Where should you not go by car? Dangerous adventures. Which countries shouldn't a girl go to alone? Shouldn't she go to

We all love our cars. Sometimes so much so that even during vacation they are not ready to part with them. But sometimes it’s still worth leaving the car at home and not even renting a car at your destination. “How is this possible?” - you say. Read on about the main problems that can spoil your impression!

Left side traffic

First on our list will be a group of countries that drive on the left. Today, approximately 28% of roads in the world are left-hand drive. Everyone, of course, knows about this feature of roads in the UK, but it is not the only one. There are as many as 47 countries with left-hand traffic, and the most popular for tourists are Great Britain, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus, Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Thailand, South Africa, Japan.

If you still decide to use a car in these countries, then you definitely need to start not in the city, or at least not on a busy street. Drive around in a quiet neighborhood, get used to the gearbox on the left (if you decided to torture yourself and take a car without an automatic) and the steering wheel on the right. We highly recommend having an experienced “navigator” who will advise you in advance about the outcome. And be especially careful on roundabouts, because you need to go in the other direction.

Gasoline price

  1. Türkiye $2.6 per liter
  2. Norway $2.55 per liter
  3. Netherlands $2.4 per liter

Of course, there is nothing fatal about this price, and in extreme cases you can stock up on fuel at neighboring country. But it may not be enough for your entire trip. Therefore, get ready to spend and weigh the pros and cons of whether you should buy a car or not.

Too much traffic

The leaders in this category were China, Hong Kong and Singapore. Due to the high population density in these countries, traffic jams occur not only in cities, but also on highways. And believe me, these traffic jams cannot be compared with those that arise near Kiev on Monday morning after the holidays. We are talking about truly enormous traffic jams. 5 years ago, a record traffic jam of hundreds of thousands of cars was recorded on the Beijing-Tibet highway, stretching for 260 kilometers. It took 10 days before the movement completely returned to normal. At the same time, people had very serious problems with food and drinking water, which had to be delivered almost by helicopter. Of course, this is also very interesting experience, and this vacation will fill you up for a long time, but this is a very dubious pleasure.


If you managed to overcome all previous difficulties and you get to treasured place vacation, then it’s time to take care of parking.

Our advice to you: choose a hotel with free parking, otherwise it will be difficult for you. Not all cities will have trouble finding parking nearby, but in London, Beijing, Vienna, Amsterdam, Washington, Paris and Madrid you'll have to pay oh-so-expensive prices for it. Just to drive into central London you'll have to pay £10, and for every hour of parking you'll pay a minimum of £4. In cities like Rome and Amsterdam, entry into the city center is free and parking costs 1.5–2 euros, but you will spend at least an hour looking for that coveted parking space, and if you find it, it will be at most Smart. Also, in many large cities, parking time in the center is limited. For example, in London, Madrid and Paris you will not be able to park your car for more than 2 hours. Here, of course, we are talking about the historical center of the city. Therefore, if you do not have the talent for high-speed sightseeing, we recommend that you leave the car at a hotel or in the suburbs, and then use public transport.


An unfamiliar road always creates some difficulties, and roads with 4 or 5-tier interchanges can scare even an experienced driver. And if you miss your exit or turn, you will have to drive dozens of kilometers before you return to the road in the right direction. Of course, the United States is considered the leader in the number of most complex interchanges. And there is the undisputed king - the 4-level interchange named after Judge Harry Pregerson.

At the junction, traffic is possible in all directions, it also consists of roads for passenger transport, the Los Angeles Metro Green Line and the Harbor Transit. It was opened in 1993. The roundabout was named after Judge Harry Pregerson. He served as a long-time federal judge and presided over the I-105 highway trial. If you come to America, then it would be a sin not to stop by Los Angeles. But be prepared for this feat of engineering! Any mistake in the right turn will cost you an extra 50 km.

Amazing places without cars

Well, and, of course, our list will be completed by places where travel by car is prohibited or simply impossible.

I hope no one would think of going to Venice by car; everyone already knows that there are no roads there, and all transport reaches the square on the outskirts of the city, and then only on foot or by boat. But Venice is not the only city where you will have to be separated from your car.

