Interesting unusual facts about Kizhi Island. Kizhi is an open-air museum. Visiting the Kizhi Nature Reserve: opening hours, ticket prices, promotions and discounts


Kizhi Museum-Reserve islands of the same name in Lake Onega - the most famous landmark of the Russian North, where wooden architectural monuments are collected (brought from different places). The pearl of the Kizhi churchyard is the Transfiguration Church with 22 domes. Which Interesting Facts and can you tell us more about Kizhi?

  1. The Kizhi churchyard is often called the central architectural ensemble islands. The word “pogost” in the 10th century meant an administrative-territorial unit - part of the province, then moved to settlements with central functions, where there was a church and a cemetery, and from the 17th century it then began to mean only a rural cemetery, although it was preserved in the names of some settlements .
  2. About unique architecture The island became known in the middle of the 19th century, when exploration of the northern provinces of Russia began.
  3. The beginning of the 20th century was a period of pilgrimage to Kizhi for creative people - architects and artists who sought to teach and capture the local beauty.
  4. The Kizhi Pogost acquired the status of a monument in 1920, and became a museum in 1966, after a long period of post-war restoration work and collection of exhibits on other islands.
  5. Restoration and reconstruction of many objects was required due to dilapidation, disrepair and lost artistic elements - internal paintings.
  6. During the war, the monuments on the island were not damaged, since they were in the zone of Finnish occupation, and Finland treated them very carefully, planning to include Kizhi as part of its territory and explore it in detail.
  7. One of the Finnish veterans of that war told a legend that they were going to bomb the churchyard, but when they saw its beauty, the pilots dropped bombs into the lake. However, written evidence, for example, of orders to bomb the island was not found.
  8. Two churches and an 18th-century bell tower, the most famous buildings on the island, are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO since 1990.
  9. The walls and towers of the Transfiguration Cathedral (1714) were built without the use of nails, but when covering the domes with wooden “scales” (ploughshares), they were still used.
  10. The plowshares of the temple are made of aspen - it is the wood of this species that shimmers and changes color in the sun.
  11. The main body of the temple was cut down from pine using only axes.
  12. In the 80s of the 20th century, in order to preserve the monument, a metal frame was installed inside the Transfiguration Cathedral. At the same time, he damaged part of the structures, roughly crashing into the logs, and the floor, the painted “sky” and the iconostasis of 102 icons were completely dismantled.
  13. The last restoration began in 2010, and in 2018 it is planned to be completed and visitors will be allowed inside the temple.
  14. To restore the structural elements, the temple was raised using jacks using the lifting method and divided into belts, which are removed and restored one by one so that the monument does not lose its integral appearance.
  15. The Kizhi churchyard, headed by the Transfiguration Cathedral, is the visiting card of the island and the reserve. However, in total the museum-reserve includes 10 sectors, some of which are located on other islands, on “ mainland"and even in Petrozavodsk.
  16. In addition to churches and chapels, the museum’s exhibition includes residential buildings, outbuildings, workshops, baths, mills, barns, barns, a forge and even a wooden building of the Zemstvo hospital in Petrozavodsk.
  17. Despite the fact that in colloquial speech there are two variants of stress in the name - Kizh And and K And Residents, linguists and philologists (as well as local residents) claim that the correct option is the second option with the emphasis on the first syllable, i.e. TO And live

Currently, when the Kizhi Pogost has finally fallen into the hands of professional restorers. There is hope that in the near future it will be possible to see the monument in its historical form with the restored interior decoration. It is planned to study it and improve the surrounding area, although without this unique monument attracts tourists from all over the world.

Since ancient times, wood and clay have been the main building materials for Russian architects. That is why wooden architecture became the basis unique style Russian architecture, the distinctive feature of which was the optimal combination of functionality and beauty of buildings. One of these amazing masterpieces of Russian architecture is the ancient churchyard on the island of Kizhi.

Kizhi Pogost is a world-famous architectural ensemble, which is located on the Kizhi island of Lake Onega.

