Finland via the Saimaa Canal. Tour to Finland “Grand cruise along the Saimaa Canal. Along the emerald shores...

The Saimaa Canal (the map below will help the reader figure out its location) is between the Vyborg Bay (Russia) and Lake Saimaa (Finland). This building was opened in 1856. The total length was 57.3 km, of which Russia owned 34 km, and Finland - 23.3 km.

History of creation

First attempts to connect The Gulf of Finland and Lake Saimaa were undertaken back in 1500 and 1511 by the governor of Vyborg Erik Thureson Bjelke. The next attempt was made in 1600, at which time two excavations were made, but that was all. Already during the reign of Catherine the Great, a new plan was proposed - since it would connect Lake Saimaa with it, it was supposed to build a canal bypassing Imatra. However, the excessive costs that needed to be spent on this project caused the refusal to implement this plan. In 1826, at a meeting of the city courts of Karelia and Savolaks, it was decided to send a deputation of peasants to St. Petersburg to the emperor so that he would connect the lake region with the coastal cities. Having received and listened to the deputies, Nicholas the First ordered the necessary research to be carried out. However, no real funds were found, and therefore the construction of the canal was not started. The next time this issue was raised by the governor of Vyborg, August Ramsay, was in 1834. The progress of this matter was given by Senator L. F. Hartman (chief of the financial expedition) and Prince Menshikov. The city of Vyborg established a committee to draw up an estimate and plan for this project. A famous Swedish engineer was invited for initial research. As a result of his work, it turned out that the waters of the lake are 256 feet above sea level, and the cost of this structure will be three million rubles. The required amount was allocated in installments over fifteen years.

And so, in 1845, construction work began. In their process, Swedish engineer Nils Eriksson made some improvements to the canal plan. Initially, the head of this construction company was Baron Karl Rosenkampf, who received the nickname “Baron of the Canals”. However, in 1846 he died, and Major General Schernval was appointed in his place. All construction work was carried out at the expense of the Finnish treasury. The total cost was 12.4 million Finnish marks. The total length of the structure is 54.5 versts; twenty-eight granite sluices were erected on this section.

We built and built and finally built...

On August 26, 1856, the grand opening of this building took place. It was timed to coincide with the coronation of Emperor Alexander II. Finland was proud of the Saimaa Canal, which helped penetrate the desert regions of the country. The pristine beauty of nature gave it a special charm. Along the banks of the canal, memorial signs were installed with inscriptions in Swedish and Russian, which listed all the figures involved in the creation of this structure. The entire construction was carried out in a very original and bold manner, given that the difference in the levels of the connected waters made the flow in the canal extremely rapid.

The opening took place four years earlier than planned. Another feature of this project was the low cost of such a gigantic amount of work. The following factors played a role here: the honesty and stewardship of the Finnish managers, as well as the cheapness of labor, because prisoners were mainly involved here.

Channel value

The Saimaa Canal was of great importance for the development of this region. and Savolaksa was finally freed from the exclusive economic dependence of the remote harbors of Ladoga and the Gulf of Bothnia (its northern part). The benefits from the operation of this structure could be even greater if the project leaders were able to eliminate the selfish interference of the merchant lobby. Thus, out of fear of losing a monopoly in trade, they, through intrigue and other methods, ensured that the throughput of the gateways was limited. As a result, all ships traveling this route were required to have a hull width of no more than seven meters. Otherwise, all goods had to be reloaded in Vyborg onto ships that met these requirements. In this way, several merchant firms secured a monopoly on exports. And, as a result, the Saimaa Canal from Vyborg lost most of its importance for the development of this region. However, later, during the reconstruction of this structure, the width of the locks was significantly increased.

