Sukhumi airport schedule. Airports of Abkhazia. Airfields of the southern country

Spoiler: yes, it is required. If you are planning a trip outside of Ukraine, you need an insurance policy that covers medical expenses in any case.

You can buy a policy not only at the branches of insurance companies, but also via the Internet. To apply for insurance online, you only need a passport and full list persons for whom the contract is concluded.

Why is insurance required?

There are two main reasons: legislation and common sense. Even if having a policy is not considered a necessary condition for entering a particular country, Ukraine has a law on the procedure for leaving and entering Ukraine for citizens. According to this law, every Ukrainian leaving the country must have insurance. Thus, the legislation protects citizens: in another country you may need health care, but not every state will agree to provide it free of charge.

Common sense also dictates that you need to protect yourself as much as possible on a long journey. An insurance policy from a reliable company guarantees you that in the event emergency situation you will receive medical care, hospitalization and full treatment. Without insurance, you'll have to pay for these services out of pocket, and in some countries, this can be hard on your wallet. For example, in Switzerland, the cost of an appointment with a therapist who will prescribe an examination can reach up to 400 euros. Of course, you will have to pay extra for tests and medications. Or in Malaysia: an appointment with a doctor costs an average of $50, and one day in the hospital in hospitalization mode costs $100-$200.

What types of insurance are there for traveling abroad?

Companies usually offer several types of travel insurance. The standard contract covers:

  • Providing emergency medical services in medical institutions (outpatient and hospitalization);
  • Transportation to the nearest hospital;
  • Payment for medications necessary for treatment;
  • Repatriation of remains to the country of residence.

To the standard contract, you can add coverage for additional expenses, for example: transportation to the country of residence to a specific medical facility, the arrival and accommodation of relatives during treatment, administrative expenses associated with the continued stay of the insured person in the country, and so on.

Insurance policies also differ in:

  • Coverage areas (Europe, the whole world or a specific country);
  • The amount of medical expenses within which assistance can be provided;
  • The duration of the insurance and the length of the client’s stay abroad;
  • Special conditions(for example, if the trip is related to dangerous species sports).

The final cost of the policy depends on all these parameters. The rating of insurance companies will help you choose a reliable company for ordering travel insurance.

How is insurance availability checked?

If there is no agreement concluded with the country where you plan to travel, visa-free regime, health insurance will be in the list of documents for the visa. Without a policy, you won’t even be able to submit your package to the embassy.

If there is a visa-free agreement, the rules for crossing the border are determined by it. For example, visa-free travel with Europe obliges tourists to have a biometric passport. But upon entering the country, border guards have the right to request documents confirming the purpose of travel. So a hotel reservation, a return ticket, and health insurance They may ask you to show it. Lack of documents can be a reason for refusal of entry: such situations are rare, but they do happen.

If, even worse, you entered the EU without insurance, ended up in hospital and were unable to pay, you are guaranteed to have problems with subsequent visits. And since the price of hospitalization can reach several tens of thousands of euros, it makes sense to provide the bills to the insurance company rather than pay for them at your own expense.

How does insurance work?

If an insured event occurs (for example, injury, exacerbation of a chronic disease or other ailment), you first need to contact the assistance company. Emergency telephone numbers are always indicated in the insurance contract or a special brochure that comes with it. The assistant operator tells you what to do: which hospital to go to, what documents to present, and how to communicate with health workers about payment for services.

There are two main types of payment:

  • Compensation - you see a doctor at your own expense, collect receipts for services and medications, and then provide them to the insurance company, and it compensates your expenses;
  • Payment is made at the expense of the insurance company - you go to the medical institution indicated by the assistant, receive help for free, and all bills are sent to the company.

Which payment method works for your insurance policy is indicated in the contract; you need to pay attention to this when concluding it. The contract also contains special conditions, which operate when the client is unconscious and cannot contact an assistant.

Can insurance not cover the costs?

