What is the height of Elbrus in meters. "The mountain around which the wind swirls." Elbrus. The highest peak in Russia. Lift tariffs

Double-headed Elbrus is the highest peak in Russia. The 5,642-meter-high stratovolcano is included in the list of “Seven Great Heights of the World.” According to geologists, Elbrus is a cone extinct volcano. Elbrus acquired its modern appearance with two peaks (the height of the eastern one is 5621 meters, the western one is 5642 meters) more than a million years ago. By the way, the debate about volcanic activity mountains. Some scientists argue that the volcano is not extinct, but dormant. The argument is based on the fact that hot masses have been preserved in the depths of the mountain, heating thermal springs up to a temperature of +60 degrees.

The climate in the vicinity of the Elbrus region is soft, with low humidity, which makes it easy to tolerate frosty weather. But on Elbrus itself climatic conditions close to the Arctic with heavy precipitation and strong piercing winds. The air temperature at the top of the mountain can reach -40 degrees. IN summer time at an altitude of 4000 meters the temperature does not rise above -10 degrees.

Climbing Elbrus

The first documented conqueror of Elbrus (its eastern peak) was the Kabardian K. Khashirov, who accompanied the Russian expedition of 1829. The rest of the expedition members were only able to climb to 5,300 meters. The western peak of Elbrus was conquered by travelers only in 1879. Its first tourists were members of the English expedition, led by climbers F. Grove and accompanied by Kabardian A. Sottaev.

The latter became one of the most famous conquerors of Elbrus. Being a hunter and mountain lover, he climbed Elbrus 9 times, and his final climb was made at the age of 120!

IN Soviet time The Elbrus region has become one of the most popular places for mountaineering. The so-called “Alpiniads” took place here several times. The 1967 mountaineering competition was the most widespread - almost 2,500 mountaineering athletes took part in it.

Modern classic routes for climbing Elbrus are not very difficult, even beginners in mountaineering can do them. There are 3 main routes:

  • Climbing from the south side of the mountain starts at the foot, but tourists often use the ski lift cable car to the Barrels shelter, which is located at an altitude of 3750 meters. The shelter has recreation centers, cafes and bars for tourists.
  • Northern rise follows in the footsteps of the first conquerors of the mountain. The ascent is also not very difficult for people of average physical fitness, but, unlike the southern side, there is no tourist infrastructure here - the entire ascent is carried out without the help of a cable car and other benefits of civilization.
  • Eastern rise more extreme. He passes through a lava flow, which, of course, has long frozen. The Akcheryakol lava flow offers the most beautiful panoramas on the route.

Most climbs take place in summer period- from May to October, since this is the most favorable time with the most comfortable weather (by local standards). All routes are built taking into account the time for acclimatization - after the morning ascent you need to go down for the night.

Ski resorts in the Elbrus region

The Elbrus region has been one of the most popular skiing destinations in Russia for decades. In total, about 35 kilometers of trails for skiing have been laid in the Elbrus region. alpine skiing and snowboards (mileage increases annually) and 12 kilometers of cable cars are equipped.

Among the surrounding mountains, the most popular is Mount Cheget, equipped with both chairlifts and cable-pendulum lifts. The Cheget trails are suitable for both beginners and professionals. Also on the slopes of the mountain and in its surroundings there is a lot of entertainment for relaxation after active skiing (après ski) - cafes, bars and restaurants, cozy chalet hotels and spa hotels.

For professionals, there is a “high-altitude taxi” that delivers skiers and snowboarders on snowcats to the Pastukhov rocks, at an altitude of 4800 meters.

The longest route is located at the Stary Krugozor resort - its length is 2 kilometers, and the elevation difference reaches 650 meters.

The ski season in the Elbrus region lasts from November to April (if the snow cover is delayed, the season is extended until early May).

In the summer, horseback riding and horseback riding are organized. mountain biking along the trails with panoramic views, trekking and paragliding are offered. For a significant amount of money, you can order heli-skiing - a ride with “delivery” to the top by helicopter.

