Projects on the history of the Egyptian pyramids. Our project is called “Egyptian pyramids. Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids

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  • Konovalova Oksana Nikolaevna,
  • primary school teacher
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  • Taj Mahal
  • The Taj Mahal Mausoleum, located in Agra, is one of the most recognizable landmarks not only in India but throughout the world. The structure was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, as well as a symbol of eternal love.
  • In 1983, the Taj Mahal was included in the list of sites World Heritage UNESCO.
  • Taj Mahal
  • Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs - the Shah and his beloved wife. Muslim tradition prohibits the decoration of graves. Consequently, the bodies of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan were placed in a simple crypt.
  • Exterior and interior of the Taj Mahal
  • Taj Mahal Gardens
  • The garden stretches 300 meters in length.
  • The pedestal and tomb of the Taj Mahal were built in 12 years, while the rest of the complex took another 10 years to complete. Materials from all over Asia were used for the construction of the complex. More than a thousand elephants were used for transportation. In total, twenty-eight types of precious and semi-precious stones were inlaid into white marble. Soon after the completion of the Taj Mahal, Shah Jahan was overthrown by his own son Aurangzeb and arrested at the Delhi Fort. After his death, he was buried in the mausoleum next to his beloved wife. By the end of the 19th century, parts of the structure fell into disrepair. The Taj Mahal was looted by British soldiers and officials, who carved precious materials from the walls of the building. In 1942, the government erected scaffolding in an attempt to camouflage the Taj Mahal before an attack by Luftwaffe and Japanese pilots. air force. The same action was taken during the India-Pakistan Wars of 1965 and 1971. This had an effect, and the structure remained intact and unharmed.
  • History of the construction of the Taj Mahal
  • The Taj Mahal is the main attraction of India. Currently, the complex is threatened by environmental pollution. Due to the pollution of the Jumna River, there is a threat of its shallowing and soil erosion. Cracks began to appear in the walls of the tomb, and the mausoleum began to settle. Due to air pollution, the building began to lose its whiteness and a yellow coating appeared, which has to be cleaned annually. The Indian government is taking urgent measures to close hazardous industries in Agra and expand the environmental protection zone, but this has not yet had an effect. The Taj Mahal was included in the list of the Seven New Wonders of the World, as a result of a worldwide vote held in 2007.
  • Taj Mahal
  • The Egyptian pyramids are the greatest architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt, including one of the “seven wonders of the world” - the Pyramid of Cheops and an honorary candidate for the “new seven wonders of the world” - the Pyramids of Giza. Pyramids are huge pyramid-shaped stone structures that were used as tombs for the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.
  • Egyptian pyramids
  • The Great Pyramid of Cheops, which is known anywhere in the world. It is she who is the face of the Egyptian pyramids and the largest construction of antiquity, giving rise to many secrets and legends around her. The construction of the pyramid took two whole decades and was completed in 2560 BC. Inside the Cheops pyramid there are three chambers - tombs. The lowest one is carved into the base of the rock on which the pyramid is built. For unknown reasons, its construction was not completed. Above it are the Queen's chamber and the Pharaoh's chamber.
  • Egyptian pyramids
  • The second most important pyramid is the pyramid of Khafre, the son of Cheops. It was built on a 10-meter plateau, so it seems taller than the Cheops pyramid, but it is not. Its height is 136.4 meters, while Cheops is 146.5 meters. Not far from the Pyramid of Khafre is the Great Sphinx - a monument carved into the rock. The Sphinx's facial features mirror those of Pharaoh Khafre.
  • Egyptian pyramids
  • The third great pyramid is the Pyramid of Mikerinus. It is the smallest of them, and was built the latest. It is only 66 meters in height, and the length of the base is 108.4 meters. Despite its small size, it is considered to be the most beautiful of the three pyramids. In addition, the pyramid of Mykerinus marked the end of an era great pyramids. All subsequent buildings were small in size.
  • Egyptian pyramids
  • The Egyptian pyramids do not end there; we move from Giza to other parts of Egypt. The Step Pyramid of Djoser is considered one of the largest in Egypt.
  • It is located in the village of Saqqara, and was built for Pharaoh Djoser by Imhotep himself. It occupies an area of ​​125 by 115 meters, and its height is 62 meters. This is the first pyramid of Egypt, and also very well preserved.
  • Egyptian pyramids
  • The most unusual in shape can be safely called the pyramid in Medum. It is located 100 kilometers south of the capital of Egypt, it was built for Pharaoh Huni, but it was completed by his son Snofru. It originally had 8 steps, but nowadays only the last 3 are visible. After construction, its height was 118 meters, and its area was 146 by 146 meters.
  • Egyptian pyramids
  • The Pink Pyramid is unusual in that it has a pink hue due to the special stone used for its construction. This is the third tallest pyramid after Cheops and Khafre, 104.4 meters high. Researchers believe that this pyramid was also built by the already known Pharaoh Snefru.
  • Egyptian pyramids
  • Not far from Rozovaya is the Bent Pyramid, built in the 26th century. BC e. It got its name because of its irregular shape. It was built in 3 stages, at each of which it was given different angles of inclination.
  • Statue of Liberty
  • The Statue of Liberty was built on October 28, 1886. The French gave the statue to the American people as a sign of friendship between France and America. Over the past years, the monument has been recognized not only as the personification of the friendship of the two peoples, but also as a symbol of the freedom of the American people, a symbol of the USA and New York as a whole.
  • Statue of Liberty
  • The history of the Statue of Liberty, as well as the place where it was built, is closely connected with the history of the formation of the United States. The monument was placed on a pedestal inside Fort Wood, which was built specifically for the War of 1812 in the shape of a star. For the first few decades, the complex was maintained by the U.S. Lighthouse Service, and it was not until 1924 that it became a National Monument. And in 1937, the area of ​​the monument was expanded to the borders of the entire Bedlow Island, and in 1956 it was renamed Liberty Island.
  • Statue of Liberty
  • The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island, New York State. The goddess of freedom holds a torch in her right hand and a tablet in her left. “Freedom” stands with one foot on broken shackles.
  • There are 354 steps leading to the top of the statue, and 192 to the top of the pedestal. There are 25 windows in the crown, which symbolize the precious stones of the Earth and the rays of the sun that illuminate the world. The seven rays on the crown of the statue symbolize the 7 seas and 7 continents. The plaque the statue holds in her left hand reads: “July 4, 1776.” This date is the day the Declaration was adopted independence of the United States To cast the statue, 31 tons of copper were used, and the total weight of the steel structure was 125 tons.
  • Sydney Opera House
  • Sydney Opera House - Musical Theatre in Sydney, one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings in the world, which is a symbol largest city Australia and one of the main attractions of the continent - the sail-shaped shells that form the roof make this building unlike any other in the world. The Opera House is recognized as one of the outstanding buildings modern architecture in the world and since 1973 is business card Sydney. Since June 28, 2007, the theater has been protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
  • Sydney Opera House
  • The architect of the Sydney Opera House is the Dane Jorn Utzon, who received a
  • Pritzker Prize in 2003.
  • The opera took 14 years to build and cost 102 million dollars!
  • Jorn Utzon
  • Sydney Opera House
  • The Sydney Opera House was opened on October 20, 1973 by Queen Elizabeth II of England. The Sydney Opera House is recognized as one of the most outstanding buildings of modern architecture in the world.
  • The Sydney Opera House has approximately 1,000 rooms, including 5 theater auditoriums, 2 main halls, 4 restaurants, several bars and gift shops.
  • Sydney Opera House
  • At the heart of the project Opera House lies the desire to bring people from the world of daily routine to the world of fantasy, where musicians and actors live. Every year, 1,600 performances take place here - symphony concerts, ballets, operas, theater, dance and musical productions, comedy and children's shows. This has made the Sydney Opera House one of the most creative and busy performing arts centers in the world. The Australian Ballet, Sydney Dance Company and Australian Opera Company, among others, perform here regularly.

general information

Among the Egyptian pyramids there are huge and smaller ones, with a smooth surface and stepped ones, very well preserved and reminiscent of a pile of ruins. They can be observed in Saqqara and Memphis, Hawar and Upper Egypt, Medum and Abusir, El Lahun and Abu Rawash. However, the main tourist sites Only a few are considered, namely the pyramids in Giza, a suburb of the Egyptian capital, erected, as is commonly believed, during the reign of the IV-VI dynasties of the pharaohs, which occurred in the XXVI-XXIII centuries BC. e.

