Mosgortur discounted tours list of camps

The geography of health camps for Moscow children has expanded this year - the Republic of Belarus has been added to the recreation map.

The competitions were won by large health organizations located in Vladimir, Kostroma, Moscow, Penza, Tula and Yaroslavl regions, Krasnodar region(Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi), Caucasian mineral waters, Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

So, children 7-15years will go to health camps Krasnodar region(Anapa), the Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol, Central Russia, the Moscow region, Caucasian Mineral Waters and the Republic of Belarus.

  • GBOU DOD "MMPC "Mashuk" - city of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory
  • JLLC "Children's rehabilitation and health center "Nadezhda" - Minsk region, Vileika district, Ilyansky s/s Republic of Belarus
  • LLC DSOC "Pearl of Russia" - Anapa city, Krasnodar region
  • Olympiets DOK LLC - Anapa city, Krasnodar region
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution Central Clinical Hospital "Malakhovka" - Lyuberetsky district, Malakhovka-3 village, Moscow region
  • LLC DOL "Atlantus" - city of Sevastopol
  • Republican Unitary Enterprise "Children's Rehabilitation and Health Center "Zhdanovichi" - Minsk district, Zhdanovichi city, Republic of Belarus
  • LLC DOL "Zhemchuzhina" city of Evpatoria, Republic of Crimea
  • "Sanatorium "Druzhba" Branch of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Solnechnaya Tavrika" - the city of Evpatoria, Republic of Crimea
  • OOO " Children's camp health and recreation "Cypress" - Alushta city, Republic of Crimea
  • FSBI "Children's health boarding house "Russia" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - the city of Evpatoria, Republic of Crimea

Children from 3 to 17 years old accompanied by a legal representative, will relax at recreation centers* in the Republic of Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Moscow Region, Central Russia, Caucasian Mineral Waters and the Republic of Belarus.

  • FGAU " Health complex"Dagomys" - Sochi city, Krasnodar region
  • Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Medical Center "Yunost" (FMBA of Russia) - Essentuki city, Stavropol Territory
  • CJSC "Sanatorium "Serebryany Plyos" - Kostroma district, Sukhonogovskoe s/p., Kuzminka village, Kostroma region
  • JSC "Recreation boarding house" Yaroslavl - Yaroslavl district, village of Krasnye Tkachi, Yaroslavl region
  • CJSC "Sanatorium "Russian Forest" - Sobinsky district, Vladimir region
  • Sanatorium "Salut" is a structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution MC "Yunost" in the city of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory
  • Boarding house "Black Sea" JSC "Operational Technologies" - Anapa city, Krasnodar region
  • OJSC "Sanatorium Anapa" - Anapa city, Krasnodar region
  • LLC "Recreation boarding house with treatment "Alpha" - the city of Gelendzhik, Krasnodar region
  • "Sanatorium Zhemchuzhina" State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea "Sunny Tavrika" - the city of Yalta, Republic of Crimea
  • Boarding house "Crimean Primorye" Feodosia, Republic of Crimea
  • Medical and preventive institution "Sanatorium named after V.V. Volodarsky" city of Penza, Penza region
  • Holiday home "Podmoskovye" - Mytishchi district, Moscow region
  • LLC "Slavyanka" - Anapa city, Krasnodar region
  • KUP Children's rehabilitation center"Pearl" Vitebsk region, Lepel district, Borovka village, Republic of Belarus
  • Vitebsk Regional Diagnostic Center - Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Beshenkovichi district, Krupenino village

  • Sanatorium "Dream" (Mriya) - city of Evpatoria, Republic of Crimea
  • JSC "Sanatorium "Aurora" - Sochi city, L-226, Lazarevsky district, Krasnodar region

Draw your attention to that all bases and camps are currently being tested for compliance with technical specifications.

Mosgortur specialists have developed a new unique method for inspecting children's camps and bases. This technique will allow you to qualitatively assess the condition of the recreation center and its infrastructure. Therefore, the list is subject to change.

Over the next week we will also introduce detailed description camps and bases.

We remind you that you can find out the exact dates of arrivals and apply for a trip on March 26 on the portal

In 2017, a number of innovations appeared in organizing recreation for Moscow children. About how effective the changes were and how the holidays were for 40,000 children in the summer of 2017 - in the material of MOSGORTURE

Application campaign

In 2017, the application campaign for free trips paid for from the city budget took place for the first time in two stages. At the first stage, parents chose priority regions and vacation times, at the second - specific camps and recreation centers. A “principle of fairness” has been introduced, ensuring priority in receiving vouchers for families who have not used free vouchers in the last three years or have not received compensation for their own organized holiday.