The travel insurance contract specifies the conditions for waiving payment for medical services. Typically, these are situations where the client violates the laws of the host country (that is, gets injured while committing illegal actions) or intentionally causes damage to his health. Sometimes a condition for refusal of payment may be the possibility of postponing treatment until returning to Ukraine. For example, an exacerbation of a chronic disease (a life-threatening asthma attack) is considered an insured event, but treatment of low-grade asthma in a foreign clinic is not.

If you travel outside the territory covered by the insurance (for example, the policy covers Turkey, and you are going to Greece on an excursion), the policy does not cover medical expenses. A way out of this situation may be travel insurance, the coverage area of ​​which is the whole world.

The Government of the Republic of Abkhazia represented by the RUP " international Airport Sukhum them. V. G. Ardzinba"

LUM height

The official operator of the airport is the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Sukhum International Airport named after. V. G. Ardzinba" (OGRN 107RA001238; state registration date 03/17/2011; legal address: Republic of Abkhazia, Gulrypsha district, Babushara village, Airport).


In the mid-1960s, an airfield and terminal building were built. At the end of the 1970s, the thickness of the concrete surface of the airfield was increased by 20 cm, which made it possible to accept aircraft such as Il-76. In the 1980s, a new one was opened next to the first airport terminal, which is currently not in operation. In the mid-1980s, the runway was lengthened, which made it possible to receive Il-86 aircraft (in particular, they operated flights Moscow - Sukhumi - Moscow).

Until the early 1990s, airplane flights operated from the airport to many cities of the USSR, and helicopter lines connected Sukhumi with several settlements Abkhazia. Passenger turnover was up to 5 thousand passengers per day in summer, up to 1 thousand in winter.

Republic of Abkhazia

The airport was closed in 1993 regular flights are not fulfilled.

Currently, it is actively used for flights by top officials of Russia and Abkhazia.


  • On April 22, 1956, during takeoff, for unknown reasons, an Il-14P of the 65th air squadron of MUTA (Aeroflot) fell into the sea, killing 6 people.
    • On July 8, 1977, an An-24RV from the Kirovograd Flight School fell into the sea during takeoff, killing 6 people.
      • On August 14, 1982, two planes of the Sukhumi joint air squad (Aeroflot) collided on the runway, when a Tu-134A crashed into an L-410M that had entered the runway during takeoff, killing 11 people (all on board the L-410M).
        • During Third Battle of Sukhumi in September 1993, as a result of attacks by Abkhaz troops, five Georgian airliners were destroyed: three Tu-134A and two Tu-154B, killing a total of 136 people.

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          Excerpt characterizing Babushar (airport)

