What to take on a trip - a list of hygiene items and cosmetics. What to take on vacation

It's still spring outside, but everyone is already thinking about summer. Have you decided to relax on the seashore, bask in the sun and swim in salt water? Now all that remains is to wait for the cherished vacation.

Every time we plan a long-awaited vacation, we engage in pleasant chores. We calculate how much money is needed for the trip, choose a hotel, order new clothes. My friend and I, for example, have already ordered chic swimsuits for ourselves because we planned to spend two wonderful weeks on the seashore.

This trip will not be our first, so there will be no problems with packing our things. But you should have seen my bag when I first went to the Black Sea! She was so heavy that I could barely drag her up the stairs at the station.

Half of what I took was not useful at all. And when we got ready to go back, it turned out that we needed another bag for the gifts that I bought in southern stores for family and friends. It won't work that way! IN next trip I decided to take a lot less things.

So what should you take with you when going on vacation to the sea, so that everything you need is at hand and your bag remains light? Let's figure it out.

Mandatory things

1. Documents. Be sure to prepare your passport, medical policy, insurance, tickets and others in advance Required documents. It will be more convenient if you buy a plastic waterproof envelope with a button.

2. First aid kit. No, you do not need to take all your medications from home with you. A thermometer (not mercury, of course), an adhesive plaster, a suitable antipyretic, a remedy for gastrointestinal disorders and something disinfectant may come in handy.

3. Money. It is very convenient when the main amount is on the card and there is some cash in your wallet.

4. Phone and a charger for it.

5. Manicure set. For some reason, nails break especially often at sea. If you don't have a file under your hands, this can cause a lot of inconvenience.

6. Cosmetics. It’s worth talking about it in more detail. You don't need to take with you all the products you use every day. Most of them will be available for purchase locally. If you use products that are not sold everywhere, buy small bottles or pour shampoos and creams into jars from the “travel kit”. These can now be bought at any hardware store. I would recommend taking face cream and a proven sunscreen with you. The rest can be bought on the spot and used during your vacation. In this case, cosmetics will not take up space in your bag both on the way to the sea and when you go home. It is better not to take decorative cosmetics at all. Even if you wear makeup every day now, you won't want to do it in the heat. Humid air and high temperatures will ruin any makeup.

7. Shoes. Avoid heels. I usually wear comfortable sandals and put beach flip-flops in my bag (you don’t have to take them, buy them locally). If planned leisure with long walks and hikes, I take sneakers. Nice high-heeled shoes will only take up space and will not be useful near the sea - checked!

8. Sunglasses. Beautiful and comfortable glasses will help you out both on the road and on the beach. You can, of course, buy them locally, but the quality of the goods often leaves much to be desired.

9. Clothes. This is the most difficult point. There you want to “walk” one dress, and another, and also that beautiful one, “for going out.” Take a couple of skirts, shorts, trousers (just in case), several swimsuits, a package of underwear, four T-shirts, several cute tops, a pareo, a jacket (in case it gets cold). We're running out of space in our bags, and we're trying to stuff something else in there to avoid the “nothing to wear” situation. Oh yes, you forgot your hat! What is it really? It will be much nicer and more interesting if you buy a hat, pareo, new top and dress on the spot. By the sea you often want to buy a little thing that will remind you of your trip later. There is no need to deny yourself.
You should take with you underwear, a swimsuit (preferably two), a T-shirt, a top, shorts, a light and comfortable dress, and one warmer blouse. This is quite enough. You will have a change of clothes in case anything gets dirty or wet. Remember that hotels have washing machines, and if something is missing, you can buy it.

10. Comb and a convenient hair clip. It is very inconvenient when on the beach it turns out that there is nothing to pin up your wet hair with, and there is no necessary store nearby.

Optional things

1. Portable charger. May be useful if you are traveling on a train. It is often difficult to find a free charger on trains, so this device can help you out.

2. Beach bag. I like to take a beach bag with me, besides, it takes up little space - it folds up very compactly.

3. Book. Even if you're traveling with a fun group of friends, it can come in handy sometimes.

4. Mosquito repellent. It often turns out that it is difficult to buy it locally, so I take it with me.

5. Camera. I rarely take it with me, because, as it turns out, it’s much more pleasant to enjoy your vacation than to look at the world through a lens, taking pictures of everything.