Lake Saimaa in pre-revolutionary Russian guidebooks

In 1870, a through passenger railway service was opened between St. Petersburg and Helsinki. This event made it accessible to the public most beautiful places southern Finland. The railway connection gave a new impetus to the development of the Karelian Isthmus and the entire surrounding area. Villages began to emerge here, resorts and sanatoriums were built, dirt roads were laid connecting various settlements and railway. The Saimaa Canal played a huge role in the new development of this region. Now he performed functions not only for the development of trade relations. Cruises to Finland, to Lake Saimaa and the Imatra Falls have become popular. Thus, these places began to appear in Russian literature, which describes the cultural monuments of this area. At the same time, literature appeared aimed at popularizing information about this region and promoting its attractions, as well as creating a new image. Special guidebooks were published describing the Saimaa Canal and its surroundings. Most of them contained information about travel routes, postal stations, ship and train schedules, information about hotels, how and where to hire horses, resorts and sanatoriums, and much more. All of the above indicates that before the revolution, information about this object as a significant landmark of Finland was very well known. Traveling along the Saimaa Canal was commonplace for outdoor enthusiasts.

Country life on the canal

The first dachas began to appear here during construction. Sections of the canal that were in official use were decorated with plantings, this served as an incentive for renting out land or for the construction of cottages. Besides beautiful nature, the popularity of holidays in this area was facilitated by good communications provided by river cruise ships passing along this waterway. And soon wealthy residents of Vyborg and St. Petersburg built up the coast of the canal to Lake Nuyamaa. In Rättijärvi there was the most luxurious dacha, owned by the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Von Giers. It was built by one of the engineers who participated in the construction of the canal. Most of the dachas stood out for their architecture; they were decorated with towers, balconies, carvings, and were surrounded by well-kept, extensive gardens with piers and gazebos. The names of the houses are as romantic as their appearance: “Runolinna”, “Rauhantaranta”, “Onnela”, “Iloranta”... The demand for real estate in this region was so high that it became profitable to build it for rent. The Saimaa Canal of that time was famous not only for its dachas, but also for its large estates. The most famous of them is the Lavola estate, it belonged to the Cheseff family and was located at the mouth of the property. The estates together with the dachas formed a very colorful ensemble; the atmosphere here was cheerful and international. River cruises, concerts, visits and outings enlivened the social scene, offering a variety of experiences for vacationers and earning opportunities for locals. However, after the revolution, dacha life fell into decline, and with it the Saimaa Canal. Tours along it were no longer of interest to Russian bohemia.

Anti-tank barrier

In the plans of the General Staff in the thirties of the last century, this water body was considered as a possible way to organize the supply of the army. According to the plans developed, it was planned to concentrate military operations on the Karelian Isthmus. And so, in 1939, during the period of urgent training, it was noted that the canal could end up in a combat zone. It presented a serious obstacle due to its deep riverbed. Therefore, it was decided to use it in anti-tank defense. As a result, quite large areas were flooded in the area of ​​lakes Kärstila Lyukulä and Ventela. total area flooded areas amounted to thirty-five square kilometers. In the period 1941-1944, the channel did not take part in hostilities.

Restoration of shipping

Due to the fact that the peace treaty established between the Soviet Union and Finland left the Vyborg Bay on the territory of the USSR, and the border divided the canal into two parts, it eventually ceased to function. In the post-war period, in order to resume shipping, it was necessary not only to reconstruct structures and dilapidated equipment, but also to reach a bilateral agreement on the use of this water body. This issue was first raised in 1948, but official interstate negotiations began only in 1954. According to the agreement reached, a group of Finnish engineers went to the Soviet Union to study the condition of this waterway. Experts came to the conclusion that the river canals on Soviet territory are quite suitable for restoring navigation through them. However, work in this direction began thirteen years later, after both parties finally came to a common decision on rental issues. In 1968, the reconstruction was completed. During this process, the throughput capabilities of the airlock chambers were significantly expanded.

Cruise - Saimaa Canal

Lappeenrante - resort town in Finland. What makes it attractive is Lake Seima, on the shore of which it is located, and the Saimaa Canal. A boat tour of these water bodies is the only thing that attracts tourists from Russia here. By the way, this is the only inland waterway in the Russian Federation on which ships of foreign companies can sail. Passenger ships on river cruises carry tourists from Russian Federation and Finland. Previously, according to the agreement of 1963, passengers arriving from Finland to our country had the right visa-free entry. However, with the republic’s accession to the Schengen Agreement, this agreement was canceled. Passengers are now required to obtain visas. However, they are needed only if the ship lands on the shores of Russia, for example, disembarks them for If ferry cruises from Finland do not include calls at Russian ports, a visa is not needed. For example, the ship "Christina Brahe" passes through the territory of our country, making voyages between Lappeenranta and Helsinki, and the ship "Karelia" - between Vyborg and Lappeenranta.

