Glass platform in China. The most extreme observation decks in the world. Skyscraper Lotte World Tower in South Korea

China already has several glass suspension bridges over the abyss and glass walkways along the cliffs. And recently another transparent one appeared Observation deck made of glass, protruding from the edge of a mountain at an altitude of 768 meters above sea level. An extreme terrace near Beijing rises 400 meters above a picturesque valley.

However, crowds of adrenaline junkies know no fear, and the observation deck is already breaking all attendance records. This is the largest platform of this type in the world, which has already become famous throughout the world. Tourists from all over China and beyond come here to admire the unique view and test their willpower.

The Glass Platform is located in the tourist spot of Shilinxia in the Pinggu district near Beijing. The width of the suspension bridge is 32.8 meters. The length is 11 meters longer than a similar design in the USA. On this moment it is the longest observation platform in the world.

The futuristic design fits well into the picturesque gorge - as if a flying saucer had landed here. Stunning views of the mountains and forest are open to brave tourists, but not everyone dares to set foot here. Move around glass floor is not a test for the faint of heart. The glass platform is absolutely safe - it is made of titanium, steel and bulletproof glass that has passed all the necessary tests.

It really can be called a crime if you come here without a camera. Therefore, tourists use every second to take stunning pictures above the abyss. The glass floor and fence give the feeling of flying in the air. It’s worth overcoming yourself and your fears and walking along the circular bridge across the valley, admiring the villages, mountains and forest, and feeling like a part of nature.

By the way, Acrophobia is the fear of heights. When at altitude, a person suffering from acrophobia experiences nausea and dizziness.

We are already accustomed to glass panoramic walls, but what if there is a glass floor?

What if this floor is at an altitude of 100 or 1000 meters?

The glass cube is located on the 88th floor of the Eureka Tower in Melbourne.

The observation deck “sticks out” from the high-rise building by 3 meters.

The deck is located 300 meters from ground level.

Skywalk platform observation deck in Sydney, Australia

An open-air observation deck at the Sydney TV Tower.

The outdoor observation deck is at an altitude of 268 meters, and at an altitude of 250 meters there is a closed observation deck with a regular floor.

Five Fingers observation deck in the Austrian Alps

The Five Fingers site is located above Lake Hallstatt in Austria.

Each of the “fingers” protrudes 4 meters above the abyss 400 meters deep.

All “fingers” have their own flavor.
there is a frame on the first finger so that visitors can take a photo portrait as a souvenir;
the second finger has a floor made of transparent glass so that visitors can literally “hang over the abyss”;
the third (central) finger is shorter than the others and is closed to visitors - this symbolizes the inaccessibility and freedom of the mountains;
at the fourth finger there is a hole in the floor through which you can observe the cliff below;
a free telescope is installed on the fifth finger.

Observation deck in Triassic Park, Austria

The coral-shaped observation deck is located in Triassic Park, Waidring, Tyrol.

The floor on the site is partially glass.

Tower Bridge in London, UK

The glass floor of the gallery at the top of Tower Bridge is 42 meters high, 11 meters long and almost 2 meters wide.

Visitors can watch the bridge being raised and see ships sailing along the Thames.

AlpspiX observation deck in Germany

The AlpspiX observation deck is located above the "Hell Valley" in the Bavarian Alps.

The platform consists of two crossed platforms. One of them is “pushed” into the abyss by 13 meters, and the other by 11 meters. The length of each platform is 24 meters and the width is 3 meters.

The floor, however, is not glass, but lattice, but still transparent, everything is visible.

Observation deck in national park Jasper,

Alberta, Canada

In Canada's Jasper National Park, located in Alberta, there is an observation deck called Glacier Skywalk.

It is located at an altitude of 280 meters above the Sunwapta Valley.

Observation deck on the TV tower in Calgary, Alberta Province, Canada

The observation deck is located on the television tower in Calgary.

Height above ground - 191 meters

Suspension bridge in Hunanpijang village, Hunan province, China

The bridge is located above the gorge at a height of 180 meters.

The bridge is constantly swaying in the wind!

Bridge on Tianmen Rock, Hunan Province, China

In Hunan Province, China, on the sheer cliff of Tianmen, 1430 meters high, it was built observation bridge from glass.

