Vorozheya. Practice in the Camargue province. Sea cruises Vorozheya sea cruise

Elena Pomazueva

Vorozheya. Practice in the Camargue province

© Pomazueva E. A., 2017

© Artistic design, Alfa-Kniga Publishing House, 2017

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There was a cheerful bustle among the girls. We rejoiced at the end of the School of Witchcraft, Healing and Divination. We wore berets trimmed with bright ribbons with the symbols of the faculties, embossed in gold. Dark blue robes made of expensive fabric, pinned with large brooches on the right shoulder, fell in wide tails, revealing the rustling brocade skirts of floor-length evening dresses. According to the protocol, immediately after the presentation of diplomas and symbols of belonging to one of the acquired professions, a grand ball will take place. The highest nobility and merchants of our city were invited so that we could show off in front of all the outfits.

What young magician can resist the temptation to improve her appearance? That's right, by the end of the first year we were shining with beauty, guys on the streets turned to look after us, and invitations to dates from fans rained down like silver petals of messages written in a hurry. By the last year, each had found her own image, requiring minimum costs and efforts to maintain it. Because, alas, in the morning, having slept through the wake-up call, many graduates forgot to put on the marathon and rushed in their natural form, scaring passers-by along the way.

Pushing up in various disciplines, preparing for a diploma and defending it took a lot of time and effort. But no one canceled parties, dancing until the morning and dates! At the same time, it was necessary to think about future practice, to calculate everything in such a way as to make a good career. After all, a diploma, a symbol of belonging to a profession, does not guarantee a high income. You will have to prove that the young specialist is worth something. And it won’t hurt to get some practice!

Actually, the scheme for how a graduate can find his place in life has been worked out a long time ago. The school was well known in the country, enjoyed the support of those who had already graduated from it, and maintained contact with almost all fortune tellers, sorcerers and healers, whom it regularly invited to teach and pass on their experience. Many of them readily responded to the offer to take graduates for practice. Everyone was satisfied and happy, especially today. The girls and boys excitedly discussed defense, as well as their future lives.

– Who did you choose? – I grabbed my friend’s hand.

Edith and I have a rare unanimity. We liked each other from the first day we met. True, at the very beginning they accidentally splashed themselves with ink, at the mercy of a clumsy neighbor whose hands grow in the wrong place. But while they were washing their fingers and washing their clothes, hurrying to the first formation, they managed to make friends. On top of everything else, we both entered the faculty of divination, and this finally brought us closer together.

“Metress Valandi,” she answered with hidden pride.

I chuckled softly. What a nimble girl! Managed to grab the most prestigious practice! Every sorceress dreams of getting to see Mistress Valandi from the first day of training! This is such a legendary personality! She has clients from high society, it is clear that in her salon you can make the necessary contacts. And the mistress herself helps her protégés get a good job.

- Tricky! – I answered her with full awareness of the importance of this fact.

-Who are you? – Edith asked.

“Emiri Brossard,” she answered mysteriously.

- Whom? – Edith asked a little absentmindedly, glancing at the podium where the school director was going to give a speech.

“Emiri Brossard,” I repeated just as absentmindedly.

-Who is this? – Edith turned to me.

“I don’t know, she’s from the Camargue,” I responded and even stood up on tiptoe to see everything that was happening on the podium.

- And you decided to go to such a hole? – Edith was surprised and tugged at my elbow, drawing my attention to herself.

- Let it go! Just think, Camargue! But her practice counts for two years,” I said importantly. - While you are smiling and fussing around your patroness for the entire prescribed period, I will already finish my internship and get a decent job!

The opportunity to start looking for a well-paid job a year earlier than others was extremely attractive to me. My ambitious plans had a wide scope. Mommy made useful contacts, at the right moment boasting about her smart daughter, who was about to graduate from the famous school. So it didn’t make sense to lose a whole year in practice with a fortune teller for a standard salary from the school. I have a gift, I developed it quite well during my studies, and the rest can be improved along the way. Moreover, I have never shied away from self-education, not limited to the mandatory program course. So, with the approval of my beloved mother, I chose the Camargue, despite the remoteness of the province.

