Dragon Cave in Mallorca how to get there. Dragon Cave in Mallorca. How much does a ticket to the Coves del Drac cost?

In Spanish Mallorca, near the town of Porto Cristo, there is the most beautiful place on earth - Dragon Caves. It must be said that Mallorca itself is a paradise for holiday lovers. It contains the most interesting historical and architectural monuments against the backdrop of the beautiful nature of the Mediterranean.

Why are the caves called Drakensberg? The name comes from ancient times. A long time ago it was believed that the entrance to the cave was the mouth of a dragon. And inside are stored the countless riches that he accumulated throughout his life.

There really are riches inside, but these riches are of natural origin. One of the most beautiful places these Dragon Caves is Lake Martel with the purest transparent water. It should be noted that this is the largest underground lake in the world, and it got its name from the speleologist Martel, who discovered these very caves at the end of the 19th century. There are regular events on the lake interesting events for tourists: for example, a musical orchestra often performs, whose members sail in boats on the lake. As already mentioned, the water here is the purest, so it creates the illusion that the boats are floating in the air. Big role in general impression Special lighting also plays a role, which was organized here for the convenience of tourists.

IN Dragon Caves There is another spectacle associated with the lake - this is an imitation of the rising of a small sun. The luminary begins to rise from the very bottom of the lake and gradually flares up brighter and brighter, illuminating the entire cave.

In addition to Lake Martel in Dragon Caves there are 6 more smaller reservoirs. In general, the tourist route through the caves is quite long: it is 1700 meters. As already mentioned, the entire path is specially illuminated for travelers. Lovers of romance will find many interesting and beautiful places here: “ Black Lake", "Waterfall", "Great Cave", as well as the cave of Louis Salvador.

Dragon Cave of Mallorca

One of the most popular places among tourists is the Dragon Cave, which local residents often called the Drac Caves. In addition, this is the largest cave on the island of Mallorca and the most mysterious local attraction. It is located in the northwestern part of the island on a coastline indented by numerous bays and bays, not far from the small port city Porto Cristo.
Translated from Catalan, the name of the caves “Cuevas de Drach” means Dragon Cave. Its existence has been known since ancient times. They served as a home for primitive people: This is evidenced by the rock paintings that have survived to this day. Over the centuries, the memory of the events of those times was lost, and only legends remained. According to one of them, the entrance to the underworld was guarded by a formidable dragon with the body of a snake and the wings of a bat, who guarded jewelry and gold hidden in the cave. There was also an opinion among the people that pirates and the mysterious order of the Knights Templar kept their trophies and stolen treasures in the dungeon. Perhaps it was they who came up with the fairy-tale story about the evil dragon, so that local residents would be afraid to even approach the entrance to the dungeon.

Thanks to the search for treasures of the Templar Order, the first written mentions of the cave were found: they date back to 1338. Then, the head of the island issued an order, according to which a group of soldiers went in search of the missing treasures, but they found nothing in the mysterious cave, but they drew up the first plan of the dungeon.
A huge contribution to the study of the Dragon Cave was made by the philanthropist and great connoisseur of the nature of the island, Archduke Louis Salvador of Austria, who allocated a huge amount to pay for the work of archaeologists and speleologists. In 1886, French explorer Edouard Martel carefully mapped approximately 1,300 meters of underground passages and discovered a magnificent, crystalline clean lake, located in the very depths of the cave. The temperature of its waters throughout the year is +20 C, which corresponds to the air temperature in the cave itself, while the humidity reaches 80%. It got its name in honor of its discoverer - Lake Martel. This is one of the largest underground lakes in the world: its length is 177 meters, width - 40 meters and depth - 9 meters. In addition to it, there are 5 more lakes in the cave, but not so large. Nowadays, about 2 km of underground passages have already been studied: the complex includes several caves - White Cave, Black Cave, Luis Salvador Cave, connected to each other.

In 1935, Catalan engineer Carlos Bigas, who created the lighting for the Magic Fountain in Barcelona, ​​designed the cave's lighting to interpret the sunrise over Lake Martel. The auditorium on the shore of an underground reservoir seats 1,100 people who come here to enjoy the magically beautiful performance. The surface of the water is illuminated with a soft light, and only boats with musicians make it tremble. They perform classical works, and a weak light, symbolizing the dawn, gradually fills the entire hall. The cave begins to fill with music and light. After the concert, spectators can take a boat ride on the underground lake.