Travel through the eyes of a tourist

It is difficult to predict how many more years such cruise voyages will last. After all, there are not too many Finns who would like to see the sights of the Saimaa Canal, and there are even fewer of our tourists. And this despite the fact that a one-way ticket is about thirty euros. The trip is worth the money spent.

The length of the route is forty-three km, but there are eight locks. When a ship on the Saimaa Canal overcomes the first of them, it is interesting. However, already at the third gate, irritation begins to grow, and by the eighth you can’t wait for it to end, but it’s still interesting. When the ship reaches the Nuiyamaa border post, document checks begin. An interesting fact is that this post is a combined one - automobile and water. If you find yourself on a ship in the same company as Finnish tourists, then be prepared for the fact that they often behave like most Russians: they start drinking strong drinks even before the ship leaves the pier. Many tourists specifically buy a ticket for such a cruise, explaining this by the fact that there is a duty-free shop on the ship. If we take into account the fact that there is tension with alcohol in Finland, this behavior becomes quite understandable. During the period of general drunkenness, guides try in vain to attract the public's attention to stories about the canal, locks and other attractions. And there is still something to see there - the canal is very beautiful. For example, near Vyborg it is crossed quite high bridges- railway and road. All navigation systems are built on granite pillars or displayed on islands. Part of the canal is carved out of rock, the other part has sloping sandy shores with boulders. A dense forest grows along the canal, which, in combination with rocks, forms a very beautiful landscape. The Russian part is completely uninhabited; there are still lonely houses near Vyborg, and further away there is pristine nature. The only busy place is near the border, where the highway to Lappeenranta passes. The picture is completely opposite on the Finnish part: here settlements meet immediately behind the checkpoint. In the Lappeenranta area, before reaching the last lock, the main port on this waterway is located - the Saimaa terminal. Cargo ships are loaded/unloaded here. Cargo comes mainly from the Russian side - up to two million tons per year.

Lake Saimaa

When the ship passes the last lock, it enters Lake Saimaa. The first thing you see is a very large pulp and paper mill. The guide proudly talks about the fact that more than two and a half thousand people work here. This “miracle” of civilization spoils the entire impression of the trip, and it also prevents the city of Lappeenranta from gaining full tourist status. After all, the enterprise, even if it has modern treatment facilities installed, still dumps tons of waste into the waters of the lake, which makes it unsuitable for swimming within a radius of several tens of kilometers. And what’s most interesting is that the tourist brochures say nothing about the presence of a plant here. However, that’s not all: opposite the plant there is a confectionery factory, which also dumps waste into the lake, because it’s not for nothing that in the area of ​​this enterprise it is completely covered with grass. And here, oddly enough, is the main tourist complex - “Huhtiniemi” - and the summer hotel “Karelia-Park”. Right next to the “fence” with the confectionery factory there is another complex - “Saima”. True, it has a somewhat dull, abandoned appearance, like Soviet-era hotels struggling to stay afloat in small towns. There is also a beach here, however, in order to get to the water, you will have to overcome grass thickets or try to cross special bridges, which, by the way, are broken in their middle part, but someone helpfully put a board through the gap. What a resort!


The main attraction of Lappeenranta is the Memorial Cemetery, which is located in the city center. Here you can see the graves of fallen soldiers during the periods 1939-1940 and 1941-1944. And what is very curious is that all burials are individual, there are no fraternal ones. Adjacent to the cemetery is a monument to soldiers who were conscripted from the territory of the Karelian Isthmus (today it is the territory of the Russian Federation). It consists of two parts - sculptures and plates with names settlements and the names of the soldiers, by the way, there are also Russians among them. There are especially many of them among the natives of Teriyok (Zelenogorsk). Actually, there are no other attractions here. The city has a modern appearance, very well maintained and constantly being reconstructed. There's not much to do there. At night, Lappeenranta falls asleep, all the shops are closed, you can only find kiosks selling hamburgers and other similar foods. Here even the station building is closed until seven in the morning. Wandering through the empty streets at night, it becomes clear why Finns have such a blast in our country.