The architectural ensemble of the ancient Kizhi churchyard consists of three buildings:

  • Church of the Transfiguration;
  • Church of the Intercession;
  • tented bell tower with belfry.

It is unknown in what year the churches in Kizhi were built. It is generally accepted that their construction was completed before 1583. However, there is a mention of them in the Scribe Book of 1563, which contains references to a description of the churches of 1496, which, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. Thus, it can be assumed that churches on the island of Kizhi have existed since the end of the 15th century.

The Transfiguration (summer) Church is considered the pinnacle of Russian wooden architecture, the huge pyramidal volume of which is crowned with a very complex system of twenty-two scaly domes arranged in four tiers. The basis of the composition of the Church of the Transfiguration is the “octagon” - an octagonal frame with four two-stage cuts located at the cardinal points.

The Intercession (Winter) Church complements the Transfiguration Church, echoing it with a kind of architectural echo. The corners of the large octagon of the Intercession Church are crowned by eight small domes, and the composition is completed by a large ninth dome, located in the center of the structure. All together the domes form a light and openwork crown, permeated with air and light, but at the same time quite modest and absolutely not competing with the grandeur of the Church of the Transfiguration.

The outwardly dissimilar churches have quite a lot in common. Thus, the log houses of the churches were cut in the traditions of Russian carpentry - without a single nail, with the exception of the domes, both monumental log buildings are a kind of pedestal for the magnificent multi-domed structure.

The unified architectural ensemble of churches in the Kizhi Pogost is harmoniously complemented by a hipped bell tower with a belfry 30 meters high. The composition of the bell tower is designed in accordance with the traditional scheme characteristic of the architectural ensemble in Kizhi - an octagon on a quadrangle.

It took 160 years from the start of construction of the structures in Kizhi to their unification into a single architectural ensemble. However, the creative searches of Russian architects were not crowned with success, so further changes in the appearance of the architectural ensemble in Kizhi, associated with restoration work, are taking place in modern times.

Thus, in 1945, the object received the status of an architectural reserve, and the government decided to restore the Kizhi churches, the main tasks of which were to strengthen the monuments and restore their original artistic appearance. In the process of carrying out restoration work, the churches were freed from the later awkward stucco molding, thanks to which they were restored to their original appearance: iron was removed from the domes of the Church of the Transfiguration, plank cladding was removed, some of the crowns of the log houses were replaced and weakened structures were strengthened.

Today in Kizhi there is a museum of wooden architecture “Russian Zaonezhye”. Here you can see a large number of ancient, intricately decorated huts that created an entire village. Thus, the Kizhi Pogost ensemble is an illustration that conveys the former way of life.

The protected island of Kizhi is a real museum under open air, located in Karelia on Lake Onega. Numerous attractions, including wooden churches built in classical Russian style, attract thousands of tourists every year. A trip to Kizhi will allow you not only to see with your own eyes all the beauty of the architecture of the north, but also to admire the untouched nature, which has been preserved here in its original form.

Description of the island

The convenient location of Kizhi in the northern part of Lake Onega, not far from the Zanevsky Peninsula, makes it easy to organize excursions here in the warm season. total area The island is 5 square kilometers, so you can take a walking tour and see all the local attractions in just a few hours. This open-air museum is located 68 kilometers from Petrozavodsk, in summer time people from the regional center come here every day for years river boats with a travel time of 1 hour and 15 minutes.

In winter, Kizhi can only be reached by helicopter or hovercraft, and excursions are difficult at this time of year. Therefore, from October to March, the Great Kizhi Bay, where this island is located, is inaccessible to tourists.

Extremely interesting thematic tours from Moscow are organized, which include visits to various ancient cities of the Russian north. Tours to Karelia and Finland are popular, which allows you to see other countries and get to know the culture of your neighbors better.

