How to get from Old Riga to Jurmala. Forest, sea and cultural recreation, or how to relax in Jurmala. How to get from Riga to Jurmala

Since the 19th century, Jurmala has been known for its resorts, sanatoriums, mineral springs, healing mud, and has not yet lost its reputation in the eyes of Russian citizens. Many stars of domestic show business at one time acquired “summer houses” here near the coast. Anyone who has never even been to Latvia knows that Jurmala is a beach, a resort, a sea and... what else? It was precisely for the sake of answering this question that we went for a walk around Jurmala.

Initially, the city was formed from fishing villages merged together. Sandwiched between the Gulf of Riga and the winding Lielupe River, Jurmala stretches along the coast for as much as 30 km. And the “loop” of Lielupe conditionally divided the city into “kings” (on the right) and “beggars” (on the left).

After the Great Patriotic War, Jurmala was included in Riga (the distance between them is only ~20 km), but, 13 years later, it again became an independent city.

Dzintari - an elite district of Jurmala

Sea air and pine forest, ecologically clean area, 5 minutes to the beach. Once in Jurmala, take the time to stroll along Dzintari Avenue and look at the new area and luxury houses. Developers claim that this block will become a legend.

For the first time, we decided to start our walk around the city not with the sights, but with luxury real estate. And, as it turned out later, this is the best thing you can see in Jurmala.

It would be better without fences, but even so it is a very pleasant modern quarter.

The houses are all low-rise, austere, and do not deviate from the natural environment.

All residents have their own underground parking, so instead of cars there are flower beds under the windows, and the sidewalks are free for walking.

The reverse side of the houses is also more than attractive.

Or what about more rounded shapes?

Of course, not all of Dzintari Avenue is built up with modern housing; there are also private villas - nice wooden and brick houses.

It's not clear if anyone else lives here?

And if you walk along the avenue from beginning to end, you can see several local attractions.

Blue Castle– a villa that once belonged to Kristaps and Augusta Morberg, and is now owned by the University of Latvia. The building is listed as an architectural monument. The interior design uses a combination of Gothic, Renaissance and Art Nouveau styles.

Lutheran Church, built with donations from vacationing German parishioners in 1889. It was also called Waldkapelle (Forest Chapel). After World War II, the church was given over to the archive of film and photo documents, and its interior was radically changed. In 1998, restoration work began.

For entertainment nearby, there is the modern Dzintari Park with an observation tower and a ropes course.

Height observation tower– 38 meters, free climb. The balconies, floors and steps are made of lattice, and at the top the tower sways slightly in the wind, like a real tree.

The view from the top of the lookout is exclusively of the forest and a thin strip of sea.

The Tarzans ropes course mentioned above is designed for both kids and adults.

The second entertainment for residents of the elite area, of course, is the sea, a 5-minute walk away.

And the beach, empty and deserted.

At first glance, Dzintari is a wonderful area to live in, quiet, calm, with modern infrastructure, close to the sea and a pine forest.

Sights of Jurmala – Majori district

The tourist point of Jurmala is the Majori district, adjacent to the elite Dzintari. The tourist area is represented by one pedestrian street and a beach.

Pedestrian street Jomas(Jomas) is a center of attraction for tourists at any time of the year. Of course, the peak of activity occurs in the summer months; the rest of the time, the street is quite deserted.

The Globe Monument is a prominent landmark for tourists. In the evening the lights come on and he Earth starts to spin.

The pedestrian street is 1.2 km long and lined with various shops, restaurants and hotels.

There are more than enough restaurants here! Prices are Moscow and higher.

Here is another nice house-hotel:

We continue to walk along Jomas.

Spa hotel of the same name – Jurmala.

Cultural center of Jurmala.

Literally around the corner is located gallery of luminous paintings(Inner light art gallery), where you can come both as a spectator and as an artist.

