I can't find my electronic plane ticket. Electronic plane ticket: how to use? How to buy, return or check an electronic plane ticket? Are mistakes allowed on an air ticket?

Traveling by plane is becoming more profitable and more relevant every year. With the help of an aircraft you can get to any point globe with significant savings in money, effort and time. At the same time, as when traveling using any other type of transport, unforeseen circumstances often arise, including the loss of a ticket.

Before boarding the plane, each passenger is required to present a boarding pass and identification documents. Without this, no one will let you on board, so a loss promises you a lot of trouble and threatens to turn into a ruined vacation. Therefore, you need to know how to act in a given situation and how to behave if, due to personal sluggishness or due to unforeseen circumstances, you have lost this document.

If any controversial or unforeseen situation arises, you should first of all contact a representative of the company whose services you decided to use. Only he can help you resolve the issue of restoring a lost coupon on the plane and help you avoid additional financial expenses.

Finding a company representative will not be difficult, even if this is your first flight. As a rule, you can ask for help at a special ticket sales window or at a pre-registration point. There you will have to explain the absurd situation and tell in detail how you could have allowed the loss of a precious document.

A number of companies that value each of their clients and their own reputation in such cases willingly meet the unfortunate client halfway and offer to issue a duplicate, after making sure that the potential passenger was indeed its holder. Airport staff will ask you in detail about the time and place of purchasing your plane pass, your final destination and other important points. If the reasons you provide are accepted as a logical explanation and are considered valid, you will certainly be given new ticket, and you will be able to board the plane.

At the same time, there are also airlines that are ready to replace a lost document free of charge or issue new topic customers who planned to fly in first or business class. Other passengers will have to pay additionally for the re-issue service. Of course, the amount will be an order of magnitude lower than the cost of the lost pass on board, but still additional expenses will turn out to be an unpleasant surprise for any tourist.

Having a copy of the document for the flight will greatly facilitate the process of obtaining a duplicate. After all, when filling out the form provided by airport employees for the issuance of a duplicate, you will still have to indicate the date of purchase, the place of purchase and final destination trips. The company will charge a fee of $20-$70 for issuing a duplicate. The amount of the amount is fixed and is set at the discretion of the carrier company. And one more important point: you will not receive a duplicate right away. You will have to wait for the application to be reviewed and approved by the company management, so this option is unlikely to suit those who were planning to fly out in the near future. Such passengers will most likely have to purchase a ticket again.

But in order not to find yourself in such an awkward situation, it is worth considering the advantages of electronic tickets. They have long come into use and are no less popular than their paper counterparts. Such a document is almost impossible to lose and does not have to be restored. You can complete it within a few minutes. Information about the passenger is entered into the carrier company’s computer and you do not have to worry about the safety of paper copies of important information.

All you need to board a plane using such an electronic ticket is a passport and a memory of the flight number you planned to take. Also, when purchasing this pass option, you will definitely be given an itinerary receipt, which will contain important information about the route, form and details of payment for the flight, as well as other important details of the transaction. However, it is not at all necessary to have such a receipt when checking in at the airport. It only facilitates faster processing during check-in and is an additional guarantee that you will not forget either the flight number or the time of departure from the airport.

By the way, it is worth noting that if you need to pass a passport or customs control The passenger will still need such a receipt. And if no one returns the lost ticket to you, then the receipt can be reprinted on the same airline website where you bought it e-ticket.

An electronic air ticket or E-Ticket is an electronic form of air ticket offered instead of a regular paper ticket form. Just like a regular air ticket, an electronic ticket is a document certifying the contract. air transportation between the passenger and the airline.

When talking about an electronic airline ticket, many equate it only with sales via the Internet, but this is not so. An electronic ticket can be purchased directly from the Air Ticket Sales Agency, and the ability to sell via the Internet is not the essence of an electronic ticket, but only one of its advantages.

The return or exchange of an electronic air ticket is made according to the same rules as the return or exchange of a paper air ticket, that is, in strict accordance with the terms of application of the fare at which it was issued.

Flying with an electronic ticket is very simple - you arrive at the airport at the appointed time and at check-in present the document for which your air ticket was issued (this is a general civil or foreign passport).

In accordance with the established form for issuing an electronic passenger ticket and baggage receipt in civil aviation, when purchasing an electronic ticket, the passenger must receive a document called “Itinerary receipt”, which contains information about the purchased ticket.

