Yacht: history, description, design, interesting facts, cost. Yacht - structure and basic concepts Method of creating stability of single-hull yachts

A yacht is a vessel with slanting sails. Ships of this type can be very different: without a mast, developing a speed of 40 knots, it can be a giant cruise ship several stories tall and costing hundreds of millions of dollars, or a modest single-masted vessel. So what is a yacht? According to modern concepts, a yacht is a vessel on which you can engage in sports or use it for tourism and recreation.

Such ships are divided into many varieties based on their size, method of movement or the material from which the ship is made. Modern yachts are no longer made in the old fashioned way - from wood. They are now produced using latest materials: in particular – heavy-duty plastics. Yachts are vessels equipped with everything necessary for autonomous navigation: water desalinators, satellite navigators, radio stations and safety equipment.

According to the method of transportation, sailing, motor and sail-motor ships of this type are distinguished.

Sailing yachts

They consist of a hull and sailing equipment. All they need to move through the waters is a fair wind and a competent helmsman. It is clear that a sailing yacht will not be able to compete in speed with a motor yacht, and the wind direction is not always favorable. However, this is historically the first type of yacht, these yachts are still popular. They are cheaper than motor and sail-motor counterparts. However, they have no restrictions on fuel supplies, so the whole world is open to them.

Sailing ships, in turn, are divided into cruising and racing. The basis for this division is the purpose of the vessel, the design of its hull and sailing equipment.

Racing yachts of this type are designed for sailing regattas in limited sea or river waters. They are quite light, do not have a significant margin of safety and do not have special household amenities. Cruising yachts are vessels with a solid design, a wide range of amenities, because they are designed for long-term autonomous cruising away from bases.

Motor-sailing yachts

Combination power plant and sails is a conscious choice of many people in love with sea ​​travel. It is clear that the engine plays a secondary role in this arrangement, and in the presence of wind, of course, the sails will be used first. However, it will undoubtedly come in handy when sailing in difficult weather conditions or for maneuvers in absolute calm.

From a logistics point of view, this type of vessel will already require some fuel reserves, but compared to the requirements for motor yachts, these reserves may be insignificant. Still, the sail will come first.

Motor yachts

Having one or two internal combustion engines, motorized vessels achieve developments unattainable for sailing ships speed. What does the engine on board have to do with it? increased comfort. And thanks to the presence of a motor on the vessel, it is possible to accommodate many life support systems. These yachts can be of various sizes, reaching several tens of meters in length. They may have air-conditioned cabins and salons on board. They are mobile, able to swim in shallow water and are completely independent of weather conditions. The cost of such vessels is significantly higher and can reach astronomical amounts. You should also forget about the price of fuel and its high costs.

Dimensions of such ships

There is a clear division of yachts by hull size. Vessels up to 10 meters long are mainly used for short trips over short distances. They have modestly sized cabins and a limited list of onboard amenities.
Vessels from 10 to 18 meters are most in demand all over the world. These yachts allow you to travel long distances and go out into the open sea. As a rule, they have an appropriate level of comfort.
Ships up to 24 meters have increased level comfort. On board they can accommodate many additional systems and devices. However, it is impossible to cope with their management on your own. A small and experienced team will be required.

Vessels over 24 meters are considered top-class yachts. Sailing on them is comparable in comfort to staying in luxury hotels. For the comfort of their owners, such ships are equipped with swimming pools, mini-golf courses, saunas and hot tubs, and helicopter pads. And the number of team members and service personnel can reach two dozen people.

These yachts are also classified by hull design. The main options are: traditional monohull, catamaran, trimaran. As can be seen from the names, the number of hulls on such vessels can reach three (for a trimaran).
Advantages of a hull consisting of several parts: higher stability of the vessel, larger usable area and, accordingly, more possibilities to accommodate amenities.

Disadvantage: deterioration of controllability in difficult weather conditions.