This city is completely different from Lappeenranta; its history is much shorter. It was founded in 1948 and is located so close to the border with Russia that domestic cellular networks are available here. Imatra is located at the source of the Vuoksa River. The main enterprises of this city are a metallurgical plant and a hydroelectric power station. However, unlike Lappeenranta, there are no industrial facilities on the lake shore. There are two unique monuments here - the first is dedicated to the turbine, and the second to the power line support. Main tourist site is the artificial water slide Imatrakoski. Before the construction of the hydroelectric power station, it was natural; in pre-revolutionary times, Russian bohemia loved to come here and admire the waterfall. Now the water is released here according to a schedule; this descent is the main “tourist attraction” of Imatra. The second attraction is the Crown Park, which is located on an island separating the old bed of Vuoksa and the reservoir. The park was founded by decree of Emperor Nicholas I, who ordered that the waterfall and its surroundings remain unchanged. The city of Imatra is much more attractive for tourists than Lappeenranta; there are quite modern hotels, places for recreation, and fishing lovers will have a wonderful opportunity to spend an unforgettable time on the shores of Lake Saimaa.

Saimaa Canal: fishing

Fishing on the lake is excellent all year round. The main fish species are pike, perch, lake salmon, and brown trout. Locals They are not keen on fishing, despite the fact that the roach here practically jumps ashore on its own; for some reason the Finns do not use it for food. It is mainly caught by tourists from Russia. Trolling is the best time for salmon and trout to bite in late spring. Pike can be caught all year round. In addition, there are a lot of burbot here; they are often caught using spoons and balances. Due to the large size of the reservoir, it is not so easy to determine where the fish are hiding. However, a skilled fisherman will always return from Saimaa with a good catch. The nature here is clean and leisurely, promotes peace, encourages reflection and contemplation. Wonderful holiday will be provided for you!

In this article we will tell you about cruises on the Saimaa Canal. You will learn about the ships on which you can make these wonderful journeys. There are quite a lot of excursions from the port of Lappeenranta and Imatra, where you will have an excellent opportunity to admire the most beautiful Finnish landscapes. You can choose a suitable cruise not only for a few hours, but also for several days. Note that from the port of Lappeenranta you can even get to Russian city Vyborg. Cruises take place along the historical Saimaa Canal and a large number of tourists come to these types of excursions every year. In general, it must be said that vacationing in Finland in the summer is a pleasure. There is a lot of entertainment on offer, and you just have to choose the most suitable option. So let's start our little review.


This is the only ship that runs between the Finnish city of Lappeenranta and Vyborg. You can purchase a one-way ticket or buy a tourist package, which will include hotel accommodation. There is a restaurant and café on board where you can try culinary dishes of Finnish cuisine. You can also visit the Duty-Free shop and purchase alcohol, cosmetics, perfumes and other goods at significantly low prices. The ship has an open upper deck, so you can go out and enjoy the beauty of the local nature.


The ship can accommodate up to 200 guests. Operates cruises along the Saimaa Canal and skerries from the city of Lappeenranta. While traveling along the Saimaa Canal, ship passengers can see the ship passing through a 13-meter lock. There is a restaurant and bar on board, where you can try deliciously prepared food and a variety of soft drinks. You can visit the open deck and enjoy the beauty of Lake Saimaa.


The motor ship "Christina" departs on an excursion cruise from the passenger port. The excursion goes in the direction of “Satamosaari”, and in case of rainy weather you will proceed to the mouth of the Vuoksa River. The ship carries out both custom cruises and scheduled flights. You can check the schedule and current prices on the company’s official website. Tours start from the beginning of June and continue until the end of August.