– Claire, you are as always! It's all or nothing. – Edith shook her head, but continued to smile.

- Quiet, you chatterboxes! - they hissed at us, because the director began his heartfelt speech.

“On this day we say goodbye to our graduates,” the director, who once graduated from our school with a degree in witchcraft, spoke in a loud, well-placed baritone voice. He incomprehensibly managed to cope with the entire team, starting from the teaching staff

Advantages of a holiday on a sea cruise

  1. One sea voyage allows you to combine several trips to different cities and countries, while the cost of sea cruises includes not only accommodation in a cabin, but also meals on the All Inclusive or Ultra All Inclusive system, as well as use of the entire ship infrastructure and entertainment programs.
  2. Vacation on a sea cruise provides a huge choice sea ​​routes, including travel to exotic places on the planet that are almost impossible to reach by land. In particular, on our company’s website you can buy a sea cruise to Antarctica or the Galapagos Islands and see with your own eyes what a limited number of people see!
  3. Only on a cruise can each family member do exactly what he wants - read a book, sunbathe by the pool, listen to live music, play sports, go on attractions, relax in the spa or watch evening performances, films and at the same time be always together. Sea cruises on liners provide a unique opportunity to relax with the whole family or a group of friends while always having your own space.
  4. The cruise industry has reached unprecedented heights in terms of tourist comfort. A modern cruise ship is a 5* floating hotel that has literally everything. Even cheap sea cruises offer impressively and comfortably decorated cabins with all the amenities of a 5* hotel. All modern ships have cabins of different categories, for example, cabins with a window and a balcony, luxury class, suites, and royal suites. The infrastructure of such a liner includes large areas for sports, swimming pools, luxury spas with thermal rooms and salt caves, casinos, concert halls and children's clubs, numerous incredible attractions.
  5. Majority cruise companies care about the convenience and leisure of not only adults, but also young travelers, arranging children's playrooms and clubs on board, offering many special entertainment programs and shows, children's menu, as well as the services of animators, teachers and nannies. A number of cruise companies offer promotional sea cruises: free for children under 18 years of age when sharing a cabin with two adults.
  6. There is never a dull moment during a sea cruise. Sea cruise routes are very diverse and offer a lot of adventure and most interesting excursions. Depending on the region of travel, tourists are invited to visit the most interesting cities, snorkel the best coral reefs globe, climb a glacier in Alaska, relax on the beautiful Caribbean beaches, see the amazing cultural attractions of Southeast Asia.
  7. Cruises mean meeting new people! Rest on cruise ship offers a lot of opportunities to meet new like-minded people and make friends with those who share your interests. The Cruise House company offers sea cruises from Russia and travel with Russian groups - in this case, the language barrier will not be an obstacle to communication! Pay attention also to thematic cruises - wine, dance, for card players - from first to last day During your travels you will be surrounded by fellow travelers with similar interests.
  8. On a cruise, tourists are sure to learn something new. In addition to an exciting excursion program, many cruise companies include in the price of sea cruises other educational activities, language, culinary, dance and computer classes, lectures on the culture, traditions, and history of the regions through which the cruise route passes. For particularly inquisitive travelers, we recommend purchasing luxury sea cruises or expedition cruises - these operators offer the widest possible choice of a wide variety of educational and entertainment activities.
  9. Every day you will be able to get acquainted with a new city - as a rule, liners move from port to port at night, leaving the daytime completely at the disposal of tourists who do not have to worry about connecting flights or train schedules. The routes of even the cheapest sea cruises include only the most vibrant port cities in the region - the impressions of such a trip will remain in your memory for many years.
  10. The versatility of a cruise holiday is its compliance with the needs of a wide variety of groups of travelers, from couples in love or newlyweds to retirees. Sea cruises from Russia are an excellent and inexpensive option for Russians who can save on air travel. The all-inclusive onboard entertainment and dining system allows you to save on food and entertainment.

Cruise House offers the widest selection of cruises around the world from 19 of the most popular global and Russian cruise companies. Our company has the most advanced cruise booking system on the Russian market, which is directly integrated with the databases of a number of cruise companies and allows you to independently select, book and pay for a cruise or a full-fledged cruise package online in real time.

