Monda altitude above sea level. Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have. Black and White Irkut

Arshan: treatment, recovery, medicine. Information about medical centers and sanatoriums in Arshan. Reviews from tourists about Arshan.

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The village of Arshan is a favorite vacation spot for residents of the Baikal region. In summer, several thousand people come here every day. It is located in the Tunka Valley at the foot of the Eastern Sayan Mountains, on the picturesque mountain river Kyngyrga. “Siberian Switzerland”, “Pearl of the Baikal region” - these are not all the flattering epithets that characterize this place. Since the end of the 19th century, Arshan has been known as a natural and climatic resort with mineral water first class, suitable for both drinking and bathing. In the 20th century, two sanatoriums appeared here, still operating today - “Arshan” and “Sayany”. The village is distinguished by its microclimate: there is always a lot of sun, and due to the proximity of the mountains and coniferous forest not very hot. It is especially pleasant to visit the resort in September and October: clear, windless weather, clean air, reduced prices in guest houses and the opportunity to see all the natural attractions alone.

How to get to Arshan

Arshan is located 26 km from the A333 Kultuk - Mondy highway (turn off at the 86th km to the right). When entering the Tunka Valley at the traffic police post, you must pay a fee for visiting the national park (except for sanatorium guests).

Distance from Irkutsk - 215 km, from Ulan-Ude - 470 km, from the regional center of Kyren - 57 km. You can get from Irkutsk to Arshan by bus (from the bus station) and minibus(from the railway station). Travel time is approximately 2.5 hours. The bus schedule should be checked at the bus information station. In addition, you can get to the city of Slyudyanka by train or train, and then transfer to a minibus to Arshan, which takes about 1.5 hours. Minibuses also run regularly from the republican center of Ulan-Ude; the journey will take 7-8 hours.

Search for air tickets to Irkutsk (the nearest airport to Arshan)


The village is small, so it is often more convenient to get around on foot. However, the resort operates at least two taxi operators with a single tariff of 100 RUB within Arshan. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Arshan Hotels

The resort town of Arshan abounds in boarding houses, hotels and guest houses. Visitors often decide on accommodation already on the spot: almost every house is rented by the day, as indicated by signs with telephone numbers on the fences. One place in a house with outdoor amenities costs on average 350 RUB, in a comfortable boarding house - from 600 RUB.

You can also stay at a sanatorium: a trip with treatment will cost about 2000 RUB per day, without treatment - 1400-1600 RUB.

Hotels and recreation centers offer a double room for 1500-2000 RUB per day. Additional amenities include a sauna, swimming pool, and sports grounds on site.


Thanks to mountain climate, mineral water and sulphide silt mud, Arshan is popular as medical resort, where diseases of the respiratory system, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract are successfully treated. The sanatoriums provide restorative procedures for the musculoskeletal system and help with obesity and diabetes.

Taps with mineral water from healing springs in the village are located right on the street. Each outlet has its own temperature, degree of myralization and taste. Arshan water is indicated for circulatory and digestive disorders, diseases of the respiratory and endocrine systems.

Cuisine and restaurants of Arshan

There are many small cafes in Arshan with traditional Buryat cuisine. Among the most popular are “Khabar Daban”, located in front of the “Sayany” sanatorium, and “Shangri La”, located in the very center of the village near the park. The first is known for its summer terrace and delicious large chebureks, the second for “buuzas” and meat soups, as well as Chinese and Uzbek cuisine on the menu.

Buryat “buuzy” (a dish of minced meat and steamed dough) is made everywhere, but to find the juiciest ones, you will have to try several versions in different places. Prices are approximately the same everywhere - 40-50 RUB per piece. Soups - “lagman”, “shulen” (noodle soup), “buhler” (broth with large pieces of lamb) - hearty and tasty, about 120 RUB per serving. On average, a full meal in Arshan will cost 350 RUB.

