We go for a walk at the “Night of Museums”, float lanterns on the water and walk around Shartash - almost a summer weekend (photo). “Tour de Chartache” will become an annual event: how I burned calories in pursuit of Evgeny Kuyvashev

The trip around Shartash is on average about 15 km.

For a long time I was curious about the mileage there. And if there is curiosity, there will be ways to satisfy it... No sooner said than done, your humble servant took his mobile phone, a small and light camera and went for a walk. The key word in the previous sentence is "small and light camera." I wish I had a DSLR on such a long walk.

Below the cut are details of the track and several photos.

I turned the tracker on and off near the Shartash tram stop, thus closing a circle around the lake.

The distance was 15.4 km.

Travel time is 3 hours 9 minutes.

Average speed - 4.87 km/h. The speed was low, because I often stopped to click the camera, plus the impassable shit on Proezzhaya Street had to be forced through a fight.

If you want to repeat this trip now, it’s better to go out early in the morning, while it’s frozen. It’s better to go on foot; it’s too early to go there on a bike; the paths haven’t cleared up yet.


Do not under any circumstances repeat my route, do not complete the circle along Proezzhaya Street, this is a branch of hell on earth. Pedestrians and cyclists have nothing to do there. It’s better to go to Izoplit and go back along the same path in the forest. Then the pleasure will not be lost.

The only reason to go to Proezzhaya Street (exclusively by car and nothing else) is a milk kiosk converted from a former police glass near the church. The point is completely underground, some farmer from Artey sells his own products there. Milk, kefir, tan, matsoni, regular and red cottage cheese are available. I recommend.

At the same time I carried out a test and walked my good old Panasonic GF2 with kit from Panasonic G5 . This pairing seemed very successful to me, but it loves light, it’s an infection. No light - no photo. Almost ideal for travel photography. You know why the UAZ is the most passable car? Everything is true - because I don’t feel sorry for him!))

All photos were taken with an ancient Panasonic GF2 + a cheap plastic kit Panasonic 14-42/3.5-5.6.

The shore of Shartash is abundantly decorated with posters and signs.

I already showed the girls.



But overall it was a nice walk. I will repeat!

At the end of October, Leonid Evgenievich Volkov called me and offered to meet with an interesting person. I always pay special attention to what Leonid Evgenievich offers. Readers know him well; we periodically publish his original materials. There is a lot more to say about him good words, now I will only say about one facet of his talent - He has a remarkable ability to find and gather interesting people around him.

We met in the area of ​​the KOR market, got into Leonid Evgenievich’s car and drove further through the village of Peski to the forested area of ​​Lake Shartash. This very interesting man was sitting in the back seat of the spacious Volga. “Fedor,” he introduced himself. I shook his hand, turned on the recorder and began recording our conversation.

— Fedor, what prompted you to contact the media?

— The “events” that I will introduce you to, in general, are already ending, so dragging out any kind of secrecy any longer is fraught with big negative consequences. We need as many people as possible to know about this. Only by involving the broad masses of the public can this somehow be prevented. I especially hope for older, wiser people. Wisdom comes over the years, when a person has already lived in the world, only then does he understand the meaning of life, only then does he look at the world with wide open eyes, preserve and honor the traditions of his people, his place of residence.


— Are we going to some special place? What kind of mysterious things could there be? unexplored places? This is Lake Shartash, has everything been walked here?

Yes, the entire territory of the Lake Shartash region, including Maly Shartash, is special, frankly speaking, sacred. As much as I study these places, I constantly find something new in this sense. By and large, all this needs to be studied with the involvement of specialists.


— 21st century...the scientific environment of our city is very strong. Why not turn to them, to archaeologists? Why can't they see what's under their nose?