The length of the glass section is 60 meters, the width is about a meter

Tourists are given cloth galoshes to walk along the glass walkway, which is 2.5 inches thick.

There are also cantilever-type viewing platforms. There is glass under your feet, and under the glass there is an abyss.

Yunduan Bridge in Chongqing, China

The bridge is built on top of a steep cliff.

The length of the suspended platform is 26.68 meters, and the depth of the gorge under it reaches 718 meters. The structure was designed to withstand an earthquake of up to magnitude 8.

The Yunduan Bridge can accommodate up to 200 people at a time: the structure is designed for loads of up to 9 tons per square meter.

Glass corridor and observation deck in Shanghai, China

The glass corridor and observation deck are located in the Shanghai World Financial Center.

The floor is not solid, but consists of individual glass inserts. The height above the ground is 474 meters.

Observation deck on the Ostankino TV tower, Moscow, Russia

The observation deck of the Ostankino TV tower is located at an altitude of 337 meters.

Each of these elements is designed to support a weight of up to 10 tons.

Sky Trail Observation Deck over the Grand Canyon ( Grand Canyon Skywalk), USA

Skywalk Observation Deck is the world's first horseshoe-shaped cantilever glass bridge, soaring above the Grand Canyon at an altitude of about 1200 meters and at a distance of 21 meters from the edge of the abyss.

No cables or brackets limit the 720° view. The 10 cm thick transparent floor of the bridge and its entire open glass structure make it possible to “take a step from the edge of the Grand Canyon” and take a bird's eye view of this amazing natural wonder.

The Skywalk bridge is 3 m wide, 42 m long, and the walls are 1.5 m high. Today, the Grand Canyon SkyWalk is the tallest building in the world and the first structure of its kind in the world, and the reinforcing bars holding the bridge are the largest in the world. Interestingly, no cranes were used during the construction of this engineering miracle.

"Infinity Room" over the abyss in the USA

The Infinity Room is located in Wisconsin.

The "endless" room has 3,264 windows and ends with a glass floor above the treetops.

Glass balcony in Chicago, Illinois, USA

The glass balcony is located on the 103rd floor of the Sears Tower in Chicago. In total, the skyscraper has 110 floors.

There are 4 glass balconies and each of them can withstand a load of 5 tons.

The height above the ground is 412 meters, the width of the balconies is 1.22 meters.

Observation deck “Step into the Void” in the French Alps

Observation deck "Step Into the Void". located at the top of the Aiguille du Midi mountain in France

The glass room has five transparent sides, each of which consists of three heavy-duty glass layers.

And under your feet - 1035 meters of alpine air and glaciers, ahead - a magnificent view of the French, Swiss and Italian Alps.

Recently in China there has appeared new trend– construction of glass bridges and platforms. These creepy places attract thousands of tourists who want to tickle their nerves.

Just imagine, all-round views of the picturesque landscape open under your feet. It seems as if you are floating above the ground. However, few will feel such euphoria.

A transparent bridge over an abyss or a glass platform will cause panic attacks in impressionable people. And although the Chinese consider walking in such places the best cure against acrophobia, experts still recommend refraining from such radical methods of combating the disease. Here, an obsessive fear of heights can develop into an insurmountable panic attack and provoke heart problems.

Do you not suffer from acrophobia and does the transparent bridge over the abyss not cause you fear? Don't flatter yourself! You never know how the brain will react in a given situation. The instinct of self-preservation is very strong, and your eyes see danger. In the photo you can see how people get on all fours, press themselves against the rock, and some are even afraid to walk, so they are dragged by their legs or arms.

However, if you are a fearless adventure seeker looking for new experiences, the transparent bridge in China is exactly what you need. This type of entertainment is much safer than high-speed racing and skydiving. No risk. But there are a lot of impressions!

3 glass bridges over the cliff of the sheer Tianmen Mountain

The first glass bridge was built here in the fall of 2011. The thickness of the glass is only 6 cm. The second one opened to visitors in May 2016. For particularly daring tourists, bungee jumping into the abyss is offered.

The third transparent bridge on Tianmen Mountain, called “Writhing Dragon,” was built in 2017. The height above the abyss is 1500 meters! The glass path leads to the top of the mountain, meandering around the hill and offering tourists breathtaking views.

Is the transparent bridge in China cracked or not?

