Vietnam outline map. Detailed map of Vietnam in Russian. What to bring from Vietnam

Do you know where Vietnam is?

Vietnam - small country, located on the Indochina Peninsula. The area of ​​its territory is estimated from 330.95 to 331.21 thousand square meters. km. This is due to the fact that Vietnam has territorial disputes with its neighbors and unresolved border relations. In terms of size, it ranks 66th in the ranking of countries in the world, and in terms of population density it ranks 30th. The population of Vietnam currently exceeds 92 million people. The capital of the state is Hanoi.

You need to look for a country on the world map in the eastern part of Indochina and Southeast Asia. Geographical coordinates Vietnam 16 10 N, 107 50 E. The territory of the state has an elongated shape and resembles the letter “S”. It crosses 15 parallels and stretches along Pacific Ocean. The distance between her extreme points from north to south it is 1750 km. The narrowest part of Vietnam is only 50 km wide, and the longest distance from east to west is 616 km.

This meridional extension of the country predetermined its placement in several climatic zones. The tropical climate prevails in the south of the country. The opposite weather is developing in the north. Monsoon climate prevails here. Its characteristic features are hot weather and heavy rainfall. The rainiest months of the year in the area are from May to September.

Border with Laos

The total length of the border is 2067 km. The demarcation line runs along the Truong Son ridge. Transitions between countries are organized in pass areas. They connect to Laos eastern part Vietnam. TO border crossings There are highways No. 8 Nabe and No. 9 Laobao.

Travelers in Vietnam Russian tourists can take advantage of these passages and visit Laos. To do this, they do not need to apply for special visas.

Maritime boundaries and coastlines

Length coastline Vietnam is 3260 km. In the northeast it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin, and in the southwest by the Gulf of Thailand. They are part of the South China Sea. The country's most famous ports are Saigon, Danang and Haiphong. The country's continental shelf covers an area of ​​1 million square meters. km. It includes more than 2,700 islands. All of them are located at a distance not exceeding 100 km from the coast. The most significant islands are Con Dao, Phu Quoc, Khoai, Re and Cham. Vietnam is engaged in territorial disputes with China and Vietnam over the Paracel Islands and Spratlys.

Vietnam how tourist site and a place to rest, was forgotten for a long time. This is all due to large-scale wars and revolutions that destroyed the country, significantly undermined the economy and excluded it from the list of travel interests for a long time. Gradually the state was rebuilt, and now everything large quantity tourists are interested in where Vietnam is located on the world map.

Many people want to go there and enjoy the beautiful nature, architectural creations, magnificent and cheap diving. And the Vietnamese do everything to make their guests feel comfortable and want to come back here more than once.

Geographical location of Vietnam

Vietnam is located in the southeastern side of the Asian continent, in the eastern part of the Indochina Peninsula. A thin S-shaped snake, it stretches for over 3200 km along the picturesque coastline, washed from the east and south by South China Sea. In addition to the mainland zone,

Vietnam also owns several large islands:

  • Fukui;
  • Con Dao;
  • Khoai;
  • and an impressive number of small ones.

In relation to the meridian, this country stretches for 1755 km, and the width of the territory sometimes narrows to 46 km. The residents themselves sometimes compare its outline to baskets on a yoke for carrying rice. This is very relevant because in the lowlands big rivers Vietnam is home to the country's main rice granaries.

Three-quarters of Vietnam's terrain is occupied by mountains and plateaus. Fansipan is considered the maximum height; the height of this mountain is more than 3140 m. Annamskaya rises on the western border Mountain chain, and in the north stand out the majestic ridges of Shamshao, Hoang Lien Son, Shusung Chaotai, separated by small valleys and deep canyons. The south and central space is occupied by the Dak Lak, Zilin and Pleiku plateaus, which form the Central Plateau.

A dense network of small rivers permeates the state, forming fertile plains, and the largest and deepest Mekong and Hongha (in the north) cross the entire territory and end up flowing into the sea. There are also many forests, national natural parks and reserves in Vietnam.

The climate in different parts of the country is not the same; if in the north it is temperate tropical, with cold winter months, then in the south it is hot almost all year round, with a slight cooling from November to January.

Vietnam on the world map in Russian

Administrative structure

If you take a close look at the state, you will notice that it is divided into many provinces (58 in total). It is also necessary to highlight five large cities, the most important of which are Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. The latter is the capital, the center of political and cultural life countries. Southern Ho Chi Minh City is considered the largest metropolis in Vietnam; until 1975 it was called Saigon. Its population is about 8 million people, and its area is more than 2000 square meters. km. In these most major centers The most famous sights and ancient architectural masterpieces are located here.

Tourism is one of the profitable parts of the country's economy. Main resort areas Nha Trang, Dalat, Danang and many others are considered. Thanks to good service, beautiful clean beaches and inexpensive prices Vietnamese resorts can compete well with well-known holiday destinations.

Vietnam and neighboring countries

Vietnam has little neighboring countries, since its southern and eastern borders are surrounded by the South China Sea. On the northern side it borders with China, and in the west are the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of Laos.

Vietnam on the map with neighbors

Unfortunately, many people believe that Vietnam is a poor and uninteresting country, but those who have visited there share only positive emotions and are happy to visit this amazing exotic place again.

- a country that is still famous for its ancient culture, the oldest architectural structures and the stunning coastline of the South China Sea.

