Travel by sea from Israel to Europe. Ferry from Greece to Israel. Land and sea transport

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The dream country, where many still want to go, is quite far away. This article will explain the routes to Israel using different types of transport, from simple options to extreme ones. In some cases, to finally hear the coveted “baruch haba” and “shalom” (welcome and hello) at the Israeli border, you will have to think and work hard.

Travel by plane

This is the simplest option. There are two air bridges from Russia to Israel. One ends in Tel Aviv, the second at Ovda airport in the south of the country near the resort of Eilat. In the first case regular flights carried out by Aeroflot, UTair, El Al and Rossiya companies from Moscow. They (with the exception of Aeroflot) fly from St. Petersburg. Donavia operates flights from Rostov-on-Don, " Ural Airlines"from Yekaterinburg, "UTair" from Ufa, the company "Siberia" from Novosibirsk and "Yakutia" from Krasnodar.

Israeli air carriers include Sundor and Israir Airlines. Irregular flights of Vim-Avia and Aeroflot companies operate to Uvdy. This option is suitable for holidaymakers traveling to Eilat, but if tourists want to go to Jerusalem, then it will be closer to them to fly through Tel Aviv (having previously purchased air tickets here).

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In some cases, it is cheaper to fly not directly, but through a third country. This option includes flights via Riga by Air Baltic (from Moscow and St. Petersburg) and Pegasus Airlines via Istanbul (from Moscow and Omsk).

Flights from Kyiv, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk to Tel Aviv are operated by UIA. From Minsk you can get to Tel Aviv or Uvda on board a Belavia flight.

Land and sea transport

This is much more difficult. Some people do not like to fly or it is contraindicated for them by their doctor. On the way you will have to overcome several countries (not always visa-free). The situation with ferries in the Black and Mediterranean Seas is constantly changing, flights may be canceled and reintroduced.

From Russia you can get to Sochi, then take a ferry to Trabzon, and from there go to Antalya. From Alanya, Turkey, there is a ferry flight to Israel (twice a week). You will spend approximately four hours at sea. If you get motion sickness, then this option is also not suitable.

From Russia and Ukraine you can get there via Odessa. Passenger ships and ferries travel between Odessa and Istanbul. There are two ferries on the route - Caledonia and Gloria. Ticket price starts from $45. From Istanbul to Alanya, and from there by ferry.

By car you can travel through Romania and Bulgaria, having previously gone through the process of obtaining visas to these countries. From Bulgaria it is easy to get to Istanbul, and from there follow the route indicated above.

It is impossible to completely exclude a sea ferry or steamship for a very good reason. Options for traveling by car through Lebanon and Syria are immediately dismissed due to the events taking place there. But, if you are tired of living or you are a crazy tourist who loves safari and discovery in war-torn countries, then you can try it. Normal travelers avoid Lebanon because the situation there is not much better than in Syria.

There is no direct train connection with Israel. You can travel by train, again to Istanbul, and then take a bus to Antalya, or go directly by sea. Beyond the Bosphorus railways are missing.

You can calmly and safely take a combined route through Jordan. Tourists fly into Aqaba, after which they quickly cross the bay by ferry and end up in Eilat. Buses run from there to the center of Israel; the journey to Jerusalem takes six hours.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we compare different types transport, then the plane definitely wins. When traveling by land and sea, you will not be able to do without visas and will spend a few extra days. In addition, the difficult situation in some countries makes such travel unsafe.

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This week I sailed for 4 days on the Ferry from Greek city Lavrio to Israeli Haifa. Due to the wars that swept across Arab countries in the last few years, land route has become not entirely impossible, but very dangerous. There are two well-known options to get to Egypt from Europe that were used before - the first by land to Jordan through Syria, the second by ferry to Tunisia, and from there through Libya. Via Syria is not at all an option now; via Libya, in principle, it is possible, but very scary :). Well, there is still an option to travel to Jordan through Iraq, but things have not been calm there for a long time.

