Elk Island flora. Elk Island National Park. "Tea drinking in Mytishchi"

In Moscow there is national park, which is located on Losiny Island. This is where the green massif got its name. The first mention of the park dates back to 1406. The green area, located in the northeast of the capital, was a favorite territory for royal falconry and chase hunting. Since then " Losiny Island"(The park) has not lost its attractiveness. But now the area is used for other purposes.

History of the park

Losiny Ostrov National Park begins its history in the 15th century, but acquired its status later. The green area was first mentioned in written sources during the period when Moscow became the center of northeastern Rus'. At that time, the island belonged to the Taininsky volost, located along today's Yaroslavl highway. Ivan the Terrible loved to hunt in the park.

Later, a royal hunting farm arose on the island. The park began to be called the “Sovereign Trap Route” and acquired the status of a nature reserve. As before, hunting was organized in this territory, often with foreign ambassadors. The name “Losiny Island” appeared only in 1710. In the 18th century. it began to belong to the state department, and hunting on the territory was prohibited to everyone without exception.

With the advent of St. Petersburg, attention to the park decreased significantly, and it began to be overgrown with trees; trees were mercilessly cut down by peasants for their own needs. In 1804, the position of the island changed. Forest protection has resumed again. In 1805, the island again received the status of a nature reserve.

In 1822, the territory was divided into 55 quarters with a surrounding common boundaries one boundary shaft. Organized forestry began only in 1842. Until 1912, audits were carried out natural resources, and the island was divided into 4 parts: one operational and three reserved. Losiny Ostrov National Park was created in August 1983. It was based on a ministerial resolution. Since then, the territory has been considered a very valuable natural monument.

Description of the park

Today, Losiny Island (Moscow) has an area of ​​over 116 square kilometers. Forest occupies 80 percent of the territory. It is divided into three zones. The first is the reserved part of the park, which is home to rare species of birds and animals. This part of the island is closed to visitors and is carefully guarded.

The second zone is called educational excursion. Tourist and ecological routes are laid through this territory, accompanied by professional guides. There are four visitor places in this part. The third zone is called recreational. It is intended for mass recreation.

Park location

"Losiny Island" (Moscow) originates from Sokolniki. It borders with the cities:

  • Korolev;
  • Balashikha;
  • Mytishchi;
  • Shchelkovo.

Losiny Ostrov Park is located on an area of ​​12,000 hectares, but only 2/3 of the forest area is located outside the Moscow Ring Road. From the southwestern border of the reserve to the Kremlin is only eight kilometers. The length of the park from south to north is 10 km, from east to west - 22 km.


"Losiny Ostrov" (park) is very beautiful. In the center of the territory there is a small swamp, from which the river begins. Yauza. There are also many streams and reservoirs in the reserve, forming a large water network. Previously, the park contained canals over 100 kilometers long. Now most of them are abandoned.

The largest canal is called Akulovsky and has been operating to this day. It appeared in the pre-war years and connects the Pekhorka and Yauza rivers with the Volga. Through the Akulovsky Canal, water flows into the Russian capital.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to Alekseevskaya Grove, which for a long time also had the status of a nature reserve. This is a unique territory, the age of which is 250 years. There are many swamps in the park, and they occupy a fairly large area.

Vegetable world

"Losiny Ostrov" (park) always, even in war time was under the close attention of the country's leaders. Trees were constantly being added to the area. Thanks to the work of many volunteer designers, the reserve has acquired a wonderful appearance, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Now there are more than 800 species of various plants growing in the park: lichens, mushrooms, etc. Many plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Pine trees mainly grow in Alekseevskaya Grove. Miraculously, centuries-old linden trees, taiga spruce forests and oak forests have been preserved. The grass cover is also varied. Growing in the park:

  • forester;
  • lungwort;
  • wintergreen;
  • buttercup anemone;
  • two-leaf mine;
  • sedge;
  • Zelenchuk.

There are a lot of wild strawberries, blueberries and wood sorrel growing in the park, which visitors love. Since it abounds in swamps, there is also an abundance of lingonberries on the territory.

Animal world

The animals of Losiny Island are also very diverse. There are over 280 species of birds and animals in the park. Among them:

  • 180 - birds;
  • 8 - amphibians;
  • 4 - reptiles;
  • 40 - mammals;
  • over 20 freshwater fish.

