What is a non-stop flight? The longest flights in the world. Advantages and disadvantages of nonstop flights

Today, many passengers use the services of air transport companies. An airplane is a fairly fast and inexpensive way to get to right time to a certain place. But there are some flights that seem to last forever and never end. Sometimes the path lies from one point on the globe to another. People cross the equator, seas and oceans. To overcome a huge distance, you need to cross more than one state border. Let's look at the longest flights that travelers take below.

Hong Kong (China) - Toronto (Canada)

Airlines: Air Canada 15 and Cathay Pacific 825/829.

The flight duration is 15 hours. To get to final destination, it is necessary to cover a distance of 12562.54 km on a Boeing 777-300.

Do you know why Cathay Pacific is the most popular airline in the world? Because it offers not one, but two direct flights to Canada.

Los Angeles (California) - Melbourne (Australia)

The airlines organizing the flight are quite well known: United 98 and Qantas 94.

Aircraft: A380-800, Boeing 787-9.

The distance of 12771.75 km can be covered in 15 and a half hours.

A very convenient but long flight for those under 30 who have moved to Los Angeles but can't leave Australia.

Dallas-Fort Worth (Texas) - Doha (Qatar)

Qatar Airlines provides a Boeing 777-200 for the flight.

In 15 hours you will arrive at the place, having covered 12758.88 km.

Many would agree that Dallas-Fort Worth is a better fit for the 2022 World Cup than Qatar. Apparently, Jerry Jones (American businessman, manager of the Dallas football team) does not know how to bribe the people he needs.

New York - Johannesburg (Africa)

Airline - South African 204.

On an A340-300 aircraft you need to cross a distance of 12845 km.
The flight duration is 15 hours.

Between November and March, the return flight requires a connection in Dakar. Maybe travelers want to purchase merchandise or a T-shirt without actually attending the race in person.

New York - Guangzhou (China)

Passengers using the services of China Southern 300 will spend 14 hours on board the Boeing 777-300. They need to cover a distance of 12871 km.

Guangzhou is a small city, a suburb of Shanghai, home to approximately 11 million people.

Dubai (UAE) - Dallas-Fort Worth (TX)

The airline organizing the flight is Emirates 221.

The flight lasts 15 hours, and the distance to be covered is 12932 km. The carrier provides the A380-800 aircraft.

Do you think the tallest skyscrapers are located in Texas? So you haven’t heard about the Burj Khalifa building, which is located in Dubai. It is considered the highest in the world.

Doha (Qatar) - Houston (Texas)

Air carrier: Qatar 713.

The distance that needs to be covered is 12947 km, so the flight on a Boeing 777-300 will take approximately 16 hours.

Can you imagine people speaking different languages ​​and talking about oil for 15 hours? They are the ones who prove that there is a universal language in the world - money.

Newark (NJ) - Hong Kong (China)

Airline: United 179.
The flight duration is approximately 16 hours. During this time, on a Boeing 777-200 you will cover a distance of 12974 km.

Passengers who have chosen this flight are tormented by an unsolvable problem: why fly from Newark 10 km less than from New York, but at the same time an hour longer?

Dallas-Fort Worth (TX) - Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Etihad 161 has prepared a Boeing 777-200 for passengers. On this plane, travelers need to cover a distance of 12,984 km in 14 hours.

Passengers who fly on this flight cannot even think that, perhaps, due to bad weather conditions they will have to stay at the airport for another 14 hours as their flight is delayed.

New York - Hong Kong (China)

Cathay Pacific 831 warns its tourists that they will spend approximately 15 hours in the air and cover 12,984 km.

If you are bored with New York with its skyscrapers, cars, exhaust fumes, endless stream of people, and you want to go as far as possible without having a chance to change anything, then buy a ticket for this flight. In Hong Kong you will be greeted by skyscrapers, cars and crowds of people speaking Chinese.

San Francisco (CA) - Dubai (UAE)

The carrier company is widely known and popular in the world market - this is Emirates 225.

