Kiseleva Rock is the most legendary natural monument in Tuapse. Where is it and how to get there

Updated 03/17/2015 Views 311 Comments 23

I have already been to Kiselev Rock several times. And for a long time, when this place did not gain its popularity last fall, when we... The place is beautiful and convenient for spending the night in a tent near Tuapse. Now, if only it were cleaner here, and more deserted...

Kiselev's Rock is located not far from Tuapse, or rather between Tuapse and Aga. It reaches a height of 46 meters, and if God forbid it falls, then it is unlikely that anyone will assemble the resulting “constructor”. You can drive up to the rock by car, but more on that below. Nowadays it is a popular place among people, but it remains beautiful to this day, at least for now. I can’t say that I would recommend going there in the summer season, but I generally don’t quite understand everyone who goes to the Black Sea as savages during this period.

Kiselev Rock is named after the artist Kiselev, who was the first to depict it in his paintings. His dacha was located nearby on Cape Kadosh. True, this happened back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. I wonder if it weren't for this rock, would anyone know this artist? Or, to put it another way, if it weren’t for this artist, who would have known this rock? :)

Other places for wild recreation can be seen in the article -.

Where is the rock in Tuapse?

It is found in the Kadosh forest park, 4 km northwest of the district center. A little north of the mountain - 700 m - there is another attraction - holidaymakers often visit it.

On the map, the Kiseleva rock is located as follows:

Historical facts of origin

It received its modern name in honor of the famous Itinerant artist Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev. The artist’s brushes and talent created such painting masterpieces of this area as

  1. "Outskirts of Tuapse";
  2. “Coastal rocks. Cape Kadosh near Tuapse";
  3. "Descent to the sea"

Near the mountain, on the cape, there was also a summer house of the genius of paints, which hardly survived the Civil War. Today it is picturesque, mysterious, full of unprecedented beauty. natural wealth, striking the views of resort residents and tourists who come to enjoy this region. The uniqueness of this Tuapse attraction is added by the fact of its presence in the cinematic film of the famous director L.I. Gaidai.

The myth of tears floating over the mountain

Initially, the hill had a different name, which it received as a result of a legend that circulated on earth in ancient times. They say that there once lived a most beautiful girl, Guash, with crystal eyes, skin the color of roses and a nightingale's voice. Her family was wealthy, and she was a bride with a dowry.

And the mutual love of this wondrous maiden and the horseman, the groom Dysheek, was fulfilled. The beauty chose a courageous, hot and bold groom for herself, but the young man turned out to be a poor man. The father did not approve of his daughter’s choice, locked her up under seven locks and found a wealthy 70-year-old husband.

Having discovered this, the daughter decided to run away from the family and made an appointment with her lover on Mount Kiseleva. Dysheyek climbed onto his horse and galloped headlong to his beloved. Nevertheless, once at the appointed place, he was immediately detained by daddy’s servants. One awkward step - and quite by accident the guy flew off the cliff into the abyss.

On his lips only the name of his beloved was heard. Afterwards, Guash spent all the evenings at the cliff, but the love was so strong that she could no longer live without her lover and threw herself into the abyss after him. The waters buried them, and the hill has since been nicknamed the “Rock of Tears.” There is an opinion that in the evenings at the top you can hear that girl singing.

Kiseleva Rock as an object for an excursion

Smoothly polished, located on the Black Sea coast of the city of Tuapse, the Kiselev rock stretches between and the mouth of the Agoy river. Here the free tourist has the opportunity to take countless unique photos of nature. Its height is about 50 m, it is part of a forest park and is protected by the state.

Today every year holiday season There are boat trips from up to the hill named after Kiselev, accompanied by interesting, qualified guides. During sea ​​travel Vacationers and just guests are given the opportunity to plunge into the world of raging endless expanses and radiant lands.

Staying near the rocky terrain, in an incredibly clean and untouched environment, creates a truly romantic atmosphere. This is an ideal place for lovers of tent life, but for connoisseurs comfortable rest It is better to choose beaches closer to civilization, since the rocky shore and coastal algae will interfere with enjoying the Black Sea breeze, sun rays and warm summers.

For those who prefer active and extreme holiday, this area is a storehouse of unforgettable emotions, breathtaking impressions and joyful walks. True connoisseurs of extreme sports practice rope jumping here, but there are also people who manage to jump from a cliff without insurance - this should never be done, the foot is not deep, there are a lot of stones.