Attractions and entertainment

From Arshan you can go on an excursion to the natural attractions surrounding it: waterfalls on the Kyrgynga River, extinct volcanoes, old Arshans (Subarga and Paliy), mountains and lakes. The first waterfall of the cascade (out of 12) is located 20-30 minutes walk from the village. It takes longer to get to the breathing volcanoes, where, according to legend, an ancient spirit lives - about 1.5 hours. The climb to the Peak of Love, a rock more than 2 km high, will take 3-4 hours.

In the village there are Buddhist temples “Bodhidharma” and “Dechen Ravzhalin”, where you can consult lamas, healers and astrologers. The Orthodox Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul was recently built. There are also museums: an art gallery with the intriguing name “Yurt of the Two Wise Men”, located in a real wooden yurt, a collection of products made from tree roots “Forest Tale” and a museum of the history of the village.


Perhaps the most attractive peak in the vicinity of Irkutsk is located in Eastern Sayan Mount Munku-Sardyk. The road to its foot passes through the picturesque Tunkinskaya Valley. You can travel along this route for several days - there are many beautiful places, tourist centers and healing mineral springs Arshan and Zhemchug. The road here is good, and there are many comfortable places to spend the night. Particularly popular is the trip to May holidays when nature is just beginning to wake up. Thousands of fans will gather at the foot of Munku-Sardyk these days mountain tourism and bard song, this event in itself is the most massive ascent to highest peak Eastern Sayan is a worthy destination for a trip. According to the organizers of the festival, a prayer service honoring Buren-Khaan, the host sacred mountain Munku-Sardyk will be held on May 1 (starts at 12.00) in the traditional place - in a clearing near the bridge over the river. White Irkut on the left bank of the river.


IrkutskShelekhovKultukArshanKyrenNile. Empty.Mondas
Kultuk98 81
Arshan210 193 112
Kyren215 198 117 58
Nile. Empty.251 234 156 98 40
Mondas304 285 204 146 82 55
O. Ilchir370 353 272 214 250 124 68


You can drive to the border with Mongolia from Irkutsk (304 km) through the entire Tunka Valley in 5 hours, to the Nilova Pustyn resort (257 km) in 3.5–4 hours, to the Arshan resort (210 km) in 3 hours.

Tunkinskaya Valley stretches for 200 km, it gradually rises to 1200 m above sea level and narrows from 30 to 20 km. It is a continuation of the Baikal depression and is famous for its healing springs and alpine meadows. On this route you can visit the mineral springs of Arshan, Zhemchug or Nilovaya Desert.

Every mineral spring The Tunka Valley, and there are almost 400 of them in total, differs from the rest in temperature, mineralization, taste of water and the level of carbon dioxide and radon in it. It will take very little time to visit the source in village Pearl(95 km), located 3 km from the highway. In front of the village there is a good and spacious roadside cafe “Pearl”, there are a lot of poseurs at the source itself, and a souvenir market opens on weekends. There are many tourist centers built around where you can always find a place to stay overnight, for example, the Krasnaya Polyana guest house. The local population advises taking a therapeutic shower no more than twice a day for 10 minutes. It is believed that water helps with diseases of the joints and nerves.


The largest selection of comfortable private estates, tourist centers and hotels is located in the resorts of Arshan and Nilovaya Pustyn, the Pearl Spring. South of the village. Kyren and at the foot of Munku-Sardyk you will have to spend the night in tents. Arshan has the largest offer - from the private sector to hotel suites (from 2,600 rubles with breakfast). Pay attention to popular hotels among tourists "Princess Christina"(Traktovaya St., 115 a, tel.: 8950 083 6650, restaurant, bar, swimming pool, bathhouse, cedar barrel), landscaped private estate "Marina Grove" next to the Church of Peter and Paul (Traktovaya St., 95, tel.: 8902 578 1125, cafe, Russian bathhouse with swimming pool, children's playground, billiards), private estate "Mint"(Traktovaya St., 89, tel.: 8950 007 3332, rooms in 2-story houses made of Siberian pine, satellite TV, bathhouse). There are also Sanatorium "Sayany" for 500 places, boarding house "Sagaan-Dali" for 100 seats. Next to the Sagan-Dali boarding house there is a children's health resort "Edelweiss".

