Did Emirates planes crash? The ten safest airlines on the planet. Air crash statistics by airline

On Wednesday, August 3, a Boeing 777-300 aircraft belonging to the airline Emirates Airlines, operated flight EK521 from the Indian city of Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala state in the southwest of the country) to Dubai.

The destination is incredibly popular among Indian citizens who fly to Dubai for work. There were 300 people on board, of which 282 were passengers. As one of the passengers, Sai Baskar, told the Times of India, there were no problems during the flight, as well as reports of technical malfunctions. But according to Mathrubhumi News, the pilot warned passengers before landing in Dubai that there were problems with the landing gear, so they would have to make an emergency landing.

“We felt that the plane first landed, then took off again and hit the ground,” says Sai Bhaskar. “When smoke began to appear in the cabin, we realized that something wrong had happened and things were taking a dangerous turn. It was difficult to open the emergency exits.” Passengers began to evacuate under the guidance of the crew, as Baskar says, some passengers were injured when they tried to jump out of the emergency exits. The team was the last to leave the plane. Both passengers and the airline call the organization of the evacuation “impeccable” and note that they managed to leave the plane in a maximum of a minute.

“If we had stayed on board a minute longer, tragedy would have happened,” says Baskar.

The pilot of a plane near the scene told NDTV that the Boeing landed "with great difficulty, hitting the runway hard with its tail."

There were no casualties among the passengers or crew. One civil defense employee died while extinguishing the fire and carrying out rescue operations. 14 people were hospitalized, including four firefighters. They suffered mostly from burns and carbon monoxide poisoning. Earlier, India's ambassador to the UAE said that "many passengers are in shock, but only one member of the crew was taken to hospital."

Sarah-Louise Sherwood, who was on another plane nearby at the time, said that the people from the Boeing “tried to escape before the big explosion happened, there was fire everywhere. Our plane stopped right next to us, and

passengers on our flight began to pray and scream to be let off the plane.”

A number of media outlets published videos that captured the moment. emergency landing and an explosion, presumably from an airplane engine. There, in particular, you can see how the plane is traveling along the runway, leaning on its right side, with columns of thick smoke rising above it. Towards the end of the 30-second video, the smoke becomes darker. Another video captures the moment of the explosion, after which some part flies off the plane.

The plane became available to the airline in March 2003, and Emirates management officially stated that the fire could not have been caused by it. technical condition. The pilot’s professionalism is also not yet in doubt: at a press conference in connection with the incident it was said that the pilot’s experience was 7 thousand hours. By official version the fire is believed to have occurred "after failure due to a hard landing."

Due to the incident, the airline canceled 42 flights at Dubai Airport, and the operation of the air harbor was paralyzed for six hours. The General Civil Aviation Administration (GCAA) of the United Arab Emirates has already begun an investigation into the circumstances of the incident. In particular, they will have to establish whether faulty landing gear could have caused the accident.

Aviation expert David Learmonth suggested that

One of the emergency factors could have been the heat - it was almost 50°C at Dubai airport.

“If you have a damaged wing and a fuel leak, it evaporates easily at such a high temperature, and these fumes are extremely flammable,” The Guardian quoted him as saying. It is also worth considering that Dubai can often be windy, and the wind often changes direction and speed, creating potentially hazardous conditions for aviation.

Russian airlines Transaero and Aeroflot were included in the ranking of the 60 safest carriers in the world, with Transaero immediately taking 15th place, ahead of airlines such as TAP Portugal, Swiss, KLM and Alitalia.

The German bureau JACDEC has been rating safe carriers for almost 40 years. However, this year the list has undergone dramatic changes, as compilers began to analyze airline safety in a new way. If previously experts took into account only the number of accidents with human casualties, correlating them with the age of the company, now all incidents with the carrier’s aircraft over the past 10 years are taken into account.

As a result, last year's leader was the Australian airline Qantas in the new ranking it immediately fell back to 11th place. The incident with the Airbus A380 aircraft, which happened in November 2010, is “to blame”: then, due to a fire in the engine, the airliner, which had 433 passengers and 26 crew members on board, was forced to emergency landing in Singapore. Because of this incident, airlines around the world grounded A380 aircraft for several days, and Qantas spent 50 million euros on repairs to the giant aircraft.

Japan is now recognized as the safest airline in the world. All Nippon Airways. Second place went to the Finnish airline Finnair- thus, this carrier has become the safest airline in Europe. The last crash of a Finnair plane, which has been flying since 1923 (only the British British Airways and the Dutch KLM are older), occurred on November 8, 1963 - on the approach to Mariehamn (Aland Islands), a DC-3 airliner crashed. In that crash, 22 passengers and crew died, two passengers and a flight attendant survived.