Diving near natural beauty

In continuation amazing trip lovers of scuba diving can dive into the Black Sea here. Unusual natural geological structure The Cliffs of Tears created a favorable diving environment. The base of the rock formation is made up of transverse layers of limestone, and together with small rocky formations, the illusion of immersion in a mountain canyon is created. Transparent and clean water, a lot of marine life, fish and crabs seen by vacationers will impress, eclipse and surprise. Even ordinary snorkeling will be an equally interesting journey.

How to get there (get there)?

Getting to Kiselev Rock is not difficult, but only if you choose a car. In case hiking you need tourist dexterity to cover a considerable distance. You need to go on foot in the north westward from Tuapse – along the beach areas, and then through the wild areas of the “Spider” region. In total the journey will take at least 1 hour. You can also get here from.

By car you can get to the campsite with the same name as the mountain, where it’s easy to park your car:

And then go on foot:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Kadosh forest park, Tuapse district, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44.113408, 39.032190.

By adding to the list of places visited by boat, transport or walking to the foot of Mount Kiseleva in Tuapse, you will forever remember it for its unusualness, majesty and beauty. Ease of accessibility and proximity to the resort creates unprecedented comfort during your vacation. Little kids will love this wonderful place with its untouchedness, calm and clear sea and rocky beach. Finally, watch a short video about it.

Skala Kiseleva (Tuapse, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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  • Last minute tours to Krasnodar region

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Kiselev's Rock is rightfully business card city ​​of Tuapse. It rises 46 meters above it, representing an almost vertical block of stone - amazing creation nature. There is also an ancient Adyghe legend about the rock: a beautiful girl named Guash used to live here. Her father was rich, owned almost the entire coast, and all the factories belonged to him. But the girl did not like any of the rich suitors: the proud and unapproachable beauty rejected them all. All except one handsome guy. The problem was that he was a groom.

Rock Kiseleva

The girl told her father about her intention. He was so disappointed in her that he eventually locked the girl up and in return got her a new groom, naturally a very rich one. The girl refused to marry a 70-year-old Circassian. And in the end, the groom-groom appointed a meeting on the Kiselyov rock: at midnight the horseman galloped here, Guash also came, only now there was a chase for his beloved. Therefore, he jumped straight from the cliff into a 46-meter abyss. Guash couldn't stand it, shed a lot of bitter tears - and eventually followed him...

This is the legend that explains the name of the rock: the Rock of Tears.

The Kiseleva Rock is rightfully the calling card of the city of Tuapse. It rises 46 meters above it, representing an almost vertical block of stone - an amazing creation of nature.

The second name - Kiseleva - arose in honor of the artist of the same name, who immortalized this steep rock in his paintings. At Cape Kadosh you can also find the artist’s home.

And this 46-meter-high Kiselyov rock, seemingly cut off from one edge, was featured in the famous Soviet film “The Diamond Arm.” It is here that Andrei Mironov appears, surrounded by an aura of holiness, as a young boy who literally walks on water. Nikulin's son played the role of the boy - and, unusually, this is his only film role.

You can get to Kiselev Rock from the beach with the mysterious name Spider. You will have to walk over large boulders, and the walk itself will take about 40 minutes. Usually there are fewer tourists here during the low season, and with sheer cliff there is an excellent view of the entire coastline. Those wishing to swim are in luck - near this natural monument there is a tiny beach where tourists like to pitch tents. From a distance, Kiselev's rock doesn't seem that big.

Our planet is beautiful and charming. There's so much on it wonderful places, which captivate from the first minutes. And to see them, there is no need to go to distant overseas countries, to exotic states or impenetrable jungles. In the territory Russian Federation you can find objects that can easily compete with the French Riviera or Swiss Alps. This is Tuapse, which is sometimes called the gates of Greater Sochi.

Sights of Tuapse

Tuapse is a city of industrial and port purposes. It is located near the shores of the Black Sea. It is always warm here, even in winter the thermometer does not drop below five degrees Celsius. Therefore, if you don’t like snow and frost, you can spend this time in Tuapse, especially since developed infrastructure provides an excellent opportunity for this. the photos of which are literally mesmerizing, delighting their residents and visitors with such masterpieces as the Kiseleva Rock, Honey Caves, Lake Tsypka, Colonel Waterfalls and others. The area of ​​the lake is three thousand square meters, and in the crevices of each of the three Honey Caves flows real honey produced by the local bees.

The Colonel Falls cascade includes nine waterfalls different heights, to which excursions are conducted by jeep. Every corner of the city is worthy of a traveler's attention! But the most famous of all the attractions of Tuapse is the Kiseleva Rock. Each of us knows what this place looks like. Even if you've never been there, you still know what it's all about. First, we will talk a little about the rock, but if the reader still does not guess that he has already been here in absentia, then we will help him remember exactly where he met the Tuapse rock.