Lacplesis statue- the hero of the Latvian epic with a raised sword, chopping a dragon. In the original version, a stream of water from the dragon’s mouth hit Lachplesis’s shield, and large toads sat in a circle, from which streams of water also poured at the hero’s feet. The fountain was later dismantled, but the sculpture remained.

A huge flower bed blocks the way. And across the road is the Majori railway station.

If you move a little away from the pedestrian street, you can see several more attractions of Jurmala.

Memorial dacha of Rainis and Aspasia, located on Jana Plieksana Street. Rainis bought the dacha in the fall of 1926 and lived in it with his wife Aspasia from 1927 to 1929. The dacha is a complex of three buildings - typical examples of wooden architecture in Jurmala, which are historical monument national significance.

Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady was built in 1884. At that time, the Catholic Church could only be opened with special permission from the Emperor, which was difficult to obtain, so the building was built as Gym. The tower was only built in 1911.

Kilometers sandy shore - the main attraction and pride of Jurmala, for which crowds of tourists come here. Actually, the beach itself looks terribly sad. In the thick of the trees one can see the former E. Ratsene bathhouse(formerly a medical clinic).

The main entrance to the beach in the Maiori district is decorated with a huge bronze turtle. Another hotel is in the background.

The main tourist area of ​​Jurmala has been passed, all the souvenir shops, painted facades, expensive restaurants and exhibition halls are left behind. Let's go see the life of ordinary citizens.

Dubulti district - remnants of luxury

Immediately behind the pedestrian street, another life began, ordinary, without pathos and tourists.

But, since the Dubulti district follows immediately tourist area Majori, for some time you can still see carved villas and mansions.

Many of them, however, are not in the best shape.

And now the familiar panels flashed on the horizon.

In fact, in Dubulti you can find several significant attractions of Jurmala.

House-Museum of Aspasia(Aspazijas maja), which belonged to the famous Latvian poet and playwright Johanna Emilia Lisette Rosenberg. Aspazyai is the pseudonym under which it was published. Next to the house there is a small square, entering which you can hear the poetess’s poems in recording.

Lutheran Church in Dubulti was built in 1907. The church in Dubulti is the most expressive object in the entire area and is the most monumental and magnificent Art Nouveau building in Jurmala.

Orthodox Church in the name of Saint Prince Vladimir, built in 1898. It was built after a petition in which it was noted that many Russian Orthodox summer residents wanted to have an Orthodox church nearby.

Here in Dubulti we saw the first grocery store.

Public transport in Jurmala is represented by buses and minibuses.

From the beginning of the rain we decided to escape by bus towards the most remote areas: Vaivari and Sloka.

Vaivari and Sloka districts – feel at home

Vaivari district(Vaivari) is one of the most remote from the tourist center. Tourists do not come here, luxury apartments and hotels are not built here. They live in Vaivari ordinary people, and that’s why the area looks like this.

But in Vaivari you can go grocery shopping. There are several Maxima and Rimi stores to choose from.

New Catholic Church.

And old, unkempt houses. The landscape is painfully familiar to any Russian citizen, and you feel as if you have returned home.

Imperceptibly moved to the neighboring one Sloka area(Sloka). From the outside it is not at all clear where one area ends and another begins.

Sloka High School, built in 1907, the only school in Sloka until 1940. During the First and Second World Wars the school had an infirmary.

Evangelical Lutheran Church Sloka- the most old temple Jurmala. Built in 1854 with reconstructions in 1869 and 1903. The church has the following cultural and historical monuments: an 18th century organ, stained glass windows, an altar painting and memorial plate fallen in the First World War.

Library in Sloka originated in 1885 and at that time consisted of 43 books. In 1892, the library collection already had 432 books. The library has occupied this premises since 2000. In front of the entrance there is an open book with mice walking through its pages.

And this Sloka bus station where we were leaving from. The only scarier bus station is in Nizhny Novgorod.

This is how the resort, beautiful in pictures, turned into harsh reality.

How to get to Jurmala from Moscow?

