Excursions around Georgia from Kobuleti. The best excursions from Kobuleti. Visited the Orange Kobuleti festival

If you live in Kobuleti during your vacation, then you have an excellent opportunity to travel around Georgia, at least in the surrounding areas. You can actually buy tours on the street from a travel agency, of which there are not many, but they are available. We used the services of the Tkemali tour company. Here besides historical excursions a very large selection of tours organized specifically for active tourists. This includes paintball costing about 10 lari per person, horseback riding in the mountains of Adjara with or without an instructor, depending on your training. This tour costs about 20-30 lari per person. You can indulge in rafting on the mountain rivers of Adjara or diving. A one-hour dive with an instructor will cost you about 100 lari, which is approximately 2,500 rubles.

As for visiting Batumi, I advise you to take tours there on your own, since it’s not far from Kobuleti. You can use the services of a minibus, which runs hourly to the largest resort town. The duration of the trip is just under half an hour. You can explore the Primorsky Boulevard yourself, and if you want, right on the embankment near the port building, take tickets for a tourist boat and contemplate the main attractions of Batumi for an hour. The trip is free for children, and a ticket for adults costs 10 lari.

For 20 lari you can travel around Batumi by bus. Tourist bus often stands directly in front of the university building. You will see this building directly from Primorsky Boulevard. A skyscraper with a peak at the top. The building is empty, although it was intended specifically to house a university.

From Kobuleti they also organize tours to Kakheti, Svaneti, the territory of southern Georgia, in particular to Borjomi, as well as Imereti.

If you are vacationing with children, then I do not recommend going on long trips, especially with kids. You need to walk a lot, it’s tiring, and children won’t be interested in tours with a historical touch, better entertainment, and these can be found in Batumi. there is a stationary dolphinarium, which is open almost every day and there are two performances per day at 12 and 17 o'clock.

Of all the places I managed to visit and what I saw, the tour to Imereti, namely Kutaisi, was more memorable in terms of impressions. This is a small town, although it is considered the second largest in Georgia. There are several sites on the territory of Kutaisi that are included in the UNESCO heritage list. These include Gelati, Motsameta and the Bagrati Temple.

The Bagrati Temple is located directly in the city only on its elevated part.

It was built around the 10th century and is famous for the fact that it was here that David the Builder was crowned. It was David who became the unifier of the different nationalities of Georgia and created the state that we know today. Until recently, the temple was in terrible shape, dilapidated. Only in the 2000s was it reconstructed, giving it an almost original appearance. Practically... There is something somewhat anomalous in the temple. An elevator shaft was added to such a pompous and large-scale structure, and in a modern interpretation. This extension looks very inappropriate, but, in fact, it is never used for its intended purpose. As for the interior decoration, there is complete asceticism. There is no abundance of painting, as in other church buildings. The altar, the icons, of which there are not many, nothing more. We didn’t even find a church shop here. But there is a special spirit and atmosphere here. After all, such antiquities are not seen every day. The frame is also notable for the fact that copper domes were erected here. Under influence climatic conditions they gradually change their color. Now they are light green and visible from almost every point in Kutaisi. A huge Christian cross was erected right in front of the temple.

A visit to Gelati turned out to be even more interesting. Gelati is a monastic complex located about an hour's drive from the center of Kutaisi in an elevated part. It is clearly visible from the territory of the Bagrati Temple. Gelati is directly connected with the name of David the Builder, because it was he who laid the first stone in the construction of the temple. He himself carried this stone on his shoulders. Speaking about David the Builder, it should be mentioned that his burial is also located in Gelati. The king is buried right at the main gate of the temple. His tombstone can be seen here. It is quite large in size, because David’s height reached 2 meters 18 centimeters. Today the main gate has ceased to be such; the entrance to the Gelati territory is from the opposite side. This was facilitated by natural phenomena. And David ordered himself to be buried precisely at the main gate because he wanted, even after death, to know that his people were alive and therefore everyone who entered the temple should step on his chest. There are several church buildings on the territory of Gelati, but the main one naturally remains the Gelati Temple. Its construction was completed by David's son, Dimitri. There is also an ancient observatory and an ancient library, the excavations of which are ongoing today. It was here that the coffin of Queen Tamara was taken from the territory of Gelati for burial, which has not yet been found.

The interior decoration of the temple is very impressive. Restoration work is underway, so there was scaffolding here when we arrived. The temple is very beautifully decorated, there are many frescoes on the walls, the main one of which is the Holy Virgin and Child. It is made using the technique of colored mosaic, very fine, and the top is covered with gilding. Therefore, no matter where you look at her, it seems that she is looking exactly at you.

The church has a church shop where you can buy church literature, pendants, and icons. On average, the cost of one icon is 5-6 lari. You can also buy holy water, which is sold in bottles for 1 lari, or pour it yourself from the source. This kind of trip is very impressive, because it is an appeal to the history of ancient Georgia.