Camp sites

Currently, Elbrus is not a wild and harsh area, but a mecca for mountaineering lovers. Therefore, the mountain slopes are equipped with numerous recreation centers and mountain shelter hotels. Most of tourism infrastructure concentrated on the southern slope, at an altitude of 3750 meters - in the Barrel shelter. The mountain shelter is equipped with heated residential trailers and a kitchen.

At an altitude of 3912 meters there is a mountain hotel "Liprus", with a capacity of 48 people. Its buildings are made in a futuristic style and resemble space stations.

The highest mountain hotel in Elbrus is the Shelter of Eleven hotel at an altitude of 4050 meters. The hotel was built in the middle of the 20th century and for a long time bore the title of “the most high mountain hotel THE USSR". The main building burned down 20 years ago, but the hotel has now been rebuilt on the basis of the preserved boiler house.

The regional authorities plan to build a shelter at an altitude of 5,300 meters. Construction work is already underway, but the opening date is constantly being pushed forward due to difficult weather conditions.


The gorges and glaciers of Elbrus and the Elbrus region are the main attractions of these places. When going to the Elbrus region, it is worth visiting:

  • Baksan Gorge. It originates in the glaciers of Elbrus and represents picturesque mountains with snow caps, green valleys, caves with traces of ancient people and rusty earth - due to the abundance of iron in its composition.
  • Djily-Su tract. The place is known primarily for its hot springs. Swimming in natural pools has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems; mineral waters treat skin diseases and allergies. In addition to the springs, there are powerful waterfalls in the surrounding area. The height of the largest of them is 25 meters.
  • Elbrus Defense Museum. The highest mountain museum in the world is located at the Mir station. The local exhibition tells about the North Caucasian battles during the Great Patriotic War.
  • Chegem Gorge. This is a picturesque area with centuries-old pine trees, deep canyons and rocky waterfalls.

How to get to Mount Elbrus

Elbrus is located on the border of the Kabardino-Balkarian and Karachay-Cherkess Republics. The nearest airport is in the city of Nalchik, 130 km from the foot of the mountain, you can also fly to Mineralnye Vody, located 200 km. Then go through Pyatigorsk and Nalchik to Terskol with transfers by bus. Travel time will be from 3 to 5 hours, depending on the point of departure. Many expeditions and excursion groups depart from Terskol.

Elbrus on Google panoramas Maps

Video "Mount Elbrus"

The report about Mount Elbrus will tell you what Mount Elbrus is known for and where it is located.

Message about Mount Elbrus

Elbrus- stratovolcano in the Caucasus - the highest Mountain peak Russia and Europe, included in the list of the highest peaks of the world “Seven Summits”.

In the 19th century, scientific exploration of the peak began. The exact height and location were determined only in 1913. The goal of the first expedition in 1829 was to reach the top of the Elbrus volcano. Its members included such great scientists as Kupfer, Lenz, Minetrier. Having reached an altitude of 2400m, the group moved on. Only 5 people reached above 4800 m, and only three reached the Elbrus saddle. They could not go further because the snow had become very soft.

The first person to conquer the peaks of Elbrus was Ahiya Sottaev, when he was already over 40 years old. After his first ascent, he climbed the mountain 8 more times. Moreover, Sottayev made his last ascent at the age of 121.

Elbrus mountain where is it located?

Elbrus is not only the highest point in Europe, but also a place of pilgrimage. It is located between Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, and the peoples living there have created many legends. For example, about the origin of the name. From Iranian “Aitbares” means high Mountain, from Georgian “Yalbuz” means ice and storm. According to another theory, the name of the mountain is made up of three words: “El” - settlement, “Bur” - twist, “Us” - character.

Mount Elbrus description

Elbrus height above sea level is 5642 m. Moreover, the height of the western peak is 5642 m, and the eastern one is 5621 m. Between them there is a saddle, inferior in height to only 300 m. There are more than 80 glaciers on the mountain, the largest are Bolshoi Azau, Irik and Terskol . They give rise to many rivers Malka, Terek, Baksan and Kuban.

Below the glaciers are alpine meadows and coniferous forests. The slopes themselves are rocky. The mountains were formed more than a million years ago, and at first Elbrus was active volcano. Today, scientists are still arguing about whether the volcano is dormant or extinct. The benefit of the “sleeping” version is that hot masses are preserved in its depths, which heat the local thermal springs to +60°C.