Sea cruise- it's really best view holiday for the modern traveler!

After the consul left, Etienne switched to one of his fellow diplomats. I looked for Master Brossard and headed to the deck, deliberately avoiding the busy circle of sofas. Without looking back, I knew that the mentor would soon follow me.
- So? - I almost immediately heard the quiet voice of the sorceress as soon as I leaned on the railing.
She turned around sharply and tried to peer into the man’s face. The reflection of the lights from the cabin clearly illuminated his eyes. Dark, seeming almost black in the night. They looked worried.
- Why did you decide that they tried to poison the consul? - I asked a question that had been tormenting me for a long time.
“The waiter behind him changed the plates while the consul was taking care of Kavya,” I shook my head.
No. All wrong. I was sitting very close. The waiter didn't do anything like that.
“Geller didn’t ask him about this,” the mentor explained to my silent objection.
“There was nothing surprising in that,” I objected. “He just removed the half-eaten bread smeared with squid and replaced it with fresh one.” I was puzzled by the algae issue.
“Or rather,” demanded the warlock.
I explained in detail what the consul did with the half-eaten sandwich and expressed my concerns about the lost seaweed.
- No, Claire. This is different,” Master Brossard objected to me. “At the school of diplomats, they are taught to take care of their own safety first of all.” In this case, Geller did not finish the left bread, because poison could have been added to it as soon as he let it go from his hands. Noticed? The consul always butters his own bread. It doesn't matter what product. Be it oil, sauce, pasta, anything that can easily be filled with poison.
- Isn’t it easier to poison the entire volume of sauce at once? - I asked, puzzled, - Why such difficulties?
- What if someone other than the consul eats first? Then it will not be he who is poisoned, but Geller will be warned. If an attack is made directly on the Venalian himself, then poison will only be poured into his food.
“Then this also applies to wine,” I noted.
“Of course,” Master Brossard agreed with me, “If Geller leaves an unfinished glass of wine or a cup of drink, he never touches it again.”
“It’s all so confusing,” I sighed.
“But it’s effective,” he answered weightily.
“It turns out that this is exactly what he meant when he said not to pay attention, because this is professional,” she concluded.
“Most likely,” the mentor agreed with me.
- But then... - from the overwhelming excitement I forgot how to breathe, - I remembered! - she exclaimed excitedly and immediately looked around in fear, “He said exactly the same thing when he kissed the hand of mistress Kavya.” Was she trying to poison him?
“It’s unlikely,” the mentor doubted. “Most likely the consul felt the aroma of perfume and did not touch Cavier’s skin with his lips.” Diplomats are also taught this.
- Afraid of getting poisoned? - I clarified, not wanting to remove the “poisoner” label from the scoundrel.
- Rather, I was afraid of a love spell. He's a family man, Claire. And if he can afford an affair while traveling, then he definitely won’t want to bring a personal problem into his country,” but noticing my skeptical expression, he added, “I don’t know any poisons that you can apply to your own skin and stay alive.” but at the same time kill another person.
A flickering shadow crossed our faces, and at the same time a woman’s laughter was heard. Someone was leaving the salon. We hastened to disperse in different directions. Maitre Brossard headed towards the service entrance, and I moved away from the doors and brightly lit windows into the thick shadow of the tropical night.
Maestress Cavier passed by, pressing her whole body against the consul. He said something quietly, leaning towards his companion, and she burst into seductive laughter at his phrases. Apparently, Master Geller decided to indulge in an affair, as the mentor said. The couple headed towards the first class cabins. I heard Maestress Cavier slip while going down the stairs, her soft cry and laughter again. The man scolded himself for being discourteous, and then their voices disappeared. As far as I could see, the master decided to carry the victim in his arms. I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out to be a well-played comedy to ensnare the consul who doesn’t want to be bewitched.
I wonder if the fatal beauty was interested in Master Geller because of his high position? She couldn’t really be carried away by a boring Venalian with a pale appearance. Of all the memorable features of appearance, only red hair can be noted.
- Are you bored? - Master Blancard cooed provocatively, breaking into my reasoning.
Troll giblets! A dark-skinned man in the night is almost indistinguishable. I was scared not so much of him as of the sudden appearance behind me. He could easily sneak up and throw me overboard. I wouldn't even have time to utter a word!
“I went out to get some fresh air before going to bed,” she answered him dryly.
Internally everything has come together. Just let him take liberties! Now I know what my husband’s former “friend” is capable of. I'll attack right away!
“I was hoping to join your company tomorrow,” the healer said, puffing on a cigar in the darkness in a secular tone. “You are probably the only ones who were not inspired by the horseback ride to the waterfall.” Paleron is especially beautiful at this time of year. This is the reason it was included on the cruise.
-Have you been there before? - I involuntarily became interested.
“More than once,” another flash of red light, and then it outlined a semicircle, going down, “So I managed to see the waterfall, appreciate the beauty of the mountain stream and even swim in it.” The city is much more beautiful.
- Really? And what's special about it? - I decided not to show skepticism.
In my opinion, not everyone will like a port city where sailors find temporary shelter and then set off again.
“Late spring,” exhaled Master Blancart, and the aroma of expensive tobacco reached me, almost akin to men’s cologne, “The townspeople decorate the Paleron with climbing flowers.” They even have a competition for the best design of a house, street, or neighborhood. You know, they love their city and do not allow visitors to enter closed areas.
“But you saw it,” I said incredulously.
“One black-eyed resident of Paleron showed it,” he responded with a hint in his voice.
I suddenly became reluctant to ask questions. She turned away into the darkness of the night. An identification lamp loomed ahead. It was lit every night so that oncoming ships could see us. The canvas fluttered, hiding him for a moment, and then there was a loud bang and a woman's scream.