The third largest temple, to which you will certainly be taken, is Motsameta, which means martyrs. It was erected in honor of the brothers David and Constantine, who were tortured by their enemies. The brothers were canonized and a temple was erected in their honor. Motsameta is small, but very cozy. It is impossible to get to him. The bus stops on the highway, and then you need to walk along a paved road to the temple territory. The guide said that the Motsameta and Gelati temples are connected by an underground passage. There is such a ritual in Motsameta. If you want your wish to be fulfilled, then you need to crawl three times under the coffin with the relics of the saints. Our guide said that all his wishes came true. Why not give it a try. Many of our group performed this ritual.

The trip was very impressive, despite the length and some tediousness. The drive from Kobuleti to Kutaisi takes about 2.5 hours. The tour takes the whole day and costs about 90 GEL including lunch and the cost of all entrance tickets. By the way, an Imeretian lunch involves the presence of the famous Imeretian khachapuri. Unlike Adjarian - it is flat, like pizza and covered with cheese. Tasty and satisfying. It's hard to say which khachapuri tastes better.

Row excursion tours, which are organized from Kobuleti, involve trips for two days. For example, to Svaneti - this is a highland part of Georgia. This is a country of snowy peaks and clean air. Warm clothes are needed here. This tour costs 200 lari per person.

Many destinations and routes can be chosen from Kobuleti. You can use the services of a guide, or you can travel on your own. You can go to Turkey for shopping. Transfer to Turkey via Batumi. A minibus costs about 1.5 lari, and then walk across the border and take a minibus to shopping center. A lot of them. Taxis, buses and minibuses run constantly.

The Black Sea coast of Georgia is a great place to treat yourself to a well-deserved vacation. The Kobuleti resort is located in the Adjarian region of the country, which is famous for its hot climate, tea plantations, eucalyptus and bamboo groves. Kobuleti is truly exotic with enough high level service. There is a large selection of hotels and private houses that can be rented during the holidays. It is convenient to travel from here and you can book private excursions from Kobuleti around Georgia.

Enjoy have a pleasant holiday by the sea and don’t forget to explore the country, because there are so many incredibly beautiful places in beautiful Georgia. You can order a personal excursion or go on an adventure with an individual guide. Kobuleti is an excellent alternative to the popular Adjarian Batumi - there are not a huge number of tourists, prices are about 2 times lower, and entertainment and the availability of restaurants and cafes are approximately at the same level as Batumi. From Kobuleti you can go along the seashore to the neighboring villages of Gonio, Chakvi, Tsikhisdziri, visit the Batumi Botanical Garden and the Petra Fortress.

Where to buy excursions in Kobuleti

In our article we want to open your eyes to the world online booking excursions from Kobuleti around Georgia, convince them that they are absolutely safe and much more interesting than group tours from the operator or in shops on the street. And most importantly, thanks to special offers and the price/quality ratio, you can get the coolest excursion very inexpensively. Thanks to services such as Georgia4Travel, it has become possible, without interrupting your usual activities, to quickly look for a route and a guide with whom you will go to explore Georgia. Booking an excursion has become easier; you can study the offered options in detail in a calm atmosphere at home, look at photos and reviews and make an informed decision.

Prices for excursions from Kobuleti for 2019

The excursion service from Kobuleti is well developed, so the choice is quite large with a very noticeable range of prices. They usually depend on the intensity and type of program, the type of transport used, and whether the excursion is individual or group. How much excursions from Kobuleti in Georgia cost can be found on the websites listed above under the description of the excursion you have chosen.

In general, prices vary from 75 to 300 euros. The cheapest excursion is the price program 38 euros for 1-2 people. Also inexpensive are various entertainment programs, such as rafting, wine tasting and Georgian cuisine. Cost of travel to National parks or other cities with excursions from Kobuleti around Georgia starts from 100 and varies between 200 euros. For action-packed trips to canyons, caves and mountain regions, as well as two-day excursions, you will have to pay from 200 to 300 euros.

For those who want to save money, we advise you to look at the list of excursions for which this moment discount applies. You can do this by clicking on , which will take you to a special Tripster section where all the discount offers are posted.

TOP 5 excursions from Kobuleti in Georgia

Kobuleti cannot boast of ancient relics, and in terms of historical and archaeological it is definitely inferior to Batumi or Kutaisi, but Kobuleti and its surroundings will give a head start to many corners of Georgia in terms of the beauty of natural landscapes. By the way, guests of Kobuleti can easily get to Batumi and other regions of mountainous Adjara, visit the Makhuntseti waterfall and walk through the Georgian tropical park Mtirala, swim along the underground river of the Prometheus caves, see the ancient Apsaros fortress and the legendary bridge of Queen Tamar. Below we will tell you about the five most interesting and affordable options.

  • 1 place

    In one day you will visit some of the most magnificent natural attractions of Georgia - the Martvili Canyon and the Okatse Canyon. Along the way you will find many historical and cultural monuments, as well as endless mountain landscapes. An ideal excursion for anyone who loves pristine natural beauty. Cost of excursion with individual guide 150 euros for 1-6 people.

  • 2nd place— “Magic waterfalls of Adjara. Wine tasting and a real Georgian feast with toasts"

    One of the most intense excursions from Kobuletti around Georgia will introduce you to the picturesque regions of Adjara - the road to powerful waterfall Mirveti, paths to the waterfalls amazing beauty with the purest water that you can drink, a walk along an arched bridge without supports that has survived 9 centuries! And finally, the ascent to 736m above sea level, away from hiking trails to hear the noise itself high waterfall Namonastrevi. The tour will end with a visit to a private winery and an authentic Georgian dinner. Total cost of travel 90 euros for 1-2 people.

