What to do when you're bored on vacation. What to do during the New Year holidays? Let's spend time together

With the arrival of vacation time, few children begin to worry about the question of what to do during the holidays. After all, the answer is obvious: of course, I want to take a break from school. True, if parents rely only on children's preferences and leave everything to chance, then for most children the entire holiday can be spent in front of the TV or laptop monitor.

Summer camps and day camps on the basis of sports schools and hobby clubs always provide children with fun and interesting pastime, and parents with relief from headaches about what to do with their child during the holidays.

Camps include numerous events, competitions, competitions, communication with peers and supervision of specialists. Children are rarely bored. After all, the work of young mathematicians, biologists, archaeologists, etc. is organized here. Such activities help not only diversify your leisure time, but also broaden your horizons, help you make new friends, and sometimes even choose a future profession.

But not always and not all parents have the opportunity to send their child to camp. In such cases, you have to come up with a variety of activities at home and make a plan for the holidays. We hope some of the ideas below will help you do this quickly and easily.

Holiday ideas for children during the holidays

Where to go:

  1. The ideal option for relaxation between studies is a complete change of environment. Tours to Europe with visits to the most interesting sights are something that will help you “reboot” and gain new impressions!
  2. What about local excursions? Seeing the sights of the resort where we go on vacation is usually a self-evident addition to the vacation. Do we know our cities and our countries in which we live? Call local travel agencies and you will definitely find interesting excursions in your city lasting from 2-3 hours to 2-3 days.
  3. A very interesting place to go on vacation is the hangar. There you have the opportunity not only to touch and examine helicopters and planes up close, but also to sit at the controls, ask a lot of questions, get interesting answers, learn a lot of new things, and take cool photos as a souvenir.
  4. Triple yourself a “movie week” and go to cinemas every day for different screenings.
  5. Museums and exhibitions seem boring and uninteresting to many children, especially teenagers. Maybe that was the case many years ago. But today, exhibitions dedicated to the topics of zoology and botany, space and archeology, historical events and science allow the child to plunge into the interesting and exciting world of animals, plants, planets, scientific discoveries and history. And what about exhibitions of robots and dinosaurs?
  6. If there is no planetarium where you live, find a nearby city that has one and be sure to visit this vacation spot. Impressions guaranteed!
  7. Zoos, animal parks, amusement parks and green recreation areas within the city have also not been cancelled.
  8. When you are bored and have no idea what to do during the holidays, you can solve this problem by becoming useful to someone. After all, each of us probably has relatives and neighbors who always need help: going to the store, cleaning the house, watering the flowers, and just keeping lonely people company.
  9. Teenagers can start earning money during the holidays by providing services for which they pay: washing cars, posting advertisements, walking animals, mowing lawns, etc.
  10. Be sure to go see the 3G-5G movie. A bucket of popcorn and green-red glasses, special effects and a storm of emotions... And if all this is also with friends!

Outdoor activities:

Activities at home:

  1. Learn new skills. For example, you can learn to dance, draw, work in Photoshop, and swim.
  2. Or maybe during the school year you couldn’t find enough time for your favorite hobby? Then summer is the right time to devote yourself to what your soul is about.
  3. Educate yourself by choosing several interesting topics to study, for example, from the field of zoology, space, foreign languages.
  4. As for reading, many schoolchildren are very skeptical about this type of activity during the holidays. However, one should not confuse reading boring school textbooks with immersion in fascinating world fantasy and adventure fiction books.
  5. Start creating! Let it be melodies, if you are into music, poems, if - poetry, beautiful vases, if - clay modeling, interesting articles, if you like to express your thoughts in writing.
  6. Try something new, such as a new food, board game or sports game.
  7. Learn some handicraft: beading, embroidery, decoupage.
  8. Buy ready-made kits for creativity, which already includes all materials and contains instructions for making paintings from beads, candles in a glass, clay frames, soap factories, diamond embroidery, etc.
  9. If you have a pet, interact with it more often, play, train, study its habits. Communication with animals lifts the mood, entertains and prevents children from getting bored during the holidays. (Read: A kitten appeared in the house, where to start, what you need,)
  10. Learn to cook. How older child, the more he should be able to cook. Even the simplest homemade dishes will be appreciated by parents who come home tired and hungry after work.
  11. No matter how dreary it may sound, you can also study during the holidays, especially if there are gaps in some subjects. After all, when there is no need to go to school, a lot of free time appears. And it is this time that can be devoted to working with a tutor or “pulling up your tails” on your own.
  12. If you like to sit in front of a computer monitor, start your own blog and write articles on it or start editing videos and mastering graphics programs. This will not only entertain, but in the future it may bring extra income on the Internet .
  13. Teenage girls can practice proper self-care, using cosmetics, braiding hair, and creating a beautiful manicure.
  14. With your parents' permission, have a sleepover with your friends: a pajama party, a pillow fight, a dessert table, telling scary stories in the dark...