Most the best option- this is first to get to Riga by LuxExpress bus (other methods are described), and then transfer to an electric train or bus to Jurmala. If you plan to see the modern district and park of Jurmala, then you disembark in Dzintari, if you need to get to the historical center and the pedestrian street, then you need to get off at Majori.

And the Baltic countries, located 25 km from. Resort area Jurmala is a long strip (32 km long and 3 km wide) between the Gulf of Riga and the Lielupe River. Population – 56,147 people (2010).

is a park city, built up mainly with two-story mansions of original architecture, wooden architecture and modern cottages. Everything here is quiet, leisurely and calm, clean tiled paths, narrow streets, houses surrounded by greenery, trimmed lawns and flower beds.

The beaches of Jurmala are famous for their white quartz sand, shallow sea and meet the highest European standards of cleanliness, infrastructure and safety. The beaches are made unique by the tall pine trees bordering them, the air rich in pine needles and cozy dunes. On central beaches In Jurmala it is prohibited to smoke and walk dogs.

Jurmala has unique mineral springs And healing mud. Sanatoriums and boarding houses in Jurmala have a long-standing experience in treating many diseases.

The Dzintari Concert Hall annually hosts the KVN music festival and the international competition for young performers “New Wave,” as well as the “Jurmalina” festival, “Full House” performances, and other concerts and festivals.

The main pedestrian street Jomas is always crowded with tourists, and most importantly - it leads to the very the best site beach: from Bulduri to Maiori with many summer cafes and volleyball fields.

The city is home to one of the two residences of the President Republic of Latvia, most large water park in the Baltic countries (Livu Akvaparks), the cottage-museum of Jan Rainis and his wife, the poetess Aspazija.

Last changes: 03/30/2012

Districts of Jurmala

Jurmala is divided into 16 districts: Priedaine, Lielupe, Bulduri, Dzintari, Majori, Dubulti, Valteri, Jaundubulti, Pumpuri, Melluzi, Asari, Vaivari, Sloka, Kauguri, Jaunkemeri, Kemeri.

The region closest to Riga is Lielupe- quiet suburban village luxury cottages. There are several hotels, a bowling center and, a little to the side, closer to the highway, indoor tennis courts, a sports center and a water park - Livu Akvaparks. From Lielupe you can walk to the central Jomas street in about an hour, but it is better to take a minibus.

Lielupe is followed by the region Bulduri. This is usually the first station that Riga residents go to on weekends. It’s also quite quiet here, but the beach is livelier than in Lielupe.

Districts Dzintari And Majori– this is the center of Jurmala – the most active tourist life takes place here. Here is located concert hall"Dzintari". The main pedestrian street Jomas runs along Majori, where most of the restaurants and cafes are located, and new small business-class hotels are being built.

Beyond Maiori, within walking distance are the areas Dubulti And Yaundubulti.

Districts Pumpuri, Melluzi, Vaivari, Jaunkemeri– quite far from the center of Jurmala, large Jurmala sanatoriums are located here in silence. The most convenient way to get to the city center from here is by minibus in 15-20 minutes.


During the time of Bishop Albert (1165-1229), the forested peninsula on which Jurmala is located belonged to the Zemgale district, and the place where the Lielupe flows into the Daugava was called the Zemgale port.

Duke Jacob had his own plans for Lielupe. He wanted to build a canal connecting Lielupe to the sea in the Sloka area to facilitate the movement of ships to his capital Mitava. This project remained unfulfilled.

The first swimming places were organized in Dubulti. Other old part Jurmala is Sloka, which received the status of a village in 1785 and a city in 1878. Sloka developed thanks to a paper mill that operated from 1896 until the 1990s.

In the 19th century, following Dubulti, other fishing villages on the current territory of Jurmala became resorts.

Kemeri became a state resort of the Russian Empire in 1838, after the discovery of mud and mineral springs there.

At the beginning of the resorts' existence, communication with Riga was only by horse. Regular ferry line from Riga to Lielupe was opened in 1833, and railway line Riga-Dubulti - in 1843. This allowed the opening of new bathing places in 1848 in Dzintari, Majori, Melluzi and Asari. They became even more accessible with the opening of the Riga-Tukums railway in 1877, and the Riga-Jurmala highway in 1905.