Enjoy your relaxing holiday!

A typical picture at any airport, train station or bus station is a mass of people with huge suitcases. “They’re going on vacation...” we sigh enviously. However, when it’s time for vacation, you want to pack moderate luggage. What to take with you to the seaside on a week-long trip? We make a list wisely and learn to make do with a moderate list of things.

Money and documents

When packing your luggage, you need to start with the most important things. What is absolutely necessary to take with you to the sea? The answer is simple: money and documents. Accordingly, this is a passport, medical policy, birth certificate - for a minor child. Don’t forget your tickets, too, and if you’re going on vacation abroad, you probably already have your international passport and permission to enter the country in a very visible place. Important papers should not be kept in a large suitcase, but in a small handbag that will always be with you. Be sure to set aside a certain amount separately from your main vacation money. Most likely, you will need them on the road for small expenses. Before going on vacation abroad, it is useful to find out where it is more profitable to exchange money - in Russia or upon arrival in another country.

Let's go to the beach!

Most women, immediately after purchasing tickets to a warm country, rush to the store to buy a new swimsuit. If you have the means, you shouldn’t deny yourself this pleasure. A little secret - there should be two swimsuits, because you will probably want to swim more than once a day. Accordingly, think about the necessary accessories. An additional pareo or beach tunic will take up very little space, but will still allow you to remain the most stylish on the beach. Don't forget beach shoes, a hat and sunglasses. When thinking about what to take with you to the sea, consider where you are going and what conditions await you. If during your vacation you will be staying in good hotel, you won't have to worry about towels. But for vacationers who choose to rent accommodation without service, it makes sense to take towels and beach mats with them.

Clothes for every day

Besides beach holiday, exciting excursions, trips to cafes and nightclubs and many others await you interesting entertainment. What clothes should you take on vacation? You don’t have to buy anything special; you can put together a suitable wardrobe from your existing everyday items. Be sure to take jeans and one warm jacket - who said it can't be cool on the coast? If your goal is to pack as little as possible, choose shorts, skirts, T-shirts, and tops that coordinate as much as possible. Several thin summer sundresses and dresses will also not take up much space. Choose items that do not require ironing, are easy to wash and dry quickly. What to take with you to the sea, in addition to what is listed above? Don't forget underwear - at least 4 sets that match the chosen clothes. For shoes, it is better to choose more practical models - for example, comfortable sandals or flat sandals. For excursions to natural attractions, light sneakers or any other sports shoes are indispensable. Similarly, you should pack luggage for each family member.

Luggage for little travelers

We have almost figured out what to take to the sea. It is a little more difficult to relax with a child than in the company of adults, so the list of things needs to be adjusted. Collect the necessary clothes, the exact list of which depends on the age of the baby. An important condition is that you should take twice as much things for a child as for an adult. Otherwise, you risk spending most of your vacation doing laundry. Purchase personal hygiene products from large quantities doesn't make sense, but take 2-3 days' supply with you. You can always buy diapers, wet wipes and other care items on vacation, and these things will take up a lot of space in your suitcase. For the little ones, it makes sense to take enough food with you - formula milk, dry cereal, ready-made purees in jars. If you are going on vacation for one or two weeks, you don’t need so much baby food. By purchasing them at home, you will be sure that your baby will always be provided with a sufficient amount of usual food on vacation.

What medications should I take at sea? Together with the child we collect a first aid kit

Don't forget to put all the necessary medications in your suitcase. Having such a first aid kit on hand will save you time and nerves during your vacation. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult to find the right drug abroad or choose its analogue on your own. However, be careful: if you are vacationing in another country, study in advance the list of medications the import of which is prohibited. The first aid kit should have:

  • dressings and antiseptics,
  • medications to improve digestion,
  • allergy remedies,
  • antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

To save space, it is convenient to purchase universal medications suitable for both adults and children.

Recreation and entertainment

What should you take with you to the sea, besides clothes and medicine? Rubber inflatable products for recreation on the water can always be bought in coastal cities, but their prices are often inflated. Therefore, if you already have a mattress, a children's circle or arm guards and some toys for use on the water, do not hesitate to deflate them and take them with you on your trip. Every child has a lot of different toys. Which of them are the most necessary on vacation, what to take to the sea? You can have a fun and interesting time with your child, playing with a minimum of special accessories. Bring bath toys, sand toys, a few books, and your favorite stuffed animal. Board games and educational cards are a great help on vacation.