  • 3rd place

    During the 10-hour journey you will see three pearls created by nature. The first is the cool and dark caves of Prometheus with underground lakes and unique river, which brings guests to the surface to the sunlight. The second is the legendary Martvili canyons with stunningly beautiful waterfalls and driving rafting along the turquoise waters of a mountain river. The third is the thermal sulfur springs of Nokalakevi, after swimming in which all the remnants of accumulated stress will be removed as if by hand. Cost of the excursion – 150 euros for 1-4 people.

  • 4th place— “Kutaisi - the ancient capital of Georgia or in search of Prometheus”

    You will only need half a day to explore the grandiose history of the ancient Georgian capital, the first buildings of which were laid back in the 3rd century. BC. It was from these places that the Argonauts sailed in search of the Golden Fleece, and not far from the city is Mount Tskaltubo - the same one to which the rebellious Prometheus was chained. Tourists can take a boat ride through the cave, named after the ancient hero, and after reaching the surface, visit the ancient Motsameta monastery with the relics of the martyrs Constantine and David and visit cultural heritage UNESCO Gelati Monastery with the tomb of the Georgian kings. Cost of the excursion – 175 euros for 1-3 people.

  • 5th place— “Walk through mountainous Adjara”

    An amazing place, the beauty and indescribable atmosphere of which is difficult to describe. The excursion will be a real adventure, where you will experience all the charm of Georgian life and the beauty of nature. You will walk along the mountain ridges, feeling the peace and quiet and enjoy nature. Along the way you will find the Gonian fortress, Makhuntseti waterfall, Queen Tamara's bridge and the place where two rivers merge into one stream. Beautiful view to the valley and a Georgian feast with dancing will be the cherry on the cake at the end of the excursion. Tour cost - 190 euros for 1-4 people.

If a day is enough for vacationers in Kobuleti to visit Kutaisi or Batumi, then a trip to Tbilisi or Svaneti will require at least two. Do you doubt whether the game is worth the candle and whether there is any reason to escape from the heated place? We assure you that you will not regret it, because you will meet with the legendary sights of Georgia, for example, the mysterious city in the rock Uplistsikhe, the Prometheus caves or the Martvili canyons. And if you decide to go from Kobuleti to the villages of the original Svans, lost in the mountains and isolated from civilization, you will get an unforgettable experience of getting to know their way of life and culture. In addition, you will fully appreciate the eclecticism of the country in which you are vacationing when you visit the village of the original Svan people, lost in the mountains and isolated from civilization.

  • “Towards Tbilisi - Georgia from West to East”

    For those who have experienced the beauty of excursions around the corners of Adjara, but believe that there are not enough impressions and Georgia has not been fully explored, we suggest going on excursions from Kobuleti to Tbilisi. The path awaits you long and full of stunning views, impressions and new sensations. So in 2 days you will see the main part of the region and the main attractions of Georgia. Trip price 270 euros for 2x.

  • “Svaneti – the land of a thousand towers”

    Another option to explore all corners of Georgia is a trip with an excursion from Kobuleti to Svaneti. This lost city, surrounded by mountains, access to which until recently was practically impossible. The favorable location of the city prevented enemies from invading it during the war. Now a road has been built into the city and visiting it has become accessible. Here you will find both exploring the city itself and trekking to the Chaaladi glacier. Excursion price 290 euros for 1-2 people.

In the morning sixth day When I looked out the window my mood completely dropped. We lived on the second line, in an area of ​​Soviet high-rise buildings, and they didn’t look the best at all, somehow completely depressing. My first thought: was I wrong in choosing the resort? Well, what should we do? In two hours we cleaned the apartment (luckily we had all the supplies) and went to the sea.

The pebbles are smaller than in Batumi, but given the waves it’s hard to stand in the water. The problem was solved by purchasing slippers.

On the beach with a young couple from Kazakhstan, I found out where the main points of civilization are.

The market was two kilometers away from us in the direction of Batumi (we went there on foot, bought cherries, peaches, melons, eggplants and tomatoes - well, very tasty tomatoes), there are also exchangers (there were none in our area) and all sorts of shops, even The laptop repair we needed was also found here.

They also recommended a cafe not far from us, we called it “Ladybug”, and mostly ate there. Sometimes they asked us to make chicken or shish kebab at a certain time and took it with us. Regarding food in Georgia, I would like to note that their food is very spicy. Therefore, when ordering, we asked not to make it spicy, although at the end of our holiday the spicy food was already a hit, even the children were not indignant. Everything is very tasty, everything is prepared on the spot.

Here are some of the dishes we tried.

Ostri - fried beef with lots of onions, garlic, tomatoes and herbs.

Chicken Chkmeruli - the name comes from the village of Chkmeri, which is located in the mountainous region of Georgia - Racha.

Shish kebab-mashlyk.

Ojakhuri - fried meat with fried potatoes, sprinkled with herbs and onions on top.

Chikhirtma is a very thick soup, which is most often prepared with poultry broth, but can also be made with lamb.

