Airplane IL 62 technical characteristics. Olympiad on the history of aviation and aeronautics. Disadvantages of the new layout

The four-engine Il-62, designed by the Ilyushin Design Bureau in 1960, became the first Soviet long-range passenger jet. It was created as a replacement for the turboprop passenger plane Tu-104, for intercontinental flights. At first glance it looks similar to the British Vickers VC-10. But it was a very successful aircraft that outperformed the VC-10. And in NATO markings this aircraft received the designation “Classic”.

In the 60s, "" had an urgent need for long-haul passenger-class jet aircraft. In terms of speed, comfort, reliability, efficiency and flight range, it had to be on par with its contemporaries (Boeing 707, DC-8). And besides this, the plane had to have special equipment that would provide a safe solution in case of engine failure, as well as in areas of increased turbulence.

The aircraft that met these rules was the Il-62. This is the first jet aircraft for passenger transportation, designed at the Ilyushin Design Bureau. He became last plane, built by Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin (1963). Due to health reasons S.V. Ilyushin handed over the work project and left the OKB. After him, G.V. was appointed general designer. Novozhilov.

Thanks to the calculations and aerodynamic studies, it became possible to optimize the shape of the wing. The combination of highs was successful in the wing and throughout the aircraft flight performance, affecting the level of safety. This happened thanks to the wing layout and a well-developed system of interaction with the engine nacelles. An important fact began the transition to manual (direct) control.

The self-propelled gun system became the first redundant system installed on the Il-62. It had increased safety and reliability, which in turn was necessary for using the aircraft at landing minimums of the second and third categories. It was enhanced by specially designed equipment to perform automatic landing of a heavy aircraft.

When creating the Il-62, the Ilyushin Design Bureau and TsAGI carried out many different laboratory tests for endurance and strength. They opened up many possible problems, which in turn were solved immediately. The result was an aircraft that weighed less than its foreign opponents, and the size of the wings and weight return became significantly larger.

The swept wing, in addition to its positive qualities, has an undesirable property - deterioration of lateral controllability, especially at large angles. Therefore, the designers came up with the idea of ​​installing a specially shaped beak-shaped influx on the leading edge of the wing. In addition to solving the main problem, this “beak” made it possible to achieve excellent transverse moment values ​​throughout the entire radius of the corners, and, accordingly, the beak began to play the role of an aerodynamic baffle.

When creating the IL-62 design project, engineers looked for all possible options to lighten the weight of the aircraft. The elementary solution was to switch from a direct current electrical system (voltage 27 V) to an alternating current system (voltage 220 V). As a result, engineers and technologists received a more reliable electrical system and a weight reduction of 600 kilograms.

Thanks to the rear-mounted engines, there is less noise in all cabs. This also increased the level of safety, since the engines were at a greater distance from the fuel tanks (the risk of fire was reduced). And during a rough landing, the engines will not be damaged on the asphalt or ground. But there is also a disadvantage of this arrangement - it is a shift in the center of mass. The developers had to make the wings heavier and lengthen bow airplane. The Kuznetsov Design Bureau created specifically for this aircraft the NK-8 engines (thrust - 9500 kgf) and a more modernized version of the NK-8-4 (increased thrust 10,500 kgf). The engine turned out to be surprisingly light and reliable, because titanium alloys were used in the design, and all units were located in the bottom of the engine.

True, according to design and testing, this engine was also heavy. It was decided to mount the double-circuit D-30KU, designed by P. Solovyov (thrust 11,000 kgf). The engine consumed little fuel and had a reverse device. Regardless of the diameter of the new engines, they were easily installed on the nacelles without the need to increase their midsection. In parallel, the aerodynamic shapes of the nacelles were improved, which led to improved cruising flight conditions. It was on the Il-62 that for the first time in the USSR a system was used that reversed engine thrust, which made it possible to land on the runway under adverse weather conditions and icing. The running distance has also decreased.