The most famous and visited resort in the Tunka Valley Arshan located 28 km from the A-164 road (112 km from the village of Kultuk, 210 km from Irkutsk) at the foot of Tunkinskie Goltsy at an altitude of 893 m above sea level. Arshan translated from Buryat means “healing spring”. Each Arshan has a place for sacrifices, and a whole sacred grove arose on Arshan, decorated with multi-colored ribbons.

Kyngarga waterfall in Arshan
Higher in the river gorge. Kyngarga (1 km along a wide path) there is a picturesque waterfall 5-6 m high, popular among holidaymakers at the resort. There are 12 waterfalls in Kyngarga in total and you can get to them along a path along the river (11 km). The most high waterfalls have a drop of about 10 m. You can visit the current Buddhist datsan or take a car excursion to the Koimor Lakes, located 10 km northwest of the resort (turn left before Arshan to Tagarkhai, 5 km). The lakes are connected by channels and are rich in fish and waterfowl. The banks are swampy, and you can only get to them on horseback.

After 135 km, the A-164 highways begin to be the most scenic spots. There are often beautiful panoramas of the Irkut valley and the snowy mountain peaks sparkling in the distance.

IN village Turan can be turned to resort Nilova Pustyn(the road to the village of Khoito-Gol is 18 km), which is located at an altitude of 915 m above sea level in the foothills of the Eastern Sayan Mountains, 7 km from the village. Turan, in a narrow gorge on the banks of the river. Ihe-Uhgun. Around the resort there are picturesque mountain slopes with dense mixed forest. The narrow gorge narrows so much in several places that between steep cliffs space remains only for the raging stream and the embankment of the road. Even if there were no radon source here, the gorge and the road along it are attractive in themselves. Above the Nile Desert there are secluded sandy beaches, rapids with large boulders and picturesque large stones, densely entwined with colored lichens. From the resort you can go to the museum of the Buryat village of Khoito-Gol, to the Nilovsky datsan or to the beginning of the trail to the Shumak springs.

Not far from the village of Mondy there is Sayan Solar Observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS. Driving along the road, you can see white domes and pavilions of bizarre shapes on the Chasovye Sopki (altitude 2000 m above sea level), where telescopes are used to observe the solar corona, requiring high transparency of the earth's atmosphere. Regular automated measurements of cosmic ray intensity are also carried out at the observatory and on Mount Hulugaisha (3000 m above sea level). This place is also known to specialists who study the degree of air pollution as a local “standard of the highest air purity.” The Sayan Observatory houses one of the largest solar telescopes in Russia (with a mirror of 80 cm, a focal length of 20 m).

The last 10–15 km before the village. The Mondy road passes through a narrow gorge above the fast-moving Irkut, there are no exits to the water here, but when walking along the edge of a rocky cliff above the river, a beautiful panorama of the river quickly flowing among the steep cliffs opens up.
The village of Mondy, located in the wide Irkut valley, from where the snowy peaks of Mount Munku-Sardyk are visible, is the last locality before the border with Mongolia
Before turning to Orlik, you must refuel - there won’t be a gas station any further

The section of the river in front of the village of Mondy is attractive for rafting on inflatable boats or rafts
The Munku-Sardyk region is being actively developed by lovers of alternative technology

The most beautiful high-altitude ridge Munku-Sardyk, the main peak of which reaches a height of 3491 m, is located on the border of Russia and Mongolia and is dominant in the Eastern Sayan

The seven peaks of Munku-Sardyk were named by the Mongols in honor of the seven sons of Abai Geser Bogdo Khan, an epic hero whose legends are widespread among the peoples of Central Asia


Border crossing in Mondach
In 2007, a border zone was established along the state border of Russia with Mongolia, on the territory of which the famous Mountain peak. Now, in order to get to Munku-Sardyk or the Oka Plateau, tourists need to obtain special passes. Don't forget to take your passport with you. It is most convenient to register with the emergency rescue service before your trip. Irkutsk region(Baikalskaya, 295), but similar registration can be done with rescuers in Ulan-Ude or in one of three search and rescue teams: in Nikola, in Slyudyanka or in Kyren. To visit the telescope, an application must be sent to Ulan-Ude a month before the visit.

