Profit of a mini-hotel. Projects of mini-hotels from vulture panels

According to the material they are:

  • from SIP panels
  • frame
  • wooden from timber
  • from all kinds of building blocks

Based on the number of rooms they are divided into:

  • mini-hotel projects for 10 rooms
  • projects for 6 rooms
  • mini-hotels with 20 rooms
  • for 8 rooms
  • projects for 15 rooms

Features when designing mini-hotels

Quality and reasonable price are important for your future guests.

  1. Firstly, the project must stand out in its appearance.
  2. Secondly, you need a terrace with good view, and your guests will be delighted.
  3. Thirdly, these are the rooms, which should be quite spacious. Mini-hotel projects may have rooms of varying levels of comfort, but the most important thing is that everything should be clean and tidy, even if simple.

Choose a ready-made project or an individual one?

Designing mini-hotels is a voluminous task, and it is necessary to determine what the future facility will do, where it will be located, and how many guests it will serve. Mini hotels made of sip panels and motels need to be designed so that they are constantly filled at least 70-80%, which will allow them to quickly recoup the money invested in their construction.

Opening a small mini-hotel with 10 rooms for tourists will require much lower costs than, for example. However, neither in the first nor in the second case should you rush - first you need a project. There are two ways for further work - either choose a ready-made project, or order an individual one. Let's consider both options.

Ready-made mini-hotel projects

The option with ready-made projects is convenient because you simply select the one you need and order the design documentation. The main advantage in this case is speed; you don’t have to wait several months to work from scratch. Also, a ready-made project is usually cheaper, and those who save on design are happy with this. If the soil is normal and the construction zone is not a protected area, why not? The price for ready-made mini-hotel projects for 10 or 6 rooms starts from tens and goes for hundreds of thousands of rubles, depending on the complexity and number of rooms.

There is only one drawback - ready-made projects do not take into account the regional, ground, and financial characteristics of the client. For example, multi-storey projects are not always suitable - in the case of weak soils, groundwater, etc.

Individual design

Discussions of the client's wishes - the beginning of work on an individual project of a mini-hotel made of sip panels or timber. Experienced specialists will listen to the owner of the future object, and in case of difficult terrain, they will go to the site.

Specialists, together with the owner, will take into account the characteristics of the site, the presence of groundwater, climatic features and choose the type of foundation, building material, number of storeys, and a number of other parameters that affect the cost of construction.

  • Simple accommodation for guests?
  • Do you still need a restaurant or cafe?
  • Add a bathhouse or sauna?
  • Do you need a pool and spa area?
  • Gym?
  • If the project is located in a protected area or near healing springs, will it include a sanatorium stay?

After considering and approving the characteristics and engineering systems of the future mini-hotel, specialists will develop the appearance and style of the building based on the customer’s wishes. At this stage, the object will be visualized in 3D, you can evaluate its appearance and make comments. After agreeing on the preliminary design, plans, diagrams, drawings, and utilities are gradually developed and agreed upon.

During individual design, all characteristics of the site and the external environment will be taken into account. And of course, such a project will be completely unique, which will help attract tourists. Deadlines individual design- from 3-4 weeks to several months.

The most profitable business during an influx of tourists is an offer hotel rooms for temporary comfortable living. This type of activity can be implemented in short term, if we turn to SIP technology. Because the main advantage of low-rise construction from sip panels is the speed of commissioning of the facility, within 2-3 months.

Factors influencing the speed of SIP construction

For the construction of houses made of brickwork, foam blocks, wooden beams, etc. it takes more than one year due to the allotted time for shrinkage of the foundation or log house. Mini-hotel projects do not stipulate such conditions, since the structure is built from ready-made insulated panels, which will not change their structure during use, and their lightness will not increase the load on the foundation.

During production, sip panels, custom-made for a house kit, are processed to the required sizes and shapes according to the provided drawings, this makes the work easier for builders and makes it possible to do without adjustments, while saving time. The box is assembled from sip panels using the tongue-and-groove method using a pre-constructed frame made of calibrated timber; fastening is done with ordinary wood screws. The absence of concrete solutions and welding work when joining elements speeds up the process of building mini-hotels in Crimea and Sevastopol.

Architectural features of mini-hotels made of sip panels

The first thing that attracts visitors when choosing a hotel is the appearance of the building and the layout of the interior. SIP technology allows you to create a variety of projects for mini-hotels on two floors, hotels with terraces overlooking the sea and guest houses with attics. Any architectural elements can give the building an attractive appearance.

