Beautiful places in Mordovia. Sights of Saransk. Musical Theater named after I. M. Yaushev

Before traveling abroad, you should think about whether you want to visit interesting places in your country? Eg, great place For cultural recreation and enjoying nature can be the Republic of Mordovia, the attractions of which are described below.

Culture of Mordovia

Modern large museum complexes in the republic the expositions of the Mordovian United local history museum(it also has nine regional branches), the Mordovian Republican Museum of Fine Arts (this institution has three branches), the Temnikovsky Museum of History and Local Lore, as well as the Museum of Military and Labor Feats and many others.

The beginning of the last century brought fame throughout the world to a local sculptor who became famous thanks to his work. He owes his pseudonym to the name of one of the Mordovian nationalities. The significance of his work is recognized by specialists from many countries, and has also become widely known in the republic itself. They try to promote his creations because in them he emphasized the peculiarities of local culture.


The Saransk fortress was built in the middle of the 17th century, where the rivers called Insar and Saranka merge, from which the name of the city subsequently came. It survived the era of peasant wars, was besieged and was taken by Stepan Razin and his troops. Already in the 18th century, the troops of Emelyan Pugachev entered the city, whom the population greeted with great honor.

If you have a little free time to get acquainted with it, you should try to look at least at the building of the Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery, where the grave of Admiral Ushakov is also located.


The city of Temnikov is considered to be the oldest in the city. Attractions, photos of which you can see below, include the building of the famous local history museum, as well as many old buildings that convey the atmosphere of past centuries. In addition, the Church of the Assumption is located in Temnikov Holy Mother of God. Also here you can look at the exhibition of the house-museum of composer L.I. Voinova.

Mordovian Nature Reserve

Territory of the Mordovian state nature reserve is located in the Temnikovsky district (Republic of Mordovia). The attractions listed in this article cannot be covered without it. The reserve is located in the vicinity of the village of Pushty. Here you can also see the exhibition of the Museum of Nature, which includes a large number of samples of the flora and fauna of the region, as well as photographs. The reserve occupies a significant area of ​​woodland. Also, some protected species of animals live there, including deer, beavers, black storks, etc.

Famous people

Republic of Mordovia (sights and famous people described in this article) is proud famous people who grew up and lived on its territory. There is information about Archpriest Avvakum, as well as others, belonging to it. In addition, the legendary division commander and singer Lydia Ruslanova is considered a Mordvin.

Among those living today, we should note the singer Nadezhda Kadysheva, the model Natalia Vodianova, and the artist Nikas Safronov. If we talk about the Mokshans, then it is worth mentioning Nikolai Mordvinov, who was a famous public figure in the 19th century, as well as the Hero of the Soviet Union Andrei Kizhevatov, who defended the Brest Fortress during the Great Patriotic War. In addition, Saransk researchers discovered that Vasily Shukshin also had Mordovian roots.

Mordvin is a famous hockey player. Several years ago a famous actor came to the republic French origin Gerard Depardieu. It was here that he was immediately after he accepted Russian citizenship. The actor was well received by government officials and ordinary people in the city of Saransk. The newspapers reported that Depardieu promised to buy real estate on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia.

The Republic of Mordovia is one of the most comfortable regions for living Central Russia. It is no coincidence that the French actor Gerard Depardieu purchased housing here and received registration. It is also the closest republic to the capital. The border of Mordovia is only 330 kilometers from Moscow.

The republic is home to many nationalities with their own customs and culture. The population is careful about preserving traditions.


The capital of the republic and one of the host cities of the World Cup, held in the summer of 2018, Saransk is famous for its well-established infrastructure. It has repeatedly been included in the top six most favorable and safe Russian cities for living. According to statistics, even the number of crimes committed here is two times less than in other cities Russian Federation.

The first mention of Saransk dates back to 1641, and its population in 2018 reaches about 319 thousand people. In 1670, the Saransk fortress was captured by an army led by Stepan Razin, and in July 1774, the peasant leader Emelyan Pugachev stayed in the settlement, who rebelled against the imperial power.

Saransk acquired the status of a city only in 1780, and in 1785 the Russian ruler Catherine the Second issued a decree on the reconstruction of the city, as a result of which most of the ancient buildings were demolished and new streets were formed.

Among the places worth seeing in this city are the following.

