School essay. the place where I live. Essay description: My city where I live Why I love the place where I live

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Home, every person living on planet Earth understands this word in their own way. For one, home is a cozy apartment, for another it is a favorite city, and for others, the whole country is their home. First of all, it seems to me that a home is a place in which a person feels safe, calm and comfortable. A home is a place where a family lives, small or large, where children's voices are heard. Friends gather in the house to celebrate a birthday or some holiday cheerfully and noisily.

The house in which I live is very beautiful and bright, it is calm and there is a special indescribable atmosphere around. The walls in my parents’ bedroom are decorated with photographs of my sister and I running around a green meadow as toddlers and going to first grade. In the kitchen and in the hall, everything is buried in flowers, they are everywhere, on the window sills and on stands along the walls and floating in the air, holding on to thin ropes, creating an atmosphere of calm and comfort. I love my home very much. I have my own room in the house, where I spend a lot of time. I do homework, play games on the computer, spend time with friends. Hangs on the wall of my room large map globe, and on the shelves of the closet there are models of military aircraft in even, orderly rows. And from the windows of my room you can see small lake, in which my sister and I swim in the summer. There are a lot of books in my sister's room; she loves to read. Entering her room, you find yourself as if in another world, a world of fairy tales and adventures.

My sister and I love to receive guests in our wonderful home. This is a whole holiday for us. My parents cover a huge table with a snow-white tablecloth, standing in the middle of the brightest and most spacious room in our house, and, like in a fairy tale, sweets appear on the tablecloth and a samovar in the center of the table. The guests gather in the late afternoon. The father lights a fire in the fireplace and everyone admires the flames and drinks tea, listening to the crackling of burning logs.

In the summer, our whole family goes on vacation to the sea. We love to soak up the gentle sun on the golden sand, splash in the emerald-colored waves, run along the beach with a ball, or just sit on the shore admiring the stunning sunset when the tired sun lazily sinks below the horizon. A holiday at sea is a wonderful time, but closer to departure I remember my home, and sadness about home comes more and more often.

I always return home with great desire: after a holiday at sea, lessons at school or an evening walk through the narrow streets of the village. In winter, my house will warm me when it’s frosty outside, and in summer it welcomes me with the welcome coolness of its rooms. When I go to bed, the house seems to rock me like a ship on the waves, and when I fall asleep, I float away on the warm waves of sleep.

I want to believe that everyone who has their own home is in a good mood and is truly happy. In your home you can hide from troubles, be alone with your thoughts, or spend an unforgettable evening with your family.

My home is a place where they are always waiting for me, where they will support me in difficult times and rejoice with me at the good news. Home is a place of boundless love and kindness.

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My home plays an important role for me! Home for me is not just my home, it is my homeland, Russia, my village, my street, where I grew up. Wherever I am - visiting, at school, abroad - sooner or later I am drawn home, to my village, to my friends.

I live in a small village called “Mirny”. It is located 54 km from Moscow. It has existed for a long time, and therefore the houses here are wooden, low, with small windows. It’s so nice to see them, to return here after visiting big cities, including Moscow. In my village there is a large playground. The guys and I like to play football there and ride on the swings. We also have three wonderful ponds. It’s always very fun and noisy around them: adults and children swim in the summer, and play hockey in the winter. There is a forest nearby, so the air here is light and fresh. The village is surrounded by three gardening partnerships.

I like my home. It was built by my great-grandfather. He put all his strength and skills into it. More than one generation of relatives can live in the house because it is large: three bedrooms, a large living room, kitchen, bathroom and hallway. My family lives here: dad, mom, sister, grandmother. They will always help in difficult times. The house is warm and cozy, noisy and fun.

In the living room there is a TV, an armchair, a sofa, a table, and many toys. In the evening, my family and I sit in this spacious room and watch TV, discuss TV shows, news, films. My little sister never lets anyone get bored: she dances, sings, jumps, runs, and draws on the wallpaper. Despite the fact that she often behaves badly and noisily, we all love her very much.

I like to be at home, invite friends or just sit in a room, because within these walls you can always find understanding and love from family.

A person always needs a home! After all, he cannot live without him. When there is bad weather outside, rain, snow, or we are tired from shopping, we often say “I wish I could come home soon.”


Unlike most of my classmates, I live in a private house. It is located at the end of a small quiet street, close to the school.

I really like my house. It's beautiful and cozy. It has four living rooms and a kitchen, and each room has its own special atmosphere. The living room is elegant and cheerful, the spirit of celebration and fun reigns in it. Furniture, curtains, wallpaper, paintings and trinkets - everything in this room is bright. It's good to gather with friends, chat, and play here.