A yacht is a vessel with slanting sails. Ships of this type can be very different: without a mast, reaching a speed of 40 knots, it can be a giant cruise ship several floors high and costing hundreds of millions of dollars, or a modest single-masted ship. So what is a yacht? According to modern concepts, a yacht is a vessel on which you can engage in sports or use it for tourism and recreation.

Yacht classification

Such ships are divided into many varieties based on their size, method of movement or the material from which the ship is made. Modern yachts are no longer made in the old fashioned way - from wood. For their production, the latest materials are now used: in particular, heavy-duty plastics. Yachts are vessels equipped with everything necessary for autonomous navigation: water desalinators, satellite navigators, radio stations and safety equipment.

According to the method of transportation, sailing, motor and sail-motor ships of this type are distinguished.

Sailing yachts

They consist of a hull and sailing equipment. All they need to move through the waters is a fair wind and a competent helmsman. It is clear that a sailing yacht will not be able to compete in speed with a motor yacht, and the wind direction is not always favorable. However, this is historically the first type of yacht, these yachts are still popular. They are cheaper than motor and sail-motor counterparts. However, they have no restrictions on fuel supplies, so the whole world is open to them. By the way, the sale of yachts is at the link.

Sailing ships, in turn, are divided into cruising and racing. The basis for this division is the purpose of the vessel, the design of its hull and the sail rig.

Racing yachts of this type are designed for sailing regattas in limited sea or river waters. They are quite light, do not have a significant margin of safety and do not have special household amenities. Cruising yachts are vessels with a solid design, a wide range of amenities, because they are designed for long-term autonomous cruising away from bases.

Motor-sailing yachts

The combination of a power plant and sails is a conscious choice of many people who are in love with sea travel. It is clear that the engine plays a secondary role in this arrangement, and in the presence of wind, of course, the sails will be used first. However, it will undoubtedly come in handy when sailing in difficult weather conditions or for maneuvers in absolute calm.

From a logistics point of view, this type of vessel will already require some fuel reserves, but compared to the requirements for motor yachts, these reserves may be insignificant. Still, the sail will come first.

Motor yachts

Having one or two internal combustion engines, motor ships develop speeds unattainable for sailing ships. Moreover, having an engine on board also means increased comfort. And thanks to the presence of a motor on the vessel, it is possible to accommodate many life support systems. These yachts can be of various sizes, reaching several tens of meters in length. They may have air-conditioned cabins and salons on board. They are mobile, able to swim in shallow water and are completely independent of weather conditions. The cost of such vessels is significantly higher and can reach astronomical amounts. You should also forget about the price of fuel and its high costs.

Dimensions of such ships

There is a clear division of yachts by hull size. Vessels up to 10 meters long are mainly used for short trips over short distances. They have modestly sized cabins and a limited list of onboard amenities.
Vessels from 10 to 18 meters are most in demand all over the world. These yachts allow you to travel long distances and go out into the open sea. As a rule, they have an appropriate level of comfort.
Ships up to 24 meters have an increased level of comfort. On board they can accommodate many additional systems and devices. However, it is impossible to cope with their management on your own. A small and experienced team will be required.

Vessels over 24 meters are considered top-class yachts. Sailing on them is comparable in comfort to staying in luxury hotels. For the comfort of their owners, such ships are equipped with swimming pools, mini-golf courses, saunas and hot tubs, and helicopter pads. And the number of team members and service personnel can reach two dozen people.

These yachts are also classified by hull design. The main options are: traditional monohull, catamaran, trimaran. As can be seen from the names, the number of hulls on such vessels can reach three (for a trimaran).
The advantages of a hull consisting of several parts: higher stability of the vessel, larger usable area and, accordingly, more opportunities for placing amenities.

Disadvantage: deterioration of controllability in difficult weather conditions.