On the A380-800 aircraft, passengers will cover a distance of 13,034 km in 16 hours.

Spending fifteen and a half hours on a plane is not so boring if you use the services of one of the best airlines peace. Be sure that you will be given delicious food on board, and the flight attendants will tell you in detail about the rules and safety precautions in an attractive manner. You will have only wonderful impressions of the flight.

Dallas-Fort Worth (TX) - Hong Kong (China)

American Airlines 137 has prepared a Boeing 777-300 for this flight, on which passengers must cover 13,066 km in 15 hours and eight minutes.

For visitors to Hong Kong, it can be quite difficult to navigate the huge city. You need to purchase a guidebook in advance so as not to get lost in any area.

Abu Dhabi (UAE) - San Francisco (CA)

Airline: Etihad 183.

The Boeing 777-300 is waiting for its passengers who decided to fly 13,122 km. Flight time is 15 hours and thirteen minutes.

Since San Francisco is not a leader in the oil business, and travelers from the UAE can sunbathe and swim in the warm Persian Gulf in their homeland, it is quite difficult to answer the question of why people need this air travel.

Dubai (UAE) - Houston (TX)

Airline: Emirates 211.

On the A380-800 aircraft, passengers cover a distance of 1,318 km in 16 hours.

Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) - Los Angeles (California)

Air carrier: Saudia 41.

The Boeing 777-300 is ready for the flight, which lasts 16 hours. The distance is 13404 km.

Dubai (UAE) - Los Angeles (CA)

Airline: Emirates 215.

Passengers will spend 15 hours on board the A380-800 aircraft, during which time they will cover a distance of 13,413 km.

If you decide to head to the Gulf on Friday while in Los Angeles for the weekend, the flight will take even less time than a trip to Vegas.

Abu Dhabi (UAE) - Los Angeles (CA)

Airline: Etihad 171.

The Boeing 777-200 is waiting for passengers who need to get to America in 15 and a half hours. Travelers will have to cover 13,497 km.

Why did this flight not exist in the 80s of the twentieth century...

Johannesburg (South Africa) - Atlanta (Georgia)

Delta 201 Airlines provides tourists with a Boeing 777-200 aircraft for a flight lasting 16 hours and 35 minutes. On it, passengers cover a distance of 13,597 km.

You need to stock up on patience, pleasant music and your favorite book.

Dallas-Fort Worth (TX) - Sydney (Australia)

Airline: Qantas Flight 8.

Aircraft: A380-800.

Time spent: 16 hours.

Distance: 13822 km.

Tourists have the opportunity to immerse themselves in an international atmosphere for 16 hours, sitting between a guy from Texas on one side and a guy from Australia on the other.

Dubai (UAE) - Panama City (Panama)

Emirates Airlines invites passengers on board the Boeing 777 who need to travel to Panama. The time spent on the flight will be 17 and a half hours. Travelers will cover a huge distance, which is 13,808 km.

The longest and most awaited direct flight appeared in March of this year.

Literally from the first moments after the birth of aviation, a race began that continues to this day for victory in speed, duration, range, flight altitude and carrying capacity. Among the first world record holders for the longest air travel was the famous Louis Blériot, who made a record flight across... the English Channel on July 25, 1909.

First records and record holders

There are dozens of names on this list. Among them is the legendary American Charles Lindbergh, who crossed the Atlantic for the first time in May 1927 and Soviet pilot Mikhail Gromov, who together with his crew made a non-stop flight from Moscow to San Jacinto (California) on an ANT-25 aircraft. It took place in November 1937. The range record then was almost 10,150 km.

The spirit of aerial competition has not faded into the 21st century. Today, world records in aviation are more of a routine thing, which, as a rule, is carried out by the world's leading air carriers. True, it is worth noting that the actual production of “record holders” - long-haul passenger aircraft, is exclusively the destiny of a few leading industrial powers possessing modern technologies.