The IL-62 is a monoplane with low-swept wings, a stabilizer mounted above the fin, engines attached to pylons in the rear of the fuselage, and a tricycle landing gear system. The entire fuselage is presented in the form of a monocoque of elliptical cross-section. The layout options have one significant difference - the number of seats (186, 168 and 138). There are also cabins for 5 crew members, a kitchen, a wardrobe, 5 toilet rooms and two service compartments, forward and rear.

The wings are tri-long, monoblock construction, reinforced with panels made of pressed blanks. The tail and nose parts of the wing are presented in the form of standard riveted structures. There are 2 trimmers installed on all ailerons and rudders. Flaps and spoilers create a steep gliding mode and shorten the landing distance. And thanks to a special electric mechanism with two motors, the angle of installation of the stabilizer changes.

Fuel compartment tanks are located in the wing, four main and three additional, from which fuel is pumped using electric pumps. Each engine has its own consumable compartment. There is an additional drainage system for draining the tanks. The emergency fuel drain system operates thanks to 7 electric pumps. There are drain pipe holes at the ends of the wings. The fuel tanks hold at least one hundred thousand liters of kerosene.

The IL-62 chassis consists of two main supports with four wheels. The front support has two wheels, and there is an additional tail support. The front one can be controlled and braked. Powerful disc brakes are mounted on the main support. There is also an additional braking system in emergency situations. In turn, hydraulics are also divided into main and auxiliary. The main hydraulic system is responsible for the extension and retraction of the landing gear, the parking and main brake systems, the control of the nose gear and the control of the windshield wipers and spoilers.

During the flight, a special system protects against icing. It prevents the wing tips, tail surfaces, air intakes, engines, cockpit front glass and windows from becoming covered in ice. Electricity is supplied to this and other systems by four alternating current generators. The DC mechanism is powered by the main system. The engine start itself is provoked by a compressed air flow from the TA-6 (on-board turbo unit). When the aircraft is on the ground, the TA-6 produces electricity to power the on-board network. The same principle applies to the supply of fresh air to the cockpit and the cabin.

Il-62 first took to the skies in January 1963 with AL-7 engines. In April 1964, the second built Il-62 with NK-8 engines made its first flight. It was used to test and check the compatibility of all systems. In 1965, the 3rd prototype hit the sky, which became the beginning of mass production. After state tests were carried out in 1967, Passenger Transportation long-haul airliner. Many rated the plane as an excellent air machine. It not only caught up with similar examples of overseas production, but also in many ways ahead of them.

Il-62 began to operate a large number of flights, both intercity and intercontinental. Companies such as Air France, Jal and KLM generally took the aircraft into long-term operation. This aircraft combines high-tech and economic indicators, and all thanks to the high-quality design of consulting engineers and technologists from the Design Bureau named after. Ilyushin. During the entire existence of this aircraft, 250 copies of the Il-62 and Il-62M were created. About eighty of them flew for airlines in China, North Korea, Angola, Hungary, Poland, Cuba, Romania and many others.

Il-62 photo

The Il-62 made its first flight on January 2, 1963. It was equipped with AL7 engines with a thrust of 75 kN. Then the AL7 were replaced by NK8 engines with a thrust of 95 kN each. Four engines are located on pylons in the rear fuselage. This arrangement makes it possible to achieve low level noise in the passenger compartment. Of these four engines, only the outer two have reverse thrust. Wing sweep 35 degrees. The aircraft's fuel tanks are located in the wing cavities. The design of the aircraft is such that it is capable of landing if two engines fail. The aircraft's crew consists of two pilots, a flight engineer, a navigator and a radio operator. Aeroflot made the first test flight on an empty Il-62 on March 10, 1963 on the Moscow-Khabarovsk route. And the first flight with passengers took place in March 1967 along the Moscow-Khabarovsk and Moscow-Novosibirsk lines. And on international route Il-62 took off on September 15, 1967. This flight was Moscow-Montreal, on the occasion of the World Exhibition in Montreal.