  1. The Star of Mordovia fountain, which is officially recognized as one of the tallest fountains in Russia. It is equipped with color music and is located on Millennium Square, built several years ago. The shape of the fountain resembles an element of the Mordovian national ornament. This landmark was created as a symbol of the unity of the Mordovian people with the Russians for a whole millennium. That is why the square was named that way.
  2. The temple in honor of the admiral and church leader Fyodor Ushakov, built in 2006 and considered the highest in the Volga region. Nearby there is a monument to the family - a sculptural structure representing parents and children walking around the city. This is a popular place for photography.
  3. Monument to Patriarch Nikon. Dedicated to the sixth Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', who actively contributed to the inculcation of the Christian faith among the Mordovian people in the mid-15th century.
  4. Square of victory. The memorial complex, on the territory of which there are several museums dedicated to military art and technology, a chapel, a monument to soldiers who fell during the First World War, an Eternal Flame and other structures, among which stands out the statue of Mother Mordovia, depicted as a woman in a national costume and festive headdress, who blesses her son, a soldier, going to war. This composition symbolizes a tribute to the memory of all fallen soldiers.
  5. Park named after Pushkin. Located along the embankment of the Saranka River. The park has many attractions, a Ferris wheel with a view of the entire city, and also has its own zoo with exotic animals.


One of the ancient cities of Mordovia. Temnikovskaya fortress was built in 1536 on the site of the village Old city and was related to the Kasimov kingdom. Only in 1930, already during the reign of I.V. Stalin, the city was annexed to the Republic of Mordovia.

Tourists who come to Temnikov should visit such places as:

  • the local history museum named after Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, where historical exhibitions are presented illustrating the life and customs of the local population from ancient times to the present day;
  • Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, erected in memory of the people's militia of 1812;
  • a number of merchant houses, where the furnishings of the dwellings of urban burghers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are still preserved, and the architectural buildings have practically not changed their original appearance.


A village located on the banks of the river of the same name. Previously belonged to the Penza province. About 650 people live in the village, the ethnic composition of the population is mainly Russian. Until the mid-nineteenth century, an ironworks operated here. Currently, the village has a secondary school, a post office, a medical center, the Lisma-Sivin sanatorium, several monuments, as well as the restored Kazan Church.

Many famous Soviet and Russian figures were born and raised in this village. These include linguist and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. N. Gvozdev, historian B. N. Gvozdev, Honored Weightlifting Coach of Russia N. S. Agapov and others.

Historical and cultural monuments

Smolny National Park

Address: Smolny village, st. Topolei, 11A
Telephone: 8 (8343) 32‑74-65
Operating mode: 00:00 – 00:00 Mon-Sun, Tue – day off
Price: admission ticket from 100 rubles

Located in the Ichalkovsky and Bolshe-Ignatovsky districts of the republic, next to the Alatyr River. The Kalysha and Yazovka rivers also flow through the park, merging with the Alatyr.

The park was opened in March 1995. Currently, its area is more than thirty-six hectares, on which broad-leaved and coniferous forests. The park is home to fauna that is protected due to the threat of extinction. In some places the park area is swampy.

The park annually hosts scientific forums and conducts research expeditions aimed at studying the life activities of local inhabitants.

Natural attractions

Lake Inerka

Coordinates: 54.063067, 45.887104
How to get there: is located 17 km from the village of Bolshie Berezniki

The maximum depth of the lake reaches twelve meters, but its length is about three kilometers. The Sura River flows into it.

On March 6, 1983, the lake acquired the status natural monument republican significance, since it is home to many species of fish and other inhabitants underwater world; Waterfowl listed in the Red Book nest along the shores of the lake.

The coniferous and deciduous forests surrounding the lake are rich in mushrooms and berries. This is a good place for hunting and fishing. Auto racing competitions are also held here on the shore every summer.

Mordovian State Reserve

Address: village of Pushta, Temnikovsky district
Telephone: 8 (8344) 52‑96-35
Operating mode: 08:00 – 17:00 Mon-Fri, Sat, Tue – days off
Price: Free admission
How to get there: by bus to the city of Temnikov

The natural site was opened on March 5, 1936. It was established in honor of the zoologist and ecologist P. G. Smidovich. Valuable species of trees and shrubs grow here, as well as endangered populations of animals and birds.