Flying Marathon Club

Its undoubted leader is the Boeing company with its famous 747. Over the years of operation, since February 1969, 1,527 vehicles were produced in four modifications. The maximum flight range belongs to the Boeing 747-8 - more than 14,800 km.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is rightfully considered its “direct successor”. It began making regular commercial flights 6 years ago. During this time, the company sold 565 aircraft in three versions – 8, 9, 10. The longest “jump” was made by the Boeing 787-9 – 14,140 km.

The main competitor of the “American” is the European concern Airbus, a joint brainchild of France, Spain, Great Britain and Germany. In April 2005, serial production of the largest passenger aircraft began. Airbus airliner 380, capable of carrying (depending on the version) from 525 to 853 passengers over a range of over 15,000 km. Over 12 years, the company produced 213 cars.

Russia's participation in this prestigious club looks more than modest. The country is represented in the singular by IL-96. Since the start of operation in 1993, the Voronezh Aviation Plant has produced only 30 aircraft in three versions - 96-300, 96M/T and 96/400. The Russian range record belongs to the Il-96/400 – 12,800 km.

Who is further and longer

The main ultra-long-distance civil air routes connect Southeast Asia and North America. On average, their length is over 12 thousand km, and the travel time exceeds 15 hours.

Today the most long flights on airplanes around the world are carried out during regular commercial flights. So the company's Boeing 777-200LR Qatar Airways On February 6 of this year, he covered a distance of 14,535 km along the Doha-Auckland route in 17 hours and 40 minutes.

But this is not the limit. Company Singapore Airlines is ready to offer a truly record-breaking flight from New York to Singapore on an Airbus A340. Its length will be 15.5 thousand km, which may take about 20 hours. In this case, passengers and crew will become participants in several world records at once. This will be the longest non-stop passenger flight without refueling.

The largest Russian air carriers are not among the world record holders for flight range. Today, the longest flight from Moscow is on the Moscow-Los Angeles route (Aeroflot company). Its length is 10,100 km, and the travel time is more than 12 hours.

January 11, 1935 American pilot Amelia Earhart committed a single flight through Pacific Ocean , which no one in the world had ever managed before. This was the peak of the career of the brave American, her most impressive achievement, which transferred Earhart to the category of legends. And today we will tell you about ten of the most iconic and famous air records throughout the history of aviation.

The history of aviation records is unthinkable without the achievements achieved by the Wright brothers on December 17, 1903. On this day, they made the world's first four flights on the Wright Flyer, each of which was a record in relation to the previous ones in terms of range and duration. As a result, we settled on 260 meters and 59 seconds.

On May 20-21, 1927, American pilot Charles Lindbergh made a flight that remains the most famous in the history of world aviation. He took off from New York on a plane with the poetic name “Spirit of St. Louis”, and 33.5 hours later landed at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. This was the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

The next aviation record of this magnitude was set only in 1935 by Amelia Earhart. The brave American, on her Vega 5b aircraft, was the first in the world to make a solo flight across the Pacific Ocean, starting from Hawaiian Islands and landing 18 hours and 16 minutes later in Oakland, California. On July 2, 1937, Earhart died while trying to fly an airplane around the globe.

At that time, the Soviet Union had its own star pilot, very comparable in popularity to the Americans Lindbergh and Earhart. We are talking about Valery Chkalov, who on June 18-20, 1937, as part of the Chkalov-Baidukov-Belyakov crew, made a transcontinental flight from Moscow to the American city of Portland, Vancouver, flying through the Arctic Ocean and the North Pole.

On January 16-18, 1957, three American B-52B heavy bombers made the world's first non-stop flight around the world. During the flight, they refueled three times from a refueling aircraft. In 45 hours and 19 minutes, these stratospheric fortresses (as their nickname Stratofortress is translated into Russian) covered a distance of 39,165 kilometers by air.

Sometimes the fact of setting a new record becomes a record in itself. For example, a similar thing happened on March 22, 1989 with an airplane, which during a 3.5-hour flight immediately set 110 new world achievements, such as maximum cargo weight, maximum take-off weight, as well as speed, altitude and flight range records for aircraft of this type. type.

