Kamensk sha. Where is Kamensk located? Culture and social sphere

There are no cities in Russia that do not have interesting and remarkable places. Even locality young, then architects will definitely add zest to the overall gray picture. Kamensk-Shakhtinsky is one of those cities that have a rich history dating back hundreds of years, which is why tourists will be especially interested here. Where to go and what to see in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky?

Information about the city

Kamensk-Shakhtinsky is a city in the Rostov region, located 142 kilometers from Rostov-on-Don and 932 kilometers from Moscow.

It got its name from the river that flows nearby (Malaya Kamenka) and the main specialization of the settlement - coal mining in mines. The population is about 89.5 thousand people.

Interestingly, the city has at its base two streets perpendicular to each other (Karl Marx Avenue and Lenin Street), which are located in the directions of the world.

Kamensk-Shakhtinsky began its history as the village of Kamenskaya, the first mention of which dates back to 1671. At the end of the 20s of the 20th century, the village was finally renamed first to the city, and then to Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

During the Great Patriotic War, the settlement was occupied; now many sights of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky in the Rostov region are dedicated to its liberators.

Architectural features of the city

Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God- a small and cozy building with distinctive features: an onion dome, a combination of colors, a bell tower. The construction began in 1991, and the opening took place 12 years later, in 2003. Address: Bashkevich Lane, 85. Near this place in 1914 they wanted to build a church, but due to the revolution it was not completed and was dismantled. On this moment that place is marked with a memorial cross, which is also a landmark of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

The school building on Karl Marx Avenue, 26 is famous for its rich history, which dates back more than 130 years. It housed not only a school, but also a gymnasium, communications offices, and a telegraph office. At one time, important military, cultural and political figures of the country studied there, including M. Grekov, I. Kosonogov, K. Trenev; in honor of the latter, a memorial plaque was installed on the building.

Memorable sights of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky

During the occupation of the city by the Nazis, local pioneers did not stand aside. They kept track of where enemy combat points and weapons depots were located. When the Red Army entered Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, the boys told the information about the enemies that they managed to collect, however, due to the fact that there were few Soviet soldiers, they were quickly thrown back out of the city, and the schoolchildren were captured by the Nazis and shot in the basement of the building gymnasium No. 12 (previously there was a school there). In their honor, in 1967, a monument-stella “To the Pioneer Heroes” was erected, an important landmark of Kamensk-Shakhtinsk. Address: Arsenalnaya street, 2.

An unusual monument was the stele dedicated to the fallen motorcycle racers, located near the “Bike Hotel” on Heroev Pionerov Street, 91. The monument is a 10-meter high statue consisting of motorcycles pointing into the sky. The location of the stele allows it to be seen from the M-4 Don highway, where accidents with motorcycle drivers often occur; it is an unspoken reminder that life is more important than speed.

Where can you take a walk, learn something interesting or relax?

Many of the city's guests stay in local hotels, one of which has become not only a place of temporary residence, but also a thematic museum. Each room of the USSR Hotel takes its visitors back to the days of childhood and youth, and the hotel’s exhibition hall displays retro cars, motorcycles, bicycles, weapons, coins, and utensils. Both hotel clients and ordinary citizens can visit the museum at the address: Geroev-Pionerov Street, 91-v.

The Kamensk Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art is itself a landmark of the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky: the building was used by the Don Cossacks during the revolutionary events, and it has survived to this day. Location: Karl Marx Avenue, 56. The museum's collection includes 15 exhibitions related to the history of the city and its culture. Of particular interest to visitors are exhibits of archaeology, numismatics, weapons and decorative arts.

In one of the districts of the city district is located landscape park"Loga". Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, whose photos will arouse a sincere desire to visit it. The park area is located on 22 hectares that were previously occupied by a landfill. This place is living proof that with love and patience you can turn even an arid area into a thriving garden. In addition to a lot of greenery, in the park you can see sculptures, a rock garden, waterfalls and lakes, gazebos and benches, crooked mirrors, fairy-tale heroes, musical fountain, cozy cafes, restaurants and much, much more. Address: Staraya Stanitsa village, st. Bolshevik 77.

Thus, the sights of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky are very diverse: architecture, monuments, museums, parks - any guest of the city will find something interesting for themselves!

Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (until 1929 - Kamensk) is a city (until March 28, 1927 a village) in the Rostov region of Russia.

Kamensk-Shakhtinsky includes two microdistricts (formerly a working village within the city) - Zavodskoy (since 2004) and Likhovskaya (since 2005). The city also includes the territories of former settlements: Emergency Village, Admgorodok, Rabochiy Gorodok, the villages of Grabari and Kamenny Karier, the Kosonogovka village, the Montazhnikov village, the Oktyabrsky village, the Podskelny village, the Rygin farm, Shakhtyorsky and Southern settlements, as well as the villages of Shakhty No. 32 and Shakhty No. 17-30.

Population - 91,159 people (2015).

