Arshan resort: treatment and relaxation in the Tunka Valley of Siberia. Oh how many wonderful discoveries we have from Arshan Monda

Tunkinskaya Valley is probably the most a unique place Baikal region, covered with a mass of ancient legends and tales.
Many centuries ago, along this road along the banks of the Irkut River lay the path of Genghis Khan and his army of thousands.
Numerous sacred places, some of which are a thousand years old, miraculous mineral springs, the majestic Sayan Mountains surrounding the picturesque Tunka Valley create the impression of an unreal paradise.

The Tunka Valley is a continuation of the Baikal depression and is unique for its healing springs and alpine meadows.
From the west, the valley is limited by the high Tunka char with pronounced alpine relief forms, and from the east by the less steep slopes of Khamar-Daban. The mountains spectacularly frame the valley with high alpine charrs, which begin immediately from the flat meadows of the valley and rise to a height of up to 2500 meters. Already at the end of September, the peaks of the mountains are covered with snow and look spectacular against the backdrop of the unfallen colored foliage of the forest areas of the valley.

Beautiful natural landscapes in most places have not yet been affected by the destructive traces of human presence: it is quite easy to find a virgin clearing on the edge of a forest or on the bank of a river.


The Tunkinskaya Valley starts from the southern tip of Lake Baikal - the village of Kultuk and is connected to Irkutsk by a good asphalt road.
The village of Kultuk can be reached along the Kultuksky tract from Irkutsk along the M-55 highway. In terms of distance and arrival time, the trip is comparable to the popular by car route to the Small Sea. You can drive from Irkutsk to the Mongolian border in Mondy (304 km) through the entire Tunka Valley in 5 hours, to the Nilova Pustyn resort (257 km) in 3.5-4 hours, to the Arshan resort (210 km) in 3 hours. The distance from Irkutsk to the beginning of the Tunka Valley - the village of Kultuk - is 98 km, which can be covered in 1.5 hours.
The best option to get acquainted with all the sights of the Tunka Valley is to drive along it in your own or rented car. This option will allow you to see all the sights in 2-3 days off.
For fans of regular routes, there are several options to start exploring Tunka:

By bus (Irkutsk - Arshan):
There is a regular bus from Irkutsk directly to the Arshan resort (Flight No. 520). Departure from Irkutsk daily at 8.30, 9.30 from the bus station (October Revolution Street, 11 Bus Station stop, tram No. 4). Travel time is 5 hours. IN reverse direction the bus leaves from Arshan at 10.30, 15.30, 16.00. Route schedule.
You can also get to Arshan by minibus With railway station Irkutsk.

By train (Irkutsk - Slyudyanka):
Every day you can get from Irkutsk to Slyudyanka by train (several flights per day, schedule). Travel time is about 3 hours. Further from Slyudyanka to Arshan you can travel by regular bus departing daily at 13:00.
The advantage of this route is the opportunity to explore the unique building of the Slyudyansky railway station (the only building in Russia entirely built from unpolished white and pink Baikal marble) and the private mineralogical museum, where more than 10 thousand exhibits of minerals are collected.

In both cases, when traveling to Arshan by regular transport, you will have to admire the unique landscapes of the valley from the bus window without the opportunity to turn off to explore roadside attractions.

For lovers active rest We can recommend an alternative and most valuable route from the point of view of a closer acquaintance with the Tunka Valley - this is a bicycle route through the entire Tunka Valley. The distance of 130 km from Slyudyanka to Arshan along an excellent and lightly used asphalt road by bicycle can be covered in 1-2 light days. It will truly be an incomparable feeling of unity with unique nature Tunki.
Every year on May holidays hundreds of cyclists from all over Irkutsk region make the already traditional move Slyudyanka-Arshan-Slyudyanka.


The Tunka Valley begins at the southern tip of Lake Baikal, near which the village of Kultuk is located.
A trip to the Tunka Valley does not require special expedition equipment. There are cafes along the highway, incl. at the entrance to Tunkinsky Park, at the turn to Arshan and to the village. Kyren. In the Tunkinskaya Valley you can stay in comfortable conditions at any time of the year in the sanatoriums and boarding houses of Arshan, Nilova Pustyn or in the private sector according to your taste. A picturesque spacious valley and a good asphalt road with a continuous panorama from the car windows of loved ones high mountains and sacred Buddhist places leave a vivid impression of the trip.

On this route you can visit mineral springs in Arshan, Zhemchug or Nilovaya Desert. Each mineral spring of the Tunka Valley, and there are almost 400 of them in total, differs from the others in temperature, mineralization, taste of the water and the level of carbon dioxide and radon in it.
In the middle part of the valley, the Irkut River takes on the character of a flat river and flows leisurely among steep banks, often forming loops, oxbow lakes, and intricate bends with sandy beaches.

Higher up, where the valley narrows, the Irkut flows violently through a rocky gorge, rumbling on continuous rapids and rifts. The asphalt road in the valley often comes close to the shore of Irkut, and in front of the village. Mondy, when the valley narrows, goes directly into the rocks above the turbulent river, which allows you to observe the river almost to the very source from Lake Ilchir.
In the evening and in conditions of poor visibility, drivers should be extremely careful, since right on the road near populated areas there are a large number of cattle motorway great place for relaxation and a leisurely walk.

Also at the entrance to the village. Mondas should apply for a pass to stay in the border zone at the border outpost.

The combination of mountains, rich vegetation, beautiful lakes, and crystal clear rivers create the uniquely picturesque landscapes of the valley. Despite the fact that people began to develop the Tunka Valley since time immemorial (settlements of ancient people date back 13.5 thousand years), the nature of Tunka has been preserved in almost pristine condition. The Tunka Valley is a continuation of the Baikal depression. It stretches for 200 km, gradually rising to 1200 m above sea level and narrowing from 30 to 20 km. From the west, the valley is limited by the high Tunka chars of the Eastern Sayan Mountains with pronounced alpine relief forms, and from the east by the less steep slopes of Khamar-Daban.

Main river valleys - Irkut originates from the confluence of two rivers - White Irkut, flowing from mountain range Munku-Sardyk, and Black Irkut, the source of which is Lake Ilchir. The climate is moderate continental: summers are warm, winters are cold and long. The main wealth of Tunkinskaya is its unique healing springs.
Most tourists and travelers come to the Tunka Valley only to spend idle time in the popular and therefore very crowded resort of Arshan. At the same time, few people pay attention and know about the many other even more unique attractions of this area. And there are plenty of them here.
To make it easier to navigate the location of attractions in the village of Kultuk, I recommend switching the car’s daily mileage counter to zero.

1. Slyudyansky railway station building

The Slyudyanka train station is the only building in Russia entirely built of white and pink unpolished marble. The station project was developed specifically for Slyudyanka and the Circum-Baikal Railway. Initially, it was planned to build a brick station in Slyudyanka, but the Italian architects and builders who were involved in the design and construction of tunnels and viaducts on the Circum-Baikal Railway decided to change the construction material and use marble as the main natural material mined in these places.

2. Private Museum of Minerals V.A. Zhigalov (Slyudyanka)

In the private museum "Gems of Baikal" local resident V.A. Zhigalov, a former photojournalist for the Slyudyanka and Tiksi newspapers, now a passionate collector of minerals, has amassed a collection of 8,960 exhibits. The collection includes all minerals known to modern science (3,450 species). There is a trading shop at the museum, where you can also get advice on the minerals of the area. A detailed summary of the minerals of the area includes about 200 species and varieties. The Slyudyanskoye deposit is unique in its diversity of minerals. In our country, only two are comparable to it: in the Urals and the Kola Peninsula.
You can learn more about the museum’s description and its private collection on the museum’s website.

3. Estate-motel of animator Andrei Mikhailov (18 km from Kultuk)

At 18 km, to the left of the road before entering the village. Quick, you can have a snack and even spend the night in a cozy motel - the creative dacha of cartoonist Andrei Mikhailov “Chas” (which he designed and built with his own hands). Today, the entire household is run by Mikhailov’s mother, Tamara Alekseevna: formerly a police major, now an artist and meteorologist. There are five at the dacha double rooms, Russian bathhouse, small art gallery, exhibition of various souvenirs, picnic area. A few years ago, only foreigners were accepted here “by recommendation.” Now the dacha has become publicly accessible, the cost of living is 150 rubles per day. You can prepare your own food in the kitchen; a visit to the bathhouse will cost 50 rubles per person. For barbecue lovers, a special Russian-style oven was built nearby.

4. Lapis lazuli deposit (21 km)

At the exit from the village. Bystrogo, turning left in the upper reaches of the river. Malaya Bystraya, there is a deposit of lapis lazuli. A beautiful ornamental azure stone is an opaque mineral of a dark blue color. In ancient times, lapis lazuli was credited with healing properties: the ability to ease breathing, strengthen vision, and help in the treatment of epilepsy. This deposit is the main supplier of high-quality lapis lazuli to the world market and is considered the second most important in the world (after Badakhshan in Afghanistan).

In ancient times, lapis lazuli was credited with healing properties: the ability to ease breathing, strengthen vision, and help cure epilepsy. Lapis lazuli has long been used to produce high-quality paint - ultramarine. Best paintings Renaissance paintings were painted using natural ultramarine.

5. An ancient burial mound of the leader of the Mongol-Tatar army from the time of Genghis Khan (34 km)

In the village of Tibelti, there is a small hill on which there is an ancient but active cemetery. This is nothing more than the remnant of the ancient burial place of one of the leaders of the Mongol-Tatar army from the time of Genghis Khan.
During the Tatar-Mongol invasion, a detachment of the Mongol-Tatar army passed through the Tunka Valley. Where the village is now located, the leader of the soldiers died and was buried with full honors. According to the old Mongol custom, each person from the detachment had to pour sand from his own helmet onto the ashes of the leader. This could form a small hill - a kind of sand pyramid. Indeed, if you look closely at the hill, you will notice that it has a regular, slightly flattened shape of a triangular pyramid.
This legend is partly confirmed by finds made in the churchyard. For example, in 1963, a golden Mongolian smoking pipe mouthpiece and pouch were found here. And three years ago - several gold antique coins.

6. Buddhist complex “Many Doors of Happiness” (39 km)

Opposite the entrance sign "Tunkinsky District national park"In the summer of 2004, under the leadership of Dagmo Lama L.R. Domshivaev, the stupa of Dashi Gama was built, translated from the Tibetan language means many doors of happiness. K Buddhist complex: a stupa, a gazebo, and young cedars are led from the road by a stone staircase guarded by two stone lions. The prototype of this stupa was erected in India in ancient times in memory of the Buddha's threefold explanation of his teachings. Dashi Gama Stupa was consecrated by Venerable Yeshi Lodo Rinpoche on August 14, 2004.
On the opposite side of the road, nearby there is a post office working around the clock. In terms of distance, it is located approximately halfway from Irkutsk to Mondy, so it is convenient for stopping for lunch. The local Buryat dish - buuzy (poses) - is prepared excellently here. Instead of the usual tea we all know, here you can order real Mongolian tea with milk.