From the Russian side, the ascent begins in the valley of the White Irkut, from its confluence with the Black Irkut
Last year there were so many applications for the ascent that in narrow places during the ascent there were jams of climbers, and there were several dozen people at the top at the same time, and... a squad of border guards who were on duty on the day of mass ascents right at the top
If on ordinary days you can admire the mountain views alone, then on the May holidays, in order to climb to the top, you need to stand in line
The top of the mountain is covered with a glacier all year round, so the Mongols respectfully call it the Silver Mountain, and the Russians call it the Eternal White Golts


In the 90s of the last century, a road was built from Monde to Orlik, which passes through the starting point of the ascent to Munku-Sardyk. Since 2010, the Interregional Mountain Festival Munku-Sardyk has been held with a traditional bard song competition and thousands of tourists in the tent camp. In 2011, 1.5 thousand people came here for the May holidays, more than two thousand from 50 cities are expected this year. Due to the difficult and steep climb, not everyone reaches the top. In 2011, out of 643 registered participants, only 250 of the most determined climbers reached their goal.

Depending on the route chosen, the climb is classified in four different difficulty categories. The ascent to the main peak of the ridge, Mount Munku-Sardyk, along the easiest route from the Russian side, is along the northwestern ridge.

From the main peak of the massif a beautiful panorama opens up: in the south all the bays of the northern end of the Mongolian Lake Khubsugul are clearly visible, the mirror of which is lost in the haze beyond the horizon, in the north there is a palisade of pointed rocky peaks of the Eastern Sayan.

The most difficult is considered to be a frontal ascent along the northern ice slope, and the easiest is along the southern glacier from Khubsugol. The most interesting section of the route is the eight-kilometer Mugovek gorge with a narrow two-kilometer canyon and many beautiful ice waterfalls and steps. In February, the river freezes, and a huge layer of ice forms throughout the gorge, which lasts until summer. The ice evenly covers all the boulders, so in winter it is much easier to walk along the gorge. The slope of the ice in the gorge in some places reaches 40º, so crampons, an ice ax or ski poles are required when climbing. At an altitude of 2613 m there is a glacial lake called Echoy, where rescuers set up a base camp. Usually it takes about 2.5 hours to get there from the arrow. In winter, the lake is covered with snow, in spring it shines with a turquoise round saucer of ice, and in summer, on its shore you can see a magnificent virgin sand spit washed up by a stream flowing into the lake.

From the lake there is a steep climb to the top - it takes another 2-3 hours. The cliffs at the summit have a steepness of about 50 degrees. Not everyone can overcome it: you have to stop often to catch your breath, and if the weather starts to deteriorate, you definitely need to go back. It may be possible to climb to the top in bad weather, but it is unlikely to go down with hypothermia and complete loss of moral and physical strength. Many climbers note the characteristic difficult weather and frequent electrical storms, winds reaching 40 m/sec. In the most difficult places, the emergency rescue service has installed safety railings. Strong winds on the ridge and on the mountain itself, firn and “live” stones complicate the climbers’ path. The peak itself is a flat area approximately 5 by 20 meters with a slight slope.