Looking at these grandiose creations of human hands, you can’t help but wonder: how much effort and time was spent on the construction of such structures that seem, at least in their scale, to be absolutely useless. Either the pharaohs who ruled 45 centuries ago thereby wanted to emphasize their own divinity and the greatness of their era, or these buildings contain some hidden meaning that is still inaccessible to our understanding. But it is difficult to comprehend it, because the secrets are securely hidden under a layer of millennia, and we have no choice but to make guesses and versions, hoping that sooner or later everything secret will definitely become clear...

Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids are shrouded in an aura of myths and secrets, and with the passage of time and the development of science, there are still more questions than answers. As the proverb says: “Everything in the world is afraid of time, but time itself is afraid of the pyramids.” Interest is also fueled by various theories about the appearance of these majestic monuments. Lovers of the mystical consider pyramids to be powerful sources of energy and believe that the pharaohs spent time in them not only after death, but also during life, in order to draw strength. There are some incredible ideas: For example, some believe that the Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens, and others that the blocks were moved by people who owned a magic crystal. Let's look at the generally accepted and most likely scenario.

Religion occupied a dominant position in the life of Ancient Egypt. It shaped both the worldview of the people and their entire culture. Death was perceived only as a transition to another world, so preparation for it had to take place in advance, even during earthly life. However, the privilege of remaining “immortal” was, as it was believed, only with the pharaoh and his family members. And he, at his discretion, could bestow it on those around him. Commoners were deprived of the right to an afterlife, with the exception of servants and slaves, whom the powerful ruler “took” with him. Nothing should have interfered with the comfortable “existence” of a high-ranking deceased, so he was provided with everything necessary - food supplies, household utensils, weapons, servants.

At first, rulers were buried in special “afterlife houses”, and in order for the pharaoh’s body to be preserved for centuries, it was embalmed. These early funerary buildings - mastabas - appeared during the period of the first dynasties. They consisted of an underground burial chamber and an above-ground part in the form stone structure, where chapels were equipped and burial goods were located. In cross-section, these tombs resembled a trapezoid. They were built in Abydos, Nagadea, and Upper Egypt. The main necropolis of the then capital of the first dynasties - the city of Memphis - was located in Saqqara.

Actually, pyramid-shaped tombs began to be built about 5 thousand years ago. The initiator of their construction was Pharaoh Djoser (or Necherikhet), the first in the III dynasty of the Old Kingdom. The construction of the necropolis named after this ruler was led by the supreme dignitary and famous architect of his time, Imhotep, who was almost equated to a deity. If we discard all the fantastic versions about the contacts of the then rulers with aliens and proceed from the fact that these structures were built by people on their own, then the scale of the work and their labor intensity cannot but impress. Experts tried to establish their chronology and nature, and this is the results they came to. Since the pyramids are made of stone blocks, the question immediately arose: where and how were they mined? It turned out to be in the rocks...

Having marked in rock shape and hollowed out grooves, they inserted dry trees into them and watered them with water. They expanded from moisture and created cracks in the rock, facilitating the process of extracting blocks. Then they were immediately processed on the spot with tools and, having been given the desired shape, were sent by river to the construction site. But how did the Egyptians lift these heavy masses to the top? First, they were loaded onto wooden sleds and pulled along gentle embankments. By modern standards, such technologies look backward. However, the quality of work is at the highest level! The megaliths are so closely adjacent to each other that there are practically no discrepancies.

The Pyramid of Djoser, located in Saqqara, is considered the very first pyramid in Egypt and the oldest surviving such large stone structure in the world (its size is 125 by 115 meters with a height of 62 meters). It was built in 2670 BC. e. and has the appearance of a structure with six huge tiled steps. Because of such an unusual shape, in those distant times it was called a “false pyramid.” The Pyramid of Djoser began to attract the attention of travelers since the Middle Ages, and this interest has not dried up to this day.

The architect did not initially plan to build such a pyramid. The tomb became stepped during construction. The presence of steps clearly reveals a symbolic meaning: it was along them that the deceased pharaoh had to ascend to heaven. This structure also differed from previous necropolises in that it was built of stone rather than brick. And one more feature: the presence of a very wide and deep vertical shaft, covered with a dome on top. There is nothing like this in the pyramids built later. Of no less interest to archaeologists and Egyptologists are the marble fragments under the sarcophagus, on which carved images resembling stars can be seen. These are clearly fragments of some unknown structure, but no one knows which one.

The pyramid of Djoser was not intended only for himself, and this also differs from other similar structures. The ruler and members of his family were buried in the burial chambers, 12 in total. Archaeologists have discovered the mummy of an 8-9-year-old boy, apparently a son. But the body of the pharaoh himself could not be found. Perhaps the mummified heel found here belonged to him. Even in ancient times, it is believed that robbers entered the tomb, probably kidnapping its dead “owner.”

However, the version of the robbery does not seem so clear. When examining the internal galleries, gold jewelry, porphyry bowls, clay and stone jugs and other valuables were discovered. Why didn't the thieves take away all this wealth? Historians were also interested in the seals affixed to small clay vessels. The name “Sekemhet” was inscribed on them, translated as “mighty in body.” It clearly belonged to an unknown pharaoh of one of the powerful dynasties. Everything indicated that in ancient times the construction of another pyramid had begun here, but for some reason it was not completed. They even discovered an empty sarcophagus, the internal state of which led to the conclusion that no one was buried here...

As for the Pyramid of Djoser itself, the attraction has been well preserved to this day and is open to tourists. The entrance to it, like to other buildings on the territory, is located on the north side. A tunnel equipped with columns leads inside. The northern temple, the location of which is clear from the name itself, forms a single structure with the pyramid. architectural ensemble. Funeral services were held there and sacrifices were made in the name of the pharaoh.

Egyptian pyramids in Giza

The most famous among all the Egyptian pyramids are the so-called great pyramids located in Giza - the third largest city in the modern Arab Republic of Egypt, with a population of almost 3 million people. The metropolis is located on the western bank of the Nile, about 20 km from Cairo and is a virtual suburb of the capital.

The Great Pyramids of Giza are today the most popular ancient monuments in the country. Over the years, visiting them has become almost a ritual for tourists. Fly to Egypt and not see these majestic buildings with your own eyes? This is impossible to imagine! Many travelers even consider this place to be spiritual, connected to space, and visiting here becomes akin to some kind of healing. Latest Research showed that the builders of the necropolises surprisingly accurately directed them to the belt of the constellation Orion, which has an as yet unsolved meaning. It is also interesting that their edges are oriented to the sides of the sun, and this is done with the same precision.