In my and my parents’ bedrooms, everything is conducive to relaxation: muted tones, soft light from sconces and floor lamps, warm blankets and fluffy rugs. The window sills are decorated with flowers and collections of boats.

The most business place in the house is the office. Our library is stored in it on shelves and shelves, and on a large desk there is a computer - a faithful assistant in my school and father’s work affairs.


I live with my parents. It would be unfair to describe my house, since I don’t have one yet, but our house does. My grandmother and my younger sister still live with us. We live in a private house. It is not very big, but not small either. There's enough room for all of us. My grandmother and I have our own rooms, and my sister is still very little, so she lives with her parents in the same room. Is there some more Big hall, where we most often receive guests.

I really like our house. It is cozy and spacious. There is a lot of light and warmth in it. We always decorate it for the holidays. My house is cheerful and filled with children's laughter. On one side of the house there is a garden. Apple and pear trees grow there. And on the other side of my mother’s flower bed. With the onset of spring, all the flowers bloom in different colors and smell. That's very beautiful. Our yard is cemented. But I want when I have my own house, there will be grass in the yard and I can run out barefoot in the warm summer. The outside of our house is tiled. This makes it look even more colorful and fun.

But still I often dream about my home. What will he be like? What will happen around. I really want it to have an upper room right next to the roof. I've always dreamed of something like this, but I don't have one. That's why I want a room like this for my child. The ceiling in it will be like the sky - blue with white clouds, and at night the stars will shine. The steps in the house will be wooden, and the ceilings will be white with many light bulbs around the perimeter. It will also have large, large windows to make the house very bright. Immediately upon entering the house there is a living room with a huge table to accommodate all the relatives. The kitchen will be spacious and, as it were, divided by a bar counter into two parts: a work area and for eating. There is green grass, various flowers and many trees around the house. A swing will also be a must-have attribute in the yard. This is my dream house.


Planet Earth is huge. This is our house. Seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, mountains and plains, deserts and tropics. High sky with clouds bright sun, warm, gentle or sharp, cold wind. And different interesting countries, a lot of them. They contain wonderful people, unusual traditions, new friends. We watch TV, read books about travel and countries, we ourselves visit new wonderful places where people live in a variety of houses: small and large, high and low, strict and cozy, standard and unusual.

I want to tell you about our house. The house where I and my family live. Our nine-story house is located in a remote area of ​​the city, but this did not stop us from settling here with very good, different and interesting people who, over the many years of living side by side, managed to become friends and become necessary to each other.

Everyone turns to the neighbor across the street - nurse Aunt Olya - for medicine, advice and help. Early in the morning or late in the evening - she never refuses anyone. Uncle Sasha from our site is a permanent master builder who helps not only with advice, but also with deeds - practical assistance in the endless repair work of neighbors. We constantly turn to the shoemaker Uncle Kostya in the most seemingly hopeless situations. We go to Aunt Marina from the second entrance when a holiday is approaching and we urgently need to sew a dress or suit. And almost all the neighboring boys and girls come to our apartment to solve the problem correctly and check the essay, because my sister and I are good students. Or write an essay - after all, we have a twelve-volume children's encyclopedia, where you can find many necessary and interesting information in all school subjects. In spring and autumn, we go out with the whole entrance to clean-up days - to dig up and whitewash trees, collect fallen leaves. Both adults and children work merrily and with pleasure.

Our home is also our small, but noisy and cheerful apartment. These are my parents, who with their friends drink tea in the kitchen and discuss news in the world, politics, prices, work and their children until late at night. This is me and my friends, having fun carefree during numerous holidays and birthdays. This is our grandmother, who remembers in every detail what happened fifty years ago, but forgets who came to visit yesterday, convinces her granddaughters to wear longer dresses. Grandmother sings us forgotten songs and tells us ancient, incredibly wonderful fairy tales. It is around our grandmother that we and our relatives all gather together during family celebrations, draw up a family tree and exchange old photographs. We are always there, especially in difficult times - then friends and family come without an invitation and always with the help that is especially needed.

Every person needs a home, no matter how big or small it is. A house that has a strong roof and walls, comfort and tranquility. A home where you can hide from bad weather and life’s hardships, a home where you are loved, waited for and will always come to your aid. Everyone should have such a home, and it is within our power to make our own home friendly, cozy and calm, or cheerful, restless and noisy.