7. Sacred place of the Tunka Valley (51 km)

When approaching the village of Tory from the road on the right side, a white spot on the slope of the ridge is clearly visible - one of the cult places of the Tunka Valley - Bukha-Noyon (translated as bull, master, leader). The bull is one of the mythological ancestors - totems of the Buryat people, a symbol of the power of nature, an object of shamanistic cult. There are many legends and folk tales about him. In a cult place at an altitude of 1050 meters there is a picturesque rock formation made of white marble, on top of which stands a Buddhist shrine. In its outline, the rock really looks like a lying bull. The marble is gradually being destroyed, so a large white scree descends from the mountain down the slope. This place has been worshiped by people for centuries, and it has not lost its significance even now.

8. Panorama near the Irkut River (77 km)

At 77 km the road comes close to the Irkut River. There are several turnoffs to the river bank and it is worth stopping for short rest and wonderful photographs.

9. Arshan resort (112 km)

The most famous and visited resort in the Tunka Valley, Arshan, is located 28 km from the A-164 road (112 km from the village of Kultuka, 210 km from Irkutsk and 479 km from Ulan-Ude) at the foot of the Tunkinsky char at an altitude of 893 m above sea level. The first written report about Arshan mineral springs dates back to 1894. The Arshan resort was founded in 1920. Arshan translated from Buryat means “healing spring”. Each arshan has a place for sacrifices. As a rule, rituals of a petitionary and grateful nature (treating Ezhin Arshan with wine, tying ribbons) are performed twice: on the occasion of arrival - with a request to give health, to be freed from illness, and on the occasion of departure - as a sign of gratitude. A whole sacred grove arose near the springs on Arshan, decorated with multi-colored ribbons.
The resort's mineral waters have a wide range of temperatures: from cold (11-13 °C) to hot (45 °C). Arshan mineral waters have a complex composition and are rich in microelements; in terms of physicochemical properties they are analogous to Kislovodsk Narzan, but are significantly superior to it in mineralization. Water is used for medicinal purposes for drinking, bathing and showering.
There are several attractions located near the resort, some of which can be reached by car. Of greatest interest are travels and walks to the waterfalls of the Kyngyrgi River, Crystal Lake, extinct volcanoes. The closest of the volcanoes, Khara-Boldok (Chersky Volcano), is located near the village of Khurai-Khobok. The Talskaya Peak volcano (near the village of Taloe) is also not far from Arshan, about ten kilometers. The highest of its brothers is the Kovrizhka volcano - 1374 meters.

One of the most accessible and popular routes along the Kyngyrga River allows you to see all twelve waterfalls, the largest of which are the first and second, as well as the Marble Bottom natural monument.

Those who wish can take a short ride on horseback; this opportunity is provided by local residents.
More details about the Arshan resort and routes to all its attractions can be found in post about Arshan resort .

10. Mineral baths in the village of Zhemchug (99 km)

If time permits, beyond the village of Zhemchug at 99 km of the route you can turn right along the gravel road and stop at the Vyshka spring, where you can take a hot shower directly from the gushing mineral spring and bask in mineral and mud baths.

An area called Vyshka is located 5 kilometers on the banks of Irkut. Here, as a result of drilling a well in 1954, thermal water, and the well was named Zhemchugskaya. Water with a temperature of 36.5° to 44°C comes from a depth of more than 700 meters, the release amounts to up to a thousand cubic meters of water per day. Well water is methane, with a small content of hydrogen sulfide and radon, and is used to treat diseases of bones and joints, the nervous system, the consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system, and skin diseases.

11. Chief Buddhist temple(119 km)

At the entrance to Kyren, on the right, slightly to the side of the road, is the main Buddhist temple of the Tunka Valley - the Tushite datsan.
The spread of Buddhism in the Tunka Valley began in the 18th century Tibetan monks, 100 years later, in 1817, the first datsan was built here - the Tushite datsan. For a long time it was the main Buddhist temple, responsible for the spread of teachings in the Tunka Valley, and is currently the main temple of the Buddhist community of the Tunka region.

12. Nilova Pustyn resort (156 km)

The Nilova Pustyn resort is located at an altitude of 915 m above sea level in the foothills of the Eastern Sayan Mountains, 7 km from the village. Turan, in a narrow gorge on the banks of the river. Ikhe-Ukhgun, 156 km from the village. Kultuk and 254 km from Irkutsk. A good asphalt road leads to the resort (the last 7 km from Turan is an improved gravel road), and you can get to the Nilova Pustyn resort from Irkutsk in 3.5-4 hours. Around the resort there are picturesque mountain slopes with a dense virgin mixed forest, dominated by pine. The narrow gorge narrows so much in several places that between the steep cliffs there is only room for a seething stream and an embankment of the road.

Even if there were no radon source here, the gorge and the road along it are attractive in themselves. Above the Nile Desert on the banks of the river there are secluded sandy beaches, rapids with large boulders and picturesque large stones on the shore, densely entwined with colored lichens.
The pride of the health resort of this resort is the radon spring. Its mineral waters, containing a lot of silicic acid and fluorine, are not suitable for oral consumption, but are unique for the treatment of skin diseases and joint diseases.
The resort got its name from the Archbishop of Irkutsk and Nerchinsk Nil Isakovich Stolbensky (in the world Nikolai Fedorovich), who, after visiting the springs discovered here in 1840, organized the missionary Nilovskaya men's Hermitage. At the same time, the first chemical studies of waters were carried out. One of the sources was named Serebryanka for its high content of silver ions. Neil, with the support of the Irkutsk governor, as well as Irkutsk merchants, raised funds to support the Desert. At that time, many of the buildings at the resort were privately owned, and treatment at the resort was quite expensive. In 1851, Emperor Nicholas I approved the Regulations, where Pustyn was called the “Non-Stat Men's Pustyn”. The resort was very popular; many people visited it famous people, including the Decembrists who served exile in different parts of Siberia: Volkonsky, Trubetskoy, the Bestuzhev brothers, Poggio, Wolf, Pushchin, Raevsky.
From the resort, along the only gravel road, you can go to the museum of the Buryat village of Khoito-Gol, to the Nilovsky datsan, or to the beginning of the trail to the Shumak springs.

13. Nilovsky Buddhist datsan

4 km upstream of the river from the Nilova Pustyn resort, in a dense forest at 10 km of the road on Mount Kholma-Ula, the Nilovsky Buddhist datsan is located. According to ancient legend, the mythical god Khan Shargai Noyon, the head of five haats sitting on the ridges of the Sayan Mountains, landed in this place. In honor of this, in 1867 a small log house for prayers was built on this site. Subsequently, two wooden datsans were built. Nobody guards the temples. They say that once sacred relics were stolen from the datsan. Those who stole them were unable to take them away from the valley: the entire family died in a car accident, and the relics returned to their place.
In the summer of 2003, the Buddhist stupa Namzhal Stupa of Longevity was built here. In Buddhism, this is one of the eight stupas dedicated to Buddha, translated from Tibetan means “Victory over the demon of death.” The Namzhal stupa has three levels, rises above the ground on supports and in its own way architectural solution is unique. The design of the stupa expresses all the stages on the path to enlightenment.

In the center stands a tower made of a long, smooth log (now replaced by an iron post) with a round tin barrel on top. This design is not found in any other datsan in Buryatia. Old-timers say that when the lamas converted the local population to Buddhism, they first gathered all the shamans in this place and convinced them to accept the Buddhist faith. All the tambourines and shamanic costumes were burned. Sacred things were put in a barrel Buddhist relics and silver coins and raised them up so that Buddha could see the gifts. The sand at the landing site of Khan Shargai Noyon is considered holy. It is widely believed that this sand, taken by a man, gives him strength.

On the territory of the datsan you can see many bushes and trees with narrow strips of multi-colored material. In Buryat it is called "zalaa", ribbons that are tied to the branches of sacred trees. It is believed that by tying a strip of material in the ezhin’s habitat, a person turns to him with a request or makes a wish. Sacred prayers or individual mystical sayings are sometimes written on the material. Buryats believe that when the wind sways a ribbon with prayers written on it, the prayer written on the ribbon rises to heaven, even if at that time the one who wrote the prayer is busy with other things. The tying of colorful ribbons by pilgrims in certain places near monasteries was previously attributed to the miraculous power of driving away all evil from the monastery walls.

14. Hoyto-Gol

At 15 km of the road from the Nilova Pustyn resort to Khoyto-Gol there is a car turnoff (about 15 km) to the right at the foot of the Shumak Pass, leading to the beginning of the trail to the Shumak springs. In the village Khoyto-Gol (translated as “northern valley”) can be visited local history museum. Here visitors will be told about the history of the region. After the annexation of Buryatia to Russia, in order to protect the territory on which in the 16th-17th centuries from Mongol raids. people did not live permanently; from each Buryat clan, one family was sent from Arshan to organize an outpost in the village. Hoyto-Gol. These were the births of Badarkhan, Hongoodor, Shoshoologist. Historical evidence of this event is on display in the museum.

15. Healing springs of the Shumak River valley

The famous healing springs in the valley of the Shumak River, one of the tributaries of the Kitoi River, deserve a special mention. These are the youngest mineral springs on the planet and one of the most inaccessible springs on Earth. You can reach them by walking route or by helicopter. Here, more than 100 springs with thermal carbon dioxide waters come to the surface, which are dominated by calcium and magnesium bicarbonates, and also contain gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and radon. Such waters are effective in treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, nervous and genitourinary systems, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis and diabetes.

16. Panoramas of the Tunka Valley (165 km)

Beyond the village of Turan the most scenic spots Tunka Valley. This section often offers beautiful panoramas of the Irkut valley and the snowy mountain peaks sparkling in the distance.

The last 10-15 km before the village. Monda road goes in a narrow gorge above the fast-moving Irkutsk, there are no exits to the water. In many places, if you stop and walk to the edge of a rocky cliff above the river, a beautiful panorama of the river flowing rapidly through the river opens up. steep cliffs. This section of the river is attractive for organizing rafting on inflatable boats or rafts. Picturesque shores with waterfalls falling from rocky ledges into the river and the convenience of accompanying a rafting group along the road make it possible to organize exciting short-term rafting trips for tourists here.