Initially I worked on two options ferry crossing- from Greece to Israel and from Turkey to Egypt. The second option fell away during the process of communicating with the Turkish carrier - letters were rarely answered, not to the point, they could not say anything concrete - I decided not to get involved. Regarding the first option, I spoke with an agent from Haifa, here are the contacts

Alicia Rozner
A. Rosenfeld Shipping Ltd.
Reservations Dept.
T +972 4 8613 671
F +972 4 8537 002
[email protected]

The ferry leaves Greece every Monday evening. Arrival in Haifa on Friday. It takes so long to sail because it stays in Cyprus for about 40 hours.

The crossing cost me 890 euros (300 for me, 400 for the motorcycle and 190 taxes and registration of the motorcycle in Greece and Israel). In general, not sour. For this money I got a separate cabin with a bathroom/shower and three meals a day + 2 coffee breaks. They took money for the trip at the end of the trip, in Haifa.

Drivers show the wonders of parking.

I also stuck around as best I could.

The cabin itself

The ship has 9 single cabins and two double cabins for guests. There were 5 passengers in total, everyone was sailing to Haifa - me, two truck drivers from Romania (carrying meat in refrigerators) and a couple from Holland in a motorhome (based on some kind of hefty pickup truck) traveling to Namibia. In general, I enjoyed chatting with them all the way about the route. They plan to travel slowly, another 6-7 months :).

The team is about 20 people, the juniors are all Egyptians, the seniors are Cypriots/Greeks. After a hard day, we were grilling steaks right on the deck :)

During a long stay in Cyprus, I examined Limassol. For some reason I didn't like him at all.

At 6:30 Friday morning we docked in Haifa.

I left the port at 13:30 - 7 hours like crazy. First, some security guards took index fingerprints from both hands of all passengers and crew. The passengers were then interrogated/questioned about who/where/when/why. In general, I am a supporter of always telling the truth - “You’re going to South Africa, it’s very interesting. Through Sudan? Even more interesting. Do you have friends in Sudan?”, well, I’m like, “Yes, there is one friend, he studied in Perm in medical university, has already returned home for a year, lives in Khartoum,” they, “What are you saying, well, come with us then.” They took me to the torture room and interrogated me with passion for 5 hours with a motorcycle in a special room where they checked all the luggage, opened everything ( up to small bags with toiletries), what they were looking for is not very clear, maybe they thought that I was bringing components of a nuclear bomb to my Sudanese friend or something else prohibited. Well, I’m not offended, the vigilance was on point, everything was clear after that there were leisurely customs officers and more. no longer in a hurry, some incomprehensible comrades who filled out two pieces of paper for about 3 hours.

TOP-10 from TopIsrael: water cruises on yachts from Jaffa to Haifa, schooners on Lake Kinneret, catamarans on the Jordan River, glass-bottom yachts in Red and a rubber boat in the Dead Sea.

Israel is surrounded by three seas and, even though you won’t be able to sail much on one of them, the Dead Sea (although a surprise awaits you!), there are plenty of alternatives to travel by sail, boat or boat. We have already written about yacht rental in Israel, and today we offer 10 of the most attractive (not always the most worthy) options for walking on the water.

Kaif and Sababa in Jaffa
Small vessels "Bliss" And "Sababa-5" can hardly be called full-fledged yachts. These two not new schooners, one with a golden lion on the bowsprit, the other with a sonorous bell, invite you to a small half-hour sea cruise along Mediterranean Sea from Jaffa towards Cyprus, accompanied by the same lovers of cheap romantic walks. To the music of Eyal Golan, no one will tell you the legend of the Andromeda rock, not a word about the route, or offer to buy a glass of champagne. But he won’t ask high price for a walk.
Price: 25 shekels for half an hour. No schedule, no reservation. Home port: fishing pier in Jaffa.

Hayarkon River: catamarans from the 80s
Once upon a time, the famous Israeli singer Arik Einstein sang: “You can go to Hayarkon, take a boat and sail.” Today, on the banks of the river near Bnei Dan Street, there is still an old boat station where you can rent boats. True, it will be a shabby catamaran in the form of a car with bicycle pedals at a price of 110 shekels. Or, if you're lucky, one of two wooden boats with oars, apparently left over from the time of that very song in 1989. No, Hayarkon, of course, is good, green, clean... but, excuse me, it’s not the Thames.
Price: 90-150 shekels per hour. No need to book. Location: Tel Aviv, st. Bnei Dan, next to Derekh Namir.