City Day has been celebrated since 1985 on the second Saturday of September.


Kamensk-Shakhtinsky is located at the northeastern spurs of the Donetsk Ridge, on the Seversky Donets River (the right tributary of the Don).

Distances to some cities by road:

  • Rostov-on-Don - 142 km,
  • Voronezh - 400 km,
  • Krasnodar - 414 km,
  • Moscow - 932 km.

Distance from Moscow to Kamenskaya station by railway is 1036 km, from Rostov-on-Don - 190 km.

The seaports of Taganrog and Azov are located at a distance of 211 km and 169 km, respectively.

The city stretches from north to south for 27 km (from extreme points microdistricts). In the central part it has an almost strictly rectangular layout: streets run from northwest to southeast, and alleys cross them from northeast to southwest.


The two main streets of the city are located perpendicular to each other and oriented approximately to the cardinal points:

  • Karl Marx Avenue (formerly Donetsk Avenue) in common parlance Broadway is a wide boulevard stretching from northeast to southwest, starting from the Seversky Donets embankment. There are cultural and entertainment institutions, shops and offices, a registry office;
  • Lenin Street (since 1924; former Starovokzalnaya, then Sovetskaya) - from northwest to southeast, starting from railway station and descends to the Seversky Donets, on it there are the main government agencies: city administration, police, interdistrict department of the Federal Migration Service, tax office;
  • the third most important street is Voroshilov (formerly Grekovskaya, since 1957 - 40 Let Oktyabrya Street), is the main highway connecting two microdistricts of the city - old - Sotsgorod (the name was assigned in the 1930s in the wake of industrialization in the USSR, currently this name almost out of use) and a new one - to them. 60 years of October (popularly called simply Microdistrict). There are shops, cafes, Central Market, Rostelecom communications center and Russian Post branch. In post-perestroika times, the intersection of Karl Marx Avenue and Voroshilov Street received the common name Cross (previously this area was called Sotsgorod - now this name has practically fallen out of use).

Heroev-Pionerov Street (until 1973 - Lineinaya) is also of transport importance; it connects the Podskelny and Rygin microdistricts, as well as the overpass (locally called viaduct) on Karl Marx Avenue with the M-4 Don federal highway, bypassing the central part of the city. The name was given in the year of the thirtieth anniversary of the liberation of the city from the Nazi invaders.


The city has been known since 1671 as a Cossack settlement, which initially arose near the Malaya Kamenka River (from which it received its name), then moved to the mouth of the Glubokaya River, and then for a long time was located on the left bank of the Seversky Donets, on the site of the modern Staraya Stanitsa (so called the Fourth Migration). During the spring flood, the settlement was flooded by the river, so in 1805 the villagers turned to the military administration with a petition to relocate to the right high bank of the Donets.

However, a war with Napoleonic France soon broke out. Military ataman Matvey Ivanovich Platov led the Don regiments to war. Many Kamenets in those regiments also left. There was no time for relocation. Only in 1817, having received the go-ahead from the authorities, the Kamensk Cossacks began to gradually move to the right bank of the Donets and build up between the villages of Rygin and Kosonogovka that had existed since the end of the 18th century.

The original rectangular layout of the village of Kamenskaya (after relocation to the right bank of the Seversky Donets) was made by the architect Franz De Volan at the direction of the military chieftain M. I. Platov.

The village of Kamenskaya was the center of the Donetsk district. The district included the entire northeast of the land of the Don Army, which included 7, and later (by 1917) 15 villages.

In January 1918, a congress of representatives of front-line Cossack regiments was held in the village, at which the Don Cossack Military Revolutionary Committee, headed by F. G. Podtyolkov and M. V. Krivoshlykov, was elected, which proclaimed Soviet power in the Don. Many Cossacks of the village of Kamenskaya were drawn into the whirlpool civil war on the side of both the red and white armies.

Until 1920, the village of Kamenskaya was part of the Great Don Army.

In 1920-1924, the village was part of the Donetsk province of the Ukrainian SSR, subordinate directly to the city of Lugansk. In November 1924, the North Caucasus Territory was created, which included the Shakhtinsky District with the Kamensky District and its center - the village of Kamenskaya.

The Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, Kamensk was occupied by German troops from July 18, 1942 to February 13, 1943.

Several young Kamensk residents participated in the “Young Guard” of Krasnodon: Shura Bondareva, Styopa Safonov, Vasily Gukov. The city's pioneers took part in the battles for the liberation of the city from the Nazi invaders.

On January 20, 1943, advanced units of the Red Army broke through to the city. The schoolchildren happily greeted the liberators and told the Red Army soldiers about the positions of enemy soldiers, tanks and guns. However, the number of Soviet troops was very small, the infantry advance was supported by only a few light tanks, and the attackers were unable to enter the city and liberate it. After the attack was repulsed, the Nazis carried out a punitive action, seizing in a row all the boys of suitable age, who, after interrogation and torture, were shot in the basement of the building where Gymnasium No. 12 is now located.