Panel-frame mini-hotels can also be transformed using finishing. The surface of sip panels, which is represented by OSB sheets (oriented strand board), has excellent adhesion to adhesive masses, plaster, and can be easily covered with tiles, decorative stone, etc. Ideally smooth walls can be covered with plasterboard, eurolining, siding and other panels without the use of leveling profiles, the material is attached directly to the surface, wallpaper can also be glued to an untreated base, it is enough to cover the joints and recessed screw heads.

Profitable maintenance of mini-hotels built using sip technology

Panel-frame mini-hotels in Crimea are energy efficient. Walls made of sip panels retain heat as much as possible, so in the cold season, rooms are heated with minimal energy consumption. IN summer period You can also dispense with air conditioning units; due to the thermal effect, the rooms remain cool even in the hottest weather. Thus, the construction of mini-hotels from vulture panels in Crimea and Sevastopol is intended to be the best, inexpensive and promising among frame structures.

Having your own hotel in your home is a matter that requires special patience, work and long, careful planning of every detail. The development of a mini-hotel project begins, first of all, with the selection of a suitable site. Based on this information, all aspects of construction are accurately determined. future hotel. directly depend on a number of certain characteristics, among which the following can be specifically noted:

  1. The approximate capacity of the mini-hotel, the number of rooms in it and their types (single or double, one or two rooms).
  2. What categories of clients will the hotel be designed for (married couples, singles, tourists, businessmen, etc.).
  3. How will clients be served (snacks or three full meals a day). If you choose the second option, you will need to select a room for cooking in advance.
  4. What services will be provided to hotel clients (for example, SPA holidays)
  5. What engineering equipment will be used to supply the hotel.
Mini-hotel project within the city

The capacity of a small hotel at the initial stage can only be determined approximately, and more accurate figures will appear directly during. Capacity depends, first of all, on the size of the building's footprint, as well as certain layouts carried out on the basis of this footprint.

During the design process, the architect must resolve all issues related to the location of the building on the site. In this case, one should take into account the convenience of entering or approaching the hotel premises, the development of an attractive appearance of the structure, panoramic view, opening from the hotel windows, its engineering support.

At the first stage of designing a mini-hotel, the most functional and aesthetically attractive zoning of the territory occurs. It is quite possible that you will want to set up a small car park, a swimming pool, etc. next to the hotel, so you should allocate a certain area for these needs in advance.

Mini-hotel project in a mountain natural area

The designer must make an approximate one, filling it with a primary set of various rooms. Due to these actions, the so-called basic planning diagram of the first floor is created, on which the types of layout of the remaining floors of the building will depend.

What categories of clients is a hotel in a private home designed for?

The main task in solving this issue is to determine the required room categories. For example, one-room suites are perfect for clients coming to a seminar, and two-room luxury suites are ideal for businessmen. In addition, you need to decide how much space these rooms will occupy.

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Cellars in multi-storey buildings and their functions

You should also select a list of plumbing equipment for bathrooms. As the work progresses, the architect will be able to arrange the devices in such a way that they occupy a minimum of space and at the same time function to the maximum.

Which food to choose: snacks or a complete system

If you decide to give preference to a full-fledged three-course meal system, then determine in advance the storage location for raw materials for preparing food (fish, meat, vegetables, etc.). To do this, you will have to equip refrigeration chambers and storerooms. Naturally, you will need several additional premises where the actual process of cooking will take place (meat and fish, confectionery, cold-hot shop, etc.), as well as auxiliary and service premises.

An example of the layout of a hotel located in a private house

If you decide to limit yourself to snacks only, then simple refrigerators can perfectly serve as rooms for round-the-clock storage of vegetables. The number of technological and household premises can be reduced to a minimum; there is enough washing room for dishes and the kitchen itself. If you decide to use only semi-finished products for preparing dishes, then there is no need for pantries (the remaining rooms should be left).

Cafe in a mini-hotel: several tables in a small room on the ground floor

If a small cafe is enough for you, where drinks, cold and hot dishes will be sold, then the only thing you need to include in the layout is a service room next to the sink and refrigerator.

Service and facilities in the mini-hotel

On the floors there should be a possibility of receiving things for washing, ironing and dry cleaning, and in the lobby there should be banking and payment system services, telephone communications, various offers from the field of wellness treatments, recreation and tourism. Rooms for spa treatments can be set up next to the building or in it itself,

The hotel business directly depends on the development of tourism and international economic relations. But you can open a successful hotel (with 6, 10, 20 or more rooms) in almost any region or city, although the profitability and payback periods will be different. Still, there are not many hotels with a decent level of service, and by paying due attention to service, pricing, and development strategy, the owner will be able to create successful business and make good money from it.