  • by drive: sailing, sailing-motor And motor
  • by seaworthiness: maritime and yachts for inland waters(rivers, lakes)
  • by case type: classic single-hull(English) Monohull), catamarans And trimarans
  • The first mentions of sports sailing yachts date back to the 17th century. Almost all modern sailing yachts, intended for tourism, have an auxiliary motor (outboard motor) for maneuvering in port or moving at low speed in the absence of wind. Sailing yachts that do not have a motor are most often intended for sports.

    Sailing yachts

    The Greeks, Egyptians and Phoenicians are fighting for primacy in the creation of sailing yachts. Historians claim the appearance of the first sailing ships more than 10 thousand years ago in the waters of the Aegean Sea. Sailing yachts are considered to be vessels that use aero- and hydrodynamics and are propelled by the force of the wind blowing into the sails. Modern sailing yachts are often equipped with a motor.

    The hulls of the first sailing yachts were made of wood. The modern list of materials is very large. The hulls of sailing yachts are made of steel, aluminum, reinforced cement and fiberglass and other materials.

    The number of sails on sailing yachts can vary and depends on the purpose of the yacht being used. Racing yachts are usually equipped big amount sails; on cruising yachts, for ease of control, the number of sails is minimal. The largest in the world sailing ships- “Kruzenshtern” and “Sedov” - each have 34 sails. Conventionally, sails can be divided into four types: main, forward, additional and storm.

    According to their purpose, sailing yachts are divided into cruising yachts, having comfortable cabins and designed for long-distance travel. hiking trips; racing, having only a cockpit for the crew and no cabins, intended for short racing; as well as racing cruisers, which have low-comfort cabins designed for multi-day races. According to the principle of ensuring stability, yachts are divided into keel yachts, in which the bottom goes into a ballast keel (more precisely, a false keel), which shifts the center of gravity down and prevents the yacht from drifting when sailing; dinghies having a centerboard (retractable keel), which only prevents drift, and the center of gravity is changed by placing the crew on the sides of the yacht; and compromises that have a ballast keel and a retractable centerboard. There are also designs with two keels that allow you to maintain the vertical position of the yacht during low tide in shallow waters. A different stability principle is used on catamarans and trimarans. On catamarans, stability is ensured by two widely spaced hulls of the vessel, on trimarans - by two floats, spaced on both sides of the vessel. There are yachts consisting of more than three hulls.

    The main parts of a yacht are considered to be the hull and sailing rig. Sailing rigs can be single-masted (sloop) or multi-masted (for example, schooner, yol and ketch). Sailing rigs are divided into spar, standing and running rigging.

    Popular view Recreation on sailing yachts are regattas.

    Leading producing countries

    Motor yachts

    Famous yachts

    see also

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    • Lovyagin R. M.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
    • Der Brockhaus in 3 Bänden. - Prockhaus Enzyklopädie, Bd. 2., 2004, S.259.