The Brahe is the largest inland navigation ship in Finland. On this ship, you can buy both a one-day cruise and a two-day excursion. There are several directions. Route Vyborg-Lappeenranta, Vyborg-Hamina, Lappeenranta-Savonlinna. Here good kitchen, so you can evaluate the prepared dishes. You will also have the opportunity to go to Puumala and return back to Lappeenranta. A big plus for tourists is that you can take bicycles with you on your trip. The ship departs from the ports of Lappeenranta, Savonlinna, Puumala, Hamina, and Vyborg.

Vuoksen Lautturi

On this ship you can take a romantic river cruise along the Vuoksa River, which flows through the city of Imatra. During the summer, excursion cruises on Vuoksa are organized daily. The ship performs both custom cruises and scheduled flights. The departure takes place from the Vuoksen Kalastuspuisto fishing park, which is located next to the swimming pool in Imatra. There are 14 on board the boat seats. Address: Kotipolku 4, Varpasaari island, Imatra.


The ship makes custom cruises along the Saimaa Canal in accordance with the route and program compiled at your request. The ship was built in 1984 in the city of Savonlinna. In 2002 it was modernized in Lappeenranta. The ship can accommodate up to 63 people and operates cruises along the Saimaa Canal. There is a restaurant on board that can accommodate up to 32 people. In our next article we want to tell you about a small one, where you will learn about some interesting places that are worth seeing.

Only the lazy did not travel from St. Petersburg to Finland. It has been studied far and wide. People are “rolling back” Schengen visas, running around shopping or relaxing in nature. We needed to “roll back” the visa. The whole question was how to get there. You can, of course, by bus. Or in your own car. Shake for 6 hours, wait at the border until everyone is inspected and it’s your turn. No fun. The Allegro train is comfortable, but expensive. And I wanted the useful to be combined with the pleasant. And we decided to sail along the Saimaa Canal. If anyone doesn’t know, this canal connects Vyborg with Lappeenranta (Gulf of Finland with Lake Saimaa).

The level difference between Lake Saimaa and the Gulf of Finland is on average 75.7 m. To overcome this difference in height, locks were built on the canal. There are 5 locks on the territory of Russia: “Brusnichnoe” (level difference 10.0 m), “Iskrovka” (11.4 m), “Tsvetochnoe” (5.5 m), “Ilistoe” (10.2 m), “ Pyalli" (11.7 m). There are 3 locks in Finland: “Soskua” (8.3 m), “Mustola” (7.3 m), “Mälkia” (12.4 m). The total length of the canal with the sea fairway is 57.3 km, of which Finland owns 23.3 km, Russia 34 km (including 14.4 km of the fairway in the Vyborg Bay). Finland leases 19.6 km of the Russian part of the canal and the adjacent territory.

I took these pictures on the Karelia motor ship, which carries people from Vyborg to Lappeentrata and back. Please pay attention to the word "ditch". This is a borrowing from the Russian language. The canal was built back in the 19th century, when Finland was part of the Russian Empire. Then, of course, there was a big reconstruction (in the 60s of the 20th century).

The journey began at the bus station in St. Petersburg, where a big bummer awaited us. The bus was canceled and we had to take a taxi to Vyborg. But this was the first and last trouble. Except that the weather was a little disappointing. Every now and then it started to rain.

So, Vyborg. A beautiful, but terribly neglected city.

But there are also remnants of the former luxury.

The house was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Modern style.

This building is also from those times.

Market Square. The covered market was also built at the beginning of the 20th century. It still works.

Round Tower. 16th century Diameter 21 meters. The thickness of the walls is 4 m. Now there is a restaurant inside.

Vyborg Castle. 13th century It was built by the Swedes at the suggestion of Thorgils Knutsson. There was a Swedish general in those days.

Monument to the founder of Vyborg Thorgils Knutsson on the Old Town Hall Square.

Castle observation tower. People survey the surroundings.

Well, let's run through the city to the port. And we weren’t the only ones running. On this day there was a race walking competition in Vyborg.

Competition participants.

Well, we dived in and swam. Rain. The ship belongs to Finland. At the stern there is a Finnish flag.

Astern is Vyborg, ahead is 57 km and 5 hours of travel.

The first gateway is ahead.

Inside the gateway. The sluice gates closed. Water fills it, the ship seems to grow out of the ground.