“Thanks to the innovations, parents could calmly submit applications and choose vacation spots for their children. Fraud by applicants has decreased significantly. Let me remind you that until 2017, booking tours was carried out on a queuing basis - whoever booked first received the trip,”- noted deputy General Director of MOSGORTUR Inna Martynova.

For the first time in 2017, for the holidays of children of a number of preferential categories, a cash certificate for independent organization recreation – 10,154 applicants used this service.

Geography of recreation

For the first time in the summer of 2017, Moscow children of preferential categories vacationed in new regions - in Rostov and Leningrad regions.

In total, 16 country camps and 18 family recreation centers in nine regions of Russia and Belarus were involved in the 2017 summer health campaign. The most popular destinations steel Black Sea coast, Central Russia and Moscow region.

Programs have a good rest

In 2017, MOSGORTUR developed three new programs for useful recreation: “Moscow. Urban Legends", "Time Travel" and "Learning to Think". The four best programs of 2016, according to children and parents, were also implemented in the MOSGORTUR camps. All programs are aimed at self-realization, intellectual and creative development of children.

“Experts take part in the development of all MOSGORTUR programs. For example, in the “Learning to Think” program the Chess Federation is the expert, and in the “Correct Travel” programDepartment of Physical Culture and Sports of Moscow and National Geographic magazine. Under the auspices of the Year of Ecology, an environmental component was introduced into all MOSGORTUR programs, in the development of which the Moscow Zoo took part. In 2017, five MOSGORTUR programs took first places at the All-Russian Program Competition", - speaks Head of the Department of Training and Programs of MOSGORTUR Ilona Kostina.

MOSGORTUR counselors

Every year the work experience of MOSGORTUR counselors increases. In 2017, the maximum work experience was four years - this is one of the highest indicators in Russia.

“In addition to experience, MOSGORTUR counselors receive social guarantees and the most high salary among counselors in the country. In 2017, MOSGORTUR received the prestigious awards “Best Employer in Moscow” and “Best Employer for Youth”, - noted first Deputy general director MOSGORTUR Natalya Loseva.

In the summer of 2017, 2,264 “Moscow counselors” from the capital and Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Chelyabinsk, Belgorod, Kaluga, Kursk and other Russian cities worked in camps and recreation centers.


MOSGORTUR was the first of the children's tour operators to begin transporting children to Moscow airports on Aeroexpress trains.

“In the winter of 2017, we conducted an experiment - we organized sending children to airports on Aeroexpress trains. The experience was successful, and since the summer we have abandoned bus transfers. In addition to the significant difference in comfort, this is a clear understanding of travel time and the organization of departure at the station.”, - said Deputy General Director of MOSGORTUR Dmitry Sorokin.

High level comfort in the summer of 2017 was ensured on all types of transport: children traveled to the camp on buses no older than 10 years old, the trains included special “children’s” carriages with air conditioning and dry closets, and special medical examination areas were allocated at the stations. Security in transport was ensured by police officers, MOSGORTUR and doctors.

For reference:

GAUK "MOSGORTOUR" is the largest organizer in Russia children's recreation. Every year, more than 60 thousand children vacation with MOSGORTUR in children's camps, among them: children of preferential categories on vouchers of the Moscow Government, members of sports and creative groups, commercial tourists.

In addition, MOSGORTUR is the largest employer of counselors in Russia. Since 2014, on the basis of the Central School of Moscow Counselors, MOSGORTUR annually trains and employs 4,000 counselors. In 2016 and 2017, MOSGORTUR counselors were named the best counselors in Russia based on the results of the international competition “Counselor’s Heart of the Planet.”

MOSGORTUR independently develops programs for useful recreation and methodological content of programs, in which the emphasis is placed on the intellectual and personal development of the child, and independently prepares counselors to work in children's camps.

MOSGORTUR has been awarded the “Best for Children” quality mark four times.

Moscow families have the opportunity to obtain vouchers to camps in Russia and abroad

On the public services portal We are still accepting applications for the summer wellness holiday. This year, not only has the geography of children's recreation been significantly expanded, but also comfortable conditions have been created for the development and relaxation of the child. The guys will meet with famous people, will create their own social project, will take part in performances, improve their English level, get acquainted with robots and learn the intricacies of modern media. Vouchers to the following camps are currently available:

1. Federal children's health and educational center "Smena", Krasnodar region. Federal child Center"Smena" is located in the city of Anapa on Black Sea coast. On the territory of the center there are 3 canteens, a planetarium, a water park with a swimming pool, five open summer areas, a library, a computer room, a tour desk, pebble beach. The center consists of several camp buildings:

. "Blue Valley". The camp will host a thematic session “#Technopark” - the program consists of interactive educational events in the field of science, technology and computer technology. During the shift, each child works to create their own invention.