The mountain itself is made up of layers of tuff, ash and lava. Last eruption was recorded in 50 AD.


The climatic conditions near the slopes are mild. The humidity here is low, so frosts are tolerated quite easily. But higher up on the volcano the climate is already harsh, similar to the Arctic. At the foot of the winter mountain average temperature ranges from 10 0 C to – 25 0 C, and at the top up to -40 ° C. On Elbrus, precipitation is abundant and frequent, mainly in the form of snow. The air warms up in summer to +10°C at an altitude of 2500 m, and higher even in July the temperature barely reaches -14°C. The weather is characterized by instability - a calm, clear day can give way to snowy storms with strong wind gusts.


The climate at the foot of the mountain is varied: many gorges and rocky areas. And on the slopes even in summer you can see melting snowflakes. On the surface of Elbrus there are glaciers with an ice thickness of 400 m. Glacial water forms streams that fall down as waterfalls. Starting from an altitude of 3500 m, moraines, cirques, and glacial lakes are common.

Flora and fauna

Velvet greenery, pine forests, and trees and shrubs grow in the meadows of Elbrus. The flora has 3000 species. It includes pine, alder, mint, celandine, sea buckthorn, thyme, fennel, wormwood, rose hips, St. John's wort and coltsfoot.

The fauna is represented by aurochs, mountain goats, ground squirrels, raccoon dogs, wild boars, chamois, jackals, roe deer, foxes, wolves, wild cats, lynxes, squirrels and bears.

The heavenly expanses were conquered by vultures, eagles and kites, golden eagles, saker falcons, titmice, bullfinches, blackbirds, and woodpeckers.

  • The local population calls Elbrus “Mingi-tau”, which means “Mountain of Thousands”. The name emphasizes its height and size.
  • This is a very difficult mountain to climb. In winter it is generally forbidden to climb it.
  • Elbrus is mentioned in the works of Herodotus. The ancient Greek historian pointed out that the god Zeus chained Prometheus to it because he gave fire to people.

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Elbrus is the most famous mountain in the world. She is an object everyone's attention, a dream for people who prefer extreme sports, and an object of admiration for tourists. Almost every traveler knows where Mount Elbrus is located, and therefore dreams of going to the distant and unexplored Caucasus.

For many, the Caucasus is the territory that is worth visiting. After all, everyone knows that it is here that you can feel complete freedom from the hustle and bustle and fully enjoy truly incredible landscapes. For a long time, it was considered the place on Earth that could be called “paradise.” Nature has rewarded the area with unusually beautiful relief and diversity. flora. The air here is clean and transparent, which is the main feature of this territory.

The Caucasus is mountainous region Eurasia, which has a whole variety of amazing places, but perhaps the most famous of them is Elbrus. This mountain has already become business card» area, since it is precisely this area that attracts many tourists. It is worth noting that the country is divided into two parts - South and North, conventionally called two half-worlds. Of course, the two parts are united by common traditions and culture, but tourist attendance is different.

What is the famous mountain?

The formation of this point began more than 218 thousand years ago. Since that ancient and forgotten time, lava and tuff have erupted 15 times. It’s impossible to say whether it’s a lot or a little, but it was they who gave humanity such an extraordinary gift.

Elbrus is a stratovolcano in the Caucasus, it is called the highest point in Russia. It is one of the Great Seven of the world's most famous peaks. Its location is unique, since it is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Externally, it is a double-peaked cone-shaped volcano that has not erupted for a very, very long time (the last eruption dates back to 50 AD).

Each nationality has its own name for the volcano mountain, which, increasingly, in translation means “height”, “elevation”, “highest point”. Such definitions are not accidental, because they are based on the coordinates of the height above sea level. By the way, the exact height of the mountain was first determined back in 1883. This was done by the famous academician and scientist V.K. Vishnevsky. He indicated and recorded data according to which Mount Elbrus has a height of 5421 m. These figures became unchanged, because no transformations were observed in the volcano. Until this time, accurate data simply did not exist.

