What to take with you on vacation. Let's relax wisely. What to take with you on vacation at sea: list of things

The long-awaited vacation is ahead, it's time to pack your bags. You will learn how to do this correctly and what you need to take on vacation in this article.

Before you start packing, check the prices in the area where you will go on vacation. It is possible that it will be irrational to bring some things; it will be easier to buy them on vacation. You can easily find information about prices on the Internet or your travel agent will kindly tell you about them. And now we offer a list of what you must take on vacation.

The most important

  • We take documents first. Don’t forget about your voucher, passport, vouchers for accommodation and transfer, driver’s license, tickets. Check that you have all the documents 7 times, only then put them in your bag.
  • Money. It is convenient to have not only an account on a card, but also cash. To avoid an awkward moment, change a couple of large bills in advance for a tip.
  • Means of communication. Mobile phone (think about the card in advance: use a local one or buy it at a travel agency) and a charger. If you have a long journey ahead, it is convenient to take a laptop or tablet. Write a couple there interesting films and enjoy the trip.
  • Medicines. Insure yourself against unfavorable situations related to your health. The first aid kit should contain an antipyretic, a medicine for a sore throat and a cold, a medicine for an upset stomach, pills for headaches and motion sickness, brilliant green, iodine, a bandage, a bactericidal patch and insect repellent. Other drugs are at your discretion.

For personal use

  • Cloth. Don't take too many things. If you are going to be active and beach holiday, we take with us T-shirts, shorts, sandals, caps, and a swimsuit. For evenings (restaurants, clubs), bring a few evening dresses (or a shirt and trousers if you are a man).
  • Personal care products and cosmetics. Not all hotels offer a set of cosmetics, so you should take care of toothpaste, brush, shampoo, deodorant, and shower gel. Bring sunscreen and decorative cosmetics with you.

Other things

  • Essential products. They will be needed for active, independent and thrifty tourists. Groceries will save money on vacation if your price does not include lunch and dinner. Canned goods, cookies and snacks are good options.
  • Photo or video equipment. Don't forget to capture the happy moments of your trip.
  • Multifunctional knife. If you fly by plane, do not forget to transfer it from your carry-on luggage to your main luggage.
  • Travel mat, boiler, mug, spoon, plate.

Vacation with a child

Packing a suitcase for a trip is not an easy task, especially if you are traveling with the whole family. In this case, an important question arises about what to take on vacation for the child.

  • One of the main things is a favorite toy. If you forget it, you will initially ruin your vacation.
  • We take panties, T-shirts, and tights in abundance.
  • Baby hygiene products.
  • Several pajamas - light and warm.
  • Shorts, T-shirts, sundresses.
  • Be sure to wear light clothing that covers your body so as not to get sunburned in the first days.
  • Warm clothes for evening walks(sweater, pants).
  • Sun protection hat.
  • A pair of swimsuits.
  • Beach toys (buckets, shovels, balls).
  • Comfortable shoes. At least one pair should be closed in case of rain.
  • Medicines prescribed by your pediatrician.
  • If the child is still very small, do not forget special food for the child, diapers, pacifiers and drinking bowls, and a mosquito net.

We have offered you a list of what you absolutely must take on vacation. Make a list of necessary things in advance. Check that all clothing is comfortable. It must be washed and ironed in advance, Jewelry It’s better to leave them at home (as practice shows, they are often lost). Have a nice holiday and bright impressions!

This post was prepared as part of a thematic photo project together with photographer Katerina Cherepanova. I express my deep gratitude to you for your cooperation and ideological spirit, Katya! Thank you for submitting the photos!

Several years ago, I also took a lot of extra and, as it turns out later when traveling, unnecessary things. Over time, I learned to take only the essentials, and on trips to Europe or Russia during the off-season, I only go with a backpack. I’ll tell you below an example of how this happens!

So, on an April trip to the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Italy (about 20 days), my things easily fit into a backpack. I also went to St. Petersburg for 12 days in May with a backpack. I definitely travel with a backpack for 3-4 days. For example, now I have returned from Kazan in September, where all my things were also placed in a backpack!

I want to immediately convince you that a backpack can fit a LOT of things, the main thing is to follow a few simple, but important rules! So, let's go - how to pack a suitcase or backpack correctly?