The peak of Munku-Sardyk today is one of the most popular among mountain tourism lovers. The difficulties of climbing are more than repaid with vivid emotions. The poems of V. Vysotsky surprisingly accurately convey the sensations of the climber when he “stood at the top as if drunk,” something similar can be experienced at the top of Munku:

    Who has not been here, who has not taken risks,
    He didn't test himself.
    Even if he was snatching stars from the sky below.
    You won’t find it below, no matter how hard you reach.
    For all my happy life
    A tenth of such beauties and wonders!
It’s probably rare that an Irkutsk resident has not visited Arshan at least once in his life. I know only one such woman - my mother, but she has never been to Lake Baikal, although she was born and raised in Irkutsk.

Arshan is located 210 km from Irkutsk in the Republic of Buryatia. The border with Mongolia, which passes in the village of Mondy (emphasis on the first syllable), is only 146 km from Arshan. By the way, we have a visa-free regime with Mongolia.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take a camera with me, and my phone’s capabilities don’t allow me to take normal photos, so I took the photo from baikalsky .

Arshan is located in the Tunka Valley at an altitude of 893 m above sea level. “Arshan” translated from Buryat means “healing spring”. And this is the view that opens while you are driving to the village.

This part of the Eastern Sayan Mountains is called Tunkinskie loaches

True, this photo was taken a little earlier - in the spring, so now the picture looks a little different - greener, and the mountains are not so white, the snow has already melted.

Getting to Arshan from Irkutsk is very easy - minibuses and buses go there, and of course you can also use your own car. They go there for the mineral springs, mountains, waterfalls and even to eat real Buryat food.

One of the sources

According to Buryat custom, rituals of a petitionary and grateful nature (treating the Ezhin (spirit) of Arshan with wine, tying ribbons) are performed twice: on the occasion of arrival - with a request to give health, to be freed from illness, and on the occasion of departure - as a sign of gratitude. A whole sacred grove arose near the springs on Arshan, decorated with multi-colored ribbons.

Sacred Grove

Ribbons made of silk or any other material are called zalaa, jalama, hadag or hadak

The Kyngyrga River (translated from Buryat as “drum”) flows through the village, the bottom of the canyon is lined with pink and yellow marble.

About a kilometer upstream there is a 5-6 m high waterfall, which is very popular among tourists. I dug up an old photo of a waterfall, taken with a point-and-shoot camera.

And here is another photo of me, digitized from paper:

Previously, near the waterfall there was a bridge across the river, along which you could cross to the other side and go further along the path to the next waterfall. Last summer, a powerful mudflow hit the village, which destroyed part of the village, killing one woman. Now there is no road to the second waterfall, and instead of a bridge there are two logs, along which daredevils still cross the river.

Landing video

And we lived in the village of Zhemchug, which is about 40 km from Arshan. It contains two mineral springs. One is methane, with a water temperature of 38°C, the other is carbon dioxide, with a temperature of 55°C. Their water contains the elements of lithium, strontium, titanium, and molybdenum. Medicinal properties have not been fully studied, it is not recommended to stay in them for more than 20 minutes. A visit to the pools with springs costs 200 rubles for adults, 100 rubles for children.

There is also a water park in the village - well, that’s just the name, of course. The water in it is cold, there are only two slides, and there were a lot of people because the weather was hot. A visit to the water park for adults – 400 rubles, for children – 300 rubles.

You can go for free to the Irkut River - a beautiful sandy beach, very shallow, suitable for small children.

Now a little about Buryat cuisine. It is similar to Mongolian, which is also well represented in local cafes, where food is inexpensive.

The poses are similar to khinkali and manti, stuffed with minced meat and onions, and steamed. The peculiarity of eating poses is that meat juice is drunk through the bitten hole. I heard that if the pose was torn and the juice leaked out, then the Buryats will replace the “defective” one with a whole one.

One pose costs 55-60 rubles. Recently, more and more often, instead of the word “poses,” they began to use “buuzy,” which is phonetically closer to Buryat. In addition, visitors are perplexed by the “Hot Poses” signs.

This time I also tried khushuurs - they are like poses, only fried in oil.