In the summer of 2010, most of the reserve was damaged by a fire that broke out due to abnormal heat. More than 12 thousand hectares of forest were damaged, and many representatives of local flora and fauna were killed.

Temples and churches

Makarovsky St. John the Theologian Monastery

Address: Makarovka village, st. Nagornaya, 35
Telephone: 8 (927) 274‑50-55
Operating mode: 08:00 – 20:00 seven days a week
How to get there: buses No. 31, No. 7 and minibus No. 15 to the stop “Pos. Lukhovka", further on foot

In the distant past, until the seventeenth century, a graveyard was located on the site of this monastery near Saransk. Temples began to be built at the churchyard on the initiative of the Polyansky family of landowners, who occupied a prominent position both in the district and at the royal court of Peter the Great and subsequent rulers.

Saransk was founded in 1641 as a fortress called Saransk Ostrozhek (from the word sara - swampy floodplain). The fortress was built of wooden logs, square in plan with towers at the corners, in the center of the walls and with one tower inside.

TO XVIII century the wooden fortress fell into disrepair, the city turned from a defense city into a trade and craft city, and the streets began to be built on a rectangular layout.

Since 1991, Saransk has been the capital of the Republic of Mordovia and has a population of just over 300 thousand people. From historical fortress not a trace remained, and for the 2018 FIFA World Cup the city center was rebuilt beyond recognition, so it was very interesting to go and look at the “new things” in Saransk.

First Saransk Train Station was built in 1893. In the early 1940s. the station square was expanded, and the station building was rebuilt in the style of Soviet constructivism with columns and statues.

In 2009, the Soviet station was demolished and a new building was built in its place. railway station, now it looks like this:

In the center station square A monument to the stratonauts was erected.

A stratonaut is a person who has flown into the stratosphere on a stratospheric balloon.

Monument to the Stratonaut Heroes erected in Saransk in 1963 in honor of three pilots who crashed during a descent in the south of Mordovia.

By Lenin Avenue We go to the center of Saransk. What an interesting color scheme for the fences, the only thing missing is the sign “Attention! Fence!"

The central streets in Saransk are dubbed in the Mordovian (Erzya and Moksha) languages. Erzya and Moksha are two subethnic groups of the Mordovian people. I am very glad that the small peoples of Russia do not forget about their roots.

House of Unions(Lenin Avenue, 12) was built in 1957, classified as an architectural monument of regional significance, it has not been touched. And behind the House of Unions a ridiculous plastic box peeks out, this is the Ministry of Finance.

On the way I met fox with cubs. The fox is a symbol of Saransk; it is depicted on the city’s coat of arms, as an indicator of the wealth of Mordovian forests in valuable fur-bearing animals.

At the address Lenin Avenue, 11 is located gymnasium No. 12. In 1934, a school was built on this site, which in 1991 received the status of a gymnasium.

In 2001, reconstruction was completed and the building changed beyond recognition, now the 12th gymnasium looks like this:

And here it is Ministry of Finance closer (33/1 Kommunisticheskaya St.), isn’t it a terrible building, probably built around the 2000s.

And this is what the same building looked like before, without the ugly extension and plastic trim:

Good that National Bank of the Republic of Mordovia occupies an old Stalinist building, otherwise it would look the same as the Ministry of Finance.

House of the Republic- residence of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia. Located on Sovetskaya Square. Built in 1987, it's a wonder it hasn't been rebuilt into plastic crap.

Here on Sovetskaya Square is another Soviet building untouched by plastic - House of Soviets, decorated with Mordovian patterns. The building was built in 1939 and now houses the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia.

Soviet squareoldest square city, is a pedestrian section of Sovetskaya Street. And not a single bench. Why?

Building administration of Saransk was built in 1915, initially it housed a merchant's club and a teachers' seminary. The building was given the status of an architectural monument of the history and culture of Saransk at the beginning of the 20th century.

The corner house with a clock and a boarded-up front entrance (47 Krasnoarmeyskaya St.) is incredibly eye-catching.

The city clock did not appear on the house right away. The photo is from around the 60s. you can see the same house without a clock. At that time this section of the street was still passable.

Square of victory– memorial part of Saransk. Here it is Eternal flame, a monument to those killed in the Great Patriotic War and a very strange building at first glance - a museum of military and labor feats.