Bertrand Piccard was born in great family. His grandfather Auguste and father Jacques became famous for their famous submersible dive to the bottom Mariana Trench, many of his relatives are famous conquerors of the air and stratosphere. And Bertrand himself did not make a mistake. In 1999, he and Briton Brian Jones made the first ever flight around the world. hot-air balloon. In 19 days, 21 hours and 47 minutes, they covered a distance of 45,755 kilometers on the Breitling Orbiter 3.

On October 4, 2004, American pilot Brian Binney made the highest flight in aviation history on SpaceShipOne. He raised his aircraft to a height of just over 112 kilometers above the Earth's surface, thereby breaking the boundary between the atmosphere and space.

Longest flight by plane

The time has come for new aviation records. Classic aircraft, of course, continue to develop, but aircraft with alternative energy sources are much more promising and interesting. The first such famous aircraft was the Solar Impulse, on which Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg flew in May-June 2013 from west coast United States of America to the east, from San Francisco to New York. In the future, they plan to cross the Atlantic on Solar Impulse, and then travel around the world.

First in the world The round-the-world non-stop flight took place in 1949.

The strategic bomber of the 43rd Bombardment Group of the US Army Air Forces Boeing B-50 Superfortress with a crew of 14 people took off from Caswell Air Force Base (Fort Worth, Texas) on February 26.

The plane returned to the same airfield on March 2, covering a distance of 37,742 km in 94 hours and 1 minute. The average speed was 401 km/h. During the flight, the bomber's fuel reserves were replenished four times with the help of tanker aircraft.

First non-stop flight around globe without refueling flown December 14–23, 1986 by Dick Rutan and Gina Eager in a Rutan Model 76 Voyager.

The aircraft, powered by two piston engines, was built by aircraft designer Burt Rutan specifically to set the record. The flight lasted 216 hours, 3 minutes and 44 seconds. In total, the aircraft covered 42,432 km with an average speed of 186.11 km/h.

On March 1–3, 2005, entrepreneur and pilot Steve Fossett set the world record on the Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer. speed record non-stop manned flight around the world without refueling.

The turbojet-powered single-seat aircraft, built by Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites company, circumnavigated the Earth in 67 hours, 1 minute and 46 seconds. The average flight speed was 590.7 km/h, the plane covered a distance of 36,912 km.

Flight duration records

First in the series high-profile Soviet records The duration of air travel was achieved by the crew of Valery Chkalov, Georgy Baidukov and Alexander Belyakov.

On July 20–22, 1936, they flew from Moscow to the Far Eastern island of Udd (now Chkalov Island, Khabarovsk region). The aircraft covered 9,374 km in 56 hours and 20 minutes.

On July 12–14, 1937, the crew of Mikhail Gromov, Andrei Yumashev and Sergei Danilin on the ANT-25 improved the achievements of their colleagues by completing a non-stop flight over a distance of 11,500 km along the route Moscow - San Jacinto (California, USA) in 62 hours and 17 minutes.

Their record was broken in November 1938 when two RAF Vickers Wellesley bombers flew 11,539 km non-stop between Egypt and New Australia.

Record piloting duration aircraft with refueling was installed in 1959 in the USA.

Robert Timm and John Cook took off from McCarran Airport (Las Vegas, Nevada) on December 4, 1958 in a specially prepared Cessna 172 light aircraft. The aircraft circled the airfield non-stop for 64 days 22 hours 19 minutes 5 seconds and made a soft landing on February 5, 1959. The aircraft was refueled in the air twice a day using a fuel tanker moving around the airfield.

Record for the longest piloting an aircraft without refueling installed in 2015 during Andre Borschberg's round-the-world flight on the Solar Impulse 2 electric plane.

In the period from June 28 to July 3, on the Nagoya (Japan) - Hawaii (USA) section, Borschberg covered a distance of 7,212 km in 117 hours and 52 minutes. At the same time, he set a record for distance non-stop flight for electric aircraft. The round-the-world flight itself was interrupted due to problems with the aircraft's batteries.