How to open a hotel from scratch?

Opening a hotel from scratch is always a risk. Such a business idea requires significant financial investments, and net income can be obtained in a few years at best. According to experts, the direct cost of a room stock for 100-150 rooms is 20-21% of expenses. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization is a maximum of 25-45%. When opening a hotel with 6, 10, 20 rooms, it is important to understand that the initial investment is only the beginning of the journey; the business requires constant investment in repairs, equipment, and kitchen equipment. Even in the case of a good location and a well-coordinated team, the work will be accompanied by large investments and significant operating costs. The location of the object plays a very important role - the better it is, closer to the center, the higher average price and the shorter the period for achieving net profit will be. In any case, the investor should prepare for a long payback of his brainchild.

Advice: Experienced hotel owners advise starting preparations for creating their own hotel business based on residential buildings by competently forecasting the profitability of the business, taking into account the specifics of refurbishment of premises. Almost always, this process is associated with huge financial investments, poor condition of buildings, and a high probability of lawsuits being filed by residents who do not want to move out.

Get started in hotel business You can choose several paths: open your own business from scratch, create a chain of hotels, or work on the franchising principle. An important point is that for a successful hotel you will need to come up with a good name. It is also important to choose a work organization format that is relevant to the target audience and interesting to the owner. There are quite a lot of them. You can open a budget hostel, home hotel, economy and business class enterprise, apartment hotel. Then it is necessary to entrust specialists with creating a competent development plan that will take into account all investment risks to the maximum and indicate real parameters of profitability.

It is very important to choose the right premises for a mini-hotel. Many entrepreneurs opt for communal apartments above the second floor in front buildings (preferably located in central historical areas cities with developed infrastructure). But this requires significant investments for reconstruction, redevelopment, obtaining permits, coordination and approval of the redevelopment project, concluding agreements with energy companies, the fire service, and water utilities. Before starting the procedure for the official opening of a hotel with 6, 10, 20 rooms, it is necessary to pay attention to the interior, the comfort of the guest’s stay and come up with a good name for the enterprise. To create the optimal price for hotel services you need to carefully analyze the hotel market in the region and competitors’ offers. For quality service of about 10 rooms you will need a manager, 3-4 administrators, a senior administrator, the head of the reservations department, an accountant, and 2-3 maids. But in practice, the staff is formed individually, positions are often combined. The most effective advertising methods are a specialized website, local periodicals, banners, and radio ads.

Advice: when planning to open your hotel from scratch, it is important to avoid a sharp variation in the class of rooms (for example, a combination of rooms for hourly rental and luxury rooms). This will negatively affect the process of attracting customers and creating a positive image of the mini-hotel. You can also start your activity in the hotel business in the franchising format or open a mini-hotel or hostel. You can register as an individual or a legal entity. OGRN legal entity– the main state number, it is assigned in parallel with making an entry on the registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

How to open a business in the hotel industry - algorithm of actions

  1. We analyze the site (location, view characteristics, view from the window, prospects for the development of the area, noise level, transport accessibility site, place of connection of electrical power, water supply, sewerage, gas pipeline, etc.).
  2. Marketing analysis (assessment of the economic situation, cost of connecting to technical resources, the need to preserve historical facades, level of competition).
  3. Obtaining documents and permits (title documents for premises, land plot, registration of activities, registration with the tax service, certificate of conformity, licenses for services - alcohol sales, dry cleaning, etc., permits from fire, sanitary, environmental services).
  4. Formation of the concept (one should take into account the interests of the target audience, the peculiarities of the work of competitors, determination of the price niche, format of room design, food concept, set of services in the hotel).
  5. Construction or reconstruction of a finished building, opening of a hotel (creation of architectural and planning solutions, design projects for rooms, landscaping plan).
  6. Finalization of the financial model, which begins to be formed at the starting stage (income forecasts for 3-10 years, estimated profit and loss values, calculation of capital investments, payback period - on average 8-9 years).

This approximate scheme for opening a hotel from scratch is also suitable for planning mini-hotels, but taking into account their format and specifics. To start creating your business without fatal errors or a large number of rework in all rooms, you should first implement your ideas in a test room. Also, this approach will make it possible to evaluate the placement of sockets, design, and the convenience of furniture arrangement. To increase the effectiveness of advertising and attract new customers, it is advisable to create your own website. It must be adapted for mobile devices. But this requires additional money and time. In many modern hotels It is practiced to replace printed promotional materials with information about the hotel and additional services in electronic form (for example, mobile app). This will help you more accurately and better understand the guest’s portrait, guess his preferences and desires, since there are no restrictions on the volume of text, area, or number of photographs. There are other business ideas that do not require very large investments. There are many on the web useful information about how to open your own taxi from scratch. It is important to objectively assess your competitiveness and ensure the relevance of the service for the population of a particular city.