17. Place with the standard of the highest air purity (203 km)

Not far from the village. Mondy, on the border with Mongolia, is the Sayan Solar Observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, founded in 1962. Driving along the main highway, you can see white domes and pavilions of bizarre shapes. There, on the Chasovye Sopki (altitude 2000 m above sea level), using a number of telescopes, observations of the solar corona and polarization measurements are carried out, requiring high transparency of the earth's atmosphere. Regular automated measurements of cosmic ray intensity are also carried out at the observatory and on Mount Hulugaisha (3000 m above sea level). This place is also known to specialists who study the degree of pollution of the earth’s atmosphere as a local “standard of the highest air purity.” The Sayan Observatory is equipped with three unique solar instruments: a horizontal solar telescope with a magnetograph, an out-of-eclipse coronagraph and a solar telescope for operational forecasts. The Sayan Observatory houses one of the largest solar telescopes in Russia (with a mirror of 80 cm, focal length 20 m). A universal automated solar telescope with a complex of magnetographs and spectrophotometers ensures continuous monitoring of the Sun. In terms of its size and quality, the telescope's optics are the largest in Russia, and the AST itself is among the largest solar telescopes in the world.

18. Mount Munku-Sardyk (210 km)

Behind the village of Mondy, the main attraction of these places is sacred mountain Munku - Sardyk (3491 meters) is the most high point Eastern Sayan and along its top there is a border with Mongolia. But if you wish, you can climb to the top of the mountain. To do this, at the outpost in Mondy you will again need to issue a pass. At the very top the snow does not melt even in summer. The climb to the top is possible both from the Russian side (from the Irkut valley at the confluence of the tributary - the White Irkut) - this climb requires special equipment and preparation and takes 2-3 days, and from the Mongolia side, where the climb is more gentle, not requires special physical training and, thanks to the possibility of driving up to half the mountain by car, it takes place in 1 day along with the descent. But a trip to Mongolia requires a foreign passport and a Mongolian visa, and that’s another story.

The 204 km long route along the Tunkinskaya Valley runs along a convenient asphalt highway A-164 from the village. Kultuk to the village of Mondy (via the settlements of Kultuk, Tibelti, Tory, Zun-Murino, Zaktui, Zhemchug, Kyren, Turan) with radial exits along dirt and gravel roads to the described attractions, many of which are located in close proximity to the highway.
You can travel around all the main attractions by car in two to three weekends, depending on the chosen routes.


You can stay overnight either in a tent on the picturesque bank of the Irkut River, which runs almost the entire route along the highway, or in any of the motels along the roads or hotels in populated areas Arshan, Pearl, Nilova Pustyn, Mondy.

Arshan is not just a resort and one of popular places rest near Lake Baikal with healing mineral springs, this place was perhaps discovered by my ancestor, Terenty Chemezov.

How this happened, what is remarkable about a holiday in Arshan, the most interesting legends and secrets of the Tunka Valley, indications for the use of mineral water of Arshan and nearby springs, how to get there and where is the best place to rent accommodation in Arshan - I tell all this in my next detailed guide to interesting places on Lake Baikal.

About 100 km from the southern tip of Lake Baikal are the high mountains of the Eastern Sayan, at the foot of which lies the unusually picturesque Tunkinskaya Valley and the resort of Arshan, which is called only “Siberian Switzerland” and “Pearl of the Baikal region”.

Arshan is one of the most famous balneological resorts in Siberia, located at an altitude of 893 meters above sea level, in a picturesque location surrounded by forests. The air here is filled with mountain freshness mixed with forest aromas, and therefore incredibly fresh and transparent.

After all, Baikal is rich not only in the purest water and taiga landscapes. Siberian land, but also with healing mineral waters and hot springs not inferior in quality to those of the Caucasus. There are incredibly many mineral springs in Buryatia - more than 300! True, not more than a dozen of them has a full balneological conclusion!

The word “arshan” comes from the words “arasan”, “arashaan” and translated from Mongolian and Buryat means “healing holy water, healing spring”, the name may also be associated with “rashiani”, which in Sanskrit means “nectar, drink gods."

Each source in Arshan is surrounded by its own secrets and legends, the main one of which is this:

The hunter chased the wapiti through the Siberian taiga for a very long time. Wounded and exhausted by persecution, the beast was just about ready to give up. The hunter was also very tired after several days of this race and was already sure that the prey was in his hands.

But suddenly he noticed how the wapiti drank from a forest stream and suddenly the strength returned to the wounded animal and it disappeared into the forest thicket. And the hunter became interested in the source that restores strength and told all the people in the area about it. Since then, people began to come to the Arshan springs when they needed to restore strength and improve their health.

This is a legend. Official documents tell almost the same story in a more casual way, but the main thing (for me) is that they confirm that the mineral springs in Arshan late XIX century was found by my relative - hunter Terenty Kuzmich Chemezov from Taly ulus.

Terenty was returning from hunting and spent the night in the forest, and in the morning he noticed that a stream was flowing nearby, he drank from this stream and was surprised what kind of water it was, it hit the nose, and it tasted unusual. When he returned, he told the priest of the Tal church, Yakov Chistokhin, about his find.

And he made the first official announcement about the discovery of healing waters on August 19, 1894 at a meeting of the Academic Council of Tomsk University: “In the area of ​​the Koimorsky foreign administration in the Tunkinsky foreign department of the Irkutsk province, I found a mineral acid-soda-iron source. This water will bring undoubted benefits to suffering humanity,” he said.

Since then, the water began to be studied for medical benefits, and in 1908, the Arshan spring received a full expert assessment from specialists who confirmed the undoubted benefits of the local mineral water.

In 1920, Arshan was already designated as a resort of national importance, and since 1928, the construction of sanatoriums and the development of local tourism began here.

Weather Arshan Tunkinsky district

The peak season in Arshan is summer.

Starting from April-May, Kyngyrga is released from under the ice and tourists come to Arshan en masse, mainly from the nearby Irkutsk region and Buryatia. Some people drink healthy water, others go for a walk in the picturesque surroundings or climb the “Peak of Love”, but for others, their vacation anywhere in the world goes the same way - in the company of forty-degree drinks, which are washed down with healthy mineral water.

But if everyone goes to Arshan en masse in July-August, it does not mean that you can only come to Arshan in the summer. In my opinion, Arshan is especially good in the fall - in September, early October - when it is no longer so hot and forest ticks pose less of a danger and, in general, there are fewer vacationers, which means prices at local tourist centers are lower.

In spring it’s also beautiful here, everything blooms and turns green, but there are so many ticks that you can’t really walk through the forest.

In winter, climbers often come to Arshan for training, and the bizarrely frozen waterfalls are an incredibly beautiful sight, and along Kyngyrga itself you can walk right on the ice (the main thing is not to forget the ice drifts, it’s slippery). Well, you can swim in the hot springs of Zhemchug all year round. In winter it’s even more interesting, there are knee-deep snowdrifts all around, and people in swimsuits are sitting in the pool, so New Year holidays Another peak season occurs here.

Surrounded by high mountains, Arshan is protected from the most severe frosts and therefore has a fairly moderate mild climate throughout the year. And there are also a large number of sunny days in Arshan, no less than southern resorts, in Sochi or Yalta and Arshan even have a second name - “Siberian Switzerland”. It is no coincidence that one of the largest solar observatories is located right here - on Tunkinskaya land. I’ll tell you about it in the section about the sights of Tunka.

Weather in Arshan Gismeteo

Arshan map:

A detailed map of Arshan with all the main attractions and mineral springs of Arshan and the Tunka Valley, which are discussed in today’s post.

The Tunka Valley is a continuation of the Baikal depression and stretches for 200 km, gradually rising to 1200 m above sea level and narrowing from 30 to 20 km.

From the west, the valley is limited by the high Tunkinsky chars of the Eastern Sayan Mountains with pronounced alpine relief forms, from the east - it is surrounded by the less steep slopes of Khamar-Daban. The main river of the valley, the Irkut, originates from the confluence of two rivers - the White Irkut, flowing from the Munku-Sardyk mountain range, and the Black Irkut, the source of which is Lake Ilchir.

The Tunkinsky district is a unique natural, historical and religious crossroads, between the two great lakes of Asia - Baikal and Khubsugol. The nature of the valley has been preserved to this day almost in its original form.

Since ancient times, people have lived in this territory, leaving in their memory sites from different historical eras - the Neolithic, Iron and Bronze Ages, early and late Middle Ages (settlements of ancient people date back 13.5 thousand years).

Arshan village: attractions, museums, local cuisine and general impressions:

In addition to treatment with mineral waters, there is also something to do in Arshan. The nature here is extremely rich, and the Buryat epic is famous for its ancient legends and secrets that will not let you get bored.

The village itself is quite small, with a population of about 3 thousand people, mainly employed in the tourism sector, and tourists here can accommodate up to 5 thousand people at a time during the high season! In terms of its structure, Arshan is a typical Siberian village, with villagers, cows and rickety wooden houses, a little sloppy, perhaps due to the fact that Arshan has not yet had time to recover from the recent mudflow or because of the abundance of tourists arriving here in large numbers and creating the same disorder and chaos that I notice.

Another striking thing is the many stray dogs in Arshan, which even rise to the Peak of Love with tourists and throughout the village become attached to people and beg like hungry children in Bangladesh. And the saddest thing is that every year these are different dogs...

But you forgive Arshan even this - after all, he is so alone, surrounded the most beautiful mountains, with the purest pine air, and here's another one local peculiarity- an abundance of turbulent streams that penetrate the entire village in the most unexpected places. Some even have their own personal stream in their garden.

About the main local attraction - mineral springs in Arshan I told you above, it’s not difficult to find them in Arshan, I marked them on the map, as a last resort, go to the central spot with the market and go where the majority of people go. You can't go wrong.

In general, it’s easy to navigate in the village itself, because all the tourist life in Arshan is concentrated around Traktovaya Street with the most active area between the Arshan sanatorium and the Naran hotel.

Here you will find the Kyngyrga River, the Mongolian market, mineral springs, grocery stores, cafes, and even night club there is, for those who, even in the village, are not ready to give up all types of fun.

I know people who come to Arshan many times and have never seen anything further than this patch of village. This is probably why this place even manages to create traffic jams on weekends in the summer, people love to be in the center of all the events)))


Kyngyrga River- insidious and powerful as its waters are crystal clear and cold, everything as befits a mountain river. Its power was even enough for them to build even a small hydroelectric power station to supply Arshan with electricity.

The Kyngyrga originates on the Southern Slope of the Tunka char and is a left tributary of the Tunka River. Along its course, the river passes through twelve waterfalls to which you can go on a walking tour. Most high waterfall on Kyngarga about 10 meters.

Translated from Buryat, “Kyngyrga” means “drum”, the river is turning the huge boulders painfully loudly, it really sounds like someone is beating a drum. The consequences of the severe mudflow that occurred due to heavy rains in Arshan in 2014 have not yet been forgotten. More than 20 houses in the village were completely destroyed by water and a monstrous mud and rock slide with stones up to three meters in size (!!!), which was caused by this small and at first glance harmless river.

According to one of the versions of local residents, the cause of the mudslide was the overly vigorous celebration of Yekhora in the village of Dalahan. The spirits got angry, they got angry already during the holiday, the weather suddenly changed from sunny to pouring rain with wind, and a week later Arshan flooded Kyngarga and a powerful mudflow came down from the mountains, which, like chips, demolished centuries-old trees on its way. The last time a similar disaster happened here was about 40 years ago.