The history of this island dates back to the X-XI centuries. ekah, when small Finnish and Baltic settlements on Kizhi became part of the Novgorod principality. Orthodox Christians appeared here in the 15th century; the first buildings of churches, which have been preserved in their original form to this day, date back to the same period.

In the 16th century, the creation of the Spassky churchyard began in Kizhi, considered one of the main attractions of the reserve and which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From time immemorial, artisans, poets and artists lived here, passing on their skills, preserving the original Old Russian style.

Today, Kizhi Island is the largest open-air museum-reserve in Russia. There are 89 monuments of wooden traditional architecture, numerous ancient chapels, barns and houses of local residents. The real pearls are the Transfiguration Church and the Kizhi Pogost, built in the 16th-18th centuries. ekakh in the style of Karelian architecture. Extremely interesting thematic excursions which allow you to get to know each other better traditional way of life life of the Russian north.

Main attractions

Numerous wooden churches, chapels and graveyards in the ancient Russian style have been preserved in Kizhi in their original form. Armed with various tourist brochures and guidebooks, you can either independently explore all the beauties of this island, or take advantage of the offer of local guides, who immediately upon arrival of tourists on River Station form small excursion groups. Organized tours They allow you not only to get a closer look at numerous local attractions, but also to listen to fascinating stories from professionals about the history of these places and its inhabitants.

Church of the Transfiguration

The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the island of Kizhi is clearly visible from anywhere on the island. The building is 11-storey high and is made in the traditional Russian style of architecture with wooden domes. A special feature of this building are 20 beautiful domes made of aspen and located at different heights. The frame of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord was made by hand, without iron nails, tow or moss.

This church is interesting:

  • unusual architecture;
  • interior decoration;
  • original construction technology.

Currently, the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Lord is a functioning temple, where services are held every weekend. Inspection of the interior, preserved in its original form, is possible only on certain days and hours, so tourists need to check when the church is open to the public. The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is business card Kizhi Island and one of the most famous local attractions.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A small wooden church built in the original style with domes. Unlike the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the entrance to the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin is always open; in the entrance hall there is an exhibition dedicated to the history of the Kizhi parish and ancient Russian icon painting. The exhibition includes ancient paintings painted by both local artists and famous Russian masters.

The Church of the Intercession was built as a winter church, so services were held here only in severe frosts. The temple was built in traditional northern culture architecture, with a winter road and a high bell tower. Construction took place over almost 50 years in the 16th-17th centuries. ekah. Not long ago the reconstruction of the church was completed. During the restoration of the structure, ancient technologies were used, and the work was carried out by local craftsmen who preserved the ancient methods of cutting logs. The church was built without a single nail and in full accordance with its previous appearance.

Eight-wing windmill

The wooden eight-wing windmill is one of the few monuments of industrial architecture that have reached us. Such buildings are typical exclusively for the north of Russia and Karelia. Due to their special shape, air mills were efficient, allowing them to grind grain or other grains quickly. In the sixties and eighties of the last century, when a museum was created on the island of Kizhi, this wooden building was practically destroyed and was subsequently restored by local architects using a few drawings and photographs.

The structure of the mill is extremely interesting, the building of which is located on movable wooden piles-supports. The internal frame is made axial, which allows it to cope with significant wind loads that are typical for Kizhi in autumn and winter. The structure itself can easily rotate, aligning its blades with the blowing breeze from the lake. Today, the mechanism is in good working order, so the mill is often used for its intended purpose.

The water mill, which was built in 1875, is also of great interest. She was brought to the island from the village of Berezovaya Selga. It was used in ancient times local residents and worked on the basis of a completely wooden unique mechanism, which is still working today. The water mill is open to the public, and inside a small museum collection contains exhibits related to rural life of the 18th-19th centuries. Ekov.

Tent bell tower

The tented bell tower is another iconic landmark of Kizhi island, built in the original style, with high arched windows, an elongated and narrow silhouette. The single dome creates a feeling of lightness, reminiscent of the Gothic kirks of the Baltic states. This is one of the youngest buildings in Kizhi, erected on the site of an old dilapidated bell tower.