    Excerpt characterizing the Yacht

    Entering the gate big house, where the lodge was located, and walking along a dark staircase, they entered a lighted, small hallway, where, without the help of servants, they took off their fur coats. From the hall they went into another room. Some man in a strange attire appeared at the door. Villarsky, coming out to meet him, said something quietly to him in French and went to a small closet, in which Pierre noticed clothes he had never seen before. Taking a handkerchief from the closet, Villarsky placed it over Pierre's eyes and tied it in a knot from behind, painfully catching his hair in the knot. Then he bent him towards him, kissed him and, taking him by the hand, led him somewhere. Pierre was in pain from the hair being pulled in by the knot; he winced in pain and smiled from shame for something. His huge figure with his arms hanging down, with a wrinkled and smiling face, moved with uncertain timid steps behind Villarsky.
    After walking him ten steps, Villarsky stopped.
    “No matter what happens to you,” he said, “you must endure everything with courage if you firmly decide to join our brotherhood.” (Pierre answered in the affirmative by bowing his head.) When you hear a knock on the door, you will untie your eyes,” Villarsky added; – I wish you courage and success. And, shaking Pierre’s hand, Villarsky left.
    Left alone, Pierre continued to smile the same way. Once or twice he shrugged his shoulders, raised his hand to the handkerchief, as if wanting to take it off, and lowered it again. The five minutes he spent with his eyes tied seemed like an hour. His hands were swollen, his legs were giving way; he thought he was tired. He experienced the most complex and varied feelings. He was afraid of what would happen to him, and even more afraid of not showing fear. He was curious to know what would happen to him, what would be revealed to him; but most of all he was joyful that the moment had come when he would finally embark on that path of renewal and actively virtuous life, which he had dreamed of since his meeting with Osip Alekseevich. Strong knocks were heard on the door. Pierre took off the bandage and looked around him. The room was black and dark: only in one place was a lamp burning, in something white. Pierre came closer and saw that the lamp stood on a black table, on which lay one open book. The book was the Gospel; that white thing in which the lamp was burning was a human skull with its holes and teeth. Having read the first words of the Gospel: “In the beginning was the word and the word was to God,” Pierre walked around the table and saw a large open box filled with something. It was a coffin with bones. He was not at all surprised by what he saw. Hoping to enter into a completely new life completely different from the previous one, he expected everything extraordinary, even more extraordinary than what he saw. The skull, the coffin, the Gospel - it seemed to him that he expected all this, expected even more. Trying to evoke a feeling of tenderness in himself, he looked around him. “God, death, love, brotherhood of people,” he said to himself, associating with these words vague but joyful ideas of something. The door opened and someone entered.
    In the dim light, which Pierre had already managed to take a closer look at, a short man entered. Apparently entering the darkness from the light, this man stopped; then, with careful steps, he moved towards the table and placed his small hands, covered with leather gloves, on it.
    This short man was dressed in a white leather apron that covered his chest and part of his legs; he had something like a necklace on his neck, and from behind the necklace protruded a tall, white frill that framed his elongated face, lit from below.
    – Why did you come here? - asked the newcomer, following the rustle made by Pierre, turning in his direction. - Why do you, who do not believe in the truths of the light and do not see the light, why did you come here, what do you want from us? Wisdom, virtue, enlightenment?
    At that moment the door opened and an unknown man entered, Pierre experienced a feeling of fear and reverence, similar to the one he experienced in confession as a child: he felt face to face with a complete stranger in terms of living conditions and with someone close to him, in the brotherhood of people, person. Pierre, with a breathless heartbeat, moved towards the rhetorician (that was the name in Freemasonry for the brother who prepares the seeker for entry into the brotherhood). Pierre, coming closer, recognized in the rhetorician a familiar person, Smolyaninov, but it was insulting to him to think that the person who entered was a familiar person: the person who entered was only a brother and a virtuous mentor. Pierre could not utter the words for a long time, so the rhetorician had to repeat his question.
    “Yes, I... I... want an update,” Pierre said with difficulty.
    “Okay,” said Smolyaninov, and immediately continued: “Do you have any idea about the means by which our holy order will help you achieve your goal?...” said the rhetorician calmly and quickly.
    “I... hope... guidance... help... in renewal,” said Pierre with a trembling voice and difficulty in speaking, arising both from excitement and from the unfamiliarity of speaking in Russian about abstract subjects.

    Vacation on a yacht is not a cheap pleasure. Everyone dreams of having an island of salvation where they can sail away from everyday problems and just relax. But such a hobby, in addition to large material costs and time, also requires considerable skills. You won't get far without knowing how a yacht works. Sailors are quite inventive people. They came up with their own name for each element. Therefore, you must also become familiar with the special terminology. You can find a lot in this article useful information on the structure of the yacht and other important points.


