altitude of the parachute yourself. It is better to do this without delay, since the landing zone is far ahead. An accurate landing (a hint explaining which keys are responsible for this will be shown on the screen) will help you land exactly in the center.

11. Drop zone

Gold: land exactly on the platform
Silver: land no further than 7 meters from the center of the checkpoint (near the platform)
Bronze: land no further than 20 meters from the center of the checkpoint (near the platform)

The same parachute jump, from the same helicopter over the airport. One amendment - you need to land on the platform of a truck that is driving along the runway. He drives slowly, so it won't be difficult to get in. It is better to open the parachute as soon as possible - this will give you more time to “take aim”. Most likely, at first, being at a height, you will be able to fly past the truck, but a few 180-degree turns will help you catch up with the platform. Before landing, do not forget about an accurate landing. Getting into one of the sectors of the circle, even if you miss the platform, will also be counted.

12. Earn your wings

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 50 seconds
Silver: invest in 3 minutes and 15 seconds
Bronze: invest in 3 minutes and 40 seconds

The lesson is similar to “Aerial recklessness”, lesson 5 - you need to fly through checkpoints above the city and from the runway the course goes to the left. But there is a fundamental difference - during this flight there will be not only the usual yellow checkpoints that you just need to fly through, but green and blue ones. Green checkpoints are those checkpoints where you need to fly to the “knife” position with the specified wing position (right or left wing up). Blue checkpoints are places where you need to fly in an inverted position - a half-roll. If you do not comply with these requirements, a penalty of 5 seconds will be added to the total time for each incorrect checkpoint. If you ignore the requirements completely, then the lesson will not be counted. If you correctly pass a special checkpoint, there will be a bonus - 2 seconds will be subtracted from the total time. Below are the checkpoints as they are:

Numbers 1 and 2 are regular (yellow);
number 3 - “on the knife”, left wing down;
number 4 - normal (yellow);
number 5 (above the bridge) - inverted (half roll);
number 6 - regular (yellow);
number 7 - “on the knife”, right wing down;
numbers 8 and 9 - regular (yellow);
number 10 - “on the knife”, left wing below;
numbers 11, 12 and 13 (between skyscrapers) - ordinary (yellow);
number 14 - “on the knife”, left wing below;
number 15 - regular (yellow);
number 16 - “on the knife”, right wing down;
number 17 - inverted (half-roll);
number 18 - “on the knife”, left wing below;
number 19 - finish.

This concludes the pilot training course. Having earned another plus for yourself, it is advisable to try out the lessons of the flight school in GTA: Online, next to which the above tasks are simply child's play.

A flight school appeared in the game, and the developers decided to give a few useful tips novice pilots.

To become a first-class pilot, you need to pass all ten tests at the flight school for gold. And here's how you can do it.

Test #1: Outside Loop

Any top-notch pilot should be able to do a reverse loop. In this challenge you need to make two loops within a certain period of time. To stay on time, simply move the left stick forward when the instructor asks you to. Make sure that the loop is completed completely, otherwise the result will not be counted.

Test #2: Engine Failure

In this test you don't have to worry about time. The main thing to get a gold medal is to carefully land your victim aircraft as close to the marker as possible. When approaching the ground, use the tail of the aircraft as a marker. Aim it at the very beginning of the runway. 1000 meters before the landing point, lower the landing gear. You need to land somewhere in the middle of the strip to get straight to the marker. Don't worry if you land a little further away or are going too fast because the brakes, unlike the engine, still work.

Test #3: Shooting Range

This challenge is all about control of your Buzzard helicopter. If he twitches, then the missiles and bullets you fire will do the same. Carefully adjust the helicopter's position, but do not move the left stick forward or backward, otherwise it will be too difficult to aim. Use a machine gun to hit single and open targets, as well as targets located in a row. Rockets are perfect for hitting targets behind cover.

Test #4: City Landing

Landing a heavy-duty Titan aircraft in a city center is no easy task. Especially in bad weather and with a failed engine. Fly through checkpoints and be sure to control your plane as it approaches the ground. As the instructor will inform you, you will be landing on the beach not far from Pleasure Pier. Fly as low to the ground as possible, and then land the plane a few meters before the marker.

Test #5: Chase Parachute

Either a very forgetful person or an idiot can jump out of a plane without a parachute. Fortunately, in this test you will have a parachute, but not on your back. After leaving the plane, rush down to catch the falling parachute. Take your time - time plays no role here (and if you overdo it, you can easily crash on the ground). If you fly past the parachute, slow down and it will catch up with you. As soon as the parachute is behind you, land in the designated area.

Test #6: Landing on a moving truck (Moving Landing)

What could be more difficult than landing on a moving vehicle? vehicle? How about doing it in 19 seconds? The key to success is to fly up to the very beginning of the bridge and orient your aircraft correctly. Make sure your helicopter is just above the height of the truck and then just lower it down.

Test #7: Formation Flight

To get a gold medal in this test you need to listen carefully to the instructor and follow all his instructions. The main thing is to keep the plane in the correct position and not go off course. When the checkpoint lights up green, it means that you are in the ranks. To perform tricks like reverse loops, watch out for other planes and do what they do. And don't make the mistake all newbies make - don't fly with the landing gear down, because this will slow down your speed and you won't be able to fly in formation correctly.

Test #8: Ground Level

To get gold in this challenge you need to fly as low as possible. And not just fly through all the checkpoints, but fly through the bottom half of all the checkpoints. The flight height should be about one meter. Practice a couple of times to remember the most difficult checkpoints and learn the route. Don't be afraid to take shortcuts, because the Besra is a very agile aircraft, so flying it through checkpoints is quite easy. Do not press on the gas and lower the landing gear - this will keep the speed as low as possible and you will have more time to orient yourself during the flight.

Challenge #9: Collect Flags

To get gold in this challenge, reflexes will not be enough - you need to think! Think about how to quickly collect all the flags and plan your route in advance. First, collect those that are located in the west of the city - they are the easiest. Then head into the city and collect the flags around the skyscrapers, in order of their height, to collect them all. When you need to fly around a building, lower the landing gear - this will slow down your speed and increase maneuverability. Speed ​​is not as important as you think, so collect flags slowly but surely. Finally, don't be afraid of failure, because mistakes will help you develop best route. It is best to collect the flags in the order shown on this map:

Challenge #10: Follow Lead

The final test is to follow your instructor along a route designed for the most professional pilots. Pay close attention to each checkpoint, and not to your instructor's tail. Don't forget that the color of the checkpoint matters: gold - normal flight; blue - return flight; green - flying on a knife.


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