Elena Pomazueva

"Vorozheya. Sea cruise"

Fantasy novel

Abstract: The mentor signed documents on early completion of practice from the School of Witchcraft, Healing and Divination. There is a new life ahead. Left behind are the strict Emiri Brossard, Master Odilon and the intrigues of the royal court. Husband, marriage and honeymoon. The second blow of the gong silenced the excited voices in front of the temple. The guests walked decorously inside, looking at the festive decorations. I looked at it myself as I walked past. I don’t know what expenses the parents went to and who they had to convince to give permission, but the hall with high ceilings was decorated with the help of magic. more air in the chest, as if about to jump into water, she resolutely stepped towards the door. The past with its foolish hopes is left behind, and a new, still frightening life awaits me ahead. In ordinary reality, I was decorated with colorful butterflies, flapping their wings with every movement. Now I have become mistress Claire Attaglia, and each subsequent congratulatory person hastened to emphasize this. good man , and I will try to be an exemplary wife to him. I noticed earlier that he only took a sip of it at the very beginning and did not touch it again. Now the husband raised his hand in salute. I remembered the famous sorceress with warmth. Our first meeting, when I almost ended up under severe punishment for using magic in the palace, turned out to be unforgettable and instructive. And further communication with mistress Valandi brought a lot of new knowledge. Once upon a time, Maestress Aluzier and I communicated closely during an investigation in the province of Camargue, and since then this appeal to the charming graduate of the School of Witchcraft, Healing and Divination has stuck. small in size . A powerful crystal, set in a frame, activated itself at the slightest danger, regardless of whether the wearer had magic or not. The protection turned on instantly. A massive copy of the gift now graced the hand of the constable of the court. - Do you know each other? - I asked, watching the southerner’s efforts to make small talk. own business will remain only dreams. You won't be lost for such a husband. I remembered the late King Edward, who treated the heir to the throne, Prince Robert, in much the same way. The director, Master Arnaud Vaillant, trained him and Emiri Brossard at the “School of Witchcraft, Healing and Divination.” last news Southerner. “Don’t scare me,” I demanded. passenger ship and the cost of travel on it is considerable. Far from poor citizens can afford to travel on it,” Etienne spoke calmly, politely and tactfully. This look made me feel embarrassed, and I wanted to take a deep breath of cool air. The cheeks turned red with excitement. Men's hands hugged my shoulders, warming me, and Etienne's hot lips lightly touched mine. He smelled of the sweet berry wine that was served to us at the table. New life, in which the husband now occupied the main place, the different attitude of others and the anticipation of a sea voyage - everything distracted and painted prospects for the future. - Is this our ship? - I asked, looking at the beautiful sailboat. , found themselves surrounded by loud screams of loaders, the creaking of winches pulling bulky boxes onto merchant ships, sharp whistles and the ringing of ship bells. “Thank you...” she paused, waiting for the steward’s name. Gilles is a helpful young man, but you won’t talk to him about women’s things? It turned out that he is an expert in this too. The steward organized a burner for us to heat up the curling irons and even served them in the right order. And on his advice, the curls were secured with magic so that the sea wind would not tousle them on the open deck. With such an assistant, preparations for dinner with the captain were in full swing. Edith decided not to retire to her room, taking advantage of Etienne's absence, and we helped each other. It was much more fun and interesting than resorting to the services of twitchy maids, who were in great demand today. Gilles also told us about this when he went to their service room. In fact, it was there that he borrowed the burners we needed. The ringing of the bell reminded us of dinner. It is impolite to be late to the captain when he is representing the team. Its bare masts swayed slightly, and there was excitement on deck. The sailors scurried about in light clothes, carrying some objects. Their tiny figures almost blurred in the bright rays of the sun. I had to squint under the wide brim of my hat to see anything; the lace umbrellas above my head did not help. The glare reflected from the water, splitting up and playing a game according to the same known rules. . Crystal chandeliers and sconces split the light, multiplying it. Magic balls hovered near the ceiling, adding brightness to the room. Their cool white color merged with the rich yellow from the candles, creating a festive mood. The high spirits were visible on the faces of those present, whether they were young mistresses or venerable masters. Waiters in black frock coats with white shirts and gloves lined the walls, waiting for the signal to start dinner. It turned out to be the arrival of the captain and senior officers. The waiters served dishes, cleared away empty plates, and offered to pour wine. The menu was mostly seafood, which is not surprising on a ship, and I did it justice. “In our kingdom, any work is honorable,” said the diplomat. “You look too pale,” Edith was worried, noticing my condition. - I noticed you. - I can only guess about this. I’m sure Master Brossard ended up here for a reason,” she tried to avoid answering.