    Swimming equipment must be different from each other. Yacht classes are determined depending on what characteristics they have. They may differ significantly from each other. The most significant characteristics can be considered:

    • Length. The ship's performance depends on it. The longer it is, the faster it can move. This is especially true for sports yachts.
    • Width. This factor affects speed and stability. The wider the vessel, the calmer it behaves on the water and the slower it moves (due to the high water resistance). Wide yachts are usually made for sailing on the sea and ocean, as high waves can occur in such places.
    • Draft. Yachts with a shallow draft maneuver worse. They also have less stability - the ability to resist roll and return to their previous position.
    • Side height. It is important for those vessels that go to sea. The higher the side, the big waves he can stand it.
    • Displacement. Yachts with a higher index cope better with unpleasant weather conditions, but due to their heaviness they are less maneuverable.
    • Windage. Affects movement speed. The higher it is, the more energy the ship receives from the wind, so it moves faster.

    Classification by presence of sail

    Yachts differ from each other in several ways. The main thing is the presence or absence of a sail. If it is not there, then such a yacht moves due to the engine and is called a motor yacht. There is something else in between. Such a yacht has a sail, but in case of emergency it can use additional engine power.

    By purpose

    They are divided into racing and cruising. The first type is intended for sports competitions. They must meet certain standards. Their main characteristics are windage and weight. The maximum possible speed depends on this. This yacht has nothing superfluous. Therefore, you can hardly call it comfortable. Racing models are only needed to cover distances at maximum speed.

    Cruising yachts are a completely different matter. They are designed for walking with great comfort. They are equipped with everything necessary for have a nice rest. Cruising yachts can accommodate quite a lot of people. You can live on it for more than one day. Modern ships equipped with a powerful engine can reach good speed. So you can also ride in a breeze on such models.

    For long periods world travels Racing-cruising yachts are best suited. They have the minimum set to survive at sea. Plus they are quite fast. It is on such yachts that the Volvo Ocean Race, the famous round-the-world race, is held.

    By seaworthiness

    They are also classified according to where the ships sail. There are sea and river yachts. They differ from each other in design. Swimming equipment designed for movement in the sea must be more resistant to external influences, as there are strong storms there. Therefore, their design is usually wider and the draft is greater than that of freshwater yachts. The latter do not require such good stability.

    By body type

    Standard models are monohulls. But besides them there are also catamarans and trimarans. The latter have their own qualities that help during long voyages.

    Yacht design

    The main part of every watercraft is the hull. It is divided into 3 parts:

    • Nasal.
    • Midship.
    • Stern.

    One of the important parts of the hull is the keel. There is always a bulb at its end. This is a special thickening where the main weight of the keel is located. It is needed to keep the center of gravity as low as possible. This makes the ship more stable. The larger and heavier the keel, the better the yacht copes with external influences. You should never forget about it, because it can run aground.

    Also under water, in addition to the keel, there is also a rudder blade. This is an important element of the yacht’s structure, because it is used to control it. The steering wheel itself is connected to the balancer and the rudder head. Through them, force is transmitted to the rudder feather, and the yacht turns.

    Upper body

    The first thing people pay attention to is called the deck of the yacht. This is a horizontal surface that delimits the upper and inner space. There may be several of them. Their task is to divide the space inside the yacht. There are several types: living, battery, cargo deck. Each can be intended for different purposes.

    The upper deck must completely cover the entire upper part of the yacht. It serves as a waterproof barrier. It is important for the strength of the ship. There are many important elements of the yacht on the deck. You should also familiarize yourself with them.

    At the very beginning is the bow rail. This is one of the fencing elements present on the yacht. This is a rigid structure made of metal. From it along the entire body there are rails. This is also a fencing element. But only they are made of iron cable. During a storm, insurance is usually attached to them. It all ends with a stern rail.

    There are hatches on the deck. They lead inside the yacht. Through them you can get to the lower deck. In case of strong winds and waves, they are sealed, so water cannot get inside.

    The large superstructure that can be immediately noticed is called the deckhouse. There are various instruments that make up the ship's control and navigation system. For good review portholes are installed there.