Should I take equipment on vacation?

Today, each of us uses a large variety of electronics. Is it worth taking all your usual gadgets on a trip? Usually, while you are thinking about what to take to the sea, the “list” of what you need compiles itself. Phone, tablet, laptop, camera - do you really need all this? Of course, you shouldn’t be left without communication and colorful pictures. But, as practice shows, a modern smartphone and camera are quite enough on vacation. And you will always have time to sit at a full-fledged computer at home.

What to take to the sea: a list of things you need every day

On vacation, you should take with you all the products necessary for personal hygiene. These are cosmetics that you are used to using, combs, a manicure set. Don’t forget specific products for relaxation - sunscreen creams and sprays that protect against insects. Some mothers vacationing with their children prefer to reduce the size of their luggage by using children's care cosmetics on vacation. Now you know what to take to the sea. The list may vary slightly depending on your personal needs. For example, if you have long hair, it will be useful to put a compact travel hair dryer in your suitcase. But don’t try to take too many things, try to sensibly evaluate what exactly you use every day and what you can’t do without on your trip. However, don’t worry if you forgot something important from the list entitled “What to take on a seaside holiday.” IN tourist cities Usually you can easily purchase everything you need for your vacation and any manufactured goods.

Are we going to relax? Think about what to take with you on vacation.

The list of things to take on vacation includes:

  • Clothing appropriate for the climate of the holiday destination. Two swimsuits or two swimming trunks are required - we change and dry them, along with an elegant pareo for women.

    A skirt is suitable for visiting a cafe - preferably long and light; T-shirts - two pieces, stock up on an evening dress. If the visiting program entertainment events- one evening dress is not enough, grab a cocktail outfit.

    For everyday wear you need shorts with a top. Men need T-shirts. The weather is changeable - think trousers or jeans and a warm cardigan.

    An exceptional case may be sunburn; you will need a light blouse or long-sleeved shirt.
    Don't forget about a hat or panama.

    The amount of underwear depends on the length of rest. Three sets are enough for two weeks of vacation.

    We take one pajamas or nightgown to sleep in.

  • Beach shoes - flip-flops or slates and walking shoes - sandals. Don't forget about sneakers, they will come in handy on walks or keep you warm in cool weather. Wearing new shoes can ruin your vacation and cause calluses.
  • It is better to take jewelry that is not expensive. Jewelry will not attract thieves.
  • Socks. Men with sweaty feet can take up to 5 pairs.
  • Creams: for tanning, protecting from the sun and mosquitoes, nourishing and moisturizing, for men for shaving.
  • Hygiene products: for brushing teeth – brush and toothpaste; means for washing and washing.
  • Gadgets. It’s not normal to be without a mobile phone and a charger, but it’s better to forget about a laptop while on vacation. A waterproof video camera or camera is desirable.
  • Documents are required on any trip. You need a passport, medical insurance, international passport and visa, vaccination certificate; tickets; bank cards or cash.

    One of the parents is taking a child on vacation abroad; he needs consent from the other parent. Taking a child out of the country by relatives also requires the consent of both parents. Students will benefit from discounts; entitlement to them is confirmed by a student ID.

  • Various items: sunglasses; umbrella; entertainment in the form of board games or MP-3 player; pen with notepad for notes; sewing kit with thread and needle; women's little things - hairpins, hairpins, etc.
  • A suitcase that can be replaced with a travel bag or a comfortable backpack.

Note! Weigh your suitcase before the airport; its weight should be up to 20 kg. For greater weight, an additional surcharge will be required. When traveling by car, the number and weight of things does not matter.

What medications should I take on vacation at sea?

You don’t always want to turn to doctors for trivial matters. There are situations when you need to solve medical problems yourself.

What medications should you stock up on during your holiday at sea?

Note! When purchasing medications at a pharmacy, explain to the specialists why you need them. They will not only select the necessary medications, but also advise their “travel” options.

You should always have your medications with you, especially while on vacation. It would be nice if they weren’t useful, but you need to prepare for everything.

