Coastal countries - successful development. Coastal countries of the world Countries of the world by geographical location continental

The geographical location of the country has always influenced its development, not only economically, but also in general. If we remember the past and pay attention to which states played the most significant role in the development of mankind, then we can notice a certain pattern. These have always been coastal countries. Examples include Phenicia and Ancient Greece, Spain and Portugal, England and France and many others.

Access to the sea and the proximity of world trade routes at certain stages of history brought fundamental changes to the fate of many states. This can be clearly seen in the example of medieval Europe. Maritime countries The Mediterranean, led by Venice, quickly fell into decline after the Turks blocked their access to India. The Atlantic states, taking advantage of their coastal position, were able to quickly rise - first Spain and Portugal did this, and then Holland and France. In a stubborn three-century struggle with them, England was able to win and also turned into a powerful naval power.

The coastal countries of the world, fighting for dominance in the sea, not only made great geographical discoveries of new lands, but also laid out new trade sea routes.

Maritime states of Europe today

Europe was made the center of world civilization by countries located on the coast Mediterranean Sea. States with access to the Atlantic Ocean brought glory to Europe with their Great Geographical Discoveries. The coastal countries in this region continue to play leading roles today.

Most of European countries It has maritime boundaries and is located close to busy sea roads. And this is very important in our time for successful economic development, because the bulk of all transported goods in the world (statistics say that this is almost 90 percent) is transported by sea.

The life of many European powers has always been connected with the sea. Coastal countries such as Great Britain, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark have always been successful in fishing. Some small states are trying to expand their territory at the expense of coastal areas of the seas. The Netherlands was especially successful in this; over several centuries, almost a third of their territory was reclaimed from the sea.

The seaside location is advantageous

The entire history of mankind confirms the old truth that the key to the prosperity of nations is dominance at sea. Enough to remember Ancient Rome, Genoa, Holland, England. Many coastal countries in Asia also serve as proof of this. This applies not only to the past, but also to the present. All the richest countries in the world are washed by the waters of seas and oceans: the USA, Germany, Sweden, Japan, China and many others.

"CIS Banks" - Penetration of CIS banking systems. Rice. 2. Ratio of bank loans to GDP in the CIS countries, %. Thus, the Russian VTB has subsidiaries in six CIS countries. Rice. 1. Dynamics of assets of banks in the CIS countries. The crisis gave impetus to banking reforms in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Growth potential is still high, but...

“Countries of Independent States” - Area - 86.6 thousand square meters. km. What did the charter say? National Flag of Kazakhstan. Coast of Azerbaijan. How many cities have a population of more than one million people? Coat of arms of Azerbaijan. Numerous mountain ranges Small Caucasian ridge. National Emblem Kazakhstan. Armenia is a member of the UN, CIS.

“Cooperation in the CIS” - Republic of Armenia Enterprise Incubator Foundation. Subprogram “Potential” Mobilization and development of scientific and technological potential. National government customers of the Program. The purpose of the NCT. Republic of Belarus State Committee on Science and Technology. Republic of Kazakhstan JSC National Innovation Fund.

“Commonwealth of CIS States” - The Assembly was established as a consultative institution to discuss issues and consider draft documents of mutual interest. Russian Federation. Governing bodies of the CIS. Council of Heads of Government. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Council of Foreign Ministers. Ukraine. Symbols of the CIS. The Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth at its meetings makes decisions regarding:

“CIS countries” - Baikal - 31.5 thousand sq. km. With the declaration of independence, the authorities of Turkmenistan carried out a massive campaign of renaming and “Turkmenization” of names settlements. Yerevan is the capital of Armenia. In Russian transcription until 1936 - “Erivan”. Issyk-Kul - 6.2 thousand sq. km. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine, a hero city. Having ceased to be one whole, we remained neighbors.

“Cooperation of countries” - What is the CIS? Remember Olympic Games. To form a meaningful attitude towards intercultural and interethnic problems of modern society. Composition of the CIS. Which CIS countries border Russia? Goals and objectives of a single lesson. Aliyev Ilham Heydarovich. Sargsyan Serzh Azatovich. Coat of arms and flag. Republic of Kyrgyzstan.


Table 2. Classification of countries by geography.

Table 3. Inland countries (without access to the Ocean)

Foreign Europe Foreign Asia Africa
1. Andorra 1. Afghanistan 1. Botswana
2. Austria 2. Butane 2. Burkina Faso
3. Hungary 3. Laos 3. Burundi
4. Luxembourg 4. Mongolia 4. Zambia
5. Liechtenstein 5. Nepal 5. Zimbabwe
6. Macedonia 6. Lesotho
7. Slovenia CIS 7. Malawi
8. Czech Republic 8. Mali
9. Slovakia 1. Moldova * 9. Niger
10. Switzerland 2. Armenia 10. Rwanda
3. Kazakhstan 11. Swaziland
America 4. Uzbekistan 12. Uganda
5. Kyrgyzstan 13. Central African Republic
1. Bolivia 6. Tajikistan 14. Chad
2. Paraguay 7. Turkmenistan 15. Ethiopia
* Moldova has a small section of coast (less than 500 m) at the mouth of the Danube, near the village of Giurgiulesti. At the end of 1996, it began building a commercial port there. But for this you need at least another 4.5 - 5 km coastline on the Danube. Moldova has been unsuccessfully asking Ukraine to cede such a site to it for several years.