On the day of the Holy Trinity, May 27, 1703, Peter founded a fortress on the island, which the Swedes called Merry, and the Finns called Hare. This day is considered the birthday of St. Petersburg. New fortress did not immediately acquire a name. There was no time to think about this - the Swedes could attack. The Emperor consulted with military engineer Joseph Lambertin and drew up a plan. The general design of the fortress corresponded to the shores of Hare Island - an elongated hexagon. The builders of the fortress were recruited from peasants, soldiers and captured Swedes.

The nights were white, and by order of Menshikov, the builders were woken up at four o'clock in the morning by cannon shots. The work turned out to be backbreaking. But a month later, on June 29, on the day of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, the completion of the earthen buildings was solemnly celebrated. On one of the bastions, in special wooden chambers, all working people were treated. On this day, a cathedral was laid inside the fortress, which was called Peter and Paul Cathedral.

WITH Peter and Paul Fortress The construction of the future city began, to which Peter attached great importance and figuratively called paradise. And the king’s heavenly patron, the Apostle Peter, is traditionally considered the keeper of the keys to heaven. This is how the city on the Neva – St. Petersburg – got its name. About 6 million people live in modern St. Petersburg. B summer time the population increases significantly due to tourists who come from different countries. northern capital Several times over the 300 years of its existence it changed its name: St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad. Since 1991, its historical name has been returned. St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia for 206 years: from 1710 to 1918.

Peter really wanted new town was similar to the famous Amsterdam, the capital of Holland, where people did not travel in carriages, but sailed in boats. St. Petersburg was immediately built up according to the tsar’s unified plan, as if by the shot of a cannon. And the king loved everything regular and direct. He drew three straight lines on the map, like rays converging towards the Neva, and called them prospects. These main streets, like wings, stretched towards the river. One prospect later became Nevsky Prospekt. He also divided Vasilyevsky Island with straight lines, like arrows. Amsterdam did not work out from St. Petersburg, even Grand Canal on Vasilyevsky Island After the death of the king, they filled it up and made it into a Grand Avenue. But visitors are still surprised by the straight streets in the city center. 13 European cities the historical center usually consists of crooked streets, like illegible handwriting.

Even today monuments are erected in St. Petersburg, and unusual ones at that. For example, a cast-iron street cat climbed onto the cornice of the second floor like a thief. He is quite small, but very charming. The sculptors placed the kind dog Gavryusha in the courtyard of the house. And so that everyone would know that Gavryusha, although made of metal, is still the kindest dog in the world, a Dream Box was hung above him on the wall of the house. Anyone can describe a dream and put a note in the crack of the box.

Each of us has our own native place, where you can gain strength for new achievements, where you can take a break from working days, where you are valued, loved and always welcome. No matter how far away the country we are in, we always want to return home, to our Motherland, where our life began, where our most precious and memorable moments remained.

I was born in a beautiful country called Russia. I can safely call myself a patriot, because I love my country very much. For me it the best place on earth, because this is where my relatives live, my parents who gave me life, I grow and live here. Russia is great country, where endless possibilities are presented. I have a hard time understanding those people who are so eager to leave here, as if everything will be much better in another country. Why do they travel outside the country if we have everything to implement our plans? career growth and a successful future? There are many beautiful cities in Russia, such as St. Petersburg, fascinating villages and villages, but the most important city in the country is Moscow.

When we go on vacation with my family, I really miss my native streets, I always remember the places where I walked with friends, the green parks that delight with their landscapes. Far from home, you begin to understand how dear your home country is to your heart. It’s so good to come home and feel cozy and warm.

What does Motherland mean? Everyone has their own definition of this word. For some, this is the country where you were born, for others, this is a city or village, where family and closest friends live, where they spent their childhood and the most unique moments associated with it. This is an irreplaceable and the best place on Earth for each of us.

What is the beginning of the Motherland? Everyone will answer this question differently, since everyone has their own, unique answer. I was born and growing up in the best country in the world, which is called Russia. I can call myself a patriot because I adore my country. There is no better place for me than my home, where my family lives, my parents, thanks to whom I live in the world. Russia is a country that opens up for you great amount opportunities. I don’t quite understand those who are so eager to travel outside the country, as if life there would be much better.

Our country has beautiful nature with huge forests and fields, beautiful architecture, monuments, history. Even visiting tourists admire the beauty of Russian nature, so we need to take care of everything that surrounds us. The lands of Russia are rich in all kinds of minerals, so many resources are mined here. The people of Russia are very hospitable, and in addition, we are always ready to help anyone in difficult times. Also, our country is a country where many nations and nationalities live. And how many holidays and traditions our people have! Thousands. A National cuisine? What a variety of aromatic and tasty dishes are presented. Our cuisine simply cannot be compared with any other cuisine in the world.