When is it profitable to take a vacation: the best months

Much cheaper and quieter to relax before you start swimming season and in the Velvet season. To choose the time and place of vacation in 2017, we determine what we want to get from a trip there:

  • Warm sea water and hot weather.
  • Cool water, but a pleasant pastime and healthy walks.
  • Just relax and breathe in the healthy sea air.

Based on our wishes, we select the month of the trip. find out climatic conditions where you would like to visit differs in different parts of the world. Travel agency specialists will help with this.

Don't forget that during the peak swimming season, prices for everything go up. It is much cheaper and more relaxing to relax before the start of this season and after it. On Russian seas this is May and September.

Note! Is it profitable to take a vacation in May to travel to the coasts of the Black and Azov seas? Vacationers will also like clean beaches, sea water and acceptable prices for services. The cordiality of the hosts, who are not yet tired, will confirm the correctness of the decision to relax this particular month.

Do you want to visit the seas exotic countries, take an interest in the climate of these countries in the month suitable for vacation. At the height of the swimming season in Russia, on the other side of the Earth it may be the rainy season.

What to take on vacation with a child?

It would be right to think about the safety of the baby at sea. To do this, make sure you have a life jacket, life ring and arm guards.

Don't forget to provide your baby with:

  1. Board games.
  2. Felt pens, pencils and album.
  3. Swimming trunks or swimsuit – up to 3 pieces.
  4. Jeans and two shorts.
  5. T-shirts and T-shirts - 5 pcs.
  6. Panties – 3 pcs.
  7. Socks up to 3 pairs.
  8. Girl in a dress.
  9. Warm blouse and pajamas.
  10. Panama hat or scarf.
  11. Slides and sneakers.

Note! It is more convenient for a child to wear low-wrinkle clothes made from natural fabrics.

Have a nice and have a good rest For you and your children! It’s okay if you forgot to take something, you can buy it on the spot. The main thing is don’t forget your documents and money.

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Vacation is the most best time in a year! It’s a wonderful time when freedom completely overwhelms you and nothing stops you from going on a trip to the sea! Most people simply love to soak up the sun while drinking an exotic cocktail. More than half of the population dreams of such a vacation. But do they know how to pack for the sea? And we - yes! Today we will tell you what to take with you on the trip and what will be superfluous in your suitcase.

The main thing in the article

Preparing for a holiday at sea: making a list of things

Before you go on vacation, you need to make a list of things that you will need and that you cannot do without. Take those things that you cannot buy or find in the place where you are going, or that you do not want to spend your money on.

  1. Personal hygiene items;
  2. First aid kit;
  3. Cosmetics and sunscreens;
  4. Towels;
  5. Swimsuit;
  6. Shoes;
  7. Light summer clothes;
  8. Phone, tablet and charger;
  9. Beach accessories;
  10. Money;
  11. Cards for non-cash payments;
  12. Snack.

When going to the sea, some people think that it is enough to put 10 swimsuits in a suitcase, and the rest can be bought on the spot. But is it worth spending your precious time and money? We are offering to you TOP most important things for a trip to the sea :

  • Documentation;
  • Medicines;
  • Sunscreens;
  • Hygiene items;
  • Minimal wardrobe;
  • Wet and paper wipes for travel;
  • A bottle of water, in case you want to drink on the way to the sea, but there is nowhere to get water.

What clothes to take with you to the sea: list of necessary wardrobe

We are offering to you list of essential wardrobe essentials for recreation in the sea area:

  • Swimsuit- a mandatory attribute of a beach holiday. It's better to take several to change while one is drying after washing. But if you only have one piece of swimwear, don't fret. Things dry quickly in the sun.
  • Tops, T-shirts and T-shirts you will also need them, at least to get to the sea in clothes. Not all countries allow you to walk down the street in a swimsuit. But don't take too many, you might not be able to bear them. Count on 3-5 items.
  • Shorts in addition to T-shirts. Clothing for the lower part is no less important than for the upper part. Put 1-2 pairs of shorts, this will be enough.
  • Skirt may be needed if you go out for a walk or dance. One beautiful skirt is enough for your wardrobe.
  • Dress useful for an evening walk or a restaurant if you plan to go there. Therefore, it will be appropriate to grab 1-2 dresses.
  • Beach dress or Beach tunic can also come in handy if you don't want to wear shorts and a top to get to the beach. It is light and does not take up much space, especially since one will be more than enough for you.

