Which transport is safer? (statistics analysis). The safest mode of transport according to statistics in the world and in Russia

The higher the level of development of logistics, the greater the role in obtaining high-quality information about the problems of transport enterprises and assessing the results of their activities, the statistics of modes of transport play. Processing data by industry makes it possible to develop recommendations for reducing transportation costs, improving transport safety and making forecasts for the costs of further development logistics systems.

Types of transport and principles for determining their safety

Statistics on modes of transport divide it into two groups. By service sector:

  • public use;
  • special purpose;
  • personal use.

By environment of use:

  • ground (wheeled and rail);
  • underground (metro);
  • air;
  • space;
  • water and underwater;
  • pipeline

Each of the listed groups has its own subgroups. The most without dangerous look transport statistics determines in three ways:

  1. By mileage.
  2. By number of trips.
  3. Based on travel time.

Each agency pursues its own goals when choosing a method. Aviator statistics determine a safe mode of transport by mileage. The distances they fly are large, and tragedies happen mainly during takeoff or landing.

Automotive industries determine which is the most safe look transport according to statistics, based on the number of trips.

The most dangerous/safest vehicles in the world

The statistical method used by the American bureau DETR (Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions) is of interest. Their statistics determine dangerous modes of transport by the number of victims per 1 billion kilometers, the number of trips and the time spent. The table presents the research results:

Category Aviation Buses Railway transport Minibuses Water transport Cars Bicycles Motorcycles Hiking
By kilometer 0,05 0,4 0,6 1,2 2,6 3,1 44,6 108,9 54,2
By number of trips 117 4,3 20 20 90 40 170 1640 40
By travel time 30,8 11,1 30 60 50 130 550 4840 220

What type of transport is the most dangerous according to statistics? As it turned out - a motorcycle. This type of transport is the leader in all positions. The second most dangerous type of transport statistics is given to the bicycle. In third place are minibuses.

What is the safest mode of transport according to statistics in the world? As usual, airplanes are in the lead. Aviation safety is ahead of all others vehicles. Today, only spaceships may turn out to be less dangerous, and even then, depending on how you count.

The security situation varies greatly by region. Disaster statistics for different types transport shows that ignoring safety measures inevitably leads to tragedies. Fatalities in countries with low level incomes approach 80% of the global total. If one treats the observance of safety measures as in Bangladesh (in the picture), then it will never be possible to reduce it.

Transport safety rating in the Russian Federation

What is the safest mode of transport according to statistics in Russia? The indicators completely coincide in percentage terms with global figures. Despite the fact that 2016 was a record year for aircraft accidents, the plane is still considered a safe mode of transport. By comparison, 389 people were killed, while road wars claimed 20,308 lives.

According to statistics, the most dangerous type of transport in Russia is a motorcycle. Crashed motorcyclists on our roads account for 23% of the total number of deaths.

The remaining losses are distributed as follows:

  • motor transport – 31%;
  • pedestrians – 22%;
  • cyclists – 5%;
  • other traffic participants – 19%.

If we compare mortality in Russia with countries such as the USA, Great Britain or Italy, it turns out that the rates are 15–16 times higher. Rosstat considers dead those who died within a week after. In Europe, it is customary to include monthly deaths in mortality statistics. Consequently, the indicators in the Russian Federation may be even higher if the European methodology is used.

Federal State Institution "Research Center for Security Problems" traffic» revealed the negative dynamics of road accidents involving public transport(buses and trolleybuses). The main cause of accidents is traffic violations.

  • attempts to eliminate doubts about the reliability of the company and the poor quality of the internal security service;
  • the desire to save on;
  • desire to retain clients;
  • the desire not to give an advantage to competitors.

It is difficult to find another way to preserve cargo and reputation other than investing additional funds in security measures. All participants agree on this. Which type of transport is the most dangerous can be understood based on the analysis of thefts. compiled a criminalization rating:

  1. Automobile transport.
  2. Railway.
  3. Shipping.
  4. Air transportation.

Statistics on modes of transport enable law enforcement agencies to improve their work in protecting cargo. Thanks to statistics, transport companies can minimize transportation risks and develop logistics. And travel agencies must be confident in the safety of tourist routes.

Which transport do you prefer?