On March 2, 1920, the Latvian government created the city of Riga Seaside (Rīgas Jūrmala) from resort villages.

At the beginning of 1946, Jurmala was included in Riga as a separate district, to which Priedaine was annexed in 1949. Finally, on November 11, 1959, the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR decided to create the city of Jurmala, which included the Jurmala district of Riga, as well as Sloka and Kemeri.

In Soviet times, the active development of the resort took place in the 70s and 80s. Unlike the places of mass recreation - Crimea and Sochi, Jurmala is becoming a “fashionable resort”, with a certain touch of bourgeoisness. The first variety show in the USSR, "Juras Perle" (where Laima Vaikule began her career), opens here, one of the first bowling alleys, all-Union song festivals are held, etc.

IN last years Jurmala is experiencing a rebirth. Streets and sidewalks are dressed in elegant colored tiles. New cafes, restaurants, small European-class hotels are opening, and many large hotels are being reconstructed. The city's cultural event schedule is tightly scheduled throughout the season.

Jurmala still has a special charm, a certain touch of mystery and attractiveness. It’s not for nothing that Russian artists, musicians, and their less famous compatriots like to “escape” from the hustle and bustle here.

Last changes: 03/29/2012

How to get to Jurmala from Riga

By car 15-25 minutes, on an excellent highway. Entry to Jurmala is paid, costs 1 Ls (~1.5 euros). An entry ticket gives you the right to park in free parking lots in Jurmala for 24 hours. If you are staying at a hotel or sanatorium in Jurmala, you do not need to purchase an entry ticket.

By train– from central station in about 20-25 minutes. Please note that the schedule does not include the name of the station "Jurmala" - you will need to buy a ticket to Lielupe, Bulduri, Majori, Dubulti or Jaundubulti and take trains heading towards Sloka or Tukums. There are conductors on the trains who will tell you where to get off. You can also purchase a ticket by entering the carriage - however, it will cost more.

By minibus– from Riga Central Station, the travel time is the same as by train.

By bus– from June 3 to October 31, a direct bus runs from Riga Airport to Jurmala and back. Ticket price – 2 Ls (approx. 3 EUR).

On a river boat
– in summer, the New Wave boat runs from Riga Castle. He sails to Majori station, then during the day he takes everyone on a ride along the Lielupe River, and in the evening he returns to Riga. The boat trip is the most picturesque, but also the longest - 2.5 hours.

Last changes: 03/29/2012

In this article we will tell you how to get from Riga to Jurmala. After all, if you come to Latvia - to stay or see the sights - then, most likely, you will stay in the capital of this country.

But that's all iconic places Already visited, all that remains is to get to know the surrounding area. How about one of the most “promoted” resorts Baltic Sea- Jurmala?

Basically, it's not too far. Only 25 kilometers need to be covered to cover the distance Riga - Jurmala. How to get there? Different ways. You can even rent a bicycle. But if you have luggage, have a family, or are in other circumstances where it is difficult to travel light, we will offer you other options.

This will take a little time - from 20 to 40 minutes. On average - about half an hour.

What is better not to go to the resort?

When you are wondering how to get from Riga to Jurmala on your own, you should remember that you are dealing with the traditional name of several Latvian villages located on the seashore. They are all famous gorgeous beaches with quartz sand. It is not for nothing that the name of this place means “edge of water” when translated.

What is not worth driving? Probably by car or taxi. The last method is quite expensive - it costs about 30 euros (2346 rubles). But if you choose public transport, you will get there in about the same half hour, but you will pay immeasurably less.

You can rent a car if you want to see the surroundings of Latvia. But is there any point in doing this just for the sake of Jurmala? Most travelers agree that it doesn't. And you will spend more on gasoline on the road than on a train ticket.