Don't try to fill every hour with some activity. After all, from too much active rest you can be much more tired than from work or study.

Distribute activities and entertainment evenly.

Do not impose something that is categorically not accepted by the child, give him the right to choose for himself.

If you yourself participate in events, then do it not formally, but with all your heart and sincere involvement in the process.

Make sure that a teenager, left to his own devices, does not got involved with bad company .

Enjoy spending time together and doing activities with your children during the holidays!

What to do in the summer

The long-awaited summer has finally arrived! You don’t have to think about school, lessons, exams... All these terribly important and difficult things are left behind. It's hot and there's a lot of free time ahead. During your studies, you complained that you constantly did not have enough time, and here it is, happiness! Everything would be fine, but all your friends have moved away somewhere, and it turns out that you don’t know what to do with this free time.

Are you already climbing the wall because you have nothing to do? Are you annoying your parents and household members with your constant whining and pacing back and forth around the house? Stop! Stop whining and complaining about fate! Summer does not play with sunbeams with you so that you walk around with a dissatisfied look. Here are some tips that will save you from dying of boredom and make this summer unforgettable! Such that friends who went to the sea will be jealous.

Who got into the Internet?

Don't you know that one of the most effective methods to fill the lack of communication is the Internet.

— If you are used to ICQ or are on some sites, start with them! Chat online with friends who are away on vacation.

— You can make a lot of new acquaintances on forums and chats. After all, all forums are divided according to interests! Find something that interests you and communicate! There you will definitely find many like-minded people and simply interesting people.

— Don’t you have a LiveJournal yet? So what are you waiting for?! Not only will you learn to express your thoughts clearly and clearly with its help, you will also be able to share your ideas with your friends, talk about problems or a book you have read. Surely stories and stories similar to yours will appear in the comments. You and your new acquaintances will definitely find something to talk about!

It's time!

You've been dreaming of doing some things all year, but you kept putting them off until later. Imagine: this “later” has arrived! It was this summer, when the school year ended! Don't put things off until later. It’s so great to go to school on September 1st with a calm and clear conscience!

— To visit relatives whom I haven’t visited for a long time, it doesn’t matter whether they are close or distant. They will be glad to see you! At the same time you will learn news about the family. When days are filled with lessons, time is sorely lacking. But now you have it!

— Go out to morning jog! Remember: you are still in New Year's Eve I decided that I was going to start playing sports seriously. In winter, of course, there was a lot of snow - you can’t run through snowdrifts! That's why on January 1st you forgot everything. So it's time to remember! When, if not now? Put more energetic music on your playlist, put on your favorite sneakers and go! Yes, by the way, not only you are into jogging, but also a lot of nice guys!

- Get a job! It wouldn't hurt you to earn some money, at least for pocket money. And the easiest way to do this is now, in the summer! After all, many company employees go on vacation, and temporary staff are so needed. And you benefit, and not only materially. After running around with trays or working as a secretary for a few weeks, you will begin to think differently about money. And you won’t beg your parents for a new blouse, because you have a salary for that.

Make way for talent!

The days are long in summer and you will have plenty of time. And you can keep him busy with any exciting activity! Think about what you would like to do and what you always don’t have enough time for?

