How to make a dog bed and choose a suitable place for it? Selecting a seat after boarding is complete

Victoria Solup |

08/10/2015 | 1875

Victoria Solup 08/10/2015 1875

Any dog, even a decorative breed, should have its own place in the house where it will rest. To make your pet feel comfortable, make him a soft bed and place him in a comfortable place.

I have a fairly large dog of the Labrador Retriever breed, and not a single pet store could find a bed that would accommodate my pet. That's why I bought a children's ottoman for my pet. The dog was incredibly happy about this and now does not get off his sofa.

But you don’t have to pamper your pet the way I do. For example, a small and medium-sized dog will need a small soft bed, which you can easily make with your own hands. I offer 2 options on how to make sleeping area

for the dog.

1. Sunbed from a suitcase

  • You will need:
  • old suitcase;
  • short furniture legs;
  • pillow;
  • 2 boards;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws and nuts;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil;

tape measure.

Using a screwdriver, unscrew all the screws in the suitcase that connect both parts and set the top part (lid) aside. You won't need it.

Measure the length of the inside of the suitcase and mark it on two narrow wooden boards. Install nuts along the edges. Turn the suitcase over and make 4 holes in each corner at the same level as the nuts in the boards. In addition, note that the diameter of the holes must match the diameter of the screws.

Screw the screws into the furniture legs with one side, and into the suitcase and board with the other.

This is what the structure should look like from the inside.

Now put a pillow there. It should fit freely in a suitcase.

The lounger is ready!

1. Sunbed from a suitcase

  • 2. Bed made from an old sweater for a small dog
  • old sweater;
  • a small pillow (it should fit in a sweater);
  • long scarf or towels;
  • scissors;

threads with a needle.

Any sweater will do: with or without buttons. The main thing is that it is slightly larger than the size of the dog. If you are using a garment with buttons, the first step is to remove them and sew them (either by machine or by hand) where the buttons came undone. Place a pillow in your sweater and a scarf or- into the sleeves. Then sew up the bottom of the sweater, and sew the sleeves together along the holes. If the sleeves are not long enough, you can sew a piece of any fabric between them to match the sweater.

Shape the bed so that the sleeves become the sides that frame the pillow, and sew up the top of the sweater (at the neckline).

The sleeves can be sewn to the base so that the structure does not fall apart.

Where to arrange a sleeping place for a dog?

After you have made the bed, you need to place it in such a place in the house that the dog can rest comfortably. That is, there should be no drafts, noise or other irritants. At the same time, it should be convenient for the dog to observe all family members. Therefore, you should not place the lounger in the farthest corner of the house.

Many people believe that a dog's sleeping area should be located in the hallway. This is not always the right decision. If there are many tenants in the apartment, they will interfere with the dog’s rest, because each family member, moving from room to room or to the kitchen, will disturb the dog several times a day. Therefore, it is better to organize a place for it away from human paths.

Every person, at least once in his life, is actively searching for a stable and well-paid job. Previously, in order to find appropriate place, people spent hours wandering around the city and looking through various advertisements. But now, in the era of developed technologies, there is no longer any need for this, since all the information of interest and necessary can be found on various Internet sites with offers.

Nowadays there are quite a lot of such resources, which allows a potential user to choose the most convenient one for use in terms of interface, content and number of ads. One of the popular this moment The project is “Jobs Looker”, the features and offers of which can be found here and you can easily choose an interesting and suitable vacancy for yourself. According to data, this resource has big amount necessary information than any other similar site.

Features of the Jobs Looker project

In order for a potential user to easily select the desired vacancy for himself, without spending a lot of time searching for it, the site offers a convenient filter. Using this function, you can independently specify your search criteria by entering the most necessary requirements for a potential job, and the site will automatically select a number of proposals that meet your request. Also on the main page of the resource, information about recently added advertisements is displayed, which allows you to track the trend of entering information on the project pages.

It is also important to note that, if necessary, each site visitor can independently check the number of current offers at the time of search for a specific specialty. This will allow you to choose your future place of work according to the information provided on the resource. When choosing a suitable vacancy, you need to click on the selected advertisement and it will display all the necessary information about the employer and the means of communication with him to schedule an interview.

But, despite all the serious aspects of the search, it is important to understand that if you do not listen to your own desires, then the job you find will never be a joy and this fact can seriously affect the quality of the duties performed

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When the opportunity arises to make a well, there is no need to rush. First, follow a number of steps to make it not only useful, but also easy to use. Here you need to calculate everything so that you don’t end up throwing money away.

After the location of the aquifer has been determined, it is necessary to take into account:

  • soil type;
  • plants;
  • land relief;
  • surface waters;
  • possible sources of pollution;
  • free access to the structure.

To do this you will need geological documentation, topographic maps and so on. It is also worth using the services of subsurface experts.

If there are working wells or wells nearby, it is necessary to place a new one as far away as possible. Such actions will retain water in both.

The soil type of the aquifer will indicate the approximate amount of water. Examine the soil for graininess and you will find out everything. The higher it is, the more productive the formation will be.

It is not recommended to drill a well where sandy and pebble soils are almost on the surface (about three meters). This is because all the water used will quickly seep out and contaminate the aquifer. As a result, you will not be able to drink well water.