As a result of this mudflow, the river bed changed, the passage to several waterfalls and to another local attraction was closed - Crystal (or Dead) Lakeon the Artemyeva River Tourists are now prohibited from visiting due to the threat of rockfall. And this lake is notable for the fact that the water in it is clean and transparent, but there are no fish or plants in it. But in summer the water warms up well and you can swim in it.

Waterfalls in Arshan:

The most popular waterfalls in Kyngyrga- the first two, most tourists in Arshan limit themselves to them, because Then the road to them is quite difficult - over rocks and rough terrain.

Observation plateau in Arshan:

You can get to the first waterfalls along the usual walking paths, both from the patch with the Mongolian market and through the forested area of ​​the Arshan sanatorium, the path there is more difficult, but you can admire Kyngarga and the valley from above, and if you’re lucky, you can meet tame chipmunks and treat them with nuts , then you just need to go down to the sources themselves along the stairs from observation plateau designed in the style of Abkhazian sanatoriums.

Recently, access to the waterfalls has become paid; they say that 50 rubles per person are collected per day for the development of the national park.

I don’t know how the collected money is spent here. Because even with rough calculations, just for a day it can be several tens of thousands of rubles.

Which, even after a few days of replenishment, is more than enough to hang warning signs, build and repair bridges, but apparently it is clearly not enough to keep an eye on the vacationers who, if you don’t feed them bread, let them leave their inscription on the waterfall with paint “Vasya was here.”

If the national park official charged such “writers” a 5,000 ruble fine, you’ll see, you wouldn’t have to issue tickets and the waterfalls themselves would look less depressing without these wretched inscriptions.

For those for whom the first waterfall is not enough, go further. The road from the first to the 12th waterfall is quite difficult and takes about 10 km. In addition, after the mudflow, the bed of the Kyngyrga changed greatly and the passage to some waterfalls was blocked by huge boulders.

Well, for the fans extreme recreation here you can also bungee jump or ride a bike over a cliff.

Arshan resort (sanatorium):

Myself sanatorium of Arshan resort also a kind of attraction.

It was founded more than 90 years ago. Those who during the Soviet years vacationed in some Kislovodsk sanatoriums are quite capable of experiencing déjà vu.

I haven’t been inside and haven’t used the services of this sanatorium, but for some reason I have a suspicion that there you can feel like you’re in a time machine. Well, as I wrote above, everyone can use the medical services of the Arshan resort; it is not necessary to live in the sanatorium.

Long-lived larch in Arshan:

On the territory of the sanatorium there is another local attraction - 500-year-old long-lived larch.

Previously, the Tree of Love grew in Arshan, a birch and a pine tree tightly clinging to each other with their trunks, but, alas, it died in fires.

Peak of Love in Arshan (how to get there):

But about Peak of love, the ascent to which begins from the village, is absolutely impossible not to mention in the story about Arshan, but I will save the story with the legend of this place until the appropriate section.

It’s like in Vysotsky’s song:
Pull the guy to the mountains - take a risk!
Don't leave him alone
Let him be in conjunction with you -
There you will understand who he is.
In addition to testing the senses, those who want to enjoy the wonderful panorama of the entire Tunkinskaya Valley and mountain ranges Eastern Sayan.

The height of the Peak of Love in Arshan is 2124 meters, so it does not require any special mountaineering training; dozens and even hundreds of tourists climb here every day. On weekends it's like being on Broadway. But you still need to calculate your strength and stock up on provisions and, most importantly, enough water for the whole day that this climb lasts.

The ascent time to the Peak of Love in Arshan can vary depending on the specific physical abilities of the person and the weather (it is more difficult to climb in the heat, rain and snow) and on average the ascent is about 5 hours, the descent time will take a little less.

You can get to the Peak of Love from the park of the Arshan sanatorium, without reaching the end of the asphalt path on the way to the first waterfall of the Kyngyrga River and turning right. There are also other paths leading to the Peak, starting from the bus station; a large number of signs on the paths will help you navigate. For reference, you can start the ascent from the same place observation plateau.

Now I’ll tell you what attractions of Arshan begin where Traktovaya Street ends, beyond the Naran Hotel and the Mongolian market.

If you cross the bridge over Kyngarga, a dense forest begins, passage for cars is prohibited here, and therefore you can only walk to the Garden of Stones, Datsans, and if you have enough strength, then to the Bowl of Virgins from Arshan. As a bonus, if you're lucky, you might come across black squirrels, which are only found here in Arshan.

Rock garden in Arshan:

Rock garden- a landmark that spontaneously arose in Arshan. Nobody in Arshan knows where and when she appeared.

There is a belief that if you build such a pyramid, it will take away all your illnesses and misfortunes.

So people suddenly, without saying a word, decided to organize a massive oboo-flash mob in this small clearing in the forest on the way to the datsans. First, several of these oboos appeared, and then more and more, until the entire clearing turned into this same Buryat-style Rock Garden.

This attraction is popular not only among tourists, but also among... local cows, who already know that in the stone garden you can always find delicious cookies, which people leave as a sign of respect to the local spirits, the inhabitants of the obo.

Khoymorsky datsan “Bodhidharma” and “Dechen Ravzhalin”

In Arshan, not far from each other, there are two Khoymor datsans:

The new datsan, built in 2000, has a Tibetan name - “Dechen Ravzhalin” is located at Arshan, st. Traktovaya, 93A.

The old datsan, built in 1991 (its history began in 1917) - called “Bodhidharma” - is the central temple of the Buryat religious association “Maidar”, it is located on the Holy Glade in Arshan, surrounded by centuries-old cedars. This place is incredibly positive and peaceful.

It is customary for Buryats to come to the datsan for any occasion and events in life - someone died or was born, a wedding, a death of livestock, any unsolvable issues in life, everyone goes to the lamas. By the way, people here also do not go to holy places without a preliminary purification ceremony, which is carried out in the datsan.

For us, ordinary tourists, it’s worth coming here just to take a break from the hustle and bustle, lie on the soft grass of the Holy Glade, breathe in the delicious cedar air, and think about something good. Well, look at this one of the most important aspects in the life of the Buryats, which influences almost all areas of their lives.

If desired, you can twirl the sacred cylinders of khurde with mantras, walk around the stupas - suburgans in the direction of the sun, make a wish, and make an offering to the spirits. How to do it correctly is written right there on the posters.

The main rule is respectful attitude towards shrines. When entering the territory of the datsan, you need to think of a good wish for yourself and your loved ones, and then it will receive additional energy for implementation after the completion of the ritual of circumambulation. It is necessary to move in datsans according to the movement of the sun.

Bowl of virgins on the Buhota River

The Bowl of Virgins is a marble bowl with crystal water created by nature, located in the upper reaches of the Buhota River, flowing 3 km from the village. Arshana. According to Buryat customs, on the last night before the wedding, the bride and her bridesmaids came here to bathe and make offerings to the local spirits and patrons of their family.

They say that if you swim in the Cup of Virgins, your body will be filled with strength, your soul with beauty, and your heart with love.

Museums of Arshan:

In addition to natural attractions, in Arshan you can even visit museums, there are three of them:

1) Museum of History of Arshan located on the main alley of the park of the Arshan Sanatorium

2)Private aRT-gallery “Yurt of the Two Wise Men” , 671023, Buryatia, Tunkinsky district, Arshan village, st. Veresova, 8a. Located in a traditional wooden Buryat yurt on the right bank of the Kyngyrgi River, 100 meters from the bridge.

3) House-museum of root plastics “Forest Fairy Tale” by Vitaly and Svetlana Karmadonov with a collection of over 500 sculptures made from intricate tree roots, 671023, Buryatia, Tunkinsky district, Arshan settlement, microdistrict, building 12.
The Forest Fairy Tale House Museum is open by appointment. You can arrange a visit by calling +7 950 13773 78 (Svetlana Petrovna). Ticket price is 50 rubles, free for privileged categories of the population.

Mongolian market:

Well, where would we be without souvenirs? In Arshan you can buy them not only in specialized shops, but also here on the Mongolian market with various goods and souvenirs from Mongolia and Buryatia.

They also sell empty bottles for mineral water. Of particular interest are Siberian herbs, authentic household and religious objects of Eastern peoples, and products made from camel hair.

Prices are roughly comparable to those seen on Central market in Irkutsk, but the range of products, of course, is much larger.

Local food and cafes in Arshan:

Arshan cafeterias do not offer any special delights. These are mainly traditional Buryat dishes: poses, buhler soup, sagudai from omul and traditional Buryat fatty salty tea Zutran.

And then there are these giant pasties (and zutran tea)

Chebureks are a dish, although of Caucasian origin, that have taken root well on Baikal (along with lagman and kebabs) and are found in authentic establishments along with poses. An incredibly tasty thing, especially after long walks in the fresh air.

Usually tourists go to the cafe “Naran”, “Hamar-Daban” or other establishments, but we were recommended this cafe-style “for the locals” - unassuming looking both inside and out, but with cheap prices and delicious food.

This poser is located next to “Naran”, but it is not very noticeable, you can pass by, so I will attach a photo.

Sights and legends of the Tunka Valley:

Well, and finally, I will now tell you about those attractions of the Tunka Valley which, for the most part, can only be reached by your own car (or with a tour with local guides).

What stories can there be about the sights of Arshan without those very legends of the Tunka Valley? Which fill your stay here with impressions no less than Arshan water fills your body with useful microelements.

Tunkinskie Mountains - 33 heroes

The first legend will be about a landmark that is visible from all over the Tunka Valley and is an integral part of all its landscapes - the Tunka Loaches.

It’s not even the legend itself that is interesting, but the fact that Buryat legends are surprisingly reflected in Pushkin’s fairy tales. However, keeping in mind the significant influence of the Golden Horde on the Russian people, it is quite possible that nanny Arina Rodionovna could, in her own way, retell to the future poet the famous Buryat legends that circulated among the people.

Thus, in Buryat legends, the Tunkinsky loaches stretching along the entire northern side of the valley are called nothing other than 33 hero brothers. And the swan maiden is none other than the revered foremother of two Buryat clans - the Khondogorsky and Khorinsky Buryats. In honor of the Swan Maiden, the Buryats still maintain the custom of “splashing” milk or tarasun into the sky as a sign of greeting and honoring their ancestor.

Is the Swan Princess and 33 heroes - both in Buryat legends and in Pushkin's fairy tales - a mere coincidence? But who knows…

When you look at the golden mountain peaks of the Tunka Valley, just know that maybe these are them, the same “33 heroes” who, with “scales like the heat of grief,” came from the sea to cleanse our Earth of evil forces, and remained so here are the stone guardians of Peace and Goodness throughout the Earth.