Buses and minibuses

Departure from the capital of Latvia different types public transport that pass through Jurmala. Mostly these are buses or minibuses. The best starting point is Rigas SAO.

This is the main bus station of the capital. If it is more convenient for you to get there from the train station, you can go from Rigas MTS. In Jurmala, buses arrive at Lielupe or Dubulti.

Public transport costs from 1.5 euros (117 rubles). How to get from Riga to Jurmala by minibus? They go from railway station capital of Latvia, not far from the Origo shopping center.

In the summer season, minibuses depart quite often - every quarter of an hour. In winter, this type of transport is less in demand. Therefore, minibuses run approximately once an hour.

You can also leave Jurmala bus station this way. You need to pay the driver when you leave the car.

Riga - Jurmala: how to get there by train

Tourists write that this is the easiest way to get from the capital of Latvia to the Baltic resort, and also the cheapest. Tickets can be purchased at the train station ticket office.

It is large, comfortable and within walking distance of Riga's Old Town. This railway station is interesting because not only are there various cafes and shops, but there is even a museum.

If you are coming from Moscow, St. Petersburg or Minsk and plan to immediately go to Jurmala, then look around a little and you will quickly find the platform where the trains come from. But when buying tickets, keep one thing in mind. You must tell the cashier the final station where you are getting off.

The fact is that Jurmala is quite big resort. It stretches along the seashore. Therefore, a station like Jurmala simply does not exist. This is nothing more than a direction.

It is not enough to simply say that you want a Riga - Jurmala ticket. How to get to a specific station? You need to figure out exactly what area of ​​the resort you need.

By the way, station names are announced only in Latvian. But this is quite understandable, and besides, electronic scoreboard they are highlighted. Tickets cost from 1.4 euros (109 rubles).

Rules for traveling by train

It’s not enough to know how to get from Riga to Jurmala. You still need to follow the rules of travel railway transport in Latvia. For example, as in many European countries, you must not only buy a ticket, but also validate it at the station or on the platform.

Conductors in the carriages of Latvian trains are also controllers. One of them will definitely come up to you to put a stamp on your ticket.

But if you were unable to buy a travel document - for example, there was a long queue, and you did not want to miss this train, then you can purchase a ticket from the controller. Only it will be more expensive than at the box office.

By the way, if you don’t understand something, you can ask the conductors. They are polite and most speak Russian.

Where to get off?

How to get from Riga to Jurmala by railway? You must know the area where you are going out. So, Lielupe station is the first one in the direction of the train.

It is quiet, calm here and you can walk along the beach almost all of Jurmala. Just right for a swim in the sea.

Then comes "Bulduri". This inconspicuous station is closest to the sea. From here you can already see “Dzintari”, where the famous concert hall is located and various famous events are held.

The central station of Jurmala is called “Majori”, all the main attractions of the resort are located there. Mostly tourists walk here.

The last station of interest to travelers is called Dubulti. It is also located very close to the sea.

It is best to buy return tickets at the box office. Then it will be cheaper. Valid travel documents until the end of the day on any train in this direction.

All electric trains go to Jurmala with the terminal stations “Dubulti”, “Sloka” or “Tukums”. If you are in doubt about where exactly to go, feel free to take a ticket to Maiori.

To find out which train to take, use the board at the Riga railway station. In addition, there is a large information board with different routes.

Those who fly to the capital of Latvia by plane may have problems getting to the resort. The fact is that the airport is located somewhere in the middle between Riga and Jurmala.

And if earlier there was a bus, now there is no hub or resort directly public transport not connected. You can get there by taxi. But if you are a budget tourist, then it is better to take a bus to the center of the country’s capital, and then change trains.

If you know how to get from Riga to Jurmala, you just need to understand how to arrive at the center from the airport. Locals They recommend bus route 22. They run frequently, and you can carry luggage for free. Tickets are purchased from the driver.