On the night of February 13, the 1116th Infantry Regiment under the command of Major A.M. Gursky started fighting in the city, and the 1120th Infantry Regiment (commander - Major A.K. Peschishin) captured Kosonogovka.

During the Voroshilovgrad operation, the city was liberated from Nazi German troops by troops of the 5th Tank Army, which included the 333rd Infantry Division (Colonel M.I. Matveev) of the Southwestern Front.

On November 2, 1967, on the central street of the city - Karl Marx Avenue, in Pionersky Square, a monument-stele to the Pioneer Heroes was erected, on which the names of all the dead children were carved. At least three people on this list were actually alive in the 1970s. In 1996, the monument, which by that time had fallen into disrepair, was reconstructed. In their honor, in 1973, the former Lineinaya Street was renamed Heroes-Pioneers Street (to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the liberation of the city).

After the liberation of Kamensk by Soviet troops, the soldiers who died during the liberation of the city were buried on Labor Square, where a memorial complex was opened on May 9, 1971. Also, a memorial complex was created in front of the main entrance to the Kamensky chemical plant, where monuments were erected to the plant workers who died during the war.

Kamensk region

In 1954, by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, due to the disaggregation of the Rostov and neighboring Voronezh and Stalingrad regions, the Kamensk region was formed with its center in the city of Shakhty. The Kamensk region included 9 cities and 11 workers' villages, as well as 41 districts (32 in the Rostov region, 5 in the Voronezh region, 4 in the Stalingrad region). On May 29, 1957, the Kamensky economic administrative region was established on the territory of the Kamensk region. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in November 1957, the Kamensk region was abolished.

Heads of the region:

  • Enyutin, Georgy Vasilyevich (1903-1969) - 1st Secretary of the Kamensky Regional Committee of the CPSU.
  • Gritsenko, Alexander Vasilievich (1907-1978) - Chairman of the executive committee of the Kamensk Regional Council.
  • Bratchenko, Boris Fedorovich (1912-2004) - Chairman of the Council of National Economy of the Kamensky Economic Administrative Region.

Train accident

In Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (Kamenskaya railway station) on August 7, 1987, one of the largest railway accidents in the USSR occurred: a coupling of three electric locomotives, which broke off at the switches from a freight train loaded with grain, crashed at a speed of 140 km/h into a train standing at the station. passenger train, its last two carriages were crushed; 106 people died in the crash, including children who were traveling from vacation (actress Tatyana Livanova and her daughter were among the dead), another person died during the liquidation of the consequences (fatally injured by electric shock).

Memorial plaques

The city has memorial plaques dedicated to its history and compatriots.

Memorial plaques

    Bogaevsky A.P.

    Bogaevsky M.P.

    Minchenkov Ya.D.

    Moskalev A.S.

    Platov M.I.

    Podtyolkov F.G.

    Saprygin B.D.

    Simonov M.P.

    Trenev K.A.

    Turov A.S.

    Turoverov N.N.

    Shvyryaev P.I.

    Shtepenko I.L.

    At the former headquarters of the 9th Army of the Red Army

    On the building of the Military Revolutionary Committee

    On the building on the street. Arsenalnaya, 1/51

    On the headquarters building of the Kamensk Red Guard

    On the street of Heroes-Pioneers

    At the mass grave of the old cemetery

    On the pedestal of a ZIS-5 car

    Culture and social sphere

    There is the Kamensky Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art with a local history museum, the Rodina cinema (currently under reconstruction), the Palace of Culture named after. Gagarin, Palace of Culture named after. Mayakovsky, city parks named after. Gorky (originally a city garden) and them. Mayakovsky, embankment, three beaches (central “Volna”, “Topolki” and “Moskovsky”). On the territory of the park named after. Mayakovsky there are the sanatorium-preventorium "Seversky Donets" and Museum of Local Lore nature of the Don region "House of Nature".

    On the central Labor Square there is a memorial park complex and an officers' house. Monuments to V.I. Lenin, Krivoshlykov and Podtyolkov, and a bust of Ataman Platov were erected. A landmark of the city is the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin (2003), built by the whole world. The second most important church in the city is the Holy Trinity (1998), located in the Yuzhny microdistrict. Also in this microdistrict there was a cultural park with a fountain (currently in its place there is Montazhnikov Street).

    In August 2008, the third swimming pool in the city, “Zhemchuzhina”, was put into operation in the microdistrict named after. 60 years of October.

    Near Kamensk there are places for recreation: the Eldorado recreation center and country club"Melekhov", located on the shore of Lake Bogdanovskoye.

    Music and theater

    There is a folk theater “At the Cross”, created in 1998 (directed by M. Yazhuk). In December 2011, a military brass band of the Kamensk garrison was organized (leader Alexander Zvonov).

    There are also church choirs of the Holy Protection Church - “Sign” and “Svetoch” (director Lyudmila Voloshchuk).