And remember that when the Forces of Evil prevail over the 33 brother heroes, a terrible earthquake will occur and then Baikal and Khubsu-Gul will merge and swallow up the entire Tunka Valley.

Peak of love and death in Arshan (legend):

Climbing the “Peak of Love” is one of the most popular excursions in Arshan.

The first peak to us is popularly called the Peak of Love. Few people know. That its correct name is “Peak of Love and Death”.

“A guy and a girl fell in love with each other in the same ulus. The old people said that their family branches were too closely related and the blood of the clan was mixed, which means there could be no marriage between them. Forbidden love inflames the blood even more. The girl asked her grandmother about places in the area where strong spirits live and help everyone who turns to them with an offering and respect. And before, people didn’t just go to the mountains; if you are a hunter, then older hunters teach you where to do what and how to think in the mountains.

But the young people, fueled by the fire of passion, still went to the mountain, having prayed well. Their path was difficult and long! But here they stand at the top, look around, see indescribable beauty, the peaks of other mountains illuminated by sunlight, birds - eagles soaring very close, clouds soaring and fluffy, bright unearthly beauty land.

The eyes begin to look differently and the heart begins to see! A girl looks at a guy and sees the face of another person, a real betrothed, who has not yet come to her in life. The guy looks at the girl and no longer sees her beauty and youth, but sees the sadness and pain of her mother, whose heart suffers for the whole family. A guy and a girl came down from the mountain and became thoughtful. They realized that the wise powers of the mountains showed them the truth...

They were then happy in life! Everyone followed their own path in life and was honest and fair! So, since then, only brave people have climbed this mountain; not everyone is ready to meet their real selves, this requires great courage, and some return from the mountains wise, because they buried their vices. That is why this Peak of Love and Death is called.

And sometimes people go to their Love for years, wait for it, at every turn of life, they build families, raise children, and suddenly they don’t seem to expect anything, and then Love appears... So much strength appears, it seems that he could move mountains,... but life has its own bills and you have to pay these bills... But happy is the person who leaves life in Love, living and striving for his Beloved...

This is the legend about the “Peak of Love and Death”.

The White Mountain of Buhe-noyon is the main sacred place of the Tunka Valley:

The patron saint of the Tunka Valley is considered to be the Bull (Buhe-noyon Baabai), the great Tunka Khan (Lamaist synonym for the name “Rinchin Khan”).

Buhe-noyon- the first ancestor, progenitor of the Buryat tribes Bulagat, Ekhirit and Khori. There are many stories and legends associated with the Bull in the Tunkinskaya Valley, even modern ones.

Two places of worship in the Tunkinskaya Valley are associated with Buhe-Noyon.

In the Tunka Basin, near the villages of Saganur and Khurai-Khobok, there is an isolated volcanic cone (747.3 m high), the famous Tunka myth about Bukha-noyon is associated with it.

According to this legend, Bukha-noyon in the form of a bull came from Mongolia to the Tunka Valley. In the mountains, on the path along which he walked, relict cedar trees grew. Having descended into the valley, he rested, basking on the solidifying volcano; as a result, a flat depression, which is called Bukha-noyon-hebteshe(translated from Buryat - “Rookery of the Master Bull”).

But the most significant for the Buryats, a place of worship and one of the most important Buryat shrines is White Mountain Bukha-noyon Baabai, it is located on the western tip of Tunka near the Koimor Lakes near the village of Tory at an altitude of 1050 meters.

According to legend, having rested and gained strength at the rookery, Bukha-noyon crossed the Elovsky Pass to the Torskaya Basin, where he decided to stay, lay down and petrified on the slope of the Tunkin Alps.

The bizarre white marble rock in this place actually has a forked top, reminiscent of the horns of a bull. On top of this rock in the 1840s. At the direction of the Mongolian lama, a Bumkhan (Buddhist prayer house) was built in honor of Rinchin Khan.

The holy place near the Koimor lakes has always enjoyed great veneration by the Tunka residents. Today, shamanists perform their rituals here - dedicated residents of the villages of Dalakhai, Zun-Murino, Tory (Buryats of the Hongodor clan), who are well aware of ancient rituals and customs.

Climbing the White Mountain can only be done by men, accompanied by dedicated elders; girls and women do not have access to the deity, otherwise they risk infertility.

The veneration of the Bull in Tunka is so strong that even today new legends associated with his cult are born here.

Not long before that terrible mudflow in 2014, a group of orphanage children were brought to Arshan on an excursion. They went on a hike to the waterfalls and got lost. And they say that shortly before the mudflow they told how the White Bull came to them and led them onto the path. No one knew where he came from in the wild places, except that the spirit of Tunka himself came to save them, so that a great tragedy would not happen here.

Ulyaborsky Tunkinsky extinct volcano:

12 million years ago, as a result of earthquakes, when there were 9 active volcanoes The Tunka Valley was formed. In those days it was one big volcano.

There is still evidence that there were once volcanoes here - both the volcanoes themselves destroyed by time and the presence of a large number of thermal springs here.

The largest one preserved in the Tunkinskaya Valley Chersky volcano, the depth of its crater is about 100 meters. If you wish, you can go here on a tour and see with your own eyes the extinct volcanoes, which now look more like ancient Roman ruins.

Throne of Genghis Khan

In the Amargol valley behind the village of Tagarkhay on the road to Khandagayta, near the Barun-Khandagoy river at the foot of Mount Aruyun, there is also a cult place.

There is a huge boulder in the middle of the forest with the dimensions of the entire structure being 8 by 6 meters and a height of 1.5 meters and it is called Throne of Genghis Khan(Chingis khaanay sheree). According to legend, Genghis Khan himself sat here and religious ceremonies were held.

Excavations carried out near these places and dishes, cattle bones, and bamboo sticks found in these places confirmed that Genghis Khan’s army once stood in these places. In the 90s, a ritual structure called suburgan was erected next to the Throne.

Next to the throne there is still a small stone called the cross of Genghis Khan.

Coymore Lakes

Near the village of Tagarkhay, 10 km from Arshan there is a very picturesque place - the Koimor Lakes, the source of which is the same Kyngyrga river, flowing through Arshan and the Tunka River, the main tributary of the Irkut, flows out of the lakes. Coymore Lakes are large group lakes connected to each other by channels. These lakes are rich in fish, rare species of plants and birds. And lakes Butanovskoye and Shirshonka are rich in healing mud.

Black and White Irkut

The Irkut River, which gave its name to the city of Irkutsk, originates in the mountain lake Ilchir at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level.

In this place, the Irkut is a very turbulent mountain stream, which flows with great pressure and roar along its narrow channel, this section is almost inaccessible, then the White Irkut, flowing from the Munku-Sardyk mountain range, flows into the Black and the Irkut that we know begins.

In the middle part of the Tunka Valley, Irkut looks like a quiet and leisurely river, rich in fish and in places with sandy beaches, which vacationers like to come to in the summer. Behind the village of Turan are some of the most beautiful panoramas of the Irkut valley with the sparkling snowy peaks of the Sayan Mountains.

Irkut is notable for the fact that many centuries ago the path of Genghis Khan and his many thousands of troops lay along the banks of this river. And it was Irkut, according to legend, that Baikal betrothed its beloved daughter, the beautiful Angara, but she broke her father’s word and ran away to the Yenisei. As a memory of this event, there is still a Shaman Stone at the source of the Angara from Lake Baikal, which the father threw after his disobedient daughter.

Radio telescope "Badary" and "Kvazar" in the Tunkinsky region

And finally, a little science and astrophysics. There are even such attractions in the Tunka Valley.

At the beginning of my post, talking about the weather in Arshan, I already mentioned that the Tunkinskaya Valley is an incredibly sunny place, with big amount sunny days a year. Scientists couldn’t help but take advantage of this.

And from 1974 to 1984, in the Badary tract, they built the Siberian solar radio telescope of the Radio Astrophysical Observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and began observing the sun. “Badary” or simply “Solnechny” is one of the largest solar radio telescopes in the world!

Another name for this radio telescope is “Siberian Cross”, from the fact that 256 antennas here, similar to satellite dishes for a TV, with a diameter of 2.5 meters, stand 128 in each row crosswise and constantly chirping with their mechanism, do not lower their metal “eyes” from the sun, informing scientists about any changes in our star.

Radio telescope "Quasar" was built in 2005.

A huge radio telescope with a height of 40 meters and a mirror diameter of 32 meters receives signals from Earth satellites and even from distant galaxies. Previously, like “Sunny”, it was also available to everyone, but one of the tourist groups decided to disassemble the telescope for souvenirs, I don’t know what they needed the giant bolts for and what they tried to unscrew them with, but as a result, look at the telescope Now you can only go through the fence or you can, by agreement with the administration, get inside the courtyard.

This observatory is the third of three observation points of the Kvazar-KVO radio interferometric network. The remaining two stations of the Kvazar-KVO network are located one in Karachay-Cherkessia, and the other near St. Petersburg. All three radio telescopes are connected to a single control center.

You can get to the radio telescopes through the village of Tunku; I have marked their location on the map.

Tunka village:

And I’ll finish my story about the sights of the Tunka Valley - the “capital” of this place. Surprisingly, this is not Arshan, but the village of Tunka (Tunkhen in Buryat). Tunka is located on the banks of the Irkut River in the Tunkinsky district of Buryatia, with a population of about 1 thousand inhabitants.

During the development of Siberia, the largest Russian settlement in Buryatia was formed in Tunka (which is noticeable even from the “lace houses”; Buryat houses look much simpler). When the first Russians, about 500 people, came here, the Buryats drove them away, but after some time, during the second attempt at settlement, the Russian squad helped the Buryats to repel the attack of the nomadic Mongols, the Tunkins realized that they needed help and allowed the Russians to stay here.

In 1676, the Cossacks, under the leadership of Erofei Mogilev, established a small fort at the confluence of the Tunka and Irkut. Over time, they built a school for 50-60 people, a church that burned down twice. Then, in the 90s, it was restored, building a stone church with walls 1 meter thick, for the construction of which even milk, cottage cheese and chicken eggs were used.

And finally helpful information for those who are going to Arshan for a week or two.

How to get to Arshan:

The distance from Arshan to Ulan-Ude is about 450 km, to Irkutsk - 220 km, to Slyudyanka - 137 km.

How to get from Irkutsk to Arshan for motorists:

You can get from Irkutsk to Arshan by shuttle bus

From the bus station in Irkutsk(October Revolution St., 11)

  • by regular bus No. 520 (to Arshan) minibus departure at 8.00 - arrival 11:45
  • by regular bus No. 723 to the Nilova Pustyn (goes through Arshan) minibus departure at 8:45 - arrival at 13:15

Ticket price - 400 rubles

You can book a ticket on the bus station website in Irkutsk or by phone. 8-950-113-5555

From the railway stationin Irkutsk(Chelnokova St., 1) minibus taxis run much more often (their parking is located at the end of the railway station, where the suburban ticket offices are):

  • in summer 5 times a day: at 8:30, 9:30, 11:00, 13:00, 15;30, 18:00
  • in winter 3 times a day: at 9:30, 13:00, 18:00

Ticket price - 400 rubles

Travel time is from 4-4.5 hours. Halfway through the journey, a stop is made for half an hour in Kultuk at a roadside cafe.