It should be noted that the mountain remained an object of research for a long time, each new ascent gave everything new information, which was recorded in the necessary documentation. Today this place is interesting for various reasons, so let’s find out where Mount Elbrus is located on the map of Russia and how can an ordinary traveler find it?

Correct coordinates

Of course this place is famous local residents, and you can easily find the treasured mountain. But, in order not to worry, it is better to find out about everything in detail before the trip. First you need to find general information about the place you are interested in, then analyze the territory and note the data you need.

Many travelers have developed a search pattern that is based on data from cartographic sources. From them you will know that Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, exactly 130 kilometers west of the city of Nalchik, within the northern part of the Main Caucasian Ridge. To find where Elbrus is located on the map, you don’t need special knowledge and skills, since the most detailed maps and well-known routes. It won’t be difficult for you to find the object, it will be much more difficult to conquer it, and therefore we will continue our preparation.

About modes of transportation

Depending on what you are going to travel on, you need to choose the right approach to the mountain. Since this place is specific and not close to civilization, there is no better means of transportation than a car. Further, the route will be on foot, as expected leisure. There is another option - to travel by bus, but it is only suitable for large excursion groups. If you are traveling with a small group of like-minded people, then a car would still be more appropriate.

Where to start climbing?

Of course, everyone has their own rules and principles for relaxation, but when it comes to Elbrus, the first departure point is the village of Azau. Experts recommend acclimatizing and spending some time here (1-2 days), and then hitting the road.

Remember that the best time to get to the mountain is in the summer, when there are no obstacles on the way. The period from September to September is a unique time in every sense and it is best suited for every tourist.

Regarding July and August, it must be said that this is the optimal period due to the fact that the weather is incredibly warm and stable, there is no dampness, rain or any noticeable temperature changes. But sometimes surprises happen, and therefore you should be prepared for anything in advance, because the Caucasian weather is very often unpredictable, remember this. For this reason, when planning a route, one extra day is always included. A winter climb is possible, but the weather is against you here as it can be very cold at this time of year, down to -40 at the summit.

Many return here at other times of the year, after the first ascent, to appreciate the beauty in other contrasts. For others, coming here becomes a challenge, since the low air temperature becomes an obstacle. It is important to note that it is always beautiful here, only in its own way. Different time makes it possible to see unique features that would be invisible in another season. Also remember that there are always a lot of tourists here, so you won’t be alone.

Mountain coordinates:

43.3469353 north latitude

42.4528694 east longitude.

Unsolved mystery

There is one main question When Elbrus wakes up and whether this will happen in the future, scientists have not yet given an answer. This means that climbing it will be possible for a long time, so it’s time to start your preparations for such an amazing point on our planet. After all, if an eruption takes place, the danger will be incredible. Firstly, there will be a release of ash and lava, and the possibility of unprecedented flooding from melting glaciers will increase.

Geographical description



Climbing history

Elbrus(Karach-Balk. Mingi Tau) - a mountain in the Caucasus, on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Elbrus is located north of the Main Caucasus Range and is the highest peak in Russia. Considering that the boundaries of the European part of the world are ambiguous, Elbrus is often also called the highest European mountain peak.

Geographical description

Elbrus is a double-peaked volcanic cone. The Western peak has a height of 5642 m, the Eastern one - 5621 m. They are separated by a saddle - 5200 m and are approximately 3 km apart from each other. The last eruption dates back to 50 AD. e. ± 50 years.

According to the mountaineering classification, Elbrus is rated as 2A snow-ice, the passage of both peaks is 2B. There are others, more difficult routes, for example Elbrus (W) along the NW edge 3A.


According to one version, the name Elbrus comes from the Iranian Aitibares - “high Mountain”, more likely - the Iranian “sparkling, brilliant” (like Elburs in Iran). The Georgian name Yalbuz is from the Turkic yal - “storm” and buz - “ice”. The Armenian Alberis is probably a phonetic version of the Georgian name, but the possibility of a connection with the pan-Indo-European basis to which the toponym “Alps” goes back is not excluded.

