Chalk quarries Belarus how to get there. Belarusian Maldives: chalk quarries, recreation, photos and how to get there. Tourist cars will be towed

Amazingly clean White sand on the beach, the azure or turquoise color of the clearest water, beautiful rocky cliffs on the shore of a reservoir - who would have thought that all this is not in the distant Maldives or Seychelles, but literally very close by - in Belarus. Today I will talk about the Krasnoselsky quarries, in which you can even swim.

It turns out that this small but proud country has its own man-made miracle light, which has already become a tourist mecca local residents, but little is known about him outside of Belarus. It's called Krasnoselsky quarries. The spectacle, I must say, is stunning and unusual. It seems that you are somewhere in the subtropics and only the trees on the shore remind you that this is all ours, dear.

Where are the Krasnoselsky quarries located?

Finding these careers on your own is quite difficult. They are not indicated in tourist routes and only the Internet or local residents can help. Surprisingly, no one has chosen these beautiful places to date. Travel Company, which organizes tours around Belarus. There are no campsites, hotels, numerous services, and these beautiful beaches can be called wild. This is because the owner of all this is OJSC Krasnoselskstroymaterialy, a plant that mines chalk here. It is thanks to the work of the huge BELAZ trucks of this enterprise that numerous quarries were formed, the number of which today amounts to dozens. The company itself is only concerned with the extraction of chalk and cares little about the fact that hundreds of tourists flock to these places every summer. Moreover, there are signs everywhere - “swimming is prohibited.” This can be explained simply: the places are not equipped, there are no rescuers or other specialized services that are ready to help at any time. But no one pays attention to the signs. People constantly come to these beautiful places to admire the stunning scenery and swim in the clearest clear water.

How to get here?

You can get to these beauties by your own car or public transport. First, you need to come to the city of Volkovysk. It is located in the Grodno region of Belarus ( look on the map). This is a fairly decent regional center and there are even good hotels here. The quarries themselves are located about 15 kilometers from the city, near the urban village of Krasnoselsky, from which they got their name. Once in this village, getting to the quarries will not be difficult; you just need to ask the local residents where they are. Until you get directly to these unique bodies of water, the surrounding landscapes will not be very pleasant. The village is quite gloomy, and only the local cement plant, which, by the way, is already more than 100 years old, rises as a huge mass next to it. Chalk mining here is carried out almost around the clock, and the road to the quarries is covered with a specific white dust.

It is quite difficult to be in close proximity to the quarries in your own car. All entrances are blocked by barriers. They say this was done so that the bank would not accidentally collapse and the car would not fall straight into the water. It seems that such an accident has already happened in these places. Therefore, stopping near the barrier, you need to walk a decent number of meters before those same amazing landscapes open up.

What are careers like?

The structure of the quarries themselves is reminiscent of small Norwegian fjords - sharp, steep banks and bodies of water stretching into the distance. These are elongated lakes, small in width. However, all careers are different from each other. There are quite old reservoirs that are very difficult to get to. They are surrounded by forest and bushes. Getting to the shore along the steep slope in these quarries can be very dangerous.

There are active quarries, but tourists are completely uninterested there, because there is dust everywhere, heavy equipment is driving around, and there is no water in these places yet. The most popular places among people are those quarries that were worked out 10-20 years ago. Here the shores have not yet become covered with dense vegetation, but tourists have already trodden paths and organized something like beaches.

Why is the water here azure?

It's quite simple. The stunning azure hue of the water here is provided by a mixture of chalk and calcium. The bottom is not overgrown, so the water remains surprisingly clear. The main thing is that swimming here is absolutely harmless. The water is clean, rainwater and does not have any harmful impurities. It can only become cloudy if you stir up the chalky bottom.

The only problem for vacationers may be the depth of the quarries. It is quite difficult to carefully enter the water here. Literally a meter from the shore it becomes very deep, so it is really dangerous for children to swim here. It is true that they say that in one of the quarries there is a place where you can relax even with children.

Each of these reservoirs has already received its name. If locals call them “Lens” under different numbers, then tourists name the quarries depending on the color of the water or landscape: “turquoise”, “pillars” and other names.

What darkens these landscapes?

Since the holiday is wild, the beautiful picture is overshadowed by mountains of garbage that no one cleans up here. Even if you carefully leave the bags in the general pile, it will still remain, because garbage trucks don’t come here. It will be a pity if in 10 years these places become just a huge garbage dump, because no one is going to do landscaping here. Moreover, locals say that you can already get a serious fine for entering the plant’s territory.