However, if you take the 22nd bus to the center of Riga, and then change, for example, to an electric train, it will take you as much as 2 hours to travel to Jurmala. But you can do something more cunning. You don't take a city bus, but minibus 241. The airport is the final stop. Therefore, minibuses are usually empty. Get off at the Imanta railway station (ask the driver in advance). There you can transfer to the train to Jurmala and in 10 minutes you will be there.

On the ship

How to get from Riga to Jurmala by water? By boat. Although, in truth, it is considered to be more of a tourist attraction than public transport. Instead of 30 minutes, you will spend several hours on the road, and you will also pay from 20 to 40 euros (1564-3128 rubles). The boat does not operate all year round, but only in tourist season, from May 1 to September 30.

The boat departs from the pier opposite the Riga Castle. And in Jurmala he arrives in the Majori region. There is a pier there. Locals call this ship a “sea tram.” Although the prices there, of course, are not the same as on public transport.

But if you want to combine a trip to Jurmala with entertainment for children, an exciting excursion or a romantic pastime, then the boat is the best choice.


We have already said that you can get to the Baltic resort without any transport at all. So, if you still decide to travel light and profess a healthy lifestyle, here is another way to get from Riga to Jurmala.

It’s easy to rent an “iron horse” in the capital of Latvia. The drive is only about an hour, maybe a little more. The road is convenient and comfortable. There is a safe bike path throughout the city. IN good weather You can move between different areas of the resort along the beach. It’s not for nothing that the residents of Riga themselves travel to Jurmala in this way.

How to get to Jurmala.

Even during the existence of the Soviet Union, a vacation trip to the Baltic states was something akin to visiting Western Europe. Today, when the Baltic countries are truly independent European states, many Russian tourists they open them, one might say, anew, and note with some surprise that the service there is at high level, and the attitude towards guests from the local population is even and friendly.

One of the most popular tourist centers The Baltic region is Jurmala. It is located twenty-five kilometers from the capital of Latvia – Riga. The city stretches between the Gulf of Riga and the delta of the Lielupe River for thirty-two kilometers, and is about three kilometers wide. The population of Jurmala today is about fifty-five thousand people. This city began to develop as a resort from the end of the nineteenth century, which was greatly facilitated by its convenient geographical position, the healing muds discovered at that time in its vicinity are wonderful sandy beaches and clean air. The climate in Jurmala is mild marine, and in the summer months, when it is best to come there on vacation, average temperature air is 23-28 degrees, and water is 20 degrees Celsius. In 1997, some beaches in Jurmala were awarded the Blue Flag of the European Union, which indicates their high degree of environmental cleanliness.

Holidays in Jurmala are becoming more and more attractive for Russians. This resort has created a very good tourism infrastructure, quite a lot of hotels, boarding houses and holiday homes have been built. At the same time, you can go to Jurmala either on a tour package or on your own, as they said in the “good old days” Soviet times: "savage".

The easiest way to get to Jurmala is from Riga. If you go by car, the entire journey will take no more than fifteen to twenty minutes. It is necessary to take into account the fact that entry to the resort by passenger vehicle is paid, although inexpensive - only about one and a half euros. When entering Jurmala, you purchase a ticket for this amount, which gives you the right to park in free parking lots for a period of one day.

You can also get to Jurmala by rail. There is a train from Riga Central Station, which takes about twenty-five minutes to the resort. However, the Jurmala station does not exist as such, and therefore you need to go to Bulduri, Lielupe or Majori.

Jurmala – popular place recreation for both numerous tourists and Latvians themselves. Very often people come here from Riga to improve their health in local sanatoriums. If you are planning to visit famous resort, find out in advance how to get from Riga to Jurmala by personal car or public transport. The choice of mode of transport depends on your goals, needs and financial capabilities.

How can you get from Riga to Jurmala?

You can get from the capital of Latvia to the resort of Jurmala both by private car and by public transport.