    City titles and awards

    In 2005, the honorary title “Glory of Kamensk” was established in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, annually awarded to veterans, production leaders, and social workers who have made a great personal contribution to the development of the city’s economy and culture. Portraits of honorary Kamensk residents are on the Board of Honor on Labor Square.

    In 2009, the City Duma established the medal “Honored Kamenchanin”.


    • In the winter of 1877-1878. The publicist and socialist theorist G.V. Plekhanov stayed in the village of Kamenskaya. He wrote two notes for the populist newspaper “Land and Freedom” under the general title “Stanitsa Kamenskaya”. Most of them were devoted to the unrest of the Cossacks in the nearby village of Lugansk (now a village 15 km from Lugansk, Ukraine).
    • In 1957-1958, film director Sergei Gerasimov and his film crew lived in Kamensk during the filming of the film “Quiet Don”. Some episodes of the film were filmed in the city itself, some in the nearby village of Bagaevskaya.
    • The city also hosted the filming of the feature films “It Happened, Yes” (directed by F. Slidovker), “Male Talisman” (directed by B. Galkin) and some episodes of the film “The Fate of a Man” (directed by S. Bondarchuk).
    • The main square of the city is Truda Square, during the time of the village of Kamenskaya it was named Christorozhdestvenskaya, after the name of the Church of the Nativity of Christ, erected in the village in 1885 and demolished in 1960. In 1912, the Russian aviator Sergei Utochkin, making public flights in some Russian cities, visited the village of Kamenskaya, landing on Nativity Square.
    • The Church of the Nativity of Christ was opened in 1886; it operated during the Great Patriotic War. It was closed in 1950. A scene of a mass Cossack prayer service on the occasion of the outbreak of the 1914 war was filmed near the temple for the film “Quiet Don”. The scene was included in the film, but was later cut from most copies. In 1960 the temple was demolished. Now on this site there is a memorial to fallen soldiers. A memorial cross commemorating the destroyed temple was also installed.
    • In 1914 on Novoselovskaya street. (later Petropavlovskaya, now Shchadenko) construction began on the Temple of the Apostles Peter and Paul, which was erected under domes, but due to the First World War its construction was suspended. In 1921, the temple was destroyed, and a park and square were formed on this site, bearing the name of Shchadenko. Since September 2010, the square has been named after Platov. On part of the square, a new Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary was built and a memorial cross was erected about the destroyed temple.
    • Three residents of the city were participants in the Olympic torch relay of the 2014 Olympics: Ulyana Donskova, Alexander Ponomarenko, Alexander Zyryanov.
    • In June 2012, a Russian bike festival took place in Kamensk, where a monument to the dead bikers was unveiled near a bike hotel on the M4 highway.
    • In 1994-1995 the city accepted refugees from Chechnya in August 2008 from the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone. In June-August 2014, the railway and the city’s bus station became an intermediate point for thousands of refugees from the Lugansk region who left their homes due to the fighting in eastern Ukraine.
    • There are four monuments to V.I. Lenin in the city, and all of them have survived to this day - on Labor Square, at the intersection of Lenin Street with Karl Marx Avenue, in the park named after. Mayakovsky and in the Zavodskoye microdistrict in front of the Palace of Culture of Mechanical Engineers:
    • Monuments to Lenin
    • On Labor Square

      On Lenin Street

      In the Zavodskaya microdistrict

      In Mayakovsky Park

      • In 1953, the Palace of Culture named after was built in Kamensk. Gagarin, originally called the Palace of Culture of Textile Workers, was a resting place for workers of the Khimvolokno production association. Its portico consists of 10 columns. On the sides there are risalits, on the front of which there are bas-reliefs. There are also two separate outbuildings to the left and right of the palace.
      • Bas-reliefs on the front sides of the Palace of Culture
      • Left risalit

        Central part of the palace

        Right risalit

        • Cross on the site of the destroyed Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