— The writer Novopashin and I wrote an official letter to the Ministry of Natural Resources. In it they expressed their concern that these lands seem to want to be developed, and all this could be lost in construction. By solving some immediate, current problems, we can lose the enormous heritage of our ancestors. We, a group of enthusiasts, also in our desire to attract public attention here, found a potential investor who is ready to invest in this research. But in order for him to allocate money for research work, he needs scientific confirmation of all this from official sources. Our “famous” archaeologists do not recognize these objects as archaeological; they call them quarries. The writer Novopashin talked with the Institute of Archeology and the university. Those whom he met there consider this to be some kind of myth. What can I say? The scientific environment is very conservative from the very beginning. If you are not from their midst, you don’t speak in their terms, and you don’t have something behind you, someone near-archaeological, you’re an amateur, and no one there wants to communicate with you. It's kind of like in Egypt, with its Muslim approach. If it is believed that Allah created the world 5,000 years ago, but they found some object that is 8,000 years old, it is all closed, as it were, for study... and no one is allowed there. Guided by the principle - let this nonsense be our nonsense. As one of the doctors of historical sciences said, “We are not interested in this” (I wonder what they are interested in? Ed.)

E They want to give these lands away for something, and they limit access to them. Everything is slowly being distributed. The land here is valuable, close to the city. Naturally, in such cases, archaeological sites are unimportant and even interfere. This kind of people, on the contrary, need to get everything sorted out quickly, make money as quickly as possible, before something really comes to light and before there is a fuss.

- Fyodor, how did you discover all this hidden ordinary people information?

— My wife and I live nearby and often relax in this forest park. And for many years, as a simple vacationer, I have been here, I can find my way around here well and know where and what is here. So I would have communicated with nature, with this forest park, like everyone else, but then one woman came to visit, her name is Vesta, who has the ability to see more... She told me, showed me what it seemed to me I had known for a long time. After communicating with her, I myself already looked at a lot of things, taking into account my new knowledge. Naturally, when in the middle of the forest you find steps carved out of stone leading somewhere, or other man-made objects, obviously ancient origin, you understand that not everything here can be called an object of natural landscape. Over time, I began to meet more and more interesting, knowledgeable people. And gradually, with the receipt of diverse information, with the study of historical information about this area, an understanding of what was happening began to emerge, and certain conclusions emerged that naturally require careful study. Apparently it’s no coincidence that “seeing people” began to visit more often and tell me what they see here, and I’m wrapping it all up. I am especially happy when different specialists of this plan talk about the same thing. Thereby confirming the emerging hypotheses. Recently, one man showed me a seemingly ordinary place and said that on the mental plane he sees a monument... Well, it stands and stands... And later, during another excursion, passing this place, I saw a woman falling to her knees, bowing before someone. I approached and asked, and she told me: “This is God - Perun.” He told her: “Get on your knees,” and she could not disobey, and bowed before him. I am a collector of information, a tour guide, a guide to these places, and probably someone else... all in one person.

Mistress of Copper Mountain

- What kind of place is this, Fedor?

This is where a certain energy comes out. The specialists who see here see a woman, a goddess. The goddess of Azova, in the Ural epic she is known as the “Mistress of the Copper Mountain.” Many have heard about Mount Azov in the Urals... There are several mountains with this name in our area. Azova, she looks after everything. And now she evaluates and controls you and me. You can even talk to her. Azova is the keeper of the codes of humanity. If you translate this into a programming language, it will become clear. These are the original programs of our planetary life, which were created for all living things. For example, the so-called Holy Grail is an energy model of the cradle of humanity. If a person corresponds to this model, the standard matrix, then he is loved by the earth, nature, if not, then he is a stranger.

“Where the statue stands, I see an energy column with a diameter of a meter and a height of three or four meters.

The statue was carved by some sculptor about 20 years ago. Of course, she's rotten. The vandals obviously dropped it and tried to do something bad, but others picked it up, at least it’s worth it. The place of power affects different people differently, some who are more primitive are drawn to destruction, others to creation.


—Aren’t the people making decisions about development guided by some dark forces? After all, any even small businessman or official, having learned about the true significance of this place, will understand that you can earn more from this than just selling it off as land for construction of something.

- My hypothesis is this. There are people who want to preserve it, someone knows what it is and what needs to be preserved here besides nature itself. There aren't very many of them. There are those who, for the sake of their own desire, make easy money, not paying attention to nature, culture, history and the desires of people. Often it is not even they themselves who are so bad or headless, these bad thoughts are instilled in them by certain entities, dark spirits. The related reaches out to the related. And the main part are ordinary residents of the city who love to relax here, to whom this information needs to be conveyed so that they know their history, their roots.