The easiest way to determine the most water-bearing place is plants. This is especially evident during periods of drought. After all, where there is water, the plants are always greener.

As for planning, you need to mark on the map all the objects that are located nearby. This will allow you to choose the most suitable place.

Where is the right place to drill a water well?

Quantity and quality of water from wells.

The amount of water can be determined in several ways:

  1. Pump all the water from the well into a measuring container, and then note the maximum filling level of the source. It is also worth recording the time it takes for the water to return to the source. After this, the flow rate is calculated: divide the amount of liquid that was pumped out by the time of maximum filling of the source.
  2. Dynamic level can also be measured. A special pump is lowered into the well, which turns off when it reaches the bottom. The mark at which the fall height stabilizes will be the desired value. The specific liquid quantity is calculated by dividing the pump efficiency by the difference between the statistical and dynamic levels. Using the obtained figures, you can find out the flow rate: multiply the height of the water column by the last indicator obtained.

If after calculations the flow rate is small, then this means that the workers did not cope with their work, or the place is unsuitable. In any case, you will need to create a new source.

As for water quality, the deeper the source, the higher it is - a very common misconception. The composition of the water depends on the level of ecology of the area, as well as on the aquifer itself. It may be that the pipes are poorly connected to each other and this leads to water contamination. The latter can be filled with chemicals, nitrates and other dangerous substances. Such a liquid can penetrate to a depth of more than seven hundred meters.

In most cases, the well is located away from factories and factories. She is periodically sent for tests to protect herself. These rules apply to any well.

Promburvod's staff consists of specialists with extensive experience.

The accumulated experience in the field of well drilling allows our specialists to perform work efficiently, in short time, in compliance with all norms and standards.

Earlier to borrow a good place in the cabin of the plane, I had to go to the airport and negotiate the provision of a specific seat individually with the airline employees. Today you don’t even need to leave your home to do this. All you have to do is find out how to choose a seat on a plane by electronic ticket. On many ticket sales services you can not only book a ticket for a specific date, a specific flight, but also choose the most suitable seat in the cabin.

In order to select and reserve a specific place, there is no need to wait for registration to open. Immediately after placing your order and electronic ticket, you will receive an email containing a diagram of the aircraft cabin. Empty spaces on this diagram are marked in a brighter color. All you need to do is move the cursor over the appropriate seat and click on it with the mouse. Then click "Save".

About 180 airlines offer passengers who buy tickets online to choose a suitable seat in the cabin. Among the carriers that provide such a right, it is necessary to highlight:

  • Aeroflot;
  • "Ural Airlines";
  • UTair;
  • SWISS;
  • Lufthansa and others.

Please note that some airlines provide this service for an additional fee. For example, British Airways allows the passenger to independently choose a seat on the airliner from the available ones for $16. Moreover, this opportunity is provided only to passengers flying in economy class and purchasing tickets for flights that last no more than 3 hours. For a longer flight, this service will cost $32. If you want to book a seat in business class, you will have to pay approximately $100 to select a seat. Therefore, before using this service, find out more about its cost and other nuances that may be specified in the rules of a particular air carrier.

Book a specific seat either at the airport, having agreed with an authorized employee, or at the self-check-in counter.

By selecting right place, you will spend your flight time with increased comfort even in economy class

What else should you consider?

In the process of booking a specific seat, passengers are often faced with a situation where the diagram shows very few empty seats and all of them are “unsuccessful” in terms of location. Most often this happens due to the fact that carriers themselves book advantageous seats. Subsequently, authorized employees allocate these seats to certain categories of passengers who purchase air tickets for a given flight. Companies themselves reserve several seats in order to later give them to pregnant women, elderly people, and passengers with children.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  1. You can arrive at the airport early for check-in and ask the employee at the counter to give you one of the “advantageous” seats. As practice shows, most often authorized employees satisfy such requests.
  2. You can also wait until all passengers are seated on the plane. If after this you notice a suitable free place, ask the flight attendant to move you to that seat. Usually there are no obstacles to this.

If you're flying business class, you won't have to pay to book a specific seat. The only exception is if the passenger is used to sitting in one specific seat for individual reasons. In other cases, there is no point in booking a specific seat, since all seats in this class are distinguished by a high degree of comfort provided. You can sit comfortably in any place, lean back and straighten your legs.

Unlike booking in advance, which often requires additional financial costs, there is a much more cost-effective way to secure your desired seat on the plane. As a rule, check-in for a flight opens 1.5-2 hours before departure. If the passenger online registration will take place, he will be asked to choose a seat on the plane from all the remaining free ones. In this case, booking a seat will be free, but there is a high probability that the desired seat will already be occupied by another passenger.

How to find out your seat in the cabin?

Many passengers wonder how to find out their seat on a plane using an electronic ticket? This information is not displayed on the ticket itself. The seat number in the cabin is indicated on boarding pass, which you will receive after checking in for your flight. Another option to find out the seat number is to call the airline representative. You will be asked for your reservation number, after which an authorized employee will find the ticket number in the database and announce your seat in the aircraft cabin.


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