Other names:

  • Mingi Tau - eternal mountain (Karachay-Balkar).
  • Elburus - wind guide (Nogai).
  • Askhartau - snowy mountain of the Ases (Kumyk).
  • Jin Padishah - king of mountain spirits (Turkic).
  • Albar (Albors) - tall; high mountain (Iranian).
  • Yalbuz - mane of snow (Georgian).
  • Oshkhamakho - mountain of happiness (Kabardian).
  • Uryušglyumos - mountain of the day.
  • Kuskamaf is a mountain that brings happiness.
  • Shat, Shat-mountain - Old Russian name (from Karach.-Balk. chat, chat- ledge, hollow, that is "mountain with a hollow")


The gorges of Adylsu, Shheldy, Adyrsu, the Donguz-Orun and Ushba massifs are very popular among climbers and mountain tourists. Elbrus region is the most popular ski resort in Russia.


total area Elbrus glaciers 134.5 km²; the most famous of them: Big and Small Azau, Terskol.


Mainly focused on southern slopes, where the pendulum and chairlift is located. The lifting height of the cable car is 3,750 meters; the Barrels shelter is located here, which is more than ten six-seater insulated residential trailers and a kitchen. Currently, this is the main starting point for those climbing Elbrus. At an altitude of 4000 m is located the highest mountain hotel “Shelter of Eleven”, which burned down at the end of the 20th century, on the basis of which the boiler room in given time A new building was rebuilt, also actively used by climbers. A number of residential 12-seater trailers and a kitchen have been installed. In the evenings, a diesel generator is organized to supply electricity to the trailers. At an altitude of 4600-4700 m the Pastukhov rocks are located. Above the Pastukhov rocks in winter there is an ice field. From an altitude of 5000, the so-called oblique shelf begins - a trail with a smooth climb. Standard route to the Western and Eastern peaks passes through the saddle. From the saddle, both peaks rise to a height of about 300 m.

Since 2007, work has been underway to build a rescue shelter (“Station EG 5300”) on the saddle of the mountain (height 5300 m). The shelter will be a geodesic dome hemisphere with a diameter of 6.7 m, installed on a gabion foundation. In 2008, a reconnaissance of the area was carried out, a base camp was prepared, and the design of the shelter began. In 2009, the dome structures were made, construction work began: gabions were erected by the expedition members, and the dome elements were transported to the construction site (including using a helicopter). Completion of construction is planned for 2010.

On the northern side, the infrastructure is poorly developed and is represented by several huts on one of the moraines (at an altitude of about 3800 m), which are used by tourists and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a rule, this point is used for ascents to the Eastern Peak, the path to which passes through the Lenz rocks (from 4600 to 5200 m), which serve as a good reference point for all climbers.

Climbing history

In 1813, Russian academician V.K. Vishnevsky first determined the height of Elbrus (5421 m).

The first successful ascent to one of the peaks of Elbrus was made in 1829 during an expedition led by General G. A. Emmanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line. The expedition was of a scientific nature (the Elbrus expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences was organized from Pyatigorsk, which is recorded in Diana’s grotto; see also Mountaineering in pre-revolutionary Russia), its participants were: academician Adolf Kupfer - geophysicist, geologist, founder of the Main Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg , physicist Emilius Lenz, zoologist Eduard Minetrier, founder of the Russian Entomological Society, botanist Karl Meyer, who later became an academician and director botanical garden Russian Academy of Sciences, artist-architect Joseph (Giuseppe–Marco) Bernardazzi, Hungarian scientist Janos Besse. The auxiliary service of Emmanuel's expedition consisted of 650 soldiers and 350 line Cossacks, as well as local guides.

Kupfer, Lenz, Meyer, Minetrier, Bernardazzi, 20 Cossacks and guides took part directly in the ascent. However, lack of experience and poor quality of climbing equipment forced most of the participants to turn back. Only four continued the further ascent: Emilius Lenz, Cossack Lysenkov and two people from the group of guides - Hilar Khachirov and Akhiya Sottaev. At an altitude of about 5300 m, due to lack of strength, Lenz and his two accompanying men were forced to stop. The first to climb the eastern peak at about 11 a.m. on July 10, 1829 was the Karachai (according to other sources, Kabardian) guide Hilar Khachirov. This event was marked by a rifle salute in the camp, where General Emmanuel watched the ascent through a powerful telescope.