Bathroom accessories

The most important rule to follow is to never do not take full-size products(shampoos, balms, shower gels, etc.). These items add the most weight to your suitcase! Many people buy such products while they are already on vacation, and in principle, this is also a way out. But not for me. Firstly, I’m used to using certain products that may not be available in the store. Secondly, the first thing I want to do when I arrive at my destination is take a shower, and not look for a store to buy shampoo, conditioner, etc. That's why I bottle my favorite products in special miniature containers from Ikea. I also take miniature toothpaste and soap.

For my hair when traveling, I use an absolute trio: a compact Tangle Teezer comb, an elastic band and a hair band, which I use when washing my face and applying makeup.

Care products

The approach to care products is the same as to bath accessories. I also bring face/hand cream and body balm in miniatures, if their packaging is large for my reasons.


Since I’m talking about the example of a trip in the off-season, during this period, of course, cosmetics have a special tribute (when going to the sea, for example, I keep it to a minimum). From cosmetics, I take basic products that I use daily. If the packaging is bulky, I try to replace it with another product. If this foundation comes in a heavy package, I pour a small amount into a miniature one.

I most often use lipsticks and lip pencils as an accent of decorative cosmetics, so when I travel I take two/three variations - for everyday makeup and makeup for going out.

Clothes and shoes: 5 important rules

We've come to the hardest part - collecting clothes! My minimum set of clothes that fits in a backpack most often consists of two pairs of jeans/trousers, a couple of light jumpers/sweatshirts, two/three tops/T-shirts, one dress. There are several important rules when collecting clothes.

First rule: in order to pack your suitcase correctly, take only those things that are easy to combine with each other. For every thing that I take with me, there is an unspoken rule - if this thing is combined with others in at least 3 looks, then it suits me, and I take it with me! For example, a denim dress that can be worn both as a dress and as a shirt, tied at the waist.

The only exception can be a little black dress (well, or any other one - to your taste). Although, even this black dress can be easily tucked up and worn as a top with jeans!

Second rule when choosing clothes: give preference to lighter things and leave the heavy ones at home. Sometimes I cheat: choosing light, non-bulky things allows me to take an extra dress or jumper)

Third rule: When you pack your things, roll them up so they take up less space!

Fourth rule concerns shoes. I take only comfortable shoes, and they should be combined with all the chosen items. Most often these are two pairs of shoes: comfortable sneakers and some boots that can be worn with both a dress and jeans.

Fifth rule, also related to shoes: when I travel, I wear heavier shoes, and I put lighter ones in my backpack! Both pairs should be comfortable!


For accessories, I carry a small bag and a fabric tote, which fold easily and perfectly into a backpack. During the day, when traveling, I travel with a backpack, and in the evening, when I go out, I take a small bag. A shopping bag - for unexpected purchases.

Among the obligatory accessories in my backpack there will always be one snood or stole, as well as a light scarf with which I cover my head when entering a church/monastery. This scarf always travels with me and takes up about a gram of weight.

Like any girl, I add jewelry to my looks, so when traveling with a minimum amount of clothing, bright, unusual accessories will always save the day. Lately I've been loving brooches

Or it could be a collar/necklace. I also take sunglasses with me.


The minimum set of gadgets on my trip is a lightweight Panasonic Lumix GF6 mirrorless camera, an iPhone 5s and an old Transcend player with my favorite music.

Important things

One of the important details is vision glasses, these are my second eyes, I can’t live without them. I also include a wallet with cash and cards, and a flash drive for photos in this category. In my backpack you can always find a notepad with a pen because... when traveling, I always write down the most important important information, which I collect bit by bit for the blog, I keep booklets and tickets as souvenirs.

It seems like I’ve listed so many things here that it all won’t fit in my backpack! But I assure you, this is not so. The basic contents I showed as an example today fit easily into my backpack. The main thing is to train yourself and reassure yourself that these things will really be enough for you!

I hope my experience was at least a little useful to you! Have a great trip with a light suitcase!

Any vacation trip involves a packing process. We decided to make this task easier and, together with our regular readers, we compiled a list of things to do on vacation for the whole family. It is aimed at a standard Russian family, in which the woman will pack the suitcase.

Men can relax and take only money and a passport with them :)

It is better to start packing your suitcase 2-3 days before departure, since in your wardrobe there will always be something that has sharply decreased in size during the Last year, went out of fashion or simply disappeared somewhere.


The top things on your list are passports and money. Everything else can be bought, but without a passport or money, the vacation will be hopelessly ruined.

