What happened to the tour? TEZ TOUR - “Why I love Tez Tour despite the high prices or the review of a dedicated travel agent.” Tez Tour: reviews from vacationers

. "This situation is this moment does not concern tourists,” noted the head of the press service of Rostourism, Irina Shchegolkova.

Irina Shchegolkova emphasized that we are talking about a dispute between two business entities. At the same time, Tez Tour has other air carriers with which they cooperate. Readiness to cooperate with Tez Tour has already been announced.

Tourists who already have issued tickets for Aeroflot flights can safely use them, assures TASS.

According to the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, the tour operator Tez Tour does not only issue tickets for Aeroflot flights.

All Aeroflot air tickets that Tez Tour previously booked for its clients have been paid for.

“Everything that is booked is paid for. This is not a problem for clients, it is a problem in our relationships,” said the commercial director of the tour operator, Alexander Burtin.

According to him, the company operates as usual and fulfills all its obligations to clients and partners. Aeroflot and Tez Tour are negotiating further cooperation.

Alexander Burtin said that due to a decrease in demand for tours this winter, caused by a sharp depreciation of the ruble against the dollar and euro, the tour operator asked Aeroflot to reconsider the terms of the contract, since the volume of traffic would decrease significantly.

“Most likely, disconnecting our company from the reservation system is an attempt to influence our desire to change the terms of the contract,” suggested the commercial director of the tour operator. “Aeroflot wants strict guarantees for . It offers prices in foreign currency, not in rubles. That is, in fact, all The responsibility rests with the tour operator."

Aeroflot uses a floating exchange rate for calculations, which it sets in relation to the official exchange rate. If the exchange rate changes, the cost of airline services in rubles increases.

“We are trying to decide what is easier for us - to refuse and lose some deposits or to continue to lose money on sales every day,” explained Alexander Burtin.

Aeroflot disconnected the tour operator from the airline ticket booking system, accusing Tez Tour of “stopping paying for services.”

Aeroflot's press service declined to comment.

Previously, Tez Tour “completed the optimization process winter programs". As a result, charter programs were reduced in most directions. And winter programs were mainly transferred to regular transportation carried out by Aeroflot, S7, Transaero airlines and a number of foreign carriers.

General Director of Tez Tour Vladimir Kaganer said that the tour operator has no debts to the airline. The Tez Tour company was founded in 1994. She does not disclose her financial indicators, however, according to Forbes magazine, in 2013 her revenue amounted to 30 billion rubles.

Is Tez Tour closing? Rumors about the bankruptcy of the tour operator seriously worried Russians who used the services of this company year after year. The largest Travel Company Tez Tur can become bankrupt only under a number of circumstances. So far, the situation in the company is not so critical, although Russian tourists should remain on their guard.

Rumors that the largest Russian tour operator Tez Tour is closing arose against the backdrop of the widespread bankruptcy of well-known Russian travel agencies: Ascent Travel, Perfect world, Lanta Tour, ITC, Capital Tour and others. Considering that Tez Tur serves the overwhelming number of Russian tourists, if it is declared bankrupt, the country will plunge into a deep tourism crisis. At the same time, rumors about the bankruptcy of Tez Tour remain unfounded, although the company has certain problems.

In particular , after the tourist flow to Turkey and Egypt dried up, the company lost a fairly large amount of income.

Disabling winter armor

Most recently, Tez Tour had major disagreements with Aeroflot, which demanded guarantees from the tour operator to ensure the volume of air transportation. Considering that the tour operator could not provide such guarantees, Tez Tour suspended activities in a number of areas in the long term. However, given that the tour operator cooperates with a dozen other airlines, there is no reason to worry.

The essence of the disagreement with Aeroflot comes down to the fact that starting in October, Tez Tour began to refuse charter flights, transferring passengers to regular ones. This in turn may indicate that the company does not have sufficient funds to carry out charters. It is also obvious that when using regular flights, tourists will experience inconvenience, since it will not be possible to create an optimal travel schedule based on the timing. Therefore, of course, Tez Tour will not get to the point where it can close, but the fact that the company has begun to rapidly reduce its costs is an indisputable fact. So far, however, the restrictions have affected only winter trips. And even then, in a number of popular destinations, the travel company continues to operate as before.