IL-62 interior photo

In total, about 230 cars were built. More than 75 of them were exported. In addition to Aeroflot, the aircraft was supplied to many friendly countries. Serial production of the Il-62 aircraft continued until 1980. In the 1970s, a modified version of the aircraft, the Il-62M, was produced. This version has become widespread. The modernized Il-62M was distinguished, in particular, by the installation of more powerful and economical D-30 engines, which replaced the original NK-8, as well as an additional fuel tank located in the fin of the aircraft. The maximum take-off weight has increased from 155 tons to 165 tons. This version was first presented in Paris in 1971 and entered service three years later.

IL-62 interior diagram

In 1987, the Ilyushin Il-62MK version was introduced. This version had a larger passenger capacity - 186 seats. Also in this version the wing of the aircraft was strengthened.

IL-62 is the first Soviet jet intercontinental passenger aircraft. Its first flight took place on January 3, 1963. This was a time when airplanes could create a cult. Flying on a “jet sofa” was a special chic.

Justified expectations

In the early 1960s there was rapid development reactive civil aviation worldwide. Soviet aircraft designers were well aware of the standard international requirements for flight safety, commercial efficiency, comfort and noise levels that were then imposed on passenger aircraft in the West. It was important to create a car that meets all international standards. It was the Il-62 that became the last project of the great designer Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin and the last aircraft tested by the legendary pilot Vladimir Konstantinovich Kokkinaki.

Beautiful plane

In September 1962, the first Il-62 was launched onto the airfield of the Central Airfield named after. M. V. Frunze. Khrushchev wished to personally familiarize himself with new car and arrived at the airfield. Ilyushin invited everyone to board the plane and inspect it from the inside. N. S. Khrushchev was the first to board. Before he had time to take even a step, a touching melody began to sound in the salon, and the quiet, soulful voice of the singer was heard: “My dear mother, you didn’t sleep at night...”. Khrushchev paused and at the same time, simultaneously with the final words of the song’s verse “... I saw you off on a journey far away, I saw off a towel embroidered for happiness, I gave it to my share,” the passenger cabins, made in the style of "pleasant simplicity." All this made such an impression on Khrushchev that, touched, he said: “What a good, what a beautiful plane.”

Il-62 vs Tu-114

The Il-62 replaced its outstanding predecessor, the former flagship of Aeroflot, the Tu-114, on long-distance routes. The Tu-114 was a turboprop aircraft, their era was coming to an end. Nevertheless, the aircraft was distinguished by the highest reliability and level of comfort. Let's compare the two aircraft according to some parameters.

Options Tu-114 IL-62
True cruising speed 770-830 800-850
Flight range when fully loaded, km 8800 7800
Number of passengers 138-168 170-220
Average fuel consumption, kg/h 5300 7300

Air Force One

Il-62 and Il-62M, one might say, have a happy fate. Il-62M has been “aircraft number 1” for a long time. Leonid Brezhnev loved to fly it. Il-62M met the high requirements of the N1 passenger. It was a flying house, an airplane-salon, with offices and bedrooms. Leonid Ilyich was an avid domino player, so after almost every flight he had to polish the table in the main cabin, as it was scratched. In addition to comfort and board games, communication and safety are important to any secretary general - the Il-62 was the first aircraft to have satellite communications installed.

Connecting continents

Until the early 90s, before the introduction of the Il-96 and foreign Boeing 767 and A310 into service on domestic lines, the Il-62M remained the flagship of Aeroflot and the only long-haul Russian aircraft capable of connecting continents. Il-62M personified reliability, safety and comfort. For a long time, these aircraft were used on external routes - to Africa, Malta, India, and Southeast Asia. Our country is like two continents: Il-62 flew on Far East and Kamchatka, and there was also a direct flight Moscow-Tokyo.