We rose 10 meters. The rain has stopped. Life is Beautiful!

There are a lot of people on the open deck. For some reason, that day there was a huge crowd of Italian tourists on the ship. All are packed in blankets. And it was July 20th.

We pass by the most picturesque shores.

The sun came out and the forest began to smile.

Another lock has been passed.

This is what the walls look like inside the locks.

By the evening, when we were already in Finland, the weather finally improved. I couldn’t help but take a photo of these boats, gilded by the sun.

In Lappeenranta we had to spend the night in a hotel and spend Sunday.

Lappeenranta. Lake Saimaa. View from the fortress.

Inside the fortress built in the 18th and 19th centuries. The horses on which the patrol parades are resting. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to photograph the brave riders.

Inside the fortress is the Orthodox Church of the Intercession of the Virgin. The fortress was built by Russian soldiers back in the 18th century. The church was originally wooden, then it was rebuilt. Everything is kept in perfect order.

Another ancient building inside the fortress. A piece of Lake Saimaa is visible.

View from the fortress. On the right is a piece of the fortress wall, in the distance are modern city buildings.

You can admire the lake endlessly.

And right on the shore there is a sand sculpture festival. The authors' imagination has created a bizarre world of symbols.

There is a lot to think about when looking at these sculptures. Decipher the symbols...

Sunday swap meet. Everyone sells some junk, but sometimes you come across interesting things.

The streets are almost deserted. All the people are on the embankment, at the market or in a cafe.

Embankment in Lappeenranta. To the right are all sorts of eateries. We ate delicious Finnish soup with black bread. By the way, the food on the ship was also excellent and the breakfast at the hotel was beyond praise. I consider this weekend a success.

Thank you for your attention.

Will appeal to those interested in history native land, as well as the life and way of life of our closest neighbors. Both the Finnish border towns and our Vyborg are remarkable not only for their shops, but also for their history and architecture.

We invite you to one day tour to Finland along the beautiful Saimaa Canal on board the cozy small ship “Karelia”. was launched in Germany in 1969 and has been based in the port of Lappeenranta for about 20 years. From board the ship you can admire views of the wonderful nature of the Lake District.

The 43 km long Saimaa Canal connects the Gulf of Finland with Lake Saimaa. There are eight picturesque locks on it, three in Finland, the remaining five in Russia. The Saimaa Canal was inaugurated back in 1856. In 1968, it underwent a major reconstruction and since then has been an important transport artery of northwestern Europe.

Departure from St. Petersburg

  • by bus at 10:30 from the station. metro station "Chernaya Rechka" Savushkina st. 9.
  • Moving to Vyborg.
  • Sightseeing tour of Vyborg.
    Vyborg - a small corner medieval Sweden in the north Leningrad region. During sightseeing tour We'll see
    clock tower and ruins Cathedral, Church of St. Hyacinth and the houses of wealthy citizens of the XIV-XVI centuries, the round tower on Market Square and, of course, Vyborg Castle with the tower of St. Olaf. The castle is located on an island in the Gulf of Finland; the first mention of it dates back to the 13th century. We will walk through the narrow streets of the old city, admire the squares and parks of Vyborg. Those who wish can climb to the top of the tower of St. Olaf to look at the panorama of the city from above.
  • Free time.
  • Registration for the motor ship "M/S Carelia" at the pier of the Vyborg Castle.
  • Going on a cruise.
    On board the ship we will be met by a Finnish crew led by the captain. During the five-hour cruise we will pass along the Saimaa Canal, through all eight locks that lift the ship to a height of 80 meters, and see unique rocky landscapes. On the ship we have a restaurant at our disposal, where we will have dinner from Finnish chefs (buffet: meat or fish dish, 2 types of potatoes and 2 salads), a bar and an entertainment program.
  • Arrival in Lappeenranta.
  • Sightseeing evening tour of the city of Lappeenranta with a visit to the ancient fortress.
    This village received city status from the Swedish Queen Christina in the 17th century. To protect the Swedish borders, a fortress was built on a cape jutting into Lake Saimaa. The hastily erected ramparts were unable to protect the city, and the fortress was captured by Russian troops. Already at the end of the 18th century it was rebuilt by Count Suvorov. Not only we, but also the Finns, who diligently preserve the heritage of bygone times, are rightfully proud of his work. The city itself is also charming: we will see buildings built in the Art Nouveau style, one of the largest wooden churches, unique monument“Mother Karelia” and even the Saimaa seal.
  • Departure by bus to St. Petersburg.
  • Arrival in St. Petersburg to the station. Metro "Chernaya Rechka" approximately at 05:30.