Sea cruises in the Mediterranean Sea are always popular among Europeans, and the population of continental America is also partial to them. Agree, it would be very strange if Russian lovers of cruise tourism avoided this destination. So let's talk about which Mediterranean cruises for 2020 deserve special attention and are relevant for residents of the Russian Federation, what are the prices, and also what is the schedule of the most popular routes offered by leading travel companies.

Region information

People planning to travel to cruise throughout the Mediterranean countries, inevitably face a huge amount a wide variety of offers. There are about three and a half thousand of them on the Via Maris website alone. Is it a joke to get acquainted with each of them and choose the most attractive one for yourself? However, the client does not need to independently study the features of each tour. All that is required of him is to approximately know the basic parameters of the trip he is interested in (departure city, duration of the tour, approximate departure date, etc.), our employees will readily inform you about everything else.

To go on all-inclusive Mediterranean cruises in 2020, you just need to make a call from Russia at toll free number. We will inform you about the most current routes that suit your preferences, tell you about discounts on tickets, and also provide professional assistance in selecting an individual package of services. But let's not go off topic. Let’s take a closer look at the key features of ship cruises in the Mediterranean.

As we have already said, it is quite difficult to stop on any specific route on your own. It is also not easy to decide on the list of countries that should be visited during this exciting journey. Let's start with the fact that cruise tours can take place both in the Asian, European or African parts of the Mediterranean Sea, and in all of the listed directions combined. And now - a little fuel to the fire: tourist routes can run through twenty-one independent states, in which dozens of cities, regions and hundreds of various attractions are located. To see all this, you need to spend at least several months. But to comprehend the atmosphere of the most remarkable places of the Mediterranean, a few days are enough. The latest information for those who travel, rather “rarely, but accurately”, rather than long and impressively. For everyone else, let's continue.