Without documents, your vacation can be ruined already at the airport, so passports and money should always be in your area of ​​attention, not only during preparations, but throughout the entire vacation. So let's start with this:

  • Passports (check the validity in advance, at least 6 months from the date of entry into the destination country);
  • Photocopies of documents (in case of loss and so as not to carry the originals with you);
  • Tickets (train or plane);
  • Vouchers (agreement with a travel agency);
  • Driver's license (yours and his, in case you want to rent a car);
  • Bank cards and money;
  • Banking access (PIN generator, password card, etc.)
  • Medical insurance;

It is better to break the money into several parts and divide it among family members, and one bank card can be put in your luggage. In this case, if you lose your wallet, you will not be left penniless.


The hardest part about packing a suitcase is choosing clothes. We love to take our entire wardrobe with us and by any means convince ourselves that everything will definitely come in handy. In fact, no one except your other half will appreciate your outfits. Therefore, we recommend taking clothes at the rate of one outfit for 2 days.

For a standard 7-10 day seaside holiday, we recommend that you include the following items.

  • print list

List for women and girls

  • Swimsuit 1-2 pcs.;
  • Pareo, tunic - one at a time;
  • Skirts (short and long), shorts – 1 piece each;
  • Jeans or trousers – 1 pc.;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Blouse (dressy) – 1 pc.;
  • Dress (cocktail) – 1 piece;
  • Briefs - 1 pc. for a day;
  • Bra - 2 pcs.;
  • Night pajamas - 1 piece;
  • Sandals - 1-2 pcs. (including elegant ones);
  • Sandals without heels or ballet shoes 1-2 pairs;
  • Beach slippers or flip flops 1 pair;
  • Warm blouse, cardigan or windbreaker (for the evening) 1 pc.;
  • A light shirt with sleeves (in case you get sunburned), or better yet, sunscreen – 2 pcs. (to have enough);
  • Sports pants/breeches (or tracksuit) - 1 pc.;
  • Headdress (1-2 pcs.);

A sports outfit can be useful on some excursions and for morning wars for a place in the sun, when you need to throw a towel on a sunbed by the sea at 7:30 in the morning :).

When choosing clothes, preference should be given to light-colored fabrics made from natural threads, either linen, or preferably cotton. In such clothes you will feel comfortable in hot climates.

List for men

  • Light trousers (for walking in a hotel, on excursions, around the city) – 2 pcs.;
  • Classic trousers (to go to a restaurant or to an evening program at the hotel) – 1 pc.;
  • Shorts - 2 pcs.;
  • Swimming trunks – 2 pcs.;
  • T-shirts and T-shirts, 0.75 pcs. for a day;
  • Light shirt - 2 pcs.;
  • Socks 3-4 pairs;
  • Briefs – 1 pc. for a day;
  • Sandals - 1 pc.;
  • Slates - 1 pc.;
  • Summer shoes 1 pc.;
  • Headdress 1 piece;

It is also better to take men's clothing from natural, light-colored fabrics. A dark shirt can be useful for going to a party or disco.

The eternal problem: how to put all the unnecessary things in one suitcase? 🙂

Child's list

  • T-shirts 1.5 pcs. per day (getting 2 dirty during the day is not a problem for a child);
  • Panties;
  • Shorts, skirts;
  • Socks;
  • Cap or Panama hat (2 pcs.);
  • 2 swimsuits (one to dry, the other to swim in);
  • Cotton clothing with long sleeves (in case the child gets sunburned);
  • Clothes for the evening;
  • Warm clothes (if you are not traveling during the hot season);
  • Sandals;
  • Sneakers for excursions;
  • Pencils, notebook, coloring books, etc. (what to do with a child on the road);
  • Armbands for the pool (if you can’t swim);

To ergonomically pack things in a suitcase, you will need vacuum bags and a vacuum cleaner. Please note that a vacuum cleaner will also be required when packing back. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to stuff all your clothes into your suitcase :)

"Women things"

In order not to lose face at the evening outing into the spotlight of the all-inclusive restaurant, don't forget to take with you:

  • Beach bag – 1 pc.;
  • Clutch – 1 piece;
  • Beads;
  • Earrings;
  • Belts;
  • The scarf is light;
  • Sunglasses (for yourself and for him);
  • Hairpins, elastic bands, bobby pins, etc.;
  • Sewing kit;
  • Hair curling iron (if needed);
  • Foam sponges;