The itinerary receipt is printed on any printer on a regular A4 sheet. In case of purchasing air transportation without a direct visit to our Agency, such a document can be sent to the passenger by e-mail and printed by him on any printer.

An itinerary receipt is not a paper equivalent of a ticket. It can be lost and reprinted, so we advise you not to delete it from your email. mailbox until the end of the trip.

In principle, having an itinerary receipt for check-in at the airport is not mandatory, but we strongly recommend that you have it with you throughout your entire trip, as it contains complete information about the route, form and details of payment for transportation, and may be needed in some cases. Russian airports for presentation to passenger registration and passage services passport control when flying abroad as proof of a return ticket.

Advantages of an electronic ticket:

  • You can buy an electronic ticket without leaving your home.
  • it cannot be forgotten, lost or accidentally damaged - This is quite an important advantage, considering that for issuing a duplicate of a lost traditional “paper” air ticket, airlines charge a fine of 30 to 150 euros.
  • If you buy an air ticket for your colleagues, friends or relatives who are in another city or in another country, you will not have to think about the need to send money to another city to purchase the air ticket or the paper form of the air ticket you issued. If you bought electronic air ticket For a person who is in another city or in another country, all he has to do is come to the airport and, presenting his passport at registration, board the plane.
  • All operations for returning or exchanging an electronic air ticket can be done via the Internet or by telephone.

How to report for a business trip using an electronic air ticket?

In accordance with the following documents, your accounting department will need the following documents to confirm the costs of air travel made using an electronic ticket:

  1. Itinerary receipt / itinerary receipt /
  2. Original boarding passes

Duplicates of boarding passes are not issued, so be sure to keep the boarding passes you receive upon check-in. If the original boarding passes are still lost, then to get a copy You will have to contact the airline directly, on whose flights air travel was carried out.

By recommendation International Association air transport IATA, of which all leading air carriers are members, from June 1, 2008, the possibility of selling electronic air tickets must be provided on all flights of airlines participating in the association.

Unfortunately, on this moment not all airlines, and sometimes not on all flights route network, provide the opportunity to purchase an electronic ticket, so when booking, check with our Agency about the possibility of issuing an electronic ticket for specific flights of the airline you have chosen.

Ministry of Finance Russian Federation
Letter dated July 17, 2007 No. 03-03-06/4/99

Question: Due to the transition to a simplified form of purchasing air transportation services for passengers via electronic means of communication, the airline does not provide the air ticket itself, but only printout invoices received by e-mail confirming the reservation of a seat, as well as a boarding pass. What supporting documents, for the purpose of calculating income tax, are it legal to confirm the travel expenses of an organization when its employee purchases an air ticket via electronic means of communication?

Answer: The Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy reviewed the letter on the issue of documentary evidence of expenses associated with business trips of employees for the purpose of taxing the profits of organizations and reports the following.

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code), for the purpose of taxing the profits of organizations, expenses are recognized as justified and documented expenses (and in cases provided for in Article 265 of the Code, losses) made (incurred) by the taxpayer.

Documented expenses mean expenses confirmed by documents drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or documents drawn up in accordance with business customs applied in the foreign state in whose territory the corresponding expenses were made, and (or) documents indirectly confirming expenses incurred (including business trip orders, travel documents, a report on the work performed in accordance with the contract). Any expenses are recognized as expenses, provided that they are incurred to carry out activities aimed at generating income.

Thus, if an employee purchased an air ticket issued in paperless form for a business trip, then the supporting documents for recognizing expenses for profit tax purposes may, in our opinion, be a printout of an electronic document (air ticket) on paper and a boarding pass.

Deputy Director of the Tax Department
and customs tariff policy S.V. Razgulin

Many people try to understand how a regular ticket differs from an electronic one, they spend a lot of time on this, but they never find an answer. Because they are absolutely the same. Today, many passengers use this service and do not experience any difficulties. In addition, it should be noted that there are many advantages for those who decide to buy an electronic plane ticket.

Positive aspects of electronic tickets

The most important advantage of such a purchase is that it can be obtained without leaving your home or office. Also, such a transaction does not require cash; it is possible to choose any type of payment, and the price for such a ticket will be much lower than usual. Such a purchase will save a lot of time and effort. It is this feature that attracts modern users who try to save every minute of their precious time.