In what cases can Tez Tour go bankrupt?

Tez Tour may go bankrupt due to several factors. The first is a sharp drop in tourist flow as a result. The second is the introduction of diplomatic sanctions against Russia. This tour operator itself states that 70% of its clients are Russians. In fact, most likely the percentage Russian tourists much bigger. And if the bankruptcy of the above companies played into Tez Tour’s hands, since the tour operator became almost a monopolist on Russian market, then global changes can hit the company’s economy hard. If it happens that Tez Tour is closed, the Russians will not feel any problems from this, since they will face more radical and tough difficulties.

But in general, we must admit that in order for Tez Tour to suspend its activities, too global economic and political changes must take place. The great advantage of this company is that its assets are based on real funds. For example, Tez Tour owns great amount buses, offices, the company's work is carried out directly. And the income Tez Tour received over the past season more than covers all costs. So for now, bankruptcy of this tour operator is out of the question.

Tour operator Tez Tour continues to operate in the Russian tourism market. There are no reports of problems with sending tourists abroad. The company’s call center is operating as usual, and operators continue to accept orders from Russians for vacation. The Tez Tour website is also regularly updated with the latest information and news.

Talk about a possible suspension of Tez Tour's activities emerged after reports that the largest air carrier Aeroflot had stopped cooperating with the company due to millions of debts.

Tez Tour is disconnected from Aeroflot's reservation system due to a debt of 30 million rubles. A representative of the air carrier reported this to RIA Novosti, explaining that the bank guarantee of Tez Tour expired on November 2, 2014, which the tour operator was informed about in advance.

In turn, neither Rostourism nor Tez Tour received official notification from Aeroflot about the disconnection of the tour operator from the airline’s ticket booking system, Rostourism press secretary Irina Shchegolkova told RIA Novosti.

She drew attention to the fact that information about the debt of Tez Tour to Aeroflot and the disconnection of the tour operator from the reservation system comes from an unofficial anonymous source. Shchegolkova also recalled that the day before, the general director of Tez Tour, Vladimir Kaganer, officially stated that the company has no debts to Aeroflot.

Also, according to the company’s disseminated message, all Aeroflot air tickets that Tez Tour previously booked for its clients have been paid for. The company operates as usual and fulfills all its obligations to clients and partners, TASS reports.

Let us remind you that earlier Aeroflot had already disconnected several tour operators from the booking system, which led to a halt in their activities. Thus, the companies “Ideal Tour” and “Capital Tour” were disabled.

Let us add that Tez Tour also cooperates with the air carrier Transaero. They stated that the company does not have any financial problems with Tez Tour, RIA Novosti reports citing the carrier’s press service.

The S7 airline, which also works with Tez Tour, does not have any problems with the tour operator, an S7 representative told TASS.

In October, Tez Tour reported on the optimization of winter programs. The tour operator cut winter charter programs on most destinations and transferred the tourist flow to regular flights.

“This will affect all mass destinations, primarily Asia, in particular Thailand. This will affect Egypt to a lesser extent,” said Alexander Burtin, commercial director of tour operator Tez Tour.

Despite the fact that there is no talk of closing the company, it is also too early to talk about expanding and developing projects with Biblio Globus, Butrin said.

According to Rostourism press secretary Irina Shchegolkova, now almost all operators are reducing and optimizing their activities so as not to gain more places what they can sell.

Chairman of the Board of Directors and shareholder of TEZ TOUR, Alexander Sinigibsky, in an interview with the Turkish publication Tourism Today, denied rumors that negotiations are underway to sell the company.

TT: Alexander Ivanovich, thank you for your willingness to comment on all possible guesses about the work of the international tour operator TEZ TOUR in the current economic situation. So, does TEZ TOUR have plans to sell its business in any of the countries?