The most big city, free from any mechanical transport, is Old Fes or the old medina of Fes el Bali, Morocco. The perimeter of Madina is surrounded by a stone wall, and inside there are 73 kilometers of streets and alleys, where the only transport is donkeys. Amazing city traditions and history, which, thanks to such closeness, has preserved a huge number of interesting places.

An equally amazing, but completely different, car-free city is Mackinaw, Michigan. Mechanical transport was banned in this city back in 1898. The entire population travels on bicycles and horses. This city is incredibly popular among tourists. In it you really feel like the hero of a historical novel, but for the local population this is an absolutely normal way of life.

Well, another amazing place is the island of Hydra, Greece. This is absolutely amazing place, where you can only reach by sea and completely relax from the city noise. And instead of it, you can only listen to the clatter of horseshoes on the paving stones. But the city is so compact that even horses and donkeys are very rare.

Dear friends, I am convinced that there is no need to go to Ayfaar! Why? I'll explain now. Many people interested in self-knowledge often turn to books on issiidiology in their search. These essential and deep books can really be of serious interest. People begin to look for information about Orisa, listen to audio and watch videos, and join the “Interactive Iissiidiology” chat. And the more they find answers to their internal questions, the more they desire to find out what Aifaar is and, of course, get to know Oris. So they begin to think: “It would be interesting to go to Ayfaar, meet these Ayfaar people and see everything with your own eyes.” They put books aside and decide to materialize their desires in practice. Fools! If only they knew what they were doing! After all, these people have no idea what awaits them! And life after Aifaar will never be the same again! We would sit at home, quietly read books, listen and sing songs...

Why is it still not worth going to Ayfaar?

First - this is an unusual mode. Ayfaar has its own discipline and schedule. The schedule of classes, work, duty, preparation for Saturday creative performances. I must say that everything is scheduled almost hourly. Therefore, the usual personal way of life completely collapses. And, as everyone knows, habit is a second character and changing habits is completely uncomfortable, it requires adoption change.

Second - regular training sessions at university level. Brains are boiling - a lot new information, which is quite difficult to wrap your head around. Classes in various specialties: this is “The Brain with its Structures”, and “DNA with all the Subtle Processes”, and “Intellectual-Altruistic Lifestyle”, and “Self-Analysis”, and, of course, “Fundamentals of Iissiidiology” with the deepest developments, difficult for a mind untrained to think deeply and non-linearly. As well as various kinds of meditation, “terrible” public speaking and other disciplines. Why to a normal person such stress?! After all, school is long over, and here is such a “explosion” of the brain!

Third - social altruistic Labor. Labor with a capital “L”, because you need to work for the benefit of others and work a lot! The work will be different: this will include gardening, gardening, cleaning, kitchen, and various technical work. Ayfaar residents have different specialties and receive them directly in the process of living on Ayfaar as needed. They are joiners and carpenters, welders and builders, agronomists and engineers - you can’t list everything. You need to work conscientiously, honestly, sometimes to the limit of your strength. The work is sometimes unusual: your back, arms, legs hurt, sweat blurs your eyes, but you patiently and humbly carry out the assigned work. Nobody asks you whether you like it or not - you go where you put it. And this work is three times a week for five hours!!! And after work you go to the shower and suddenly realize: “Life is Beautiful!” Some kind of idiotic state of happiness and joy from such social work. An understanding comes that you are an important cog in this mechanism, which with your own hands creates life, comfort, external beauty and lives and works as one organism. From the fact that you worked conscientiously, were able to help Ayfaar and the Ayfaar people, brought benefit to the team, gave your best to the end, you feel inner satisfaction, peace of mind and feel the correctness of your life.

It should be said that Ayfaar is very a nice place, where everything is made by the hands of the Ayfaar people. Electricity was installed, water supply was laid, buildings, a swimming pool, fountains and much more were built. Everything is done with great love and good aesthetic taste. And this completely incomprehensible feeling of satisfaction has nothing to do with personal consumer logic: “Work for free?! Stupid!