Phone number for inquiries: 8-902-767-8618

Arshan rent accommodation and guest houses:

Renting housing in Arshan is not a problem, every minibus at the local bus station is greeted by local residents with “housing” signs, and you will see the same signs on almost every fence here. The main thing you should know is that there will be enough inexpensive holiday in a village house with amenities in the yard and a bathhouse. Prices will depend on the housing itself and the season, on average it is 350-650 rubles. per person.

You can also stay at the Arshan or Sayany sanatorium; prices in 2017 can be found on the official website of the resort

Or rent accommodation in numerous guest houses in Arshan. The most comfortable hotels Arshana:

Tuyana is one of the exemplary hotel complexes in Arshan. Well-appointed rooms, a beautiful courtyard, comfortable living conditions. It’s literally two or three steps to the main street, and at the same time guest houses are located away from tourist noise, there is a grocery store next to “Tuyana”. Prices from 2.5 thousand rubles. per night. You can book Tuyana on Booking.

Pension Podsnezhnik

The Podnezhnik boarding house offers cozy, well-appointed rooms with free Wi-Fi, a convenient location and delicious breakfasts. Prices from 2.4 thousand rubles. per night for a triple room Compare prices and book this hotel in Arshan

Crystal Creek

“Crystal Brook” is a good guest house, with large comfortable rooms and a separate kitchen; however, this recreation center is located a little far from the main street of Arshan, without a car it is somewhat tiring. IN low season You can book this recreation center in Arshan for a promotion through the Frendy service.

Book a recreation center in Arshan:

This information may be useful

Taxi in Arshan:

There are private taxis in the village. There is a single tariff: 100 rubles to any end of the village.

  • Taxi “Luck”, tel. +7 950 399 53 34
  • Taxi, tel. +7 908 595 98 56

Excursions in Arshan:

  • Discovery Tour, tel. +79501409954, [email protected]
  • Wind of Wanderings, tel. +79085980091, +79024561532
  • Altargana, tel. +79025629579
  • Hiking to Peak of Love, tel. +79503857045

I hope mine detailed guide along Arshan and the Tunka Valley will be useful for you.

When going on vacation to Baikal, you can include in your program a few days of relaxation in Arshan to get acquainted with another side of Siberian nature and the historical and cultural features of this amazing area. Or maybe you want to come to Arshan for a week or two “ “.

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have...


Indeed, the location of Irkutsk is conducive to car travel. We have already told our readers more than once about various route options along the coast of Lake Baikal and to Mongolia. It turns out that the routes of “close” forays are not limited to these options - on a recent weekend, a group of Irkutsk residents, before a September trip to Mongolia, conducted a training rally on the Oka Plateau in Eastern Sayan. Crews representing the Toyota Center, the Siberian Automobiles company, and two crews in personal cars took part in the Trophy Raid.Total mileage from Irkutsk: 1215 km.

  • To travel this route you need 2-3 days.
  • Irkutsk - Mondy: 302 km, asphalt.
  • Mondy - Orlik: 156 km, improved gravel road.
  • Orlik - Khuzhir: 53 km, country road.
  • Gas stations in Orlik: AI-80 and DT (no AI-92).

MThe route can be recommended for amateurs wildlife, fishermen and photographers. Unlike the Small Sea, on the high-mountainous Oka Plateau, autotourists are still a rarity. Picturesque natural landscapes along the only highway in the river valley Oka is not spoiled by sites and traces of human presence. Good fishing on the Oka River and Lake Ilchir, the possibility of short-term rafting (for almost 200 km there is a road along the Oka), unique mountain path along the gorge in the upper reaches of the Irkut River, attractive natural objects on the Oka plateau: waterfall on the river. Small Zhom-Bolok, frozen black basalt lava fields, grandiose steep cliffs - make the trip meaningful and memorable. Mountainous terrain and swampy alpine tundra often make it impossible to turn off the main road, but if you wish, you can still find beautiful, secluded glades in the deciduous forest on the banks of the Oka. The nature here is harsh and has retained its original appearance. “The ancient crown of Asia” - this is what the famous geologist S.V. called this land. Obruchev.

Aautomobile traffic to Orlik was opened in 1993. Before that, communication with the outside world was carried out along the ancient Oka trail, laid by the Buryats hundreds of years ago. Back in the early 80s. the journey from Monde to Orlik on pack horses took 4-5 days. It was especially difficult to advance on the treeless plateau in fog, rain or blizzard. Snowstorms in spring and autumn are a common occurrence here. According to the ancient Buryat belief, a person of an unrighteous life cannot penetrate through the plateau into the Okinsky region: bad weather or an accident will not allow him there.

GThe construction of the gravel road to Orlik began in 1985-1986. and on the Orlik-Khuzhir section in 1999, after launching through the Oka. Now the road to Orlik has been significantly improved: covered with fine gravel, new bridges have appeared across the tributaries of the Oka and fencing of the road surface in the Irkut gorge above the village. Monds. You can drive here in any car.

Distances on the route Irkutsk - Mondy (A-164) - Orlik (km)










Nile. Empty.

Nile. Empty.



O. Ilchir

O. Ilchir






We started from Irkutsk at 9.00 on three Toyota SUVs and a new UAZ-3160. It was decided to pass through the Tunka Valley without delay, visit Lake Ilchir, where the Irkut River originates, and spend the night somewhere on the banks of the Oka River. We took inflatable boats with us - we were going to devote one day to rafting along the river. Oka. The upper reaches of this river are ideal for short and simple rafting: the rapids in the upper reaches are not too difficult and there is a road along the river for 200 km - you can start or stop swimming anywhere.

We planned to have lunch at the Margasan cafe at the turn to Arshan, but it turned out to be closed and we drove non-stop to the village. Kyren, where was the last opportunity to stop for lunch in poses. Further, along the highway and in the village itself. There are no monda cafes or posers. In the village Shuluts at the Tunkinsky cordon national park They charged 53 rubles from two cars, the other two were free of charge, as transit cars.

Tunkinsky National Park founded on May 27, 1991. This is the first experience in Russia of combining a national park with the boundaries of an entire administrative region. There is a fee for vehicles entering the park in summer. Payment amount in 2001: 53 rubles. for a passenger car and 10 rubles. per person per day.

The Tunkinskaya Valley is famous for its mineral springs. Among the most famous are the resorts at the Arshan, Nilova Pustyn, and Zhemchug springs. They are located close to the highway (A-164), and there are good roads leading to them.

After village Zun-Murino(63 km) at 86 km at the turn to the Arshan resort there is now a new gas station. Another one is located 5 km after the village. Nikolsk. In the village Arshan there is no gas station. Looking ahead, we note that in the village. There were no AI-92s and DTs for Monda, and no AI-92s in the village. Orlik. Therefore, a spare canister will not be superfluous if you repeat this route. The road from Irkutsk to the village. Mondy took us about five hours with stops.

KULTUK VILLAGE - MONDY VILLAGE (204 km, asphalt road). From the village Kultuk the road begins (A-164) to the village. Mondas on the border with Mongolia. The road with a new asphalt surface is wider and straighter than the Kultuksky tract (M-55) from Irkutsk. This road has many turns to the populated areas of the valley, to taiga villages and to berry and nut places. The mountain slopes of the valley are rich in berry fields and game. Wildlife lovers can be recommended to take the old road into the gorge R. Kultuchnaya, where at the beginning of summer you can see multi-meter ice on the right side of the gorge. In the valley R. Big Fast you can go to the river bank. Irkut (translated as “carrying funnels”, “spinning, spinning”).

Irkuthas a length of 448 km and flows out of the large lake Ilchir near the highest mountain of the Eastern Sayan, Munku-Sardyk. In the upper reaches the river flows rapidly through a narrow gorge. In the wide Tunkinskaya valley it calms down and, winding, rushes towards Baikal. Before reaching the lake 20 km, the river turns sharply into the mountains, breaking through the Zyrkazun Gorge and accelerating its flow. The banks are a picturesque alternation of rocky cliffs and densely overgrown taiga slopes with sandy beaches on the river. Usually, from the Anchuk holiday home, tourists begin two- or three-day rafting trips to Irkutsk.

Tunkinskaya Valley is a continuation of the Baikal depression. It stretches for 200 km, gradually rising from 550 to 1200 m above sea level and narrowing from 30 to 20 km. In the valley, the Irkut takes on the character of a flat river and often forms loops, oxbow lakes. The water warms up well and you can swim for a long time. From the west, the valley is limited by the high Tunka char with pronounced alpine relief forms, and from the east by the less steep slopes of Khamar-Daban. At 18 km, to the left of the road before entering With. Fast, you can stay and spend the night in a motel - a creative dacha: 5 double rooms, a summer pool, a Russian bath. The owner of the motel, cartoonist Andrei Mikhailov, began building a dacha after receiving an award in France for his cartoon. I completed the design and construction with my own hands. The interior of the original wooden tower is decorated with original wooden works. A stone house with towers, similar to a fairy tale, is being built nearby gothic castle, in which the animator promises guests a fireplace room, a sauna and a swimming pool. A distinctive feature of the motel is the home-cooked meals prepared by his wife, Inna Kronitovna, who is of Polish origin. We especially recommend trying dumplings with potatoes, cabbage or cottage cheese and wild meat dumplings.

"ARSHAN" RESORTLocated 28 km from the A-164 road (112 km from the village of Kultuk, 210 km from Irkutsk and 479 km from Ulan-Ude) at the foot of the Tunkinskie char at an altitude of 893 m above sea level. The first written message about Arshan mineral springs dates back to 1894. The Arshan resort was founded in 1920.

The resort's mineral waters have a wide range of temperatures: from cold (11-13°C) to hot (45°C). According to the chemical composition, the mineral waters of Arshan belong to class 1, being carbon dioxide with a high gas content. Arshan mineral waters have a complex composition and are rich in microelements; in terms of physicochemical properties they are analogous to Kislovodsk Narzan, but are significantly superior to it in mineralization. Water is used for medicinal purposes for drinking, bathing and showering.

Mineral water is extracted from wells (985 cubic meters/day) and supplied through pipelines to the drinking pump rooms and to the bathroom building. Drinking pump rooms are open from 7.30 to 9.30, from 12.00 to 14.00, from 17.00 to 21.00. There are two mineral water pump rooms - warm and cold. Warm mineral baths can be arranged with the resort administration. A natural outlet of mineral water has been preserved in only one place - this is the so-called “eye spring”, it is easy to find in the sacred grove. Iron was found in its water, up to 600 mg/l.