A.S.: Let's start with the fact that theoretically in commerce, in business, you can buy anything and sell anything. Offer anyone double the price of their phone, and they will immediately sell it to you. At the same time, I would like to immediately note - for Last year The international tour operator TEZ TOUR not only did not sell anything, but, on the contrary, bought several new businesses. We continue to invest in the development of new directions and have opened two offices: on the island of Sardinia in Italy and on South Cyprus. At the same time, already in the first season we became the first in terms of volume in Sardinia and fourth in Cyprus. We also have France planned this year and construction of a hotel in Minsk has begun. This, I note, is what TEZ TOUR has been working on just over the last year, amid all the talk about its possible sale. We are ready to remove only non-core, non-tourist assets from our business.

Therefore, when journalists write about any sales or purchases of one company by another, they must fully represent and understand the subject of their journalistic investigation. When announcing the acquisition of such a large international tour operator as TEZ TOUR, even part of it, you first of all need to assess the solvency and potential of the company that supposedly intends to implement such a historical project. Such mergers, acquisitions, and sales of companies are of great marketing value, and the parties always actively talk about the synergy and emerging potential for the market. Rest assured, if we want to sell or buy something, this will become a great information occasion for tourism business our countries. Therefore, I have a convincing request to journalists from all serious businesses, and not just tourism. If you write that “someone bought someone,” have a clear idea not only of the possible desires, but also of the desirable capabilities of the heroes of your legends.

TT: Of course, the tourism sector is very susceptible to market fluctuations and is instantly surrounded by rumors and guesses. Please clarify the situation around TEZ TOUR, where did the hints about negotiations about selling the tour operator to other companies come from?

A.S.: Tour operator TEZ TOUR has not yet initiated such negotiations. However, I will not deny that there is some outside interest, which could provoke some rumors and speculation on this topic. For example, quite recently one of our base hotels was visited by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Anı Tur, a certain Mr. Veli Chilsal. He came as a representative of an agency wanting to work with our company, and eventually offered to become a partner in our business. Thanking him for his attention and highly appreciated our work, I politely but firmly refused him. Literally a few days later an article comes out in the press, in which it is written in clear printed words that “the Ani Tour company is buying TEZ TOUR.” It is unlikely that in serious business circles this can be called “negotiations.” By the way, as far as I know from the same article, Mr. Chilsal self-confidently claims that “negotiations are ongoing.”

TT: Previously, the market also actively discussed the topic of the merger of your company with the tour operator Biblio Globus. Have you received any business proposals for cooperation from them? Please comment.

A.S.: No, it hasn’t been reported. To fully understand the picture of what is happening, I will immediately note that in Turkey there is simply no company with the name “Biblio Globus”. There is only its host company, Time Service, which has just recently been revived for operational business. What kind of purchase or merger can we talk about if in Turkey “de facto and de jure” there is no one to even talk to on this topic due to the absence of Biblio Globus as such on the Turkish market. In addition, this tour operator specializes primarily in sending tourists, and not in receiving them. They have a full-fledged own DMC, perhaps, only in Cyprus. Therefore, if Biblio Globus suddenly opened the topic of corporate transactions with us, then we could talk primarily only about our sending offices in the Baltic countries, Belarus, Ukraine, and not the receiving office in Turkey or other countries.

TT: There are indeed many legends, but your extremely clear and frank answers put a lot of things into place. We would like to take this opportunity to ask you to comment on the cooperation between TEZ TOUR and Crystal Hotels, which has also been surrounded by various speculations.

A.S.: We have been cooperating with the Crystal hotel chain for a long time and are very glad that we have developed such good commercial and friendly relations. At one time, we exclusively sold these hotels in our markets. A little later, the group’s hotel network expanded and it also began working with the Odeon Group. This year, the Crystal chain began to cooperate with Time Services on exclusive terms, and TEZ TOUR, like the Odeon Group, naturally stopped sales of these hotels. However, by mid-summer it became clear that Biblio Globus could not fulfill its obligations in full and fill the required number of beds in the chain’s hotels. Based on long-term and almost “family” business relationships, TEZ TOUR came to the aid of its long-time friends and partners, providing the necessary occupancy for 5 hotels of the Crystal group. We completed our task, and both parties were satisfied with this project. But at the moment there has been no talk of any further, closer cooperation with Crystal hotels.