Museum of Military and Labor Feat was opened in 1995. According to the architect's plan, the building is made in the shape of the borders of Mordovia, and on top is decorated with a kokoshnik with copper medallions. To add a sense of mourning, the museum is lined with granite slabs in the colors of the St. George Ribbon. To be honest, this whole structure looks ridiculous and even scary.

Eternal flame And monument to the soldiers of Mordovia who died in the Great Patriotic War, installed in 1970. The sculpture depicts Mother Mordovia presenting a sword to her soldier son. Columns with a memorial wall were installed in 2005.

In 2000 it was built Chapel of Alexander Nevsky(red).

New guy Cathedral of St. Theodore Ushakov was built in 2006.

Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov was a talented Russian naval commander and admiral, won 43 naval battles and did not suffer a single defeat, did not lose a single ship in battle, not a single subordinate was captured. Since 2001, he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a locally revered saint of the Saransk and Mordovian diocese.

Monument to Admiral Ushakov was installed on the cathedral square also in 2006.

To the right of cathedral can be found family monument, installed here in 2008. The monument is located as if the family were heading to the temple, a clever idea.

Matrimonial Palace(Sovetskaya St., 47a) - another collective farm plastic box.

On one side of the cathedral square shopping mall Rio and some kind of space office building.

On the other side is the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Mordovia.

Main Post Office, you are amazing! (Bolshevistskaya st., 31)

The new building was built in 2013 on the site of the old main post office, which stood for 77 years (from 1934 to 2011).

What could not be demolished is lined with fiberglass on all sides.

Republican Children's Library, open since 1960. In 2010, Ogarev Plaza was built next to the library.

Or the 26th building of the Mordovian State University, next to it the construction of a hotel is being completed (screenshot from Google maps).

Out to Millennium Square. It was built in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of Russia, which took place in 2012.

Previously, the central sports stadium “Svetotekhnika” was located on this site. Until 2010, it was the home arena of the Mordovia football club. In the summer of 2010, demolition of the stadium began, on the site of which Millennium Square was built.

A fountain and a universal sports hall “Arena Mordovia” were erected in the center of Millennium Square. It’s good that it’s labeled on the map, otherwise you might accidentally think that this is just another shopping center.

New first building of Moscow State University(Mordovian State University) named after Ogarev - Chinese version of MSU (Moscow State University) named after M.V. Lomonosov.

The U-shaped extension next to it is the administrative and library (main) building; they did not demolish it or rebuild it, they just lined it with plastic. Now the main building looks far from being the main building.

The old first building was built in the 40s and was demolished in 2011. Construction of the new building was completed in 2016.

National Library named after A. S. Pushkina(26 Bogdana Khmelnitsky St.) was founded in 1899, and moved to the current building in 1970. In 2009, a new 9-story building was added to the library building, and floors were added to the old building and double-glazed windows were inserted.

This is what the old building looked like before reconstruction. It’s even somehow disrespectful for the library.

We turn onto Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

Gray plastic box – entertainment complex.

Next, the yellow building is the Meridian Hotel. This is a new building. Before him, a mansion was built on this site in 1947, where important guests of Saransk stayed. Since 2000, it has housed a children's hospital. In 2010, the mansion was demolished and the current building appeared in its place.

Red building - State Musical Theater named after. I. M. Yausheva, also a new building in 2011.

Republican Palace of Culture(Proletarskaya St., 39), was completely rebuilt in 2012.

It was originally built in 1974 and looked absolutely terrible. But what they rebuilt it into looks at least funny.

The street is communist, again fences with striped posts and another blue shopping center on the horizon. Oh, no, this is the main post office.

The last attraction we will see in Saransk is museum fine arts them. S. D. Erzi(Kommunisticheskaya st., 61).

Stepan Dmitrievich Erzya(real name - Nefyodov) - Russian and Soviet artist, sculptor, master of wood sculpture, representative of the Art Nouveau style. The pseudonym reflects the artist’s belonging to the Erzya ethnic group within the Mordovian peoples.

The museum has been operating since 1958, when it was still located in the fire station building. In 1976, a new building was erected, which still welcomes visitors.

If you have time, be sure to visit the Erzya Museum.

The capital of Mordovia, Saransk, has many interesting sights. These are museums, cathedrals, parks, theaters and much more. Residents and guests of the city enjoy visiting these wonderful places. By visiting the sights of Saransk, you can learn about the present and past of Mordovia, and immerse yourself in the culture of this people.