They fly for the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Currently, IL-62s are not used in civil aviation. There are 22 aircraft left in the world: 11 in Russia, 4 in the DPRK, 2 each in Ukraine and Iran, and one each in Sudan, Gambia and Libya. The rest of the output is distributed as follows:
crashed - 18 (total accidents that resulted in write-off - 23; see below)
cut into scrap metal - 178
in storage - 64, of which 13 cars are used as museum exhibits, cafes, restaurants, monuments.
The reliability of the aircraft is evidenced by the fact that the Il-62 is still used by the Air Force, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Rossiya air squadron.

On February 25, 1965, one of the first Il-62 aircraft crashed during a test flight. Ten pilots were killed.

On August 14, 1972, an Il-62 of the East German airline Interflug crashed in the GDR. After takeoff, the aircraft commander discovered a malfunction of the elevator and decided to return to Berlin. However, a fire soon started in the rear of the fuselage, and the tail fell off the plane. Eight crew members and 148 passengers were killed.
On October 13, 1972, an Aeroflot Il-62 flying from Leningrad crashed at Sheremetyevo. Because of the bad weather conditions The first two landing approaches were unsuccessful; on the third attempt, the plane crashed into the airport's exit beacon. Ten crew members and 164 passengers were killed. The reason is a pilot error in difficult weather conditions. On August 20, 1975, while landing in Damascus (Syria), an Il-62 of the Czech airline CSA crashed to the ground. 11 crew members and 115 passengers were killed (two survived). The cause of the disaster was the error of the pilots who descended below the minimum permissible altitude.
On May 27, 1977, while landing in Havana, an Aeroflot Il-62 touched power lines and crashed. Nine crew members, 59 passengers and one person on the ground were killed. Two passengers survived.
On March 14, 1980, an Il-62 of the Polish airline LOT, flying from New York, crashed while landing in Warsaw. The plane's landing gear failed, and the crew decided to make a new approach. However, after turning on full thrust, engine No. 2 was destroyed. As a result, two other engines were damaged and the hydraulic control system for the turn and elevator rudders failed. The plane crashed 500 m from the runway. Ten crew members and 77 passengers were killed, including 22 members of the US national boxing team and Polish singer Anna Jantar. The cause of the accident was metal fatigue of the turbine of engine No. 2.
On July 6, 1982, an Aeroflot Il-62 crashed and burned during takeoff at Sheremetyevo. Eight crew members and 82 passengers were killed. The reason was a failure of the warning system, which led to an erroneous indication of a fire in two engines.
On September 29, 1982, while landing in Luxembourg, an Aeroflot Il-62 jumped off the runway and crashed into airport buildings. 14 people out of 77 on board were killed. The probable cause of the accident is failure of the first engine's reverse systems.
On July 1, 1983, an Il-62 of the North Korean airline CAAK, flying from Pyongyang, crashed in the mountains of Guinea. 23 people died. The causes of the disaster are unknown.
On May 9, 1987, two minutes after takeoff, the LOT airlines Il-62, flying from Warsaw to New York, suffered destruction and fire of the second engine. As a result, the cabin was depressurized, the first engine was damaged, elevator control was lost, and other systems began to fail. The pilots tried to land the plane at Warsaw airport, but the plane fell into a forest 6 km from the runway. 11 crew members and 172 passengers were killed. The cause of the disaster was an overheated rotor brush on engine No. 2.
On June 17, 1989, in Berlin, an Interflug Il-62 jumped off the runway during takeoff and caught fire. 19 of the 103 passengers and one person on the ground were killed. The reason was the failure of a piece of equipment and the pilot’s late decision to stop the take-off run.
On September 3, 1989, an Il-62 plane flying from Havana to Bonn, operated by the Cuban airline Empresa Consolidada Cubana de Aviacion, crashed immediately after takeoff in heavy rain. 11 crew members, 115 passengers and 45 people on the ground were killed. The cause of the disaster was the mistake of the pilot who decided to take off in difficult weather conditions.