The geographical location of a country has a significant impact on the level of its economic development. Most inland non-European countries lag behind in their economic development, because lack of access to the sea makes it difficult for them to carry out foreign economic activities.

Countries can also be classified by area, population and other indicators.

Table 4. Seven largest countries world (area more than 3 million km 2)

Tasks and tests on the topic "Classification of countries by geography"

  • Countries of the world - Population of the Earth 7th grade

    Lessons: 6 Tasks: 9

  • Age of Discovery

    Lessons: 8 Assignments: 10 Tests: 2

  • Geographical knowledge in ancient Europe - Development of geographical knowledge about the Earth 5th grade

    Lessons: 2 Assignments: 6 Tests: 1

  • Modern geographical research - Development of geographical knowledge about the Earth 5th grade

    Lessons: 7 Assignments: 7 Tests: 1

  • Geographical coordinates - Images of the earth's surface and their use, grade 5

    Lessons: 6 Assignments: 8 Tests: 1

Leading ideas: the level of economic and social development of a country is largely determined by its geographical location and history of development; the diversity of the modern political map of the world - a system that is in constant development and the elements of which are interconnected.

Basic concepts: Territory and border of the state, economic zone, sovereign state, dependent territories, republic (presidential and parliamentary), monarchy (absolute, including theocratic, constitutional), federal and unitary state, confederation, gross domestic product (GDP), human index development (HDI), developed countries, G7 Western countries, developing countries, NIS countries, key countries, oil-exporting countries, least developed countries; political geography, geopolitics, GGP of the country (region), UN, NATO, EU, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, Asia-Pacific, OPEC.

Skills and abilities: Be able to classify countries according to various criteria, give brief description groups and subgroups of countries modern world, assess the political and geographical position of countries according to plan, identify positive and negative features, note changes in GWP over time, use the most important economic and social indicators to characterize (GDP, GDP per capita, human development index, etc.) the country. Identify major changes in political map world, explain the causes and predict the consequences of such changes.


Table 2. Classification of countries by geography.

Table 3. Inland countries (without access to the Ocean)

Foreign Europe Foreign Asia Africa
1. Andorra 1. Afghanistan 1. Botswana
2. Austria 2. Butane 2. Burkina Faso
3. Hungary 3. Laos 3. Burundi
4. Luxembourg 4. Mongolia 4. Zambia
5. Liechtenstein 5. Nepal 5. Zimbabwe
6. Macedonia 6. Lesotho
7. Slovenia CIS 7. Malawi
8. Czech Republic 8. Mali
9. Slovakia 1. Moldova * 9. Niger
10. Switzerland 2. Armenia 10. Rwanda
3. Kazakhstan 11. Swaziland
America 4. Uzbekistan 12. Uganda
5. Kyrgyzstan 13. Central African Republic
1. Bolivia 6. Tajikistan 14. Chad
2. Paraguay 7. Turkmenistan 15. Ethiopia
* Moldova has a small section of coast (less than 500 m) at the mouth of the Danube, near the village of Giurgiulesti. At the end of 1996, it began building a commercial port there. But this requires at least another 4.5 - 5 km of coastline on the Danube. Moldova has been unsuccessfully asking Ukraine to cede such a site to it for several years.

The geographical location of a country has a significant impact on the level of its economic development. Most intracontinental non-European countries lag behind in their economic development, because... lack of access to the sea makes it difficult for them to carry out foreign economic activities.

Countries can also be classified by area, population and other indicators.

Table 4. Seven largest countries in the world (area more than 3 million km 2)

Tasks and tests on the topic "Classification of countries by geography"

  • Countries of the world - Population of the Earth 7th grade

    Lessons: 6 Tasks: 9

  • Age of Discovery

    Lessons: 8 Assignments: 10 Tests: 2

  • Geographical knowledge in ancient Europe - Development of geographical knowledge about the Earth 5th grade

    Lessons: 2 Assignments: 6 Tests: 1

  • Modern geographical research - Development of geographical knowledge about the Earth 5th grade

    Lessons: 7 Assignments: 7 Tests: 1

  • Geographical coordinates - Images of the earth's surface and their use, grade 5

    Lessons: 6 Assignments: 8 Tests: 1

Leading ideas: the level of economic and social development of a country is largely determined by its geographical location and history of development; the diversity of the modern political map of the world - a system that is in constant development and the elements of which are interconnected.

Basic concepts: Territory and border of the state, economic zone, sovereign state, dependent territories, republic (presidential and parliamentary), monarchy (absolute, including theocratic, constitutional), federal and unitary state, confederation, gross domestic product (GDP), human index development (HDI), developed countries, G7 Western countries, developing countries, NIS countries, key countries, oil-exporting countries, least developed countries; political geography, geopolitics, GGP of the country (region), UN, NATO, EU, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, Asia-Pacific, OPEC.

Skills and abilities: Be able to classify countries according to various criteria, give a brief description of groups and subgroups of countries in the modern world, assess the political and geographical position of countries according to plan, identify positive and negative features, note changes in GWP over time, use the most important economic and social indicators for characterization (GDP, GDP per capita, human development index, etc.) of the country. Identify the most important changes on the political map of the world, explain the reasons and predict the consequences of such changes.


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