The Dragon's Cave is mentioned in the work of the famous French science fiction writer Jules Verne "Clovis Dartetor", which he wrote after visiting the island of Mallorca.
By the way, the cave is currently private property, but is open to the public.

The Dragon Cave – cuevas del drach – is an incredible natural “structure” that is definitely worth a visit.

Entrance to the caves, of course, is strictly timed. Dragon Caves opening hours summer period(from March 16 to October 31) - at 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00 and 17.00. In winter - from 10.45, from 12.00, 14.00, 15.30.

Entrance cost for an adult is about 15 euros, for a child under 12 years old - about 8, for children under 2 years old - free.

To get to the Dragon Caves, take the bus. The stop is called: Coves Drac: buses 416, 441, 445, 447, 448, 451, 454 and 841A go here.

Dragon Caves on the map of Mallorca.

Dragon Cave (Mallorca, Spain)

This attraction itself attracts with its unusualness. Wandering through the darkness following the beam of a flashlight, looking at arches under spotlights is not at all the same as seeing a famous building or a beautiful bay.

To visit the Dragon Caves in Mallorca, no special physical training is required; the group often includes small children, who are usually not afraid at all. The caves are not too deep, and therefore it is not very cold in them, but it is better to take a long-sleeved jacket even in summer time, and in winter you should dress properly.

By the way, the place is very popular, there are almost always queues, so it is better to take care of your tickets in advance. By the way, there is a ticket option with a concert - it takes place directly underground, in a huge hall with benches and a “stage”. Unfortunately, photography and videography in the Dragon Caves is limited, so make sure you take note of everything.

The Dragon Caves in Mallorca are a system of underground passages described in XIX century speleologist Martel. According to ancient legend, they were nothing more than the mouth of a dragon guarding treasures. Length tourist route through the caves 1700 m, while traveling through the underground passages, visitors can see the “Waterfall”, “Black Lake”, Big cave and the cave of Louis Salvador. All these cavities amaze with the variety of stalagmites and stalactites that form bizarre figures and openwork patterns.

In the Dragon Caves in Mallorca there is the largest underground lake in Europe, its length reaches 177 m, width - 40 m, depth - 5-8 m. During the excursion, visitors to the caves have the opportunity to listen to a short concert performed by a chamber quartet. Musicians sail across the lake on boats, while the action unfolds in front of the audience to the sounds of music by Chopin and Offenbach: skillful lighting imitates the sunrise from the clear waters of the cave. There is a souvenir shop and parking near the caves.

Dragon Caves on the map

Type: Caves Address: Ctra Cuevas, s/n, 07680 Porto Cristo, Mallorca, Islas Baleares, España. Opening hours: from November 1 to March 31, excursions are held daily at 10.45, 12.00, 14.00, 15.30, from April 1 to October 30 - daily at 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00, 17.00. Closed: December 25, January 1. IN high season

The busiest tours are at 10.00, 16.00, 17.00. The ticket office is open from 9.00, purchased tickets are valid throughout the day, but they must be shown at the entrance immediately after purchase. , Cost: 13.5 €, credit cards not accepted. How to get there: from Palma de Mallorca airport, take the Ma15 highway to Manacor, then take the PMV4014, PMV4015 highways to Porto Cristo, to Porto Cristo take buses No. 412, 441, 445, 447, 448, 451, 454, 841A to the Coves Drac stop. Restrictions: photography is prohibited.


05/30/12, Wednesday

5th day on the island, 3rd by car.

Cave day. The island has several beautiful (judging by the description) caves that are accessible to tourists. We go to the opposite end of the island to get acquainted with a couple of them.. 10.45. We leave the hotel. This time we finally manage to go around Palma along the ring road! 🙂

11.40. We drove 67 km in a day. We stop in Petra (it’s just interesting to look at the town). 12E per person. Sessions every hour, but at the next one at 13.00 there are none (apparently, lunch break). We have to wait for the next one (at 14.00). In the meantime, you can have a snack with the purchased buns and fruit that we were offered at our hotel.

By 14:00 we approach the entrance to the cave, a huge crowd of people has accumulated there (I think more than 1000 people). Soon they begin to let you in through a narrow entrance, into which no more than 2 people can fit side by side. The whole procedure takes 15-20 minutes. Constantly driving up tourist buses, and people, leaving them, dissolve in the darkness of the cave. We can only sit on a bench and wonder what kind of huge dungeon this is and how can so many people be inside?