However, this does not deter fans extreme recreation. As I learned, tens of thousands of people have visited here in just a few years, and this is far from the limit, since the popularity of the quarries is increasing every year. People come here on foot, by bicycle and by car.

How will the fate of this paradise- unknown, but all-knowing Belarusians say that these Belarusian Maldives are not the only ones in the country. Soon the same ones will appear in Brest and other regions of the country, because chalk deposits are one of the few natural resources, which is available in abundance here.

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Virgin forests, crystal clean lakes and the rich fauna - all this is wonderful, which is the true heritage of the state. One of the most beautiful places in the country can be considered the Chalk Lakes near Volkovysk, attracting everyone more tourists who decided to reunite with wildlife. Nowadays, these places are popular not only among Belarusians, but also among other peoples, among whom Russians and Ukrainians especially stand out.

History of origin

The Belarusian miracle appeared as a result of chalk mining, the activity of which has been going on for over one century. OJSC Krasnoselskstroymaterialy produces mixtures, cement, lime, pipes and all kinds of parts. The extraction and further transportation of chalk here is carried out around the clock, but this will not interfere with your vacation at all, because the already formed lakes are located at some distance from the current deposits. Numerous visitors will confirm the splendor of nature and clean air prevailing in these places near such wonderful place, like the city of Volkovysk. There are also chalk lakes in the Minsk region, but we will talk about them a little later.

"Belarusian Maldives"

IN last years The chalk lakes near Volkovysk have become truly natural. Shrubs and trees gradually grow along the shores of these man-made reservoirs, and the water acquires a turquoise-emerald hue. Despite the fact that there are no roads leading to this place good roads, people are increasingly coming here to enjoy the clean air and water that so attract ecotourism lovers. It is worth noting that each of the lakes is unique: the waters of one have steep banks covered with young pine trees, while the other welcomes visitors with gentle slopes. It was the latter that became a favorite vacation spot for city residents. Of course, not all bodies of water are suitable for swimming, although this will not prevent you from finding a dozen pretty lakes, where the water surface is akin to heaven itself. These waters are also good for fishing lovers, because the lakes are rich in crucian carp, rudd, pike, roach, silver carp and other species of fish. However, the Chalk Lakes are completely untamed, as they are considered a technical site, and therefore do not expect to find developed beaches, bars or recreation centers there. Be that as it may, the unique landscapes and turquoise waters of the lakes constantly attract many travelers, as well as local residents who come out for barbecues.


Chalk lakes (or rather, quarries) are located near the city of Volkovysk, Grodno region. From Minsk you will have to travel about 270 km, from Moscow - 1000 km. Let us clarify the fact that it will not be possible to drive close to the lakes (except perhaps in an SUV), and therefore you will have to walk 500-700 meters. Many tourists go there with tents and barbecues in order to have a great weekend away from the hustle and bustle of the city. See the driving map below.


Let’s finish the story about the Cretaceous lakes near Volkovysk with one significant “but”. The fact is that the above-mentioned enterprise OJSC Krasnoselskstroymaterialy does not recommend visiting reservoirs and swimming in them. This warning is explained by the non-compliance with sanitary rules and standards of lake waters, which were checked by the Volkovysk Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in 2013. According to his data, the number of TCB (general and TCB (thermotolerate coliform bacteria) exceeds the norm by 60-100 times. Of course, this is a very big drawback, but it stops few people. Another important fact is that great depth lakes (over 10 m), which is why you need to be especially careful.

Chalk lakes near Soligorsk

A similar situation is observed near another city. This is Soligorsk. The chalk lakes here are also flooded chalk quarries, but mining is no longer carried out near these bodies of water. Nearest locality is a small town called Urechye. Azure water, pine forests and fresh air for grilling kebabs - what else do vacationers need? It is worth noting that there are much fewer reservoirs in this place - there are only 2 of them. Nevertheless, they are huge, and therefore there is enough space for all vacationers. as we succinctly mentioned above, they are compared to the Maldives. 90% of people are unlikely to be able to afford a trip to the latter, but why go to such measures if you can have a great time in your native lands? Don't forget to take your camera with you, because you will be provided with dozens of beautiful pictures.

Looking at the photographs presented in our article, it is difficult to believe that these beauties and blue water are located in our country, in the Republic of Belarus. But this is really so! The Republic of Belarus has its own Maldives, visiting which you do not need to pay for an expensive tour.