Following Finnair in the ranking are the following airlines: Cathay Pacific Airways(Hong Kong), Etihad Airways(UAE), Hainan Airlines (China), JetBlue Airways(USA), Emirates(UAE) and Virgin Blue(Australia).

The second European carrier to make it into the top ten safest was the German airberlin(9th place). It is now one of the youngest airlines in the EU and was originally founded in the USA. But in 1992, the airline was bought by a group of German businessmen and it moved to Germany. During the entire existence of the carrier with airberlin aircraft, there have been no emergency situations in which people died.

The New Zealand currency closes the top ten. Air New Zealand.

15th place on the list is occupied by Russian "Transaero". The second carrier in Russia in terms of the volume of passengers transported, created in 1990, did not have any emergency situations in which passengers were killed or injured. Among European airlines, Transaero is second only to the German, in addition to Finnair and airberlin. Lufthansa(12th place) and British British Airways(13th place).

The last accident involving a British Airways aircraft occurred on September 10, 1976, when the airliner, en route from Heathrow to Istanbul, collided with an Inex Adria DC-9 in the skies over Yugoslavia. All 54 passengers and 9 crew members were killed.

Lufthansa has an incident with fatal case occurred on September 14, 1993, when an A320, while landing in Warsaw, overshot the runway and crashed into the ground. Then two people died.

Russian national carrier Aeroflot ranks 35th in the ranking. JACDEC experts analyze the airline’s testimony only since 1992, that is, after the collapse of Aeroflot (and without taking into account its subsidiaries). Since that time, one disaster has occurred with his planes - in March 1994, an Airbus A310 flying from Moscow to Hong Kong crashed in the Kemerovo region. The tragedy happened because the ship's commander, relying on the autopilot, put his 15-year-old son in his seat. He accidentally turned off the autopilot, and the plane went into an inverted tailspin. 75 people died in the disaster.

Better positions in the ranking than Aeroflot are occupied by European airlines such as the Portuguese TAP Portugal(16th place), British Thomas Cook Airlines(17th), Virgin Atlantic(18th), easyJet(19th) and Thomsonfly(25th), as well as Dutch KLM(23rd), Irish Ryanair(28), Swiss Swiss(30s) and Italian Alitalia(34th place).

French Air France was in 39th place in the ranking, Spanish Iberia- on the 45th. Two positions below Scandinavian SAS.

Turkish Airlines ended up in 53rd place. Over 76 years, 18 accidents occurred with the planes of this airline. domestic flights and three - at international ones. The last one happened on February 25, 2009 at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. During landing, it broke into three parts. There were 128 passengers and seven crew members on board. As a result of the crash, nine people were killed and 86 were injured.

The Egyptian carrier closes the list of the safest airlines on the planet. EgyptAir.

By the way, according to official statistics, 2011 in international aviation was recognized as the safest in its entire history. In total, last year in air accidents in different regions 498 people died worldwide. By comparison, in 2010, plane crashes claimed the lives of 829 passengers. The worst year in aviation history was 1996, when 2,272 people died.

Among the 12 companies with an impeccable reputation (the highest reliability index is 0.00), there are several “veterans” - founded in 1922 Qantas Airways, Finnair (1923), Cathay Pacific (1946), All Nippon Airways(1953). Over the past 34 years (JACDEC, which investigates accidents during air travel, has been keeping its own statistics since 1973), these companies have not had a single accident.

The German company can boast of an accident-free reputation (not a single disaster in all the years of its existence). Air Berlin, British Virgin Atlantic Airways, Irish discount company Ryanair, young Arab airlines Emirates and Quatar Airways.

Among other companies, well-known “Europeans” performed well: British Airways(the company has recorded 2 significant incidents and the last 30 years have passed without disasters) and Lufthansa(3 accidents and 13 years without incident).

The only Russian airline included in the Top 50 Aeroflot took 41st place in the rating and received a rating of 0.57. Moreover, the countdown dates back to 1992, when the main and, in fact, uncontested state air carrier became an independent airline. Since that time, 10 accidents have occurred with Aeroflot aircraft, the total number of deaths in which was 182 people. However, for the last 5 years, the airliners of this company have flown without incident.

The largest number of disasters (12) was recorded in Philippine Airlines.

Worst plane crash since the largest number casualties occurred with the company's aircraft Japan Airlines August 12, 1985, when a Boeing 747-SR crashed into Mount Ogura 100 km from Tokyo. Due to improperly carried out repairs, 520 people died, after which several mechanics and engineers committed suicide.