What to see in Saransk?

The most interesting and popular places with photo and description.

1. Museum of Fine Arts named after. S.D. Erzi

This landmark of Saransk is an important cultural monument of the Republic of Mordovia. It began to bear its modern name in 1995. The works of the outstanding sculpture and artist Stepan Dmitrievich Erzya are collected here. Also presented are the works of the Soviet artist-painter F.V. Sychkov and portraitist I.K. Makarova.

IN central building there are western and eastern buildings connected by a passage. The third building houses the exhibition hall of the drama theater. In other rooms you can see paintings, graphics, and sculpture. Works of Mordovian folk and decorative and applied art are presented. There are exhibits of Russian art of the 18th–19th centuries.

The museum has many state awards. This is an important cultural and educational center. It is visited not only local residents, but also guests from other cities of Russia, countries near and far abroad.

2. Cathedral of St. Theodore Ushakov

The number of parishioners of the Church of St. John the Evangelist grew every year. During the visit of Patriarch Alexy II to Saransk in 2000, the Divine Liturgy was held on the square, since the cathedral could not accommodate everyone. There was a need to build a cathedral of greater capacity. The site for construction was chosen in the city center.

The erected cathedral was named in honor of the Russian naval commander Fyodor Ushakov. His monument is located opposite. The cathedral is the tallest temple building in the Volga region and the most beautiful architectural landmark of Saransk. It can accommodate more than 3 thousand parishioners. The temple has 4 belfries with 12 bells. The largest weighs 6 tons.

3. Park of Culture and Leisure named after. A.S. Pushkin

A great place to relax in Saransk is Pushkin Park. He is one of the best in Russia. Back in the 19th century, trees were planted on Assumption Square. The garden was named after A.S. Pushkin. A bust of the poet was also installed here.

Folk festivities have been held in the park for a long time, proms, theatrical performances. For this purpose, a dance floor and summer coffee were built. Now the territory occupies approximately 40 hectares. Modern attractions, a flower calendar, and a green portrait of Pushkin appeared. Visitors can climb to the heights and view the surrounding area from a Ferris wheel. In the park you can meet the heroes of Pushkin's corner. On weekends, a brass band awaits its spectators.

4. Museum of Mordovian folk culture

This popular landmark of the city of Saransk is located in an ancient building from the early twentieth century. The museum contains a collection of ceramics, household items, icons, tools, tools Agriculture. At the permanent exhibition you can get acquainted with the life, way of life, and rituals of the Mordovian people. Exhibitions of the work of individual artists are constantly organized here. Thematic exhibitions reflect the creativity of Mordovian masters: “Lace Fairy Tale”, “Wood Carving” and many others. At the museum, children and youth of the republic get acquainted with educational programs aimed at preserving the historical and cultural heritage and aesthetic education.

5. Musical Theater named after. THEM. Yausheva

The modern building is a colorful four-story palace. He has a very Big hall and the stage. Adjacent to this palace is a building of nine floors.

The theater dates back to 1935. At first, musical comedies were staged here. Later it was an opera and ballet theater. The landmark has been named after Honored Artist of the RSFSR I.M. Yaushev since 1994. This talented performer has been loved by the public for many years.

The musical theater of Saransk stages performances and hosts festivals. Famous performers often perform on stage. They sound in the theater musical works world classics and composers of Mordovia.

6. St. John the Theologian Monastery

The architectural complex dates back to the construction of the Church of the Archangel Michael in 1702. Later the St. John the Theological Cathedral appears, and then other buildings. At the beginning of the 19th century, a temple of the Icon of the Mother of God was built on the territory. In the 30s it was destroyed and then restored. The “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is also kept here.

The architectural design of this landmark of Saransk is quite interesting. In the center of the symmetrical pentagon is the Church of St. John the Evangelist. On both sides of it are the Arkhangelsk and Znamenskaya churches. There are towers in the corners. Externally, the monastery resembles a temple-fortress. The belfry previously served as an alarm signal. A large number of people could be hidden in the basement behind thick walls.

Nowadays, the monastery is visited by pilgrims. It is open to all believers. Quite recently, a Sunday school was opened in the monastery.