The country's tourist base can be divided in half: mountain holiday and sea. In the first case, it is worth visiting Dalat. Well, then just take a walk to different places. Clean air, coolness, coniferous forests- all these are Vietnamese mountains.

It is worth noting that tourism infrastructure very developed in the country. For example, the same sea ​​activities for tourists: clubs, discos, cafes and restaurants, diving centers, massage rooms, etc.

The most delicious thing in all this, of course, is the cuisine. Rice, seafood, vegetables (both fresh and fried), not to mention spices, without which many dishes cannot be served - all this is Asian cuisine. And history buffs will be able to see the famous Cou Nhat Ban Bridge, built in the 17th century.

Vietnam on the world map (Google map)

Shown below interactive map Vietnam in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Vietnam is located on the world map, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to the map with the names of objects, you can look at Vietnam from a satellite if you click on the “Show” switch satellite map" in the lower left corner of the map.

Map of Vietnam with resorts in Russian (resort map)

Below is another map of Vietnam. To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it out and take it with you on the road.

You have been presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Vietnam, which you can always use to find an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!

Vietnam on the world map is a narrow, long strip of land located in South-East Asia. On various sides, Vietnam is bordered by China, Laos, Eakbo Gulf, the South China Sea, Thailand, and the Gulf of Thailand.

Unfortunately, as a resort, Vietnam does not arouse the same interest among our compatriots as, for example, Thailand or Goa. The main explanation for this, of course, is one of the largest wars of the second half of the 20th century. The armed confrontation forced the entire planet to talk about Vietnam on the world map.

Many modern historians are confident that it is the echoes of the war that do not allow residents former USSR appreciate all the advantages that distinguish the resort of Vietnam on the world map from other countries with a pronounced tourist focus, including its closest neighbors.

However, if you compare the reviews of people who have visited several countries that are popular among travelers, and also add to this the emerging originality, it becomes clear that Vietnam on the world tourism map compares favorably with recognized Asian resorts.

At first glance, traveling to this strange country does not seem cheap. The trip will cost approximately 1800 - 2000 US dollars. At the same time, after evaluating the offers of travel agencies, you come to the conclusion that the apparent high cost of travel is nothing more than an illusion. For example, most travel agencies suggest the duration of a trip to Vietnam is 15 days. At the same time, in almost every case, vacationers are provided with all-inclusive service. The indicated price also includes numerous excursions to attractions, such as the unique natural architecture of Halong Bay, a puppet theater on the water, the 187-kilometer-long Cu Chi tunnels, also called underground village, the bustling neighborhoods of the Ho Chi Minh City metropolis and so on. That is, you will actually receive for the amount spent full complex personal services, “sea holidays” and unforgettable impressions of exotic excursions throughout almost the entire territory of the state. Now calculate how much you will spend on a similar range of services, say, in Greece, Thailand, Turkey? I think this was a rhetorical question.

Girl on Ha Long Beach

It should also be noted that the Russian-speaking population among tourists local residents They are treated with much more friendliness than, say, Americans or Europeans. The reaction of the Vietnamese is quite planned and is explained by the widespread support by the USSR government for the difficult and long guerrilla war of the freedom-loving people against American aggression. Help from the USSR, of course, was unofficial and was expressed primarily in material support and training of Vietnamese soldiers by Soviet military specialists. There are also known cases of our pilots flying on combat missions over the territory of the country. At the same time, our aces used Vietnamese names and surnames. This fact also described in a song popular at that time by one of the bards about a captured American pilot who was shot down by the Vietnamese pilot Li - Xi - Qing. The help of the Russian Ivan is still remembered by Vietnamese residents, hence the positive reaction to Russian speech.

Yes, there is one small feature! Although today Vietnam on the world map is officially a liberal and democratic state, it de facto remains a socialist state with corresponding moral principles and foundations, one of which still sounds banal: “There is no sex in the Republic of Vietnam.” So don't be too zealous with local women to avoid unnecessary problems.

Where is Vietnam located on the world map? The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a state located in Southeast Asia on the Indochina Peninsula. Vietnam borders Laos and Cambodia to the west and China to the north. Many tourists and travelers are puzzled by the question of choosing a country for their holidays. Where is it better to go to Thailand or Vietnam?

If your choice is the resorts of Vietnam, then most likely you may be interested in information about how long the flight will take. When asking this question, parents think more about their children and their fatigue.

On a detailed coastal map of Vietnam, we can see that the state is washed on the eastern and southern sides by the waters of the South China Sea. More than 80% of Vietnam's area is occupied by low mountains. In the northern part of the country, blocky-folded ridges stretch parallel to each other from the very high point country by Mount Fansipan. The Annam Mountains stretch along the western border of the country. In the center of the country and in the southern part there are basement and basalt plateaus that make up the Taing Guen plateau. The largest and deepest rivers in Vietnam and all of Southeast Asia, the Hong Ha and Mekong, end their course in the country and then flow into the South China Sea.

In Vietnam, tourism is an important part of the state's economy. A map of Vietnam with resorts - the main resorts of the country - Nha Trang, Danang, Mui Ne, Dalat, Hanoi, Hue, Ho Chi Minh City in Russian will help you get a closer look at the location of these cities. IN last years Vietnam began to rapidly develop the tourism sector and therefore the level of the country's economy has also grown significantly.


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