At the location of the camp, a memorial inscription was carved on one of the stones ( below and in Fig.), the location of which was lost over time. It was discovered by Soviet climbers already in the 20th century (by chance, 103 years later - it was hidden under centuries-old layers of lichens).

During the reign of All-Russian Emperor Nicholas I, the Commander of the Caucasian Line, General of the Cavalry, Georgy Emanuel, camped here from July 8 to July 11, 1829;

With him were his son, Georgy, 14 years old, academicians sent by the Russian government: Kupfer, Lenz, Menetrie and Meyer, as well as the Official of the Mining Corps Vansovich, Mineralnye Vody Architect Ios. Bernardazzi and the Hungarian traveler Iv. Besse.

The Academicians and Bernardazzi, leaving the camp located 8,000 feet (i.e. 1,143 fathoms) above the sea surface, entered Elbrus on the 10th to 15,700 feet (2,243 fathoms), the peak of which was 16,330 feet (2,333 fathoms) was reached only by the Kabardian Hilar.

Let this modest stone pass on to posterity the names of those who first paved the way to reaching the now considered inaccessible Elbrus!

The first successful ascent to the western, highest peak was made in 1874 by a group of English climbers led by F. Grove and Balkar guide A. Sottaev, who participated in the first ascent.

The first person to climb both peaks of Elbrus is considered to be the Russian military topographer A.V. Pastukhov. In 1890, accompanied by four Cossacks of the Khopersky regiment, he climbed its western peak, and six years later, in 1896, he conquered the eastern one. Pastukhov was also the first to map the peaks of Elbrus.

In August 1974, three completely standard (without winches and traction chains) UAZ-469 vehicles reached a glacier on Mount Elbrus at an altitude of 4000 meters during a test run.

Now Elbrus is very popular for climbing, both in mountaineering and mountain tourism.

Elbrus during the Great Patriotic War

Due to its symbolic significance as the highest point in Europe, Elbrus became the scene of a fierce confrontation during the Great Patriotic War, in which units of the German mountain rifle division “Edelweiss” also participated. During the Battle of the Caucasus on August 21, 1942, after occupying the Krugozor and Shelter of the Eleven mountain bases, German alpine riflemen managed to install German banners on the western peak of Elbrus. By the middle of the winter of 1942-1943, the Wehrmacht was knocked out from the slopes of Elbrus, and on February 13 and 17, 1943, Soviet climbers climbed the western and western slopes, respectively. eastern peak Elbrus, where Soviet flags were hoisted.

Blessed is the mountain, the sparkling mountain, the mountain of joy, the pearl of the Caucasus, whatever names one of the highest mountains of Russia and Europe is called. But in reference books and guidebooks we know it under the name Elbrus, which from the Balkar language means “a mountain around which the wind swirls.” The fact is that the Balkar tribes who lived at the foot of the mountain often noticed the so-called “Elbrus whirlwinds” - these are masses of air visible to the human eye, which seem to be twisted into a horn.

Mount Elbrus: description, photo, video

Elbrus is a volcano with two peaks that died out two thousand years ago. The western peak has a height of 5641, the height of the north is 5621 (a difference of twenty meters). To help you imagine the height more clearly, we inform you that Elbrus is 4400 meters higher and 2300 meters higher. The first ascent to the summit took place on July 22, 1829, led by Georg Emmanuel. Despite the fact that since the discovery of this by scientists, it is considered extinct, gas eruptions have recently been noticed, which may indicate that the volcano is only dormant.

But tectologists are confident that an eruption could theoretically occur only in a couple of thousand years, and the obvious processes of gas eruption are only the beginning of a long process of awakening the volcano. And the current prospects for an eruption do not prevent tourists from all over the world from visiting one of the largest and beautiful mountains Europe.

The air on Elbrus is of high purity and crystal clear, thanks to which it offers views of two seas that are nearby: and. Experienced climbers always warn: Elbrus is a two-faced mountain with a changeable character. At an altitude of 3756 meters (where the cable car leads), the weather can be warm and windy, but after a couple of hours of ascent it changes sharply and the ascent can become very difficult. Therefore, you must always be prepared for the manifestations of this miracle mountain, because the climb is worth it.