What to do after purchase?

Many people, after purchasing an electronic plane ticket, do not know how to use it. To do this, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills. After all, in fact, this is an itinerary receipt, which is simply in electronic form. It can also be printed on the most ordinary paper and on the most simple printer. The document itself is stored in a special booking system. That's why it's so reliable. You can print out an electronic plane ticket several times, so there is no need to be afraid of spoiling it or losing it. Many people doubt its authenticity. After all, it looks like an ordinary piece of paper. But in fact, it is an official document that confirms the legality of the contract between the air carrier and the passenger. This A4 sheet is a genuine guarantee for the person who purchased it.

Receipt and return procedure

It should be noted that you do not need to purchase an electronic plane ticket. Simply, a corresponding entry is made in the database of a certain airline, which indicates a certain transaction. In fact, it is a regular mark in the database of the air carrier that was selected for the trip. To receive an itinerary receipt, you simply need to provide an email address. This can be done in the "Payment" tab during booking.

After the money is transferred to the company’s account, you will be able to receive all the details of the upcoming flight. This information can be printed. Returning an electronic plane ticket is quite problematic. Although a similar service has existed for more than ten years, this procedure has not yet been established. And many airlines don’t even take it on. Those that perform such transactions charge a fairly large commission.

How to make a profitable purchase?

Today it is enough to simply purchase an electronic plane ticket online. Many people already know how to use it. But how to buy it at the best price? After all, today there are a lot of companies providing similar services, and how to do right choice? It is necessary to give preference to already proven organizations that have extensive experience.

In order to make a purchase, you need to decide on the route, date and time of departure. Afterwards, enter this data into a certain form and select the option that has the minimum cost. Next, you need to place an order and pay for the purchase itself. Typically, a similar procedure can be completed using MasterCard or Visa cards. They allow you to perform various operations on the Internet. But today many sites accept payment using Yandex.Money, WebMoney and other electronic money. You can also transfer money using electronic system. Some companies ask to show the presence of the plastic card with which the payment was made. All this is connected with regular security measures. Therefore, the card with which the payment was made must be available. However, you should not immediately be upset about this. After all, at any time it is possible to check an electronic plane ticket and the data indicated on it.

In case of loss of receipt

Don’t be sad if your route suddenly disappears somewhere. If payment for the ticket has already been made, it can be printed an unlimited number of times. After all, it is stored in the airline’s database. To do this, just follow the link “Get route receipt” and click on the “Print” tab. If any difficulties arise, you can always contact support for help. To get detailed information, you just need to have your reservation number. It is sent to the phone number specified when placing the order. The technical service can provide very detailed information on all your questions. You can also view the letter that was sent to your email address after purchasing the ticket. Therefore, you should not immediately delete all information about the transaction from your computer and mobile phone until the trip is completed.

Check-in for the plane

For registration to be successful, it is not at all necessary to have an electronic plane ticket with you. You can understand quite quickly how to use the itinerary receipt. But if it’s not there, then there’s nothing wrong with that either. Often one passport is enough. All ticket information is in one database and can be easily checked. There is also no need to stand in long lines; just go to a special kiosk that is designed for this. If a family with small children goes on a trip, then it is necessary to take their birth certificates with them.

Important details regarding ticket booking

So, we have already seen the advantages of an electronic plane ticket. We have already figured out how to use such a document. Although many argue that it is not necessary to have it, it is still better to have it with you. After all, at the time when passport control takes place, it is proof that a return ticket is also available. Some countries impose a similar condition. It may also be of interest to security personnel at the airport. If the itinerary receipt is in hand, then the process registration will take place much faster. For those traveling on a business trip, it is imperative to keep your boarding passes. Then you should add to them what will become proof that you used the electronic ticket. It would be useful to clarify the requirements for such documents. Many companies insist that they be certified by a seal.

Thus, we see that by paying attention to certain points, many unexpected problems can be avoided.

An electronic ticket differs from a regular ticket in that it is not printed on paper. All travel information is stored electronically in the airline's database. Nowadays it is almost impossible to buy a ticket on a form - almost all air tickets are electronic.