“Losiny Ostrov” (park) got its name for a reason. Since ancient times, many horned artiodactyls lived in the territory. The number of moose has survived to this day. In the post-war period, sika deer also appeared in the reserve.

Wild boars began to breed, and now their population has increased significantly. The number of beavers has been completely restored. There are many fur-bearing animals in the reserve:

  • ermine;
  • squirrel;
  • black ferret;
  • marten;
  • mink.

At night, the park is dominated by owls and bats. Rodents get along well with animals, harmoniously complementing the reserve with their presence.

Biological station on Losiny Island

The biological station in the Losiny Ostrov park is located next to the ranger’s station. This is a place where you are allowed not only to look at artiodactyls. You can pet and feed not only adults, but also young ones. Moose take this calmly. These are very careful animals and wildlife always try to avoid meeting people.

At the biological station, artiodactyls are already accustomed to the presence of humans and willingly make contact. The staff of the reserve tell those interested about the peculiarities of animal behavior, their domestication and nutrition. There are separate individual excursions. In winter you can even watch sika deer. Visits to the biological station are by appointment.

How to get to the biological station?

It will take a long time to get to the biological station. From the VDNKh metro station there is a lot of walking towards the region regular buses. You need to take any of them and get to the first stop after the Moscow Ring Road. Get out before turning towards the village of Druzhba. Then walk along the main road for another 40 minutes. The path will take approximately 4 kilometers and will pass through the village.

When the road reaches a forest, you need to turn left. From there you will be able to see the barrier with the checkpoint. Go straight all the time, turn left at the fork and get to the biological station, which is equipped with a gate.

Losiny Island (park): how to get there?

There are several ways to do this. The entrance to the park is located from Prokhodchikov and Roterta streets. Nearby are the Babushkinskaya and Medvedkovo metro stations. The park can be quickly reached from the Los railway platform.

Or you can get there by buses No. 136 and 172, which depart from the VDNH metro station. Trams No. 29, 36 and 12 go to another part of the park. They depart from the station. m. "Ulitsa Podbelskogo".

Moscow region, Moscow city

Founding history
"Losiny Island" is a unique territory. Here, close to the multimillion-dollar city, the nature of Central Russia in all its diversity has been preserved in its natural state: coniferous, birch and broad-leaved forests, areas of meadows and raised swamps, the sources of the Yauza with lakes and floodplains. Ten kilometers from the Kremlin live beavers, wild boars and moose, many birds of prey, and plants rare in the Moscow region grow.
Losiny Ostrov National Park is one of the first in Russia, created in 1983 on the territory that since ancient times served as the protected hunting grounds of the Grand Dukes and Tsars.

Physiographical features
Geographically, the park is confined to the junction of the Meshcherskaya lowland and the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge, which is the watershed of the Moscow and Klyazma rivers. The most picturesque area is in the southwest of the park. On the territory of the park are the sources of the Yauza and Pekhorka rivers, there are several ponds: Alekseevsky, Golyanovsky, Kazenny and others. All these reservoirs are located in the recreational area of ​​the park. The swamps in the park occupy a fairly large area. The Verkhne-Yauza wetland complex with an area of ​​about 1000 hectares is of particular value.
The climate of the region is moderate continental. The coldest month is January ( average temperature-10ºС), the warmest is July (average temperature +19.5ºС).

Diversity of flora and fauna
Forests occupy about 80% of the national park's area. These are birch, coniferous, and broad-leaved forests.
The composition of the flora is dominated by forest species, characteristically relatively big number weeds, alien species, because the park is surrounded settlements, transport routes and agricultural land.
Rare species of herbaceous plants that are subject to protection in Moscow and the Moscow region are quite widely represented in the park. Here you can find common wolfberry, lily of the valley, European swimmer, nettle-leaved bell, bifolia, and club moss.
Exclusively interesting object park - Alekseevskaya Grove, on the territory of which the reserve regime was maintained for a long time. This is a unique area of ​​forest almost 250 years old, the main forest-forming species of which is pine.
Very diverse animal world parka. In the last 15 years, thanks to the restoration of a large wetland complex in the upper reaches of the Yauza River and the allocation of a significant area protected area, a very interesting ornithocomplex of shorebirds and meadow birds has formed here, and spawning grounds have emerged.
In the forest area, surrounded on all sides by cities with a population of millions, sika deer, moose, wild boar, mink, squirrel live or appear during migration, muskrats build their huts, beavers build dams.
13 species of diurnal birds of prey and owls nest in the park, including the falcon and lesser spotted eagle, which are rare in the Moscow region. The most common fish are pike, crucian carp, perch, roach, bream, and burbot.