Giant khinkali - dumplings in Georgian style, but with a special taste.

But we didn’t remember the name of these dishes.

Along Agmesenebeli Street, in the opposite direction from Batumi, there are most cafes and restaurants. There is also a small park with attractions and a fountain. In general, the first line looks more presentable; there are many private hotels with “housing for rent” signs.

Near our house there were a lot of shops with everything we needed, we just somehow didn’t notice them right away. On our street, in the opposite direction from Batumi, we later found a large store with Turkish clothes, where we left some more money.

Minibus No. 1 goes along the first street, and No. 2 along the second. They stop with a wave of their hand.

In general, we came out of season. They just started putting everything in order, laying curbs, painting something. And the number of cafes simply grew before our eyes.

Sunbathing on the beach and swimming in the sea

In the morning we ran out of gas and had to call the owner. The owner replaced the cylinder and was surprised that ours was so clean. He apologized for the fact that the apartment was not cleaned, said that the woman who was supposed to clean did not come and he cleaned it himself as best he could. We forgave him, and he promised to take us to Mountainous Adjara.

All seventh day we spent at sea.

Swimming in the Batumi Dolphinarium

Day eight. While still in Batumi, we signed up to swim with dolphins at the Batumi Dolphinarium. We got to Batumi by minibus (you need to catch it on the first street), then by city bus.
The child was delighted.

After swimming we attended a performance. I really liked it. There are a lot of dolphins and they perform the numbers synchronously. But what amazed the audience most was how emotional they were and how they were not at all embarrassed to express their feelings, both adults and children.

We visited the aquarium and drew a portrait from a local artist (we were a local landmark, everyone took pictures of us).

Since we stocked up on wine at the Khareb store, and the children were already pretty tired, we took a taxi back (we bargained for $14).

I want to write a little about taxi drivers. Firstly, they are not arrogant, as some have written. On the contrary, taxi drivers were our friends. They are very educated people, they know the history of their country well and are proud of it. They will always not only deliver us, but also find out everything for us, translate if necessary, and tell us everything. One taxi driver, having heard our conversation about the fact that we didn’t buy cheese, immediately stopped near a shop, waited until I ran away and said that he would stop near another one if I didn’t find what I needed. The second one, when asked to stop near the market to run and buy magnets, went with us and even gave one lari, which we didn’t have enough to pay.

Botanical Garden Tour

Day nine. It was raining, the sea was stormy and it was decided to go to the Batumi Botanical Garden. We caught the minibus on the first line, then we had to ride a little further on city minibus No. 31. There, for $3, the taxi driver took us to the upper entrance. I advise you to take water, food and swimwear with you. The botanical garden is very large. It’s a pity that they didn’t take it, nothing is clear. Those who are too lazy to walk around the garden have electric cars.

That evening we were convinced that Kobuleti has the most beautiful sunsets (it’s a pity that I’m not a photographer).

The weather got better, the children were no longer afraid of the waves, on the contrary, they delighted them, so tenth day spent at sea. In the evening we went to the Tsitsinatela amusement park, which is located between Kobuleti and Ureki. Minibus No. 1, an electric car, goes there (it’s just not clear where it stops), but we got there by taxi for $3. The park is open from 18.00. At the entrance you buy a card and put money on it, then pay with the card. There are attractions for all ages. The kids liked it.

Trip to mountainous Adjara

Day eleven. Since the owner had an ordinary car, and there were a lot of us, he asked his friend to drive us. The friend turned out to be a “racer” and did not speak Russian at all, so the excursion to Adjara turned out to be somewhat “dark” and we didn’t really see anything. And the nature there is really beautiful, it looks like Montenegro.

About 20 meters high.

The local grocery store is still counting accounts.

Is oldest fortress Georgia.

Ureki and its magnetic sands

D eleventh day spent in Kobuleti, and on thirteenth We went to Ureki to the magnetic sands. We caught the minibus on the first line (Tbilisi-Kutaisi minibuses), then you should drive up in an electric car. Ureki is a city for families with children; it seemed to me more compact than Kobuleti; there is more entertainment for children here. This is the only beach where a toilet and paid shower were found. There were no changing cabins, as elsewhere. We rented two sun loungers for $1.50 for the whole day. The sea is shallow and warm, children like it. I am annoyed by this ubiquitous sand and dirty beach, although it is cleaned periodically, there are more people than in Kobuleti. Going down the inflatable slide costs 20 cents. We spent the whole day in Ureki and although there were clouds, we managed to get a little scorched.

Visited the Orange Kobuleti festival

In the evening fourteenth day We had a delicious meal in a beautiful cafe on the embankment.

By the way, in any cafe, no matter how much we ordered, we didn’t pay more than $55 (that’s for six people), and often we also took food with us.

And quite by accident we ended up at the Orange Kobuleti children's music festival.

That was great.

Excursion to the cave named after Prometheus and Sataplia

Day fifteen. Trip to Kutaisi. We went out to catch a minibus, and as always, a taxi arrived. We agreed to go to two caves and settled for $130. The taxi driver said that he needed to go home to get a spare tire. We stopped by, he treated us to apples and plums, said that he was ashamed, that he spoke Russian poorly and his brother would take us. Ideally, I would prefer to have a professional guide and visit more interesting places, but, unfortunately, I didn’t know about it then.