Just recently, news spread all over the world that a transparent bridge in China was cracking. One fine day, a crunch of glass was heard under the feet of frightened tourists, and many cracks formed. Videos of the incident immediately appeared online. In fact, the attraction's management planned a similar show.

Special panels were built into the glass bridge, which created a “crackling” effect. Many visitors condemned the park management for this. And rightly so! This should be warned in advance. After all, severe fear can cause a heart attack!

The longest glass bridge in the world made in China

In 1.5 years, the longest transparent bridge in the world was erected over two cliffs in Hebei province, which was included in the Book of Records. A transparent bridge 488 meters long hung over the abyss at an altitude of 250 meters (approximately the level of the 66th floor of the building).

Not only is the glass only 4 cm thick, but this bridge is also slightly wobbly! It should be said that the structure has been tested for strength and meets all safety standards, but the realization that only a few centimeters of glass separates you from the abyss will provide a decent adrenaline rush.

Glass bridge demonstration test

Glass observation decks in China

Not far from Beijing, in the Shilin stone forest, at an altitude of 400 meters, there is an observation deck with a transparent bottom. Another glass platform, Yunduan, opened in 2015 at an altitude of 750 meters above the ground.

At one of the creepiest observation decks in China.

Modern people, accustomed to a comfortable and measured life, apparently really lack adrenaline. Even watching horror movies and going to roller coasters don't help. Otherwise how can we understand the fact that everything more tourists Are you ready to fly to distant lands to visit the most terrible observation decks in the world? But just the sight of these structures “hovering” over the abyss should, in theory, discourage anyone from visiting them.


Arc-shaped corridor in the USA

Observation deck Grand Canyon Skywalk is located in Arizona (USA). It is an arched corridor that, like a balcony, hangs over the abyss. The floor and walls of this site are transparent, and if you know that you are at an altitude of 1 km 219 meters, it becomes especially creepy. But if you're not afraid of heights, you can enjoy the stunning view of the Grand Canyon, which, by the way, is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO, and the Colorado River flowing somewhere far below.

The sky walk is not for the faint of heart.

The Skywalk site was opened 11 years ago, and over the years its popularity has only grown. Particularly anxious visitors are reassured by the fact that the thickness of the glass floor is 10 cm, and this unique structure can withstand eight times more than that the load it usually experiences is almost 5 tons per square meter.

Bridge in Engelberg

Bridge over mountain peaks.

Pedestrian bridge on ski resort Engelberg (Switzerland) is considered the highest in the world. At the beginning of the last century, it was opened here cable car, and the only way to travel was by cable cars. Now you can walk over the snow-covered mountain abyss on foot - along a narrow (less than a meter wide) bridge, which, by the way, also swings.

Scary, but beautiful.

The entire path takes 150 meters, and if you don’t think about the fact that you are at an altitude of 500 meters, you can try to pull yourself together and take pictures of the gorgeous views of the Alps along the way.

Observation deck at Alspitze

Two arcs suspended in the sky.

The Alpspitze observation deck (Germany), opened 8 years ago, consists of two crossed arched balconies-bridges protruding 13 meters above the two-kilometer abyss. From here they open beautiful views you can look at the mountains and remote villages, and at the thick clouds you can look not from the bottom up, but from the top down.

For the sake of such beauty it is worth overcoming fear

Many visitors notice that when they step on the grated floor, the structure vibrates slightly and becomes very eerie. And here a piercing wind very often blows, and at such moments it seems that you are just going to be blown away.

"Trail of Terror" and "Bridge of Terror"

This observation deck is recognized as the scariest in the world.

The Glass Sky Trail, like a long balcony attached to Tianmen Mountain in China's Hunan province, is just one of several similar viewing platforms in the Middle Kingdom, but it is usually the one that causes the most horror among travelers. And although its length is only 60 meters, the 1.5-kilometer abyss under the glass floor involuntarily forces especially impressionable tourists to literally “walk along the wall.” And the fact that you are walking along a sheer wall makes it seem like you are a real climber, and this makes the path even more exciting.

Above the abyss you involuntarily press yourself against the wall.

Not far from this observation deck there is another “trail of fear”, which is a very long and transparent suspension bridge. It is located at an altitude of 180 meters, but is considered the most terrible and longest (300 meters) of all such bridges in the world.