Il-62 is a passenger aircraft designed for long-haul flights.

The aircraft was designed for 165 seats, with NK-8 engines. The Il-62 made its first flight on January 3, 1963.

A total of 276 aircraft were produced. Last board was built in 2004 for the government of Sudan.

Dalavia was one of the last companies to operate the Il-62 on a regular basis, so Khabarovsk Airport is still associated with this company and Ilami.

A few photos of the handsome man:

Although the Tu-214 was a good plane, its flight range was limited to Il. To put it mildly, it didn't measure up. The Khabarovsk crews of the 214s had to fidget in their seats more than once as they approached Moscow with minimal fuel remaining. A typical IL-62 refueling was about 72 tons, and the 214 got by with 36 tons, but back to back. In IL, really. it was possible to stuff in another 10 tons of cargo, but the Carcass would fly off with an incomplete load.

“Domodedovo Airlines” also constantly flew 62s.

Reversing at a height of 10 meters is normal practice.

Il-62 became the first Soviet jet aircraft to use reverse engine thrust.

View of the parking lot from the tower balcony.

Very cute face.

Let's move from the city of military glory Khabarovsk to Krasnoyarsk-Emelyanovo Airport and take a look inside..

Honored veteran and hard worker of Aeroflot and Krasair airlines! IL-62 RA-86453.

The aquarium in the windows strongly emphasizes the fact that the plane was decommissioned back in 2005.

As is tradition, I take the seat on the right and see that the co-pilot was in charge of the anti-icing systems, headlights and oxygen equipment. And the pedals here are almost like those of a car.

There is no counting of the number of toggle switches on the flight engineer's panel. Their main focus is power supply and lighting. Under the lamp there are interesting landing gear extension/retraction control devices.

The navigator's competence includes no less toggle switches, plus a whole panel navigation equipment and even your own locator.

PIC location. An interesting implementation of a steering column with a gearbox, combined with a nose strut control rudder. Two in one!

The fuel gauges on the top panel are also unusual after the Tupolev. Everything is in sight and under the control of the commander.

Despite its significant size and high take-off weight, the Il-62 aircraft does not have a booster system. The rudders and ailerons are controlled only by the muscular strength of the pilots or the electric steering machines of the autopilot. This solution became possible thanks to the above-mentioned features of the aircraft’s weight distribution, in which it is not necessary to big square rudders.

On the central panel there are control instruments for all 4 engines. In Tupolev, this place contains only tachometers; the rest is the responsibility of the flight engineer. The flaps are released asynchronously.

There is a lot of space in the IL-62 cockpit; you can walk and sit in a chair without performing acrobatic sketches, without fear of hitting your head.

A simple chore for flight attendants is to control lighting, boilers and water heating in toilets.

Modest and tasteful. The most favorite photo among spotters.

The instructions tell us to pull the handle, throw out the door and probably continue down the rope.

Babies were offered to be transported in the first row of the cabin in an interesting cradle. I wonder what kind of socket is that in the passenger's feet?

Passenger opinions.

“The IL-62 was immediately distinguished by its cozy, calming interior (not to mention some amazingly solid, peaceful and noble appearance. The IL-62 has a very correct color choice for the interior upholstery and its lighting from the point of view of the psychological and emotional impact on the passenger With the 168-174 seat option, which was mostly used by Domodedovo planes (Aeroflot flew 132-seat business planes), the pitch of the seats is such that it is convenient to be in them even in a row with a minimum pitch of 810 mm. By the way, this is an option. aircraft with 186 and especially 195 seats (in common parlance - “barn”; the 180-seat Tu-154 is also called in a similar way) did not become widespread, since it deteriorated the comfort of passengers and created additional problems for performing a normal flight. This is a legacy. hypertransportation of the former Aeroflot of the 1980s."

At this point, our excursion came to an end and we were carried out of the cabin by a wave of holiday guests.