The Egyptian pyramids at Giza are undoubtedly extremely impressive sight. Their sandstone facades reflect the sunlight: they are pink in the morning, golden in the afternoon and turn dark purple at dusk. It is impossible not to admire the feat of engineering and organization that resulted in millions of stone blocks being transported from one place to another and precisely stacked on top of each other without power plants and lifting equipment.

The complex of the great pyramids consists of the tombs of three ancient rulers - Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. Unlike the previous “houses after life” (macabs), these necropolises have a strict pyramidal shape. Moreover, the first of them is the only one of the seven wonders of the world that has survived to this day.

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

You can talk about the pyramid of Cheops (or Khufu) for a long time and a lot, but the story in any case will be incomplete, because it continues to keep many unsolved secrets. One of them is the focus on North Pole exactly along the meridian: with its top, the monumental structure “looks” at the North Star. It is amazing how ancient architects could make such accurate calculations without having modern astronomical instruments in their hands. This accuracy has even less error than the famous Paris Observatory.

Cheops, the second pharaoh of the fourth dynasty of Ancient Egypt, who reigned for 27 years, has the reputation of a cruel and despotic ruler. He literally exhausted the resources of his kingdom, directing them to the construction of the pyramid. He was also merciless to his people, forcing them to do back-breaking work to build their posthumous “dwelling.” The Great Pyramid was built in three stages, as evidenced by the corresponding number of chambers. The first, its area is 8 by 14 meters, was carved deep into the rock, the second (5.7 x 5.2 m) - under the top of the pyramid. The third chamber - it is the only one of them completed - became the tomb of the pharaoh. Special mention should be made about her. It stretches 10.4 m from west to east, and 5.2 m from south to north. The granite slabs that line the room fit together flawlessly. Nine monolithic blocks form the ceiling, their total weight is 400 tons.

Each cell has its own “hallway”, connected to neighboring corridors-shafts. At first, the entrance to the tomb was on the north side and was located above the base at a height of 25 meters. Currently, you can enter the pyramid from another place, and this entrance is not so high. The builders could hardly have imagined that after several thousand years their creation would become a tourist attraction, so the 40-meter corridor was made not only narrow, but also low. Numerous tourists have to cross it crouching down. The corridor ends with a wooden staircase. It leads to the same low room, which is the center of the entire necropolis.

The height of the Cheops pyramid is more than 146 meters - this is the “height” of a 50-story skyscraper. After the Great Chinese wall it is precisely this that is the largest structure ever erected in human history. The attraction is not “alone”; there are several other buildings around it. Of these, only three companion pyramids and the ruins of a mortuary temple have survived to this day. It is obvious that no less effort was put into their construction. According to the most common version, the companion pyramids were intended for the ruler’s wives.

Pyramid of Khafre (Khafre)

A pharaoh named Khafre was either the son or brother of Cheops and reigned after him. His pyramid, located nearby, is somewhat smaller, however, at first glance, it is perceived as more significant. And all because it stands on some elevation. The Pyramid of Khafre was found during archaeological excavations in 1860. The tomb of this ancient Egyptian ruler is “guarded” by the famous Sphinx, which looks like a lion lying on the sand, whose face may have been given the features of Khafre himself. Being the oldest monumental sculpture preserved on our planet (its length is 72 m, height is 20 m), it is interesting in itself. Egyptologists are inclined to think that the tombs of the two pharaohs, together with the sphinx, constitute a single burial complex. Slaves, it is believed, were not involved in the construction of this pyramid: free workers were hired for this purpose...

Top of Khafre's pyramid

Pyramid of Mikerin (Menkaure)

And finally, the Pyramid of Mikerin is the third in the complex of great monuments of Giza. It is also known as the Pyramid of Menkaure, named after the fifth pharaoh of the fourth ancient Egyptian dynasty. Little is known about this ruler - only that he was the son of Cheops (at least, this is what the ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed). This necropolis is called the “younger brother” of the two above-mentioned tombs: it was built later than the others and the lowest of them, its height is just over 65 meters. Such modest sizes indicate the decline of the ancient kingdom and the lack of resources necessary for construction.

However, the monumentality of the structure as such did not suffer from this. For example, the weight of one of the blocks used in the construction of the mortuary temple exceeds 200 tons, making it the heaviest on the Giza plateau. Just imagine what superhuman efforts had to be made to hoist this colossus into place. And the majestic statue of the pharaoh himself, seated inside the temple! It is one of the largest sculptures that personify that mysterious era... The pyramid of Mykerinus, as the smallest one, could have begun the destruction of the entire historical and architectural complex in Giza, conceived by Sultan al-Malik al-Aziza, who ruled at the end of the 12th century. Work to dismantle the necropolis lasted about a year, but the practical result was minimal. The Sultan was ultimately forced to curtail them, since his, frankly speaking, stupid and unjustified undertaking entailed exorbitant expenses.


At the base of the sacred causeway that once connected the pyramid of Khafre with the Nile, there is the Sphinx - a mysterious sculpture with the head of Khafre attached to the body of a lion. In Egyptian mythology, sphinxes were guardian deities, and this sculpture is a protective monument 73 m long and 20 m high. After the death of the pharaoh, the body of the Sphinx was gradually covered by the desert sands. Thutmose IV believed that the statue spoke to him and told him that he would become pharaoh if he cleared the sand, which he hastened to do. Since then, the ancient Egyptians believed that the monument had prophetic powers.

Solar Boat Museum

Behind the Pyramid of Cheops is the Museum of the Solar Boat, where a beautifully restored cedar boat is kept, on which dead body The pharaoh was transported from the east to the west bank of the Nile.

Useful information for tourists

The Great Pyramid complex of Giza is open to the public from 8:00 to 17:00 daily. The exceptions are the winter months (opening hours until 16:30) and the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when access closes at 15:00.

Some travelers believe that if the pyramids are located under open air and are not a museum in the literal sense of the word, then here you can feel free to climb and climb onto these structures. Remember: doing this is strictly prohibited - in the interests of your own safety!

Before you agree to enter the pyramids, objectively assess your psychological state and physical health. People who have a fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia) should skip this part of the tour. Due to the fact that the inside of the tombs is usually dry, hot and a little dusty, it is not recommended for asthmatics, hypertensive patients and those suffering from other diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system to enter here.

How much will an excursion to the area of ​​the Egyptian pyramids cost a tourist? Cost has several components. Admission ticket it will cost you 60 Egyptian pounds, which is equivalent to about 8 euros. Do you want to go to the Cheops pyramid? For this you will have to pay 100 pounds or 13 euros. A tour from the inside of the Pyramid of Khafre is much cheaper - £20 or €2.60.

A visit to the Solar Boat Museum, which is located south of the Cheops Pyramid, is also paid separately (40 pounds or 5 euros). Photography is allowed in the pyramid area, but you will have to pay 1 euro for the right to take pictures. Visiting other pyramids in Giza - for example, the mother and wife of Pharaoh Khafre - is not paid.

Many tourists admit that, after getting to know the main attractions, they leave it amazing place, literally imbued with the spirit of antiquity, I don’t want it at all. In such cases, you can rent camels for leisurely walks. Their owners wait for clients right at the foot of the pyramids. They may charge an inflated price for their services. Don’t agree to it right away, bargain and you’ll get a discount.