          Memorial plaque on the cross

          Cross on the site of the destroyed Church of the Nativity of Christ

          Memorial plaque on the cross

          Memorial stele on Platov Square

          • In January 1943, during the liberation of the city from German troops, the T-34 tank, part of the 56th motorized rifle brigade of the 23rd tank corps, sank, trying to cross the Seversky Donets on the ice at the narrowest point of the river (currently the city embankment). The tank has still not been lifted from the river bottom.
          • The T-34-76 medium tank is installed in the city as a monument on Labor Square. This machine was lifted from the Seversky Donets River near the Dichensky farm on June 26, 1989, restored and installed on a pedestal on May 9, 1990, on the forty-fifth anniversary of the Victory. Also on the square in the early 1970s, a two-seat light tank T-70 was installed. The monument is dedicated to the tank crews who died in the battles for Kamensk in January 1943.
          • During the Great Patriotic War, pilot Lieutenant Mikheev, Viktor Illarionovich, carried out an air ram on December 25, 1942, near the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.
          • The battles for the liberation of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky from German troops lasted exactly a month: the attack on the city began on January 14, 1943, the city was liberated on February 13. The battles for the city were fought by soldiers of the 60th Guards Rifle Division of the 3rd Guards Army. Thanks to archival information, the names of the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army who died and disappeared in the city of Kamensk and its environs were established. This is more than 2500 people. In the city itself, 2326 warriors are buried, the names of only 372 warriors are known. In just one day of battle on January 21, 77 soldiers and commanders of the 855th Infantry Regiment of the 60th Infantry Division were killed in the city area.
          • Abrasulaev K., Red Army soldier - born 1923
          • Avdeev I. A., Red Army soldier - born 1910
          • Adamov V.S., Red Army soldier - born 1912
          • Andrianov V.N., Red Army soldier - born 1923
          • Arzimuratov A., Red Army soldier - born 1920
          • Baranov V. E., Red Army soldier - born 1911
          • Bogomanov V.I., Red Army soldier - born 1898
          • Borovetsky P.V., Red Army soldier - born 1913
          • Brykin S.I., Red Army soldier - born 1907
          • Budanok A.F., Jr. lieutenant - born 1906
          • Vareshnyak P. A., Red Army soldier - born 1915
          • Vorabaev V.G., Red Army soldier - born 1911
          • Vorotov L.A., sergeant - born 1900
          • Galiametov M., Red Army soldier - born 1918
          • Gaplinov I. A., Red Army soldier - born 1901
          • Gorbatenko I.F., Red Army soldier - born 1910
          • Gukalov V.F., Red Army soldier - born 1925
          • Gukalov I.M., Art. Sergeant - born 1916
          • Gundarev V.K., Art. Sergeant - born 1914
          • Dzhiganshi M., Red Army soldier - born 1905
          • Dubovsky A.F., Red Army soldier - born 1925
          • Dudin G. Ya., Red Army soldier - born 1916
          • Zaitsev I.K., Red Army soldier - born 1925
          • Zamorin S. G., Jr. Lieutenant - ???? b.b.
          • Ignatiev G.V., Red Army soldier - born 1910
          • Kavelin S.F., Red Army soldier - born 1914
          • Kalmykov F. M., Red Army soldier - born 1911
          • Kanov T.F., Red Army soldier - born 1913
          • Kirpita Y. S., ml. Lieutenant - born 1911
          • Kiurev N.N., Red Army soldier - born 1912
          • Klimovich M. T., Red Army soldier - born 1894
          • Koval S. G., Jr. lieutenant - born 1908
          • Konstantinov V.D., Red Army soldier - born 1924
          • Kravtsov A.G., Red Army soldier - born 1925
          • Krayushkin P. P., Jr. lieutenant - born 1920
          • Kuznetsov L.M., Red Army soldier - born 1924
          • Kulakov V.I., Red Army soldier - born 1918
          • Kurin A.I., Red Army soldier - born 1908
          • Lesnikov A. A., Red Army soldier - born 1912
          • Maslakov S. S., Jr. lieutenant - born 1922
          • Maslov M. S., Red Army soldier - born 1906
          • Mezhelinin P.I., Red Army soldier - born 1900
          • Miroshnichenko E. N.,† Red Army soldier - born 1923
          • Mishin P. M., Red Army soldier - born 1916
          • Mishchenko I. Ya., Red Army soldier - born 1924
          • Moskvin P.S., Red Army soldier - born 1904
          • Nazarkin N.F., lieutenant - born 1923
          • Orlov N.N., Red Army soldier - born 1921
          • Pervukhin D.G., Red Army soldier - born 1902
          • Pivovarov A.D., Red Army soldier - born 1896
          • Pivovarov G.I., Red Army soldier - born 1924
          • Pogarelov E.V., Red Army soldier - born 1907
          • Pivovarov I. D., Red Army soldier - born 1900
          • Pivovarov Ya. M., Red Army soldier - born 1900
          • Pismenny M. N., Red Army soldier - born in 1911.
          • Revin G.N., Red Army soldier - born 1908
          • Severov N.V., Red Army soldier - born 1925
          • Serepolkov N.I., Red Army soldier - born 1922
          • Solkalov E. T., Jr. lieutenant - born 1923
          • Stakhov M.V., Red Army soldier - born 1923
          • Stusov A. A., Red Army soldier - born 1912
          • Sysoev S. N., captain - born 1918
          • Tantsura V.K., Red Army soldier - born 1925
          • Telnov A. T., Red Army soldier - born 1906
          • Tyurganov V. G., Red Army soldier - born 1904
          • Ulubaev V. A., lieutenant - born 1907
          • Fedyai V.T., foreman - born in 1911
          • Khalupa G.I., Red Army soldier - born 1911
          • Tsaganov P. M., Red Army soldier - born 1899
          • Cherevkov S. A., Red Army soldier - born 1900
          • Cherevkov M. N., Red Army soldier - born 1925
          • Shaitarovich V.P., Red Army soldier - born 1925
          • Shandalov V.K., Red Army soldier - born 1924
          • Shbankov A.F., Red Army soldier - born 1925
          • Shishkalova E. G.,† Red Army soldier - born 1922
          • Shkudabin N.F., Red Army soldier - ???? b.b.
          • Yashchenko I. A., Red Army soldier - born 1912

          † - women.