Longest flight record unmanned aircraft (UAV) installed by the QinetiQ Zephyr 7 at the US Army Yuma Proving Ground (Arizona). The UAV stayed in the air for two weeks - 336 hours 22 minutes and 8 seconds.

Longest non-stop scheduled flights

As of June 2017, the longest non-stop flight In the world, the Qatari airline Qatar Airways operates on the route Auckland (New Zealand) - Doha (Qatar).


The first flight was carried out on February 6, 2017. The flight uses a long-haul wide-body passenger aircraft Boeing 777-200LR. It covers the 14,524 km distance between Auckland and Doha in 17 hours 30 minutes.

The longest non-stop flight among Russian carriers is operated by Aeroflot. This is flight SU106 on the route Moscow - Los Angeles (USA) with a length of 9781 km. Long-haul wide-body Airbus aircraft A330-200 overcome it in 12 hours 50 minutes.

The airline Singapore Airlines plans to receive the ultra-long-range wide-body passenger aircraft Airbus A350-900ULR in 2018. It is expected that these machines will be used for non-stop flights from Singapore to New York (USA) over a record distance of 15,348 km.

The material was prepared according to TASS-Dossier data.

Non-stop flights are often considered more convenient by passengers - such travel takes less time, does not cause as many problems and is less tiring: you just need to board the plane at the departure airport, and after a few hours of restful sleep, reading books or watching movies, you will get off the plane in destination. Flying non-stop means traveling in comfort, and air carriers are ready to satisfy this desire of passengers even at the most long routes. Below is a list of the longest flights in aviation history, as well as the longest non-stop flights currently operated by airlines.

Which flight will be considered a long-haul flight?

  • during the execution of which not a single stop was made at intermediate points;
  • in which the distance covered exceeds 12 thousand kilometers;
  • whose duration is at least 15 hours.

This is usually the shortest possible route between two points in different parts of the world. The longest flights of all time are considered to be flights on transcontinental routes between Southeast Asia And North America. Now they are not performed so often without transfers, but record duration and distance traveled have been recorded.

The longest commercial flight ever operated by an airline is Singapore Airlines' Airbus A340-500 between New York and Singapore. The length of the route was more than 15.3 thousand kilometers, the flight duration was almost 19 hours. Moreover, this is the shortest flight in this direction: flight to reverse side, from Singapore to New York, lasted even longer - it took a different, transpolar route, and the distance covered was almost 1300 km longer. Non-stop flights from New York to Singapore were discontinued in the fall of 2013, as due to fuel costs they were not very profitable for the carrier, but this regular route is still considered the longest and longest of all time.

How long can a plane fly without refueling?

If we talk about records, we can find more impressive figures: in fact, the longest airplane flight in history was made 12 years ago. Then, in December 2005, on a Boeing 777-200LR aircraft, a team of 8 pilots flew between Hong Kong and London, covering a distance of 21,602 km. This flight was not on standard route, the length of which is less than 10 thousand km, and another, which took 22 hours 40 minutes. But the flight was not commercial - instead of 301 passengers, which is how many the airliner is designed for, there were only 27 people in the cabin: mostly journalists, aircraft specialists and representatives of the Boeing corporation.

And although today flights on these “record-breaking routes” are not operated, some world airlines offer their passengers very long non-stop flights, and there are quite a lot of ultra-long-distance destinations.

On this moment The longest regularly scheduled non-stop flight is between Qatar and New Zealand, operated by Qatar Airways. The length of the Doha-Auckland route is more than 14.5 thousand kilometers, flights are carried out on a Boeing 777-200LR - the same model aircraft that was used for the record Hong Kong-London flight. Passengers flying on this flight spend almost 18 hours in the air.