  • The Pyramid of Cheops is the only surviving wonder of the world.
  • The pyramids took two centuries to build and were erected several at a time. Now, according to research by various scientists, their age ranges from 4 to 10 thousand years.
  • In addition to precise mathematical proportions, pyramids have another feature in this area. The stone blocks are arranged in such a way that there are no gaps between them; even the thinnest blade will not fit through there.
  • Each side of the pyramid is located in the direction of one side of the world.
  • The Cheops Pyramid, the largest in the world, reaches a height of 146 meters and weighs more than six million tons.
  • If you want to know how the Egyptian pyramids were created, you can learn interesting facts about construction from the pyramids themselves. Construction scenes are depicted on the walls of the passages. The edges of the pyramids are curved one meter so that they can accumulate solar energy. Thanks to this, the pyramids could reach thousands of degrees and emit an incomprehensible hum from such heat.
  • A perfectly straight foundation was made for the Cheops pyramid, so the edges differ from each other by only five centimeters.
  • The first pyramid built dates back to 2670 BC. e. In appearance, it resembles several pyramids located next to each other. The architect created the type of masonry that helped achieve this effect.
  • The Cheops Pyramid is made of 2.3 million blocks, perfectly aligned and matching each other.
  • Structures similar to the Egyptian pyramids are also found in Sudan, where the tradition was later picked up.
  • Archaeologists managed to find the village where the pyramid builders lived. A brewery and bakery were discovered there.
Camels against the backdrop of the Giza pyramids

How to get there

Tourists from Russia and the CIS countries usually prefer to spend their holidays in Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada and often want to combine a holiday on the magnificent beaches with a visit to the pyramid complex in Giza. Since the resorts are located quite far from the named city, you can only get there as part of an excursion group. If you go by bus, you will have to spend 6 to 8 hours on the road. It's faster by plane: you'll get there in just 60 minutes. You can also get there by car with a driver. This is much more comfortable, but it will take a significant hit on your wallet.

Those who are on vacation in Cairo or are in the Egyptian capital on a business trip are in a more advantageous position. They can take the bus (routes no. 900 and 997) or the metro (yellow line no. 2, exit at Giza station). Alternatively, you can call a taxi or catch one in Tahrir Square. The trip will cost more than public transport, but you’ll get there faster, in just half an hour. You can go back and forth with the same car, but you will have to pay a little more.

You can get to Giza from the capital by taking a bus in the New Cairo area (aka Heliopolis), which follows one of two routes: No. 355 or No. 357. These comfortable vehicles, running every 20 minutes, are marked with the letters CTA, by which they are easy to recognize. The final stop is located just before the entrance to the pyramid zone, at the intersection.

There are fewer and fewer unsolved mysteries on our planet every year. Constant improvement of technology, collaboration of scientists from various fields of science reveals to us the secrets and mysteries of history. But the secrets of the pyramids still defy understanding - all discoveries give scientists only tentative answers to many questions. Who built the Egyptian pyramids, what was the construction technology, is there a curse of the pharaohs - these and many other questions still remain without an exact answer.

Description of the Egyptian pyramids

Archaeologists talk about 118 pyramids in Egypt, partially or completely preserved to this day. Their age ranges from 4 to 10 thousand years. One of them - Cheops - is the only surviving “miracle” from the “Seven Wonders of the World”. The complex called the “Great Pyramids of Giza”, which includes and, was also considered as a participant in the “New Seven Wonders of the World” competition, but was withdrawn from participation, since these majestic structures are actually a “wonder of the world” on the ancient list.

These pyramids have become the most visited excursion sites in Egypt. They are perfectly preserved, which cannot be said about many other buildings - time has not been kind to them. Yes and local residents contributed to the destruction of the majestic necropolises by removing cladding and breaking stones from the walls to build their houses.

Egyptian pyramids were built by pharaohs who ruled from the 27th century BC. e. and later. They were intended for the repose of rulers. The enormous scale of the tombs (some reaching almost 150 m in height) was supposed to testify to the greatness of the buried pharaohs; things that the ruler loved during his life and that would be useful to him in the afterlife were also placed here.

For construction, stone blocks of various sizes were used, which were hollowed out of the rocks, and later brick began to serve as material for the walls. The stone blocks were ground and adjusted so that a knife blade could not slip between them. The blocks were stacked on top of each other with an offset of several centimeters, which formed a stepped surface of the structure. Almost all Egyptian pyramids have a square base, the sides of which are oriented strictly to the cardinal points.

Since the pyramids performed the same function, that is, they served as the burial place of the pharaohs, their structure and decoration are similar inside. The main component is the burial hall, where the sarcophagus of the ruler was installed. The entrance was not located at ground level, but several meters higher, and was masked with facing slabs. Stairs and passages-corridors led from the entrance to the inner hall, which sometimes narrowed so much that they could only be walked on squatting or crawling.

In most necropolises, burial halls (chambers) are located below ground level. Ventilation was carried out through narrow shaft-channels that penetrated the walls. Rock paintings and ancient religious texts are found on the walls of many pyramids - in fact, from them scientists draw some of the information about the construction and owners of burials.

The main mysteries of the pyramids

The list of unsolved mysteries begins with the shape of the necropolises. Why was the pyramid shape chosen, which is translated from Greek as “polyhedron”? Why were the edges located clearly in the cardinal directions? How were huge stone blocks moved from the excavation site and how were they raised to great heights? Were the buildings built by aliens or people in possession of a magic crystal?

Scientists even argue over the question of who built such tall monumental structures that stood for thousands of years. Some believe that they were built by slaves, who died by the hundreds of thousands during the construction of each. However, new discoveries by archaeologists and anthropologists convince us that the builders were free people who received good food and medical care. They made such conclusions based on the composition of the bones, the structure of the skeletons and the treated injuries of the buried builders.

Mystical coincidences were attributed to all deaths and deaths of people involved in the exploration of the Egyptian pyramids, which provoked rumors and talk about the curse of the pharaohs. There is no scientific evidence for this. Perhaps the rumors were started to scare away thieves and looters who wanted to find valuables and jewelry in the graves.

To the mysterious interesting facts The short time frame for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids can be attributed to this. According to calculations, large necropolises with that level of technology should have been built in no less than a century. How, for example, was the Cheops pyramid built in just 20 years?

Great Pyramids

This is the name of the funeral complex near the city of Giza, consisting of three large pyramids, a huge statue of the Sphinx and small satellite pyramids, probably intended for the wives of rulers.

The original height of the Cheops pyramid was 146 m, the side length was 230 m. It was built in 20 years in the 26th century BC. e. The largest of Egypt's landmarks has not one, but three burial chambers. One of them is below ground level, and two are above the base line. Intertwining corridors lead to the burial chambers. Along them you can go to the chamber of the pharaoh (king), to the queen's chamber and to the lower hall. The Pharaoh's Chamber is a chamber made of pink granite, measuring 10x5 m. It contains a granite sarcophagus without a lid. Not a single report by scientists contained information about the mummies found, so it is unknown whether Cheops was buried here. By the way, the mummy of Cheops was not found in other tombs.

It still remains a mystery whether the Cheops pyramid was used for its intended purpose, and if so, then apparently it was plundered by looters in past centuries. The name of the ruler, by whose order and design this tomb was built, was learned from the drawings and hieroglyphs above the burial chamber. All other Egyptian pyramids, with the exception of Djoser, have a simpler engineering structure.

Two other necropolises in Giza, built for the heirs of Cheops, are somewhat more modest in size:

Tourists travel to Giza from all over Egypt, because this city is actually a suburb of Cairo, and all transport interchanges lead to it. Travelers from Russia usually travel to Giza in excursion groups from Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada. The trip is long, 6-8 hours one way, so the excursion usually lasts 2 days.