7. Mordovian Republican United Museum of Local Lore

The largest museum in Saransk began its history in 1918. At first it was a small building in which exhibitions of various objects from family mansions were organized. After the revolution, museum funds were significantly replenished. The museum moved several times to different locations. Now it is located on Moskovskaya Street. Originally there was a church here.

Household items are collected here, archaeological finds, books, painting, sculpture, furniture. An interesting exhibition of weapons, collections of coins, watches and much more. The first hall is dedicated to a wedding in compliance with Mordovian customs. The history of the region is traced from hall to hall. Archaeological finds dating back to the Stone Age are presented. The second floor is associated with the history of the 20th century. This is very interesting place, which is worth a visit in Saransk.

8. Museum of military and labor feats

This museum was opened in Saransk in 1995 in memory of the heroic struggle of the Soviet people during the Second World War. It is located on Victory Square. The outline of the building follows the borders of Mordovia. The building is faced with granite in the colors of the St. George ribbon. The roof resembles a Tatar kokoshnik.

Four halls are equipped:

  • "Glory";
  • “Fiery front roads”;
  • "Commanders";
  • "Continuity".

In the first hall there is a mosaic of soldiers and home front workers. The second contains various exhibits on a given topic. The third room displays images of Soviet commanders, as well as various weapons. The “Continuity” hall commemorates the period of the war in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

The museum contains uniform items and samples of weapons from the war years. There are archival documents, photographs, letters, awards. Visitors can see thematic sculptures and paintings by Russian artists. In front of the museum there is an exhibition area with equipment from the Great Patriotic War.

9. St. Nicholas Church

The five-domed red brick building was built in 1906. This is one of the ancient temples of Saransk. Before the revolution, the church was called Peter and Paul Church. After the establishment of Soviet power, it was used as a warehouse and workshop. Despite this, it survived.

Since 1990, the temple has been illuminated in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. IN last years it was restored and equipped. The power and severity of the forms of this architectural landmark of Saransk is given by red brick. The gilded domes are visible from different parts of the city.

10. Millennium Square

One of the most important attractions of the city is Millennium Square. It was opened during the celebration of the anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with other peoples of the Russian state. The territory is lined with paving stones of different colors with national ornaments. There are a lot of green spaces, unusual structures, and benches.

The recreation area is reminiscent of European style. On the square there is one of the tallest color and musical fountains in the country in the shape of a star. At its base there is a symbol from the national pattern. There is a special area where you are allowed to walk on water.

Often guests of the capital show interest in the huge stone. A map of Mordovia of the 10th century and family signs of the Rurikovichs are carved on it. There are many other places in the square where you can have a good rest. The National Library is also located here, and the state university is located nearby.

11. National Drama Theater

The Mordovian Theater was founded in 1932. At first, here one could see scenes based on the works of Russian classics in the Mordovian language, and later performances by national authors.

The new theater building was opened in 2007. It is connected to the Museum of Fine Arts. The external walls are decorated with dark red brick. Inserts of Mordovian ornament were used. The ceremonial columns alternate with bronze sculptures of women and men in national costumes. The theater group participates in various festivals and travels with productions to other cities. Spectators enjoy visiting the theater.

12. Russian Drama Theater

Performances based on the works of classics can be seen at the Russian Drama Theater. Almost half of the troupe has the titles of People's and Honored Artists. The creative, professional team participates and wins in theater competitions and festivals of various levels. The theater's repertoire is varied. Both classics and “informal” performances are staged here.

13. Mordovia Arena

The football stadium in Saransk is unique architectural structure. It was specially built for the 2018 championship. The structure consists of a two-story basement. Sloping walls protect spectators from the wind. The stands are divided into 4 parts. Among them there is a family area, specially equipped for the disabled, and a VIP area. Each sector has an entrance and an emergency exit, a toilet and a catering facility.

The stadium is conveniently located from the airport, bus station and railway station. There are also hotels and other key infrastructure facilities nearby.

14. Ice Palace

A modern sports complex in Saransk was opened in 2007. He takes large area. The main arena seats 3 thousand visitors. Sports schools are located on the territory of the sports complex figure skating, hockey, short track. The palace's arenas host sporting events and ice shows. The working condition of the ice is maintained using modern equipment.

Museums and theaters, religious centers, sports complexes and other worthy sights of Saransk are always waiting for their visitors.