The main landing gear has only 4 wheels versus 6 on the Tu-154. And this is with a greater take-off weight of as much as 65 tons.

Unusual shape of the leading edge of the wing.

It’s nice that all the engines are in place, there’s no shame in removing the plugs.

Fashionable at the time, T-tail.

Engine thrust reverse is provided only on the outermost ones.

A design feature of the Il-62 is a small fourth two-wheeled rear landing gear, used to prevent the empty aircraft from tipping over when parked. The layout of the aircraft is such that the center of gravity of the empty aircraft is behind the main landing gear.

With this, let me finish my short story about the hard worker Il-62.

And finally rare photo from the Vnukovo parking lot.

The reason for the accumulation of Il-62s is the closure of Vnukovo airport for reconstruction and the release of parking lots No. 34-61 (in those years used for Il-62s of the 206th and 211th LO) for aircraft of other units.

Il-62 is a passenger aircraft for long-haul flights. It was designed at the Design Bureau named after. Ilyushin in 1962. The airliner replaced the Tu-104, which was not characterized by reliability and safety. In appearance it is similar to the British Vickers VC-10 aircraft.

Interesting fact! In NATO, the Il-62 aircraft was called “Classic”. It was used for long-distance flights.

Features and advantages of the aircraft

The Il-62 aircraft belongs to the second generation of aircraft. It set several world speed records. He served in the Soviet Air Force for several decades. It is now also in the possession of government forces.

The aircraft is not used for commercial transportation. It was replaced by new models. They have improved specifications, and comply with international standards.

Advantages of IL-62:

  • increased control efficiency during flight;
  • modernized body parts;
  • availability of an improved aviation system.

IL-62 is a safe aircraft. Unlike its predecessors, it has increased flight characteristics.


The aircraft is a low-wing aircraft with swept wings. They are equipped with a T-shaped tail. Four engines are used as power equipment. They are located in the tail section.

The fuselage has an oval shape with elongated curves. It is equipped with the following elements:

  • frames (transverse support structures) in the amount of 101 pcs.;
  • stringers (longitudinal support structures) - 76 pcs.;
  • working casing.

In the front part there is a radio-transparent fairing. The sealed fuselage compartment consists of two chambers - upper and lower. The first contains the cockpit and passenger compartment. It also housed small kitchen, plumbing and dressing rooms.

Note. Most of the upper chamber is reserved for the salon.

The lower compartment is designed for carrying luggage. For this purpose, it has 3 compartments. The fourth is located in the unpressurized tail section of the aircraft. It is used to transport aircraft equipment and supplies.

To improve flight performance, new engines were installed - D-30KU. They provide sufficient power during takeoff, flight and landing of the aircraft.

The aircraft landing gear is mounted on three supports. The fourth is located in the tail section. The landing gear legs are raised due to the operation of an automatic hydraulic booster system. The main supports are retracted into the wing, and the bogies are retracted into special fuselage niches.

Design characteristics

The length of the aircraft is 53.12 m. Its height is 12.35 m. With these parameters of the main design, the wing span is 42.5 m and its area is 279.55 sq.m.

Cabin capacity - 168-186 passenger seats. The maximum load of the aircraft reaches 161.6 tons. Moreover, it can fly at an altitude of 8000-12000 m with a cruising speed of 850 km/h.

Flight range with the following characteristics:

  • with a maximum number of passengers - 7550 km;
  • at maximum load on commercial flights - 6700 km;
  • with fully filled tanks - 9200 km.

According to design data, the aircraft is designed for 23 years of operation. After this temporary period has passed, it must be written off or the main operating equipment must be modernized. Over the years of operation, the aircraft can make 8,500 flights. In this case, the number of flight hours should not exceed 35,000.

Il-62 passenger cabin diagram

Since this aircraft has a narrow fuselage, it is necessary to place a large number of seats Did not work out. This had a positive effect on the comfort of the cabin. The seats are installed in two lines with a central aisle.