  • Day moisturizer in the morning;
  • Light caring shine in the morning too;
  • Sunscreen for body;
  • After-sun cream or body lotion;
  • Foam sponges;
  • Night cream;
  • Milk and tonic;
  • Beautiful lipstick in the evening;
  • Mattifying powder, preferably loose;
  • A small palette of shadows;
  • The mascara is simple and waterproof;
  • Waterproof cosmetic remover;
  • Eye and lip pencil;
  • Nail polish (2-3 types are possible);
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Favorite perfume;
  • Manicure set;
  • Paper handkerchiefs;
  • Cotton swabs and disks;
  • Wet wipes;

Hygiene products

For woman

  • Shampoo and hair conditioner (hotel shampoos are usually of poor quality);
  • Comb – 3 pcs. (massage, simple and for him);
  • Shower gel;
  • Body cream;
  • Deodorant;
  • Soap;
  • Antibacterial hand liquid (useful for the whole family on walks)
  • washcloth;
  • Toothpaste and brush 2 pcs each (for yourself and for him);
  • Machine for shaving;
  • Pedicure set;
  • Hand and foot cream;
  • Do not forget about critical days;
  • Beach towel 2 pcs. (if not provided by the hotel);
  • Pregnancy contraception (if necessary);

For a man

  • Shaving gel or foam;
  • A shaving machine, maybe a pack, i.e. 5 pieces.;
  • After shave balm;
  • Shower gel;
  • Soap;
  • washcloth;
  • Perfume;
  • Deodorant;
  • Condoms (if needed);
  • Toothpicks or dental floss;

First aid kit

We have already written about what should be included in the drug, so we will limit ourselves only to the types of medications:

  • thermometer;
  • painkillers;
  • from poisoning;
  • antipyretics;
  • against burns (primarily sunburn);
  • antiallergens;
  • from thrush;
  • iodine patch;
  • throat suckers;

Equipment and more

In the bustle of collecting clothes, cosmetics and hygiene, do not forget about the most important thing - a camera or a smartphone with a camera. After all, it is thanks to these technical creations that later there will be something to remember and show to friends at work.

The same goes for Russian-language books, which, oh, how you will miss them on the beach. So we suggest adding these devices and ideas to your list (sometimes a little crazy :)

  • Coffee (not everywhere it is like at home);
  • Umbrella or plastic raincoat (if there is a chance of rain);
  • Plastic hangers (for clothes);
  • Plastic box for food (you can take a snack on the plane and carry fresh fruit to the beach);
  • Spare car keys (if you leave them at the airport);
  • A pocket knife (never superfluous);
  • Children's toys for the beach (you can always buy them on the spot);
  • A camera or camera (both are possible);
  • Monopod (stick) for selfie (if necessary);
  • Tripod for camera;
  • Charger for the camera (camera);
  • Power banks;
  • Cell phones;
  • Charging device;
  • Adapter for sockets (if needed);
  • Memory card (one more, in case it’s not enough);
  • Flash drive, preferably 16 or 32 GB (larger);
  • Laptop, netbook or tablet;
  • MP-3 player;
  • Headphones;
  • Iron (usually available at the hotel, but you never know);
  • Small kettle (if the hotel is not all inclusive)
  • Hairdryer (if not provided in the hotel room);
  • Tourist SIM card;
  • Fumigator (from mosquitoes and other insects);
  • Multicooker (if you plan to cook yourself or have special dietary requirements);
  • Clothesline;
  • Beach tent (for protection from wind and sand)

If you get creative with packing and packing, you can fit much more into one suitcase than you might imagine. Watch the video! And remember that this is a backpack. And you have a whole suitcase!

If you don't understand how he did it, we recommend that you read this useful recommendations howso that they do not take up much space.

If you have anything to add to our list, write in the comments!

Packing your bags at sea at the last minute is probably the worst idea of ​​all. Therefore, it is better to start “preparing the sleigh in the summer”, so that by the beginning of the vacation you just need to check whether everything is put in the suitcase.

What do you think is essential to take with you on vacation?

Hygiene supplies

Here, of course, sunscreen will come first: sun cream and a heat-protective hair spray that will save your hair from fading. The first one deserves special attention. Many girls sincerely believe that you only need to take cream with the most high level protection, but it just depends on your skin type.

Attention! The highest SPF is needed only for children and girls with very fair skin that practically does not tan. The darker the skin, the lower the SPF.

  • Toothbrush;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Soap, shower gel, intimate hygiene gel;
  • Cream for face and body.

If you haven't had any beauty treatments before, take a razor and post-depilation products with you.