- Sign up for dancing! Now there is a huge selection of different clubs where they teach all kinds of dances. Oriental, Latin American, modern, historical... Choose to suit your taste! You will learn more about dancing a little later. In the meantime, remember: dancing will help you make good friends! After all, you will be united by a common passion!

— There is plenty of time for creativity in the summer. Have you always dreamed of drawing? So what are you waiting for?! I just want to paint a landscape outside the window or go out plein air in the park... Choose what you like, take an album, pencil or paints, and go! Just look how beautiful it is outside: city gardens, an abundance of flowers, sun glare on the asphalt... Just don’t say that you can’t draw. The main desire! You cannot judge your work objectively. Plus, it's always good to let your emotions out. Even if you feel sad and bad, don’t take your bad mood out on those around you! It’s better to trust the paper - as they say, it will endure anything.

- Martial arts master - isn't this about you? Then summer is the time for change!

Why don't you enroll in a martial arts school? Don’t be afraid that there will be more boys there, because this is not a minus, but quite the opposite! Think how jealous your girlfriends will be if they see that you not only know how to stand up for yourself, but that you are surrounded by such brave and courageous fans!

So, are you still sitting in your room and sadly contemplating the joyful landscape outside the window? Or are you in a hurry to find new friends and hobbies? Still, the second option, you must agree, is much more interesting! Enjoy life - that's what summer is for! It is so short - it will fly by and you won’t notice... So don’t get lost! Blow bubbles, lie in the grass in the meadow, cook exotic dishes, splash in the river...

There are a lot of activities, you will definitely find something suitable for you! Write a book, draw a comic, make a guide to the sights of your city... In general, good luck to you!

The holiday period is a holiday for the child and a headache for the parents. But in fact, with a little imagination, these days will become a joyful time for the whole family.

In order not to be tormented every day by the question of what to do with your child during the holidays, it is better to draw up an action plan. It is ideal to think through your activities for the week ahead. It takes a little time, and a short list is less susceptible to adjustments. You can safely involve your child in the planning, but first, the mother needs to prepare the outline herself so that the chosen activities correspond to financial and time possibilities.

Developmental activities in addition to the school curriculum

So that the child does not lose his knowledge, he needs to constantly reinforce the educational material. This does not mean that a student should sit over textbooks all day long - it is enough to devote an hour a day to studying.

It is better to use non-standard tasks, for example, collections of interesting logic problems and express tests on grammar and foreign languages. You can also look for materials in teaching aids for teachers; for this purpose, it is convenient to use the Internet.

Intellectual board games are perfect. This is an ideal option for family entertainment, especially on a stormy day when other entertainment is not possible.

Reading for pleasure and benefit

Reading certainly broadens your horizons, improves your literacy and increases your vocabulary. If your child loves to read, then the question of what to do with your child during the holidays disappears. The main thing is to constantly update the books. To do this, you can sign up for a children's library or use e-book with the effect of natural ink.

But for those who have negative associations with books, reading together is suitable. To instill an interest in literature in a teenager, you don’t need to give him classic works. The books on which modern films are based will have a much greater effect. It will be interesting for your son or daughter to meet your favorite movie character on the pages of the novel.

Walking in standard and play form

Fresh air is essential for health, so it is very important to organize leisure activities outside the home during the holidays. A trip to the park is a great option:

  • you can take bread and feed the pigeons;
  • collect leaves and flowers for the herbarium;
  • catch butterflies with a net;
  • ride a bike, roller skate, skateboard;
  • make new friends.

What to do with a child on summer holidays in a coastal city? Of course go to the beach! Such events will bring pleasure to both children and adults. Water pistols, inflatable rings and mattresses will turn swimming into an attraction.

If you have an active family, you can go hiking. Tents, fishing, an evening fire will remain in the memory of a child or teenager for a long time. Such leisure will bring joy to both boys and girls.

Cultural program for development

During the holidays, it is very important not just to keep your child occupied, but to enrich his inner world. Study the posters of your city - theater productions, film premieres, exhibitions and master classes will help expand the range of your child’s interests.