— The ancient name of our city is Altar. What's happened altar and where it is located, I think there is no need to explain. Apparently, it was no coincidence that the royal family found its end in our city. Execution on the altar is not just murder, it is a ritual of sacrifice in the name of the forces of darkness. Even the mine where their bodies were dumped is located on the site of the former temple of the god Perun. One of the murderers of the royal family, Yurovsky, wrote in his memoirs that he felt like a messiah during the murder. If you realize that royal blood is precisely the blood of kings, and not the blood of an ordinary mortal, and take into account the fact that the blood of four ancient European royal dynasties flowed in him, then everything adds up.

Shikhov: “Isn’t it possible to assume that the recent rise in the spirituality of people, the manifestation of their interest in their roots, the recognition of the existence of God and certain forces of a subtle plan causes a response from dark forces?

- There is such a term - “Assemblage point”. And if we take into account that our Earth is a living organism and everything in the world is arranged cyclically, then we can say that during the 2000-year period the energy of the planet fell from the highest centers, from the top of the head, to the very bottom, to the tailbone. Accordingly going through everything energy centers, giving each era its own specificity characteristic of this chakra. Once upon a time, people used telepathy with all their might, then the alphabet appeared, the Renaissance, and so on, through the darkest times until 1982. This is an objective process, I call it the Breath of Space. And with the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (the Hall of the Wolf), a sharp rise back to the top began. Down 2000 years, back -200. Many cannot keep up with this rhythm and slow down in the literal and figurative sense of the word. They hold on to the old and are opposed to everything new.


— Often people are drawn to places where they have either been... in past lives. They don’t understand, they are trying to explain. The appropriate time has come…. Perun appeared here energetically two years ago. This is a sign that we need to step up efforts to revive these places. And meetings like today are simply necessary. We can say that the Gods are coming out of hiding and offering to start communicating with them. And when the gods wake up, order begins to be restored in the universe. And we need to offer some kind of systematic approach to this. The place where our city is located is one of the most ancient on earth. The Iset River and Lake Shartash are among the oldest water sources in the world. This is a generally accepted scientific fact, and therefore it is quite natural that these places were inhabited by people a very long time ago.


— Why then did Orthodox Slavists choose these places? We Russians came here with Ermak Timofeich 500 years ago. By that time Christianity was in full swing in Rus'. Even if there are sacred places here, I can assume that they may not necessarily be Slavic... and the gods are not Perun and Azov, but someone else?

— Previously, many thousands of years ago, there was a huge country called Tartary. It included Europe, Asia, Africa and even America. Traditional historical science does not recognize this, but this does not mean that it is not true. And according to Perun, naturally this is only the name of God that our ancestors gave him. The main thing is that there is a certain energy essence that is personified with God, and each nation gives it its own names. In ancient times, the Aryans, the forerunners of the Slavs, lived on this land, and therefore they called the gods by such names.

Temple of Perun

We see, as it were, a foundation, a foundation huge structure. Most likely of cult significance. Smooth bottom, masonry foundation walls, steps carved into granite. I want to rise above the forest and examine everything from above. And most likely then the awareness of the grandeur of this structure will form. Once again, I realize that it takes some work and scientific research to understand everything that I see here. Smooth cuts are cut into granite in the form of arcs, straight lines that begin in the wall, then continue along the bottom and move to another wall. The cut lines in the stone are so thin (1.5 mm) that it is not even possible to guess what it is or what tool this cut was made with. If we assume (and as our unfortunate archaeologists claim) that these are quarries, then even the most modern saw, or even something like a laser, will leave a thicker cut in the granite. If we assume that this is all of natural origin, then you understand that nature cannot do this. In nature there are no right angles or lines at all, but here they are everywhere.

— I have already made some measurements and estimates. The length of some cuts in granite is several tens of meters. There are cuts made at an angle, arched. And the most interesting and inexplicable thing is that there are horizontal sections parallel to the ground. I assume that this entire structure, this temple, is carved out of solid granite rock.