Cultural heritage
The long history of development of the region and proximity to the “white stone” explain a large number cultural monuments on the territory of the park. During archaeological excavations, Vyatichi burial mounds (11th–12th centuries) and ancient settlements were discovered. During excavations in Alekseevskaya Grove, the remains of a palace building from the late 17th century were found.
The history of the Mytishchi pumping station is closely connected with the construction of the first gravity water supply system in Russia during the time of Catherine II. Once upon a time in these parts there was a chapel on the famous Thunder Spring, the most abundant source of water for the capital city. And the Belokamennaya station on the first Moscow circular railway is a rare monument of industrial architecture.

What to watch
The Losiny Ostrov NP preserves not only the forests that once surrounded the Kremlin, but also the history of the rural way of life of our ancestors. In the “Russian Life” museum, located in the Losinoostrovsky forestry estate, you will see how archaeological finds the origins of the Slavs, and everyday objects of the 19th-20th centuries. In winter, after a walk in the forest, you can warm up in the hut by the stove and drink hot, fragrant tea. On hot days the house provides coolness. From here you can organize horseback rides around the park: in the summer in a tarantass, in the winter in a sleigh with bells.
Ecological trails"Losiny Island" is one of the opportunities to combine relaxation with knowledge of the nature and history of the Moscow outskirts. The most visited route is the “Such a Familiar Forest” trail. You can walk along it either independently or accompanied by a guide. Dense thickets of fir trees create the feeling of a fabulous dense forest and it’s hard to believe that you are within Moscow, 2 km from the Yaroslavl highway and only 15 km from the Kremlin.

Based on materials from oopt.info and zapoved.ru

Losiny Ostrov National Park, located in the northeast of Moscow and the Moscow region, is an ideal place for those lovers of forests and fresh air who do not want to leave the city. Here you have a unique opportunity to be one on one with nature without leaving the metropolis. But you won’t be able to cook barbecue or bake potatoes over a fire here; the park’s territory is strictly guarded.

Elk Island is a paradise for families with children, athletes and history buffs. It will also be good for those who just want to relax, wander along forest paths and be alone with themselves.

About the park

The park's territory is more than 116 km2. The forest occupies about 80% of the total area, 25% of which are located in Moscow. Losiny Island is one of the first national parks in our country. Reservoirs (ponds) occupy 2% of the territory, and 5% are swamps. Several rivers flow through the park. The Yauza and Pekhorka rivers originate here. There is also a tiny river called the Elk.

The park has three zones:

  • Specially protected area, slightly less than half of the entire territory
  • Walking and sports area
  • Recreation area for mass visits.

Since one thousand four hundred and six, the territory of the current Losiny Island was part of the Taininsky palace volost, the lands of which served as hunting grounds for Russian tsars and princes.

Since 1800, the first forest districts appeared here, and the organization of the territory began. And in 1937, Losiny Island became part of the “green ring” around the capital.

In one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three, Elk Island became known as a National Park. In 2004, there was an attempt to reduce the forest area for the construction of the fourth transport ring. Fortunately, this idea was not implemented.

What is remarkable about Losiny Ostrov Park?

Connoisseurs of wildlife will find many rare plants on the territory of the reserve, and a wide variety of animals can also be found here. Elk Island is known for the fact that moose still live here, and from time to time they come out onto the roadways of the streets adjacent to the park.

Twenty years ago, sika deer could be seen in areas designated for public recreation. Now they have been taken deeper into the regional part of the forest to avoid the extermination of these rare animals by poachers.

One of the most favorite pastimes for families with children is hand-feeding squirrels. You can see them in the park, they are not afraid of people, and readily take nuts and seeds from your hands.