TT: It is not surprising that in light of the recent departures from the tourism market of quite large and famous companies, special attention is paid to the work of TEZ TOUR. How do such conversations about selling the Company affect you and your employees?

A.S.: I'll say it straight. I am sure that the purpose of these conversations is to prevent us from working fully. I agree that the work of TEZ TOUR, as one of the largest players in the tourism market, cannot but attract attention and do without various rumors. But in fact, at the moment such rumors do not have the slightest basis. Of course, I will not lie and say that such an artificially created information field does not bother us at all. But many years of working in this business have made me and most of our employees quite morally and stress-resistant. We sincerely do not want to waste time and energy on this gossip, thinking about how to fully and efficiently do our daily work. But at the same time, I note that with further escalation of the situation and the creation of an artificial unhealthy information field, we do not exclude professional legal steps on our part at any level.

TT: One of the most interested partners in obtaining reliable first-hand information, of course, are representatives of the hotel business. What is the most important thing you think they need to know about TEZ TOUR's plans for the near future?

A.S.: I can tell all Turkish partners the following: if we decide to sell part of the business, we will not conduct endless behind-the-scenes negotiations, since we have a very clear idea of ​​the ideal partner. The best buyers for us of part of the assets of the TEZ TOUR company can be our partners - owners hotel business. In case of serious consideration of the possibility of selling certain percentages of shares of the TEZ TOUR company, we would like to see as our business partners exclusively hotels with which we have been working well for a long time, for example, 20-30 of the most interesting and serious of them. Only this option would be beneficial to TEZ TOUR and, in turn, would give additional development to hotels. To summarize this topic, I repeat - with any possible sale of part of the Company’s assets, we will initially negotiate with hoteliers, and not with Ani Tur and others.

TT: What is it? general situation and forecasts for the work of leading tour operators on the Russian market in connection with a noticeable decrease in the number of tourists this year?

A.S.: If we talk objectively about our main markets - Russia and Ukraine - then, indeed, this year the situation is not developing in the best way, since by August all market participants felt a drop in demand. The overall tourist flow, especially in Russia, has not changed that much, but due to strong dumping and an active decline in retail prices, we note a decrease in cash turnover.

At the same time, I would like to note that, in my experience and deep conviction, optimists work in tourism. And I am certainly one of them. I want to believe that geopolitical conflicts will be resolved in the near future. But with all the optimism, it is worth recognizing that the realities of next year may be worse than this year. If large tour operators If they do not understand this trend in time and do not respond to the changing situation, then the prospects for these two markets will not be the most rosy. Because in our business there may come a time when the price, even the lowest, will cease to matter - everything will be decided by the literal lack of customer demand.

Information for the media

And finally, I have a very important message for the local press. From my point of view, tourism is the most important sector of the economy for Turkey. It supports the country's leading industrial and agricultural sectors - construction, livestock farming, textiles and others. At the same time, tourism is one of the most delicate and sensitive areas of business, which depends not only on real economic indicators, but also on fictitious rumors and speculation. In order to deal a significant blow to this sector of the economy, there is no need to explode a bomb in the literal sense of the word. Say the word “bomb” loudly enough, or even worse, at the level of unconfirmed rumors, and the wave that hits tourism will roll by itself. A journalist, of course, must have a share of responsibility and a meaningful civic position. And every time, giving out a new “sensation”, remember that behind each of his unverified words or voicing unfounded rumors in the media are the fates of hundreds of thousands of people working directly or indirectly in the tourism sector.

Hi all!

I have long wanted to write a BIG and DETAILED review about my work at the authorized agency TEZ Tour. In addition, as a tourist, I made 6 trips to different countries with Thesis: Türkiye (2 times), Egypt (2 times), Spain, Thailand. But I’ll tell you about travel later, but now I’ll focus on at work TEZ TOUR, on their pros and cons.