Clothes and shoes

Of course, the complete set will depend on cultural program planned for the rest period. If you are going sailing on cruise ship, then you can’t do without an evening dress, or even several, and stiletto sandals. But if this is some kind of seaside village, where the only attractions are the embankment, all these attributes are completely useless. That's why we focus on minimum required clothes:

  • Linen - at least 3 sets. You can take a pair of bras in basic colors and 5-7 panties to go with them.

Important! Match colored underwear to the sets of clothes that you have chosen for the trip.

  • 2 swimsuits. This is the required minimum, because if you want to show off in something new every time, good luck! You can use this trick: combine parts of different two-piece swimsuits, getting new models;
  • A set of warm clothes: trousers/jeans, long sleeve or turtleneck, long-sleeved jacket;
  • Beach tunic or pareo;
  • Shorts and long skirt (walking option);
  • T-shirt, top - 1-2 pieces;
  • Headdress.

Dresses, trousers, suits - all this has its place, but in mandatory list Excluded.

WITH shoes the situation is much simpler: 1 pair of beach shoes, 1 pair of walking shoes (sandals, sandals, ballet shoes or pantos) and 1 pair of closed ones + socks.

What medicines to take with you to the sea for adults and children

If we are traveling within our own or neighboring countries, then we should not worry too much about a set of medicines and medicines, since they can be purchased at any nearby pharmacy. Take with you the required minimum of medications that will be needed in the first case: antiseptics, antipyretics, sorbents, antihistamines. If you have chronic diseases, then do not forget to take maintenance medications.

Another thing is a trip abroad, where you will not be able to clearly explain what you need, nor select the appropriate analogue of our drug, nor buy most medications without a doctor’s prescription. Here the list needs to be thought out much more carefully. Mandatory items will be:

  • Antipyretic (paracetamol or ibuprofen in any medicine);
  • Drugs that improve the functioning of the digestive system, since unfamiliar cuisine can cause a number of problems (Motorix, Mezim, Domrid, etc.);
  • Sorbents (Smecta, White coal);
  • Antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, iodine);
  • Bandage, cotton wool, plaster;
  • Wound healing ointments (Rescuer, Panthenol);
  • If necessary, medications against high/low blood pressure, drugs for the cardiovascular system.

A children's first aid kit has its own specifics, since here we need to take care of the following components:

  • For children under 7 years old - acetone test. Strips for determining the level of acetone in urine. Even if your baby has never suffered from this before, changes in climate, regime and eating habits may well provoke a spike in acetone;
  • Rehydrating agents and agents for intoxication (Regidron, Atoxil);
  • Healing ointments (Bepanten, Panthenol);
  • Antipyretics and cough suppressants.

You will be surprised that Activated Carbon, which is recommended by most resources, is not on the list. No, this is not a mistake, it’s just that this drug has long outlived its usefulness. Even an adult cannot take the required number of tablets, because for every kilogram of weight you need as many as 4. Therefore, it is much easier to purchase the same Smecta or White Coal.

Kids' things

You need to approach the collection of children's luggage much more thoroughly than your own and think through the list of necessary things in advance. It will vary depending on the vacation destination and your plans, but the “backbone” looks like this:

  • Swimming suit - minimum 2 pieces. Ideally - 3. Why so many? This is not a tribute to fashion at all, but a completely practically justified requirement: the child bathes in one, the second to dry, and the third is a spare one;
  • Linen. 5-6 panties and a pair of T-shirts;
  • Cloth. For boys, this is a pair of shorts, long pants, 2-3 T-shirts, a long sleeve and a warm blouse or light windbreaker. For girls, a couple of dresses or sundresses, a pair of T-shirts/T-shirts, shorts and a skirt + a set of warm clothes will be enough;

Important! The amount of children's clothing should be at least twice as much as for adults!

  • Hats. A pair of Panama hats for boys and a Panama hat and scarf for girls;
  • Shoes. 1 pair for the beach, 1 for walking and 1 closed in case of bad weather. Of course, these are not rubber boots, sneakers will be enough, and don’t forget to bring socks with them;
  • Toys. These include sets for playing with sand, entertaining books, coloring books with accompanying stationery;
  • Pot.

The list of things for a baby will differ from the one proposed, since here we will need:

  • Bottles for drinking and milk formulas and means for their thorough cleaning;
  • Baby food. If you are sure that upon arrival you will be able to replenish your supplies, take the amount needed for the duration of the trip + 1-2 days, otherwise it is better to stock up for the entire period of your stay;
  • Diapers, wet wipes, absorbent diapers, skin care products. You can buy more diapers, so you don’t need to carry several packs with you. This will not only take up a lot of space, but will also significantly increase the weight of your luggage (which is very important when flying);
  • 3-4 sets of clothes + headdress.