Every year, competitions of bell ringers are held in Kizhi, who come here from all over Russia. In the summer, numerous concerts of ancient music take place here, and getting to them is considered a great success for every lover of Russian folklore.

In total, there are 14 bells on the island, the heaviest of which was cast in St. Petersburg in the 19th century and weighs about 800 kilograms.

Wooden churchyard

The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost is the most famous and significant exhibition site on the island. It includes the Churches of the Transfiguration and the Intercession, the Tent Bell Tower and a preserved old cemetery with a wooden palisade. The ensemble is located in the southern part of the island and is the center of the entire Kizhi Museum-Reserve. At the end of the 20th century, this attraction was included in the UNESCO Heritage List and today is protected by the state.

The peculiarity of this ensemble is the unique architectural ancient Russian style of architecture, preserved only in far north in Onega region. In the 50s of the last century, all three structures were surrounded by a powerful wall, the base of which was huge stone boulders. Such a three-meter fence makes a strong impression, organically complementing the ensemble of three main attractions on Kizhi island.

Houses of peasants Oshevnev and Sergeev

The houses of the northerners who lived on the island in the 18th-19th centuries are of great interest to tourists. ekah. The most famous such attraction is the house of the peasant Oshevnev. This is a massive structure, built in the traditional style of Karelian architecture, skillfully decorated with carvings. The roof of the house covers both the main building and outbuildings with a barnyard. Oshevnev could do business and care for animals without leaving home.

Today, the house of the peasant Oshevnev has been turned into a small museum, the exhibits of which allow you to get acquainted with the traditional life of the Russian north in the 17th-18th centuries. ekah. The building itself is authentic, including carved columns, window frames and interior decor. The interior of the late 19th and early 20th centuries has been completely recreated. The exhibition includes various cradles, kitchen utensils, household and household items.

In Kizhi you can also see:

  • numerous ancient baths;
  • ancient pier;
  • old cemetery.

Sergeev’s house, which was built at the beginning of the 19th century, is also perfectly preserved. The building has a square shape, is richly decorated with carvings, and the facades are painted in the traditional northern style. Inside you can see a small exhibition of folklore of Zaonezhye and applied art of Karelia. Items for the exhibition were collected not only from the island of Kizhi, but also from the entire northern region of Russia.

In total, there are six chapels on the island, revealing the richness and originality of the northern school of architecture. The unique buildings that have been completely preserved to this day are modest in size, similar to each other, but each is unique and original.

The following chapels are located on the island:

  • Savior Not Made by Hands.
  • Peter and Paul from the village of Volkoostrov.
  • Signs of the Mother of God.
  • Our Lady of Joy to All Who Sorrow.
  • Kirik and Ulita.
  • Bell tower of Varlaam Khutynsky.

The chapels are located not only on Kizhi, but also on nearby islands, so you can get to them by hiring a small boat with a guide. Such excursions are popular among tourists because they allow them to enjoy the beauty of the local northern nature and see original original buildings.

The place where they are located attracts not only tourists, but also those who want to touch the centuries-old shrine. The wooden churches of Kizhi Island, built in 1714, keep ancient mysteries and secrets, conveying the atmosphere of their time. Kizhi Island, as well as the temples located on it, are considered a UNESCO heritage. And, although no one serves in them today, these architectural monuments continue to attract the attention of parishioners with their history. Here's what we learned today about this unique creation.

A little about the island and the temple

Admiring the beautiful wooden churches on the Internet, many wonder on which island the wooden churches of Kizhi are located and how to get there. The island, or more precisely, the churchyard on which the temple is located, is located on Lake Onega in Karelia. The closest city to it is Petrozavodsk, from where you can get to the territory of the museum-reserve, where the legendary Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is located.