Now the Arshan resort can simultaneously accommodate about 980 people. Put into operation in 1989 sanatorium "Sayany" for 500 places, in 1996 - boarding house "Sagaan-Dali" for 100 seats. Quiet and clean new modern building located in pine forest, on the right at the entrance to the village. Arshan. Turn right (500 m) at 26 km, immediately after the Arshan sign. There is a suite with two rooms and a kitchen. TV only in the lobby. Secure paid parking on the street. There is a bar. There is a sauna with a swimming pool and a relaxation room for 6 people.

The surroundings of the resort are very picturesque. Near the springs, the trunks of the pine grove, according to Buryat custom, are completely tied with ribbons of material. Along the path to the spring in the summer there are many sellers with medicinal herbs. Here you can buy sagaan-dalyu, the golden root. Near the resort (500 m up the trail) there is a canyon R. Kyngarga(“kyngarga” means “drum”). The length of the river from its source to its mouth is more than 27 km. The bottom of the canyon is lined with pink and yellow marble polished by water. A little higher (1 km along a wide path) you can see a powerful waterfall 5-6 m high, before the fall of which there is a bridge; it’s easy to take a short excursion here. To get to the second waterfall, you need to climb further along the rocks, along a narrow and unsafe path for small children, about 300 meters. The second waterfall is a wide cascade of several rocky steps, the largest of which does not exceed 3 m. In total, there are 12 waterfalls on Kyngarga, you can reach them walk along the path along the river (11 km). The highest waterfalls have a drop of about 10 m.

SOURCE "PEARL" (100 km). After the bridge over the river. Kharagun, 3 km from the highway on the right bank of the river. Irkut has healing hot springs and mud baths widely known among the local population. In 1954, 1.5 km from the village. A well with a depth of 1026 m was drilled in Zhemchug. Methane thermal water was discovered at depths of 728-732 and 754-766 m. Radioactivity 6 eman. Currently, the well is self-flowing at a rate of 8 l/sec. Water temperature - +37+38°C. There is a shared shower cabin, for the use of which a nominal fee is charged, and “wild” mud baths on the banks of Irkut, around which there are many vacationers in the summer. The medicinal properties of spring water containing elements of strontium, lithium, traces of titanium and molybdenum have been poorly studied. The local population recommends taking a shower no more than 2 times a day for 10 minutes. It is believed that water helps with diseases of the nerves and joints.

Located at 121 km village Kyren- regional center of the Tunkinskaya Valley (about 6,000 inhabitants). At the entrance to the village, to the right of the road, in a two-story brick building, the directorate of the Tunkinsky National Park is located, where you can get Additional information about the route. At the entrance to Kyren, on the right, slightly to the side of the road, is the main Buddhist temple of the Tunka Valley.

Behind village Turan The Tunka Valley is noticeably narrowing. Increasingly, the road comes close to Irkut, sometimes rising high above it.

25 km from the village. Turan crosses the road R. Dalbay. In a narrow valley along the banks of the river, multiple outlets of mineral water were discovered. The local population calls them Dalbai khalun arshan. The water from the springs is used for drinking and medicinal baths.

After 135 km, a small section of a good gravel road begins, and then the asphalt road goes again to the village. Monds. This section often offers beautiful panoramas of the Irkut valley and the snowy mountain peaks sparkling in the distance. The road is laid close to the Irkut river bed and driving along it is a pleasure.

MONDS - ORLIK(156 km). The village of Mondy is located in the wide valley of Irkut, from where the snowy peaks of Mount Munku-Sardyk are visible. An astrophysical observatory was located above the village. Behind the bridge over Irkut, to the left of the village, there is a border post and a gas station.

Behind village Mondas the road forks. To the left the road leads to the state border with Mongolia and to Lake Khubsugol(10 km from the gas station to the border), to the right - up the river valley. Irkut, in Okinsky district.

Northern and eastern regions Sayan Highlands- some of the most beautiful in the south of Siberia, they are located near the geographical center of Asia (the center of Asia is in Kyzyl, the Republic of Tyva.). The Sayan territory, covering an area of ​​about 250 thousand square meters. km, is considered one of the most difficult and sparsely populated in Siberia. The population density here is less than 1 person per 1 sq. km. This area is concentrated highest peaks Eastern Sayan - Mount Munku-Sardyk (3491 m), alpine peaks of the Tunkinsky (3266 m) and Kitoisky (3215 m) char.

Due to the isolation of the area, species of animals that have practically disappeared in the Lake Baikal basin have been preserved here: the red wolf and snow leopard (irbis), argali or argali (mountain sheep), Tuvan beaver and reindeer. In total, 36 species of animals and 27 species of plants listed in the Red Book are known here.

Road to Oka plateau unique and very picturesque. On the shallows and low terraces of the river. Irkut above the village. Sea buckthorn bushes grow in Monda. At 3 km of the road, on the left, there are two drainless lakes in deep basins, poorly visible from the road with warm water. Up to 20-22 km the road goes along the Irkut valley, at times moving away from the river bank. Here you can find exits to the river and stop for the night away from the road. Further Mountain road, following the bends of the river, passes through a narrow gorge, where there is only enough space for the stormy stream of Irkut and the road surface. The roaring stream is so close to the road that in some places it has significantly washed away the road surface and it is dangerous to drive close to the edge. The gorge with steep cliffs, blooming wild rosemary and huge rock slides on the slopes is extremely picturesque and it is simply impossible to drive through it without stopping to take photographs.

After 20 km, a noticeable rise to the Oka Plateau begins (about 2000 m above sea level). It is very difficult to find a route to the water and a place to camp, especially in the dark, so it is recommended to spend the night before dark. There are descents to the river at 21 km and at the bridge over the White Irkut (22 km). In front of the bridge there is a stationary traffic police post "Bely Irkut", which has connections with the village. Monds.

At 25 km there is a gazebo in honor of the Ezhin of the Nuhu-Daban pass. In June and after rain, you can see a vertically falling waterfall here. Usually they stop here according to the custom of “sprinkling” alcohol to make the journey successful. Such sacred places will be repeatedly encountered along the road; the closer you get to Khuzhir, the more often you need to stop in order to observe local customs.

From about 26-27 km, where the road makes a large loop and rises high above the Irkut gorge, a majestic mountain panorama opens up. This is the only place from where the Munku-Sardyk snow massif is visible during the ascent. The opposite slope of the valley ends towards the Irkut gorge with gloomy rocks and grandiose large-block screes - “kurums”. The entrance openings of the caves are visible in the rocks of the opposite slope. The road at this point was widened into the rocks, and the dumps are a multi-ton collection of marble of different colors.

After 28-30 km, the road again comes close to the Irkut riverbed and runs parallel to it. The edge of the road does not have the usual fence or concrete curb. The blurred edge breaks straight into the rapid water flow, V dangerous places The sagging road surface is fenced off with steel flags. Some sections of the road bear traces of rockfalls: stone blocks found in the most unexpected places.

In front of the Oka Plateau, the Irkut forms a wide shallow channel with many blackened boulders. In this place, sparse spruces give way to moss-lichen rocky tundra with rare dried trees. When the car climbs the Oka plateau, six snowy mountains are spectacularly visible in the south peaks of Munku-Sardyk, length of about 14 km. To the left, below the road, among the swampy mountain tundra lies a large lake Urunge-Nur, where one of the tributaries of the Oka flows. Driving through these places, it’s easy to imagine yourself as a pioneer - the natural landscape is so wild and unusual for the inhabitants of the plains.

Immediately after climbing the pass the road splits: right to Lake Ilchir(about 25 km of a good gravel road), from which the Black Irkut flows as a small stream, to the left - to the river valley Oka. In the south-west direction stretches a wide valley with a chain of lakes located at an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level. Lake Ilchir, the largest of them, with a length of about 7 km and a width of up to 500 m, is rich in fish. The western coast is dry, the eastern is swampy. Deciduous forest grows along the banks, there are several summer camps and many fishing stops. The surrounding area of ​​the lake is famous for its alpine meadows, where numerous herds of cattle graze.

Along the road there are bright continuous thickets of blooming wild rosemary. Despite the middle of June, the lake is covered with ice. And the most unexpected thing for us is that it is impossible to drive up to the shore. Due to the cold wind and inhospitable surroundings of the lake, we decide to spend the night in the Oka River valley.


Descent into the river valley Oka goes along a well-packed gravel road and allows you to move at a speed of 80 km/h. With stops for filming, it takes half a day to get to the waterfall. Particularly attractive are the bright meadows of flowering wild rosemary and wild rosemary. By R. Oka, barely noticeable at first, already 20-30 km from the source you can raft. The length of the river is 630 km. The name of the river comes from the Buryat word akha - “elder”, and is due to the fact that it is the largest of the rivers flowing from the Eastern Sayan to the Angara. The Soyots, the indigenous inhabitants of the mountainous region of the Oka River basin, call the river Ok-Khem - “arrow-river”, “fast as an arrow”.

In the river valley There are also herds of Mongolian yaks ("sarlyk" in Mongolian), large ruminants with long hair and large horns, unusual for us, more typical of Mongolia and Tibet. The economic importance of the yak lies in the fact that it, completely replacing cattle in terms of productivity, is bred in high mountain areas (2000-3000 m above sea level), where ordinary cattle do not breed. Yak milk is used for food.

Improved gravel road surface for village Orlik ends. The road begins to encounter areas with scree and large stones. For the village Orlik, downstream of the Oka, to the right of the road in the forest, a new Buddhist datsan was built, which is in operation when lamas come to it.

15 km from the village. Orlik, approx. village Khara-Khuzhir, there is a bridge. Until 1999, the crossing was carried out by ferry, which did not operate if the water level in the river rose significantly.

IN Khuzhir Valley you can hire a guide with pack horses and travel to completely deserted corners of the Eastern Sayan. Among the most fascinating are the routes to extinct Kropotkin volcanoes(the height of the volcano above the lava field is 110 m, the crater diameter is about 210 m, the depth of the crater crater is 60 m, the diameter of its bottom is 26 m) and Peretolchina (height is about 110 m, crater diameter is 140 m, depth is 30 m ), to the Topographers Peak (3044 m), to the Khoito-Gol springs and Lake Khara-Nur.

KHOYTO-GOL, ARSHAN. Located in the middle part Khoito-gol river, left tributary of the river. Sentsy. About 40 km from the mouth of the river. Sentsy. In summer, you can get to the springs by a three-axle ZIL or an all-wheel drive vehicle. The springs gush out from under the boulders on the bank of the stream. Water temperature - +29+33°C. There are about a dozen keys on which the baths are built. The source is hydrocarbonate-sodium-calcium, with a predominance of sodium. The springs have been known since ancient times among the Mongols and Tuvans; they are used to treat rheumatic and nervous diseases.