It's quite a long drive to Kutaisi, about 2.5 hours. We spent a very long time looking for Prometheus' cave (the driver did not know the way). The Prometheus Cave is very large (note that Monday is a day off), the walk along the underground river (you have to buy a ticket separately right away) disappointed the children (they expected more). Excursions are conducted separately in Russian and Georgian.

Sataplia Cave (closed Tuesday) is small, but with dinosaur tracks and their models. There is also a cool observation deck with a transparent floor.

The tour was held in 3 languages ​​simultaneously. If you've been to caves before, consider whether it's worth the trip.

We returned at 6 pm and ran to the sea, as we felt that tomorrow we would not be able to swim for the last time.

In the evening we celebrated our departure in a restaurant with live Georgian music and dancing waiters. Wow, great. It's a pity to leave.

Packing home

The taxi driver who took us to Kutaisi talked about mineral spring, located at the exit from Kobuleti. In the morning sixteenth day his brother arrived and took us there. It all doesn’t look presentable, but for 1 GEL it’s so much fun to sit in warm mineral water that comes straight from the ground. The taxi driver was waiting for us all this time.
We stopped at the market for souvenirs and the sea. The sea was very stormy, when we got closer to the water, a lifeguard immediately ran up and said that we couldn’t swim. Well, let's throw coins, goodbye to the sea.

Collecting suitcases. Dinner at your favorite cafe. We started ordering so much that the waiter had to stop us.

Our baby was upset; he probably didn’t want to leave; a local policeman calmed him down.

At 12 at night our taxi driver came to pick us up. We are driving through Batumi at night – it’s beautiful.

Goodbye Georgia!

The airport in Batumi is small. The exchangers didn't work. The last GEL was spent in duty free. By the way, no one checked the wine for export standards; we were a little upset that we didn’t take more. We take off at 4:50. At 7 am we were already in Minsk.

Some personal impressions

Georgia, as a resort, is still very underdeveloped, so those who are accustomed to comfort should not expect much. But I think they still have everything ahead and they are successfully developing in this direction. Georgia, as a place to travel, is super, there are a lot of interesting things, there is a lot to see (it’s simply not possible to do it in one go). But the most important thing in Georgia is the people. I have never met such a friendly attitude anywhere. People stopped us on the street, asked where we came from, and when they found out that we were from Belarus, they were very happy. They were worried that we would enjoy our holiday in their country and convinced us that it was safe. By the way, they are very proud of their police and the fact that they have no crime. They congratulated us on our Independence Day, which we didn’t even remember there. By the way, another positive point is the prices. If on a trip to Montenegro with 2000 euros I felt like a “rogue,” then here with $2000 I was like in “Heads and Tails” with a gold card: we took a taxi, ate in cafes and restaurants, bought everything for the children wanted. In general, the vacation was a success. IN next trip I plan to devote most of my time to Kakheti and Svaneti.

P.S.: Sorry for the detailed story and poor photo quality.

Looking ahead, I will say that this excursion to Batumi ultimately turned out to be the most interesting for me! If you want to enjoy a 3-hour walking tour of old Batumi and the opportunity to truly look at the city's past, then Bagrat is the person you need.

Excursion "Soul of the Old City"

Another walking tour, only this time with a girl named . I can’t say anything yet, because I didn’t go to it myself and there are no reviews yet either. As they say, we'll see.

After the excursion, you can independently explore the main ones.

Rustaveli Avenue in Batumi

In general, Batumi is a mixture of the old Armenian district of Avlabari in Tbilisi and furious Turkish hotels made of glass and concrete. There's nothing you can do about it. Enjoy what you have. You are not Archnadzor. Relax. All the splendor awaits outside the city.

Architecture of Batumi

For me personally, the most comfortable place in the city was the so-called. "Old Batumi", where most of the buildings date back to the 19th century. Thanks again to Bagrat.

Answer to the main question: is it worth going on excursions from Batumi? - very simple. Definitely worth it. It is outside of Batumi that lies the same Georgia that is remembered upon returning home over a cup of tea with churchkhela. Batumi is, of course, good. But the canyons, caves and waterfalls in the neighboring regions make you fall in love for real: completely and irrevocably. Whoosh! And you got hooked on Georgia.

Going on your own or with a tour - which is more profitable?

On your own means by public transport. It would seem that the answer is obvious. But this does not work with Georgia. Traveling on your own often means spending an extra night at your destination or returning by taxi at exorbitant prices. Public transport not the best strong point this most beautiful country. The described body movements nullify all savings. Excursions from Batumi are not just excursions, they are a way to get to attractions and return home the same evening.

If you are in Batumi and there is more than one of you, then it makes sense to book an individual excursion (as a rule, up to 4-6 people are allowed), dividing the costs equally. If you are traveling alone, then there is a group excursion, no options.

Find a driver vs go on a tour

The driver takes you to the place and waits in the car. The guide spends all the time with the person, telling and showing the most interesting things and stories. The main attraction of Georgia is the Georgians. We need to communicate and the more the better. What can I say, it’s better to read what cool reviews people who have been on excursions leave on Tripster. For example, o. I think it is hardly correct to compare the director of the Georgia Film studio and a taxi driver.