Every day we go somewhere: to work, to the store, to nearby town or neighboring country. Any person cares about his safety, especially if he goes far. If it is possible to reach the final destination using different modes of transport, people evaluate their safety before buying a ticket. Statistics and the results of sociological surveys indicate which transport is the most dangerous.

Most dangerous transport according to Russians

Sociologists are conducting large-scale research to find out which types of transport Russian citizens consider the most dangerous. Most often, Russians believe that the most dangerous type of transport is automobile transport. First of all, we are talking about buses and minibuses. However, people are more afraid not so much of the technical malfunction of public transport as human factor. You can often see a minibus or bus driver talking on the phone while driving, smoking, and charging fares. Because of the fear of missing out on profits, drivers race, forgetting that the health and lives of passengers are in their hands. The second place in terms of danger is given to trains, although ten years ago they were more feared than cars. In third place is water transport, although many people are more afraid not of the danger of accidents, but of pitching and seasickness. Aircraft took fourth place in this ranking.

What the statistics say

If we analyze the statistics on the number of casualties caused by various types of transport, we will see that people’s attitude towards cars is completely justified. Largest number People die in car accidents. The total number of victims worldwide each year is approaching 1.2 million. Second place according to statistics is occupied by trains, although they are gradually becoming safer. For example, the modern Sapsan train already has a European level of reliability. The number of deaths on water is about 2 thousand people annually, so aquatic species transport ranks third in terms of danger. Airplanes are considered the safest, since approximately 1.5 thousand people die in plane crashes every year, which is tens of times less than as a result of road accidents. However, this type of transport has a significant drawback. If a plane crashes, the chances of survival for all passengers and personnel are minimal.

Unaccounted modes of transport

Opinion polls on the topic of travel safety are conducted only on the most popular means of transportation. Rare and unusual types of transport are not included in the rating. Otherwise last place spaceships would be ranked as dangerous. The number of accidents that led to the death of people can be counted on one hand. So the safest transport so far is only in space. However, space tourism is developing, so in the future ships flying without airspace, may well be included in such ratings.

Many people believe that the most dangerous form of transport- This is a minibus. VTsIOM conducted a study according to which Russians consider planes, trains, buses and subways much safer than cars and minibuses. The maritime and river transport. Let's try to find out what the most dangerous type of transport threatens people with.

Motor transport

Cars have long been considered very dangerous to human health and life. Unpredictable roads and manual control of vehicles are factors that create great danger for road users. Self-confident car owners have the feeling that they are in control of the situation on the road. But this is just an illusion.

It often happens that accidents occur for reasons beyond the control of drivers. Mistakes are made by other road users. technical issues cars, foreign objects on the road are also dangerous factors. While you are reading this article (3 minutes), there has been at least one road accident in the country. In states where aggressive driving is considered the norm, the situation on the road is much worse.

The most dangerous type of transport- automobile, as many experts believe. The danger threatens not only the specific driver, but also all other road users. On Russian roads About 35 thousand people die every year in car accidents.

Motorcycles and bicycles

Even more dire are the situations involving two-wheeled vehicles in the form of motorcycles, unicycles and scooters. Driving in this case requires specific skills. It is no less dangerous to ride a bicycle on the roads. Inexperienced cyclists ride without a helmet, which increases the risk of injury. The dangers of cycling as a mode of transport are often underestimated.

In reality, cycling enthusiasts often become involved in road accidents because they forget about the safety requirements highways. This is especially true for extreme skiing. In the USA there are statistics reflecting the death of cyclists in the country: 700-900 people per year.


Air transport is considered less dangerous than road transport. However, airliner crashes always attract more attention than road accidents. Mourning is declared for those killed in plane crashes, since this happens simultaneously and immediately goes to the funds mass media. But what society fails to realize is that, statistically, many more people die in car accidents. Therefore, the plane cannot be called the most dangerous type of transport.

Among air transport, private planes pose the main danger to human life. The quality of their management and service is questionable. Such aircraft are not very reliable in technical terms and are more dependent on the weather than airliners of carrier companies. Flights are dangerous in themselves, no one argues with that. However, the media exaggerate the degree of danger of aircraft. It is much safer to fly a significant distance than to cover the same number of kilometers by car.