In one cafe we ​​ate khushuurs like in the picture. A serving of 4 pieces costs 280 rubles, they also came with a vegetable salad. I could only manage three pieces alone.

In another cafe, the hushuurs were like this, they are also called meat pears:

One piece costs 60 rubles.

Three latest photos from the Internet.

You can eat poses in Irkutsk, but real Buryat ones are only in Buryatia.

In Arshan and Zhemchug markets you can buy Mongolian goods and various herbs. Of course, you can also buy them in Irkutsk, but we always traditionally bring sagaan dali from Arshan - a powerful energy stimulant, but we love it not for this, but for its very pleasant indescribable aroma. To enjoy it, you just need to add 3-5 herb leaves to regular tea. If you are in Irkutsk or Arshan, be sure to buy it.

The most famous and visited resort in the Tunka Valley, Arshan, is located 28 km from the A-164 road (112 km from the village of Kultuka, 210 km from Irkutsk and 479 km from Ulan-Ude) at the foot of the Tunkinsky char at an altitude of 893 m above sea level. The first written report about Arshan mineral springs dates back to 1894. The Arshan resort was founded in 1920. Arshan translated from Buryat means “healing spring.” Each arshan has a place for sacrifices. As a rule, rituals of a petitionary and grateful nature (treating Ezhin Arshan with wine, tying ribbons) are performed twice: on the occasion of arrival - with a request to give health, to be freed from illness, and on the occasion of departure - as a sign of gratitude. A whole sacred grove arose near the springs on Arshan, decorated with multi-colored ribbons.

The resort's mineral waters have a wide range of temperatures: from cold (11–13 °C) to hot (45 °C). According to the chemical composition, the mineral waters of Arshan, according to the classification of V.A. Alexandrov, belong to the 1st class, being carbon dioxide with a high gas content. Arshan mineral waters have a complex composition and are rich in microelements; in terms of physicochemical properties they are analogous to Kislovodsk Narzan, but are significantly superior to it in mineralization. Water is used for medicinal purposes for drinking, bathing and showering. Indications for treatment: diseases of the digestive and circulatory organs, cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology, neurology.

Mineral water is captured from wells (985 m3/day) and supplied through pipelines to the drinking pump rooms and to the bathroom building. Drinking pump rooms are open from 7.30 to 9.30, from 12.00 to 14.00, from 17.00 to 21.00. There are two mineral water pump rooms - warm and cold. Warm mineral baths can be arranged with the resort administration. Natural way out mineral water preserved in only one place - this is the so-called eye spring, it is easy to find, its location is indicated by a sacred grove. Eye spring water contains iron, up to 600 mg/l.

Currently, the Arshan resort can simultaneously accommodate about 980 people. In 1989, the Sayany sanatorium with 500 beds was put into operation, and in 1996, the Sagaan-Dali boarding house with 100 beds.

NUTRITION. In the village of Arshan there are many small cafes, pozny and cheburek, actively working in the summer. You can pay for meals to the accounting department of the Sayany sanatorium and eat in the sanatorium canteen.


PRIVATE SECTOR. Near the bus station, when the bus arrives, you can meet local residents offering accommodation in the private sector.

BOARDING HOUSE "SAGAAN-DALI". Quiet and clean new modern building located in a pine forest, on the right at the entrance to the village. Arshan. Turn right (500 m) at 26 km, immediately after the Arshan sign. 2- and 3-bed comfortable rooms (bathroom, hot and cold water); 2-room deluxe rooms (telephone, TV, refrigerator); rental of sports equipment.

ARSHAN RESORT. SANATORIUMS "SAYANY" AND "ARSHAN". Tunkinsky district, Arshan resort. The resort is designed to accommodate 985 vacationers. The Sayany sanatorium has a swimming pool.