Group excursion with a guide or individual excursion with a local resident - what to choose?

Now I can say absolutely definitely - only with local residents and only by good reviews Online. There is no group street tour, no, no, no. I don’t like being rushed or vice versa - I have to wait for someone who has wandered off to look for a toilet. Sorry. They go to Georgia to visit the Georgians. Communication with local residents is an integral part of any meaningful trip to this country. However, recommendations from friends who visited a year, two, ten years ago do not work. Everything changes very quickly, and people even more so. And vice versa. The reviews on the site are up to date - it’s easy to check by the date of the last one left and be sure that the person is now “in shape”.

Booking a group excursion from an “off the street” agency was my #1 mistake.

Now about where exactly to go. There are plenty of beautiful places. The main ones are either in Adjara itself or in neighboring Imereti - choose based on your attitude to long journeys.

What to see in the vicinity of Batumi?

  • Botanical Garden;
  • Petra Fortress and observation deck in Tsikhisdziri;

Most of the listed attractions of the capital of Adjara, or rather its surroundings, are worth seeing within individual excursions. The coolest ones, according to reviews, are with guide Victor. Moreover, Victor is also a photographer - maybe you’ll get lucky and get a couple of cool photos!

In second place in terms of the number of rave reviews is the excursion "". It is very significant that people praise the guide Maria, among other things, because their children liked the excursion.

On group excursion the list of attractions is shortened, and time is very limited.

Excursions from Batumi: what to see in neighboring regions?

It would be wiser to visit the places described below as part of an excursion from Kutaisi. The case when you get more for the same money. Already booked accommodation in Batumi? - you will have to prepare for long trips for the whole day. But even in this case, it’s 100% worth it.

Booking accommodation only in Batumi - my mistake No. 2

The most interesting places, which you can actually get to on a one-day excursion from Batumi, are located in the vicinity of Kutaisi. Here is a list of flagship attractions:

  • (I recommend)
  • Kinchkha Waterfall (recommend)
  • Sataplia Park
  • Motsameta Monastery (recommended)
  • Gelati Monastery

I’ll add that what I personally liked most was the boat ride in the Martvili Canyon, the untouched corner of nature near the Kinchkha waterfall and the solitude (or even intimacy, if you prefer) of the Motsameta monastery.

Excursions from Batumi to the canyons, waterfalls and temples of western Georgia go with a bang for Mary. The girl, unlike most local horsemen, drives the car calmly, without dangerous overtaking or speeding, knows a lot of facts and funny stories about Batumi and Adjara, and most importantly, there are positive things about her.

Near the Kinchkha waterfall

Kinchkha Waterfall

Okatse Canyon - test yourself for acrophobia

Okatse Canyon - here for a selfie

Views from the viewing room - if you pass the acrophobia test

Boating in the Martvili Canyon

Martvili Canyon - the photo doesn’t show half of it

The beauty of Martvili Canyon

Sataplia National Park - best here with children

Motsameta Monastery is a very cozy place

Gelati Monastery

Why book online?

Like Igor Nikolaev, I have 5 reasons for this.

Firstly, You can’t find reviews about local agencies and their excursions anywhere. The analogy with Airbnb vs private realtor is very suitable here: a popular site has reviews, but the second one has to take their word for it (and often regret it). Realtors have deceived me, and I think precisely because they knew about their impunity.

Secondly, For local tour agencies, a tourist on the street is a one-time client. It's unlikely that anyone really cares about his impressions. At the same time, I know a couple of people from the Tripster site who were written about negative reviews. Their bookings have decreased significantly (or even disappeared completely). I won’t give a link here so as not to offend anyone, but you can go and look for them yourself. In short, you can’t cheat!

Third, Booking in advance is always safer. You know that on a particular day you will have something to do. Moreover, booking sites such as Tripster act as a financial guarantor in case the guide is not at the appointed place at the appointed time.

Fourthly, The cost of the excursion is final and, as they say, “no surprises.”

And finally fifthly, I personally like the idea of ​​choosing an educated person on the site with whom you can talk about Georgia and ask him everything in detail. For example, you can meet with an artist or historian, whose opinion or full story about the country, its customs and traditions will be incredibly interesting to listen to!

White Bridge - the main check point in Kutaisi

Parliament of Georgia - on the way back to Batumi

All popular excursions are collected in one place. Below is a list of the best excursions in and around the area that will allow you to get to know the city and see all the unique attractions.

We offer a variety of excursions to choose from. Bus and walking, for the whole day or for several hours, outdoor or museum excursions.

From $25 per person


Sataplia and Prometheus Caves

Our excursion will begin from Sataplia, which is located in Kutaisi in the Tskhaltub region. We will visit the cave where dinosaur footprints were found, yes, this is not a typo, indeed, there are traces and remains of dinosaurs that were 165 million years ago!

We will walk through the cave, which is not big, only about 300 meters, we will walk through the park where there are moving Dinosaur mannequins that will not scare children, but rather will amuse them.

Along the rocky lowland we will climb to the observation tower from where an unforgettable view opens. Let's see a museum that houses the assembled skeleton of a dinosaur and other unusual items from that period.