It is also worth separately noting the territory of the Elbrus region. During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles took place here, in which the Edelweiss special forces division took part. This division brought together the most resilient Wehrmacht soldiers who had previously served and trained in mountainous regions. Interestingly, Hitler himself considered the operation to capture Elbrus and raise the flag on its top a waste of effort and resources.

Panorama of Mount Elbrus

First attempts Soviet army in August 1942 the liberation of Elbrus was in vain. The fighters had neither special equipment nor alpine skills and were doomed. There were several attempts to storm Elbrus and liberate the Shelter of Eleven, the Ice Base and the 105th picket, but only at the end of the 42nd with the joint efforts of the NKVD, aviation and special forces. A group of soldiers with mountaineering skills and the proper equipment managed to dislodge the Edelweiss from Elbrus and raise the Soviet flag at its peak. Monuments to our fallen heroes testify to these battles in the Elbrus region.

Today, the Elbrus region is one of the most developed tourist regions in the Caucasus; due to the number of tourists, this territory is one of the ten most popular and visited in the world.

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Elbrus is located on the border of two republics: Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, within the northern part of the Main Caucasus Range.

Mount Elbrus on the map

Coordinates of Mount Elbrus on the map:

  • Latitude — 34°69′35′′
  • Longitude — 45°28′69′′

The volcano mountain is located 130 kilometers west of the city of Nalchik.

How to get to Mount Elbrus

As a rule, most travelers prefer to join or form tourist groups. These groups are transported by excursion bus to the towns of Neutrino, Terskol, Tegenekli, Elbrus and Baidaevo. These villages, as well as the Elbrus-Azau and Cheget ski resorts, are located along the main route. Also, you will not have any difficulty getting to them by car. There are no other options today.

When is the best time to visit Mount Elbrus?

As mentioned above, Elbrus has unstable weather conditions, which change quite sharply and quickly. It’s as if he’s trying to prevent the climber from reaching the top, testing him: with a nosy, cold wind, the smell of hydrogen sulfide, and fatigue. Therefore, people with poor health are highly discouraged from starting such a climb, and everyone else must use the services of a professional guide, due to the need to undergo training.

As for the optimal season for climbing, experienced climbers say that summer is best for beginners. Then the ascent conditions are a little milder, the daylight hours are longer, and the temperature is within normal limits. The only significant obstacle is thunderstorms that are quite frequent in this area, from which it is difficult to find shelter. Therefore, carefully study the weather forecast, and try not to start climbing on a day when there is supposed to be a thunderstorm.


The volcano mountain itself and the Elbrus region are quite tourist developed. This resort is in no way inferior to its Himalayan and Alpine counterparts. Of course, he has his own Slavic characteristics. On its territory there are a number of hotels of various price categories, and several ski resorts. So, even without planning a climb, you'll have a great time skiing some of the longest ski runs in Europe, or reflecting in the local spas. In general, there is something to do.

Also at your discretion, at an altitude of 4110 meters, there is the highest mountain hotel in the world called “Shelter of the Eleven”. From the cable car (height 3750 meters) there is a path to this hotel. If you wish, you can use the lift, and then walk to it.

What to see in the area

What else is interesting in the vicinity of Elbrus and is a must-see? Mount Cheget, which is located on the opposite side of Elbrus and offers views of the entire volcano. By the way, most of the presented photographs of Elbrus were taken either from or from Mount Cheget.

The Baksan River is one of three rivers that flow from the glaciers of Elbrus with a beautiful azure hue of water. Visit blue Lakes Nalchik is one of the favorite attractions of local residents.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose you are going to this mountain: to visit places of military glory, test yourself in climbing, walk around the outskirts of Elbrus, or just relax at local resorts and go skiing Elbrus will entice you. It will interest, lure and leave behind the memory of a proud and self-sufficient mountain, highest mountain Europe and one of the seven wonders of Russia.

And if he lets you rise, if you can rise to the highest high point Elbrus, the view that will open before you, will be worth not only the effort and money expended, but also a new ascent, because statistics show that 6 out of 10 people who climbed Elbrus for the first time do it again.


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