Selecting the best shoes for relaxation: a minimal list

Shoes play one of the most important roles in a “marine” wardrobe. But at sea you shouldn’t take shoes for all occasions. All you need to do is decide where you are going and make a list of the shoes you need.

  • If you're just going to soak up the sun, put it in your bag flip-flops And flat sandals.
  • If you, in addition to sunbathing, will be sightseeing, you will need summer sneakers, slip-ons or espadrilles.
  • If you are going to do fitness or visit the gym, put it in your suitcase sneakers. And don't forget to bring flip-flops for normal movement.
  • If you intend to go to a restaurant or go out, be sure to bring stunning shoes.

Short list of necessary shoes:

  • flip-flops,
  • shoes,
  • the shoes you will wear.

Don't overdo it with shoes, otherwise your suitcase won't close or will be too heavy to lift.

List of useful beach accessories

Accessories are a popular attribute of a beach holiday. Take with you only the essentials so as not to burden yourself with unnecessary things.

  • Tote bag will always come in handy. It's comfortable, soft and big. Therefore, you can take it both to the beach and for a walk. And if you come across a sale, you will need it for shopping.
  • Sunglasses will be especially useful to you. Not a single exit to the street can be done without them - they will protect your eyes from bright sun, and the face from facial wrinkles.
  • Headdress will perfectly protect you from the scorching sun. Be sure to bring a hat, bandana or cap, as at very high temperatures you can also get sunstroke.

What to take to the seaside for a holiday with a child: a mandatory list

Going to sea alone is one thing, but getting ready is something else entirely. It is necessary not only to choose a suitable country, but also to carefully study the peculiarities of the cuisine of this country or the place where you are going. And most importantly, don’t forget to take with you:

  • First aid kit with the necessary medications for the stomach, for fever, against allergies and other individual medications if necessary.
  • Diapers if the child does not go to the potty. Sometimes due to stress from the flight and change of place Small child who even goes to the toilet can do his business in his pants. To avoid an awkward situation, bring diapers.
  • Change of clothes in case the child gets dirty. Shorts, T-shirts, dresses and other summer items. Of course, don’t get too carried away, you’re not moving to the seaside.
  • Sunscreen definitely needs to be put in your suitcase. Children's skin is delicate and sensitive, it is very susceptible to sunlight. Therefore, children must be smeared with sun cream with at least SPF 50 protection.
  • Panama Be sure to put it down - children's heads must be covered from the sun to avoid heat or sunstroke.
  • Baby hygiene products: toothbrush, toothpaste, wet wipes, paper napkins, shampoo. It is better to take these things with you so as not to waste time on vacation searching for the product you need.
  • Dishes for a small child you can also take it with you. Take only the essentials: a breast pump, a bottle, pacifiers, a sippy cup and other things that we cannot do without.
  • Swimming sleeves or vest - If your child can't or doesn't swim well, you'll need them. But if you forget them, don’t take them, or don’t have them, you can always buy them on vacation.
  • Shoes, suitable for a beach holiday. It is better for a child to take one pair of sandals for walking and one pair of slates for the sea and pool.
  • Hair ties- if you have a daughter, then they will be necessary so that the hair does not interfere with the eyes, and the neck does not sweat.
  • Special food take it only if it is necessary, and your child will not do without it. If the child is eating normally, there is no need to load an already filled suitcase with food.
  • Toy, with which the child never parts. If your child has such a special toy, don’t be too lazy to grab it, and otherwise there will be no end to children’s tears.

First aid kit for a holiday at sea: list of main medications

Medicines are the most important thing to put in your suitcase. After all, anything can happen on vacation, and it’s better to use your proven remedies from the first aid kit. Moreover, where will you look for a pharmacy in a painful condition? Take with you only the most important medicines:

  • carbon tablets,
  • for indigestion,
  • painkillers,
  • against allergies,
  • from temperature,
  • from diarrhea,
  • from poisoning,
  • anti-infective,
  • antiviral,
  • from a cold,
  • to improve microflora,
  • antibiotics,
  • for injuries,
  • from insect bites,
  • disinfectants,
  • bandage,
  • adhesive plaster.