The next stop on our route is a huge cave called Prometheus Cave. It was discovered in 1983 but became available to the public only in 2011. The length of our route through this cave is 1400 m. It should be noted that the constant temperature inside is only +14 and humid.

In Prometheus Cave we will see many stalagmites and stalactites illuminated by bright light, shimmering and breathtaking with their power and beauty.

At the end of the tour, we will take a boat ride along the underground river.

And we will try Georgian dishes in a cafe.

Walk - on foot

Excursion time – all day

Included in the price:

  • Transport
  • All entrance fees
  • Guide – Tour guide
  • Boat ride

From 24 € per group


Night Batumi

Batumi at night is beautiful at any time of the year and at any time of the day. The city is located in Adjara and is the heart of not only the sunny coastal region but also the wonderful people living in this city. The centuries-old history that has been building Batumi since ancient times and turning it into an increasingly interesting and beautiful tourist city.

Why night Batumi? So here, just imagine millions of light bulbs, spotlights, glowing colorful shop windows, signs flickering like fireflies over hotels, cafes, bars, covering the city at nightfall, streets that are filled with people, a boulevard that is known and shown to us not only in colorful photographs but also in films of the past and new years.

New buildings built so beautifully that looking at them will give you goosebumps and make you smile. There are many monuments in the city. Every building, every monument, every palm tree is brightly lit, which gives the illusion of the New Year on a warm summer evening.

You can list them endlessly, talk about them for hours. Having visited the city, you will fall in love with it at first sight, as with the whole country as a whole.

The route consists of the following:

Collection of shipment to the excursion site;

Arrival at the site, start of the excursion;

We will visit the funicular and from a bird's eye view we will admire the city which will slowly slowly light up and be filled with new night light. Guide - The tour guide will tell you about the location and history of the construction of the city, buildings, seaports;

Departure by cable car for further excursion;

We will see the sea station, the coastal port, the statue of lovers Nino and Ali, the alphabet tower, the boulevard, the theater, the bank and post office building, the statue of Medea, the streets of old Batumi, Piazza;

At the end of our route, a Georgian feast in a cafe on the seashore.

From 12 € per group


Petra Fortress

Petra Fortress – end of the Bronze Age, V-VI centuries. It was built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian. Petra was built on the rocky foot of the Acropolis, stood next to rocky terrain (hence the Greeks gave the name “Petra” - stone, rock, rock). The unique construction of a fortress - a city that was the center of the eastern part of the Black Sea and a trade monopoly. It was not for nothing that this particular place was chosen for the city. The place has not only beautiful view but also difficult to attack from the sea and surrounding areas.

Peter's Fortress - it was new resort in the diocese - one of the episcopal centers. Narrow coastal roads passed through the city, connecting the provinces of the Byzantine Empire, Iran and Armenia from the west.

Petra was controlled by Byzantium, on east coast Black Sea. One of the reasons for the war with Iran was that the Petra Fortress controlled all trade on the coast and had a military-strategic purpose. But the fortress did not falter under the onslaught of wars and did not break, which gave a new name to the Kajei Fortress - “enchanted”. She was nicknamed that because of her non-crime and power. Its ruins have survived to this day.

We will see a fortress, a temple, baths, a grain storage facility, and we will climb onto an observation tower from which a magnificent view of the sea and the surrounding area opens. Guide - The guide will tell you in detail about the history of past and present years.

Walk: walking

Tour time: 1 hour.

From 12 € per group


Mountain trout fish farm

Ryb-Hoz Trout is a fish breeding plant, which is located in the mountain lowlands of the village of Kokhi on the banks of the Kindrishi River. This hatchery produces many varieties of trout.

On the territory there are many small pools not only with trout but also with sturgeon. These pools contain trout of all ages, from small fish to adults. Each trout is in its own pool, the small ones separated from the large ones. This prevents small individuals from being eaten by large ones. In pools, trout are raised up to 4 years of age. The weight of individuals sometimes reaches over 13 kg.

During the excursion we will feed the trout and give out some food to everyone. This is an interesting spectacle; as soon as a small pinch of food gets into the pool, it immediately comes to life, and the trout begin a “fight” for food.

If desired, everyone can purchase fresh trout. On the territory of the farm there is a small cafe where trout dishes are prepared. The cost of 1 kg of Trout is 10 GEL 6 USD 200 RUB.

We will look at where the water in the pools comes from, how it is supplied to them, explore the surrounding area, tell you in detail about the breeding and nutrition of fish, and at the end of the excursion we will try trout prepared according to a Georgian recipe.

The walk is on foot.

Excursion time – from 2 hours

From 24 € per group


Botanical Garden

In 1881, D'Alphonse had his own garden near Chakvi. In 1886-87, D'Alphonse sold his gardens and bought land in Cape Verde, where he decided to realize his old dream Riviera. Exactly this a nice place V winter time and in summer. The garden first appeared here in 1890. Many plants planted with taste such as: oleander, palms, cypresses, cedars, pines, olives, and many others.

As a result of this hard work, the garden grew and even more exquisite and exotic species and plants were added.