Shikhov: -And if there are no such tools in modern times, then how did our ancestors cut this granite?

— Most likely energetically, or some kind of alien technology. And the walls were laid in a similar way. Apparently, then people had such a level of knowledge that they could concentrate energy and cut a granite massif with it, then decompress these blocks, make them plastic and sculpt what they needed from everything they received. Look at the seams between the masonry...a knife blade won't fit through.


“I once brought an astronomer-astrologer here and he said that he had seen a lot of different ancient buildings, observatories and similar structures, but he had never encountered such richness as here. He meant that these incomprehensible lines, angles, etc., that we see here and are trying to somehow explain to ourselves... tell him a lot. That is, this place can be called not only a cult, but also a scientific building of our ancestors.

- Having carefully looked somewhere to the side, he noted: “Perun is there today... This is a good sign... It means we are welcome here... or at least he is not against our appearance... And the keepers of the place are also present... Vooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo’’ this he's, I've I now: - Having looked carefully somewhere to the side, he noted: “Perun is here today... This is a good sign... It means we are welcome here... or at least he is not against our appearance... And the keepers of the place are also present... Wow, they are standing there on the opposite side, two of them. And Perun is on the right, where the wall is in a semicircle, and seems to be the altar of this entire structure. Kummir ( The word Kummir itself means “kum” - relative, “world” - universe, that is, Kummir - Ecumenical Relative. edit.) has a certain humanoid image, about two meters in diameter at the base and the height of this pine tree... 7-10 meters.”

All this cannot be called a temple in our usual, modern understanding. In those days, let us remember Egypt (and this one will probably be older than the Egyptian ones), temples were the center of learning, scientific research, workshops and much more.


— According to the stories of seeing people, eight thousand years ago the goddess Perunitsa appeared here, ( in the pantheon higher powers- is the daughter or messenger of the god Perun, that is, the highest god. In the usual sense, she can be called an archangel. Mother, Mother of God, Lada, Perunitsa - these are her names. edit.) gathered a lot of people and told about the events that were coming soon. That these events are unfavorable and it is better for everyone to leave these places. As a result, over the course of two thousand years, the Aryans exodus from the Urals and settled throughout the world. They tried to hide all traces of their presence as much as possible. And as it turned out, it was right. About 6-5 years ago, gray aliens landed on earth, and they started a war with the Atlanteans. The war lasted about 3 thousand years. As a result, the Atlanteans lost and left the earth, partially hiding. There were only gray ones left on the ground. Grays are representatives of the not very light part of the alien community. They are gray in the full sense of the word. After their victory, the Earth began to be populated by other similar alien civilizations, not of the best quality. It turned out to be such an alien zoo. The forces of light at that time could not resist all this, so they tried to hide the traces of this sacred place for them (and for all of us) as much as possible. And now it has come to awaken everything, and this is done through us... people. We are a kind of keys to unlock previously sealed, hidden secrets. From the outside it looks like nothing special. Just a man went for a walk in the forest, lit a fire, sat, talked with nature - and this place turned on. And this area, around Lake Shartash, you know, is often visited, the townspeople relax here with all their might. So they turned it on, that’s how everything started spinning lately, hidden energy woke up.

In ancient times, roads from all over the world led here, and the kings of the earth received initiation here. It seems like if you are a real king, in a sacred sense, then you must undergo a certain ritual here. And if this ritual was completed, then the king received the support of higher powers, the gods. The temple complex was called Assarion. Example - Assar and Seth received initiation and were sent to Egypt with a specific mission... Later we recognized them as Osiris and Isis. By the way, the Iset River, its ancient name is Isis. This is a military temple. There were five such temples on earth, the Northern Urals, the North of Japan, the North of India, in America and this central one. In the future, after acquiring its meaning, this temple complex it will also have the same meaning where earthly rulers will seek initiation...( you immediately think - Who, for example, deserves this today??)