Mordovia is a republic within the Russian Federation, belonging to the Volga region and located in the western part of this region. The capital of this Volga republic is the city of Saransk. Its history as an independent region began in 1930, when the Mordovian Autonomous Region was formed. Four years later, the autonomous region received the status of a republic within the RSFSR.

According to the nature of the relief, the republic can be divided into two parts: its West Side is located on the Oka-Don Plain, and the eastern, more extensive one is on the Volga Upland. From the northwest to the southeast of the region, the natural zones also change - the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests gradually turns into the forest-steppe zone.

Mordovia has many cultural, historical and sports attractions, and also has unique monuments nature, of interest to guests of the republic.

This museum, located in the capital of Mordovia, is considered the oldest cultural institution on its territory. It was created in 1918 through the efforts of about a hundred local historians, who spent years collecting exhibits for it. In 2001, the museum officially became one of the institutions with the greatest cultural value in the republic. Another 4 years later, he was given the name of Ivan Dmitrievich Voronov, a local historian who distinguished local history as an independent science, literary critic and writer.

The museum has a historical exhibition, a department modern history and exhibits telling about the nature of the region. The total number of its exhibits exceeds 200 000 . Here you can get acquainted with valuable books, collections of coins, ancient weapons, and also see stuffed animals of different species.

Location: Moskovskaya street - 48.

This wonderful museum is located in Saransk. It exhibits the world's largest collection of works by the famous sculptor Erzya. Also in the museum you can contemplate the works of artists Sychkov and Makarov. These three cultural figures are natives of Mordovia.

The museum has an art salon where you can not only view, but also buy your favorite works of painting and sculpture by contemporary authors.

Location: Kommunisticheskaya street - 61.

The museum is located on Victory Square in Saransk. It was opened for the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory. The area on which it is located is memorial Complex. The granite slabs on the facade of the museum are designed in the form of a St. George ribbon, and the roof is stylized as a Russian kokoshnik.

In the museum you can see letters from the front, war photographs, awards, personal belongings of soldiers, samples of weapons and military archives. Also in its collections there are works of art that show the heroism and courage of our soldiers. In addition, it presents an exhibition on the topic of modern local wars.

Location: Sovetskaya street - 34A.

The locomotive depot museum is located in Ruzaevka, a large railway junction and one of the main centers of railway transport in Russia. At the entrance to the museum there are two soldiers with guns, as was the case at the beginning of the twentieth century. Museum visitors are given an excellent opportunity to learn the history of the legendary steam locomotive "Cuckoo", which is considered a symbol of Ruzaevka, as well as about the local depot and railway transport the beginning of the last century.

Location: Lenin street - 48.

The Mordovian State National Drama Theater is located in the capital of the republic. In addition to classical performances, here you can see productions by Mordovian playwrights, which are performed in the Mordovian languages ​​(Erzyan and Moksha) with simultaneous translations into Russian. Theater actors actively tour the territory of the republic and neighboring regions where Mordovians live.

The theater has existed since 1889. Then it was organized by those who returned to their small homeland graduates of the Shchepkinsky Theater School, who were given an ancient house at their disposal. Since 2007, the theater has been located in a new building.

Location: Sovetskaya street - 60.

One of the attractions of Saransk is the musical theater. Concerts are held there classical music, operas, operettas, comedy musical and ballet performances are staged. The theater opened in 1935. By the beginning of the 75th season, the theater was allocated a new building. Its auditorium began to accommodate more than 700 people. In terms of its acoustic characteristics, this hall is one of the best in Russia. Then, in 2011, it was named after the Mordovian singer I.M. Yausheva.

Location: Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street - 36.

The cathedral was built in Saransk in 2006. It was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II. The cathedral building was erected in the Empire style, and the dome is made in the neo-Byzantine style. The temple rises 62 meters from ground level. It has 4 bell towers, each of which has 3 bells made in Tutaev using ancient technologies. The cathedral can be visited by more than 3,000 people at the same time.

Location: Sovetskaya street - 53.

The Church of St. John the Evangelist in Saransk was erected in 1693 on the site where there had previously been an old wooden church.

At the end of the 30s, the temple was closed and the NKVD archive was placed here. In 1944, the church was reopened to parishioners. For a long time it was the only functioning church in the city. Since 1960, the temple has been included in the number architectural monuments federal significance.

Location: Democratic street - 28.