  • To participate in this excursion you must have a valid visa and health insurance.
  • The excursion program does not include visits to water parks, shopping complexes and fish shops.
  • Late autumn, winter, in early spring, due to the short daylight hours, visiting some of the objects stated in the program may take place in dark time days.
  • The organizer is not responsible for queues at border checkpoints, delays in transit associated with customs, border and other official formalities, weather conditions, as well as traffic jams.
  • If weather on the route may threaten the safety of tourists (heavy snowfalls, low/high air temperatures, mudflows, rainstorms, floods, forest fires, smog, etc.), the organizer reserves the right to unilaterally change the excursion program: replace one object with another, and if replacement is impossible, exclude objects from the program.
  • Seats on the bus are allocated by the organizer as the group is recruited.

Listening to the silence, inhaling the air saturated with the aroma of spruce and pine, watching the reflection of clouds floating on calm water, and participating in traditional Finnish entertainment - all this will give you a short but extremely eventful journey along the Saimaa Canal.

Traveling along the Saimaa system

Half a thousand years of history

The Saimaa Canal, which connects the Vyborg Bay with Lake Saimaa, is just over 150 years old. But attempts to create it began almost half a thousand years ago. For the first time, Eric Turesson Bjelke, commandant of the fortresses of Vyborg and Olanvilinna, thought about this back in 1499. The fact was that the Saimaa lake system was connected with Lake Ladoga and the Gulf of Finland only by stormy and narrow rapids rivers. They were great for fishing, but, alas, they were not at all suitable for transporting goods. In order for the residents of Suomi to bring salt, matches and food from Sweden, they had to drag the ships 50 miles along the ground. This not only hampered trade communications, but also significantly increased the prices of goods. Erik Turesson Bjelke enthusiastically set about creating the canal, drew up a work plan, hired workers... Unfortunately, the result of the efforts was only a ditch 118 meters long and 5.3 meters wide. After this, the work had to be stopped - it became clear that digging the canal would take too much time and would be too expensive. After this, attempts to connect Lake Saimaa with the Gulf of Finland or Lake Ladoga were made many times, but were unsuccessful. Everything changed at the beginning of the 19th century. By that time, Finland had become part of the Russian Empire, and construction technologies had advanced far ahead. In 1826, the Finns sent a deputation of peasants to Nicholas I with a request to finally connect Lake Saimaa and the Gulf of Finland by waterway. The emperor approved the idea, but, alas, the amount needed for construction was not found in the treasury at that moment. Work on creating the canal began only in 1845 and lasted about 11 years. This project cost an astronomical amount for those times - 12 million silver marks - but thanks to the high efficiency of the canal, the costs were recouped in just 25 years. Now total length The Saimaa Canal is 57.3 km long, of which Finland owns 23.3 km and Russia 34 km. Suomi leases another 19.3 km of the canal. The rental cost is 1.22 million euros per year plus 18 euro cents for each gross tonnage unit. Currently, about 11.5 ships pass through the canal annually, carrying 4.6 million tons of cargo.

5 hours of silence

Despite the loud name “cruise”, the journey along the Saimaa Canal from Vyborg to Lappeenranta lasts only 5 hours. But do not rush to be disappointed - during this time you can see a lot.

Locks are special devices that allow ships to overcome large drops of water - one of the most interesting moments of traveling along the canal. In total, you will have to overcome eight of them: five on the Russian side, and three on the other side of the border. Be sure to go out on deck to admire the speed and precision of the locks. On the Saimaa Canal, unlike cruises on navigable Russian rivers, the boat does not stop in front of the lock gates waiting for them to open. Here the locks open automatically when a ship approaches, like doors in a supermarket. It takes just a few minutes to fill the lock with water and raise the boat 10 meters. In total, during the journey along the Saimaa Canal, the ship rises by as much as 80 meters.