- We are already observing global changes in the world... Everything is moving towards the formation of new communities, interethnic, supranational and supranational... just like in the old days... Resistance to this is also intensifying. None of the rulers of the world that has developed today, the current geography, wants redistribution, does not want to let go of power from their hands... But... everything goes to what will have to be... And a single space awaits all countries. Now there is an activation of people with individual experience, with the experience of previous lives, and not with the personal, earthly plane, which is tied to ethnicity, family, and religious affiliation. Therefore, people appear in human form who possess information that is not necessarily of earthly origin. And there are more and more of them. I was brought here at one time, and it was relatively recently, although it seems like it could have been earlier. Apparently everything was in due time... They showed me everything, told me, and when I was leaving, the Guardians appeared on the hill over there, and they directly told me that the time had come when we could talk about this place and everything we are talking about today. The time has come for people to know about this. Of course, no one wants excitement and exaltation to start here tomorrow. This is also not good... Everything requires careful study, approach, and most importantly, preserving this place for people, for the world. There are actually a lot of objects here, about 30 approximately. Everything needs to be described, naturally studied... We gave them our names based on the fact that we received certain information... The White Temple, the Temple of Perunitsa, the Temple of Yarovit. etc. Apart from the sacredness of these places, everything can be looked at from different angles. Ufologists see frequent UFO arrivals here, gates to parallel worlds. In general, everything that is observed in famous places of power such as Arkaim and the Medveditskaya ridge. Okunevsky lakes...

Shikhov: - How long has all this been actively functioning and operating?

- Everything up to 10,000 years ago... this is active with all the consequences... And so little by little... there were observations and eyewitness accounts that even in the middle of the 20th century, during the war, some actions were taken, rituals were carried out by the guardians of these places.

Temple of Yarovit

(Yarovit - god of war)

Fyodor - I was walking around Shartash, looking at the abandoned fountain. There was such a researcher Golovko, he worked and lived on Isoplit. He was trying to cultivate everything here, restore something, reconstruct something. It seems that he had already died and remained unheard by the authorities. Here he put his hands to work, erected a stone flower in the center of this stone bowl, laid out approaches from granite boulders, in general, tried to build something similar to what was here before. And later, when I had the necessary information, I looked at this “fountain” differently, and realized that these were the remains of the foundation of some kind of structure. Later they told me that this was the temple of Yarovit.

L.E. :

- I looked carefully at everything here now... And I see... Golovko tried to reconstruct and arranged the approach stones in a certain order, close to how they were in ancient times, and almost got it. Now I’ll try to see how it really was... (Goes down the stone bowl... looks around and begins to move, led by some force) This is how the movement pattern went... You need to move as if in a spiral, gradually approaching the center where the flower stands. If you move correctly, as it was intended by the organizers of this temple, then a certain result will be achieved. We still need to study all this in more detail in order to understand the energy component of the entire action. Now I can already see that in the center of this stone bowl there should be some kind of crystal symbolizing a flame, such a cold flame. I took a frame with me, and now we will measure the age of these cuts and masonry. (Fyodor points to a cut in the stone, L.E. measures it) ... This cut is 9600 years old ... And everything around is approximately within the same limits. But the base of the slab...the older floor will be about 12,000 years old... Apparently something was already here before. Everything coincides with the age of Arkaim and the dolmens. But this crooked masonry...it’s about 300 years old...Apparently someone later tried to fix it and lay it in place. It is clear that the masonry is no longer the same. Of course, this is all approximate, age and so on, but the information is interesting.


When I asked my clairvoyant guests about age, sometimes they said tens of thousands of years... I realized that it was better not to go deeper into this, these places have long had their sacred meaning, for many centuries and millennia.

At L.E’s suggestion, I stood on one of the pedestals and tried to listen to my feelings... After standing for a while, I felt a pleasant tingling go up my legs. There was a feeling that my legs began to heat up... and all this energy smoothly began to penetrate my entire body.

— Yarovit was a warrior... and maybe... we can assume that this place was a place for training in martial arts... like the Shaolin Monastery in China

Yin-Yang Stone

We went to the shore of Shartash, to a place popularly called the Third Beach. Fyodor led me to a hillock: “Look, you see hollowed-out steps, one unusual step, only a centimeter high... What does this mean...??? Obviously not by chance... We understand processing hard granite even if using energy is still not easy... Why was it necessary to make this pseudo step??? ….I went up the steps and saw a stone. It looks like a slab made up of two halves, one larger than the other. “This is a stone that harmonizes the masculine feminine principle in a person. It is important that these principles in a person are in the right proportion, the violation of which leads to certain problems,” Leonid Evgenievich explained to me.