The great buildings are accessible to visitors only during working hours, usually until 17:00, in the month of Ramadan - until 15:00. It is not recommended for asthmatics, as well as people suffering from claustrophobia, nervous and cardiovascular diseases, to enter inside. Be sure to take drinking water and hats with you on the excursion. The excursion fee consists of several parts:

  1. Entrance to the complex.
  2. Entrance inside the pyramid of Cheops or Khafre.
  3. Entrance to the Museum of the Solar Boat, on which the body of the pharaoh was transported across the Nile.

With the Egyptian pyramids in the background, many people like to take photos while sitting on camels. You can bargain with camel owners.

Pyramid of Djoser

The first pyramid in the world is located in Saqqara, near Memphis, the former capital of Ancient Egypt. Today, the pyramid of Djoser is not as attractive to tourists as the necropolis of Cheops, but at one time it was the largest in the country and the most complex in engineering design.

The funeral complex included chapels, courtyards, and storage facilities. The six-step pyramid itself does not have a square base, but a rectangular one, with sides 125x110 m. The height of the structure itself is 60 m, inside it there are 12 burial chambers, where Djoser himself and members of his family were supposedly buried. The pharaoh's mummy was not found during excavations. The entire territory of the complex of 15 hectares was surrounded by a stone wall 10 m high. Currently, part of the wall and other buildings have been restored, and the pyramid, which is approximately 4700 years old, has been preserved quite well.

Danilichev Yakov

Try to most fully consider the results of currently available modern research on pyramids, talk about the different points of view of scientists on the purpose of the pyramids and the features of their construction



Odintsovo Secondary School

(143000, Moscow region, Odintsovo, Vokzalnaya str., 35a)



The world around us

"Secrets of the Pyramids"



Danilichev Yakov Kirillovich, 3rd grade

Moscow region,

G. Odintsovo, Vokzalnaya st.,

D. 37, apt. 3


Illarionova Olga Alexandrovna,

Primary school teacher

Odintsovo secondary school No. 8



  1. Introduction _____________________________________________________3
  2. Great historical monuments.__________________________________________5
  3. Mysteries of the pyramids._______________________________________________6
  4. Theories and hypotheses of the origin and purpose of the pyramids.___8
  5. Conclusion.__________________________________________10
  6. List of references used._______________________11



This work is a theoretical study. Its significance lies in the dissemination of more extensive information on the topic of the Egyptian pyramids. It is known that this topic is of great interest, especially among the younger generation, in connection with riddles, secrets and all kinds of inexplicable facts with which she is surrounded. Perhaps indications of the research results and conclusions proposed in the work will be useful in this direction.

What are the Egyptian pyramids? What are these unique structures? ancient civilization, one of the seven wonders of the world, the last one left and seemingly timeless? “Everything is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids,” says an Arab proverb about this greatest architectural monument.

Most people can answer this question easily. Moreover, even a child knows the answer. The image of powerful triangular structures against the background of the hot blue Egyptian sky has become too famous - a picture familiar to everyone. Many saw them with their own eyes, more than once, while vacationing in Egypt, and even took pictures against their spectacular background. So, the pyramids are the grandiose tombs of the Egyptian kings, who amazed people of antiquity with their power and were called upon to immortalize the name of the pharaoh. (1)

This definition has existed since the study of the pyramids began, but it must be said that now, in the 21st century, more versions of the origin and purpose of the pyramids have appeared. The fact is that the topic of the Egyptian pyramids, surrounded by secrets and riddles, is not closed in the scientific community to this day. Despite the fact that, since the end of the 19th century, countless studies have been carried out, it must be said that each in-depth study, instead of solving an incomprehensible issue, only left even more mysteries. The more advanced research methods became, the more modern instruments were used in their course, the more large quantity new questions arose before the scientific world. Gradually, new and new versions were born of what the pyramids were, how and by whom they were built, and most importantly, why. Therefore, it seems to me that in order to create the most complete picture, we need to consider all these new theories and try to draw a conclusion from all of this.

Target of this work is to show that the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids could be much more versatile than is generally believed, that their construction, which was associated with incredible human efforts and a construction scale that still staggers the imagination, must have pursued more specific and important goals, than just the creation of unique royal tombs.

I will try to show that the pyramids served not only as grandiose burial grounds for the pharaohs, but could also have been created for other – mysterious and no less grandiose purposes.

Tasks work - to try to most fully consider the results of currently available modern research on pyramids, to talk about the different points of view of scientists on the purpose of the pyramids and the features of their construction. As a result, I hope it will be possible to draw a conclusion that will to some extent reveal the mystery of these mysterious structures.


Everything secret sooner or later becomes clear.

Chapter 1. Great historical monuments.

The times of ancient civilizations have long passed; since then, many questions and secrets have remained that are of interest to both a variety of scientists and the most ordinary people. One of these secrets that still remains a mystery is that of the Egyptian pyramids.

Pyramids are huge structures made of giant stone blocks that have a pyramidal shape. The word “pyramid” is translated from Greek as “polyhedron.”(8) The very first pyramid, the Pyramid of Djoser, is stepped, reminiscent of several mastabas of decreasing size, stacked on top of each other. "Mastabas" are funerary buildings that consisted of an underground burial chamber and a stone structure above the surface of the earth. Mastabas were the predecessors of the pyramids. According to legend, this pyramid was designed by the great legendary scientist and architect – Imhotep. And the most famous were the three pyramids in Giza: the pharaohs Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. Unlike the step pyramid, Djoser's pyramids have a strict geometric shape, their edges are precisely oriented to the cardinal points. The largest of them is the Pyramid of Cheops. It was built from polished slabs of white limestone that sparkled in the sun, and this shine could be seen from several tens of kilometers away.

The first attempts to seriously study the pyramids were made by scientists at the beginning of the 19th century. Since then, dozens of expeditions have been equipped, great amount research, new research methods were invented, as well as technical and electronic devices for their implementation, scientific works were written, books were published, broadcasts were produced, but instead of solving the mysteries, scientists and Egyptologists only increased the number of mysteries.

Chapter 2. Mysteries of the pyramids.

Firstly, there are mysteries associated with the process and technology of building the pyramids. During expeditions and archaeological research, no descriptions or drawings related to the construction of the pyramids were found. Assumptions about the course and technology of construction of the pyramids were made based on existing knowledge about the construction technologies of ancient civilizations. It was assumed: the approximate number of workers is hundreds of thousands of people; methods of transporting stone blocks - along the Nile during the period of flood, when the area of ​​​​the water surface significantly increased and lengthened, allowing transportation to the maximum distance; as well as possible types of tools, devices and mechanisms. However, in all these questions there are a lot of stretches and unsupported assumptions: for example, it is known that the Egyptians did not know iron, bronze, alloys, they used only stone and copper tools, primitive plumb lines, levels, triangles and other measuring instruments. But at the same time, the two most difficult problems are the ideal alignment of the base under the building and maintaining the angle of inclination of the corner stones so that the edges merge at high altitude, - performed at the highest and most accurate mathematical level. It is simply impossible to accomplish this task with such an imperfect range of instruments at hand. It seems equally impossible to transport and, to an even greater extent, lift and install stone blocks with pinpoint precision, despite the fact that the builders had neither cranes nor other modern construction mechanisms. (7)

Secondly, the generally accepted point of view on the purpose of the pyramids - that they are simply grandiose tombs for the pharaohs - does not explain the fact that the body of a pharaoh was not found in any pyramid, nor the fact that in addition to the so-called burial chamber in the pyramids , as a result of modern research, more big number various empty rooms of unknown purpose, corridors ending in dead ends, underground chambers, etc.