Recall plan:

  1. Why Tez are the best partners or a reminder for a beginning travel agent.
  2. Which countries are worth flying to with TEZ TOUR.
  3. Which countries can you fly to with other operators?
  4. Navigation on the site tez-tour.com

1. I worked under TEZ for a year and I can say that this is the best partner - tough but fair. ,Tez strictly controls its personnel: once a year, each TEZ agent undergoes certification. The certification consists of theoretical and practical tasks (4 problems), which are given for a time. I must say that I haven’t strained my brain this much since college) Thank the travel gods, I passed the certification successfully)

In addition, TEZ is the only tour operator that trains employees directly at the place of work. Those. no need to travel to training centers and waste time on the road. My boss personally worked with me on every hotel and every country. Thanks to her, I, a young girl, developed a knowledge base that greatly helped in my future work.

TEZ employees go to " fam trips" - business trips with mandatory hotel inspection. Such trips cost money (200 - 600, but for TEZ employees, business trips are, naturally, at the expense of the employer. The trips are quite complex and intense: you need to see 10-18 hotels a day. You get tired both morally and physically. I managed to visit 2 -x such business trips: Egypt and Turkey. Egypt was worse, but the trip to Turkey impressed me - it was clear how the hoteliers respect TEZ TOUR as their partner. They greeted us very well!

For travel agents who want to study without leaving the office or even at home, they do webinars with detailed review hotels, their advantages and disadvantages.

For the best agents and directors of authorized agencies there is honor board - TEZ Star. Agents with the best personal sales who have successfully passed the certification go there. The TEZ website publishes a photo of the lucky winner, the name of his agency and brief information about him.

TEZ also rewards its agents financially - by accumulation of bonuses for each sale. Bonuses are awarded only for departing clients; they amount to 20-100% of the amount (depending on the volume of your sales). You can use bonuses to pay for your clients’ trips or your own trips. For example, I paid for my trip to Thailand with bonuses, receiving a discount of 15,000 rubles!!!

2. What countries can you travel to with TEZ TOUR?

3. Which countries are better to book with other operators?

  • Spain - Not all directions are represented . For example, there is no Valencia region. But Nataly tour has absolutely everything related to Spain, even apartments.
  • Cyprus- a relatively new direction for TEZ; Biblio Globus always works better for Cyprus.
  • Austria- also a relatively new direction, but ski holiday- a specific matter. Better operator PAC Group no one can handle it.
  • UAE- again, a new direction, it’s better to take it from Natalie ( good prices) or even Pegasus.
  • Italy- too much expensive tours. It is better to take from PAC Group or Intourist.

4. TEZ Tour website filled with all sorts of information, it can be inconvenient for a tourist . Open immediately Agent page- there is more information there, and selection of tour comfortable.

Agent page can be found in the upper right corner under Agencies.

On the Agent page on the right are presented all directions TEZ TOUR With Selection of tour, Hotel catalog, Information about flights, stop list and much more.

Convenient: select the country, resort, number of nights of stay, departure date (or date range), hotel level or select a specific hotel from the list with a slider, number of tourists, tour currency (for convenience, always select rubles!).

IN Catalog All information about the country, about resorts, about visas, about transfers, about insurance is written down. Information on visas, transfers and insurance is duplicated on the Agent page under the name of the country. In chapter Catalog look at the tab (on the right) - there detailed description hotel with photos and food and entertainment program for the whole year (in Word format, you can download it to your computer).

This section is very important Visas(duplicated for each country + available in the section Catalog) - here you will find a list necessary documents, samples of filling out forms, procedures for submitting biometric data to the Visa Center.

Day and Non-Standards - mostly only professionals watch it. Here you can find daily prices for accommodation in all hotels, a list of hotels that allow pets, resort fees. If you need non-standard tour(for example, first grandparents and their grandson go for a week, then grandpa flies away, mom and dad fly in and stay for another week), then a day will help calculate such accommodation.

Phew, I think I told you all the most important things)

Verdict: good operator, perhaps not with the cheapest tours, but with high level quality of service.


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