So, let's go on a journey and find out what is there and why, on these amazing fairy-tale beauties that were created by human hands. Yes, yes, it was the hands of man that created the amazing Belarusian Maldives. The thing is that what you see in the photographs is this fairytale paradise nothing more than ordinary chalk quarries filled with water.

There are chalk quarries where you can relax, and there are those that are prohibited, however, many brave tourists go there to have fun.

Chalk quarries prohibited for recreation

The prohibited chalk quarries in the Belarusian Maldives include - "Pillars", "Grand Canyon" and "Blue" . It is surprising that these quarries are considered the most visited, and all because many simply do not know about those where swimming is officially allowed.

These prohibited chalk quarries are located on the territory of the Krasnoselskstroy enterprise, 270 km from the capital, Minsk. It is not difficult to find the road, since they are all strewn with chalk. There are chalk quarries prohibited for recreation right behind cement plant.

If you still dare to go there on vacation, then you should know that there is no infrastructure near the chalk quarries. Take everything with you.

What are the dangers of relaxing in prohibited chalk quarries?

First of all, it is worth noting that anyone who decides to visit prohibited chalk quarries risks receiving a fine of 3 to 10 basic units. But that is not all…

The coastline and the bottom of prohibited quarries are strewn with silicon, which can seriously injure you. The depth of the prohibited quarries reaches 15 meters, which can pose a great risk for inexperienced swimmers. Also, do not forget about sudden bank collapses that sometimes happen.

Beauty may require sacrifice, so don't forget about it!

Cretaceous quarries permitted for recreation, Belarusian Maldives

Permitted chalk quarries include: "Blue" and "Mars" . These quarries are located right behind the motor depot; any resident of Krasnoselsky will be happy to show you the way to them.

You won’t find luxurious beaches here, but you can admire the beauty to your heart’s content. The descent to the water is very steep, and immediately from the shore it is very deep.

For avid fishermen this is real paradise, because in amazing blue waters The old chalk quarries are home to fish: pike, crucian carp and catfish.

Well, if you still want to swim without risk with pleasure and really relax. Visit the clay quarry, which is one minute from the old chalk quarries. The water here has a traditional color, there is an excellent sandy beach, and there is no dangerous silicon at the bottom.

The “Belarusian Maldives” recently began to attract lovers of relaxation on the shores of amazing beauty. In the absence of official permission to vacation in these places and developed tourist routes Many extreme sports enthusiasts, divers, fishermen and simply hunters who want to take pictures and have an interesting leisure time make their way through the Belarusian expanses.

Roads calling us

Most often, interest in these places arises after viewing photographs, as well as exciting stories from friends who enthusiastically share their impressions of the Belarusian Maldives.

How to get to the enchanting lakes, which are actually mined out quarries, is up to each traveler to decide for himself. A well-developed plan for implementing your plans is already part of the journey. If you drive from Minsk towards Brest, then after Baranovichi you should turn right - towards Slonim. Having passed this settlement and the next one, Zelva, you need to go around the city of Volkovysk from the east and move north to the village of Krasnoselsky. The simplest solution to this issue is to use a map.

The appearance of blue "pearls"

In the recent past, in the Volkovysk district of the Grodno region, near the village of Krasnoselsky, natural resources were mined. Chalk began to be mined in these places about a century ago.

It is the combination of water with limestone suspensions that leads to the formation of such amazingly beautiful shades. This is what attracts tourists to the Belarusian Maldives. After the end of industrial work, the quarries were filled with water, the color of which is amazing, especially in the spring and summer. The lakes are stunning in their diversity fancy shapes. They occupy an area larger than three hundred football fields. In order to fully feel the charm of these “pearls”, it is advisable to visit at least several bodies of water.

Extreme holiday

“Wild” tourists are delighted with the opportunity to swim in the light emerald waters off the coast, covered with young pine trees. The peculiarity of these lakes is not just the amazing shade of the waters, but also the color diversity: from pale blue, azure to acid green.

Fans of extreme travel are not afraid of steepness coastline, complicating the descent. They are not bothered by the rather cool water, which does not have time to warm up sufficiently during the day. Specialists are particularly concerned not about the properties of the lime-enriched water, but about the uneven bottom and extremely steep banks, which often threaten landslides. People who cannot swim should not move more than half a meter from the shore, since the bottom is often just as steep. In addition, access roads are dotted with numerous signs warning of danger and prohibition of swimming.