Top 50 is the airline that closes Turkish Airlines(score - 3.49): it had 10 major accidents, the largest of which in 1974 claimed the lives of 346 people.

Among the safest aircraft - Boeing 777: Not a single one of the 600 cars of this model produced since 1994 appears in accident statistics.

In general, as Aero International notes, the results can be called encouraging: for Last year The largest airlines did not have any significant disasters. According to the magazine’s experts, control is being strengthened, and so-called “flight bans” have become a formidable weapon, applied not only in the EU countries, but throughout the world. Globalization also plays a positive role, thanks to which large airline alliances must equally maintain a high level of safety.

These are the 60 most best airlines peace. Even if the airline is at the bottom of the list, it still means highest level reliability.

Among Russian airlines only 2 Transaero (number 23) and Aeroflot (number 37). Now (with the departure of Transaero) there is only one left - it’s a shame...

Airline reliability rating


Reliability index

















































Top ten safest airlines on the planet

At the beginning of this year, the German research center JACDEC published its traditional rating of the safest airlines in the world based on the results of 2012.

It is noteworthy, and let’s not hide it, it’s nice to see two Russian air carriers on the list of “the very best”: 16th place was taken by Transaero airlines and 39th place by Aeroflot. A year earlier, they ranked 15th and 35th, respectively.
We also note that last year’s winner of the ranking, the Japanese airline All Nippon Airways, this year became only 12th.
We present to you the top ten safest airlines in the world according to a German research center.

1. Finnair- the largest and oldest airline in Finland (founded in 1923) at the end of the year became not only the safest air carrier in Europe, but also in the world. A year earlier, the Finnish airline was second in the JACDEC global ranking.

For several decades, not a single Finnair airliner has been involved in a plane crash in which people would have died. The last tragic incident was recorded in November 1963, when, while approaching Åland Islands(Finland) an American Douglas DC-3 plane crashed. Since then, security for the company is not just empty words, but round-the-clock work and minute-to-minute monitoring.

Note that Finnair is one of the world's largest aviation companies. Oneworld alliances, along with Russian carrier S7. The airline's services can also be used in Russia. Finnair aircraft operate flights to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Murmansk.

2.Air New Zealand- New Zealand's national carrier is regularly ranked among the top ten safest airlines in the world. In last year's JACDEC ranking, Air New Zealand was in tenth place. One of the airline's executives, David Morgan, commenting on Air NZ's second place in the safety rating, noted that this result is largely due to the “widespread implementation of the principles of a safety culture in the airline.” Here, at the right time, we can recall a series of creative videos from Air New Zealand, in which boring information about the rules of conduct on an airplane is presented in the form entertaining stories, which you simply can’t stop watching.

Note that last plane crash The Air NZ fatality occurred 34 years ago. In November 1979, an American McDonnell Douglas DC-10 aircraft collided with Mount Erebus during an excursion flight to Antarctica. 257 people died.

By the way, this year the airline's management admitted that two years ago one of the Air NZ pilots fell asleep twice during a flight from London to Los Angeles. The pilot's sleep lasted a total of three minutes, and, according to the management, there was no threat to safety, since there was a co-pilot in the cockpit, and he was in control of everything. We will soon find out how this recognition will affect the company’s rating next year.

3. Cathay Pacific Airways- Hong Kong's largest air carrier ranks third in the world's safest airlines for the second year in a row. Throughout its history, the company was founded in 1946, Cathay Pacific has had several unpleasant incidents and tragic incidents, the last of which occurred in June 1972. Then, during the flight, an explosive device went off on board the American Convair 880 aircraft. More than 80 people died. Since then, about one and a half million airline flights have been carried out calmly and without incident.

By the way, Cathay Pacific planes regularly fly from Moscow to Thailand, Hong Kong, China, Cambodia, as well as to Bali, Taiwan and the Philippines.

4. Emirates Airline- one of the world's largest airlines founded in 1985 in the United States United Arab Emirates. Emirates began its history with two Airbuses and one Boeing, which were leased. As the carrier's leaders said at that time: “Our goal is quality, not quantity.” So, thanks to its increased requirements for the quality of transportation and safety, the airline immediately gained popularity among passengers all over the world. In terms of safety, since the company was founded, not a single Emirates aircraft has been involved in a fatal accident. Moreover, unpleasant incidents with Emirates aircraft are extremely rare.