The monastery is located on the territory of the Ruzaevsky district in the village of Paygarma. In 1865, an icon of the martyr Paraskeva was discovered on the territory of a rural church, and in connection with this significant event, it was decided to build a monastery here, which would bear the name of the saint. The territory of the monastery covers an area of ​​about 11 hectares. Its temples, chapels and bell towers were built in different architectural styles, and in general architectural complex The monastery looks very harmonious. The monastery is regularly visited by many pilgrims seeking spiritual growth and searching for their true path.

Sanaksarsky monastery located near the town of Temnikov on the banks of the Moksha River, surrounded by pine forests. Its history began in 1659. The most revered shrines of the monastery are the relics of the saints St. Theodore, the righteous warrior Theodore (Ushakov), St. Alexander the Confessor, as well as the icon of the Mother of God. Pilgrims from all over Russia come to touch its shrines.

This is the main national library of Mordovia. It began its existence in 1899, when a library-reading room was created through the joint efforts of the intelligentsia of Saransk. Her visit was absolutely free.

At first there were very few books in it, but through donations its fund gradually increased. In 1939, the library became republican and allocated separate building. In 1970 it was moved to a new building, where it is still located.

Recently, a 9-story building was added to it, which made it possible to increase the size of the library several times. Among its many divisions there is a department entirely dedicated to the work of literary figures of Mordovia. The institution has established close contacts with other libraries of the Finno-Ugric peoples, including those located in foreign countries.

Location: Bogdan Khmelnytsky Street - 26.

The reserve is located on the right bank of the Moksha River. Almost its entire territory is covered predominantly pine forests. The age of the pines growing here is estimated at 300-350 years. There are also mixed forests where pine, birch, linden and oak trees grow. In river valleys you can find spruce forests.

The floodplain meadows are very beautiful, where you can find more than 1000 species of herbaceous plants, including rare ones. Animal world The reserve is represented by species characteristic of various natural areas– from the taiga to the steppe. Brown bears, wolves, badgers, beavers, bison, muskrats and many other species of animals, including rare birds, are found here.

Lake Inerka is located near the regional center of Bolshie Berezniki in the valley of the Sura River. This is one of the most beautiful and largest lakes in Mordovia (56 square kilometers). Its banks are covered with coniferous-deciduous and birch forests.

Tourists like to pitch their tents on the shores of the lake. Here good places for fishing, and in the coastal forests you can pick mushrooms and berries. In addition, off-road rallies are held annually near the lake.

This amazing park is located in the Leninsky district of Saransk. In the park you can stroll along picturesque alleys, cross the streams flowing through its territory, climb wooden bridges with railings made by masters of artistic forging, and relax in gazebos covered with green ivy. Everywhere there are sculptures of heroes from fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. The park has a variety of attractions and is home to the country's largest zoo. This favorite place It is a place of recreation for residents of Saransk; both adults and children love to visit it.

Location: Krasnoarmeyskaya street - 12.

The legendary instigator of the peasant uprising visited Saransk in the early summer of 1774. He spent only a few days in these places, during which he managed to execute many representatives of the nobility and clergy who displeased him and publish a manifesto on freedom for the serfs.

In memory of those events, a monument to Pugachev was erected in Saransk. The tent of the leader of the peasant war, which is an ancient house made of stone, was also preserved.

Location: Korolenko and Volgogradskaya streets (crossroads).

This is the largest sports facility in Mordovia, which trains athletes of all levels in many sports. The sports complex has been open since 2004.

Location: Stroitelnaya street - 13.

The Saransk Sports Palace hosts sports competitions from city to all-Russian levels. Competitions take place here aquatic species sports, different types wrestling, gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, basketball and volleyball.

Location: Polezhaeva street - 34.

The opening of this stadium took place in Saransk in 2004. It hosts competitions in team sports, aquatics, athletics, speed skating and cross-country skiing. Part sports complex includes 4 gorgeous football fields, 2 of which have a natural finish.

Location: Moskovskaya street - 12.

This is the one new stadium, where part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup matches will take place in 2018. It is located in the valley of the Insar River near the center of Saransk.

Its main façade faces the embankment and the city center. More than one person may be present at the same time 44,000 viewers. The stadium has sectors with separate entrances for fans of visiting teams, a family sector and places for people with disabilities.

Location: Volgogradskaya street - 11.


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