The second route in this ranking is also from the country Persian Gulf V New Zealand. The Dubai-Auckland flight, operated by Emirates, takes 17 hours 15 minutes according to schedule. During this time, the Airbus A380-800 aircraft covers a distance of 14.2 thousand kilometers. It is worth noting that Emirates is one of the world's largest airlines and is a leader in the number of ultra-long-haul routes served. From Dubai, non-stop flights are also operated to Los Angeles (13.4 thousand km, more than 16.5 hours in the air), Houston (13.14 thousand km, duration - 16 hours 20 minutes), San Francisco (13041 km, duration – 16 hours) and to several other remote locations.

Third place (and also third in the number of ultra-long-distance routes) is occupied by the Australian “flying kangaroo” airline Qantas. Its route "Sydney - Dallas", with a length of 13.8 thousand kilometers, is one of the longest among those currently used. The scheduled travel time is 15 hours 35 minutes, the flight is operated on an Airbus A380-800. Qantas also operates ultra-long-distance non-stop flights between Los Angeles and Melbourne, Los Angeles and Sydney (12.75 thousand km and 12.05 thousand km, respectively).

Singapore Airlines, after canceling its non-stop flight New York-Singapore, produces the following long flights only in San Francisco. The flight takes 16.5 hours, the length of the route is about 13.6 thousand km.

The fifth longest flight currently operated is Delta Air Lines' flight between Johannesburg (South Africa) and Atlanta (USA). According to the schedule, the flight lasts 16 hours 15 minutes, the length of the route is almost 13.6 thousand kilometers. Delta Air Lines also operates several more ultra-long-distance routes – the air carrier can be considered the second largest in the number of such destinations. On the planes of this airline (ultra-long-haul routes are operated on Boeing airliners 777-200LR) flights are made between Detroit and Hong Kong (12.6 thousand km), Dubai and Atlanta (12.2 thousand km), Los Angeles and Sydney (12.05 thousand km). The duration of such flights is from 15 hours to 15 hours 45 minutes.

Also, ultra-long-distance non-stop flights are operated by Continental Airlines, EVA Air, United Airlines, V Australia and several others. The most common names on ultra-long routes are cities in the USA (Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco), Australia (Sydney, Melbourne), New Zealand (Auckland), China (Hong Kong), Canada (Toronto), Thailand (Bangkok) ) and the Gulf countries (Doha, Dubai).

There are no such flights to European cities, but fairly long flights are still operated from here.

For example, the longest flights operated from France are flights airlines Air France (and several foreign ones) on the route “Paris – Santiago de Chile”. The flight lasts more than 15 hours, the length of the route is almost 11.5 thousand km. By the way, it is the French who hold the record for flights across the country: the route from Paris to Reunion by plane is the longest domestic route in the world, about 9.8 thousand km (at the moment, flights are operated only with transfers).

Route Paris - Santiago

Alitalia flies from Rome to Buenos Aires. A flight on a Boeing 777-200ER lasts 14 hours, during which time the aircraft covers a distance of more than 11 thousand km.

Lufthansa also operates non-stop flights to Buenos Aires. Flight from German city Frankfurt am Main to the Argentine capital, with a duration of 13 hours 45 minutes, is the longest for this carrier.

Among Russian carriers, Aeroflot makes the longest non-stop flight. The scheduled flight from Moscow to Los Angeles takes almost 13 hours (12 hours 50 minutes). The length of the route is 9.7 thousand km, the flight is carried out on an Airbus A330-200 aircraft.

It is likely that in the future the number of such flights and ultra-long-distance routes will increase: among the possible destinations there are also very profitable ones, for example, the option of non-stop flights between London and Sydney. However, so far no airlines are planning to introduce routes longer than the New York-Singapore flight that set the bar. Most best airliner for such long-distance flights - Boeing 777-200LR, it is capable of covering a distance of 20 thousand kilometers or more, but only without a payload (passengers and cargo), which makes such flights useless for commercial airlines. After the introduction of the Airbus A350-900R XWB into operation, new routes appeared, but still the farthest of them is Doha - Auckland, almost 800 km less than the maximum recorded.



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