– We need to gather people who can see and conduct some kind of examination of these objects. Listen to what they have to say about all this. I think that in many respects opinions will coincide... this will almost be a statement and justification of the reality of all the collected assumptions.


- Where is the border of this object?


“I also tried to figure this out and after some time I found out that the entire territory of Lake Shartash, everything around it, not only this shore, including the area of ​​​​Maly Shartash ... everything is included in this cultural and historical complex. Known to all townspeople Stone tents. This former temple Perunitsy. Fire Temple. There are twelve such temples on Earth, and in last years they began to emerge from their hidden, conserved state and turn on one by one. Our Stone Tents “turned on” on December 12, 2010. People who understood felt it.

— Apparently it’s not for nothing that today’s time is called the Transition. There is a revival, activation of forces, restructuring of certain global fateful processes. Something is still on a subtle level, but much is already coming out for everyone to see.

And in general, the city of Yekaterinburg itself is a city with a special meaning. He kind of lives his own life, cooks in some kind of his own cauldron, and people are somewhere in the background. They, of course, are also participants in this internal movement. In fact, they do not rule the city, but the city subjugates them to its will. The influence of that ancient city to our modern metropolis.


— I was told by knowledgeable people that our city exists in several dimensions... This once again shows that Yekaterinburg is a unique meeting place different worlds, measurements, historical eras.

So how? Interesting? We lived and lived almost our entire adult life in the glorious city of Sverdlovsk-Ekaterinburg, and had no idea what it was!!! - and very close at hand. Probably someone walked there more than once, swam in the lake, cooked kebabs in the nearest clearing, and did not suspect that they were almost stepping on sacred ground. Yes, yes, exactly sacred, sacred. How else can we call it, since it main city and the temple complex of the ancient and mysterious Aryan people, whose descendants settled throughout Mother Earth.

Well, if you calm down a little and try to thoroughly understand everything, then you need to start doing this. To understand, study, research in order to achieve either confirmation of this hypothesis or its debunking. But in any case, this requires time, and obviously a lot. And we, as you understand, are running out of it. There are many people who want to build something on this site, and it looks like the land has already been distributed. Let's think now - What is more valuable and necessary for the city, region, country? Hundreds of new cottages, some industrial buildings, or even a planned Federal University, this is on one side of the scale. And on the other - a unique, cultural, historical, archaeological object that claims to be of world historical significance? Which will naturally attract the attention of the entire world community and attract much more financial resources to our city than simple trade in land plots.

Shikhov I.M.

The following took part in the journey through the secrets of Shartash:

Leonid Evgenievich Volkov, director of the Institute of Health Culture, founder of the direction of “eniological anthropology”;

Fedor Mikhailovich Agranovsky, guide, keeper of cultural and historical traditions;

THEM. Shikhov, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "The Secret of Life".

In Yekaterinburg this weekend they promise good weather and for the first time since last year, the city will host many events under open air. We have selected the 10 most interesting ones and invite you to take a walk on Saturday and Sunday at the “Night of Museums”, take the “May Walk”, run a half marathon, and launch a water lantern. All events are in the “Weekend in Yekaterinburg” issue.

Launching water lanterns to the sound of sopranos

On May 18 and 19, from 21 to 22 hours, the Water Lantern Festival will be held on the Olympic Embankment, which is already becoming traditional for Yekaterinburg. Anyone can launch paper lanterns or boats on the city pond. In the coming twilight it will look beautiful and romantic. Moreover, on both evenings, Marina Setres, the owner of a brilliant coloratura soprano with a vocal range from “E” minor to “F” of the third octave, a participant in international opera projects, and a laureate of international competitions, will perform for the guests of the festival. Marina Setres will perform famous opera compositions and songs from films and musicals. Venue: Olympic Embankment

Admission: free, a flashlight on site will cost 300 rubles.