It happens that planes crash, but this happens extremely rarely. In this case, all passengers die. The mortality rate in air transport is 0.6 people/160 million km. What are the risks for passengers when flying? The chance of crashing is one in a million flights. If we consider the risks, then it is worth noting that walking is also dangerous. A person who chooses his legs as the optimal mode of transport also takes risks: he can get sick, lose his way, trip, break his leg, become a victim of robbery, etc.

Some people are afraid of flying because they cannot control the situation during the flight. While driving a car, this problem does not arise. That's why ground transport It is often mistakenly considered safer, although many people die on the roads.

Public ground transportation

If we consider public transport, buses are the most common. They are convenient, versatile and easy to use. Modern buses handle any asphalt roads well. Disadvantages of this type of transport: frequent stops, low speed, environmental air pollution when driving, etc.

Among public transport, the minibus taxi stands out. This is the most dangerous form of transport today. Minibuses and minibuses move chaotically, blocking stops and ignoring traffic rules. Trying to save time, drivers forget about the safety of passengers. During rush hours people in minibus taxis ride standing. All this leads to the fact that minibuses become the initiators of accidents more often than other vehicles. The consequences of such accidents are very severe.

How dangerous are trains and ships?

A train moves much slower than an airplane. Therefore, it is considered more dangerous. There are many risk factors here: derailment, stop valve, sudden obstacle at a crossing, etc. The mortality rate on the railway is 0.9 people/160 million km.

The most dangerous mode of transport can be considered aquatic. Accidents, accidental collisions, storms, falls from the deck are common occurrences on the water. The mortality rate in water transport is 1.2 people/160 million km. Many people prefer to travel by train because they feel safer there. However, statistics show that accidents occur more often on the railway than in the air. Therefore, if we compare railway, water and air Transport, then the last one will be the safest.

We assessed the degree of danger of the most popular types transport. It turns out that the most dangerous type of transport is cars.

Vehicles allow us to move around the world quickly and comfortably, but at what cost? Millions of people die in transport every year. We compiled a rating to identify the safest mode of transport, transport statistics from 2015 helped with this. Some ranking positions may surprise you, but you can’t argue with the statistics.

Moped and motorcycle

Mopeds and motorcycles rightfully occupy the tenth position in our ranking of the safest modes of transport. For many years in a row, such transport has been considered the most dangerous and 2015 is no exception. Of the total traffic, motorcycles make up only 1%, while 20% of deaths on the roads occur due to this type of transport.

In order to survive, you should remember that you cannot reach a reckless speed of more than 70 km/h. Desperate bravado is not only inappropriate, it can also cost the driver his life. What if he took a passenger with him...

According to statistics, 125 deaths occur for every 1.5 billion km. motorcycle rental The mortality rate of drivers of conventional cars is 28 times less than the mortality rate of motorcycle drivers. These are the modern facts.

In ninth place in the list of the safest modes of transport for 2015, the “younger brother” of the moped, the bicycle, is considered. From year to year, a bicycle is considered one of the most dangerous types of transport, according to official statistics. This year was no exception, unfortunately.

Most often, accidents involving bicycles occur when they collide with cars. The number of such accidents on the roads is constantly growing. Therefore, cyclists should be as careful as possible. Since teenagers are the most likely to die in such accidents, all parents should consider this moment. At 1.5 billion km. According to statistics, there are 35 deaths.


The metro was in eighth position in the ranking of the safest mode of transport according to statistics in 2015. In case of accidents, this type of transport destroys the lives of many people at once. And emergencies in the metro are especially dangerous for citizens. If we talk about Russia, most often the victims are passengers of the Moscow metro.

Ferries are not as safe as water transport enthusiasts would like. According to current year statistics, by 1.5 billion km. accounts for 20 deaths. In particular, it should be noted that not every death occurs as a result of a crash. There have been cases of passengers falling overboard. Water transport is also unsafe!

The spacecraft ranks 6th in our ranking of the safest modes of transport for 2015. Only 18 of the spacecraft that have been sent into limitless space since the very first flight in 1961 have failed to return. And this is despite an impressive number of vehicles of this type sent into space. There were 530 ships in total. It is worth considering that people did not die in space itself. Tragedies happened during takeoff or during landing. According to statistics, by 1.5 billion km. accounts for 7 human deaths.