It was built on the site of another ancient church, which once burned down from a lightning strike. Construction of the new Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord began on June 6, 1714, and the prototype for the creation of this architectural masterpiece was the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God in the Vologda region. According to the traditions of Russian architecture, the church was built from wood, and, according to some sources, not a single nail was used during the construction process. In fact, there are nails in the temple even now, but they are located only in the domes. There are none in the room itself.

This temple was never heated, and services were served in it only in the summer. However, another, winter church was built on the graveyard, in which services were held from October 1 to Easter. The first building burned down, and in 1769 another temple was built in its place - the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. It is much smaller in size than the Church of the Transfiguration, it has fewer baths, but its architecture is just as amazing. Its graceful domes, very beautiful and delicately executed, especially attract attention. In the temple itself, at the entrance, there is a vestibule and a refectory. It was there that in pre-revolutionary Russia various meetings were held, orders were read out and public events were organized, because until the twentieth century the church was an integral part of the state system.

Nearby are a bell tower and an ancient cemetery with wooden crosses. The bell tower is also made entirely of wood and is made in the same style as the temples. Today it is also considered a museum attraction and is classified as a protected cultural monument.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, when churches were being demolished throughout Russia, the Kizhi churches escaped this fate. And not only because even then not everyone knew on which island the wooden churches of Kizhi were located, but also because of the interest in the temple as a special architectural monument. Therefore, during the burning of the churches, not a single temple was damaged, and in 1945 one of them became a museum, to which today tens of thousands of people from all over the world come to admire the unique creation of Russian architecture.

At the end of the reign of the Russian Empire, mass production of New Year and Christmas cards with images of Kizhi temples began, and in 1911 the famous painting by Schlugleit “On far north", the central part of which was a churchyard with wooden churches, was purchased by Emperor Nicholas II himself.

On October 2, 1945, the territory of the temples was recognized as a Kizhi nature reserve, and in 1991 it became protected by UNESCO as a cultural monument.

There is a legend associated with the temples, according to which they were built without a single nail. The builder Nestor even threw an ax into the lake with the words: “This has never happened and will never happen again,” so that no one else could build such a unique temple made of wood. In fact, there are nails, but they are hidden in the domes, but the building of the bell tower and temples itself does not contain them. A special construction technique was used in the construction, the secret of which no one can unravel to this day.

The complex design of the Church of the Transfiguration was carried out only with axes. A very sharp ax did not cut wood like a saw, preserving its natural properties, which contributed to the preservation of the material. To decorate the domes of the temple, special scales of ploughshares made from aspen were used. Thanks to a special processing technology, they sparkled in the sun, casting different colors, depending on the lighting conditions. This can be seen even today in various photographs. Therefore, it is surprising that they shimmer with silver during the onset of white nights, reflect the gold of dawn at sunset and shimmer with a mysterious blue glow, like the sky in the north wind.

It would take a long time to describe what the wooden churches of Kizhi are known for today. But it’s better to see with your own eyes this wonderful creation of human hands on the Internet or decide to travel to Karelia. Maybe the ancient temples of the island will help you come into contact with man-made beauty, inspiring you to develop your own skills and talents.

Perhaps the most famous landmark of Karelia is the island of Kizhi with a unique architectural ensemble. This island is located in the northern part of Lake Onega. Its length is 7 km, width in various places from 0.5 to 1.5 km. In 1966, the Kizhi State Historical and Architectural Museum was founded here. Now he is known throughout the world. Tourists not only from Russia, but also from other countries of the world come here to admire the masterpieces of wooden architecture. Excursions from Petrozavodsk and St. Petersburg are regularly organized. In 1990, the museum on the island of Kizhi was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and in 1993 - in the State Code of Particularly Valuable Objects cultural heritage peoples of Russia. In 2011, the Kizhi Museum received the title the best museum Russia. So we can say with confidence that it is the “pearl” of not only Karelia, but the entire country. The Kizhi Museum regularly hosts various folk festivals and other events.