Well, everyone is welcome, and we are among the last to enter. The temperature inside was quite comfortable (about +18C), I didn’t have to wear a jacket. The entire mass of people passes inside along fairly narrow paths. To be honest, when we walked at the end, I somehow didn’t think about the terrible number of people ahead. We walked quite leisurely, looking at the surrounding beauty with admiration. Stalactites and stalagmites, all in different color illumination. We moved from one underground hall to another. At times, underground rivers and streams flowed below. With blue lighting they looked amazingly beautiful and transparent. Photography is prohibited here. But, nevertheless, we managed to take a few shots.

For about 15-20 minutes we moved deeper into the cave. And as a result, we reached a huge space underground, where everything was completely calmly located great amount the people who came here. This cavernous hall had numerous rows of seats for the public. They were located at an angle so that it was convenient to observe the action taking place from all places. When we arrived, almost all the seats were already taken. But we managed to move the people a little and ended up almost on the ground. Instead of a stage, there was a surface of water in front of us, around there were intricate columns of stalactites and stalagmites, and they were high above instead of a theatrical chandelier.

The light was turned off and in complete darkness in the distance we heard sounds classical music. Gradually, some movement became noticeable on the water surface, and three boats floated out from under the stone arch, beautifully illuminated on the sides. Several musicians sat in them and played various musical instruments. There was silence in the hall; the boats moved with oars, but completely silently. And only music and lights on the boats filled the entire space.

All 3 boats slowly sailed past us and disappeared into the darkness on the opposite side. Probably all this should have produced an unprecedented effect on the public. Perhaps... But somehow it didn’t touch us. After some time, the lights in the underground hall were turned on, and people were invited to leave. Two options were offered: walk back or take a short boat ride around the lake, and then, again, walk. We, of course, rushed to the pier, where we boarded the boats and even managed to take a place in the first of them. Skating on an underground lake was the most interesting, but, unfortunately, it ended very quickly. After swimming about 70 meters, we were put ashore, and then with the whole crowd we continued on foot to the exit.

15.05. We are going to other caves. More precisely, into the same “dragon”, only the entrance to it is from the opposite side.

15.15. Arriving at Hams Caves. It's also next to Porto Cristo. The place is not so popular, there are much fewer tourists here. But admission prices even higher: 16E per person. We are a group of only (!) 20 people. After the previous cave, such a number of people is very pleasing. Everything around is beautiful, there are a lot of trees, some artificial streams are running, birds are singing. Let's go inside. We are placed in a small cinema hall and shown a film about some researcher who flew on hot-air balloon. “What is all this for?” - we ask ourselves a question. Apparently, to justify the greatly inflated price of the entrance ticket.

After this we are led into a cave. This excursion is accompanied by a short story from the guide in different languages ​​about the place where we found ourselves: how the cave was formed, its size, what the various halls are called, to whom they are dedicated. The cave is also interesting, a little different from the “dragon” one, it has its own unique stalactites and stalagmites. And the main thing is that there are not many people inside.

Walking through the halls, we came to a small bay. A similar musical show begins here, only much weaker. There is only one boat going, and even then with non-living characters. Only the boatman with the oars is real. Music comes from the speakers. But various pictures appear on the stone walls, and some kind of action takes place. We stand watching all this.

All these external effects do not make an impression. The most beautiful thing is, of course, the cave itself. And with all the other additions in the form of films and shows, apparently the owners are trying to justify too much high prices for entrance tickets.

16.45. We are returning home.

17.00. We drove 111 km in a day. Passing Manacor, we decide to visit the local Factory "Majorica", where you can buy real local pearl and all kinds of decorations made from it. Having examined 2 floors of jewelry, we were mainly surprised only by the prices. Although there were a lot of beautiful decorations, we were not in the mood for such serious expenses. But there they showed us for free how artificial pearls are made. Very interesting.

Next to the exhibition hall there is a small park with dinosaurs. Also a kind of attraction. Not a bad end to a day dedicated to dragons. 🙂

17.40. Now you can go home. On the way, languishing in the heat, we realize that the air conditioner in the car practically does not work for cooling: only for blowing warm air. We decide that we can’t live like this, we need to contact the rental office to have the breakdown fixed. Having reached Magaluf, we find where the central office of Torrenova is located, where we rented a car, and explain the situation. We are sent to the outskirts of the city to a huge parking lot. There are many cars from this rental company there. Basically, they are all similar to ours, only the colors are different. There they offer us to change the car without any problems. We agree, of course.

We now own a white Fiat Panda. Number 6917 GFF. Mileage 38278 km.

19.00. Result of the day: 184 km.


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