I am truly proud of my country, of our people, of traditions and customs. We are an invincible country, we are strong in spirit and always ready to help in difficult times. We must appreciate and protect our Motherland, be proud that we were born and live in this country. After all, my homeland is the place where I live.

I live in a large and spacious private house. We have our own yard, which my mom, dad and I equipped according to our wishes. But despite this, I am always interested in going out and meeting my friends.

It so happened historically that in every house on our street there are children, also my peers. Therefore, when we all go out together, there are about 20 of us. Imagine how much fun we have. We don't have to be bored.

Our street is long and not very wide and it can offer us a lot of entertainment. On one side there is an unfinished and abandoned building. It has a roof and walls. We equipped this building as our headquarters, surrounded it with a fence, and put things in order inside. Each of the guys brought something interesting from home. I was able to take the telescope. We installed it in convenient location, and every evening we look at the starry sky.

Our dads helped us build a large wooden table, at which we often have tea. The abandoned building is overgrown on all sides with large and powerful trees, so they protect us from the wind and extreme heat.

There is also a big one on our street playground. Recently, the mayor of our city came and opened it, cutting the red ribbon. Oh, how happy we were all. On new site There are slides, swings, and various spinning wheels on which we can ride until we get dizzy.

Walking a little further along the street, we can see a large green area. This is a garden with fruit trees. The guys and I decided that we would look after him. And he, in gratitude, brings us magnificent fruits - sweet and juicy pears, apples and plums. There are several trees with peaches. There are many bushes with grapes in the garden. So, this outdoor garden feeds us vitamins and tasty treats every year.

How I love my street, where so many people live good people and my true friends.

I live in the city in beautiful city. My city is not very big. About 450 thousand people live in it.

We have clean city. It is most beautiful in summer in clear weather. There are many universities and technical schools in our city. People come to study with us not only from all over the republic, but also from other countries. We have many monuments. For example, Lenin and Chapaev.

We also have museums. In them you can learn the history of our republic. Exhibitions from other cities also come. Recently the Kunstkamera came from St. Petersburg.

IN last years New playgrounds were installed in the courtyards. They also built many new hospitals.

My city stands on the banks of the Volga River. And in the summer, townspeople love to swim in it and sunbathe on its shore. There are several beaches on the Volga where people relax. In summer there is a ferry to the other side. And you can go on it to the other side.

It's beautiful in winter too. You can go sledding. There are ski resorts in different areas. And fans of this sport can have a lot of fun.

There are many churches in my city. There are several mosques. I have a calm, quiet city.

I really like it here.

My favorite city is Oktyabrsky.

Our city of Oktyabrsky is very beautiful and cozy, with wide streets, tall buildings, parks and squares. It is located on the right side of the IK River, on its bank, next to a small artificial lake.

The city has about one hundred and fourteen thousand inhabitants, at whose disposal are theaters, libraries with huge book collections of more than a million books, Children's and Youth Theater with many clubs and sections, a Sports Palace with gyms and a swimming pool, houses of culture and recreation, a stadium with seats for ten thousand spectators local history museum, winter sports centers. Nurseries and kindergartens are open for the city's children. Almost all children preschool age have the opportunity to visit special institutions. The city accepts students from twenty general secondary schools, several vocational colleges, two music schools, a music school and the general technical department of the Ufa Petroleum Institute.

We have big square. In its center there is a huge flower bed, where bright flowers bloom in the summer, and on New Year’s Day a city Christmas tree is installed here.

The city also has hotels, restaurants, cafes, and many different shops where you can always buy goods for every taste. Markets and frequently held fairs have become quite popular. It is interesting to visit Sabantui, where competitions are held in sack running, team tug-of-war, dangerous log climbing for valuable prizes, and others.

Now the city is very fabulous and beautiful. Autumn time painted the trees in bright yellow and red colors, so all the streets of the city where there are many trees became very bright and colorful.

I live in a wonderful city for me. When I came here, everything was interesting to me. At this time I lived in the village. But I told myself that when I grow up I will live in it. A year later we moved to the city. After class, I walked around the city, learning that I had brought in a lot of interesting things, and I decided to go around everything. I went to museums, theaters, cinemas, and we have enough of them in the parks.

On holidays there are beautiful fireworks. I really like watching them. There is also a square here, Eternal flame, in the summer I went to the beach, there are a lot of different people there. And in general there are a lot of things. I love my city very much.

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