If you've already been to your local local history museum, arrange a joint tour of your hometown. Interesting places is in everyone locality. To prepare your excursion:

  1. Go to the city library or search the Internet for the history of your native land.
  2. Create a route of city attractions for imaginary tourists.
  3. Prepare your guide's speech. Supplement historical materials with stories from your childhood and youth - this will make the story more lively. Plus, nostalgic conversations will bring you closer together.
  4. Invite a group of friends and go on a test tour.

Communication with friends and personal time

Children are not eternal springs energy, you don’t need to occupy every second with something. Sometimes a child just wants to dream and relax. Give your child the opportunity to be alone with himself. If boredom overcomes him, you will quickly notice it.

Communication with peers plays a huge role in socialization. Invite friends for walks together and to your home. You can invite your closest friends for a sleepover and have a pajama party. Children will be delighted with this entertainment.

Cookies and milk, pillow fights or battles with improvised swords made of long balls with cardboard handles will leave a lot of emotions.

For older girls, have a bachelorette party with fortune telling and forfeits. If you know other parents well, you can join forces and take turns entertaining the children. A good idea is to organize master classes. Let each mother organize a teaching workshop on her favorite handicraft or cooking. And dads will teach boys men's crafts. Take a look at our section, there are a lot of simple lessons that you can take as a basis.

Give the children the opportunity to keep secrets. For adults, children's secrets look funny, but for a child it is very serious.

When you run out of ideas on what to do with your child during the holidays at home, creativity comes to the rescue. Holidays are the perfect time to learn new technology:

  • embroidery;
  • burning;
  • making .

There are a lot of unusual materials on sale now:

  • acrylic paints;
  • self-adhesive colored paper;
  • decorative elements;
  • corrugated and velvet paper;
  • decorated paper for cards.

If creative research is not your thing, you can buy ready-made kits, which include all the necessary materials and detailed instructions for the manufacture of products. Their range is amazingly diverse:

  • soap factory;
  • clay frames;
  • bead paintings;
  • toys for ;
  • candles in a glass.

You don’t have to spend money – homemade items made from scrap materials will keep you entertained for half a day. See what you can do from and in our publications.

It is enough to organize the process and direct your imagination in the right direction:

  1. Finding home treasures (combines well with general cleaning, which includes toys).
  2. Coming up with something unusual from everything found.
  3. Making a fruit of fantasy.
  4. Application of a masterpiece.

Old socks can be perfectly transformed into a puppet theater, and a TV box can serve as a stage and backstage. This way you are also guaranteed an evening performance.

Using tape, two disposable bowls of Popsicle sticks are turned into tennis rackets. And from balloon a safe tennis ball will come out that will keep chandeliers and vases intact.

Flour, salt and water are the basis for dough, which will be an excellent alternative to plasticine. Finished products can be dried in the oven and painted with acrylic or gouache paint. But you need to add PVA glue to the gouache, then it will stick better. If this is your first time hearing about this technique, read about it and watch our master classes.

Cooking for the future housewife

Cooking is a fun activity for children of any age. Working with food and kitchen appliances fascinates the child. The process can be turned into a real game. How surprised your family will be if dinner takes place not in the kitchen, but in an impromptu restaurant.

You can prepare interesting decorative elements to create the atmosphere of a restaurant, so you don’t have to think about what to do with your child during the holidays at home. If you feel sorry for expensive dishes for a home party, buy beautiful and bright disposable ones.

To ensure you are pleased with the results of your work, choose simple recipes. Salads, omelettes with many ingredients, simple desserts, etc. are perfect. If a girl is not seriously interested in cooking, the dish must be prepared quickly. Spend more time on decoration and interesting presentation.

It is very important to help your daughter with cooking. If the dish turns out to be tasteless, then instead of joy you may see tears.

Economic affairs for labor education

A child from an early age must understand that he has not only rights, but also responsibilities. Holidays - good time to instill a love of work. The most interesting thing is that the younger the children, the more fun they get from housework.

To begin with, you can assign dusting, tidying up toys, sweeping the floor, or washing small items. But you don’t need to dump all the housework on the younger family member, as this can completely discourage you from helping.