RECREATION CENTER "ENERGETIK". Two-storey sleeping complex with 1-, 2- and 3-bed rooms. There are 11 rooms in total in the boarding house: 2 single summer rooms, 7 double rooms and 2 triple rooms. The rooms are poorly equipped, toilets and washbasins are on the ground floor. There is a bathhouse on the territory of the base. All rooms, except single rooms, are equipped with TVs. Each floor has a kitchen equipped with a stove, refrigerator and kitchen utensils for self-catering.

GUEST HOUSE "CLIMBER'S SHELTER", Adventure and Travel Center "In the World of Fantasy". Tel. in Irkutsk: 335-835, 432-647, tel. in Arshan: 6-97. Email: [email protected] Pos. Arshan, center, 300 m from the bus station, st. Brothers Domyshev, 8. The guest house is designed in an adventure style. Double accommodation in 7 rooms, fireplace room, sauna, bar, fenced parking lot. Accompanied by professional guides, you can make hikes to the Arshansky Pass (2 days), climbing the Peak of Love (1 day), to Mount Three-Glava and Peak Bratchanka (2 days), to the valley of the river. Buhota (2–3 days), to the river valley. Bugataya (2–3 days). Hire of tourist equipment.

BOWL OF VIRGINS - a stone bowl of water in the riverbed, located in the upper reaches of the Buhota River, flowing 3 km from the village. Arshana. An amazingly beautiful place, filled with strength and energy. According to local Buryat customs, the bride bathes in this bowl before the wedding. Typically, Buryat weddings take place in the summer or early autumn during the full moon or new moon. There was a belief that the beginning of family life, timed to coincide with the full moon or new moon, promised happiness and a successful and rich life in the future. A big role was given to pre-wedding rituals. The bachelorette party, or the ceremony of seeing off the bride, was widely celebrated throughout Buryatia. The farewell ceremony for the bride lasted 2–3 days and attracted many young people from the surrounding uluses. On the last night before the wedding, the bride and her bridesmaids went to a secret place and performed the ritual of ablution and offerings to the family spirits - the ongons of the clan. Near Arshan, a similar ceremony took place in the upper reaches of the river. Buhoty. The bride bathed in a stone bowl at night, if she was pure in her thoughts, and the ceremony went well; it was believed that the spirits of the family blessed her for marriage.

PEAK OF LOVE, 2412 m, one of the peaks of the Tunkinsky loaches. Conquering this peak is a popular route among lovers extreme tourism in Arshan. The ascent usually takes 4–5 hours per summer time, 5–6 in winter.

The Arshansky Pass is more difficult to climb than the Peak of Love. From here you can make interesting radial routes.

Attracts lovers of simple travel Mountain Lake, located at the source of the Artemyev River. The lake is called both crystal and dead, but its beauty and mystery fascinate everyone who gets to it. The route can be completed in one daylight.

9 mineral springs Khongor-Uuly - a place in the Tunka Valley, located a few kilometers from the village. Kyren, which is worth a visit if you are interested in folk traditions and customs. People who received healing at the springs leave their crafts and sculptures as a souvenir of this place, and the area of ​​the springs, decorated with numerous offerings, resembles an open-air museum.

KYNGARGA RIVER. The surroundings of the resort are very picturesque. Near the springs, the trunks of the pine grove, according to Buryat custom, are tied with khadaks - sacrificial ribbons of material. Along the path to the spring in the summer there are many sellers with medicinal herbs. Here you can buy sagandailya, the golden root. Near the resort (500 m up the path) there is a canyon of the river. Kyngargi (kyngarga means “drum”), inaccessible in summer, but in winter you can take a fascinating excursion along the frozen river among the icy rocks. Rapidly flowing water is visible through the ice. The length of the river from its source to its mouth is more than 27 km. The bottom of the canyon is lined with pink and yellow marble polished by water. A little higher (1 km along a wide path) – powerful waterfall 5–6 m high, with a bridge before the fall, it is easy to make a short excursion here. To get to the second waterfall, you need to climb further along the rocks, along a narrow and unsafe path for small children, about 300 meters. The second waterfall is a wide cascade of several rocky steps, the largest of which does not exceed 3 m. In total, there are 12 waterfalls on Kyngarga, you can reach them follow the path along the river (11 km). The highest waterfalls have a drop of about 10 m.