And finally

It is simply impossible to imagine a trip without modern gadgets. Well, how can you not post a couple of photos a day on Instagram? No, there is no way without this. In principle, if we have a high-quality smartphone, all we need additionally is a charger or a power bank (external battery). If there is plenty of space, a laptop + charger, camera, eBook.

And most importantly, don’t forget to double-check your documents. Make a couple of copies of your passport, child’s birth certificate, travel permit (issued if only one parent is traveling abroad), tickets, and insurance. Put all this in different places so that if you lose it, you have at least copies.

So, you are going on a trip for 3 days. What to take with you on the road? This will be discussed in our article.

Brief digression

Prepare for a trip, especially a long one, in advance. There are things that should not be done the day before departure:

  • registration of documents, international bank cards;
  • purchase of medicines, currency, tickets;
  • copying documents;
  • hotel reservation.

Compose short plan, and act clearly on it. Then you won't forget anything.

Create two lists on your laptop: one for a summer trip and one for a winter trip. It will take a few minutes to fill out the fields of the special program. Separate things into categories. Once compiled, the list will be useful to you for each subsequent trip.

What to take on a trip

Category No. 1. Cash, documents, road maps

If you are going, include a road map in your list of things - it will definitely come in handy.

Documentation, bank cards, cash is best placed in a backpack or bag. Always carry them with you.

So, the most important list for the road:

  1. International passport and its copies. Necessary if you are going on vacation abroad. To travel to your native places, do not forget your regular passport. Make virtual copies on a flash drive, email, phone. Play it safe. If you suddenly lose the originals, copies will come in handy.
  2. Airline and railway tickets or printout of their electronic versions.
  3. Printout electronic booking hotel rooms.
  4. International medical insurance policies, their copies.
  5. Driver's license, car documents, if you are going on a trip personal transport, their copy.
  6. Bank cards.
  7. Cash in national currency the country where you are traveling. Divide into 3-5 parts, put in different places.
  8. A small notebook with personal notes. Enter your travel route, addresses, and phone numbers.

Category No. 2. Travel first aid kit

Another important point about what to take on vacation. Going on a trip without medication means risking your health. Many drugs are not sold abroad without a prescription. And the same cream for burns at a resort costs many times more. Therefore, it is necessary to take medications on the road..

It is convenient to divide the preparations into two parts. In the first place, put the necessary products, for example, a remedy for allergies, motion sickness, or a medicine that you regularly take. Carry them with you. All other drugs belong to the second part. They can be folded into a travel first aid kit and placed in a suitcase. It's better to know in advance and prepare them.

What to take with you on a trip:

  1. Medicines for diarrhea.
  2. Antipyretic, painkillers.
  3. Allergy pills.
  4. Antiviral agents.
  5. Antibiotics.
  6. Cream for burns, stretch marks, bruises.
  7. Medicines you take regularly.
  8. Pills for motion sickness.
  9. Ointment for insect bites.
  10. Bandages, cotton wool, iodine, plaster, hydrogen peroxide.

Category No. 3. What to take with you on a trip from personal hygiene items and cosmetics

In this category, add only the minimum set of what you will need. Women often take their entire arsenal of decorative cosmetics with them when traveling. As a result, most of the space in your suitcase is taken up by completely useless items. Take with you only the personal care products you really need!

What to take on the road:

  1. Toothbrush, toothpaste.
  2. Shaving accessories.
  3. Comb.
  4. Solid deodorant.
  5. Liquid soap.
  6. Washcloth.
  7. Shampoo-conditioner in samples.
  8. Roll of toilet paper.
  9. Packaging of dry wipes.
  10. Packaging of wet wipes.
  11. Cotton swabs for ears.
  12. Disposable plastic bags (10-15 pieces).

Addition for women:

  1. 5-10 sponges.
  2. A small mirror.
  3. A couple of hair ties or barrettes.
  4. Moisturizing cream.
  5. Tweezers.
  6. Makeup remover.
  7. Pads, tampons.
  8. Mascara, a small package of eye shadow, lipstick.
  9. Foundation or powder.

The last two points are only needed if you cannot imagine your life without applying makeup. If you are going on a beach holiday, then you only need to put on makeup in the evening, if you go somewhere. It is not recommended to do this on the beach. Therefore, you don’t need 10 types of eye shadow and the same amount of lipstick and lip gloss. One mascara, lipstick, a package of two types of shadows and a foundation that evens out the complexion - here required list items for travel from decorative cosmetics.