The world's longest bridge of fear.

This path is also creepy, although incredibly beautiful, but the structure itself is much wider and more impressive than the “path” on the rock. However, before this bridge was wooden and even then there were daredevils to walk across it.

"Sky Bridge" Langkawi

From this creepy bridge you can see all the beauty of Malaysia.

Malaysia also has a scary observation deck - this is an arched bridge built 10 km from Langkawi airport. The structure connects two mountains, and its only support is a metal pylon in the center. To get to the bridge, you first need to ride one of the funiculars that start from the local village, and then climb to the southern end of the bridge by an inclined elevator or on foot along the path.

Even in this paradise planets can tickle your nerves.

To make walking along this long corridor more scary and at the same time more interesting, there are transparent “windows” under your feet every now and then. And at both ends of the bridge there are triangular viewing platforms from which the beauty of Malaysia opens up in full view.

Several glass pedestrian bridges have been built, arousing great interest among tourists and local residents. They give a delightful sensation when crossing over an abyss and allow the pedestrian to test his courage and bravery.

Glass bridges are a national hobby of the Chinese. Nowhere in the world are there so many such structures as in China. They are very popular, and their number increases exponentially every year.

Today these bridges are trending in China. Their construction is inexpensive, and the effect of the influx of tourists quickly pays for the investment. No less in demand here glass paths over steep cliffs and observation decks with glass floors.

Glass bridges

1) . It is located at an altitude of about 300 m, has a length of more than 400 m and can simultaneously support up to eight hundred people.

The glass covering of the lower part of the structure was subjected to a huge number of safety tests for pedestrians, incl. for resistance to high and low ambient temperatures, their sudden changes, strong winds, etc.

Because of the glass floor, the bridge looks invisible, and pedestrians have the feeling that they are walking on air, floating in the clouds. But such a trip is not possible for children and people suffering from actophobia - fear of heights. They may have a nervous attack.

2) The second bridge in Hunan Province can be found in Zhangjiajie Park. It is called the Bridge of the Brave. It is about 300 m long and hangs between two hills at an altitude of about 180 m.

Previously, the bridge was made of wood, but gradually the interest of tourists and vacationers in the park began to fade away, and it was decided modern solution: make it out of glass. First, we conducted an experiment: we covered a small part with glass.

Visitors to the park liked to walk high above the ground in the clouds, then it was decided to make this entire pedestrian walking bridge glass. Since then it has enjoyed deafening popularity.

Experts are confident that a 6 cm thick glass floor is completely safe and you can jump on it. But few people dare to take such actions. The vast majority of pedestrians move across the bridge with their eyes closed or crawling.

3) "Cracking" glass bridge in China near Mount Taihan Shan is located at an altitude of almost 1,200 meters. In fact, the appearance of “cracks” is an attraction or a special effect, a way to once again test pedestrians’ courage.

It is important to note that such a special effect can simply cause a myocardial infarction for an unprepared pedestrian. Local authorities believe that this is just a playful “provocation”, but continue to be criticized among the population.

But in 2015, the special effect glass actually began to crack, so it was removed and repaired. But after the renovation, they installed “cracked” glass, explaining this by the great popularity of the attraction among spectators.

4) A new glass bridge has appeared in southern China, only the most courageous and reckless people will be able to walk along it. He walks around sheer cliff at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters, called “Writhing Dragon” and leads to Tianmen Mountain.

The length of the bridge is more than 100 meters, it is narrow - about 1.5 meters. Walking along it, pedestrians see pictures of the surrounding nature. extraordinary beauty: the valley below and the mountains floating past the clouds.

Glass observation decks and trails

1) Near Beijing there is the famous Shilin Forest. This forest has a platform with a glass floor. It has an area of ​​more than 400 km. m, a height of more than 400 m and gives an excellent overview of Shilin: huge stones mixed with trees.

2) In the south of China, a path more than 250 m long was opened in the mountains in 2015. It is located on the steep side of the mountain, and in order to walk along it, considerable courage is required, which the Chinese love to demonstrate.

3) The Yunduan glass observation deck is located at an altitude of more than 700 m. It was opened in the summer of 2015, extends far into the abyss from mountain rock, to which it is attached, and offers viewers a magnificent view from above.



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