          “Yes... I’ll tell him,” Pierre said, but... – He didn’t know what to say.
          Natasha was apparently frightened by the thought that might occur to Pierre.
          “No, I know it’s over,” she said hastily. - No, this can never happen. I am tormented only by the evil that I did to him. Just tell him that I ask him to forgive, forgive, forgive me for everything...” She shook all over and sat down on a chair.
          A never-before-experienced feeling of pity filled Pierre's soul.
          “I’ll tell him, I’ll tell him again,” said Pierre; – but... I would like to know one thing...
          "What to know?" asked Natasha's gaze.
          “I would like to know if you loved...” Pierre did not know what to call Anatole and blushed at the thought of him, “did you love this bad man?”
          “Don’t call him bad,” said Natasha. “But I don’t know anything...” She started crying again.
          And an even greater feeling of pity, tenderness and love overwhelmed Pierre. He heard tears flowing under his glasses and hoped that they would not be noticed.
          “Let’s say no more, my friend,” said Pierre.
          His meek, gentle, sincere voice suddenly seemed so strange to Natasha.
          - Let’s not talk, my friend, I’ll tell him everything; but I ask you one thing - consider me your friend, and if you need help, advice, you just need to pour out your soul to someone - not now, but when you feel clear in your soul - remember me. “He took and kissed her hand. “I’ll be happy if I’m able to...” Pierre became embarrassed.
          – Don’t talk to me like that: I’m not worth it! – Natasha screamed and wanted to leave the room, but Pierre held her hand. He knew he needed to tell her something else. But when he said this, he was surprised at his own words.
          “Stop it, stop it, your whole life is ahead of you,” he told her.
          - For me? No! “Everything is lost for me,” she said with shame and self-humiliation.
          - Everything is lost? - he repeated. - If I were not me, but the most beautiful, smartest and best person in the world, and if I were free, I would be on my knees right now asking for your hand and love.
          For the first time after many days, Natasha cried with tears of gratitude and tenderness and, looking at Pierre, left the room.
          Pierre, too, almost ran out into the hall after her, holding back the tears of tenderness and happiness that were choking his throat, without getting into his sleeves, he put on his fur coat and sat down in the sleigh.
          - Now where do you want to go? - asked the coachman.
          "Where? Pierre asked himself. Where can you go now? Is it really to the club or guests? All people seemed so pitiful, so poor in comparison with the feeling of tenderness and love that he experienced; in comparison with the softened, grateful look with which she looked at him the last time because of her tears.
          “Home,” said Pierre, despite the ten degrees of frost, opening his bear coat on his wide, joyfully breathing chest.
          It was frosty and clear. Above the dirty, dim streets, above the black roofs, there was a dark, starry sky. Pierre, just looking at the sky, did not feel the offensive baseness of everything earthly in comparison with the height at which his soul was located. Upon entering Arbat Square, a huge expanse of starry dark sky opened up to Pierre’s eyes. Almost in the middle of this sky above Prechistensky Boulevard, surrounded and sprinkled on all sides with stars, but differing from everyone else in its proximity to the earth, white light, and long, raised tail, stood a huge bright comet of 1812, the same comet that foreshadowed as they said, all sorts of horrors and the end of the world. But in Pierre this bright star with a long radiant tail did not arouse any terrible feeling. Opposite Pierre, joyfully, eyes wet with tears, looked at this bright star, which, as if, with inexpressible speed, flying through immeasurable spaces along a parabolic line, suddenly, like an arrow pierced into the ground, stuck here in one place chosen by it, in the black sky, and stopped, energetically raising her tail up, glowing and playing with her white light between countless other twinkling stars. It seemed to Pierre that this star fully corresponded to what was in his soul, which had blossomed towards a new life, softened and encouraged.

          From the end of 1811, increased armament and concentration of forces began Western Europe, and in 1812 these forces - millions of people (counting those who transported and fed the army) moved from West to East, to the borders of Russia, to which, in the same way, since 1811, Russian forces were drawn together. On June 12, the forces of Western Europe crossed the borders of Russia, and war began, that is, an event contrary to human reason and all human nature took place. Millions of people committed each other, against each other, such countless atrocities, deceptions, betrayals, thefts, forgeries and issuance of false banknotes, robberies, arson and murders, which for centuries will not be collected by the chronicle of all the courts of the world and for which, during this period of time, people those who committed them did not look at them as crimes.
          What caused this extraordinary event? What were the reasons for it? Historians say with naive confidence that the reasons for this event were the insult inflicted on the Duke of Oldenburg, non-compliance with the continental system, Napoleon's lust for power, Alexander's firmness, diplomatic mistakes, etc.
          Consequently, it was only necessary for Metternich, Rumyantsev or Talleyrand, between the exit and the reception, to try hard and write a more skillful piece of paper, or for Napoleon to write to Alexander: Monsieur mon frere, je consens a rendre le duche au duc d "Oldenbourg, [My lord brother, I agree return the duchy to the Duke of Oldenburg.] - and there would be no war.
          It is clear that this was how the matter seemed to contemporaries. It is clear that Napoleon thought that the cause of the war was the intrigues of England (as he said this on the island of St. Helena); It is clear that it seemed to the members of the English House that the cause of the war was Napoleon’s lust for power; that it seemed to the Prince of Oldenburg that the cause of the war was the violence committed against him; that it seemed to the merchants that the cause of the war was the continental system that was ruining Europe, that it seemed to the old soldiers and generals that the main reason was the need to use them in business; the legitimists of that time that it was necessary to restore les bons principes [good principles], and the diplomats of that time that everything happened because the alliance of Russia with Austria in 1809 was not skillfully hidden from Napoleon and that the memorandum was awkwardly written for No. 178. It is clear that these and a countless, infinite number of reasons, the number of which depends on the countless differences in points of view, seemed to contemporaries; but for us, our descendants, who contemplate the enormity of the event in its entirety and delve into its simple and terrible meaning, these reasons seem insufficient. It is incomprehensible to us that millions of Christian people killed and tortured each other, because Napoleon was power-hungry, Alexander was firm, the politics of England was cunning and the Duke of Oldenburg was offended. It is impossible to understand what connection these circumstances have with the very fact of murder and violence; why, due to the fact that the duke was offended, thousands of people from the other side of Europe killed and ruined the people of the Smolensk and Moscow provinces and were killed by them.