Cars used to be considered an incredibly dangerous type of transport. So, how did a car turn out to be one of the safest types of transport in 2015 statistics? Everything is very simple. The machine design was significantly modified in last years. Thus, the number of accidents has decreased significantly.

New statistics show that 1.5 billion km. There are four deaths per car. However, this does not mean that you can safely forget about safety measures or become fans of crazy driving.


For 1 billion km. accounts for 0.5 deaths according to official statistics. This applies to ordinary buses. Therefore, in the ranking of the safest modes of transport for 2015, buses took an honorable 3rd place.

In Europe, this type of public transport is among the safest. Things are worse in Egypt, as well as in the Russian Federation. But still, buses are deservedly in third position in the ranking. However, we should not forget about the terrible incidents associated with this type of transport.

It’s worth at least remembering how a bus in the capital was rammed by a truck. And this is not an isolated case!


In second place are airplanes. Although, in previous years, this type of transport occupied the top line of such ratings. But, according to 2015 statistics, the plane cannot be considered one of the safest modes of transport.

However, 0.5 deaths occur per 1.5 billion km, if we also take into account small aircraft with helicopters. Commercial ships will always be more dangerous than conventional light aircraft. However, we should not forget that the worst thing in the case of plane crashes is the fact that almost none of the huge number of passengers manages to escape. And even the crew of an aircraft in plane crashes is often no luckier.

It is known that such incidents can never be an accident. When a plane crash occurs, a combination of certain factors are to blame. However, airplanes are always considered one of the safest types of transport. And statistics confirm this every year. But the most surprising thing is that people are often much more afraid of flying on airplanes than riding motorcycles.

Trains, according to 2015 statistics, are considered the most safe transport in the world and ended up in first place on our list. This is especially true for American and European trains; only 0.2 deaths occur per 1.5 billion km. to the share of trains. If we take only Russian Federation, in railway transport the mortality rate is 0.7 per 1.5 billion km, which is also not very much.

An upcoming trip to another city or a trip to the sea makes people think about what type of transport to prefer. And here some will choose the train, believing that it is safer, while others will fly by plane, spending less time traveling. What type of transport is actually considered the safest?

Public opinion

Opinion polls conducted over the past few years tend to show the same results. Of all modes of transport, passengers consider the train to be the safest.

Airplanes are among the most dangerous. Opinions regarding car travel are divided approximately equally. In a relationship maritime transport the public tends to consider it more of a safe method of transportation. But this is only the opinion of passengers who are unlikely to study statistical data on accidents, disasters and deaths associated with them.

What do the statistics say?

If people put airplanes first as the most dangerous way movement, then the statistics say quite the opposite. Statistical data is compiled in such a way that mortality (number of dead people) for 160,000,000 km of distance traveled. So during flights this parameter is only 0.6-0.7 people. Railway transport is given second place in terms of safety - the mortality rate per 160,000,000 km of track is 0.9 people. The number of deaths in road accidents is 1.6 people. Therefore, we can conclude that the airplane is the safest mode of transport, and road transport is recognized as the most dangerous.

If you still doubt that flying is less dangerous than driving a car, then here are some more facts. In 2014, there were several plane crashes in the world that claimed 884 human lives. And in our country alone, in the first six months of 2014, more than 10,000 people died in car accidents. So which transport will be safer? The answer is still obvious. Therefore, before your trip, you should weigh the pros and cons, giving preference to one or another type of transport. And to get rid of the fear of flying (if anyone has any), here are some aviation facts.

1) An aircraft lands every three seconds around the world.

2) Donkeys kill more people than plane crashes.

3) If the chance of a daily disaster is at least 0.01 percent, then at least 13 planes should crash per day.

4) A plane crash cannot be an accident - it is always a combination of certain factors.

5) Before each flight, the aircraft undergoes a strict inspection and complex technical condition check.

6) Over 80 percent of people on our planet are afraid to fly on airplanes, and 5 percent categorically refuse to do so, preferring trains or ships.

7) A plane cannot fall from a height of 10,000 km, as many fear. There is a lot of pressure under the wings of an airplane, so it floats in the air in the same way as a car on asphalt.

8) Russian pilots do not drink at the controls - this is an invention of those people who are very afraid of flying.

Reading these facts may help reduce aerophobia. However, they are unlikely to be able to help those five percent of people who do not want to board the plane at all under any pretext.


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