Who is Kiselev?

Kiselev Rock is named after the great Russian landscape painter, professor Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev. This man was born in Sveaborg, which today is one of the administrative districts of Helsinki, in 1838. Alexander was a student of the Arakcheevsky administrative building, and in 1858 he became a student at St. Petersburg University. In the fall of 1861, student unrest began to occur, so the university was closed. So the future artist became a volunteer student of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Mr. Kiselev worked in the Russian capital, but very often traveled throughout the country. He did this in order to find new landscapes for his canvases, which best reflected the nature of different seasons.

A little later, Alexander began writing Caucasian views, which gained incredible success. Among the author’s masterpieces are the paintings “Summer Landscape”, “Ukrainian Landscape”, “View of the Outskirts of Kharkov” and other works. At the beginning of the last century, Alexander Kiselev built a house in Tuapse, which is now the artist’s house-museum.

Where is it located and how to get there?

Kiselev's Rock is located four kilometers north-west of Tuapse itself, between the mouth of the Agoy River and this is one of the most beautiful places coast of the Black Sea. The height of the object reaches 46 meters.

Kiseleva Rock (locals, as well as travel agency workers, know how to get there) is a gorgeous place. So, the first way to travel: to minibus or regular bus from Tuapse to the sign of the same name. The further journey will have to be made on foot. The second method is a little more difficult than the first, but also more interesting. It consists of a walk from Agoy along coastline. The entire journey will take no more than an hour. True, sometimes you will have to jump over rocks and wade across bends if the water is high. And the third way: by motor boat, steamship or pleasure boat from Agoy, Nebug or Tuapse. The cost of this trip includes diving, swimming and boat trips.

Rock of Tears

A long time ago, the Kiselev rock (Tuapse) was called the rock of tears. And all because of one ancient Adyghe legend. Once upon a time, young and beautiful girl Gouache. She fell in love with a horseman, a native of the village, which was located next to her house. He bore the name Dysheek. The couple decided to seal their love by marriage. But according to tradition, the groom had to kidnap his bride. At the peak of a rock near the sea, that very secret place was appointed. The signal for the beginning of the ceremony was to be a fire lit by Guache. On the night of the abduction, the girl decided to test her beloved one last time. She placed a flaming lamp on a log and lowered it into the water. When the guy arrived and saw the floating light, he immediately understood the intentions of his future wife. On a horse he went down into the sea and swam after a log. The horseman sank deeper and deeper into the sea. The horse was no longer visible, but Dysheyek was a strong young man. And if it weren’t for the heavy chain mail... The guy swam to the fire, but he couldn’t find the strength to go back.

The girl never waited for her beloved. From that time on, Guash, who never became a wife, often and for a long time stood on the edge of a cliff, looking out for her groom. She cried bitterly and sang songs. The woman realized that she could not live without her Dysheek and jumped off a cliff into the abyss of the sea. Water became a common grave for lovers. And the rock acquired the name “rock of tears.” They say that from time to time at night, crying and sad songs sung by a girl are heard from the top of the rock.


The Kiseleva Rock (the map of Tuapse indicates its exact location) became famous more than a hundred years ago. A painting by A. A. Kiselev depicting a natural diva brought her popularity. The rock itself is a cliff with three sides, which protrudes far into the sea. This is a unique natural creation; it is one of a kind on the Black Sea coast. The rock is considered the hallmark of Tuapse. The cliff is visible hundreds of meters away, it is light, smooth, as if polished by the winds, and small groves have grown on the top of the Kiselyov rock. Some types of vines grow in them and in addition to them you can find 26 more different types bushes and trees.

The Kiseleva Rock, a photo of which is in our article, attracts travelers from all over Russia. And if you are planning to come here, be sure to take a snorkel and mask with you. After all, it’s simply impossible not to dive here. This must be done. But be careful, because local beach strewn with stones, large boulders and high ridges running parallel to the shore. If you intend to stay here a little longer, then take some food supplies with you, as the closest store is in the city.

The Kiselev Rock holds many mysteries. One of them is the remains of marine sediments that are located in the forest at the very top of the cliff. These remains are fossilized fauna and pebbles. In these waters it's easy great amount a variety of fish, plants and crabs. Diving enthusiasts can spend several hours underwater observing the underwater marine life. At the same time, they will not freeze - the water is almost hot, but crystal clear and transparent.