Advantages of an electronic ticket

  • You can buy electronic tickets online without leaving your home, saving travel time and avoiding the queue at the ticket office.
  • It is impossible to lose such a ticket, as it is stored in the airline’s database.
  • You can buy it from anywhere and for anyone (for example, for a mother who is flying from New York, a ticket can be bought in Moscow).
  • You save money because the cost paper ticket includes the price of the form itself and other expenses.
  • With an electronic ticket, you can check in for some flights via the Internet in order to choose a seat on the plane in advance and avoid standing in line at the airport.

What is an itinerary receipt

When purchasing an electronic ticket, the passenger receives an itinerary receipt. It contains detailed information about the flight - route, flight number, date and time of departure, etc. If the ticket is purchased online, the itinerary receipt is sent by email, and if at the ticket office, it is handed out in person.

The itinerary receipt is for informational purposes only; there is no fear of losing it, since you can always print it out again. Typically, when a passenger checks in for a flight using an electronic ticket, only a passport is required. You can print out the itinerary receipt for yourself (for example, so as not to forget what time your departure is) or for passport control in the country of arrival - to show that you have a return ticket.

Is an electronic ticket an official document?

An electronic ticket is a document of strict accountability, but since it is stored digitally in the airline’s database, for accounting purposes you will need:

  • itinerary receipt;
  • original boarding pass (duplicates are not issued, but in some airlines you can get a certificate confirming the flight for additional money);
  • fiscal check or other payment document.

What time is indicated on airline tickets?

It's always written on airline tickets local time departure and arrival. For long flights, as a rule, the time and date are indicated if the plane arrives the next day.

Most airlines provide services for purchasing electronic plane tickets.

An electronic air ticket is a digital version of a paper ticket. Essentially, this is an electronic contract between the passenger and the air carrier.

It is impossible to lose an e-ticket: the electronic record is visible anywhere in the world. Ticket information is stored electronically in a secure airline database.

An electronic plane ticket is just a number in the carrier’s database, which contains information about the passenger’s flight.

All information is printed on itinerary receipt, which does not have a universal form: each airline or agency selling air tickets has the right to use its own form.

Note! Passenger details must match passport details. Check your itinerary receipt as soon as you receive it.

If you notice an error, urgently call the feedback numbers or write to the air carrier’s email.

An electronic plane ticket is just a record in the computer’s memory, so you can only print out the itinerary receipt, which will be sent to the passenger’s mail.

The itinerary receipt can also be found in your personal account on the order page. To access your order, you need to log in Personal Area or follow the link in the flight booking email and enter the access code.

It is not necessary to print the itinerary. However, practice shows that it is still better to have it with you when traveling, especially abroad.

An itinerary receipt may be needed when entering the airport to present to security services, as well as during customs inspection or passport control.

It will also be useful if you go on a business trip, since it will become a reporting document for the accounting department.

Print out the itinerary receipt on a regular printer, on standard office paper. No special forms are required for this.

Advice! If you can’t print it, at least take a photo of the itinerary receipt on your phone. In most cases, it is not required anywhere, but different situations arise.

The undeniable advantage of an electronic air ticket is that its purchase is completed very quickly, without unnecessary fuss.

Other advantages:

  • An “E-ticket” cannot be lost, like its paper counterpart.
  • Can be purchased from anywhere and for anyone.
  • You can save money because the cost of the paper version of the ticket includes the price of the form and other expenses.
  • The service makes it possible to select and book a seat on the plane in advance.

The first thing you need for online booking is a computer with Internet access. It is enough to enter a key phrase into the search, and a lot of resources with this service will immediately pop up.

As of 2019, the most well-known and reliable services are:

These services collect information from many airlines and offer the user the most convenient option.. All that remains is to enter the departure date, the number of passengers and select a ticket based on cost and conditions.

The advantage of such services is that they allow the buyer to compare offers from different air carriers.

You can also book an electronic plane ticket on the airline website. For example, you can go to the Aeroflot website (https://www.aeroflot.ru) and easily select a ticket for the required date.

Note! Electronic booking on the airline's website allows you to buy a ticket without extra charges. In addition, various promotions are often announced on websites, information about which is not indicated on air ticket services.

Once you have selected the appropriate ticket, confirm your purchase and follow further instructions. Enter your passport details and pay for your purchase.

After the purchase, you will receive an itinerary receipt to your email address, which is best printed out.