Dividing the cabin into compartments:

  • first grade;
  • Business Class;
  • Economy class.

First compartment increased comfort. It is located immediately behind the cockpit. It has 6 passenger seats in three rows according to the 2+2 scheme. The distance between the seats reaches 1 m. The seat backs are freely adjustable.

Business class has 18 seats in three rows in a 3+3 configuration with a central aisle. It is worth noting that this class is practically no different from the previous one in terms of comfort.

Behind business class is the economy class compartment. It provides 102 passenger seats. The seats are located on the sides of the cabin in a 3+3 pattern. The distance between them does not make it possible to fully recline the seat back.

In first grade the best places The seats in the second row are considered. The first one borders the sanitary rooms. Some travelers find this location uncomfortable.

There are no better or worse seats in business class. All seats are located at a certain distance from the technical rooms. The compartment is separated in the cabin by special partitions.

In economy class, the best seats are those located in the 11th row. The worst are in rows 26-27. They are located near the sanitary premises. During the flight, you can watch the passengers walking.

Versions of Il-62

The first model was the intercontinental Il-62D. It was supposed to transport 70 passengers from Moscow to Havana with an intermediate landing in Murmansk. The aircraft was equipped with NK-8-4 engines. Refueling was ensured by installing additional fuel tanks with a capacity of 30,000 liters. They were placed in the rear compartment of the passenger cabin.

Good to know! Such design feature reduced the safety indicator of the aircraft.

It was decided to take care of the fire safety of the tanks. The design changes made solved this problem, but worsened the flight characteristics. Therefore, this model was never further developed.

The next modification of the aircraft was the Il-62M. It was equipped with powerful engines and modern aviation systems. It provided transportation for more than 150 people over considerable distances. An additional fuel tank was installed in the keel. Its capacity is 5000 l.

A few years after the release of the previous modification of the aircraft, the Il-62M-200 was designed. Its modern modification is the Il-62MA. Vessel capacity by compartments:

  • 198 seats in economy class;
  • 186 seats in tourist class;
  • 161 seats in a mixed compartment.

To increase capacity, the designers had to remove the dressing room from the cabin. All sections of the tail section were also re-arranged.

Important! Il-62M-200 is the first aircraft with a wide-body interior.

The next model is Il-62M-250. Its capacity is 250 passenger seats. He could fly over medium distances. There were certain shortcomings in its design. It was not possible to eliminate them. Therefore, the plane was not released.

The Il-62MGr aircraft was developed at KAPO named after. S.P. Gorbunova. This is a cargo airliner that was intended to be used for commercial flights. With its help they could deliver large cargo.

Il-62MK aircraft with a capacity of up to 195 passengers. Its interior has been modernized according to established international standards. To increase the service life, its wings were equipped with a reinforced structure.

Safety of the Il-62 aircraft

For many years, this aircraft transported the top officials of the USSR, starting with L. Brezhnev and ending with B. Yeltsin. Its safety is guaranteed by numerous monitoring systems and modern avionics.

Where was the plane made?

In the USSR, the employees of the design bureau had experience in the development and construction of aircraft. Ilyushin. The first IL-62 models were produced there. Serial production of aircraft began in 1966 at the aircraft manufacturing plant in Kazan. Production ceased in 1995.

Over the entire period, 289 aircraft were produced. More than 81 models were sold to countries near and far abroad. In some states, new modifications of aircraft have been developed based on them.

Model prices

The price of Il-62 aircraft of various modifications depends on their configuration. The main part of the cost is the engines. Since the aircraft are no longer in production, upgrading the propulsion system is expensive.


IL-62 was morally obsolete by the beginning of the 90s. Fuel consumption exceeded the permissible values. For this reason, the operation of aircraft has become unprofitable.

In the second half of the 90s, aircraft began to be withdrawn from airline fleets. Aeroflot abandoned them in 2005. After this, almost all carriers stopped operating these aircraft.


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