Queen of Acre: on a longboat on Haifa Bay
In 2016, for the first time in Israel, two coastal cities were connected by a permanent cruise line. 4 days a week, several times a day, the two-masted passenger ship Malkat Akko leaves from the harbor of Acre to the port of Haifa and vice versa. A journey through the waters of the Haifa Bay takes place to the accompaniment of unpretentious music with views of the Bahai Gardens of Haifa, the walls of ancient Acre and even the silhouettes of Rosh Hanikra in the north. The voyage takes about 25-30 minutes. The ship's capacity is up to 200 people.
Price: 30 shekels (55 round trip). Purchase tickets on site. Schedule on the website.

Haifa Odelia
Among all the numerous Israeli clubs offering to rent a boat, in Haifa it is perhaps worth highlighting Aya Yam, which has three full-fledged sailing yachts - Aya, Yami and Odelia. Under sail you can celebrate a birthday, bachelor party, corporate party, enjoy a romantic sunset with a glass of champagne, or look at Mount Carmel and the Rambam hospital complex from the west. If you have a skipper's license, you can take the helm yourself. And go on a two-day comfortable cruise to Cyprus.
Prices: from 400 shekels per hour per yacht. Location: fishing port "Maagan Shavit" at the mouth of the Kishon River.

On Susita by Sea of ​​Galilee
Susita was the name of a large Greco-Roman city that stood on the slopes from the 3rd to the 7th centuries Golan Heights. “Sushita” is the name of an Israeli car that, according to legend, was eaten by camels. “Susita” was the name given to the first pleasure boat launched into the Sea of ​​Galilee in 1952. Today water park in Kibbutz Ein Gev there are 5 wooden ships, built like old longboats and accommodating from 55 to 146 passengers. Cruises pass the entire coastline of Lake Kinneret and are mainly for organized groups. Individual tourists can join only on Saturdays at 15:00.
Price: 25 shekels. Location: Kinneret, harbor of Kibbutz Ein Gev.

Kayaking on the Jordan River
Kayaks or canoes are not exactly yachts, but they are also swimming devices. Along the Jordan River you will find many clubs offering activities from rafting on inflatable rubber boats to romantic calm water kayaking. One such place is the Rob Roy Kayak Club, located at the southern source of the river. Here you will find a pastoral atmosphere with rich flora and fauna, boats and rafts, magical views and even night cruises along the Jordan.
Prices: starting from 150 shekels per boat. Length: approximately 1.5 hours. Location: Kibbutz Kvutzat Kinneret

Along the Red Sea with a transparent bottom
About the possibilities water recreation in Eilat we already told you. There are small motor boats, scooters, catamarans, yachts, and other small water transport. But the biggest attraction since ancient times has been the boats with glass bottoms, through which corals and marine fauna can be seen. The 22-meter, three-deck Israel Yam will take you past the Underwater Observatory to Dolphin Reef. Through the transparent glass bottom you will see the sea depths of the Gulf of Eilat, myriads of fish, a bottom with corals and, perhaps, even dolphins.
Price: Adult - 80 shekels, child - 50 (you can find a discount coupon) in about 1.5-2 hours. Location: harbor in Eilat

Sailing from Eilat
And finally, a real sea sailboat. Built in 1974 and completed in 1977 trip around the world 38ft wooden double deck sailboat yacht Teleri, accommodating up to 15 people, offers romantic cruises on the Red Sea, sea fishing, a sea voyage in honor of a birthday and other events. The latest unique offer: a sushi cruise, which includes a two-hour trip to the sea and a huge platter of sushi. The cost of the offer is 1200 shekels for 4 people, for each additional participant - 50 shekels on top.
Prices: call. Reservation is required. Location: harbor in Eilat