Passengers usually have to go through the check-in procedure at the airport, even if they have an electronic ticket. But this can be avoided if you first go through the online check-in procedure.

This will eliminate the need to stand in long lines and arrive at the airport long before departure.

Electronic check-in begins approximately 24 hours before departure and ends 1 hour before departure.. To check in online, you need to enter your passport details, ticket number or booking code on the airline's website.

At online registration You can select and book seats on the plane.

The passenger assigns the seats he likes and then prints out his boarding pass. Baggage can also be checked in online.

Is it possible to book an e-ticket without paying?

Yes, you can. Some services provide time (up to 10 days) after the ticket is confirmed, which allows the passenger to accurately determine the date.

After this time has expired, the passenger confirms or cancels the reservation.

Note! You can select a specific seat on the plane only after payment. However, the service of choosing a seat before online registration is provided for a fee.

To become the owner of an itinerary receipt, you must indicate your e-mail when booking a ticket online on the “Payment” page.

As soon as funds have been paid for the ticket, an itinerary receipt with all the details of the upcoming flight will be sent to your email address.

Payment methods for electronic air tickets:

  • MasterCard/Visa bank cards;
  • electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Yandex Money, etc.).

Important! Some websites selling airline tickets may require you to present the card used to pay for the ticket for security purposes.

How to use an electronic plane ticket?

To use your ticket, you must arrive at the airport on time and register (if you have not completed it online).

To check in at the airport you will need:

  • passport;
  • birth certificate (if children are flying with you).

Important! It is better to save the printed itinerary receipt and boarding pass. Those flying on a business trip will need them to present to the accountant as a reporting document.

A boarding pass is issued to passengers after checking in for the flight.

When checking in online, you will receive your boarding pass by email, after which you need to print it out and take it with you to the airport.

Some airlines allow check-in with boarding pass, sent to a mobile phone through a special application.

How to find out the number of an electronic plane ticket?

This information can be found in the itinerary receipt and in the “My ticket” section..

The ticket number is indicated in the upper right corner of the receipt and is a 13-digit code. In addition, the ticket number is duplicated on the boarding pass.

The return of an electronic air ticket is carried out according to the same scheme as the return of a paper equivalent.

Important! Before returning your ticket, pay attention to the presence of marks like “NON REF” (non refundable).

This mark is located in the “Restrictions” column and means that this air ticket It is non-refundable and you will not get your money back.

Conditions regarding exchange and return must be posted on the airline's website in the section on purchasing tickets. Each air carrier has its own return rules, taking into account current legislation.

As a rule, than more expensive ticket, the easier it is to pass it, and with the least financial losses. If a ticket was purchased as part of a promotion or at a special rate with restrictions, then most likely it will not be possible to return it; You can only exchange it for another flight.

It should also be taken into account general condition refund: the less time remains before departure, the larger the airline commission will be and the less money you will get back for the ticket. Namely:

  • If a ticket is returned more than 1 day before departure, the entire cost of the ticket will be returned minus fines, fees and payment system commissions (provided it is included in the price of the air ticket).
  • If you return your ticket less than 1 day before departure, you will be refunded only 75% of the cost of the ticket plus fines, fees and payment system commissions.
  • A request for an urgent refund can be sent at least 4 hours before the start of the check-in procedure. Once registration begins, increased penalty fees for ticket refunds will apply.

You need to apply for a refund to the place where the ticket was purchased: to the airline, to the travel agency, to the intermediary’s server.

To process a refund of your e-ticket, please have your booking, flight, ticket numbers, date and exact time departure.

The timing of refunds for tickets depends on the method of payment and the timing of filing a refund application. Money for canceling an e-ticket can be returned to:

  • checking account;
  • bank card;
  • online wallet;
  • in cash.

To return money to your bank account you will need:

To return to an electronic wallet, you must indicate:

  • Full name of the payment sender.
  • Type of payment system (Yandex money, etc.).
  • Electronic wallet number

To return to a bank card:

  • Order number.
  • Bank card details.

Once you confirm your consent to the refund, the seats reserved for the flight will be automatically canceled by the reservation system for all unused portions of the route. This action has no retroactive effect.

So, now you know how to purchase an electronic ticket and what to do next with it. We hope the information will help you avoid unnecessary fuss when buying an air ticket and save a lot of time.


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