Category No. 4. What to take with you on the road from things and shoes

One of the most important items on the list of things that will come in handy while traveling. Think carefully about your wardrobe.

Take things according to the climate of the place you are going to. Check the weather forecast for your holiday days.

Do not take a lot of the same clothes and shoes. Statistics say that half of the things on the list are never worn while traveling.

Take with you things that can be combined with each other.

Give preference to comfortable clothes made from natural materials. Do not take with you new shoes that have not yet been worn in and chafe your feet.

What to take on vacation:

  1. Trousers or jeans. For hot climates, lightweight linen ones are suitable, for cold climates - made of natural wool or jersey, thick knitwear.
  2. Breeches or shorts.
  3. Two T-shirts.
  4. One blouse.
  5. Sweater.
  6. Pajamas, nightgown - what you are used to sleeping in at home.
  7. A light jacket, such as a windbreaker.
  8. Sneakers, fabric sneakers. Wear them on the go.
  9. 3 changes of underwear (based on what you eat for 3 days).
  10. Shales.
  11. Swimsuit (swimming trunks), pareo for a trip to the sea.
  12. Two pairs of socks.
  13. One dress for going out and shoes (sandals) to go with it.
  14. Sunglasses.
  15. Headgear – hat or cap.

Category No. 5. What to take with you on a trip from technology

It all depends on personal preference. Someone takes one mobile phone, another - a dozen items.

Optimal packing list for travel:

  1. Mobile phone;
  2. MP3 player.
  3. A laptop if you can't imagine your life without it.
  4. Flash drive, external hard drive.
  5. To travel by personal transport, a navigator is useful.
  6. Camera or video camera.

The last point can easily be replaced by a mobile phone with a good camera. If this is not the case, then take a camera - you need to bring beautiful pictures from your vacation.

Pack equipment in a separate bag. Don't forget a charger for each one. If you're flying on an airplane, take a bag with you in case your luggage gets lost.

It is not safe to connect to a public network while traveling. Use a VPN.

Category No. 6. What to take with you from food and other important little things

If the route to your holiday destination is not close, and you do not eat, for example, on an airplane where there is food, be sure to take snacks with you. It is not advisable to have a meal in road cafes - the quality of the products there is difficult to check.

Take 1.5 liters of water for each person on the road. From food: dried fruits, apples and pears, peeled nuts, vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers). Wash all this first, cut it and put it first in foil or parchment and only then in a bag.

If you travel for a long time, for example a day, the following will come in handy:

  • boiled eggs;
  • chopped loaf, bread, thin pita bread;
  • boiled or fried chicken fillet;
  • hard cheese;
  • baked goods with raisins, prunes;
  • crackers, bagels, biscuits.

Don't forget tea bags, coffee, sugar.

Important details:

  • jackknife;
  • matches, lighter;
  • flashlight;
  • tee, extension cord for those who take a lot of equipment on a trip;
  • toothpicks;
  • cling film;
  • boiler;
  • plastic mugs;
  • set of disposable tableware.

Category No. 7. What to take with you on a trip with a child

If you are traveling with a child, the number of necessary items on the road increases. Take care of what to do with your baby on the way, what to feed him, choose clothes and personal hygiene products.

List of things to pack for a trip with a child:

  1. Documentation. The child’s photo is pasted into the parent’s passport or he has his own passport. A visa is issued for him, medical insurance. You will need permission from the other parent if you are traveling with one mom or dad. These documents are needed to travel abroad.
  2. Cloth. Take the same things for a child as for an adult. Just double the amount of hiking clothing in case your baby gets dirty.
  3. Medicines for a child with chronic diseases.
  4. Food and drink. For babies, stock up on fruit and vegetable purees, baby food, juices, water, cut fruit and cookies.
  5. Personal hygiene items: diapers, wet wipes, paper towels.
  6. A pillow under your head and a small blanket.
  7. Toys. On the road, organize interesting leisure activities for your child. Take with you a couple of books, a coloring book with pencils, and 2-3 favorite toys. Some people take a tablet or download cartoons to their phone.
  8. A folding stroller or kangaroo backpack for very young travelers.
  9. A bottle, a pacifier.
  10. Collapsible pot.