Cruise by Dead Sea
It seems impossible, but Israel is generally a country of wonders. Jackie Ben Zaken from Kibbutz Mitzpe Shalem invites you on a one and a half hour cruise on the saltiest sea in a 10-seater motor boat made of hard rubber. You will see mysterious salt caves, amazing salt stalactites, salt lagoons and others natural wonders Dead Sea. And no, you won’t get to Jordan this way; the route runs along the Israeli coast. But, if we take into account that in addition to Jackie’s boats, only the old rusty research vessel “Reshut HaYamim” sails in this body of water, then this is a unique opportunity to see the Dead Sea from a point from which few have seen it.
Price: 1800 shekels per boat. Location: Hof Mineral Beach, north of Ein Gedi. Phone: 052-4398931 (Jackie). Advance booking is required.

Yacht hotel on the waves of the Red Sea
For lovers of a completely unusual and exclusive holiday on the water, we can offer the yacht-hotel Red Sea Yachts with 3 or 4 double cabins in Eilat harbor. What’s nice is that the rental price includes not only daily accommodation, as in a regular hotel, but also 3 meals a day, and a cruise along the Gulf of Eilat with stops for swimming and snorkeling near a coral reef and playing with dolphins in the open sea.
Price: from € 535 per day. Location: Eilat marina.

Among the rather interesting facts that were not included in our TOP-10, it is worth noting that you can take a short 20-minute sea cruise around the fortress of the Old City of Acre for 10-15 shekels, rent catamarans (60 shekels for half an hour) and kayaks (30 shekels) on the lake Montfort, a 20-minute catamaran ride on the lake in the Agam Hai be-Iron park in the Upper Galilee for 40 shekels (not including the price of a ticket to the park itself), as well as the possibility of renting yachts and boats in the harbors of Ashdod, Herzliya, Haifa and other cities in Israel.

By the way, on September 22, the annual Sail TLV regatta will take place, in which hundreds of different yachts, boats, catamarans and other schooners will take part, which will leave Tel Aviv harbor, pass along the entire city coast to the port of Jaffa, after which they will turn around and go back.

You can find yourself in one of the most amazing corners of the world, whose history goes back to antiquity and whose culture is inseparable from the culture of Russia, Europe and the whole world.
Israel is a country of contrasts. The history of the Holy Land goes back more than 3,000 years, and the state was officially recognized only in 1947. Situated in the desert and mostly barren territory of the Arabian Peninsula, the Promised Land has given its citizens the most high level life in the Middle East.
Holy Jerusalem, the desert described in the Old Testament, the picturesque Jordan Valley, Eilat and Haifa, famous among tourists, are just a small part of the places that can be visited in Israel.
Sea cruises to Israel: a trip to biblical places
A cruise to Israel is one of the most interesting and eventful trips. There is no such significant, curious, famous place like the Promised Land. Sea cruise programs to Israel may vary in duration and intensity. However, in any of the tours you choose, you will feel the spirit of biblical times, see the Holy Land of the past and the modern state.
On a comfortable cruise ship you will spend several unforgettable days, enjoying the air of the Mediterranean or Red Sea and wonderful views of Israel. On the route sea ​​cruise often includes a visit to Haifa and famous Eilat.
Israel is interesting primarily for its sights. For example, in Haifa - the largest seaport in the country - you can visit Bat Galim, famous for its beaches, ancient burial caves, museums, the Carmel area, which became famous thanks to the Carmelite monks, the Lower City, which became the first district of modern Haifa, and dozens of other areas, each of which is interesting in its own way.
During the cruise you will be able to visit Eilat - real paradise for the tourist. Here you will find hundreds of ancient attractions, an enchantingly beautiful coastline, famous for its coral reefs. Eilat is a duty-free zone and is worth a shopping trip.
Sea cruise to Israel - great holiday for couples and elderly people. Improve your health on the Dead Sea coast, visit Haifa, plunge into undersea world waters of the Eilat coast... There is no point in describing all the possibilities, and it is hardly possible to cover everything within the framework of one sea cruise.
Cruises to Israel with Dreamlines: guarantee best price
Visiting the Promised Land is now easy... As part of the cruise, you can visit not only Israel, but also many other countries. Each program is unique and good in its own way. All you have to do is make a choice.
Dreamlines works with largest tour operators, organizing sea cruises to Israel. The company provides best price guarantees and the possibility of convenient and easy booking. The portal's specialists will help you select the most interesting sea cruise and tell you how to book a tour.