And thirdly, there are features of the pyramids that go far beyond the level of development of civilization at that time and the theory about the funerary purpose of these structures.

Mathematical: the geometric structure of the pyramids contains the principle of the “golden ratio”, the number “pi” and various other features from the field of trigonometry and higher mathematics.

Astronomical: high-precision astronomical orientation of the pyramids to the cardinal points; they have moves oriented strictly towards certain stars.

Geological: in addition to local materials, granite (presumably brought from an area 900 km upstream of the Nile) and basalt of unknown origin were used in construction.

Technological: during construction, slabs weighing more than 200 tons were repeatedly used, as well as millions of limestone blocks weighing 2.5 tons; grinding methods with unknown tools were used, the accuracy and cleanliness of the drilled holes does not correspond even to modern construction drills and drills, etc. (4)

Chapter 3. Theories and hypotheses of the origin and purpose of the pyramids.

If we try to generalize all existing this moment assumptions, then we can talk about the existence of such theories:

  1. Pyramids are the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, which were built during their lifetime for a future ceremonial burial. In a number of rooms of the studied pyramids, valuable items, gold jewelry, and vessels were found that scientists associated with the funeral process. Well, most importantly, sarcophagi were found there - majestic tombs. Next to some of the pyramids there were funeral buildings - mortuary temples and others.

2. Pyramids are structures of unknown purpose, built long before the existence of Egyptian civilization by an unknown and powerful proto-civilization. The Egyptians only restored and completed their construction. This is evidenced by the striking difference in the quality of the lower tiers of the pyramids, dug out of the ground, from the upper ones, which, upon professional analysis, look like a later superstructure. And also the lack archaeological finds any tools that could be used to perform such high-quality construction operations, and construction drawings. All information about the construction of the pyramids, including the evidence of ancient historians (Herodotus), are only assumptions or stories written down from someone else's words. Some scientists call ancient Atlantis - the disappeared - as a proto-civilization great civilization, which took with it a lot of hitherto unknown secret knowledge. The famous soothsayer Nostradamus wrote that the Egyptian pyramids were built by the inhabitants of Atlantis - the Atlanteans. (5)

  1. Pyramids are technical structures that served the ancients as a kind of power plants. Modern alternative historians hypothesize that the pyramids are intended to accumulate and convert energy. They claim that electricity was known to the ancient Egyptians, they used it to cut stone slabs circular saws in the construction of temples and pyramids. This is confirmed by strange drawings found in some temples and pyramids, interpreted as images of electricity. Energy sources were allegedly found by ancient scientists in the bowels of the planet. Scientific confirmation of this is that pyramids, due to their shape, are amplifiers of seismic noise. (6)
  1. Pyramids are structures built for communication with extraterrestrial civilizations. Another hypothesis of modern alternative science is based on the identified patterns of the structure of a variety of pyramids: their structure contains many different astronomical features. Some people find the reasons for this to be to establish a connection with space for unknown needs.

Conclusion .

Thus, as can be seen from everything considered, it turns out that one really cannot limit ourselves to the officially existing theory of the origin and purpose of the pyramids, since too many facts do not fit into it, and modern research, which is still ongoing with the use of the latest electronic technologies, adds to them still new.

So, in this work, an attempt was made to prove the broader purpose of the Egyptian pyramids, to show that they were created not only for the burial of pharaohs.

I think that as a result of the work that introduced us to the most important questions regarding the pyramids, we can put forward the following assumption: the pyramids are ancient structures built long before the Egyptian civilization by an unknown proto-civilization, restored, completed and used by the ancient Egyptians for their own purposes. These purposes include the use of the pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs. But they are not limited to this purpose alone. It is quite possible that the pyramids were intended for various other purposes - for example, for storing treasures, astronomical calculations, storing secret information (which explains the fact that chambers and rooms were walled up in them). However, it is currently impossible to say exactly why. This conclusion is based on the first two theories presented in the work; the third and fourth, belonging to alternative science, are eliminated as too implausible.


  1. Antonova L.V. Amazing archeology. M., 2008.
  2. Zamarovsky V. Their Majesties Pyramids. M., 1986.
  3. Kink H.A. How the Egyptian pyramids were built. M., 1967.
  4. Lauer J.-F. Mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids. M., 1966.

5. Forward to the past. Objective history of humanity.

6. Were the ancient pyramids giant power plants?

7. Egyptian pyramids, secrets.

8. Egyptian pyramids.

Passport of the project “Secrets of the Pyramids”.

Educational topic of the project:"Pyramid".

Scientific director: Illarionova Olga Alexandrovna

Place of work: MBOU secondary school No. 8. Odintsovo, Moscow region

Contact Information: phone 89652559384;

e-mail: [email protected]


Formation of skills in collecting and processing information, materials, independence in choosing forms and methods of searching for information;

Developing a positive attitude towards work;

Fostering a culture of communication;

Formation of the ability to present materials obtained during the research.


Formation of cognitive activity of students, broadening their horizons

Formation of competence in the field of independentcognitive activity , skills with a large amount of information, the ability to see a problem and outline ways to solve it.

To form students’ ideas about the pyramid as a geometric body that keeps secrets and riddles.

Expected results:description of the educational project and materials for it; multimedia presentations, publications, materials in support of independent research, prepared in a text editor, in spreadsheets; list of resources.

Fundamental question:Pyramidology - an idle interest or a necessity?

Problematic issues of the educational topic:

2. What connection can exist between the pyramids of the Earth?

3. The influence of the pyramids - myth or reality?

4. What secrets and mysteries do the pyramids keep?

Relevance of the topic:

The pyramid as a geometric shape is perhaps one of the most perfect in nature. Matter, trying to preserve itself in the eternal struggle against time, is looking for the safest, most stable, energetically comfortable forms. The pyramid is a brilliant discovery of nature; the space in it is folded in a special way, creating a unique energy structure.

Many archaeologists, scientists, and mathematicians studied the pyramids, and each of them discovered new properties of these structures. To this day, there are still many mysteries associated with the pyramids. Future generations of scientists and researchers will have to solve them. All this aroused great interest among students and prompted them to a deeper study of the properties of the pyramids, both from a mathematical point of view and from other points of view (historical, geographical, in everyday life).

Brief summary of the project:

This project was developed within the framework of the educational topic “Pyramid”. As part of the project, students study the pyramid as a geometric body, find a mathematical basis for the geometric secrets of the pyramid; learn about the location of pyramids and pyramidal structures on Earth and their connections with each other; find out the reasons why the pyramid is recognized as one of the perfect forms; clarify the possibilities of using the pyramidal shape in the modern world.

Age of students for whom the project is designed: 3rd grade, 10 years.

Time to complete the project: 2 months

Software and hardware required for the project:

multimedia programs, multimedia encyclopedias, image processing programs, web browser, packageMicrosoft Office: word processor, XL spreadsheet, website creation wizard and Publisher.

Project implementation stages:


Student activity

Teacher activities

Organizational and preparatory

Discussion of the project topic, its goals and objectives; developing a plan for implementing the idea;

Performance problematic situation using multimedia; formation of motivation, consultation on the choice of topic and genre of the project; assistance in the selection of necessary materials, determining only the general direction and main guidelines of the search; determination of criteria for assessing student activity at all stages


Collection, analysis and systematization of necessary information; discussing it; putting forward and testing hypotheses; design of a layout or model of the project; self-control.

Regular consultation on the content of the project, assistance in systematizing and summarizing materials, individual consultations on the rules of project design, stimulating the student’s mental activity, tracking the participant’s activities, assessing intermediate results, monitoring joint activities.