Surrealism and mixing colors

What gives these places a special charm is not only the mysterious color of the lakes, which is uncharacteristic of Belarusian nature, but the fact that from a distance the water appears opaque and matte. But up close, through the thickness of the water, you can discern pebbles and boulders reminiscent of meteorites. In addition, a walk along the foggy coast in August allows you to see surreal scenes. Standing on a steep bank, you begin to feel on a physical level how a foggy cloud is spreading around.

This is how Belarusian and white people win human hearts sandy beaches, very similar to the southern ones, and incredibly steep cliffs, similar to canyons North America, and vegetation growing in temperate climates.

Promising solutions

Regret arises due to the certain short duration of the observed phenomenon. The rapid disappearance of such an amazing thing is caused by the gradual depletion of the surface reserves of chalk, which dissolves in it. This will lead to the fact that the marvelous Belarusian Maldives may soon turn into discreet lakes that will not stand out from the rest.

In addition, non-compliance with regulations governing the disposal of garbage and lighting fires, as well as safety rules, leads to a deterioration of the environmental situation in these places and human casualties. A decision that should be made at the government level could radically change the situation for the better. We should not forget that building a high-quality tourism infrastructure not only enterprising people, but also the state as a whole can earn money.

The Belarusian Maldives today can inspire and delight with its splendor, but tomorrow may be too late.

Belarus has its own “Maldives”, no less beautiful, but more affordable than the original. The chalk quarries near Volkovysk create a unique beauty. The place is becoming more and more popular for recreation from year to year, especially in the warm season. Lovers amazing nature they set up their tents on the shore and spend the weekend or longer time outdoors, enjoying the local beauty.

Volkovysk. Careers.

If you can imagine the area of ​​three hundred football fields, then you can understand the size of the quarries. Once upon a time chalk was mined in these places. Its remains at the very bottom give the water a fabulous, almost emerald color. Large boulders and individual pieces of silicon, more reminiscent of meteorite fragments, are chaotically spread out on the white shores. Combined with several meter cliffs overgrown with trees, this place attracts tourists.

How to get to the chalk quarries near Volkovysk? Map of chalk quarries:

However, the Belarusian landmark is “unbridled”, since it is primarily considered a technical object and it should be understood that there are no improved beaches here. At the same time, the number of people who want to relax in such an outlandish place does not decrease. The unique landscape and turquoise water undoubtedly attract many travelers and local residents.

Video of chalk quarries near Volkovysk:

Except have a nice holiday, swimming, barbecuing, singing songs with a guitar and enjoying the clean air, the place is widely used by photographers. These places are popular for photo and video shooting of weddings, as well as music videos. Nature, playing with different colors, makes pictures unusually bright and beautiful.

For those who like to fish, this is not a place, but a find. The catch sizes range from “babies” to several kilograms. In these places you can find crucian carp, rudd, pike, tench, roach, and silver carp. In general, a true fishing enthusiast will appreciate this place.

Chalk quarries at night

These careers are favored by divers and extreme sports enthusiasts. Sharp slopes and their considerable depth attract both. But you should be careful to avoid annoying troubles. At one time he was drowned in one of the quarries crane, by the way, it can be seen at the bottom in clear sunny weather.

chalk quarries near Volkovysk

If this miracle achieves official status tourist place, with camping, beaches, buoys, food outlets, good access roads and parking, then it would undoubtedly become a business card Not only of this region, but also throughout the country.

Everything would be absolutely wonderful, if not for one, but significant BUT, which we cannot ignore in any way! OJSC Krasnoselskstroymaterialy, an enterprise located in close proximity to chalk quarries, warns:

Dear guests g.p. Krasnoselsky!

The management of OJSC Krasnoselskstroymaterialy, in order to prevent accidents, appeals to you with an urgent request to refrain from visiting chalk quarries and swimming in them. Quarries are a technological zone and belong to particularly dangerous production facilities, the presence of unauthorized persons on the territory of which is strictly prohibited.

Remember, being on the territory of chalk quarries, you expose your health and life to great risk and danger. Think about yourself and your loved ones.

On July 1, 2013, the Volkovysk Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology tested water from the chalk quarries of Krasnoselskstroymaterialy OJSC. According to the test report, the water does not meet the requirements of the Sanitary Rules and Standards in terms of microbiological indicators (OCB and TKB - common coliform bacteria and thermotolerate coliform bacteria). The number of the above bacteria exceeds the norm from sixty to one hundred times.

But, apparently, these warnings stop few people.


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