When it comes to a country like Israel, in the minds of many travelers there appear breathtaking landscapes of first-class resorts of the Dead, Mediterranean and Red Seas, which have long gained fame as the most budget-friendly, popular and useful in terms of wellness. Those who prefer leisure and tourism. For lovers nightlife, parties and discos, first-class dance and entertainment establishments are ready to offer their services, and surfers and diving fans will get to know the excellent coasts of two such different seas.

A nice bonus only for our readers - a discount coupon when paying for tours on the website until June 30:

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  • AF2000TGuruturizma - promotional code for 2,000 rubles. for tours to Tunisia from 100,000 rubles.

And you will find many more profitable offers from all tour operators on the website. Compare, choose and book tours at the best prices!

Today our article will focus on how to get to Israel. Together we will try to figure out which way to get to best resorts this country will be less expensive, and what types of transport can easily bring us closer to our cherished goal. Let's hit the road!

We have repeatedly stated that the aircraft is the most in demand vehicle among tourists and those who travel to foreign lands for work purposes. So now we decided to start reviewing routes with air travel. And the already familiar web resource will help you find the best deals.

It’s worth noting right away that you can get to Tel Aviv from the capital’s Sheremetyevo Airport by plane. Every day several flights fly from Moscow in this direction and you can easily find both direct flights and take advantage of cheaper offers from airlines that fly with transfers in other cities.

The cheapest offer today is from the carrier Pegasus, the cost of a flight to Tel Aviv will cost only 6800-7000 rubles. At the same time, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend about an hour and a half in the waiting rooms of Istanbul Airport. The total travel time will be 6 hours 30 minutes.

There are more quick way reach the capital of Israel by air. Direct message are carried out both by aircraft of the Israeli company and the domestic carrier Aeroflot. In both cases, the journey will take approximately 4 hours 10 minutes, and the difference is only in the cost of tickets. If you can get on board Israeli airlines by paying 9,200 rubles in advance, then flying on a domestic aircraft will cost on average 500 rubles more.

From St. Petersburg, getting to the Israeli capital will take 50 minutes longer. Direct flights in this direction are provided by Russian carrier"Russia". The cheapest direct flight will be the morning (departure at 9:35 am) flight of the Rossiya company, a ticket for which will cost tourists 11,800-12,000 rubles. But on planes of a foreign company Turkish Airlines you need to get there with a transfer in Istanbul. Accordingly, both the flight time and the ticket price increase.

Alternative routes

Despite the fact that Russia and Israel are not separated by such a great distance, air travel is practically the only way to find yourself in a resort country. If previously it was still possible to find suitable offers from bus companies, whose transport regularly ran between states, today, due to the critical situation in Syria, such routes are completely blocked.

The only way to get to Israel by bus is to fly to Jordan, and then from Amman you can take a direct flight to Nazareth. Buses make trips several times a week. You can find out more about the schedule and fares on the official website of Nazarene Tours ( You can also buy a ticket here, although you can pay for the fare directly on the bus.

You can also try to get to Israel by sea. Although such a route cannot be called fast and budgetary. If until 2002 there was regular sea communication between the two countries, then for several years now ferry companies have not been delivering tourists to the treasured shores.

Today, you can travel by sea on a cruise ship that departs from the ports of Cyprus. But be prepared for something exciting cruise will cost you a pretty penny. Just a couple of years ago, the cost of a ticket in this direction was at least 200 euros per person!

The situation is similar with railway communications. Direct trains from Moscow or other large node There is no Russia for Israeli resorts. The Arab-Israeli conflict is also to blame for this.

As you can see, visiting the treasured resorts in the current conditions is not so easy. If you are still thinking about a trip, we hope that our information on how to get to Israel will be a useful addition to the knowledge that you already have.


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