Fourth - Saturday holidays. Yes, this is just a complete nightmare!!! You need to prepare at least one individual number: a poem, song, dance or something else, and try to put into it something beautiful, bright and kind that you can give for others. Or you can participate in a joint performance in front of everyone and in front of Oris with the Ayfaar Song, which you need to sing at the limit of all your highest quality states as a person. Preparations for Saturday's concert go on late evenings all week - no time or effort is spared. And when the time for the performance comes, you feel such excitement, as if you were performing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in front of the President of the country. After all, every word you utter can no longer be frivolous and superficial - on Aifaar they do not tolerate falsehood, and you are no longer capable of it. Yes, such stress will not bring any good!!!

Fifth , why you shouldn’t go to Ayfaar are the Ayfaar people themselves. After all, you have to communicate with them, observe their lives, analyze different life situations, study and work side by side. Your self-esteem, self-esteem and, in general, your entire life experience will be greatly tested. I used to live calmly and had no idea that it was possible to live differently, to relate to different things differently, to think and evaluate people differently. And now you begin to learn such things about yourself (usually not very plausible) that you become sad, and you understand that you need to change. Well, what’s even worse is that you begin to love the Aifar people, you begin to feel these essentially strangers to you as near and dear to your heart.

For these reasons, I categorically do not advise anyone to go to Ayfaar! Why such stress and worries?! Why is this self-development and understanding of many subtle processes of Life necessary at all, why is transformation and transmutation of self-consciousness needed?! Why such tireless and developing scientific and creative work? You can sit quietly in the usual philistine stagnant space of your consciousness, dream about empty things and about your own greatness and not get out of your usual insoluble problems. After all, in order to see these problems and go beyond them, you need truly selfless Work and aspiration for Knowledge, a kind Heart and a desire to change. Believe me, all these things are very difficult, and most importantly, endless in their process. As the saying goes: “The further into the forest, the more firewood!” So there’s no point in thinking about some Aifaar! There’s nothing to even begin with...

Summer is traditionally considered a time for vacation. We are excitedly packing our suitcases, joyfully jostling at the check-in counters at the airport, anticipating a long-awaited vacation. You need to approach the choice of travel location wisely, and not take the first last minute trip offered. If you fail to choose a country or city, you risk ruining your vacation. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you about countries where you should not go in the summer.

United Arab Emirates

Why not: incredible heat

Under no circumstances fly to the UAE in the summer - most likely you will spend your entire vacation in an air-conditioned room. You should not expect any other development of events, because in the summer months the temperature in the emirates rises to almost + 50! Only local camels can calmly endure such heat. The sea won't please you either. Swimming in water heated to +40 is not a pleasant pleasure.

When to go: October November


Why not: showers and stuffiness

The rainy season rages almost all summer in India. Humidity combined with heat creates a terrible stuffiness that makes it hard to breathe. Due to constant rainfall, roads in Indian cities are washed away, rivers overflow their banks, and some settlements are even flooded, cutting off from the outside world. To avoid falling into this trap, avoid traveling to India during the summer.

When to go: from November to April


Why not: crowds of tourists

Going to the birthplace of flamenco at the end of summer, you doom yourself to a constant crush. The Spaniards themselves major cities people go on vacation en masse to the beaches of Valencia, Murcia and Malaga, so there is literally nowhere for an apple to fall. In popular tourist places and there is always pandemonium near the sights. You simply will not be able to properly enjoy your vacation in such conditions.

When to go: September October


Why not: hellish heat in the center of the country

Beach holidays in Egypt have been and remain one of the most popular destinations from the Russians. But going to the central part of the country in the summer is almost the same as voluntarily grilling yourself. The air heats up to + 40. Most large Egyptian cities are stuffy and dusty, so it is simply unbearable to endure such weather.

When to go: Autumn-spring


Why not: showers and typhoons

For Filipinos, rain is a common thing. It runs continuously from June to November. In such conditions, the sea becomes dirty, and you can safely give up on scuba diving. The Philippines suffers from typhoons in July and August. You may also suffer: being stuck at the airport for a long time or spending your entire vacation in a hotel room. Do you need it?

When to go: From February to April


Why not: hurricanes

In the first two months of summer, you may be lucky and spend an unforgettable vacation in Cuba. But from August to September it is better not to go there - at this time Caribbean Hurricanes are coming. The wind speed reaches 60 km/h and sometimes it develops into a real natural disaster, causing serious destruction. You shouldn’t risk flying to Cuba during hurricane season, but don’t forget about insurance in other months as well.