I only remember the case when in 2010, a Boeing 777 flying over India encountered a strong turbulent zone and began to fall from a height of 7 thousand meters. Only when there was one and a half kilometers left to the ground were the pilots able to level the plane. Due to strong shaking, 17 people received minor injuries. In total, there were 361 passengers on board the ship. Perhaps this is the only serious incident that has occurred with the airline's aircraft since its founding.

By the way, Emirates Airline planes operate three flights to Russia every day: two to Moscow and one to St. Petersburg.

5. Etihad Airways- the national air carrier of the UAE was founded only 10 years ago and during this time there has not been a single tragic incident involving the company’s aircraft. True, there were several forced landings of airliners due to false reports of an explosion threat. For example, in 2008, in the toilet of a plane flying from Abu Dhabi to Islamabad, passengers found a note in which an unknown person said that the plane would be blown up.
The pilots landed the plane at the airport in Karachi (Pakistan), but the sappers did not find any explosive devices.

And in January 2011, a drunk Briton, who was flying from Abu Dhabi to London, began to threaten the crew that he would detonate a bomb. The pilots urgently landed the plane, and the “terrorist” was arrested. The bomb was not found on him, but this did not prevent the Briton from being sentenced to three years in prison.

Please note that from Moscow you can fly on Etihad Airways to Thailand, India, Malaysia, Australia and Sri Lanka.

6. EVA Airways is the second largest airline in Taiwan. It was founded in March 1989, and during this time not a single one of its aircraft was involved in a plane crash, but was not involved in any more or less serious incidents. Let us note that in last year’s ranking of the safest airlines in the world, EVA Airways took 14th place.

7. TAP Portugal- the national airline of Portugal has significantly improved its position in the ranking of safe air carriers over the year, rising from 16th place to 7th. TAP was founded in March 1945, and during this time only one tragic incident occurred with the airline's aircraft. In November 1977, a Boeing 727 left the runway while landing on the island of Madeira and crashed down a steep bank. 125 passengers and six crew members were killed.

Since then, there has not been a single serious incident in the history of the airline and TAP Portugal is rightfully considered one of the safest global air carriers. In addition, there were events in the history of TAP that the company remembers with pride. For example, in 1982, TAP Portugal was used by none other than Pope John Paul II when flying from Rome to Porto. This historical event had a positive impact on the airline's reputation. Subsequently, the services of the Portuguese carrier were used by the king and queen of Sweden.

Note that TAP regularly operates flights from Moscow to Lisbon. In addition, a code-sharing cooperation agreement was concluded between the Portuguese carrier and the Russian S7.

8. Hainan Airlines is a Chinese airline founded in 1989. Over its almost 25-year history, Hainan Airlines has avoided plane crashes and serious incidents in which people would have been injured.

You can also use the services of one of the safest airlines in the world in Russia. Hainan Airlines regularly operates flights to China from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

9.Virgin Australia- low-cost airline of the “green continent”. In its 13-year history, Virgin has had no plane crashes or serious incidents. According to the carrier's management, the airline undergoes strict security procedures every day. The airline is working closely with investigative authorities, as well as the Australian Federal Police.

Note that airline staff are so vigilant that in 2003 they removed a disabled passenger from the plane. The man had poor coordination of movements, and the crew believed that he was either drunk or a terrorist. The man subsequently sued the airline and won.

10.British Airways- the national airline of Great Britain closes the top ten safest air carriers in the world. Last year she was 13th.

British Airways was founded in 1974, and just two years later there was an explosion in the skies over Zagreb. worst plane crash in the history of the company. Due to a controller error, two Trident 3B aircraft flying from London to Istanbul and a Douglas DC-9 collided. All passengers and crew members were killed.

Since then, British Airways has been impeccable in terms of safety. Every year, the airline's aircraft carry more than 30 million passengers, including from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

But I would like to remember another story, when only thanks to the professionalism of British pilots it was possible to prevent a serious disaster.

In June 1982, a Boeing 747 flew into a pole volcanic ash. As a result, due to damage from abrasive substances, all four engines stopped one by one. The pilots stopped the fuel supply and relied only on the aerodynamic properties of the aircraft. According to their calculations, the plane could stay in the air for about 23 minutes. It was then that the captain of the aircraft, Eric Moody, took the microphone and delivered to the passengers probably the most optimistic message in history. civil aviation:

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the ship’s commander speaking. We have a small problem on board. All four engines stopped. We are doing our best to get them up and running. I hope this doesn't cause you too much trouble." The passengers themselves would later call this “the biggest understatement.”

Be that as it may, the pilots managed to restart the engines and land the plane. None of the passengers or crew members were injured.


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