Type of vehicleApproximate travel timeAverage fare
Minibus30 minutes1.5 € – to Lielupe
2.05 € – to Jaunkemeri
Transit bus40 minutes1.24
Electric train30 minutes1.4
Boat / motor ship New wave2.5 hours20–30 € for adults
10–15 € for children 6-12 years old.
Own car15 – 20 minutesabout 6 l per 100 km at a price of up to 1.5 euro/l
Bike1–1.5 hours9 € – bike rental cost
Taxi20 minutes30

Traveling from Riga to Jurmala by bus or minibus

Traveling by bus or minibus has advantages such as low fares and frequency of flights.

There are no direct flights from Riga to Jurmala, because a specific area of ​​the city is indicated as the place of arrival.

Jurmala consists of districts:

  • Priedaine,
  • Lielupe,
  • Bulduri,
  • Dzintari,
  • Majori,
  • Dubulti,
  • Valteri,
  • Yaundubulti,
  • Pumpuri,
  • Melluzi,
  • Asari,
  • Vaivari,
  • Sloka,
  • Kauguri,
  • Jaunkemeri
  • Kemeri.

If you want to get to the very center of Jurmala and see the legendary Dzintari concert hall, you need to buy tickets to Majori station. When viewing the schedule, select: starting point - Rigas SAO, ending point - Lielupe or Dubulti.

View the current schedule minibus taxis and buses from Riga to Jurmala can be found at the following link.

Flights depart around the clock at intervals of 5, 10 and 15 minutes. Travel time is from 32 to 38 minutes.

You can take a minibus or bus at the Riga bus station Rigas SAO, which is located at: st. Pragas, 1.

You should purchase a ticket for the Riga-Jūrmala bus at the ticket office. Payment for minibus travel is made with the driver at the end of the trip.

Electric train is the simplest, most comfortable and cheap way get from the Latvian capital to the resort Jurmala. Tickets are sold at the ticket office of the Riga railway station, which is located at: Rīgas Pilsēta, Ulitsa Vii Artmane, LV-1050.

Opening hours: 06.00–22.00.

On the second floor of the station building there is shopping mall With several cafeterias, you can have a pleasant time waiting for the train. Curious travelers will love the Railway Museum.

You can find the current train schedule at this link. Trains depart around the clock, every 25-30 minutes. Travel time is 26, 33, 34, 35 or 36 minutes, depending on the specific train.

Tickets are sold at the station ticket office or from the ticket inspector in the train carriage. They may cost more from the inspector.

It is important to know: you are purchasing a ticket not for a specific time train, but for any train during the day before the specified one final destination. This is very convenient and allows you to adjust plans in case of unforeseen circumstances.

When deciding to buy a ticket, carefully consider the choice of your final destination. Trains traveling to Tukums, Sloka or Dubulti pass through Jurmala. In this case, you can get off at one of the following stations, which must be indicated when purchasing a ticket:

  • Lielupe is the very first stop in Jurmala;
  • Dzintari – next to the famous concert hall;
  • Majori – the city center where all the main attractions are located;
  • Dubulti is the last stop in the city next to the Lutheran Church.

Boat trip from Riga to Jurmala

The most expensive and time-consuming option to get from Riga to Jurmala is Boat trip. Suitable for those who are interested in traveling by water. Such a voyage will give you a lot of new vivid impressions and will be great entertainment.

New wave motor ships run between the two cities in the warm season from May 1 to September 30. From Riga, ships depart from the Presidential Palace next to Cable-stayed bridge in Old Riga, once a day, at 11.00.

If you didn't make it to the start excursion trip, you'll have to wait until the next day. You can also return to the capital only once a day - at 16.00.

Important: all ships are equipped with toilets and bars (drinks, ice cream, light snacks available).

Having made a choice in favor river transport, you will cover the distance from Riga to Jurmala in 2.5 hours. The current schedule of the ship's voyages can be found here.

A ticket can be purchased one way or round trip. Buying a round trip ticket at once is cheaper. In addition, rental is available " water bus» for private walks, tours and events.

To Jurmala from Riga by car

If you decide to go from the capital of Latvia to the famous resort, you can rent a car, take a taxi or drive your own car. A trip with a driver will give you maximum comfort and allow you to relax as much as possible along the way. Owning or renting a car is always an additional responsibility and expense that should not be forgotten.