The Vyborg - Brusnichnoye - Nuyama - Lappeenranta road runs along the bank of the Saimaa Canal, along which experienced travelers We've probably traveled to Finland many times. Sailing on a boat, it is quite interesting to look at this road from the water.

Next to the fourth (if you go from Russia to Finland) lock called “Ilistoe” (Finnish name - Lietjärvi) there is an old channel of the canal, which was used until the reconstruction of the 1960s. Now it is kept in working order for those cases when emergency drainage of water from the canal is necessary.

After the gateway called Pyalli, the boat leaves at open lake Nuyamanyjärvi. Here it is good to look at the blue surface of the water with small crests of waves and seagulls flying over the days. The lake is also interesting because it is along it that the official border between Russia and Finland passes.

The ship enters the field of the last gateway Mälkiä famous lake Saimaa is the largest and most beautiful water system in Finland, the magnificent views of which can be admired endlessly.

Material on the topic

Lake District

Finland is known throughout the world as the “land of a thousand lakes”, although in fact there are 187,888 thousand of them in this amazing region. Lakes are spread across the country in a network, but there is a region in Suomi where there are especially many of them.

7 important rules for traveling along the Saimaa Canal

To ensure that your trip along the Saimaa Canal does not cause any problems, but brings a lot of pleasure, it is a good idea to remember a few simple rules:

You should not expect from this trip the same picturesque landscapes as from a cruise, for example, on the Volga. The canal was created primarily for the transport of goods, so there will be no colorful villages with golden church domes and picturesque boats moored to the steep banks. But, traveling along the Saimaa Canal, you can enjoy the views of dense spruce forests along the banks and the endless sky reflected in the calm water.

Don't expect anything from a cruise sharp turns and turns. The ship moves at a speed of just over 10 kilometers (it travels the 57 km length of the Saimaa Canal in about 5 hours). But such a leisurely voyage perfectly suits the nature of Finns who do not like to rush, so you can usually see a great many of them on the ship.

Don't forget about border control which awaits you upon arrival in Lappeenranta. Oddly enough, customs officers here are often more picky than at “earthly” checkpoints. Bags and suitcases are checked quite often, mercilessly confiscating dairy and meat products intended for import into Finland,

On passenger ships, plying along the Saimaa Canal from Russia to Finland, there are Duty Free shops. Prices for alcohol and cosmetics here are several times higher than in border stores Duty Free, but lower than in Finland. Do not forget that alcohol is prohibited if you enter Suomi for less than 72 hours.

Travel is good at all times of the year, but the best time to travel along the Saimaa Canal is in the summer. The fact is that it is better to admire the beauty of the canal from the open upper deck, since the interior spaces on the boats are quite cramped and do not provide good review. And in the windy Finnish autumn or spring it is almost impossible to withstand more than 15-20 minutes on the open deck.

On the boat sailing on the Saimaa Canal, a buffet dinner is offered for 19 euros. At first glance, this is expensive, but keep in mind that you will have to pay about the same for a couple of sandwiches and ice cream in the ship's buffet. While in the price buffet includes a salad bar, several hot dishes with side dishes and coffee. In addition, karaoke is usually held in the restaurant on the ship. And the songs are usually sung here in Finnish; it’s very interesting to watch the people of Suomi sing in chorus.

If you find yourself on the ship at dusk, don't forget to admire the spectacular reflection of the shore lights in the dark water of the canal.

How to get there?

There are two ways to go on a trip to the Saimaa Canal - with a travel agency or on your own.

  • With a travel agency. Typically, a travel agency offers a two-day trip with an overnight stay in Lappeenranta. The cost of such a tour is 200-250 euros per person.
  • On one's own. You can buy tickets yourself for the boat that runs between Vyborg and Lapeenranta. This can be done in the St. Petersburg office of Saimaan Matka verkko Oy or on the website The cost of the trip will be about 50 euros per person one way.


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