Cosmetic and anti-burn products: the essentials

When making a list for a trip to the sea, do not forget to include cosmetics and anti-burn products. The most necessary ones are:

  • Foam for washing;
  • Lotion;
  • Face cream;
  • Shaving foam;
  • Tanning oil;
  • Lip balm;
  • Decorative cosmetics.

If you are traveling by plane, do not forget that hand luggage The volume of liquid in one bottle should not exceed 100 ml.

Personal Care Items: A Helpful List

A clean body is the key to not only health, but a great mood. Therefore, do not forget about such personal hygiene products as:

  • Toothpaste ;
  • Brush for cleaning teeth;
  • Shampoo ;
  • Shower gel ;
  • Soap ;
  • Deodorant or antiperspirant ;
  • Towel ;
  • Washcloth ;
  • Scissors or knipsers for nails;
  • Razor or machine ;
  • Tweezers for plucking eyebrows;
  • Cotton pads ;
  • Handkerchief or paper napkins .

Electronics: gadgets and chargers

In our age of computer technology, it is difficult to do even without a telephone. Most people are so attached to their gadgets that they don’t even know how to live without them, let alone relax. To stay up to date with all the news and always be in touch, throw in your suitcase:

  • Cellular telephone or smartphone ;
  • Tablet or laptop ;
  • Charger ;
  • Earbud headphones ;
  • Camera , if the camera on your phone takes poor quality photos.

List of documents for a holiday at sea

If you can still get by without some documents while going for a walk in your city, then when going on vacation at sea, you can’t. Don't forget to make sure you have these documents:

  • International passport(if you are vacationing abroad);
  • Passport Russian Federation or the country in which you live;
  • Driver license;
  • Medical insurance;
  • Visa;
  • Hotel reservation confirmation;
  • Tickets;
  • Information route sheet if individually necessary.

Documents required for the child:

  • International passport;
  • Birth certificate if the child is a minor;
  • Notarial certificate-permission a parent or both parents if the child is traveling with a grandmother or other relative;
  • Visa;
  • Tickets;
  • Medical insurance.

What else to take to the sea: a list of useful things

Your suitcase is almost packed, but you still feel like something is missing? Check everything on the list again and see if you forgot to pack these useful things:

  • underwear,
  • dental floss,
  • hair clip or elastic band,
  • comb,
  • thermometer,
  • condoms,
  • pillow and blanket for sleeping on the plane,
  • spare sports bag.

What things to take for a trip to the sea by car?

You can relax not only in distant warm countries, but also those that can be reached by car. In addition, there are people who simply like to travel on their “wheels”. Therefore, when going on a car trip, add to the main list:

  • Food;
  • Thermos;
  • Large bottle of water;
  • Potty for a child;
  • Navigator;
  • Plastic bags;
  • Corkscrew;
  • Jackknife;
  • Wristwatches are better waterproof;
  • Guide.

What to take with you on the road: useful tips

  • Before leaving home on the road, be sure to go through the list and check several times that you have taken everything.
  • If you are going to the sea in or, leave space in your suitcase for outerwear or bring spare bag.
  • Fold things neatly and compactly so that everything fits and the suitcase closes well.
  • When you go on a trip, be sure to take a small shoulder bag. On the road it will be useful for storing money, bank cards and documents. There will be no need to take out your suitcase and look for the necessary documents.
  • After packing your items and checking them, wrap your suitcase tightly cling film. This must be done to transport cargo during a flight. The airport provides this service, but it is paid. To save money, use the film yourself.
  • Study the features of the country you are traveling to: its cuisine, traditions, attractions, interesting places. Read reviews online on travel forums.
  • You may also find it useful pen And notebook, write or draw something. And interesting things will save you from boredom magazine or exciting book.

This is how you can very quickly and easily get ready for a vacation at sea, using our tips. But main advicein any situation, be more optimistic and smile . Decide on your holiday destination, write a list, pack your suitcase and Bon Voyage!

You are going on vacation and decide What to take to the sea. This article will help you make a list of things you need for your vacation. Of course, everyone has their own list of things that need to be taken, but we will still list them, and you can always throw away the extra ones.

We will also provide an additional list of things that you need to take with you to different countries: for example, to Egypt and Thailand.