Well, do you remember where you know the Kiselev Rock from? No? As we promised, we answer: in 1968 it became the location for the filming of the famous film “The Diamond Arm”. It is here that the scene takes place in which Andrei Mironov and Yuri Nikulin (“Lelik” and Gorbunkov, respectively) were fishing

Near resort town Tuapse along the Black Sea is located the Kadosh forest park. The forest park covers an area of ​​300 hectares and is a natural monument with a protected area. The hilly terrain is home to a variety of flora, including plants listed in the Red Book. Oak, chestnut, maple, pine, beech, yew grow here, and there are rare species of orchids and vines. The most popular attraction of the Kadosh forest park is the Kiseleva rock, on which the rock layers are arranged vertically. The rock got its name in honor of the Russian landscape artist Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev, who captured it in his paintings.

How to get to Kiseleva rock

  • By taxi. The easiest and fastest option is to take a taxi from Tuapse to the Skala Kiseleva camping site. The distance will be no more than 9 kilometers, travel time 20 minutes. Cost from 500 rubles.
  • On public transport. From railway station You can get to the Kadosh microdistrict by bus No. 18. Please note that the bus operates at long intervals. The distance from the railway station to the stop on request “Skala Kiseleva” will be 8 kilometers, travel time 40 minutes. The fare starts from 15 rubles.
  • Excursion by boat. During the summer season from seaport Tuapse organizes daily excursions by boat to the Kiselyov rock. The cost of the excursion is from 500 rubles, travel time is 30 minutes.
  • On foot on your own. The walking route from Tuapse to the Kiselyov rock can be called the most difficult and longest. One route option goes along the beach and is available in the summer. The second option passes through the Kadosh neighborhood and is available all year round.

ABOUT walking route from Tuapse to the Kiseleva rock through the Kadosh microdistrict we will tell you in more detail. Getting to the Kadosh microdistrict is not difficult: from the Central Square of Tuapse we walk along Primorsky Boulevard towards the nearest hills in a westerly direction. The landmark is the railway track, it is difficult to get lost, and this road is very busy. Bus route No. 18 runs here, which can take you to the “Skala Kiseleva” stop if you decide to shorten the walking route.

Having passed Primorsky Boulevard, we go further along Maxim Gorky Street, and then along Frunze Street to the pedestrian bridge over the Spider River. Behind the pedestrian bridge the most interesting part of the route begins.

We cross the bridge over the Pauk and walk along the right bank of the river up 300 meters to the first five-story building, after which we climb the stairs to the next level. Next we go left through the garages and exit to the iron stairs leading to the top of the hill. It’s impossible to navigate here, navigators don’t draw the road, and the local architecture is so chaotic that around almost every turn there is a dead end or an ascent, followed by a dead end or another ascent. You won't get lost, but you will have to get lost, so it's better to just ask local residents, where the stairs to the top they will show you.

The staircase in the Kadosh microdistrict also serves as a wonderful viewing platform. Climbing a little higher you can see the whole city: the seaport, ships, embankment, tower.

After an interesting climb up the stairs through the forest, the boring part of the route begins along the asphalt road. Walk along the road for 3 kilometers until the fork to the Kiselyov rock. In order not to miss a turn, it is better to use a navigator. After leaving the asphalt road, you have to walk another 500 meters through the forest towards the sea to find yourself at the very edge of the cliff. The path from the cliff into the gorge is quite steep, so you should be careful and careful when descending. It will take some effort, but the effort will be rewarded. In summer there are always a lot of vacationers here. There is a campsite next to the road, and the entire coastline is occupied by tourists. And how wonderful it is to be here in the spring, when you have a unique opportunity to listen to the sound of the sea, which whispers to you alone.

The Kiselev Rock is 46 meters high, which is the height of a 15-story building. Therefore, when you find yourself on the top of a cliff and looking down, your head begins to spin and your legs begin to give way. The open space and steep slope turn the usual 46 meters into an adrenaline rush. Looking at this riot of elements, I remember that it was here that the fishing episode from Leonid Gaidai’s famous comedy “The Diamond Arm” was filmed.
On the Kiselev rock there is a small Observation deck, from where a breathtaking view opens. You should definitely visit here and add to your collection of impressions that will warm you on cold winter evenings.

The route from Tuapse to the Kiseleva rock and back takes about 5 hours. The distance from the seaport to the Kiseleva rock is 6 kilometers. The road is not difficult, but it cannot be called easy either. We can only say with confidence that the impressions of natural architecture will smooth out all the difficulties of the path.

Video: Walking from Tuapse to Kiseleva Rock


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