During the tourist season (April 1 – September 30), entry into Jurmala by private car is paid. The price of the permit is 2 €.

You can pay with coins or by bank card in the machine. He doesn't give change. Banknotes can be changed in a separate change machine.

If you have a reservation at one of the hotels in Jurmala, entry should be free: you should check with the hotel administration and have a printed reservation confirmation.

If you crossed the Latvian border in a personal car, a trip to Jurmala from Riga in it will allow you to take a walk around the city, explore the coast and surrounding areas in a short period of time. Great solution for family vacation, as well as for those who prefer their own routes for excursions.

The trip will take 30-40 minutes. Costs will be: 1.5–2 € for gasoline, 2 € for entry into the resort. Parking during the day on site settlement free.

Tourists driving in Latvia own car You will need to have:

  • international driver's license;
  • documents for the car;
  • Green Card (personal liability insurance for the car owner in the European Union).

Direction of travel from the capital towards the resort: Ventspils highway (E22, Karļa Uļmaņa gatve).

How to rent a car for a trip to a resort

Perhaps the most expensive, but at the same time the most comfortable travel option, which is suitable for experienced car enthusiasts, is to rent a car for a trip to the resort.

To rent a car in Riga, you will need:

  • international driver's license;
  • credit/debit card (only suitable if the rental does not require a deposit).

If you are interested in renting a car in Latvia, you will need to meet the following conditions:

  • The minimum driver age is 18–21 years, depending on the company and the category of the rental car. In most cases, young drivers under the age of 24 will be charged an additional fee on site;
  • driving experience from 1 year;
  • charging an additional fee of 6 € per day for drivers under 25 years of age;
  • issuance and return of cars with a full tank;
  • signing a lease agreement;
  • driver's liability within the framework of the current insurance package.

The average cost of renting a car in Riga is 35-45 € per day. This should include the cost of gasoline (1.25 € per liter) and possible additional expenses related to damage to the car during the trip or its return in improper condition.

Taxi – optimal choice for those who want to get from Riga airport to Jurmala. Unfortunately, the Riga air terminal is not connected to the resort by any public transport. Considering that it is located approximately in the middle between the two cities, it is not profitable to spend time and money getting to the bus or train station.

The trip will take about 40 minutes. Price – 41 € for a standard passenger car for three passengers.

You can also order a taxi from Riga to Jurmala for a group: a minibus for 19 passengers will cost from 130 €.

Is it possible to get to Jurmala from Riga by bicycle?

A bicycle is the cheapest, but still labor-intensive way to get to Jurmala from the capital on your own. The bike ride itself will be comfortable: in the cities there are special safe paths, the road surface is excellent, and it is possible to move along the beach.

The bike ride will take about an hour or so: it all depends on your experience.

If you don’t have your own bike, it’s easy to rent one. Riga companies offer both hourly and daily rental. Price: about 9 € per day.

The variety of models will allow you to choose almost any bike, including tandems for two.


How long it takes to travel from Riga to Jurmala directly depends on the chosen mode of transport. The distance between the cities is small - only 43 km. By train, bus, minibus and car, the entire journey takes just over half an hour. By bike – just over 1 hour. Walk on river boat– 2.5 hours.

  • The cost of traveling from the capital to Jurmala is on average 1.5 euros (train, minibus, bus).
  • A river trip will cost 20-30 € per person.
  • The most expensive travel option is to rent a car (35-40 € per day) or a taxi (35-40 € for a one-way trip).
  • If you travel with your own bike, you won't have to pay anything. For a rented one – 9 € per day for rental.

It should be remembered that during the tourist season, entry into Jurmala by personal or rented car costs 2 € (except for those who can confirm pre-registration at a local hotel).

From Riga airport you can order a transfer to the river/railway station or take a taxi directly to Jurmala.

Trip from Riga to Jurmala: Video


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