Celebration of books and reading

Holiday “Read, Yekaterinburg!” This year it will take place on May 19 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The main venue will be the City Library Information Center on Anton Valeka Street, 12. This year the holiday coincided with the Fat Men in the Urals festival taking place in Yekaterinburg, so the main guests will be the famous science fiction writer Vadim Panov (Moscow), deputy editor-in-chief of the Novaya magazine youth" Gleb Shulpyakov (Moscow); writer, publicist, TV presenter Platon Besedin (Sevastopol). It will be possible to communicate with all the writers and publicists, argue and discuss their work and creativity in general.

Also, as part of the festival, a battle “Citizens Read Poems” will take place, during which poems by local poets will be recited. And leading publishers and bookstores organize bookcrossing. Competitions and master classes are organized for children. The best readers will be determined during the “2018 Letters” Reading Aloud Championship, dedicated to the World Cup.

Venue: City Library Information Center (Anton Valeka St., 12)

Free admission.

“Night of Museums”: concerts, excursions and exhibitions

Of course, the most popular event of the weekend will be the “Night of Museums” event, which begins at 18:00 on Saturday and ends at 2:00 on Sunday night. The main program this year includes about a hundred sites. For the most part, these are city museums that offer to visit their permanent exhibitions during the event, supplemented by special programs, competitions, and master classes. Based on the experience of past years, it can be assumed that the most popular in the center of Yekaterinburg will be the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of City History, as well as the Museum railway transport at the station. Outside the central part of the city, the Tram Museum on Frunze, the Military Equipment Museum in Verkhnyaya Pyshma and the Gold Museum in Berezovsky are wildly popular. If you're going to these sites, be prepared for lines.

“New Day” has compiled three of its alternative programs: the first is the main one, the second is free, the third is on the move (on foot and bus excursions). You can choose yours by reading our review.

Venue: museums of Yekaterinburg

Entrance: depending on the site.

You can dress for summer and learn how to apply makeup at Sandarina Urals Tropical

This time the design market Sandarina is called Urals Tropical and invites summer to Yekaterinburg. It will take place on May 19 and 20 at the Bolshoi department store. Designers from all over Russia will present their collections at the fair. In addition to fashionable clothes that will be relevant in the coming season, you will also be able to get acquainted with trends in jewelry and costume jewelry. Fashion stylists will teach you how to dress and apply makeup. There will also be a lecture hall and a photo zone and, of course, a food court.

Venue: Bolshoy department store (Malysheva St., 71)

Entrance: 100-150 rubles for two days.

Opening of a skate park in the city center

If you are closer not to fashionable clothes, but to fashionable sports, then you will be pleased with the opening of a skate park in the very center of the city - near the Youth Palace. The official ceremony, which will be spectacular, will take place on May 19 at 12 noon. Extreme sportsmen on roller skates, skateboards, boards and other equipment will try out the new concrete jungle - specially built for performing tricks. They promise the arrival of famous athletes and professionals.

Venue: skate park (next to the Youth Palace - Lenin Avenue, 1)

Rappers and hip-hoppers will gather at the festival Mega Urban Fest

Another event for the young and daring will be held at the Mega shopping center. On May 19 and 20, the street culture festival Mega Urban Fest will take place here. Street culture, dance battles, hip-hop, graffiti, as well as concerts of the headliners - Antokha MC and L"One - await those who come to the shopping center this weekend.

For example, on Saturday there will be master classes on original choreography, calligraphy, a meeting with a fashionable hip-hopper, hip-hop battles, etc. Sunday will be a breakdancing day - with battles, mat classes and so on. Also, those who come will be taught style and makeup.

Venue: shopping center "Mega" (Metallurgov St., 87)

Free admission.

Korean Culture Festival

If you get tired of walking on the street, you can stop by the Ural Central Committee, where on Saturday from 12 o’clock all day long the “k-Star” festival of Korean pop culture will be held. At the festival you will be able to learn a lot about the Asian country, its inhabitants, and most importantly – their pop culture. Previously, cover nominations were only part of large-scale cosplay festivals, where short dance blocks could not accommodate everyone who wanted to perform. Then the cover genre was brought into a separate festival and with its appearance, fans of South Korean artists had the opportunity to meet and compete with each other as part of a separate event.