Near Arshan there are traces of volcanic activity which took place here 10–15 thousand years ago, at the end of the Ice Age. Not far from the road leading to Arshan, two small cones are visible on the right extinct volcanoes and several low hills of volcanic scoria.

7 km from Arshan, west of the village. Ulyabory, the Khara-Boldok volcano, 100–120 m high, overgrown with forest, is clearly visible, the crater diameter is 80–100 m. In shape, it is a typical cone with a torn northern edge and consists entirely of highly porous, spongy basalt slag.

10 km north-west of the resort are the Koimor Lakes, they can be reached through the village. Tagarkay. The lakes are connected by channels and are rich in fish and waterfowl. The banks are swampy, and you can only get close to them on horseback.

In the vicinity of the village. Tunka, on the sandy hills along the Akhalika and Tunka rivers, various stone, bronze and iron tools of primitive man, shards of pottery, as well as bones of fossil animals: mammoth, rhinoceros, and primitive bull were found.

SOURCE PEARL. The village is located at 94 km. Zhemchug, after which 99 km beyond the river. Kharagun there will be a gravel turn (3 km) to the Zhemchug mineral spring. If time permits, you can stop by the spring and take a hot shower. On the right bank of the river. Irkut, there are healing hot springs and mud baths widely known among the local population. In 1954, 1.5 km from the village. A well with a depth of 1026 m was opened in Pearl, and at depths of 728–732 and 754–766 m there was a methane thermal water. Radioactivity 6 eman. Currently, the well is self-flowing with a flow rate of 8 l/s. Water temperature +37...+38 °C. There is a shared shower cabin, for the use of which a nominal fee is charged, and wild mud baths on the banks of the Irkut, around which there are many vacationers in the summer. The medicinal properties of the spring water, containing the elements of strontium, lithium, traces of titanium and molybdenum, have been poorly studied. The local population recommends taking a shower no more than 2 times a day for 10 minutes. It is believed that water helps with diseases of the joints and nerves.

KYREN, village Regional center of the Tunkinskaya Valley village. Kyren (118–125 km, population about 6,000 people) stretches along the road for 7 km. This is the largest settlement in the Tunka Valley. At the entrance to the village, to the right of the road, in a two-story brick building, the directorate of the Tunkinsky National Park is located, where you can get Additional information about the park's attractions.

At the entrance to Kyren, on the right, slightly to the side of the road, is the main Buddhist temple of the Tunka Valley.

For the village With Turan, the Tunka Valley noticeably narrows. Increasingly, the road comes close to Irkut, sometimes rising high above it. The road enters the forested foothills of the Sayan Mountains. From 141 km the gravel section begins. The road goes through the mountains with steep climbs of up to 10%, through dense forest. Before Turan, 150 km to the left of the road, there is a spring where you can replenish your drinking water supplies.

From Turan to the Nilova Hermitage there is 7 km of gravel road, to the village. Khoyto-Gol 18 km.

25 km from the village. The Turan road is crossed by the river. Dalbay. In a narrow valley along the banks of the river, multiple outlets of mineral water were discovered. The local population calls them Dalbai khalun arshan. The water from the springs is used for drinking and medicinal baths.

After 135 km, a short section of a good gravel road begins, and then again there is an asphalt road to the village. Monds. This section often offers beautiful panoramas of the Irkut valley and the snowy mountain peaks sparkling in the distance.

It is better to stop for the night before reaching the village. Monds. The last 10-15 km before the village. Monda road goes in a narrow gorge above the fast-moving Irkut, there are no exits to the water, and it is impossible to find a secluded place away from the road.

In the village Mondy has a guest house for 3 people with basic amenities. The car should be parked in the yard of local residents for the night.


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