"Olympus". The camp implements the “#SmartGrad” business skills development program for young entrepreneurs and businessmen. Children will become familiar with business etiquette, learn time management, be able to conduct sociological and marketing research, and have the opportunity to present themselves and their business ideas.

"Shady". The camp will host the “#MoscowRU” shift - a program that is intended for those who want to immerse themselves in the world of mass media. During the shift, the guys will get acquainted with the basics of journalism, television, radio and Internet broadcasting, and the art of photography.

"Nautical". The camp will host a creative session “#Talents of the Capital”, which includes master classes in acting, vocals, painting, and dance. The culmination of the shift will be the production of the Musical about Moscow " Best city Earth."

2. “Zarya”, Penza region. The camp is located in the village of Podlesny. Children will live in four two-story buildings. There are tennis courts on the camp grounds, football fields, sports equipment and Gym. The camp will have a thematic change on English language"#LingvoTour".

The camp staff on shift are English-speaking. Each shift participant will be awarded a certificate confirming completion of the English language course.

3. “Sea Wave”, Krasnodar region. The camp is located in one of the most scenic spots Tuapse district, in the village of Lermontovo on the Black Sea coast. On the landscaped territory of the camp there are three-story buildings with balconies and a cafe. The camp is hosting the “#Talents of the Capital” shift, aimed at unleashing the creative potential of children.

4. “Tender Sea”, Krasnodar region. The camp is located in the Tuapse district on a landscaped area with three three-story buildings. The beach is sand and pebbles. The camp will host a “#Formula of Good” session, which is aimed at developing an active life position in children. Shift participants will have the opportunity to receive unique experience development of socially significant projects for implementation in the conditions of their hometown.

5. “Polar Dawns”, Krasnodar region. The boarding house is located on the Black Sea coast. The camp infrastructure includes sports and playgrounds, places of leisure and events. There is a wi-fi zone. The boarding house implements the “#MoscowRU” program, dedicated to modern mass media, television, the Internet, photography and journalism.

6. “Youth”, Krasnodar region. The camp is located in the village of Shepsi, Tuapse district. On the territory of the camp there are sports and playgrounds, game rooms, and hobby groups. Children are accommodated in quadruple rooms with all amenities. Sand beach located near the camp.

7. “Rainbow”, Krasnodar region. The camp is located in the Tuapse region. On its territory there are three- and five-story dormitory buildings, a club, a medical building, and sports grounds. The sea is located at a distance of 30 meters from the camp.

The “#ILoveMoscow” session will take place in the “Rainbow” and “Yunost” camps aimed at developing civic responsibility in the child. Young patriots will take a journey into the historical past of Moscow and Russia, and will witness the process of formation of the Russian state from the principalities to the present.

Dear parents!

Booking discounted vouchers for summer children's and family holiday in 2016 will begin a month earlier than last year.

Already March 26 at 10.00 Muscovites will be able to apply for a discounted voucher on the portal of city and municipal services

Already March 26 at 10.00

March 17 Online

Already March 26 at 10.00 Muscovites will be able to apply for a discounted voucher on the portal of city and municipal services

You can get acquainted with the list of camps and bases where children will vacation in the summer of 2016 on preferential vouchers from the Moscow Government this Thursday March 17 Online and in Mosgortur groups on social networks.

Detailed information about all innovations for 2016 will be published on the Moscow City Tourism website on Wednesday, March 16.

Let us remind you that almost 160 thousand Moscow children will have a vacation this summer with the help of city budget funds. Despite the difficult economic conditions, in 2016 the city managed to maintain the number of discounted vouchers for the same amount of funding as in 2015.

Vouchers to children's camps, fully paid for from the city budget, will be provided to eleven preferential categories, which also include schoolchildren from foster or low-income families. There will be 19,950 such vouchers. In addition, for children under seven years of age who have the right to vacation with their parents, the city has purchased 18,375 vouchers (including vouchers for accompanying persons). These children will also go on vacation at the expense of the city.

There are also 13,875 vouchers for gifted children, winners of creative competitions, international and all-Russian Olympiads, pupils of Olympic reserve schools and young athletes. Parents of such children pay the full cost of travel to the holiday destination and 10% of the cost of the trip. At the same time, there will be 30% more trips for young athletes in 2016 compared to last year.


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