Babushara Airport serves the capital of Abkhazia, Sukhum. It is located in the village of Babushara and is named after V.G. Ardzinba. Unfortunately, on this moment The airport is not in operation, but it is planned to start operating soon.
There is one runway on the territory of the airfield, its length is 3640 meters. The airport is capable of receiving aircraft such as Il-86, Tu-154 and lighter ones.
Abkhazian Airlines cooperates with the airport, and UN aviation is also based here.
The problem with launching the airport is that the ICAO organization cannot recognize it as international until the Georgian authorities give permission for this. Currently, the airport is sometimes used for flights by top officials of Abkhazia and Russia.


The history of the airport in Sukhumi begins in the 60s of the last century. Then a new airfield and terminal were opened. In the 70s, the runway was reconstructed and the thickness of its pavement was increased. Over the next decade, the airport opened a new passenger terminal and extended the runway.
The airport's new runway made it possible to receive the Il-86 aircraft, which at that time carried out regular flights on the Sukhum-Moscow route. In addition, regular helicopter service between other cities of Abkhazia was established from the airport. Passenger traffic reached 6 thousand people a year.
The airport was closed in 1993, immediately after the conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia. Several aircraft. The runway was also mined.
After clearing the airport area of ​​mines, local residents began to use free land for agricultural needs.
In 2008, during the war in South Ossetia, several landings were made at the airport by Russian military aircraft, which delivered military equipment and troops to the territory of Abkhazia. That same year, a passenger plane carrying the Russian Foreign Minister landed at the airfield.

    What to do if your flight is canceled

    If a flight is canceled more than 24 hours before departure, passengers will be transferred to similar airline flights. The carrier bears the costs; the service is free for the passenger. If none of the options offered by the airline suits you, most airlines can issue a “ forced return" Once confirmed by the airline, the money will be returned to your account. Sometimes this can take several weeks.

    How to check in at the airport

    Online check-in is available on most airline websites. Most often it opens 23 hours before the start of the flight. You can go through it no later than 1 hour before the plane departs.

    To check in at the airport you will need:

    • identification document specified in the order,
    • birth certificate when flying with children,
    • printed itinerary receipt(optional).
  • What can you take on a plane?

    Carry-on luggage is the items you will take with you into the cabin. Weight norm hand luggage can vary from 5 to 10 kg, and its size most often should not exceed the sum of three dimensions (length, width and height) from 115 to 203 cm (depending on the airline). Lady's bag does not apply to hand luggage and is carried freely.

    The bag you take with you on the plane should not contain knives, scissors, medicines, aerosols, or cosmetics. Alcohol from stores duty free can only be transported in sealed packages.

    How to pay for luggage at the airport

    If the weight of luggage exceeds the standards established by the airline (most often 20-23 kg), you need to pay for each kilogram of excess. In addition, many Russian and foreign airlines, as well as low-cost airlines, have tariffs that do not include free baggage allowance and must be paid separately as an additional service.

    In this case, luggage must be checked in at the airport at a separate Drop-off check-in counter. If you are unable to print boarding pass, you can get it at the regular airline check-in counter, and check in and drop off your luggage there.

    Where to find out the arrival time if you are a greeter

    You can find out the plane's arrival time on the airport's online board. The website has an online display of the main Russian and foreign airports.

    You can find out the exit number (gate) on the arrivals board at the airport. This number is located next to the incoming flight information.


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