Elk Island is popular with cyclists. Here they have freedom - many wide and comfortable paths make it possible to ride through the forest without interference.

By the way, one of the main attractions of the park is the Paper Clearing. It was cut down in time immemorial to transport timber that was used to make paper.

Now it is a well-paved wide road cutting through the forest from north to south, where in the summer you can ride a bicycle or roller skate without fear of getting hit by a car. After all, the entry of vehicles into the park is strictly limited.

Elk Island has several playgrounds decorated with wooden figures of animals from favorite children's fairy tales. In general, figures of animals carved from wood are constantly found in the park, in the most unexpected places: they stand along the paths, and some peek out from under the bushes. Kids are delighted when they find a bear cub or a wooden bunny near the path.

Ecological centers and excursions

In the northern part of the park (not far from Prokhodchikov Street) there is an equestrian club where you can rent a horse and ride through the forest along safe routes. Nearby is the Museum of Russian Life, the Bird Garden rare bird reserve and a biological station.

In the ecological and historical centers of the park, which include “Russian Life”, “Red Pine”, “Abramtsevo”, “Tea Party in Mytishchi”, excursions are organized that will be of interest to children and adults. The main topics are history, Moscow studies, and ecology. For example, an excursion for children called the “Trail of Fairy Tales” takes place in such interesting forest places as Bear Corner, Sosnovaya Grivka and others. Children get acquainted with different plants, learn to understand bird and animal tracks, and observe the habits of small animals. During the excursion, you can relax in one of the environmental centers, where you will always be treated to tea from a samovar, they will tell you many fascinating stories about Russian hunting in ancient times, about the first water supply system and many others.

It is believed that somewhere in the park the hunting lodge of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, or rather what is left of it, is lost. Historians say the house may be of cultural and historical value. There are also rumors that treasures are hidden in it. But most likely, this is just idle gossip.

Elk Island is a huge forest with ancient history. To an ordinary person Even a few weeks are not enough to explore the entire territory of the park. Any visitor will find something to their liking here. History buffs can attend exciting excursions, athletes ride bicycles in summer and ski in winter, children play and learn to understand and appreciate nature. Tourists take walks to the sources of famous Moscow rivers. At any time of the year it is a good place to relax with the whole family.

How to get there from the metro:

You can get to the park in different ways. One of them is the entrance from the street. Roterta, st. Prokhodchikov. The nearest metro stations are Medvedkovo and Babushkinskaya, you can also walk from the Los platform at Yaroslavskaya railway or get from the VDNH metro station by buses No. 172, 136. In addition, from the Ulitsa Podbelskogo metro station you can get to another part of the park by trams No. 36, 12, 29.

The natural park “Losiny Ostrov” is the only one in Russia national reserve, which is located within the metropolis, just 15 kilometers from the Kremlin.

A little history

The territory where the Losiny Ostrov park is located today once belonged to the palace Taininskaya volost. Ivan the Terrible also loved to hunt in these places. The park received the name “Losiny Island” during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, who also loved hunting and used hound dogs to hunt moose here.

Already at the beginning of the 18th century, forest protection was organized here. On large areas forests were cut down, swamps were drained, and roads were built. Work was underway to plant coniferous trees. Shortly before the revolution, they wanted to turn Losiny Island into a national park. The plans were not implemented - it began World War. Losiny Ostrov Park was able to acquire this status only in 1983.

general information

Today this territory, 90% consisting of forests, occupies 116 square meters. kilometers. It includes three zones:

  1. Specially protected. The area is 54 sq. km. The area is closed to the public.
  2. 31 square meters are allocated for sports and walks. km.
  3. The recreation area occupies 31 square meters. km. and borders residential areas of the capital.

And the Yauza originate here. More than three ponds add pleasant variety to Losiny Ostrov. The national park has a significant area of ​​marshland. Flat terrain prevails here. The Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge determines the north- and south-west wind rose over the forest.

Vegetable world

More than 60% of the vegetation is represented by deciduous trees, of which oak predominates. There are also birch groves. Linden is widespread. The rest of the forest is represented by pine, spruce and larches. Alekseevskaya Grove, located in the complex, is more than 250 years old. Some of the pines in this grove are over 200 years old. The unique trees were preserved thanks to the conservation regime. The grove is rightfully considered unique and adorns “Elk Island”.