When to go: From November to March


Why not: rains

In Thailand, the rainy season is not as scary as in India and the Philippines, but it can still spoil your holiday. If you plan to spend a lot of time at the beach, rain may interfere with your plans. Humidity levels vary depending on location. The islands of Phuket and Chang, as well as the province of Krabi, suffer the most from rainfall in summer. But on Koh Samui in summer the weather is often ideal.

When to go: From January to March

Proud, successful, independent. Modern emancipated girls build a career, buy cars, apartments, fly on vacation in splendid isolation. Why not? After all, holiday romances are easy and do not oblige you to anything. Especially in southern countries, full of unemployed ladies' men. But in the case of a solo trip, and even with adventures, you need to be especially careful about your own safety. Our tips for traveling alone in the city: what to avoid in order to return home safe and sound.


Where not to go

Tanzania. In Tanzania they will not allow you to walk peacefully on the streets. There is an increased interest in light-skinned people. Locals, when they see you, will shout “mgzungu”, which means light-skinned. They don’t put anything special into these cries, but it will be terribly annoying. Understand that you are something of a curiosity there, and people will constantly point fingers at you. Whites will feel uncomfortable in a dark-skinned country.


It's the same story in Ethiopia. There will be no peace.

India. Goa doesn't count

There is no place for refined young ladies there. The sight of public toilets alone will make you want to run away, not to mention the smell. There is increased unsanitary conditions everywhere. No amount of antiseptics will help. While you are looking around, a fly will land on a bottle of water, and - hello, dysentery.


Everything is good there, but not for teetotalers. Georgian hospitality is not a myth. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid a noisy feast with an abundance of alcoholic beverages. Georgians will not argue with you, they will smile, say, “Yes, yes, dear, you can’t drink,” and pour the best wine into you. Bottoms Up!


There is no place for women who like to swear in Singapore

In Singapore, strong words can be fined $3,000. And if you continue to argue and swear with the policeman, then prison awaits you. But you can engage in prostitution. There are no fines or prisons, and prostitutes even receive additional payment from the state for promoting condoms.


Low level of security in Mexico, Algeria. The murder rate remains high in Brazil.

The most safe countries for independent ladies

Europe. There are plenty of the same proud and independent enchantresses, their rights are strictly respected. Yours will also be taken into account.

Nightclubs, bars, restaurants

Make noise to your heart's content, but don't turn off your brain. You can find adventures of your own in safe Europe. And also - do not forget about the rules of decency. You will always be welcome as long as you behave with dignity, respecting the traditions and decorum of your hosts.


If you put your feet on the table, like the well-known animal from the fairy tale “The Cat’s House,” do not expect warm hospitality.

In the evenings it is better to stay at the hotel

If you can’t sit still, take a vacation, go to areas where the rich and wealthy live. They monitor law and order and the peace of citizens. In general, it's better to sleep at night. It will be safer this way, and you will gain strength from a day of walking.

Deceit and love

Lovelaces abound everywhere, especially in southern countries. However, no matter how you warn the traveler, she will act in her own way.


It is our duty to remind you once again: such ramans, especially with local gentlemen who build their business on this, can result in great disappointment. Take care of yourself and your wallet.

Travel safety

No “girl, let me give you a ride.” Move on public transport. You can safely take a taxi from airports - it’s safe. It is also quite safe to call a taxi by phone using local travel agencies.

Where to put the money

No no. There's definitely no need to go there. The first thing a robber will look at is your bra. Carry money in a zippered inside pocket of your jacket or bag - do not carry a wallet, which is easy to steal. Do not settle on the first floors - according to statistics, these are the rooms most often robbed.

The world is huge and diverse, represented by many unique places, natural landscapes and unique cultures. It is quite natural that there is a desire to see the beauties of the world, touch them, feel new emotions and feelings. Moreover, the development of means of communication and the tourism sector have made this desire quite feasible.

But there are places on the planet that are still better not to visit. It's connected with high level dangers and risks directly to life. Yes, there will always be people who are ready to risk everything in order to feel the excitement, feel the extreme and come into contact with the exotic, even deadly, but here everyone decides for themselves whether it is worth doing it or not.