An interesting fact is that when pronouncing the word “Kizhi” the emphasis is placed on both the first and second syllables. Moreover, in Karelia the first option is often used, and the generally accepted option in other regions of Russia is with emphasis on the second syllable.

The name of the island of Kizhi comes from the Karelian word “kizhat”, which can be translated as “games”. In the 10th century immigrants from Novgorod began to master the harsh northern lands, they began cultivating the land, fishing, and raising livestock. It is the Novgorodians who are the ancestors of modern Kizhans. In the 15th century, Novgorod was annexed to the Moscow state, and along with it the Kizhi lands were annexed. The first documentary mentions of the Kizhi Pogost date back to around that time. Here the word “pogost” means several villages interconnected. The administrative and religious center was located on the island of Kizhi.

Already in those days there were religious buildings here. Peasant unrest is known from history. The fact is that in the 17th century. Iron smelting plants were built on Lake Onega, and many Karelian peasants were assigned to these enterprises. But the freedom-loving northerners, accustomed to minding their own business, rebelled. There are two widely known riots in history, both of which were brutally suppressed. In 1697, a fire broke out from a lightning strike during a severe thunderstorm. Many buildings were destroyed. After some time, their restoration began.

So, why does the Kizhi Museum so attract tourists from all over the world? What objects does it include? There is a unique architectural ensemble here - a wonderful example of wooden architecture. Firstly, there are two wooden churches and a bell tower from the 18th–19th centuries, which were originally located here. By the time they were built, the art of carpentry had reached its peak. It is clear that gradually wooden buildings are giving way to stone ones. The churches in Kizhi are a magnificent example of traditional wooden architecture in the north of Russia. In addition, after the formation of the museum, a number of other buildings from different regions Karelia. It should also be noted the picturesque nature that surrounds all this splendor.

Another building on Kizhi Island is the Church of the Intercession (or Church of the Intercession of the Virgin). This is the so-called “winter” (i.e. heated) temple. It was built in 1764. Its creators faced a difficult task - after all, nearby was the magnificent Church of the Transfiguration, with which the newly built temple should be in harmony. And it was perfectly implemented. The Intercession Church does not claim the greatness of the Transfiguration Church, but only complements it. Its roof is crowned with nine domes - one central, which is surrounded by eight more.

The third object, which was located on the island initially and was not moved here during the formation of the museum, is the tented bell tower. It was built in 1863 on the site of an old dilapidated bell tower. It consists of two log houses: the lower part is a tetrahedral frame, with a smaller octagonal one installed on it. There is a belfry on top, and a tent above it. The tented bell tower perfectly complements the churches described above.

Also on the island of Kizhi there are several buildings that were transported here already in the 20th century. several years before the opening of the museum. Firstly, the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus. This is the oldest surviving structure in Karelia. According to legend, many centuries ago the Venerable Monk Lazar east coast Lake Onega founded the Murom Monastery. He also built the church, which was the first building of the monastery. It is named after the biblical character - Lazarus of Bethany, his miraculous resurrection is described by John in the New Testament. This church was the main relic of the monastery; it was believed that it relieves serious illnesses. During the years of Soviet power, an agricultural commune was organized on the site of the Murom Monastery. In 1959, the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus was dismantled and transported to Kizhi. In 1960 it was restored. The iconostasis of 17 icons from the 16th–18th centuries has been preserved.

The Chapel of Michael the Archangel, including a hipped bell tower, was transported to the island of Kizhi in 1961. Previously, it was located in the village of Lelikozero.

Also on Kizhi Island you can see windmill, built in 1928. In 1976 it was reconstructed. The mill is still in operation today. The body is mounted on a vertical shaft, so it can be rotated in the direction of the wind. Eight wings are mounted on a horizontal shaft.

Through the mountains to the sea with a light backpack. Route 30 passes through the famous Fisht - this is one of the most grandiose and significant monuments nature of Russia, closest to Moscow high mountains. Tourists travel lightly through all the landscape and climatic zones of the country from the foothills to the subtropics, spending the night in shelters.


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