Here is a map of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky with streets → Rostov region, Russia. We study detailed map Kamensk-Shakhtinsky with house numbers and streets. Real time search, weather today

More details about the streets of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky on the map

A detailed map of the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky with street names shows all routes and objects, including st. Shchadenko and Gagarin. The city is located near. Near the river Seversky Donets.

For a detailed study of the territory of the entire region, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. The page contains an interactive map of the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky with addresses and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find Lenin and Ukrainskaya streets. It is also possible to plot a route through the territory using the “Ruler” tool and find out the length of the city.

You will find everything you need detailed information o location of urban infrastructure - shops and houses, squares and roads.

Satellite map of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky with Google search is waiting for you in its section. You can use Yandex search to find the required house number on a city map in the Rostov region of Russia in real time. With help - will help you find the right home. St. Kirov and Yuzhnaya will help you navigate the territory.

Coordinates - 48.3216,40.2686

Historians argue

There are many versions about how the city was founded. Historians have not officially accepted most of these versions. However, scientists avoid abandoning them completely. According to the “Military Loan Charter”, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (Kamensky town, then the village) was founded on September 22, 1671. The certificate, in turn, is mentioned in the work of the famous local historian V. Shumov. The document causes much controversy among historians, as many scientists doubt the authenticity of the letter. As one of the arguments, historians put forward the fact that the date on the letter looks too implausible: in pre-Petrine times, chronology was carried out from the biblical creation of the world, and not from the Nativity of Christ. The year 7180 should have been indicated on the charter, not 1671. In addition, in the document you can find several phraseological turns that are uncharacteristic of the second half of the 17th century. Another compelling argument: there was no single standard for drawing up loan letters; therefore, it is impossible to determine the exact date of creation of the document based only on its structure.

There is a version that the Kamensky town was devastated twice - in 1677 and 1685. In this regard, the town had to be moved to a new location - on the banks of the Glubokaya River. There is documentary evidence that the town was seriously damaged by the devastation of the Azov people in 1684. Presumably, the year of foundation of the Kamensky town was not 1671, but 1683. Many scientists believe that the settlement arose a year before its destruction by the Azovites.

Versions of the origin of the Kamensky town first appeared in the historical literature of the 19th century. After the abolition of serfdom, many peasants decided to go to the Don, where they planned to settle in Cossack villages. The newly arrived peasants formed a special social group called “nonresidents.” The contrast between newcomers and natives significantly increased the status of the latter. Thanks to the growing self-awareness of the residents of Kamensky town, the interest of the indigenous population in their own history appears. In the second half of the 19th century, the so-called “folk” versions of the origin of the settlement were very popular. In “folk” versions, Kamensky town is represented as a more ancient settlement. Scientists prefer not to trust folk tales.

Official version

According to official version, which historians prefer to adhere to, the decision to found the city was made at the ataman’s military circle. 22 Cossacks submitted a request to found a new settlement. The request was granted, and on September 22, 1671, “on the Donets in an empty yurt near the Kamenka River,” a settlement was founded, named after the nearby river Kamensky Town. There is a legend that the first settlers were pardoned participants in the uprising. Over time, the town began to be called a village.


Kamenskaya had to change her “address” several times, not only because of attacks by Azovites. In historical documents of the early 19th century one can find references to the fact that the reason for the move was the spring flood. The last time the village was moved was in 1816. Since the village was in dire need of educational institutions, a parish school was opened in Kamenskaya in January 1812. A few years later, after the last transfer of the village, a four-year school was opened. Its students were graduates of the parish school. In 1903, a real school began to operate, which was intended to impart to students “technical knowledge directly useful for industrial activity.” In 1912, a women's state gymnasium was built. In addition, in the village there was a private women's gymnasium by F. M. Mazurenko. The house of the merchant Ivan Shovkoplyasov housed a men's state gymnasium. Classes were located on the second floor.

In the early 1900s, cinematographs were brought to the village for the first time. The cinema halls bore names unusual for village residents - “Odeon”, “Soleil”, “Renaissance”. Inexperienced viewers were shown short films that were fashionable in those years: “Eva’s Apple,” “Black Monster,” “Queen of the Courtesans” and others. The villagers cared no less about their spiritual life than about the availability of entertainment. IN late XIX century, the Church of the Nativity was built. Its construction cost 120 thousand rubles. In 1883, at the expense of the widow of Colonel Alexei Mashlykov, the Alekseevskaya Church was erected, which the widow dedicated to the memory of her late husband. The Church of the Intercession also operated in the village.