Most household chores can easily be turned into a game:

  1. Sorting seasonal clothes becomes a fashion show. To the music and flash of the home camera, the daughter tries on all her clothes, and it will be much easier for mom to determine which things should be sent to the far corner and what to put off for next year. To make it more interesting for the children, let them try on some of your things. And viewing the resulting photos will take the naughty guy for another couple of hours.
  2. Repairing old books is another field of activity. Such a boring process can be diversified by setting up a hospital for books. Turn gluing the cover and pages into a medical operation. You become a surgeon, and your son becomes an assistant. You can even wear medical masks and gloves. Children of primary school age will be delighted.
  3. It’s very easy to force your daughter or son to clean up. Come up with a symbolic treasure, for example, large puzzles or treats, you can use coins. Hide the pieces of treasure in the room so that they can only be found if you thoroughly clean it. Explain the conditions of the game, and cleanliness in the apartment is guaranteed.

Creating a Memories Album

Before the holidays start, invite your son or daughter to collect all the memories in an album. Such an album will preserve memory and become a family heirloom. You can use a ready-made photo album, but it's boring. It is better to take a blank sketchbook with thick paper or a large-format notebook. Alternatively, you can make an album using the technique.

The album will contain family photo chronicles. The child will be able to decorate it with memorable inscriptions, stickers and thematic drawings. Tickets from the theater and amusement park, flowers brought from a walk, flat shells from the beach, interesting paper crafts - these are all components of an album of memories.

It is best to make the album gradually, so that after each interesting event the “editor-in-chief” can add his impressions. This way the masterpiece will be more colorful and lively and will become a good basis for writing an eternal essay on the topic: “How I spent my summer.”

Having made a plan called “What to do with your child during the holidays,” do not forget about the main thing:

  1. Let's have the right to choose.
  2. Don't try to fill every minute with new fun.
  3. Try to distribute the entertainment evenly.

Continuation of the topic and a selection of games for an active and relaxing home holiday.

If you spend time with your children, spend it quality time. Don't just be present, but participate in what is happening. If you learn to enjoy yourself, the holidays will not seem painfully long.

Every time it seems that summer holidays so long! But before you even have time to blink an eye, they will already fly by. Therefore, it’s worth thinking now about how to fill them with fresh impressions that will be remembered for a long time.

Take a break from studying

Play games

Finally, you don't have to go to school, and you can play a lot of games on your phone or tablet - download something new on vipsmart and just relax! After a difficult school year, it doesn’t hurt to be a little lazy, but don’t spend all your time with your tablet - it’s such a wonderful summer out there!

Chat with friends

Perhaps, due to constant work, you never had the opportunity to meet with a good man? It's time to fix it! Go for a walk, talk a lot, take photos, set plans for the summer... And most importantly, just enjoy the moment.

Organize family gatherings

Holidays are a wonderful opportunity to communicate more with your own parents! Offer them ideas for holidays and help them organize everything. Perhaps it will be an evening watching a family movie with fresh lemonade and ? Or maybe arrange picnic in nature or sunbathe on the shore of the lake? Choose together!

Get vivid impressions

Go on a trip

Summer is created in order to discover new magical places that you have not been to before! Hope, this holidays you will have the opportunity go somewhere on vacation or on interesting excursions to other cities. If not, you can always play tourist and look for something unknown even in hometown(or in the next one).

Attend cultural events


You have three whole months of freedom - you can have a blast! Try to wake up differently than usual, walk differently than usual, and do different things than usual. Even if you want to do some extravagant hairstyle or change your clothing style, the time to take a risk is now to get used to your new look!


Read what you want

Have time to enjoy the time when you can read those books that you choose yourself, and not those that the school curriculum determined for you. Pick up list of works for summer, which will be a real pleasure for you to immerse yourself in.


In the summer you have plenty of time to finally start running in the morning or riding a bike every day. And even better - discover some new sport, and in the fall surprise your classmates with your new hobby and excellent physical fitness!

Learn something new

Have you ever dreamed of learning how to cook delicious cakes or dance the waltz? Do you want to become a real artist or stylist? This requires a lot of practice. So summer is your best chance to learn a new activity.