Coming up with a hotel name

The name of the hotel largely determines the formation of its image and customer trust. It is also advisable to create an original branding, logo that will be associated with the new business. As a rule, companies that deal with naming and branding are entrusted with this task. But if you have the desire and imagination, you can come up with a good name for the hotel from scratch yourself. It should be concise, stylish, modern, easy to remember, and understandable for speakers of different languages. It is important that the name of the hotel business is harmoniously combined with the concept, level of service of the hotel, and meets the objectives of its development. Not every word that the owner liked will do. You also need to additionally check whether there is the same name in this category. A company name or logo should be registered with Rospatent to avoid plagiarism and protect your rights. To speed up this process, the procedure is often entrusted to a patent attorney.

When coming up with a name for a hotel, you can focus on:

  • geographical area, district, street (not necessarily relatives) - Grand Avenue, Moscow Gate, Valencia, Petrovsky Pier;
  • foreign or names on native language, evoking positive associations, emphasizing status, quality, originality, etc. – Ambassador (ambassador), Global-hotel (world hotel), Black and White (black and white), Resort (resort), Royal Hotel(royal hotel), Attache, Aristocrat;
  • using the combination principle, when the name is formed from parts of 2 words (by analogy with the name of the Federal Express delivery service - FedEx);
  • playing on associations (Rossiyskiy, Hotel);
  • neologisms (following the example of the founders of Kodak, Yahoo!, Pentium).

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in what a startup project is, how profitable it is to open it and invest money. This is the name of an enterprise whose goal is to develop new products and services and implement innovative ideas. But very often their potential ends without revealing itself, because startups require the use of unconventional management methods and an original development strategy, otherwise there is no point in starting a project.

Mini-hotel project for 6 rooms

At least 40% of guests are served in small hotels with a limited number of rooms. They have firmly occupied their niche in the hotel business of our country. For a reasonable fee, the guest will be able to receive, in addition to basic services, an individual atmosphere of coziness and comfort for a complete rest. Many small hotels pay great attention to the original interior of the rooms, which becomes their additional advantage. This format allows you to optimize the volume of services provided, control their quality and quantity, and choose the most effective ratio of the number of employees and visitors.

According to the comment Federal agency According to tourism to the “Classification System of Hotels and Other Accommodation Facilities”, small hotels are hotels with less than 50 rooms. Some entrepreneurs decide to open apartment-type mini-hotels (housing stock) with a capacity of no more than 6-7 rooms. A project on the basis of which you can create your own business can be ordered from a construction company that will professionally implement it from scratch. The most commonly chosen format is houses made of sip panels, less often - buildings made of stone. Construction companies offer projects for mini-hotels of 6 rooms, usually in the following configurations:

  • standard (a ready-made building is rented out for finishing and installation) – about 900 thousand;
  • with facade finishing (in addition to the frame, they make the facade, roofing with corrugated sheets, tiles) - 1,200,000 rubles;
  • self-assembly of the house kit and wall decoration.

The cost of projects varies from 5 to 16 thousand rubles. depending on the complexity of the configuration and the services provided.

Projects of mini hotels with 10 rooms

If the number of rooms in a hotel does not exceed 15, they are also considered mini-hotels (as a rule, this is a non-residential property). The projects recommend placing an entrance hall, a hall, a reception, 4 rooms with bathrooms, a staff room, and a staircase on the 1st floor. Most often, a frame or gas silicate is used for assembly and finishing. The area of ​​each room is approximately 14-15 m². Many people prefer to use SIP or sandwich panel technology for the construction of mini-hotels, although full-time job Hotels can also be opened in renovated premises of a rented building. A project for a mini-hotel from scratch with an area of ​​about 400 m² will cost approximately 70-300,000 rubles. The price is influenced by the building's equipment, construction technology, number of floors and rooms.

On average, it costs to start a business to create an apartment-type hotel in big city, for example, in St. Petersburg, you will need at least $1,000,000 with a payback period of 5-6 years. In other regions, the scale of investment, of course, varies. For many, the answer to the question of how to earn money for an apartment is relevant. Additional earnings will not significantly improve your financial situation, but organizing your own business that will generate a stable income will help solve this problem. Opening a mini-hotel is a profitable idea, but it will take a long time to get a net profit; it will take a long time to get back the initial investment.