Many people were born in Kamenskaya Stanitsa who, to one degree or another, contributed to the development of science, literature, art and culture. The most famous natives of the village are considered to be the writers N.M. Oleinikov and A.V. Kalinin, the public figure and outstanding poet A.I. Petrovsky. Since 1922, the author of the book “Memoirs of the Itinerants”, Ya. D. Minchenkov, lived permanently in Kamensk. His work is included in the golden fund of world literature on art. Minchenkov was a friend of famous artists Vasnetsov and. Yakov Danilovich repeatedly initiated exhibitions of the Itinerants.

After the revolution

When the October Revolution was over, the turn of the civil war came. The village of Kamenskaya did not stand aside. The war began in the village in January 1918. A congress of front-line Cossacks was held in Kamenskaya. At the general meeting, a decision was made to overthrow the government of Ataman Kaledin. The congress elected Donrevkom, which included 15 people. Donrevkom was headed by F. Podtyolkov.

In 1920, the village of Kamenskaya became part of the Donetsk province, which belonged to the Ukrainian SSR. At the end of 1924, the North Caucasus region was created. The Shakhtinsky district with the Kamensky regional center - the village of Kamenskaya - became part of it.

The village received its new status and name Kamensk on March 28, 1927. After 2 years, the name of the city was changed to Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (to distinguish it from).

The Great Patriotic War

In 1941, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was announced in the country. A few hours after the war began, Kamensk residents gathered at the city military registration and enlistment office who wanted to sign up for the front as volunteers. By June 26, over one and a half thousand applications had been submitted to the military registration and enlistment office. More than three hundred applications were received from women. At the end of October 1941, the headquarters of the Southern Front was located in the city, which was located here until mid-January 1942. The residents of Kamenka published the newspaper “For the Glory of the Motherland,” whose editors included Boris Gorbatov, Sergei Mikhalkov and others. famous people. Kamensk-Shakhtinsky became the birthplace for the famous song by Modest Tabachnikov and Ilya Frenkel “Let's smoke.”

The front line was approaching the city. On July 19, 1942, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky was occupied. The Nazis dominated the city for 7 months. For Kamensk residents it was established “ new order", attempts to resist which were brutally suppressed. During the occupation, about one and a half thousand were tortured in the city. local residents. The brutal reprisals did not stop the Kamenites; attempts to resist continued. An underground committee appeared in the city. He headed the secret organization sent from the city of Breweries. The underground printed leaflets urging fellow citizens to resist the invaders, no matter what. G. Pivovarov died in January 1943 during the battles for the liberation of the city.

The residents of Kamensk defended not only their native Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. Local Komsomol members participated in the underground organization “Young Guard” in the city of Krasnodon. Among the underground workers were Vasily Gukov, Stepan Safonov and Kamensky Pedagogical School student Alexandra Bondareva. Vasily and Alexandra died in January 1943. The young people were thrown into the pit of the Krasnodon mine along with some other fighters. Stepan Safonov managed to escape. However, after some time he died in the battle for the liberation of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky in January 1943. S. Safonov was posthumously awarded. One of the streets modern city bears the name of Styopa Safonov.

After german army was surrounded under, Soviet troops were advancing in westward. On January 14, the 169th Tank Brigade of Colonel A. Kodints and the 23rd Tank Corps of Major General E. Pushkin approached Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. Children came out of the city to meet them, showing the enemy firing points to the Soviet wars. The first attempt to liberate the city was unsuccessful. The tanks were forced to retreat across the river. On January 20, the Nazis arrested more than fifty teenagers. All the children were shot. Kamensk-Shakhtinsky was liberated only on February 13, 1943. On February 14, soldiers who died during the liberation of the city were buried on Labor Square. G. Pivovarov was buried here.

On May 9, 1971, on the day of the next anniversary of the Victory, a Memorial Complex, and also installed on a pedestal is a T-70 tank, which was knocked out by the enemy in the battles for Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. Monuments to fallen soldiers were erected near the artificial fiber plant and near the chemical plant. Many Kamensk residents who fought on various fronts during the war years were awarded orders and medals for their courage and heroism.

Post-war years

When the war was over, the residents of Kamensk, like residents of other cities of the USSR, set about rebuilding their hometown. By the early 50s, local production teams were able to achieve pre-war levels of productivity. Plant No. 515 (modern joint-stock company "Kamenskvolokno") produced its first products already in September 1948. Then, in addition to artificial fiber, the plant began to produce viscose twine for hay pressing. Viscose twine was exhibited at VDNH. The main consumers of this type of product were rural residents of Georgia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Moldova. Many Kamensk enterprises reconstructed workshops and repaired equipment. Some workshops have been repurposed. The products of the Kamensk chemical plant were exported to 30 countries around the world.