Now the performance program has been replenished with new nominations - Free dance (own choreography) and West dance (choreography based on Western compositions). So we can consider “k-Star” a festival of music and dance culture in general.

Venue: Central Committee "Ural" (Studencheskaya St., 3)

Entrance: from 450 rubles.

Tours of the Alexandrinsky Theater in Yekaterinburg

If Russian culture is closer to you, then tomorrow there is a reason to go to the theater - the legendary Alexandrinsky Theater is coming to Yekaterinburg. May 19 at 19:00 on stage Opera House The play “The Inspector General,” which is recognized as one of the best performances on the world stage, will be shown. It was “The Inspector General” that became Valery Fokin’s first work on the Alexandria stage; the premiere took place on October 5, 2002. Among the undeniable advantages of the performance is the magnificent ensemble of masters of the Alexandrinsky stage. Three archetypes naturally gained power in the performance: images of a long-standing historical premiere, reminiscences of the play Vs. Meyerhold in 1926 and a reflection of St. Petersburg itself, both mythological, Gogol, and modern. The tour of “The Inspector General” in Yekaterinburg takes place as part of the farewell tour of the play. On June 28, 2018, the tenth version of “The Inspector General” will be shown on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater for the last time and will forever establish itself in the history of the stage as one of the most important performances of the 21st century, which became a turning point in the development of the theater.

Venue: Opera and Ballet Theater (Lenin Ave., 46a)

Entrance: 500-7000 rubles.

A walk around Shartash in the company of like-minded people

On May 20, the morning after the Night of Museums, you can continue walking. The 35th “May Walk” will take place, the main route of which will pass around Lake Shartash. The start and finish, like all previous years, will be on Mira Street, 19, near the main building of UrFU. There will be three in total walking routes. 50 km – “Classics”, a 35 km anniversary route will run along south coast Shartash to the Universitetsky technology park, through the Kompressorny microdistrict, Lesovodov of Russia forest park, Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Mayakovsky. The route will reach the Khimmash microdistrict for 50 km. The 18 km route will go around Lake Shartash and will be called “Shartash Round the World” - it is intended for beginners, parents with children and the elderly.

Somehow it happened that I spent part of both weekends on Lake Shartash. Our weather is still good, although windy, and about 20 degrees Celsius - for the end of August in the Urals, it’s simply gorgeous.
On Saturday I arrived at the Peski club, left the car there and walked towards Izoplit. I’ll say right away that this route and this part of the shore are well known to me, so I’m just going for a walk by the lake, listening to the silence, and my other goal is to find out how things are with the gazebos on the shore (oh, my birthday is just around the corner )))

General view of the lake on the map of Yekaterinburg:

Name Chart A sh in translation from the Turkic "sary" - yellow and "tash" - stone, i.e. yellow stone, although there is a version that “ball” is still from the Bashkir language “swamp” (we get “swampy stone”, but I don’t like this version). The lake is shallow, 3-4 meters, swimming is prohibited here (water samples are bad), however, this does not stop everyone. Although I remember a time when the water was not bad, and we even swam (in the Izoplit area).

My route on Saturday:

When talking about a walk around Shartash, I don’t mean the lake (I don’t walk on water yet :)), but the forested area around, Shart A shsky forest park.
1. On Saturday it’s windy, mostly cloudy, it looks like there’s even rain somewhere on the other side.


3. On this shore there is a sports school for kayaking and sailing, I even watched as the girl struggled with the kayak and still lowered it (and herself) into the water and quickly rushed off into the vast distances. But I didn’t take a photo of her, but here are the windsurfers.





8. Small beach. Sandy beaches on the shartash there are mostly small ones, then again there is grass, bushes, trees.

9. The sun illuminated part of the forest from behind the clouds.

10. I got bored walking along the shore, as there were a lot of vacationers - with barbecue, music, noisy, drunk. I turn onto a forest path and just walk along it. And I will feel the silence, and here I am already breathing deeply - what air!


12. Once again the sun is playing on the tall pines


14. Where did you lead me, path?



17. Ghosts of a bygone era.


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