Mini-hotel projects for 20 rooms

Hotels with 20-30 rooms are often positioned by owners as mini-format hotels, although many classify them as small hotels, which, as a rule, are located in separate building(the number of rooms can reach fifty). The architectural style of a mini-hotel with 20 rooms can be different: functionalism, hi-tech, modern, etc. A mini-hotel project begins with defining the concept and choosing a site. On this basis, a business plan is developed taking into account the interests and needs of the target audience of a particular hotel. It is important to take into account the structure of the room stock, capacity, room categories, their area and functionality. If you have investment, you can open a restaurant, a children's entertainment room, or a spa at the hotel.

The architectural and planning solution must be developed in accordance with SNiP 31-01-2003 “Multi-apartment residential buildings”, SNiP 31-02 - 2001 “Single-apartment residential buildings” and SNiP “Administrative and public buildings”. The cost of a mini-hotel project with 20 rooms can reach 3 million rubles, the starting price depends on its complexity, the hotel’s equipment, and the pricing policy of the implementing company.

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The hotel business is a dynamically developing branch of the modern tourism industry. Before starting your own business in this area from scratch, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons and be prepared for a long return on investment. Although, on the other hand, this is a fairly reliable investment, and the payback period for mini-hotels with 6, 10, 20 rooms is relatively short. Creating your own hotel is one of the current options for answering the question of how to become rich and successful. If you develop an interesting hotel concept, take into account the specifics and needs of the target audience, and come up with a good name, the mini-hotel will bring its owner a good income.

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When choosing, future guests will first of all pay attention to price, quality, and their ratio.

  1. The appearance of the hotel project should attract them.
  2. A terrace with a picturesque view will be a great advantage.
  3. People like spacious rooms more. But regardless of the size of the room and its category, the main point remains cleanliness and order.

Ready-made or individual project – what to choose?

Even a typical hotel project is a non-trivial job. It is necessary to determine the purposes that it will fulfill, the location, and the maximum number of guests. Hotels must be designed in such a way that they are constantly occupied by 75-85%. This will allow the project to pay off faster.

The implementation of 6 rooms will be less expensive than a hotel project with 20 rooms. But in any case, haste will only hinder you. First of all, you need a hotel project, photos of the interiors. You can either buy a standard one or order an individual one, taking into account all your wishes and the parameters of the area where the construction will be carried out. Let's try to understand both options:

Advantages of ready-made projects

A ready-made project is convenient for you because you can simply choose the building you like and order its documentation. It is already ready and agreed upon with all regulatory organizations. You don’t have to spend months developing and approving an individual project. And ready-made projects are cheaper than individual ones. Therefore, if the soil allows you to build your building, construction in this area is allowed, then why not take a ready-made project? After all, you can buy a hotel project for only a few tens of thousands of rubles.

Please note that standard projects do not take into account the climatic, regional and financial capabilities of the client. When choosing a project, you need to carefully compare all the nuances of the building and construction opportunities in your area. But even a standard project can be optimized taking into account the characteristics of the location of the future hotel. By the way, in our company the adaptation of a hotel project is free!

Or is it an individual project?

Once the client has specific wishes and an exact idea of ​​what he wants, work can begin on a custom project. Experienced employees of our architectural bureau will help him. If necessary, they go to the site chosen for hotel construction, assess the complexity of the terrain, soil features, and the proximity of groundwater.

They will help the owner determine all the technical features of construction (thickness of the foundation, maximum height of the building, which glazing is best to choose, etc.) taking into account the climatic and geological features of the construction site. Then they will prepare a rough estimate and tell you which stages of construction will be the most costly.

Taking the number of guests as a basis for calculation, they will develop a room stock. Then they will think about the type of heating, sewage system and all utilities. They will need detailed and most accurate answers to the following questions:

  • Will the hotel provide services only for simple accommodation of guests?
  • How big should the hall be?
  • Are there additional spaces planned (luggage storage room, computer area with printer, children's play area)?
  • Do you need to allocate premises for a restaurant or cafe?
  • Need a bathhouse or sauna? In the next building or in the basement?
  • Do you need a pool or spa area?
  • Gym?
  • If there are any nearby healing springs, silence, forest and clean air, then maybe provide sanatorium and treatment services?

When the engineering project is ready, the architects will develop the design of the facade and interiors. They can create different interiors in the rooms, which will add a special touch to your hotel project. At the client's request, a three-dimensional model of the entire building is created. Then the project is sent for approval.

The main advantage of such a project is its uniqueness. This will help attract tourists. The downside is the time and effort you will spend on work. After all, coordinating every aspect of a project can take a lot of time.


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