Preparation of a package of documents for the project; preparation of an oral presentation and defense of the project content; reflection: putting forward, forecasting new problems arising from the results obtained

Assistance in developing a report on the work, preparing the speaker for an oral defense, practicing the ability to answer questions from opponents and listeners, acting as an expert at the defense of the project, participating in the analysis of the work done, assessing the contribution of each performer

Presentation of project results:description of the educational project in the form of a multimedia presentation.


for project work

3rd grade student

Odintsovo secondary school No. 8

Danilicheva Yakova

On the topic: “Secrets of the pyramids”

The work was completed in the form of an abstract containing encyclopedic knowledge on the topic “Secrets of the Pyramids”


The pyramids contain a huge number of secrets and mysteries. Neither in previous times, nor in our days, people could understand for whom and why these huge temples were built, and what the silent emptiness of the vast halls meant. Even today, from the perspective of a technologically advanced society, it is very difficult to give a logical explanation of how they could be created without modern mechanisms. Humanity has been trying to solve the mystery of the pyramids for more than a century. This determines the relevance of the chosen topic.

Advantages of the job:

  1. The work contains scientific information, is well composed, and deserves the attention of the competition jury.
  2. Designed for children of primary school age.

The practical significance lies in the fact that this material can be used as additional material in extracurricular activities dedicated to the surrounding world.

2014-2015 academic year.

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Project Ancient Egypt - the country of sphinxes and pyramids.