The park delights visitors with an abundance of herbaceous plants. Lilies of the valley, bluebells, fuchsas, marsh lilies and many others grow here. At the same time, on the territory of the reserve there are no representatives of the flora that are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Animal world

More than 40 species of mammals, 170 species of birds, 14 species of reptiles and amphibians inhabit Losiny Ostrov.

The park has become a haven for moose and wild boars, martens, hares and many others. The marshy meadows are home to the brown hare, whose population is steadily declining due to a shrinking habitat and the urban factor. More than 15 species of fish live in the waters of the Yauza.

Rest zone

There are always vacationers in the recreational part of the park, especially from nearby residential areas. In the middle of the forest you can find numerous benches for rest, a clearing with a children's playground and a place for sports.

Sports equipment in the park can be rented. Excellent multi-kilometer trails attract cyclists, rollerbladers and runners to Losiny Ostrov. The national park is a unique place For hiking. Here you can wander into the same one as the one described in Russian fairy tales.

There is also its own stable. Horse riding enthusiasts love Losiny Ostrov. The park is simply created for leisurely horseback riding.

While walking along the trails, you can feed the squirrels. There are a lot of animals here, and he is not afraid of people - he is ready to take food from his hand.

Winter gives the reserve a special charm. Skiing through untouched forests and the freshest air make this place popular even in the cold of winter. Skating lovers can satisfy their impulse on the frozen mirror of one of the reservoirs.

Service sanitary maintenance of the reserve cleans more than 2.5 hectares daily recreational area from various garbage and dead wood. We also have to eliminate the consequences of illegal picnics and natural dump sites. More attention is paid to places largest accumulation people - sites, reservoirs, popular walking routes. No matter how hard the sanitary services try, their work does not decrease. The situation can only change with an improvement in the quality of cultural education of citizens.


In the forestry estate of the reserve there is a cultural and educational center "Russian Life". The exhibitions on display tell about the life of the Slavic people in the period of the 19th and 20th centuries. There is a large collection of folk toys made of clay.

Also on display here archaeological artifacts, found during excavations of mounds from the times of the Vyatichi. The place where these burials were discovered in 1989 was the Losiny Ostrov park. Photos of some of the exhibit items are presented below.

There is an elk station next to the ranger's site. Here you can not only see moose or wild boars - you can communicate with the animals and feed them by hand. Just walking through the park, it’s difficult to spot a moose. He is a very sensitive animal and at the slightest noise he moves deeper into the protected area.

Losiny Ostrov National Park is a unique corner of nature in the middle of a metropolis that has no analogues in the world.

More than 800 species of plants grow on the territory of Losiny Ostrov.

Various sources testify to royal hunting in this place from ancient times. In 1798, Paul I established the Forestry Department and transferred Losiny Ostrov to it. For ease of protection, the territory was divided into 55 blocks by clearings; these blocks have survived to this day.

Despite the rapid growth of Moscow, the outlines of Losiny Ostrov have hardly changed over 2.5 centuries.

Where is Losiny Ostrov National Park and its borders?

“Losiny Ostrov” is located northeast of Moscow, about a third of it is within the boundaries of the metropolis. In the region, the park occupies territory belonging to the Korolev urban district, as well as Mytishchi, Pushkinsky, Shchelkovsky and Balashikha districts.

The park territory stretches between 55°47" and 55°55" N latitudes. and 37°40" and 38°01" E, between the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge and the Meshcherskaya lowland.

The area of ​​Losiny Ostrov Park is 125 km², of which 83% is covered with forest. Reservoirs occupy 2% of the territory, and swamps - 5%.

In 1983, Losiny Ostrov became one of the first Russian national parks. The territory of the park is divided into 3 zones - the first is under special protection, the second is where walking and sports are allowed, but only along certain paths. And the third is available for public visits and is intended for recreation for Moscow residents.

Official site

Walking routes

Employees National Park walking routes have been developed with maps and indications of interesting points along the route.

How to get there

Depending on the purpose of visiting Elk Island, there are different ways to get to the National Park, including by public transport.