In the 50s, a steam locomotive repair plant was built in the city. In 1955, it was repurposed as a machine-building plant and began producing equipment for coal mines. The plant's products were well known in England, China, Hungary, Poland, India, Germany and other countries. The Kamensky Experimental Mechanical Plant, in addition to producing electrodes, established the production of concrete mixer trucks, which were in great demand not only in the USSR, but also abroad. There was a confectionery factory in the city that produced dozens of products. The Kamensky microdistrict of Likhovskaya has become one of the largest railway junctions in the country. This status remains with Likhovsky to this day.

The cultural appearance of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky has also changed beyond recognition. Palaces of culture and many other institutions intended for cultural leisure appeared in the city.

Modern city

In modern Kamensk-Shakhtinsky there are more than a thousand enterprises, providing work for half of the city's population. Housing construction continues. The city administration pays special attention to organizing cultural leisure for citizens, the healthcare sector and creating new jobs. Small businesses are developing in the city. About nine thousand Kamensk residents are employed in this area. Local social institutions successfully carry out their activities. Among them: Center for Social Services, Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children and others. Kamensk health and medical institutions are regularly supplied the latest equipment, thanks to which the level of medical care in the city meets all modern standards.

Schools in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky annually graduate hundreds of boys and girls. Local youth have the opportunity to get a profession without leaving hometown, in higher and secondary technical educational institutions. Additional education in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky you can get it at local sports and music schools. The city has a network of libraries and swimming pools. One of the city’s attractions is the Kamensky Museum of Local History.

The main specialization of the city is coal mining. Woodworking, mechanical engineering and food industries are no less developed. A network of banks and insurance companies operates in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

The city grew significantly due to the annexation of several villages located on the southeastern and southern outskirts of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. Among these settlements are the villages of Shakhtyorsky, Montazhnikov, Yuzhny and others.

In post-Soviet times, several temples and churches were built in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky: the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Trinity Church, etc. Scenes for such famous films as “Quiet Don”, “The Fate of a Man” and others were filmed in the city. Beyond the southern border of the city passes federal highway"Don". In the early 2000s, the bridge across the Seversky Donets was put into operation. The bridge is designed to ensure uninterrupted traffic between

Located on the banks of the Seversky Donets River, 190 kilometers from the regional center. The area of ​​the settlement is 160 square kilometers.

General data and historical facts

In 1671, a Cossack settlement arose near the Malaya Kamenka River. In 1817, most of the residents of the village moved to the place where the modern city is now located.

In the first half of the 19th century, parish and four-grade schools were opened in the village.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the village of Kamenskaya became the largest of the Don capitals. At this time, a real school, men's and women's state gymnasiums began to function in Kamenskaya.

In January 1918, the Don Cossack Military Revolutionary Committee was formed in the locality, headed by F. G. Podtyolkov and M. V. Krivoshlykov.

From 1920 to 1924, Kamenskaya was part of the Donetsk province of the Ukrainian SSR. In the spring of 1927, Kamenskaya was transformed into the city of Kamensk. Two years later the city was renamed Kamensky-Shakhtinsky.

From July 1942 to February 1943, the city was under occupation by the Nazi invaders.

In February 1943, the 5th Tank Army was able to liberate the village from Nazi troops.

In the 1960s, a large number of apartment buildings and social and administrative facilities were built in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

In August 1987, the city suffered a major train accident in which 106 people died.

Industrial enterprises of the city: FKP "Kombinat Kamensky", PJSC "Kamenskvolokno", PJSC " Machine-building plant", OJSC "Kamensk Oil Refinery", LLC "Kamensk Plant of Gas-Using Equipment", Kamenskaya Thermal Power Plant, brick and woodworking factories.

The telephone code of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky is 86365. Postal code is 347800.

Climate and weather

A temperate continental climate prevails in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. Winters are long and moderately cold.

Summers are very warm and dry. The warmest month is July - average temperature+24.7 degrees. The coldest month is January - average temperature is -5.8 degrees.

Average annual precipitation is 470 mm.

Total population of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky for 2018-2019

Population data was obtained from the State Statistics Service. Graph of changes in the number of citizens over the past 10 years.

The total number of residents in 2017 was 89.6 thousand people.

The data from the graph shows a slight drop in population from 95,700 people in 2006 to 89,657 people in 2017.

As of January 2018, in terms of the number of residents, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky ranked 192 out of 1,113 cities in the Russian Federation.


1.Stella at the Bike Hotel- This steel structure is made in the form of a pillar to which numerous motorcycles are attached. The stele was installed in memory of the dead bikers.

2.Landscape park "Loga"- this corner of nature was opened in 2012 according to the design of designer S.A. Kushnarenko.

3.Lake Eldorado - beautiful place recreation is located 12 kilometers from Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.


There are several railway stations in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky that connect the city with Belaya Kalitva, Millerovo, Shakhty, Novocherkassky, Aksay, Rostov-on-Don, Krasny Sulin.

Public transport consists of buses and minibuses.

Buses regularly depart from the city bus station to Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Belaya Kalitva, Belgorod, Volgodonsk, Voronezh, Gukovo, Novocherkassk, Donetsk.


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