In 1892, the garden already had 10 acres of land, and the so-called Acclimatization Garden was created. At that time, there already existed a rich assortment of mostly evergreen woody plants, representing all continents of the world's plants, including 12 varieties of palms, conifers, sisal, cactus and others.

In 1893, Professor Andrei Nikolaevich Krasnov, who is well known in the world of subtropical vegetation of the zone, visited for the first time.

On July 1, 1912, Krasnov was appointed director of the garden, and moved to the Botanical Garden to live and continue working.

The botanical garden in 1913 was already prepared for the spring planting of conifers, eucalyptus, palms, acacias, as well as a variety of subtropical fruit and ornamental plants. From the first years of its existence, the garden was part of the Department of the Ministry Agriculture, from which the right to freedom of import of living plants and seeds from foreign countries was granted.

On December 19, 1914 (January 1, 1915, new style), Krasnov died, but work on the garden continued. By 1948, the garden had undergone a global research and great amount planting work: citrus fruits - 100 thousand, persimmon - 20 thousand, feijoa - 5 thousand, eucalyptus - 1000, verbena - 25 thousand seedlings and others.

During the severe winter of 1949-1950 (minimum temperature -8.6 ° C), many plants froze and killed; 1950 - the collection of plants in open ground, compared to 1939, decreased by 212 units.

From the nineties of the last century to our time, even more important changes have occurred that are worth seeing with your own eyes and not reading and watching colorful shimmering pictures.

You will visit the Botanical Garden and see many plants, trees, flowers that are located on the territory of 3 climatic parks. Let's take a ride on electric buses. Let's visit the monument to A.N. Krasnova. Let's see life Botanical Garden. And at the end we will relax in a coastal cafe or have a picnic, right there in the Botanical Garden.

Walk - on foot

Excursion time: 4 hours

From 27 € per group


Gonio - Apsaros Fortress.

Gonio - Apsaros Fortress. One of the oldest fortresses in Adjara, which is located 5 km from Turkey and 15 km from Batumi on the Black Sea coast at the mouth of the famous Chorokh River along which the Argonauts sailed for the Golden Fleece.

The very first mention in chronicles dates back to the 1st century AD. Due to its strategic and military location, the fortress has always been under the influence of the Romans, Greeks, Persians, and Turks. Constant wars have more than once destroyed the walls that fought for their existence to the end.

On the territory there were shopping arcades, baths, a mosque, a hippodrome, and a theater. One of the 12 apostles of Christ, Matthew, is buried in Gonio.

Many structures, towers, and towers have survived to this day.

The museum, which contains all the exhibits and utensils of bygone years found during archaeological excavations, is also located here.

On this excursion we will start from the Turkish border, visit the monument to St. Andrew the Primordial, see the fortress itself, and visit the museum where the guide will tell you in more detail about everything. At the end we will stop at a cafe where we will try Georgian dishes.

Walking tour

Excursion time 4 hours

From 38 € per group

Duration: 5 hours

Queen Tamar Bridge, Makhuntseti waterfall, wine house.

In Adjara there are more than dozens of arched bridges built in the 11th-12th centuries AD. They were built during the reign of Queen Tamar. Despite the fact that the bridges are from the 11th-12th centuries AD, you can still walk on them, they can withstand a weight of up to 7 tons. Beautiful, covered with moss and carrying the mystery of past years, they will not leave anyone indifferent.

Our excursion will begin from here with the Queen Tamar Bridge, where we will learn the history of the construction, walk and make sure that the bridge is real, real, look at the beautiful mountain river what flows below us and we will go to the next place of the excursion.

Makhuntseti waterfall. Water falls from a 20-meter height, scattering splashes at the foot, a magnificent sight, the water in the rocks has hollowed out a huge stone bowl underneath, in which you can swim and rejuvenate your skin. The waterfall is natural, not artificial, and for the beauty and view that surrounds it, people began to call it the Pearl of Adjara. Having rested, having seen enough of the wonderful views and charged with positivity, we set off to the next excursion stop.

Wine house. In a quiet cozy place The Adjarian wine house has been located since 2010, which is unique not only in its beauty, external and internal interior, but also, of course, in wine and hospitality. The main distinguishing feature is that the mini-factory produces rare wine that I.V. himself loved to drink. Stalin. Chkhaveri is a grape variety from which the exquisite Porto Franco wine is made.

We will not only visit a wine house, but also look at the technology of wine production, the process from the very beginning to the corking of bottles of wine, we will see where the wine is stored, how it is stored and what it contains, and we will also conduct a wine tasting.

Walk - on foot

Excursion time – all day

From 34 € per group


Dolphinarium. Oceanarium.

Dolphins - what do we know about them? Many who have ever seen them on the silver screen in many films, but to look at them live, to see an unforgettable show, the performance that they show to the audience, to capture, and to remain satisfied you need to visit the dolphinarium. Unique animals, smart and kind, jumping out of the water, throwing balls into the air and dolphins smiling sweetly at the audience will not leave anyone indifferent, neither adults nor children.

Our excursion will begin from the aquarium where we will get acquainted with the fish of the Black Sea and not only, see varieties of marine life, and then we will go to watch a magnificent and amazing show with the participation of the main characters - dolphins. For those who wish, it is possible to swim with dolphins for a fee. The time spent with the dolphins is 15 minutes.


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