Located 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road, at the fork of the Shchelkovskoye and Balashikha highways. Ride on car follows Shchelkovskoye Highway, focusing on the coordinates of the arboretum: 55.828326, 37.897836. You can enter the territory only by following the direction to Moscow.

You can also get there by public transport - at commuter bus No. 300 or minibus No. 102k, next from Art. m. "Shchelkovskaya" to the stop "Lesotseh" ("Izumrudny" microdistrict). Having crossed to the other side of the road, walk 300 m to the stop. “Road section” behind the traffic police post. There you need to cross the pedestrian crossing to the other side and walk 100 m along the highway towards Moscow.

Elk biological station

You can get to the Elk Biological Station by car, focusing on coordinates 55.879232, 37.784380. Drive along the Yaroslavskoye Highway towards the region about 1 km after the Moscow Ring Road, then turn to the village of Druzhba and drive to the beginning of the Forest Park at Kropotkinsky Proezd.

From Art. m. "VDNKh": by any regular regional bus to the first stop. after the Moscow Ring Road - “Yaroslavskoye Shosse/Platforma Perlovskaya”. Further walk through the village. Friendship about 40 minutes along the main road and near the forest to the left.

From railway station "Los": bus number 547 to the stop. “4th Park Street”, then through the checkpoint and straight ahead.

From railway station "Perlovskaya"(Yaroslavskoe e.g.): minibus No. 3 to the final stop. near the forest “4th Park Street”, then through the checkpoint and straight ahead.

"Tea drinking in Mytishchi"

Mytishchi, Vodoprovodnaya Alley, 1 (55.898342, 37.794577).

From Art. "Mytishchi" Yaroslavl railway. on the street Kolontsova to Yaroslavskoye Highway, cross the highway under the bridge, then along Vodoprovodnaya Alley.

From the bus station to m. "VDNKh" buses No. 388, 392, 451, 499, 551k, 576k, 565, 578, to the stop. “Improvement Plant” (4 km from the Moscow Ring Road or 20th km of Yaroslavskoe Highway), then along Vodoprovodnaya Alley.

"Russian life"

Moscow, st. Prokhodchikov (55.862610, 37.729465).

From Art. m. "VDNKh" buses No. 136, 903, minibuses No. 172, 544, trolleybus No. 76 to the stop. “Det. clinic", or bus No. 244 and minibus No. 375 to the stop. "Youth Center". Then 200 m to the right from the Yaroslavl highway to the forest belt, then 1 km. through the park.


Moscow, st. Bogatyrsky Bridge, 17 (55.821032, 37.688541).

From Art. metro stations "VDNKh", "Preobrazhenskaya Square", "Semenovskaya", "Partizanskaya", "Pervomaiskaya" tram number 11 to the stop. "Bogatyrsky Bridge".

From Art. metro station "Sokolniki" or Art. m. "Rokossovsky Boulevard" bus number 75 to the stop. "Bogatyrsky Bridge".

"Red Pine"

Moscow, st. 12th line. Krasnaya Sosny, no. 28 (55.849054, 37.690551).

From Art. m. "VDNKh" buses No. 136, 244, 903, minibuses No. 172, 375, 544, trolleybus No. 76 to the stop. “Printing College”, then walk to the right from the Yaroslavl highway to the forest.

"Royal Hunt"

Moscow, Shchelkovskoe sh. (55.835411, 37.911793).

From Art. m. "Shchelkovskaya" to the stop “Experimental Field” bus No. 361, minibuses No. 1222k, 362k, 380k, 396k, 447k, 485, 506k, then 700 m through the forest.

Peat enterprise

G. Korolev, st. Central (55.888989, 37.851250).

From Art. "Bolshevo" Yaroslavl railway by bus number 7 to the final stop. "Pos. Peat enterprise", then walk 200 m.


Moscow region, p. Abramtsevo (55.837124, 37.825581).

From Art. m. "Shchelkovskaya" bus No. 735 or minibus No. 583k to the stop. "Abramtsevo".

Parking on site

Visitors can leave their cars in the “Losiny Ostrov” parking lots, located near the eco-centers of the National Park or near the horse yards.

The fee for using parking is 250 rubles. per car for the entire stay on the territory, and for excursion buses- for free.


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