Mandatory things that you need to take it with you on vacation (regardless of where you are going: not the sea or not)

1. Foreign passport - it’s clear that without a passport you won’t be allowed anywhere

What to take with you on vacation - passport

2. Money - it is advisable to take both cash and cards with you. It is also advisable to call the bank and indicate that you will use the card, because... some banks block the card when you try to write off money in an unusual region. For example, if you went to Thailand and then decided to use a card, the bank may not issue a single penny, block the card, and all for the client’s safety.

3. Tickets, vouchers - where will you go without tickets?

4. First aid kit - it doesn’t matter whether you are sick or not, you need to take with you a minimum set of medications:

- these are painkillers (for the head);

- adhesive plaster (suddenly a callus);

- any medicine for treating wounds;

- stomach medicine;

- remedies for motion sickness.

What to take on vacation - sunglasses

5. Chargers for mobile phones - many people think that the phone will not be discharged during the entire 10 days of vacation 😉

6. Pen - oddly enough, this simple thing is often forgotten at home, but it is very necessary. For example, when filling out a migration card. Therefore, it is better to take a regular blue ballpoint pen take with you on any vacation.

7. Toothbrush, pasta - personal hygiene products have not yet been canceled

8. Scissors - oddly enough, such a little thing often comes in handy.

What to take on vacation - camera

Now let’s take a separate look at what you need to take with you to the sea. It is assumed that the sea is still warm, and the country where you will go on vacation is hot. Therefore, we will exclude the White Sea or the Barents Sea.

What to take to the sea :

1. Swimsuit (or swimming trunks for men) - of course, on vacation at sea without a swimsuit.

2. Flip-flops, slates - in general, shoes for the beach. Sand can get into sneakers or shoes, and it’s hot in them

3. A camera and don’t forget a memory card and charger - you need to capture your vacation

4. Panama hat, hat, arafat - anything that can protect your head from overheating

5. Sunglasses - otherwise you will squint

6. Sunscreen - you can buy it locally, but it will cost much more.

7. Blanket or beach towel - if you do not plan to relax on a sun lounger (some hotels provide them free of charge), then you should not forget about them.

8. Air mattress - if you have a mattress, then it’s worth taking it with you; you can lie on it and swim on it. You can usually buy a mattress locally - it usually works out cheaper than buying a sun lounger.

9. Laptop, tablet - for example, for watching movies on an airplane or a long trip.

What to take on vacation - dictionary

You can also take with you to the sea:

10. Dictionary, phrasebook - if you cannot explain anything in any language other than Russian.

11. Beach bag - so that you have something to go to the sea with

What to take on vacation - shoes

What you shouldn't take with you to the sea:

1. Towels - usually there are enough of them at the hotel. If you have an apartment, you must bring your own towel.

2. Soap and shampoo - the same. All hotels will give you them and will update them, even if it is cheap hotel. If you are planning a vacation without a hotel, then you need to take these funds.

3. Iron - you shouldn’t carry heavy things with you if you don’t have a camp iron. Most often there is an iron at the information desk, even in the hostel there is one.

4. Food - firstly, they may simply not let you in with food, i.e. there are restrictions at customs, and secondly, food can simply go bad, especially at high temperatures.

5. Water - it will be collected at the airport. That is, you can take it, but you shouldn’t count on being let through.

6. Hairdryer - you need to find out if you will have a hairdryer. Very often there is a hairdryer in the room (in hotels there is always one, in hostels and apartments it varies).

Now let's decide what to take with you to the sea to some countries.

What to take with you to Egypt.

Egypt is a very hot country, with very beautiful sea. Therefore, in addition to all of the above, we take:

1. Coral shoes are a must in Egypt! Otherwise, you may get hurt on the coral or step on sea ​​urchin. You can buy coral slippers in Egypt, but you’ll be like everyone else wearing only sandals, and they’re not of the highest quality.

2. Mask - we are looking for a good mask, because there are a lot of beautiful fish in Egypt. You can buy a cheap one at an inflated price in Egypt, but it’s better to have your own.

4. Fins - this is simpler, you can do without them, but if you have the opportunity, you can take them.

5. Aquabox - a housing for a camera under water. Spend your money and buy this magical box. Egypt is famous for its Red Sea and underwater world.


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