The first days of June make you think, how to organize children's leisure and what to do with your child during the summer holidays? Children who are looking for entertainment on their own, as a rule, do not find exactly what their parents would like. And to make the summer fun and at the same time useful, we have collected 21 interesting idea how a schoolchild can spend the summer holidays.

  1. Go to the sea. There is no need to talk about the benefits of the marine climate for children. Best option, if your vacation by the sea lasts from 2 weeks. This will enable the child’s body to adapt and truly become healthier. One of the options - .
  2. Sign up for the pool. If for some reason you won’t be able to see the sea this summer, sign your child up for the pool. For aquatic species Summer is the time for sports.
  3. Do you have a house in the village with your grandmother to boot? Great! Regular trip to the village for the summer it turns into an adventure and even a test if it comes with the responsibility of helping grandma in the garden... But here the student will really give up the computer for a while, replacing sitting in front of the monitor with trips to the river or the forest.
  4. Ride bicycles or rollerblades. Choose a suitable route - and go ahead for new experiences! If you don’t have your own bike or roller skates, you can rent a bike or go to a roller skating rink.
  5. Read an interesting book. Or better yet, several.
  6. Go to summer Kid `s camp . Among best ideas how to spend the summer, because everything is taken into account in the camp - development, training, and leisure. Parents won't have to worry what to do with a schoolchild in the summer, since modern camp programs provide an integrated approach. It is always possible according to interests (language, sports, computer, etc.) or a thematic shift (scouting, history, etc.) that the child will like.
  7. Attend a cooking class. Who knows, perhaps after such a master class your child will discover new culinary talents, and a new chef will appear in your home?
  8. Learn a foreign language. A worthy idea for a student who wants to be successful. In the summer, you can enroll in foreign language courses or go to one of them. A change in a children's language camp is an immersion in a language environment, an opportunity to improve speaking skills.
  9. Rearrange or renovate the children's room. Let your childhood interior design idea come true. A joint project like renovation will certainly bring you together.
  10. Sign up for a sports section, which you have long dreamed of.
  11. Go to a festival open air . To make your summer vacation unforgettable, it's worth getting one in your city and making sure to visit at least one! Thematic festivals are a super idea, what to do with a teenager during the summer holidays.
  12. Have fun in an amusement park. What would a holiday be without the sounds of ecstatic children's cries and cotton candy? But remember that amusement parks are an entertainment format with mandatory adult supervision.
  13. Go shopping. Summer is here, which means it's time to update your wardrobe and buy accessories.
  14. Update your hairstyle. During the holidays, you can safely experiment, for example, change your image more radically - get a new haircut. To help .
  15. Arrange a summer photo shoot. Of course, you can contact a professional photographer who will help you make a high-quality photo shoot - family or personal. Or you can get a camera and give the children the opportunity to try taking pictures themselves, and then even create a photo album.
  16. “Pull up” school subjects. Teachers already give schoolchildren 10-14 years old a lot of tasks for the summer; you just need to monitor their completion and properly organize the time of summer study and entertainment. But for children 6, 7, 8 years old, it is worth specially choosing educational games and interesting tasks. For example, if a child has poor handwriting, then he needs to draw and sculpt more; does not read well - collect words from cards, etc.
  17. Ride horses. Horseback riding is more than just a way to relax from the bustle of the city. It's impossible not to fall in love with these graceful, proud animals.
  18. Go to a rope park. For lovers of active recreation, another idea is rope parks and climbing frames. Young climbers without experience should walk on a tightrope at least once - and this will become a real hobby!
  19. Have a picnic with friends. Select appropriate place For a picnic in nature, bring a tasty snack and suitable games for the company to have a fun day.
  20. Organize a concert or performance. If your child has no equal in singing, dancing or theatrical acting, why not prepare a concert performance? Organize a small theater group with his friends or a production where everyone can show off their talents.
  21. Go on an excursion to another city. Vacationing in another city is much more interesting than staying at home on vacation. And help organize summer children's leisure A mobile application will help you in unknown areas


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