Where you shouldn't go and why

What are the main criteria for the danger of certain places, what data is used to compile a list of 10 cities on earth where you still shouldn’t go?

  • Level of environmental pollution;
  • crime situation;
  • frequency of natural disasters and disasters;
  • high epidemiological threshold;
  • an extremely high mortality rate is the most important indicator that is a consequence of the situation in these cities.

For example, imagine the Indian city of Sukinda, where over two and a half million people live, 90% of whom suffer from cancer. And answer your question: is it worth risking your life to see this nightmare? The reason for this plight is simple: the world's largest chromium mines and processing plants are located near the city. And all the waste is dumped into the water, polluting the soil and air.

As scary as it may be, Sukinda ranks only 5th on the list of the most dangerous cities in the world. Of course, the distribution of places is conditional; only the list itself remains constant.

Chernobyl, Ukraine

The leading place in the list of cities in the world where you should not go is the Ukrainian Chernobyl, which experienced an unprecedented man-made disaster in April 1986, namely the explosion of the 4th nuclear reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The scale of the incident can be assessed by the fact that after the explosion of the reactor, a column of radioactive flame rose almost 1 kilometer high, and the level of radiation at the site of the explosion was 100 times higher than the level of background radioactivity in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the nuclear bombing carried out by the United States in August 1945 of the year. More than five million people were affected by the accident. Today, the radioactive background remains high here, which makes visiting this place undesirable and dangerous.

Linfen, China

Researchers, including the Blacksmith Institute of the United States, give the 1st place in undesirability of visiting the city of Linfen in China people's republic. The city is a center for coal mining in the Middle Kingdom, the level of air pollution is so high that during the day the air is gray, white clothes on the street are covered with soot; Over 200 thousand local residents suffer from oncology and respiratory diseases.

Sumgayit, Azerbaijan

The next city included in the ten most dangerous cities to visit is Azerbaijan's Sumgayit, which has become one of the centers of the chemical industry since the country's existence in the USSR. The entire area is poisoned and contaminated with oil waste and heavy metals. Many residents suffer from severe forms of illness.

Vapi, India

The Indian city of Vapi takes its place on this sad list. There are over a thousand industrial enterprises located in it, as a result of which the level of environmental contamination is tens of times higher than permissible standards.

Over 70 thousand residents of this city suffer from chronic diseases.

Norilsk, Russia

Included in the list of the most dangerous cities to visit Russian city Norilsk. This city, closed to tourists, is the most polluted place in Russia. The activities of the Norilsk Metallurgical Plant and other industrial enterprises, the world's largest producers and processors of heavy metals, led to a high degree of contamination of the area and mass morbidity, especially respiratory diseases.

Dzerzhinsk, Russia

Unfortunately, the city of Dzerzhinsk, located in Russia, may take the leading position in the list of the most dangerous cities in the world. On the territory of Dzerzhinsk, waste from the chemical industry was preserved for many decades. a huge number. The ecology here is completely disturbed; the degree of groundwater pollution is millions of times higher than permissible standards. As a result, the average life expectancy here is 45 years.

Kabwe, Zambia

The city of Kabwe in Zambia takes its place on the list. Pollution of the environment, especially air and water, with heavy metals due to the activities of industrial enterprises processing lead and cadmium, caused serious illnesses among 250 thousand residents of this city. Naturally, visiting such a place is highly discouraged.

La Oroya, Peru

The city of La Oroya in the Republic of Peru is a sad place and dangerous for visitors. Rich deposits of heavy metals were discovered in the vicinity of the city, after which American companies began to develop them. The activities of American industrial enterprises in the city of La Oroya led to environmental pollution and acid rain. Provided scary statistics that almost the entire population of the city, which is 35 thousand people, suffers from serious illnesses.

Tianjin, China

The tenth city on the list of cities in the world where you should not go is chinese city Tianjin. The concentration of lead in the air exceeds the permissible concentration by fifteen times, in food by 20–24 times. Naturally, these are very dangerous indicators for health.

Take care of yourself, avoid dangerous places and live happily!


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