What not to take with you on the road

I want to take with me things that are dear to my heart and that have little use. In order for the suitcase to be liftable and not cause trouble, it is necessary to discard items that will not be useful on the road. Approach the list with a cool head. Think about what you can easily do without.

There is no room in your suitcase for the following items:

  1. Hairdryer It is available in any decent hotel, and there is no point in bringing it from home. For independent travel cut your hair so that you don’t need styling, or just put your hair in a braid (ponytail, bun).
  2. Books. They are heavy and take up a lot of space. For those who like to read, an e-book will be useful. Download several works to your mobile phone at home.
  3. Decorations. Wear the bare minimum: a gold chain, a couple of rings. It is better to leave the bracelet and earrings at home, especially if you are going to the sea. They are easy to lose in water. A gold watch with precious stones, a brooch and other jewelry are not needed when traveling.
  4. Travel iron. Take things with you that don't wrinkle. In case the item is very wrinkled, you can sprinkle it with water and hang it on a rope. Or pick up an iron at the hotel reception. But an iron is a completely unnecessary item when traveling.
  5. Scissors, wire cutters, corkscrew, screwdriver and other sharp objects. The only exception is a small folding knife.
  6. Women's bags. You won't need a clutch when traveling. One small bag or backpack containing essentials is enough.

Packing your suitcase correctly

The list of things you need on a trip is impressive. But proper packing will allow you to pack everything into a 45-liter suitcase.

First, arrange your travel items in front of you in separate piles by category. Place your shoes at the bottom of your suitcase. On top of it are warm clothes, thick jeans. Here's the equipment. Place knitted items in rollers. Place a first aid kit, personal hygiene products, and cosmetics in separate compartments. They are easy to get if you suddenly need them.

IN hand luggage take documents, money, house keys, phone, vital medicine, a notebook with notes. Place the road map and all documents for the car in the glove compartment.

Don't forget a separate bag of food and drink. If you are traveling with a child, you should have diapers, wet wipes and items for interesting leisure activities with you.

Do not stuff the suitcase all the way. Many airlines have weight standards (20 kg for one piece of luggage). Leave room for souvenirs.

Pack liquids in a tight bag. Separately fold shoes, clothes and other items and distribute them evenly throughout the suitcase. Place your underwear in a special pocket. In another pocket, pack cosmetics and various small items.

Place a foldable bag on top of your folded items. If there is an excess, put some things in it. This same bag is convenient to use when traveling for shopping or excursions.

A cover or film will help protect your suitcase from dirt. Pack the suitcase itself, and it will be visible from afar on the luggage belt.

If you are traveling abroad, take a phrasebook with you. The road to your destination is an excellent opportunity to practice a foreign language. Or download audiobooks to your MP3 player.

While you're on the road, there's plenty of time. Download a movie you’ve been wanting to see to your phone or laptop, read a book, make a plan to improve your performance. In a word, do something useful that you don’t have time for. ordinary life. You can just get some sleep. As a rule, there is no time for this in everyday life either.

To travel to new country Bring a guidebook with you. You have time to learn the culture, local cuisine, sights, laws and rules of the new society.

Bring items that provide personal comfort. Some people are used to sleeping on one single pillow, while others are fatally disturbed by mosquitoes. Stock up on insect repellent. Many children are accustomed to sleeping with their favorite toy. The items will not take up much space, but with them you will feel more comfortable on the road.

Take with you a maximum of 2 pairs of shoes: flip-flops for regular walks, going to the beach, and shoes (sandals) for going to a restaurant or disco. Wear closed shoes (sneakers or sneakers). They are also useful in case of cool weather or rain. As practice shows, shoes take up a lot of space in a suitcase, and most of it is not used.


For many, packing a suitcase for a trip of several days turns into an ordeal. Don’t take two or three pairs of jeans with you - they definitely won’t be useful. Several types of the same clothing are allowed only with underwear, T-shirts and socks. One skirt, one shorts, one dress - this is enough for 3 days for sure.

The same goes for personal hygiene items. Take shampoo in disposable bags, gel, shower foam is replaced with liquid soap and a washcloth. Remember that this can be easily purchased at any store. The exception is a trip to the forest, where there are no benefits of civilization.

Take some snacks with you, it’s better to find out in advance.

Main! Do not forget:

  • documentation;
  • cash and bank cards;
  • house keys;
  • medications that support vital functions (insulin, for example);
  • mobile phone and charger. Check your bill in advance and find out about the tariff. Do I need to connect additional service for calls abroad, for example?

These are the items you really need for a successful trip.


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