    The deck is simply the top part of the ship. And the place where people walk is called flood. It is usually made of wood or metal. It is often covered with a special non-slip coating.

    One of the most important places in the upper part of the hull is the cockpit. People get here as soon as they climb the ladder on board. This is where the passengers and crew are. The helmsman's post along with the steering wheel is also located there.

    Sailing weapons

    Thanks to this device, the yacht can move only with the help of the wind and without the help of a motor. There are a lot of little things and other nuances here. The design of a sailing yacht is quite complex. Therefore, you need to understand it thoroughly. This system consists of several parts:

    • Sails.
    • Spar.
    • Rigging.

    The Bermuda type is usually used. This is when two triangular sails are attached to the front and back. They are called jib and mainsail. The main element of a sailing yacht is the spar. This is a system that together creates the frame and mounting base for the sails. One of the parts of the spar is the mast. It also includes sheets, spreaders, booms and more. The top of the mast is called the top. The lower one, in turn, spurs. It ends at the keel of the ship and rests on the steps.

    Rigging is all the gear that is attached to the spar. Thanks to them, the sails are controlled. Among them there are moving and standing elements (which are simply fixed).

    Motor yachts

    This type of boat does not have sailing equipment. They move using the energy of engines. This type of yacht is the most expensive. It is intended for the elite. And this is not just like that. Motor yachts have some of their own positive sides, which make them more attractive.

    The first thing I would like to note is speed. Still, the power of the engine is much greater than that of the wind. Therefore, such models will be faster. If you need to quickly cover a long distance on the water or just ride with the breeze, then motorized vessels will be preferable. Modern yachts can reach speeds of up to 40 nautical miles per hour. Pretty good if you consider that it is approximately 70 kilometers per hour.

    Motor yachts are rented or purchased by VIPs. Therefore, most often they go together with professional staff who guarantee quality service and safety on the yacht.

    Another advantage is comfort, which is unique to this class. Yachts with engines most often have special stabilizers that prevent the vessel from swaying so much. This means that the pitching will not be so noticeable.

    Mega yachts

    Man has always strived for more. Yachts are no exception. With their desire, engineers were able to create mega-yachts. Every year such vessels are awarded the Neptune Prize. To get into it, they must be at least 30 meters in length.

    The most large yacht bears the proud name “Azzam”. It has a length of 180 meters. Its cost is 609 million dollars. Despite her colossal size, she can travel at speeds of up to 30 knots. And this is a lot for such a giant.

    Before Azzam was created, the Eclipse yacht of the famous entrepreneur Roman Abramovich was 162.5 meters in size. It cost the owner almost $800 million. This is one of the most expensive yachts in the world.

    Dubai ranks third on the list. Its length is 160 meters and its price is $350 million.


    (English). A small vessel used for pleasure sea trips.

    (Source: “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.” Chudinov A.N., 1910)

    (English) a small vessel used for entertainment. sea ​​trips.

    (Source: “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.” Pavlenkov F., 1907)

    English yacht, goal jakt, Danish jagt, from it. jagen, drive, hunt. Single-deck boat for pleasure trips.

    (Source: “Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots.” Mikhelson A.D., 1865)

    a small sailing ship for sailing on the sea.

    (Source: " Complete dictionary foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language." Popov M., 1907)


    (from Dutch jacht), a sailing, sail-motor or motor vessel for water sports and walks. Sports sailing yachts are distinguished by hull design, sail area, and the presence of a keel or centerboard. Marine yachts are made with permanent ballast keels.

    S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language



    YACHT, -y, w.

    1. Large and light sports sailing boat. Olympic yachts(certain types of dinghies, keel yachts, catamarans).

    2. A small boat for walking and sports. Motor I.

    | adj. yacht, -th, -oh and yacht, oh, oh. Yacht keel. Yacht club(yacht Club).


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