  • HYPOTHESIS The ancient pyramids of Egypt contain a great many secrets and mysteries.
Until today, scientists have assigned the pyramids only the role of sarcophagi of the pharaohs - the rulers of the country and the Egyptian priests. People, neither in previous times nor now, could understand for what purposes and for whom these gigantic temples were built.
  • Question: Is it possible to unravel the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids?
  • Objective of the project:
  • Explore the mysteries and secrets of the Egyptian pyramids.
  • Project objectives:
  • Why were the pyramids built?
Find out how and from what the pyramids were built?
  • What pyramid construction methods were used to create the pyramids? What does the Sphinx symbolize? Find out what mysteries the Egyptian pyramids hold? First group: Why were the pyramids built?, the afterlife was a similarity to the earthly one, and a dead person needed housing and food just as much as a living one; the tomb was thought of as the home of the deceased. This also gave birth to the desire in Ancient Egypt to preserve the body of the deceased, or at least the head.
  • So, the tomb in Ancient Egypt - the house of the deceased - was supposed to serve as a room where the mummy would be completely preserved, where the statue of the deceased would be placed and where his relatives could bring everything necessary for his nutrition.
THE FIRST PYRAMIDS The Egyptian pyramids are objects of world historical and cultural heritage. This is how the pyramid grew. Moreover, when making giant blocks it was not at all necessary to make them entirely from a solidifying liquid solution.
  • The shape of the pyramid has miraculous properties.
  • In particular, it was revealed that not only the shape of the pyramid is important, but also its proportions, as well as the orientation of the pyramid to the cardinal points.
  • As numerous studies show, the maximum effects occur at the geometric center of the pyramid and above its top.
  • Note that the Great Gallery ends in the geometric center of the Great Pyramid - one of the most impressive and carefully executed “details” of the pyramid. Here begins the horizontal passage into the so-called “king’s chamber”, replete with numerous incomprehensible details: differences in height, grooves in the walls, granite lintel, etc.
  • On the other hand, it was at the top of the Great Pyramid, according to Egyptian mythology, that its most important element was located - the Ben-Ben stone.
SECRETS OF THE GREAT PYRAMID OF CHEOPS (PI NUMBER) Why did the ancient architects achieve such high accuracy if this accuracy could not even be noticed by the naked eye? We know only one thing for sure: the pyramids were aligned to the north because the Egyptians believed that a dead pharaoh became a star in the northern sky.
  • This majestic monument is fraught with many secrets and mysteries; for thousands of years it has been shrouded in myths and legends, it has been worshiped and feared, it has seen the change of eras and civilizations, and only it, the Sphinx of Giza, has remained the imperishable and silent keeper of the secrets of the distant past.
  • 1. He was once considered an eternal god. He then fell into the trap of oblivion and fell into an enchanted sleep. What secret does this majestic guard keep? In the myths of the ancient Greeks, the Sphinx is a monster generated by Typhon and Echidna, with the face and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird. The Sphinx settled on a mountain near the city of Thebes and asked everyone who passed by a riddle - “Which living creature walks on four legs in the morning, on two during the day, and on three in the evening?” childhood, maturity and old age.” After this, the Sphinx threw herself off the cliff.
  • 2. Another legend tells that this huge predator guards the peace of the pyramids day and night, and with the help of the “third eye” monitors the circulation of the planets, Sirius and the rising of the Sun, feeding on cosmic power. In exchange for this he had to make sacrifices. 3. Another legend says that giant statue The mysterious beast is guarded by the “elixir of immortality.” According to legends, the founder of esoteric knowledge, Hermes Trismegistus, owned the secrets of making the “philosopher’s stone,” with which metal could be turned into gold. Also, the “philosopher’s stone” was the basis for the creation of the “elixir of immortality.” According to legend, Trismegistus was the son of an Egyptian god named Thoth, who built the first pyramid on the banks of the Nile and erected the Sphinx next to the pyramid complex in Giza, designed to protect the recipe for the “elixir of immortality”, which was hidden in its depths.
  • 4. Initially, in myths, the Egyptian Sphinx retained the features of a lion with the head of a man. He wandered along the roads near Parnassus, devouring passers-by. In the myths of the ancient Greeks, the Sphinx is a monster born of Typhon and Echidna, with the body of a lion, the face and breasts of a woman, and the wings of a bird. Having settled on a mountain near the city of Thebes, the Sphinx asked everyone who passed by a riddle - “Which living creature walks on four legs in the morning, on two in the afternoon, and on three in the evening?” Those who failed to solve the riddle were killed by the Sphinx. Oedipus was able to give the answer - “Man in childhood, maturity and old age.” After which the Sphinx threw herself off the cliff. 5. The Arabs living in the area called the statue Abul Khol, which translated means “father of horror.” As philologists have established, the full name of the statue meant “the living image of Khafre.” Thus, the Sphinx was the embodiment of King Khafre with symbols of royal power and the body of the king of the desert. Consequently, in the understanding of the ancient Egyptians, the Sphinx in one person represented a god and a lion guarding its pyramid.
  • Many mystical teachings and magicians of all times have tried to find magical explanations for the purpose of the Sphinx. Here is what the classic of occultism Eliphas Levi wrote in his “History of Magic”: “Hermes Trismegistus formulated his symbol, called the Emerald Tablet: “What is below is like what is above, and what is above is like what is below, for actions of miracles of one essence." Light is Isis, or the moon, fire is Osiris, or the sun; they are the mother and father of the great Tellus, and she is the universal substance. Hermes Trismegistus states that these forces reached their absolute manifestation at the moment when the earth was created. Four manifestations of a single substance were represented by the Sphinx. His wings corresponded to air, his bull's body to earth, his woman's breasts to water, and his lion's paws to fire. This is the secret of the three pyramids with square bases and triangular faces guarded by the Sphinx. By erecting these monuments, Egypt tried to erect the Pillars of Hercules of universal science.
Sensational secrets of the Sphinx revealed during its renovation
  • Time has been kind to this great monument ancient history, but people treated him much less respectfully. One Egyptian ruler ordered the Sphinx's nose to be taken off. At the beginning of the 18th century, the giant's face was fired from a cannon, and Napoleon's soldiers fired guns into his eyes. The British beat off the stone beard and took it to the British Museum.
  • Nowadays, the acrid smoke of Cairo factories and car exhaust are destroying the stones. In 1988, a huge block weighing 350 kilograms broke off from the Sphinx’s neck and fell. The emergency condition of the sculpture caused concern among UNESCO. Renovations began, sparking renewed interest in the mysteries of the Sphinx and the opportunity to re-examine the grandiose sculpture. The discoveries were not long in coming.
  • The first sensation: Japanese archaeologists, led by Professor Yoshimura, using special instruments, first illuminated the massif of the Cheops pyramid, and then examined the stones of the Sphinx. The conclusion was amazing: the stones of the sculpture are older than the blocks of the pyramid.
  • The second sensation: under the left paw of the stone lion, a narrow tunnel was discovered leading towards the Cheops pyramid.
  • The third sensation: traces of erosion were discovered on the Sphinx from a large flow of water that moved from north to south. It was not the flood of the Nile, but a biblical catastrophe that occurred around eight to twelve thousand years BC.
  • Fourth sensation: French archaeologists made an interesting remark: the dating of the Egyptian stream coincides with the date of the death of the legendary Atlantis!
  • Fifth sensation: The face of the Sphinx is not the face of Khafre.
  • It is believed that the Sphinx was built by Pharaoh Khafre 4.5 thousand years ago. For more than half of its life, the sphinx was buried up to its neck in sand. Since it was heavily damaged by erosion, the idea of ​​greater antiquity of the sphinx arose: erosion from water, rather than from sand and wind. Geological research showed the same. 10 thousand years ago there were lakes in the Sahara. Schock and West presented their findings at the Geological Society of America's annual meeting. A furious debate began between geologists and Egyptologists. The front and sides are more susceptible to erosion. While the back part is smaller, which means it was most likely made later. The front is twice as old as the back. How old is the sphinx? At first glance, the face of the sphinx is absolutely similar to the face of Pharaoh Khafre, which seems to prove the time of its creation. But a detailed analysis of all the parameters showed that the face of the sphinx and the face of the pharaoh are not identical. Proportions and shapes do not match. And special studies were done that proved that the faces on the sculpture of Pharaoh Khafre in the Cairo Museum and the face of the Sphinx are different.
  • The Sphinx has always been considered the keeper of knowledge, the guardian of the portal leading to the world of higher intelligence, a symbol of the strength of human nature... The personification of the unity and balance of the forces of the nature of the earth with the higher forces living in the Universe. Everything came together in the Great Sphinx. The perfect symbol of initiation into eternal life. And the mystery of the origin of the Sphinx goes back to time immemorial. What do we know about those times? Practically nothing, but the legends and myths that have survived to this day raise many questions and practically do not provide answers to them. However, it can be assumed that in the mists of time a highly developed civilization existed on our Earth, and its representatives, possessing developed science, could foresee the coming catastrophe and try to preserve their knowledge for future generations. One of the ancient legends says: “When the Sphinx speaks, life on Earth will go out of its usual circle.” But for now the Sphinx remains silent...
  • When was it built? When was it reconstructed? In honor of whom and by whom it was created... Most likely, there will never be exact answers to these questions... After all, the deeper science advances, the more questions arise...
Fourth group: What mysteries do the Egyptian pyramids hold?
  • The famous archaeologist John Kinnaman, before his death in 1961, spoke about an amazing adventure that happened to him in his youth. According to him, in 1924 he visited a previously unknown tunnel under the Cheops pyramid. He stumbled upon the entrance to it completely by accident. The scientist claims that after the tunnel he found himself in a room filled with numerous mechanisms of unknown purpose.
  • In 1945, 20 years after Kinnaman's adventure, the son of the King of Egypt, Prince Farouk, wandered near the pyramids. By chance he pressed on some slab at the base of the Sphinx. Suddenly, a hidden mechanism worked, revealing the entrance to a tunnel that led down to large rooms. There, according to the prince, there were... robots.
  • And in 1998, between the Sphinx and the Pyramid of Khafre, 250 meters from the base of the Pyramid of Khufu, a mysterious shaft filled with water was discovered.
  • Archaeologist and surveyor Flinders Petrie, having examined the pyramids, made his conclusions about the technology of their construction. According to Petrie, the ancient craftsmen had at their disposal a class of tools “that we have only recently reinvented,” for example, saws at least 2.5 meters in length, made of bronze, and their cutting edges are equipped with diamonds.
  • Even greater mystery surrounds the treatment of the internal cavity of the sarcophagus. To do this, the Egyptians had to “move from reciprocating cutting to rotary cutting, as if turning a saw into a pipe.” Naturally, none of the Egyptologists managed to find the diamond drills and saws themselves. However, the nature of the surfaces processed by drilling and sawing convinced him of the existence of similar tools among the ancient Egyptians.
  • What kind of instrument this is, how they worked with it, how they maintained such high precision remains a mystery.
  • One strange feature has been noticed behind the Egyptian pyramids: they can have a destructive effect on the most modern and precise equipment. According to some reports, up to 80% of electronic devices that have been near the pyramids fail. Old Cairo residents say that during the Arab-Israeli war of 1967, three Israeli planes that tried to fly over the pyramids of Giza at low level crashed into the sand one after another for a completely unknown reason. Ordinary Arabs explain this as the “curse of the pharaohs.”
  • French scientist Jacques Bergier built a cardboard model of the Pyramid.
  • Scientists have made sure that perishable foods are preserved for a long time in the Pyramid model.
  • A pendulum suspended above the top of the model swings to the side or rotates slowly around the top.
  • Plants first gravitate towards the east, then describe a semicircle, moving from south to west.
  • Czech inventor Karel Drabal adapted a similar model for self-sharpening razor blades in 1959, and received a patent for this unusual invention. According to Drabal, he shaved with the same blade, placing it in the model overnight, more than two thousand times! The pyramidal shape is believed to capture cosmic energy.
  • Using a computer, it was possible to reconstruct the starry sky above Great Pyramid in 2500 BC. It turned out that in those days one of the southern corridors of the Cheops Pyramid was precisely directed towards the star Sirius, which the Egyptians identified with the Goddess Isis. Another southern corridor pointed to the lower of the three stars that make up Orion's Belt, a constellation believed to be the home of the God Osiris, who brought civilization to the Nile Valley.
  • The use of a computer made it possible to calculate the exact coincidence of the Orion Belt and the three largest Egyptian pyramids - this moment belonged to 10642 - 10546 BC. BC, although all three pyramids were completed around 2500 BC, the plan for the complex at Giza was drawn up 8000 years earlier! It was passed down from generation to generation until the time when it was possible to combine internal corridors with the direction to the desired stars!.
  • The pyramid complex tells in the language of geometry the mathematical, astronomical and geographical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians - from the number "pi" to the diameter of the globe.
  • Based on the information studied, the students came to the conclusion that the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids have interested scientists since time immemorial. There are many different theories about the origin, construction of the pyramids, and their mysteries.
  • And at the present stage, many mysteries remain unsolved.
Informational resources
  • Art of the countries of the East. - M., 1986
  • Encyclopedia for children. - M., 2000. T.1
  • Chemist I.A. How to teach world artistic culture. – M., 1994
  • Large department of World History. General history of art. http:\\
  • Fine arts: history, styles. ah, styles. http:\\www/
  • Story Ancient world. Electronic supplement to the textbook for grade 5 http:\\www/


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