The most interesting part of the trip is the Khuzhir Valley. There are no gravel roads here; there is mud, sand and sharp basalt stones. Through R. Senza the bridge turned out to be partially washed away - they had to cross on shaky, homemade boards and logs. Having forded the Maly Zhom-Bolok stream, we drove practically without a road to the mouth R. Zhom-Bolok, admiring the rapid flow of the river at the bottom of the canyon.

LAVA FIELDS. Before the bridge over the river. Zhom-Bolok, 8 km from the village. Sayan Mountains, next to the road there are fields of frozen lava, which are chaotically uplifted blackened fossilized ancient basalts with a porous structure. The outpouring of basaltic lavas formed lava flows that filled the ancient glacial valley of the river. Zhom-Bolok. The length of the lava flow is about 70 km, area - 120 sq. km, volume - 5 cubic meters. km. Basalt slabs easily break when kicked, so you need to move carefully across the lava field. Such fields are found throughout the river valley. Zhom-Bolok, they are clearly visible among the forest when the road rises higher.

About 45 km from Orlik, or 10 km from the Zhom-Bolok bridge (the landmark is a gazebo near the waterfall), there is an amazingly beautiful place with a waterfall and a black basalt canyon of the river. Oka.

SMALL JOM-BOLOK WATERFALL. Not far from the road, the flat steppe suddenly ends in a steep ledge towards the river. Oka. From this basalt ledge (about 20 m high) it falls into a round hole (about 40 m in diameter) Bulun stream(Small Zhom-Bolok), branching from the river. Zhom-Bolok. Spruce trees grow in the center of the hole, their tops not reaching its edge. At the place where the waterfall fell, a small lake, from which water flows calmly into the river. Oka. On the right side, if you look down the stream, there is a not very noticeable path that will lead to the bank of the Oka and to the waterfall. The rock walls are constantly collapsing, so it is not recommended to stand under overhanging rocks, especially under a waterfall.

Downstream the Oka River, 1.5 km from the waterfall, there is the mouth of a usually dry canyon river Sylak. But now the water was seething at the bottom of the canyon. Even lower down the Oka River there is a smaller one Small Sailak Canyon. On the left side in sk Alakh Canyon is Oka Cave, volcanic type, with a length of passages of 14-15 m. This cave was shown to us by a Soyot hunter. In the depths of the cave, as well as in the caves on the river. Zhom-Bolok, it turned out to be wooden poles, it is unknown for what purpose they were hidden in them.

You can spend the night near the waterfall or ford the Maly Zhom-Bolok stream and find a place to your liking on the left bank of the Zhom-Bolok river.


The return journey from the waterfall to Irkutsk requires about 7-8 hours of continuous movement. You can leave after 12 noon and be in Irkutsk in the evening. But it’s better to move slowly with stops, especially when descending the river gorge. Irkut - picturesque mountain panoramas beg to be captured on film. In front of the village Monda you can go to the warm lake and swim. The lake is visible to the right of the road, not reaching 3-4 km to the village. Monds.


For car travel along this route, an all-terrain vehicle such as "UAZ" or "Niva" is preferable. Required: additional supply of gasoline in cans (20 l) and good car tires with spare inner tubes: there are many stones with sharp edges on the roads, especially if you drive off the gravel road to the side. The ideal option would be to organize a trip in several cars with rubber boats in luggage, so that you can alternate between driving along the river and the road.

For an overnight stay, you will need warm bedding: frosts can occur as early as August.

In July of this year, I had the opportunity to spend 4 days at a resort famous among Irkutsk and Buryat residents in the foothills of the Eastern Sayan Mountains.
I will arrange photographs from Arshan in the form of a mini-series of four posts, the entry offered to your attention is a review.

First, where is Arshan? I believe that this name is hardly familiar to many.
Its location will be shown more clearly with an excerpt from the map:

The resort village is located in the Tunkinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia at an altitude of 893 meters above sea level, a 22-kilometer branch from the federal highway A333 Kultuk - Mondy (border with Mongolia) leads to it.

The distance from Irkutsk is 210 kilometers, from Ulan-Ude - 479 kilometers. The road is excellent, you can get there by private car. Or in the following ways:
- by bus No. 520 from Irkutsk. IN winter time There are two flights a day (at 8:00 and 14:00 local time from Irkutsk and Arshan), in the summer - in the morning, buses depart from Irkutsk every half hour. Cost - 350 rubles, travel time - about 4 hours. The flight schedule can be viewed on the Irkutsk bus station website, where the function of purchasing a ticket via the Internet is also available.
- by train/train to Slyudyanka station, from where minibuses go to Arshan, cost - 170 rubles.
- by bus or minibus from Ulan-Ude (the bus leaves from Southern bus station at 9:00, minibus parking is located at the Ulan-Ude railway station, departure when full). Travel time is 7-8 hours.
- by plane from Ulan-Ude to the center of the Tunkinsky district - Kyren (flights are carried out on Mondays), from where several bus flights run daily to Arshan.

My aunt and I traveled by Angarsk minibus, which for an additional 200 rubles per person picks up passengers at Usolye-Sibirskoye.
By the way, the road to Arshan is most beautiful (especially when approaching Baikal and after exiting the Tunkinsky tract - the Kultuk - Mondy highway). You can shoot landscapes, but I didn’t try - the camera doesn’t allow you to take good pictures in motion.

1. Bus station

2. ...on the site where vacationers are greeted by a mountain goat (with regards to the difference in lighting, hereinafter - photographs taken on different days and at different times)

Arshan - famous in Eastern Siberia balneological resort. Actually, Arshan is translated from Buryat as “source”. The main healing factor is carbon dioxide, weakly mineralized, siliceous, sulfate-hydrocarbonate-magnesium-calcium, weakly acidic thermal water, used in drinking water and balneotherapy. Bottled water was bottled until 1991, but is not currently produced. The taste is somewhat reminiscent of the Transbaikal mineral water "Kuka". Related healing factors- climate therapy, as well as sulfide silt mud. The main profile of the resort is diseases of digestion, breathing and circulation.

3. Two sanatoriums accept vacationers. More modern, "Sayany" (hulls built in the late 1980s).


5. The cost of living in a double room is 5,700 rubles/day.

6. And the Arshan sanatorium, less presentable in appearance - this pays off with its location in the resort park of the village. "Sayans" beautiful places It can’t boast of walking on its territory.

7. Dynamics of the number of vacationers. Market times, when budgetary organizations do not offer free vouchers for treatment, had a negative impact on the capacity utilization of the sanatorium:

8. Buildings of the Arshan sanatorium

9. There are health path routes in the resort park



12. Monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Second World War:

13. Fine chasing:

14. The buildings, although wooden, are fully equipped. The cost of a double room is from 3600 rubles/day with three meals a day.

15. Soviet panel on a sports theme

16. Sanatorium club. Vacationers have access to a library, a cinema and concert hall, a swimming pool, Gym, outdoor sports grounds and equipment rental:

17. Resort clinic

18. In Soviet times, almost every city park had an open dance floor, this one is no exception. However, judging by the layer of old pine needles, it is not used.

19. Bark of a five-hundred-year-old long-lived larch


21. Walking through the resort park is a pleasure. Cleanest mountain air!



24. Unused building in the depths of the park

25. From the park, located on a hill, we go out onto the stairs leading to the bank of the mountain river Kyngargi:

26. An alley runs parallel to the river bank - a “shopping street”. You can buy a variety of souvenirs in the stalls

27. They sell magnets, goods from Mongolia, or, as here, herbal teas. The most popular is sagan-dailya (sagan-dali), from Buryat “life prolonging”. It is good to add to tea, it gives a fragrant aroma.

28. After five in the evening the trays are empty

29. Mineral water can be collected in the drinking pavilion, however, you need to take into account the operating hours - it is open only during breakfast, lunch and dinner according to the daily routine of the sanatorium. At other times, you need to go to the source near the river bank.

30. The Buryats have preserved the custom of hanging and tying multi-colored ribbons on tree branches in holy places. It is believed that when the ribbon sways in the wind, a prayer is sent to heaven, even if a person is busy with other things.

31. Staircase from the resort park

32. On the way to the river bank you cannot pass by the eye arshan. It is believed that the water from this source has a beneficial effect on vision due to its high iron content. You need to wait for the rising air bubbles and have time to scoop up the water with your palm where they come to the surface.

33. Alas, after the catastrophic mudflow in June 2014, the eye source has almost dried up, and not everyone follows the established rules - parents allow their children to splash around in puddles of healing water.


35. It feels like we are in Buryatia

36. Another one interesting tradition- installation of pyramids of stones called oboos (or otherwise tours).


38. There are also very large ones!

39. Arshan is located at the outlet of the Kyngarga River (Bur. Khengerge - “drum”) from the Sayan Mountains to the Tunka Valley, bounded from the southeast by the Khamar-Daban ridge. Within the Tunkinskaya Valley there is the Tunkinsky National Park - the first experience in Russia of combining a national park with the boundaries of an entire administrative region.

39a. At the exit from the forest to the shore there is a source with mineral water(if you look closely, in the previous photo you can just see the pipe coming to it). I didn’t take any pictures myself because it was always crowded around it - many people collect water in cans, a queue is created. Here is a photo from the Internet.

40. After a catastrophic mudflow last year, the Kyngarga changed its course. Now it has become a kind of attraction " stone river"- the strength of the flow was such that it swept away the trees in its path, leaving only piles of stones. New vegetation will not appear here soon

41. But what space for building a wallpaper!

42. The power of the river is impressive



45. Fallen trees have also not yet been removed everywhere.

46. ​​You can sit on a rock, meditate to the sounds of a mountain river flowing, or you can fly over it on a bungee

47. On the way to the waterfalls (about which there will be a separate post) there is a Yurta - a place of “cultural gatherings”. In the evening, film shows are held here, and a visiting musician from Colombia gave a concert. During regular hours you can taste delicious tea in the yurt:


49. On the way from the source through the shopping arcades to the village there is a sanctuary of “Sagaan Ubgen” - a Buryat pre-Buddhist deity included in the pantheon of northern Buddhism. Revered as the patron of health, longevity, wealth and family well-being.


51. There is also a gazebo - an unspoken symbol of Arshan, depicted on most souvenir magnets.

52. Interesting places We looked at the sanatoriums within the village, too. Where should the “savages” stay? There will be no problems with this - at the bus station, and along Traktovaya Street leading to it, there are local residents with “housing” signs. Some rent out rooms, others rent out entire houses. Of course, you need to understand that most of the undeveloped amenities are on the street.
My aunt and I lived in this house and paid 350 rubles per day per person:

I must say, it is quite decent - there is a stove, a kettle, and a TV. It was possible to rent a group of five people according to the number of beds.
53. In the kitchen:

54. In conclusion, let’s walk a little around the village itself. It even has its own nightclub! There will be no problems with evening entertainment)


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