Saturation of available routes

The Mediterranean Sea covers about two and a half million square kilometers. This means that the sea “odyssey” will allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of the water surface, surrounded by several continents at once. Partly due to this unusual location, partly due to climatic conditions, is the richness of tourist routes that allow you to cruise the Mediterranean with benefits for the soul and body.

Seasonality of routes and weather conditions in main directions

We have already talked a little about the location, now regarding the climate: due to its characteristics, sea cruises to these places are equally popular in winter, summer and off-season. But the goals of tourist routes in different time years can vary dramatically. For example, spring and summer are the seasons when it is advisable to cruise by sea. In winter, in some Mediterranean countries the weather deteriorates: sometimes it rains, and in rare cases it even snows. However, the winter months are good for exploring local attractions without queues, unnecessary noise and rush. Special routes are typical for this time of year. They can be recommended to those who are annoyed by noisy crowds of tourists from all over the world, who like to leisurely stroll around interesting places, taking photos near local attractions and visiting cozy cafes or restaurants.

The softest climatic conditions celebrated in the very center of the Mediterranean - on island state called Malta. These places are even in winter period you can visit without fear of being exposed to bad weather or cold tourist excursion taken by surprise.

A little about shore excursions

One of the main attractions that Mediterranean cruises are famous for is the ability to participate in shore excursions without interruption. For residents of Russian latitudes, this is a real find. These countries captivate travelers with the unprecedented beauty of nature, and local attractions immerse them in the wondrous world of their rich history. Every city here is a living architectural monument, and every local square is a place where history was made.

As you can see, a cruise on a ship in the Mediterranean Sea is not only an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the sea. This is a unique chance to learn a lot of new things, expand your knowledge about the history of ancient and modern states, and also capture yourself against the backdrop of famous sights that the vast majority of the inhabitants of planet Earth can only see in a picture or on a TV screen.

As for the duration of parking in a particular city: it directly depends on the parameters of the tourist offer. Given the huge variety of tourist routes, layover times may vary significantly and should be known in advance, for example, at the moment when you are just planning to buy a Mediterranean cruise 2020.

The variety of routes is a rather vague concept, if not illusory. Therefore, let's talk about the main directions that, in addition to the beauty of nature, allow you to see the sights largest cities and get to know the features of the surrounding area.

Popular destinations and favorite tourist routes

So, the first city that comes to mind for a traveler planning to take a sea cruise from Moscow is Rome - the legendary harbor of ships, located in the very center of Italy. A tourist route calling at the port of Civitavecchie will allow you to get acquainted with local attractions in detail, visit the archaeological complex with the ruins of a real ancient city, and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of bygone eras. Cruise tour along the Mediterranean Sea with a stop in Rome is recommended for those who are not indifferent to the Renaissance, and for whom historical values ​​are more than empty words.

A cruise from Barcelona along the Mediterranean Sea with sightseeing of local attractions deserves special attention. After all, Barcelona, ​​currently the capital of Catalonia, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful European cities. This is largely due to the rich architectural heritage that came to life during the Middle Ages and the rapid development of European culture. Architectural appearance The city organically combines the most popular styles, allowing you to endlessly enjoy the creations of ancient masters. And if you are interested in how much a cruise on a ship on the Mediterranean Sea with a starting or intermediate point of the route located in Barcelona costs, representatives of the Via Maris travel agency will be happy to help you understand this issue.

Also, any yacht cruise in the Mediterranean Sea, which took place without visiting Palma de Mallorca, can be considered a waste of time. The same can be said for cruises that are serviced by spacious ocean liners. We're talking about something extraordinarily beautiful. ancient city, which is located on the shore of the largest bay. Tourists are welcome here unique beaches, amazing architecture and monuments of past eras that have survived to this day.

Before you go on an exciting tour, you need to solve one more, perhaps the most important issue. Namely: what is the price, or how much will you have to pay for traveling on a ship in the Mediterranean Sea? The answer to this depends on several factors: the chosen season, the destination, and the duration of the sea cruise. Detailed information regarding the cost of Mediterranean tours, you can obtain from our catalog. In addition to this, representatives of the Via Maris agency will readily answer any questions you may have.


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